Biography of Bishop Richard Foxe 1448-1528

1485 Coronation of Henry VII

1491 Birth and Christening of Henry VIII

1509 Death of Henry VII

Around 1448 Bishop Richard Foxe was born.

Around 1462 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 14) educated at Magdalen College, Oxford University.

Coronation of Henry VII

On 29 Oct 1485 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 28) processed from Tower of London [Map] to Westminster Abbey [Map]. Ahead of him marched the heralds and serjeants-at-arms, the Esquire of the Body, the King's Secretary Richard Fox (age 37), almoner Christopher Urswick (age 37), the mayor of London and the Garter King of Arms. Also ahead of him were Thomas Stanley 1st Earl of Derby (age 50), John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 23), John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford (age 43) and William Berkeley 1st Marquess Berkeley (age 59). Following behind were the only two Dukes: Jasper Tudor 1st Duke Bedford (age 53), created the day before, and John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk (age 43).

In 1487 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 39) was appointed Lord Privy Seal.

In 1487 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 39) was elected Bishop of Exeter.

Birth and Christening of Henry VIII

After 28 Jun 1491 King Henry VIII of England and Ireland was baptised by Bishop Richard Foxe (age 43) at the Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich [Map].

In 1492 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 44) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1494 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 46) was elected Bishop of Durham.

On 21 Feb 1499 Edmund Tudor 1st Duke of Somerset was born to King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 42) and Elizabeth York Queen Consort England (age 33) at the Palace of Placentia, Greenwich [Map] being their sixth child. On 24 Feb 1499 he was christened at the Church of the Observant Friars, Greenwich [Map]. His godparents were Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 55), Edward Stafford 3rd Duke of Buckingham (age 21) and Bishop Richard Foxe (age 51), then Bishop of Durham. He is believed to have been was created 1st Duke Somerset on the same day although there is no documentation.

In 1500 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 52) was elected Chancellor Cambridge University.

In Aug 1501 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 53) was elected Bishop of Winchester.

Letters and Papers 1509. Apr 1509. Will of Henry VII (age 52):

At his manor of Richmond, Surrey [Map] March 24 Henry VII., the King (age 52) makes his last will, commending his soul to the Redeemer with the words he has used since his first "years of discretion," Domine Jesu Christe, qui me ex nichilo creasti, fecisti, redemisti et predestinasti ad hoc quod sum, Tu scis quid de me facere vis, fac de me secundum voluntatem Tuam cum misericordia, trusting in the grace of His Blessed Mother in whom, after Him, has been all his (testator's) trust, by whom in all his adversities he has had special comfort, and to whom he now makes his prayer (recited), as also to all the company of Heaven and especially his "accustumed avoures" St. Michael, St. John Baptist, St. John Evangelist, St. George, St. Anthony, St. Edward, St. Vincent, St. Anne, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Barbara, to defend him at the hour of death and be intercessors for the remission of his sins and salvation of his soul.

Desires to be buried at Westminster [Map], where he was crowned, where lie buried many of his progenitors, especially his granddame Catharine wife to Henry V and daughter to Charles of France, and whereto he means shortly to translate the remains of Henry IV in the chapel [Map] which he has begun to build (giving full directions for the placing and making of his tomb and finishing of the said chapel according to the plan which he has "in picture delivered" to the prior of St. Bartholomew's beside Smithfield, master of the works for the same); and he has delivered beforehand to the abbot, &c., of Westminster, £5,000, by indenture dated Richmond, 13 April 23 Hen VII, towards the cost.

His executors shall cause 10,000 masses in honor of the Trinity, the Five Wounds, the Five Joys of Our Lady, the Nine Orders of Angels, the Patriarchs, the Twelve Apostles and All Saints (numbers to each object specified) to be said within one month after his decease, at 6d. each, making in all £250 and shall distribute 2,£000 in alms; and to ensure payment he has left 2,£250 with the abbot, &c., of West-minster, by indenture dated (blank) day of (blank) in the (blank) year of his reign.

His debts are then to be paid and reparation for wrongs made by his executors at the discretion of the following persons, by whom all complaints shall be tenderly weighed, viz, the abp of Canterbury (age 59), Richard bp of Winchester (age 61), the bps of London and Rochester (age 39), Thomas Earl of Surrey (age 66), Treasurer General, George Earl of Shrewsbury (age 41), Steward of the House, Sir Charles Somerset Lord Herbert (age 49), Chamberlain, the two Chief Justices, Mr. John Yong (age 44), Master of the Rolls, Sir Thomas Lovell, Treasurer of the House, Mr. Thomas Routhall, secretary, Sir Ric Emson (age 59), Chancellor of the Duchy, Edm. Dudley (age 47), the King's attorney at the time of his decease, and his confessor, the Provincial of the Friars Observants, and Mr. William Atwater, dean of the Chapel, or at least six of them and three of his executors.

His executors shall see that the officers of the Household and Wardrobe discharge any debts which may be due for charges of the same.

Lands to the yearly value of above 1,000 mks have been "amortised" for fulfilment of certain covenants (described) with the abbey of Westminster.

For the completion of the hospital which he has begun to build at the Savoie place beside Charingcrosse, and towards which 10,000 mks in ready money has been delivered to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, by indenture dated (blank), his executors shall deliver any more money which may be necessary; and they shall also make (if he has not done it in his lifetime) two similar hospitals in the suburbs of York and Coventry.

Certain cathedrals, abbeys, &c., named in a schedule hereto annexed [not annexed now] have undertaken to make for him orisons, prayers and suffrages "while the world shall endure," in return for which he has made them large confirmations, licences and other grants; and he now wishes 6s. 8d. each to be delivered soon after his decease to the rulers of such cathedrals, &c., 3s. 4d. to every canon and monk, being priest, within the same and 20d. to every canon, monk, vicar and minister not being priest. His executors shall bestow 2,£000 upon the repair of the highways and bridges from Windsor to Richmond manor and thence to St. George's church beside Southwark [Map], and thence to Greenwich manor, and thence to Canterbury.

To divers lords, as well of his blood as other, and also to knights, squires and other subjects, he has, for their good service, made grants of lands, offices and annuities, which he straitly charges his son, the Prince (age 17), and other heirs to respect; as also the enfeoffments of the Duchy of Lancaster made by Parliaments of 7 and 19 Henry VII. for the fulfilment of his will.

Bequests for finishing of the church of the New College in Cambridge and the church of Westminster, for the houses of Friars Observants, for the altar within the King's grate (i.e. of his tomb), for the high altar within the King's chapel, for the image of the King to be made and set upon St. Edward's shrine, for the College of Windsor, for the monastery of Westminster, for the image of the King to be set at St. Thomas's shrine at Canterbury, and for chalices and pixes of a certain fashion to be given to all the houses of Friars and every parish church not suitably provided with such.

Bequest of a dote of 50,£000 for the marriage of Lady Mary (age 13) the King's daughter with Charles Prince of Spain (age 9), as contracted at Richmond (blank) Dec. 24 Henry VIII., or (if that fail) her marriage with any prince out of the realm by "consent of our said son the Prince (age 17), his Council and our said executors.".

Death of Henry VII

After 21 Apr 1509 Thomas Wriothesley (age 21), who wasn't present, made a drawing of the death of Henry VII (deceased). The drawing shows those present and in some cases provides their arms by which they can be identified. From top left clockwise:

Bishop Richard Foxe (age 61).

Two tonsured clerics.

George Hastings 1st Earl Huntingdon (age 22).

Richard Weston of Sutton Place (age 44).

Richard Clement of Ightham Mote (age 27).

Matthew Baker Governor of Jersey.

John Sharpe of Coggleshall in Essex.

Physician holding urine bottle.

William Tyler.

Hugh Denys.

William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 19) closing the King's eyes. There is doubt as to whether the person shown is William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 19) given his age of around nineteen at the King's death. He appears to be holding a Staff of Office although sources state he wasn't appointed Gentleman Usher, in which role he would have a Staff of Office, until Henry VIII's Coronation in Jun 1509.

The Arms below him are Quarterly 1 Lozengy argent & gules (FitzWilliam); 2 Arms of John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu 3 Quartered 1 possibly Plantagenet with white border ie Holland 2&3 Tibetot, 4 Unknown, overall a star for difference indicating third son. William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 19) was his father's third son, and his mother was Lucy Neville (age 41) daughter of John Neville 1st Marquess Montagu. It appears correct that the person represented is William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 19). William Fitzwilliam 1st Earl of Southampton (age 19) was the childhood companion of Henry VIII (age 17).

Physician holding urine bottle.

Richard Weston of Sutton Place: he and Anne Sandys were married. In 1465 he was born. In 1541 he died.

Matthew Baker Governor of Jersey: From 1486 he was appointed Governor of Jersey. In May 1513 he died in Bermondsey Abbey.

Letters and Papers 1509. 09 May 1509.

19. [5735.] Henry VII's Funeral.

File of warrants to John Heron (age 39), Treasurer of the Chamber, signed at the head by

(1) "Margaret R." [Countess of Richmond] and below by

(2) Chri. aBishop of York (age 45),

(3) Ric. Bishop of Winchester (age 61),

(4) Ric. Bishop of London,

(5) John Bishop of Rochester (age 39),

(6) T. Earl of Arundel (age 59),

(7) T. Earl of Surrey (age 66),

(8) C. Somerset [Lord Herbert] (age 49),

(9) John Yong (age 44),

(10) Sir Th. Lovell,

(11) Thomas Rowthale, and

(12) Sir John Cutte, or some of them, as executors of Henry VII., for payments towards the expenses of the funeral. The receipts attached indicate that Heron paid the money by the hands of John Daunce. The warrants are:—

F. 11.—24 April 1 Henry VIII. for 1,£000 to Andrew Wyndesore, the King's "wardroper" for black cloth for hangings in the chapel, &c. and for liveries to lords and others present. Signed by 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12. (at ƒ. 21., Wyndesore's receipt, 29 Apr.).

F. 12.—26 Apr., £20 to Henry Smyth for timber work on the hearse. Signed by 1,7, 3, 8, 5. (Smyth's receipt, 29 Apr., subscribed)

F. 13.—28 Apr., £40 to Henry Wyatt for messengers and other charges. Sig. 1, 2, 3, 8. (at f. 26a, holograph note by Wyatt, 28 April, enclosing this, as from "thexecutors," to Heron, or in his absence Richard Tryse, with request for the money to be sent in groats by Richard Lee.)

F. 14.—9 May, £666 13s. 4d. to Sir John Cutte for payments to St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey, the four houses of Friars, &c. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 6., 8, 10, 12. (at ƒ. 18, Cutte's receipt, 20 May.)

F. 15.—28 Apr., £500 to Sir John Cutte, for scocheons, banners &c. Sig. 1, 2, 3, 8, 12. (at ƒ. 15a, Cutte's receipt, 30 April.)

F. 17.—26 May, 2,£895 11s. 2d. to Andrew Wyndesore, esq., Master of the Great Wardrobe, for funeral expenses of the Household and for rewards &c. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 10, 11, 9, 12. (at ƒ. 19, Wyndesore's receipt, 8 June.)

F. 20.—25 Apr., £500 to Sir John Cutte for torches &c. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 4, 8, 10, 6. (at ƒ. 16, Cutte's receipt, 28 Apr.)

F. 21a.—1 May, 2,£000 to Andrew Wyndesore, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, for "divers things." Sig. 1, 7, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12. (at ƒ. 22, Wyndesore's receipt, 12 May.)

F. 25.—25 Apr., £250 to Andrew Wyndesore and William Pawne, to be employed, by oversight of Sir Thomas Brandon, "for the chare and other apparels belonging to the Stable." Sig. 1, 7, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12. (at ƒ. 24, Pawne's receipt, 1 June.)

F. 26.—Undated, to "Master Doctor Edmayn the King's aumosner," for alms and wages of 330 poor men from Richmond to Westminster £66, 100 torch bearers from St. George's Barre to Westminster £10, alms by the way from Richmond to London £100, choirs of Paulles and Westminster each £10, and 30 "men lakkyng of the Household" to bear staff torches from Richmond to Westminster £6 Sig. 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 10. (at ƒ. 27, receipt, by Richard Rayner, of the above, on behalf of Dr. "Edname," 8 May.)

F. 28.—5 May, £100 each to Mr. Roger Lupton, Mr. Richard Rawlyns, Mr. (blank) Honywode and Mr. Robert Bekynsals, for alms to be distributed in London and Westminster and the suburbs. Sig. 1, 7, 3, 8, 5, 10. (at ƒ. 23, several receipts signed by Rawlyns, Robert Honywode, Bekynsaw and Lupton, 11 May.)

S.P. Henry VIII., 1, f. 11. R. O.

Around 1515 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 67) founded Corpus Christi College, Oxford University.

On 05 Oct 1528 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 80) died at Wolvesey Castle [Map]. He was buried at Winchester Cathedral [Map] where he has a Chantry Chapel.