Biography of Bishop Thomas Legh Claughton 1808-1892

On 06 Nov 1808 Bishop Thomas Legh Claughton was born.

In 1843 [his daughter]  was born to Bishop Thomas Legh Claughton (age 34).

In 1846 [his son] Reverend Thomas Legh Claughton was born to Bishop Thomas Legh Claughton (age 37).

In 1877 Bishop Thomas Legh Claughton (age 68) was appointed Bishop of St Albans.

In 1881 [his son-in-law] George Douglas Campbell 8th Duke Argyll (age 57) and [his daughter]  (age 38) were married. She by marriage Duchess Argyll. She the daughter of (age 72). He the son of John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell 7th Duke Argyll 1777-1847 and Joan Glassel.


On 25 Jul 1892 Bishop Thomas Legh Claughton (age 83) died.

Lifes Ebb And Flow Chapter IV. Our dear friend, the Bishop of St. Albans (Claughton), helped by our neighbour the rector of Little Easton [Map], the Rev. G. Tufnell, along with two London clergy, officiated at our wedding. It pleased me very much to have the benediction pronounced by Dean Stanley, who had kept in the background during the ceremony. The register was signed by the Prince of Wales, Prince Leopold, and Lords Warwick and Rosslyn. Our honeymoon was spent at beautiful Ditton Park, which was lent us by the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch, and there, in lovely May weather, we had a fortnight on the river, boating and canoeing. But, alas for romance, there was one worldly honour given us that demanded all our self-control. We were commanded to dine at Windsor Castle on the day after our wedding, and I was asked to wear my bridal dress, orange blossoms and all! I must confess that Her Majesty’s kindness on that occasion went far to soothe the shyness of a bride in her teens. The Queen took from my corsage a spray of orange blossom to keep as a souvenir and said many charming things about the beauty of my frock. Her Majesty so much admired what she was pleased to call the "lovely" dress, that I had a note next day from Lady Churchill, then in waiting, to say that the Queen wished so very much to possess a photograph of me if I would have myself taken in the gown, and hoping I was not too tired from the long standing.