Biography of Bishop Thomas Watson 1515-1584
On 18 Nov 1553 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 38) was elected Dean of Durham.
On 15 Apr 1556 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 41) was elected Bishop of Lincoln.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Apr 1556. The xv day of Aprell was electyd at Grenwyche bysshope of Wynchastur master doctur Whyt (age 46), byshope of Lynckolne; and doctur Westun (age 41), dene of Westmynster, to be bysshope of Lynckolne; and the dene of Durram to be bysshope of Karlelle.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jan 1557. [The xxvj day of January went to Cambridge, Watson (age 42) bishop elect of Lincoln, Scot bishop of Chester, and Christopherson bishop elect of Chichester,] comyssyoners to the [lord cardinal, to the] chyrche of sant Mares [Map], and thay toke up on Martin [Bucer] that was bered ther, and Paulus Phagius [was] taken up at Sant Myghelle cherche that was [buried there,] and after brentt [burned] boyth.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Mar 1557. The xvij day of Marche cam rydyng from kyng Phelype (age 29) from be-yond the see unto the court at Grenwyche [Map], to owre quen (age 41), with letters in post, my lord Robart Dudley (age 24), and after master Kemp of the preve chambur, that the kyng wold com to Cales [Map] the xvij day of Marche; and the sam day dyd pryche a-for the quen the nuwe bysshope of Lynckolne doctur Watsun (age 42).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Apr 1557. The iij day of Aprell dyd pryche doctur Wattsun (age 42) bysshope of Lynckolne at Allallows the Mor in ... at after-non, wher was grett audyens of pepull.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Apr 1557. The xxij of Aprell dyd pryche at sant Mare speytyll [doctor] Watsun (age 42) nuw-choyssen bysshope of Lynckolne a godly sermon.
On 15 Aug 1557 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 42) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln by Archbishop Nicholas Heath (age 56).
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Feb 1558. The xx day of Feybruary dyd pryche [at Paul's] crosse [Map] docthur Watsun (age 43) bysshope of Lyncoln, and mad a godly sermon, for ther wer [present ten] bysshopes, be-syd my lord mare and the althermen and juges, and men of the law, and gret [audience] ther was.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Apr 1559. The iij day of Aprell the bysshopes and the nuw prychers mett at the abbay a-for my lord keper of the brod seylle, and dyvers of the consell, and ther to gyff a answer of the matter; the sam nyght, my lord bysshope of Wynchester (age 49) and my lord of Lynkolne (age 44) was send to the towre of London [Map] by the gard by water, to the Old Swane, and to Belynsgatt after.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jun 1559. The sam day was deprevyd of ther bysshoprykes the bysshope of Wynchestur (age 49) and the bysshope of Lynckolne (age 44) at master Hawse the kyng('s) shreyff in Mynsyon lane, and the bysshope of Wynchester to the Towre [Map] agayne, and the bysshope of Lynckolne delevered a-way.
Note. P. 201. Bishops deprived. Mr. Bruce has given a list of the deprived bishops, founded upon documents in Rymer's Fœdera, in Hayward's Annals of Q. Eliz. p. 27.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 May 1560. The xx day of May was send to the Towre [Map] master Fecknam (age 45), docthur Wattsun (age 45) latt byshope of Lynkolne, and docthur Colle (age 60) latt dene of Powlles, and docthur Chadsay; and at nyght abowtt viij of the cloke was send to the Flett [Map] docthur Score (age 50), and master Fecknam the last abbot of Westmynster, to Towre [Map].
Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 May 1560. The xxix day of May toke ther gorney [journey] into Skotteland master Syssell (age 39) secretore and master docthur Wattun (age 45) my (unfinished).
On 27 Sep 1584 or 15 Oct 1584 Bishop Thomas Watson (age 69) died at Wisbech Castle [Map] having been confined for the previous twenty-five years.