Biography of Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll 1733-1790
Maternal Family Tree: Bridget Bourke
Before Dec 1733 [her father] John Barnaby Gunning (age 30) and [her mother] Bridget Bourke were married.
On 06 Dec 1733 Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll was born to John Barnaby Gunning (age 30) and Bridget Bourke at Hemingford Grey.
On 14 Feb 1752 James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon (age 27) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 18) met at a Valentine's Ball at Bedford House Covent Garden. He and they were married that night at Keith's Chapel, Mayfair; the location being one where he didn't require a license. This before the Marriage Act of 1753. She by marriage Duchess Hamilton, Duchess Brandon of Suffolk. He the son of James Hamilton 5th Duke Hamilton 2nd Duke Brandon and Anne Cochrane Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon.
Letters of Horace Walpole. 27 Feb 1752. I write this as a sort of letter of form on the occasion, for there is nothing worth telling you. The event that has made most noise since my last, is the extempore wedding of the youngest (age 18) of the two Gunnings, who have made so vehement a noise. Lord Coventry (age 29)295, a grave young lord, of the remains of the patriot breed, has long dangled after the [her sister] eldest (age 19), virtuously with regard to her virtue, not very honourably with regard to his own credit. About six weeks ago [her husband] Duke Hamilton (age 27)296, the very reverse of the Earl, hot, debauched, extravagant, and equally damaged in his fortune and person, fell in love with the youngest at the masquerade, and determined to marry her in the spring. About a fortnight since, at an immense assembly at my Lord Chesterfield's, made to show the house, which is really magnificent, Duke Hamilton made violent love at one end of the room, while he was playing at pharaoh at the other end; that is, he saw neither the bank nor his own cards, which were of three hundred pounds each: he soon lost a thousand. I own I was so little a professor in love, that I thought all this parade looked ill for the poor girl; and could not conceive, if he was so much engaged with his mistress as to disregard such sums, why he played at all. However, two nights afterwards, being left alone with her while her mother and sister were at Bedford House, he found himself so impatient, that he sent for a parson. The doctor refused to perform the ceremony without license or ring: the Duke swore he would send for the Archbishop-at last they were married with a ring of the bed-curtain, at half an hour after twelve at night, at Mayfair chapel297, The Scotch are enraged; the women mad that so much beauty has had its effect; and what is most silly, my Lord Coventry declares that he now will marry the other.
Poor Lord Lempster has just killed an officer298 in a duel, about a play-debt, and I fear was in the wrong. There is no end of his misfortunes and wrong-headedness!-Where is Mr. Conway!-Adieu!
Note 295. George-William, sixth Earl of Coventry. He died in 1809, at the age of eighty-seven.-E.
Note 296. James, fourth Duke of Hamilton. He died in 1758.-D.
Note 297. On the 14th of February.-E.
Note 298. Captain Gray of the Guards (deceased). The duel was fought, with swords, in Marylebone Fields. Lord Lempster took his trial at the Old Bailey in April, and was found guilty of manslaughter.-E.
Letters of Horace Walpole. 23 Mar 1752. Arlington Street. To Horace Mann 1st Baronet (age 45).
Mr. Conway (age 31) has been arrived this fortnight, or a week sooner than we expected him: but my [her future sister-in-law] Lady Ailesbury (age 31) forgives it! He is full of your praises, so you have not sowed your goodness in unthankful ground. By a letter I have just received from you he finds you have missed some from him with Commissions; but he will tell you about them himself I find him much leaner, and great cracks in his beauty. Your picture is arrived, which he says is extremely like you. Mr. Chute (age 51) cannot bear it; says it wants your countenance and goodness; that it looks bonny and Irish. I am between both, and should know it; to be sure, there is none of your wet-brown-paperness in it, but it has a look with which I have known you come out of your little room, when Richcourt has raised your ministerial French, and you have writ to England about it till you were half fuddled. Au reste, it is gloriously coloured-will Astley promise to continue to do as well? or has he, like all other English painters, only laboured this to get reputation, and then intends to daub away to get money?
The year has not kept the promise of tranquillity that it made you at Christmas; there has been another parliamentary bustle. The Duke of Argyll (age 69)299 has drawn the ministry into accommodating him with a notable job, under the notion of buying for the King from the mortgagees the forfeited estates in Scotland, which are to be colonized and civilized. It passed with some inconsiderable hitches through the Commons; but in the Lords last week the Duke of Bedford (age 41) took it up warmly, and spoke like another Pitt.300 He attacked the Duke of Argyll on favouring Jacobites, and produced some flagrant instances, which the Scotch Duke neither answered nor endeavoured to excuse, but made a strange, hurt, mysterious, contemptuous, incoherent speech, neither in defence of the bill nor in reply to the Duke of Bedford, but to my Lord Bath (age 68), who had fallen upon the ministry for assuming a dispensing power, in suffering Scotland to pay no taxes for the last five years. This speech, which formerly would have made the House of Commons take up arms, was strangely flat and unanimated, for want of his old chorus. Twelve lords divided against eighty that were for the bill. The Duke, who was present, would not vote; none of his people had attended the bill in the other House, and General Mordaunt (age 55) (by his orders, as it is imagined) spoke against it. This concludes the session: the King goes to Hanover on Tuesday, he has been scattering ribands of all colours, blue ones [Note. Reference to being created a Knight of the Garter] on Prince Edward (age 12), the young Stadtholder, and the Earls of Lincoln (age 31), Winchilsea (age 62), and Cardigan (age 39);301 a green one [Note. Reference to being created a Knight of the Order of the Thistle] on Lord Dumfries;302 a red [Note. Order of the Bath] on Lord Onslow (age 39).303
The world is still mad about the Gunnings; the Duchess of Hamilton (age 18) was presented on Friday; the crowd was so great, that even the noble mob in the drawing-room clambered upon chairs and tables to look at her. There are mobs at their doors to see them get into their chairs; and people go early to get places at the theatres when it is known they will be there. Dr. Sacheverel never made more noise than these two beauties [Note. Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll and [her sister] Maria Gunning Countess Coventry (age 19)].
There are two wretched women that just now are as much talked of, a Miss Jefferies1 and a Miss Blandy (age 32)2; the one condemned for murdering her uncle, the other her father. Both their stories have horrid circumstances; the first, having been debauched by her uncle; the other had so tender a parent, that his whole concern while he was expiring, and knew her for his murderess, was to save her life. It is shocking to think what a shambles this country is grown! Seventeen were executed this morning, after having murdered the turnkey on Friday night, and almost forced open Newgate. One is forced to travel, even at noon, as if one was going to battle.
Mr. Chute is as much yours as ever, except in the article of pen and ink. Your brother transacts all he can for the Lucchi, as he has much more weight there304 than Mr. Chute. Adieu!
Note 299. Archibald Campbell, Duke of argyll, formerly Earl of Isla.
Note 300. For Lord Hardwicke's notes of this speech, see Parl. Hist. vol. xiv. P. 1235.-E.
Note 301. George Brudenell, fourth Earl of cardigan, created Duke of Montagu in 1776; died in 1790.-D.
Note 302. William Crichton Dalrymple (age 53), fourth Earl [Note. Mistake. He was 5th Earl] of Dumfries in Scotland, in right of his mother. He also became, in 1760, fourth Earl of stair, and died in 1768.-D.
Note 303. George, third Lord Onslow; died in 1776.-D.
Note 304. With the late Mr. Whithed's brothers, who scrupled paying a small legacy and annuity to his mistress and child.
Note 1. Elizabeth Jeffries was to have received her uncle's estate but as a consequence of her bad behaviour he stated he would change his will. She, with accomplices, murdered her uncle. She was executed at a temporary gibbet at the Sixth Milestone Epping Forest on 28 Mar 1572.
Note 2. Mary Blandy who was found guilty of poisoning her father and executed on 06 Apr 1752.
Letters of Horace Walpole. 13 May 1752. Arlington Street. To Horace Mann 1st Baronet (age 45).
By this time you know my way, how much my letters grow out of season, as it grows summer. I believe it is six weeks since I wrote to you last; but there is not only the usual deadness of summer to account for my silence; England itself is no longer England. News, madness, parties, whims, and twenty other causes, that used to produce perpetual events are at an end; Florence itself is not more inactive. Politics, "Like arts and sciences are travelled west."
They are cot into Ireland, where there is as much bustle to carry a question in the House of Commons, as ever it was here in any year forty-one. Not that there is any opposition to the King's measures; out of three hundred members, there has never yet been a division of above twenty-eight against the government: they are much the most zealous subjects the king has. The Duke of Dorset (age 64) has had the art to make them distinguish between loyalty and aversion to the Lord Lieutenant.
I last night received yours of May 5th; but I cannot deliver your expressions to Mr. Conway (age 31), for he and [her future sister-in-law] Lady Ailesbury (age 31) are gone to his regiment in Ireland for four months, which is a little rigorous, not only after an exile in Minorca, but more especially unpleasant now as they have just bought one of the most charming places in England, Park-place, which belonged to Lady Archibald Hamilton (age 48), and then to the Prince. You have seen enough of Mr. Conway to judge how patiently he submits to his duty. Their little girl (age 3) is left with me.
The Gunnings [[her sister] Maria Gunning Countess Coventry (age 19) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 18)]are gone to their several castles, and one hears no more of them, except that such crowds flock to see the Duchess Hamilton pass, that seven hundred people sat up all night in and about an inn in Yorkshire to see her get into her postchaise next morning.
I saw lately at Mr. Barret's a print of Valombrosa, which I should be glad to have, if you please; though I don't think it gives much idea of the beauty of the place: but you know what a passion there is for it in England, as Milton has mentioned it.
Miss Blandy (deceased) died with a coolness of courage that is astonishing, and denying the fact310, which has made a kind of party in her favour as if a woman who would not stick at parricide, would scruple a lie!
We have made a law for immediate execution on conviction of murder: it will appear extraordinary to me if it has any effect;311 for I can't help believing that the terrible part of death must be the preparation for it.
Note 310. Miss Blandy was executed at Oxford, on the 6th of April, "I am perfectly innocent," she exclaimed, "of any intention to destroy or even hurt my dear father; so help me God in these my last moments!"-E.
Note 311. Smollett, on the contrary, was of opinion that the expedient had been productive of very good effects.-E.
Letters of Horace Walpole. 23 Jun 1752. Arlington Street. To The Hon H S Conway (age 31).
By a letter that I received from my [her future sister-in-law] Lady Ailesbury (age 31) two days ago, I flatter myself I shall not have occasion to write to you any more; yet I shall certainly see you with less pleasure than ever, as our meeting is to be attended with a resignation of my little charge (age 3).316 She is vastly well, and I think you will find her grown fat. I am husband enough to mind her beauty no longer, and perhaps you will say husband enough too, in pretending that my love is converted into friendship; but I shall tell you some stories at Park-place of her understanding that will please you, I trust, as much as they have done me.
My Lady Ailesbury says I must send her news, and the whole history of Mr. Seymour (age 22) and Lady Di. Egerton (age 21), and their quarrel, and all that is said on both sides. I can easily tell her all that is said on one side, Mr. Seymour's, who says, the only answer he has ever been able to get from the Duchess or Mr. Lyttelton was, that Di. has her caprices. The reasons she gives, and gave him, were, the badness of his temper and imperiousness of his letters; that he scolded her for the overfondness of her epistles, and was even so unsentimental as to talk of desiring to make her happy, instead of being made so by her. He is gone abroad, in despair, and with an additional circumstance, which would be very uncomfortable to any thing but a true lover; his father refuses to resettle the estate on him, the entail of which was cut off by mutual consent, to make way for the settlements on the marriage.
The Speaker told me t'other day, that he had received a letter from Lord Hyde, which confirms what Mr. Churchill writes me, the distress and poverty of France and the greatness of their divisions. Yet the King's expenses are incredible; Madame de Pompadour (age 30) is continually busied in finding out new journeys and diversions to keep him from falling into the hands of the clergy. The last party of pleasure she made for him, was a stag-hunting; the stag was a man in a skin and horns, worried by twelve men dressed like bloodhounds! I have read of Basilowitz, a Czar of Muscovy, who improved on such a hunt, and had a man in a bearskin worried by real dogs; a more kingly entertainment!
I shall make out a sad Journal of other news; yet I will be like any gazette, and scrape together all the births, deaths, and marriages in the parish. Lady Hartington (age 32) and Lady Rachel Walpole (age 25) are brought to bed of sons; Lord Burlington (age 58) and Lord Gower (age 57) have had new attacks of palsies: Lord Falkland (age 45) is to marry the Southwark Lady Suffolk;317 and Mr. Watson (age 23), Miss Grace Pelham (age 17). [her sister] Lady Coventry (age 19) has miscarried of one or two children, and is going on with one or two more, and is gone to France to-day. Lady Townshend (age 44) and Lady Caroline Petersham (age 30) have had their anniversary quarrel, and the Duchess of Devonshire (age 53) has had her secular assembly, which she keeps once in fifty years: she was more delightfully vulgar at it than you can imagine; complained of the wet night, and how the men would dirty the rooms with their shoes; called out at supper to the Duke (age 53), "Good God! my lord, don't cut the ham, nobody will eat any!" and relating her private menage to Mr. Obnir, she said, "When there's only my lord and I, besides a pudding we have always a dish of Yeast!" I am ashamed to send you such nonsense, or to tell you how the good women at Hampton Court are scandalized at Princess Emily's (age 41) coming to chapel last Sunday in riding-clothes with a dog under her arm; but I am bid to send news: what can we do -,it such a dead time of year? I must conclude, as my Lady Gower did very well t'other day in a letter into the country, "Since the two Misses318 were hanged, and the two Misses319 were married, there is nothing at all talked of." Adieu! My best compliments and my wife's to your two ladies.
Note 315. Now first published.
Note 316. Their daughter, Ann Seymour Conway.
Note 317. Sarah, Duchess-dowager of Suffolk, daughter of Thomas Unwen, Esq. of Southwark.-E.
Note 318. Miss Blandy and Miss Jefferies.
Note 319. The Gunnings. [Maria Gunning Countess Coventry and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 18)]
Letters of Horace Walpole. 27 Jul 1752. Our beauties are travelling Paris-ward: Lady Caroline Petersham (age 30) and [her sister] Lady Coventry (age 19) are just gone thither. It will scarce be possible for the latter to make as much noise there as she and her sister (age 18) have in England. It is literally true that a shoemaker in Worcester got two guineas and a half by showing a shoo that he was making for the Countess, at a penny a piece. I can't say her genius is equal to her beauty: she every day says some new sproposito [Note. blunder]. She has taken a turn of vast fondness for her lord (age 30): Lord Downe (age 25) met them at Calais, and offered her a tent-bed, for fear of bugs in the inns. "Oh!" said she, "I had rather be bit to death, than lie one night from my dear Cov.!" I can conceive my Lady Caroline making a good deal of noise even at Paris; her beauty is set off by a genius for the extraordinary, and for strokes that will make a figure in any country. Mr. Churchill (age 38) and my sister (age 14) [Note. Half-sister] are just arrived from France; you know my passion for the writing of the younger Crebillon (age 45)324 you shall hear how I have been mortified by the discovery of the greatest meanness in him; and you will judge how much one must be humbled to have one's favourite author convicted of mere mercenariness! I had desired Lady Mary to lay out thirty guineas for me with Liotard (age 49), and wished, if I could, to have the portraits of Crebillon and Marivaux (age 64)325 for my cabinet. Mr. Churchill wrote me word that Liotard's326 price was sixteen guineas; that Marivaux was intimate with him, and would certainly sit, and that he believed he could get Crebillon to sit too. The latter, who is retired into the provinces with an English wife (age 40)327, was just then at Paris for a month: Mr. Churchill went to him, told him that a gentleman in England, who was making a collection of portraits of famous people, would be happy to have his, etc. Crebillon was humble, "unworthy," obliged; and sat: the picture was just finished, when, behold! he sent Mr. Churchill word, that he expected to have a copy of the picture given him-neither more nor less than asking sixteen guineas for sitting! Mr. Churchill answered that he could not tell what he should do, were it his own case, but that this was a limited commission, and he could not possibly lay out double; and was now so near his return, that he could not have time to write to England and receive an answer. Crebillon said, then he would keep the picture himself-it was excessively like. I am still sentimental enough to flatter myself, that a man who could beg sixteen gineas will not give them, and so I may still have the picture.
Note 324. Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crebillon, son of the tragic poet of that name, and author of many licentious novels, which are now but little read. He was born in 1707, and died in 1777.-D. ["The taste for his writings," says the Edinburgh Reviewers, "passed away very rapidly and completely in France; and long before his death, the author of the Sopha, and Les Egaremens du Coeur et de l'Esprit, had the mortification to be utterly forgotten by the public." Vol. xxi. p. 284.]
Note 325. Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, the author of numerous plays and novels, some of which possess considerable merit. The peculiar affectation of his style occasioned the invention of the word marivaudage, to express the way of writing of him and his imitators. He was born in 1688, and died in 1763.-D.
Note 326. Walpole, in his Anecdotes of Painting, states Liotard to have been an admirable miniature and enamel painter. At Rome he was taken notice of by the Earl of Sandwich, and by Lord Besborough, then Lord Duncannon. See Museum Florentinum, vol. x.; where the name of the last mentioned nobleman is spelled Milord D'un Canon.-E.
Note 327. She was a Miss Strafford. The perusal of Crebillon's works inspired her with such a passion for the author, that she ran away from her friends, went to Paris, married him, and nursed and attended him with exemplary tenderness and affection to his dying day. In reference to this marriage, Lord Byron, in his Observations on Bowles's Strictures upon Pope, makes the following remark:-"For my own part, I am of the opinion of Pausanias, that success in love depends upon fortune. Grimm has an observation of the same kind, on the different destinies of the younger Crebillon and Rousseau. The former writes a licentious novel, and a young English girl of some fortune runs away, and crosses the sea to marry him; while Rousseau, the most tender and passionate of lovers, is obliged to espouse his chambermaid."-E.
On 26 Jan 1753 [her daughter] Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Derby was born to [her husband] James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon (age 28) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 19).
Around 1754 Gavin Hamilton (age 31). Portrait of Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 20).
On 18 Feb 1755 [her son] James Hamilton 7th Duke Hamilton 4th Duke Brandon was born to [her husband] James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon (age 30) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 21) at Holyrood Palace, Holyrood.
On 24 Jul 1756 [her son] Douglas Hamilton 8th Duke Hamilton 5th Duke Brandon was born to [her husband] James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon (age 32) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 22) at Holyrood Palace, Holyrood.
On 17 Jan 1758 [her husband] James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon (age 33) died. His son [her son] James Hamilton 7th Duke Hamilton 4th Duke Brandon (age 2) succeeded 7th Duke Hamilton, 4th Duke Brandon of Suffolk, 4th Baron Dutton of Cheshire.
On 03 Jan 1759 John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 35) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 25) were married. He the son of John Campbell 4th Duke Argyll (age 66) and Mary Drummond Bellenden.
On 31 Mar 1760 [her daughter] Augusta Campbell was born to [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 36) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 26).
In 1761 Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 27) was appointed Lady of the Bedchamber to Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England (age 16).
On 17 Feb 1763 [her son] George John Campbell was born to [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 39) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 29).
On 22 Sep 1768 [her son] George William Campbell 6th Duke Argyll was born to [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 45) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 34).
On 09 Nov 1770 [her father-in-law] John Campbell 4th Duke Argyll (age 77) died. His son [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 47) succeeded 5th Duke Argyll. Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 36) by marriage Countess Argyll.
On 23 Jun 1774 [her son-in-law] Edward Smith-Stanley 12th Earl of Derby (age 21) and [her daughter] Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Derby (age 21) were married. She the daughter of [her former husband] James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 40).
On 28 Jan 1775 [her daughter] Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell was born to [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 51) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 41).
The London Gazette 11665. St. James's, May 14 [1776]. The King (age 37) has been pleased to order a Writ to be issued under the Great Seal of Great Britain for summoning Francis Osborne, Esq; commonly called Marquess of Carmarthen, up to the House of Peers, by the Stile and Title of Baron Olborne of Kiveton in the County of York.
The King has been pleased to grant unto her Grace the Dutchess of Argyll (age 42) the Dignity of a Baroness of the Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baroness Hamilton, of Hameldon in the County of Leicester; and the Dignity of a Baron to her Heirs Male.
The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain unto the following Gentlemen, and their Heirs Male; viz.
Alexander Hume Campbell,.Esq; commonly called Lord Polwarth, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Hume of Berwick.
John Stuart, Esq; commonly called Lord Mount Stuart, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Cardiff of Cardiff Castle in the County of Glamorgan.
The Right Honorable Sir Edward Hawke, Knight of the Bath, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Hawke of Towton in the County of York.
The Right Honorable George Onslow, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Cranley of Imber Court in the County of Surrey.
The Right Honorable Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight os the Bath, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Amherst of Holmesdale in the County of Kent.
Sir Brownlow Cust (age 31), Bart, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Brownlow of Belton in the County of Lincoln. [Frances Bankes Baroness Brownlow by marriage Baroness Brownlow of Belton in Lincolnshire.]
George Pitt (age 55), Esq; by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Rivers of Stratfieldsay in the County of Southampton.
Nathaniel Ryder (age 40), Esq; by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Harrowby of Harrowby in the County of Lincoln. [Elizabeth Terrick Baroness Harrowby by marriage Baroness Harrowby of Harrowby in Lincolnshire.]
Thomas Foley (age 59), Esq; of Great Witley in the County of Worcester, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Foley of Kidderminster in the County of Worcester. [Grace Granville Baroness Foley by marriage Baroness Foley of Kidderminster in Worcestershire.]
Around 1777 [her son] Douglas Hamilton 8th Duke Hamilton 5th Duke Brandon (age 20) and [her daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Anne Burrell Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 19) were married. She by marriage Duchess Hamilton, Duchess Brandon of Suffolk. He the son of [her former husband] James Hamilton 6th Duke Hamilton 3rd Duke Brandon and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 43).
On 21 Dec 1777 [her son] John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell 7th Duke Argyll was born to [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 54) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 44).
In or before 1790 [her son-in-law] Brigadier-General Henry Mordaunt Clavering (age 30) and [her daughter] Augusta Campbell (age 29) were married. She the daughter of [her husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 66) and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 56).
On 20 Dec 1790 Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll (age 57) died in Argyll House 211 King's Road King's Road. Her son [her son] Douglas Hamilton 8th Duke Hamilton 5th Duke Brandon (age 34) succeeded 2nd Baron Hamilton of Hameldon in Leicestershire. [her daughter-in-law] Elizabeth Anne Burrell Duchess Hamilton Duchess Brandon (age 33) by marriage Baroness Hamilton of Hameldon in Leicestershire.
On 24 May 1806 [her former husband] John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll (age 82) died. His son [her son] George William Campbell 6th Duke Argyll (age 37) succeeded 6th Duke Argyll.
Father: John Barnaby Gunning
Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll
GrandFather: Theobald Bourke
Mother: Bridget Bourke