Biography of John Hollingworth -1559

In 1554 John Hollingworth was appointed Rysbank Herald of Arms in Ordinary.

On 09 Dec 1558 John Hollingworth was appointed Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Dec 1558. The ix day of Desember was creatyd at Somersett plasse [Map], wher the quen('s) (age 25) grace lys, master Rychmond Norroy, and Rysbanke creatyd Bluw-mantyll.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 09 Sep 1559. The ix day (of September) a-fore none thay cam to the chyrche from the byshope palles, the haroldes a-for them, master Garter (age 49), master Clarenshux (age 49), master Norrey (age 49), master Somersett, master Chaster (age 61), master Rechmond, master Yorke, master Wyndsor, master Lanckostur, and Ruge-crosse, Ruge-dragon, Bluw-mantyll, Perkullys, and ther thay had serves; my lord of Canturbere the meny[ster?], the bysshope Harford, Skore (age 49), dyd pryche, and the bysshope Barlow (age 61), thes iij had blake gownes and grett hodes lynyd with sylke, and drestes' capes [caps]; and after all done to (the bishop's) plasse to dener, for ther was offesers of the quen('s) howsse, of evere offes [office] sum, for ther was grett chere.

Before 10 Oct 1559 John Hollingworth died.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 Oct 1559. The x day of October was bered Bluw-mantyll the harold, the wyche latt was Rysbanke, in sant Brydes in Fletstrett, with (unfinished)