Biography of Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice 1495-1565

Around 1495 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice was born illegitimately to Richard Cholmeley (age 35).

On 22 May 1518 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice (age 23) and Christine Hurst were married.

In Mar 1521 [his father] Richard Cholmeley (age 61) died.

In 1531 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice (age 36) was appointed Serjeant at Law.

In 1545 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice (age 50) was appointed Chief Baron of the Exchequer which position he held until 1552.

In 1547 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice (age 52) was appointed Custos Rotulorum Middlesex.

In 1552 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice (age 57) was appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench which position he held until 1553.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Apr 1553. The xvij day of Aprell cam a commondement [down] unto London that alle the cherche-wardens of London [should go] unto Gyldhall a-ffor the commyssyonars, the bysshope of London, and my lord mare, and master Chamlay (age 58) the kynges cheyff justes, [and that] thay shuld bryng a truw sertycatt of alle the chy[rch goods,] juelles and monay, and belles, and alle copes and ornaments that [belong] to the chyrche.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jul 1553. The xxvj day of July cam unto the Towre my lord marqwes of Northamton (age 41), by and my lord Robart Dudley (age 21), and the bysshop of London (age 53), and ser Recherd Corbett; and after cam in to the Towre my lord cheyffe justes Chamley (age 58), the lord Montyguw (age 68), at v of the cloke at nyght.

Note. The lord Montague. The person intended by this designation was sir Edward Montague, who was lord chief justice of the common pleas, as sir Roger Cholmley was of the king's bench. The new queen appointed sir Richard Morgan and sir Thomas Bromley in their places.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Sep 1553. The vj day of September cam owt of the Towre my lord Ferrys, my lord cheyff justys Chamlay (age 58) and my lord Montyguw (age 24), unto the denes place, for ther satt the consell, and ther thay wher delevered and dyscharged of the Towre with a grett fyne.


Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Dec 1558. The vij day of Desember was bered my lade Chamley, the wyff of ser Roger Chamley (age 63) knyght and late lord cheyffe barne, [chief baron] in the parryche of sant Marten's at Ludgate; and ther was iiij branche tapers, garnyshed with iiij dosen pensels; and the howse hangyd with blake and armes, and the strett and the chyrche with blake and armes; and ther was a harold of armes; and ij whyt branchys, and xxiiij torchys, and mony morners; and the morow masse and a sermon, and after a grett dener; and she had iiij baners of santtes.

Note. P. 181. Funeral of lady Cholmley. The wife of sir Roger Cholmley, made serjeant at law 1532, king's serjeant 1545, chief baron of the exchequer 1546, chief justice of the king's bench 1552, and imprisoned for a time after queen Mary's accession (see before, pp. 38, 43).

Malcolm quotes from the register of St. Martin's Ludgate the burial of lady Cholmley as having taken place Dec. 8, 1558, and that of sir Roger Cholmley, July 2, 1565. Londinium Rediv. iv. 358. His daughter "my [his daughter] lady Beckwyth" was married at the same church to [his future son-in-law] Christian Ken, esq. April 19, 1559. (Ibid. p. 357.) Sir Roger Cholmley and Christian his wife had a grant to purchase of the crown the manors of East and West Ham and Pleshey in Essex, March 24, 1552–3. (Strype.)

Before 1559 [his son-in-law] Leonard Beckwith of Selby, Yorkshire and [his daughter] Elizabeth Cholmeley were married.

In 1559 [his son-in-law] Christopher Kern of Kern, Somerset and [his daughter] Elizabeth Cholmeley were married at St Martin's Church, Ludgate.

On 21 Jun 1565 Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice (age 70) died.

[his daughter] Frances Cholmeley was born to Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice and Christine Hurst.

[his daughter] Elizabeth Cholmeley was born to Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice and Christine Hurst.

Family Trees of Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice 1495-1565

Paternal Family Tree: Cholmeley

Ancestors of Roger Cholmeley Lord Chief Justice 1495-1565

GrandFather: John Cholmeley

Father: Richard Cholmeley

Roger Cholmeley