Biography of William Sharington 1495-1553
Paternal Family Tree: Sharington
Before 1495 [his father] Thomas Sharington of Cranworth in Norfolk and [his mother] Katherine Pyrton were married.
Around 1495 William Sharington was born to Thomas Sharington of Cranworth in Norfolk and Katherine Pyrton.
After 1495 William Sharington and Ursula Bourchier were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On 15 Oct 1519 [his father] Thomas Sharington of Cranworth in Norfolk made his will in which he left Swathing's Manor, Fransham to his eldest son William Sharington (age 24).
After 15 Oct 1519 William Sharington (age 24) inherited Swathing's Manor, Fransham from his father.
In 1532 William Sharington (age 37) sold Swathing's Manor, Fransham.
In 1540 William Sharington (age 45) paid £783 for Lacock Abbey [Map] which had been dissolved.
In 1540 William Sharington (age 45) was appointed Groom of the Robes.
In Jun 1541 William Sharington (age 46) leased the manor of Heytesbury, Wiltshire [Map].
Around 1542 Hans Holbein The Younger (age 45). Drawing of William Sharington (age 47).
In 1542 William Sharington (age 47) was appointed Groom of the Chamber.
In 1542 William Sharington (age 47) was appointed Constable of Castle Rising.
In 1544 William Sharington (age 49) joined the household of Catherine Parr Queen Consort England (age 31).
On 20 Feb 1547 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) was crowned VI King England at Westminster Abbey [Map].
John Russell 1st Earl Bedford (age 62) was appointed Lord High Steward. Henry Fitzalan 19th Earl of Arundel (age 34) was appointed Constable of England.
Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu (age 18), George Vernon "King of the Peak" (age 39), Richard Devereux (age 34) and William Sharington (age 52) were created Knight of the Bath.
Francis Hastings 2nd Earl Huntingdon (age 33), Edward Courtenay, William Sharington, John Shelton (age 44) and Walter Buckler were knighted.
Edward Dymoke (age 39) attended as the King's Champion.
Alexander Unton (age 53) and Edward Rogers (age 49) were knighted.
Patent Rolls Edward VI 1547-1548. 16 Sep 1547. Lieghes. In fulfilment of Henry VIII.'s will and a tripartite indenture between the king of the first part, the Protector and the other executors (named) of the said will of the second part, and William Sharyngton (age 52), knight, of the third part, dated 22 Oct. 1 Edward VI.; and for £2,8081 4s. 101d. paid in the Augmentations by the said William; and in consideration of that whole part (55 ac.) of the wood called Hamfrith Wood, sometime belonging to Anthony Hungerford (age 56), knight, in the parishes of Estham and Westham, Essex, and of that waste land (16. ac.) there which belonged to the same, lying on the west next the wood of the king and the said Anthony and on the east next land of the manor of Little Ilforde and on the south next the common way between London and Romeforde, granted to the king by the said Anthony at the request of the said Sharyngton, who has satisfied and recompensed him for it. Grant to the said William Sharyngton of the manors of Awberye [Map], Wynterborne and Charleton, Wilts, late of the college of Fotherynghey [Map], Ntht. [Northamptonshire], the farm called Barbury Leez in Okeborne parish, Wilts, late of the same college, and all the lands known as Barbury Leez there, and all the lands in Awbery [Map], Helmerton, Wynterborne, Charleton and Barburye, Wilts, which the king's father [had] by gift of the master and college of Fotherynghey; also the manor of Hatherup, Glouc., the advowson of the rectory of Hatherup, and the yearly pension of 6s. 8d. from the rector of Hatherupp, late of Lacock monastery, Wilts; also the manor of Lye alias Ligh alias Leigh beside (prope) Asheton Keyns, Wilts, and all the lands in the several tenures of Henry Cave, Thomas Wake, John Messenger, Richard Webbyng, John Awncell, William Kebull, John Cull, John Knyght, Thomas Woodwarde, John Wake, Thomas Shurmore, Robert Shurmore, John Messanger, Maud Leche, widow, Robert Surman, Robert Wake, John Hamonde, John Brokeman, John Leche, William Maubz, Nicholas Bowdon, Richard Leche, John Knyght, John Davys alias Fawkener, Thomas Browne, Edward Tyndale, Robert Cowley, Edmund Dorrell, Robert Baylorde, Richard Webyng, John Wake, Robert Keylowe, John Bonde, William Rede, Thomas Packer, the son of Maud Hideman, John Iles, Joan Bithewood, John Cowley [and] John Wylkyns, customary tenants of Assheton Keyns, or Thomas Cryppes and Agnes his wife, in the parish of Assheton Keyns, late of Tewkesbury monastery.
Also grant of the manor of Pokebroke, Ntht. [Northamptonshire], late of Peterborough abbey, the advowson of the rectory of Polebroke alias Pokebroke, all the lands there in tenure of Robert Ball, the yearly pension or portion of 20s. out of that rectory and all lands and liberties (long list) in Polebroke alias Pokebroke, Armeston, Kyngesthropp and Lutton, Ntht. [Northamptonshire], pertaining to the said manor, all which belonged to the same abbey.
Also grant of the toft and land in Polebroke alias Pokebroke in tenure of Richard Henson late of the priory or hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, and all other possessions of that priory there; the site, mansion and capital messuage of the late hospital or chantry of St. John Baptist in Armeston within Polebroke parish and all kinds of [m. 44.) lands and liberties (long list) in Armeston, Kyngesthroppe, Thurmyng, Warmyngton, Polebroke alias Polebroke and Barnewell, Ntht. [Northamptonshire], which belonged to that hospital or chantry.
Except advowsons other than those aforesaid of Hatherupp and Polebroke.
To hold to the said William Sharyngton, his heirs and assigns of the king in chief by the service of a fourth part of a knight's fee; rendering yearly for Awbery £5. 6s. 64d., Wynterbourne 14s., Charleton 508., Barbury Leez 26s., Hatherupp 33s. 6¾d., and Ley 44s. 1d.
Exoneration; except 13s. 4d. yearly paid to Christopher Temse, collector of rents of Hatherupp manor, for his fee. Issues since Annunciation last. These letters without fine or fee.
By p.s. (II. 886. Hampton Court, 18 July. Slightly injured.)
After 16 Jan 1549 William Sharington (age 54) was arrested and charged with coining base money, clipping, and other frauds. He confessd and was attainted forfeiting his landed estates and being ejected from his seat in Parliament.
Diary of Edward VI. 18 Apr 1550. Mr. Sidney4 and Mr. Nevel5 made gentlemen of the privey chamber. Commission given to the lord Chobham deputy of Cales [Map], sir William Petre (age 45) chef secretary, and sir Jhon Mason (age 47), French secretary, to see the French king take his oth, with certein instrucion; and that sir Jhon Mason shuld be embassadour ligier.
Commission to sir John (Maurice) Denis (age 42) and sir Wiliam Sharington (age 55) to receive the first paiment and deliver the quittannce.1a
Note 4. Afterwards sir Henry Sidney (age 21), and K.G.
Note 5. Afterwards sir Henry Neville.
Note 1a. On the 17th of April the council had directed "letters to mr. Dennys treasurer of Callays, that he and mr. Sharyngton be joyned in commission for the CC m1 French crowns to be received, of the goodness, purity, and weight as they be currant in France." On the 20th, "A letter to sir Morice Denys and sir William Sherrington knights, commissioners appointed for the receipt of the first payment now to be made by the Frenche, that if monsr Gondie, master of the French king's finances, do come withall (as it is thought he doth) they shall give him in rewarde from the Kinges Majestie two thousand orownes, because he was the first motioner and procurer of this Peace. And in case it be not he, then to give the bringer of the said money such reward under the said summe of two thousand crownes as to their wisedomes shall seem convenient." (Council Book.)
Diary of Edward VI. 02 May 1550. Jhon (Joan) Bocher, otherwis Jhon (Joan) of Kent1, was burnt for holding that Christ was not incarnat of the Virgin Mary, being condemned the yere befor, but kept in hope of conversion; and the 30 of April the bishop of London (age 50) and the bishop of Elie2 were to perswad her. But she withstode them, and reviled the preacher (age 40) that preached at her death.3
The first paiment was paied at Cales [Map], and received by sir Thomas (Maurice) Dennis (age 42) and mr. Sharington (age 55).
Note 1. Joan Bocher, alias Knell, was a martyr for religious opinions, whose story is not related by John Foxe: but that historian mentions her incidentally in his account of the King's character, illustrating his meek nature by the following anecdote: "Hee alwaies spared and favoured the life of man: as in a certain dissertation of his once appeared, had with master Cheeke in favoring the life of heretickes: in so much that when Joane Butcher should have been burned, all the counsel could not moove him to put-to his hand, but were faine to get doctour Cranmer to perswade with him, and yet neither coulde hee with much labour induce the King so to doe, saying, What, my lord, will yee have me send her quick to the devill in her error ? So that doctour Cranmer himselfe confessed that hee had never so much to doe in all his life, as to cause the King to put-to his hand, saying that he would laie aU the charge thereof upon Cranmer before God." This story, apocryphal at the best, has been considered so far to the discredit of Cranmer (age 60) that his friends have been anxious to vindicate him. Mr. Bruce, in the Works of Roger Hutchinson, edited for the Parker Society, 1842, Preface, p. iv., has shewn that the King would not be required to sign any document on the occasion, the warrant of the council being sufficient. For the particulars of Joan Bocher and her heresy see Wilkins, Concilia, iv. 43; the General Index to the Works of the Parker Society, 1855, p. 124; also the General Index to the Works of Strype, Oxford edition. The religious insurrection in Kent, which the King has just mentioned under the date of the 26th April, was perhaps the proximate cause of her suffering; for it was on the 27th that the council issued their warrant to the lord chancellor (age 53) to make out a writ to the sheriffs of London for her execution. (Council Book.)
Note 3. "There preached before her, or she dyed, Scory; and she said to hym he lyed lyke a knave, &c." Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London, p. 66. The preacher was John Scory, afterwards bishop of Hereford in the reign of Elizabeth.
Diary of Edward VI. 05 May 1550. The marquis du Means (age 31) departid into Scoteland3 with mons. de Brisay, to comfort the quen of the death of the duc of Guise.
Note 3. On the 1st of May, "Upon request being made to the counsaill by the marques du Mayne, that, being one of the hostaiges for the first payment of the Frenche, he might neverthelesse, without retorning to Calays, immediately passe hense into Scotland, affirming it to be the Frencli king's pleasure, It was agreed that, being a nobleman and in singler favor with the King his maister, it was necessarie to gratifie him; and so ordre was taken for his entertaignment by the way, and lettres written both to th'erle of Shrewsbury (age 50) and also to sir Robert Bowes (age 58), wardeignes of the marches, to receave him according to his estate. And hereupon a lettre to sir John Wallop (age 60), sir Morrice Dennys (age 42), and sir William Sherrington (age 55), signifieng unto them the hole case, and willing them to declare the same unto mouns' de la Rochepote to knowe his opinion, to th'entent that if he misliked the marquess proceeding, ordre may be taken for the stale of him, to be retorned unto Calays according to the treatie, if the case so require.
"And likewise a speciall lettre from the lord privie scale and the lord Paget to Mouns' de la Rochepote of the same effect."
The letter addressed by the lords on this occasion (May 2) to the earl of Shrewsbury, lord president of the North, is printed in Lodge's Illustrations of Brit. History, i. 137.
"May iiij. A warraunt to (blank) to deliver to Eichard Shelley and [Thomas] Stukeley c li. towards their charges in accompanying the marques du Mayne into Scotlande."
"May xxxi. A warraunt to deliver to William Aman, one of the groomes of the chambre, xx li. for his charges and diligence used in conveighing the marques du Mayne with his traine Northwards."
"June xiij. A warrant to the First-fruicts to deliver John Keyme x li. by him paid to Thomas Stukeley towards charges in conducting the marques du Mayne homewards."
"June xxiij. A warraunt to (blank) to pay to Richard Shelley Ix li. towardes his charges as well in conveying the marques du Maine into Scotlande and backe again, as also in taking the musters of straungers in divers places." (Council Book.)
Before 06 Jul 1553 William Sharington (age 58) died. His brother [his brother] Henry Sharington of Lacock in Wiltshire (age 21) inherited Lacock Abbey [Map].
Before 06 Jul 1553 William Sharington (age 58) and Eleanor Walsingham were married.
GrandFather: William Pyrton of Little Bentley in Essex
Mother: Katherine Pyrton