Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, North East Derbyshire, Ashover [Map]

Ashover, Derbyshire is in North East Derbyshire.

In 1464 Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 88) died at Ashover, Derbyshire [Map].

Around 1490 Isabel Dethick (age 89) died at Ashover, Derbyshire [Map].

On 13 Mar 1518 Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) died at Ashover, Derbyshire [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Ashover, Derbyshire [Map].

Monument to Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert. Excellent painted alabaster monument of the Fluted Period with the colours much refreshed. Carved by Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings. The monument was probably erected shortly after Edith died. Thomas's will requests the tomb not be disturbed when dies:

I will my body be buryed in my parish church of Ashover, nere by wif Edith, it it fortune me to deceas within xx. myles of the same. And ells in such place as shalbe thought by them that shalbe wt me at the tyme of my diceas; But I will not that the Tombe which I have made in the Church of Ashover be broken or hurt for my carkas, but that it be leyde nere the same, and over that place that I shall lye in, a stone with a scripture after myne executors and supervisour myndis or the more parte of them to be leyde."

Thomas Babington of Dethick: Around 1449 he was born to John Babington and Isabel Bradbourne. Before 1476 Thomas Babington of Dethick and Editha Fitzherbert were married.

Editha Fitzherbert: Around 1457 she was born to Ralph Fitzherbert and Elizabeth Marshall at Norbury, Derbyshire. In 1511 Editha Fitzherbert died at Ashover, Staffordshire.

She wearing a Gabled Headress with long lappets.

He in civilian clothes with a purse (aka scrip aka gypciere) hanging from his belt.

The chest tomb of exceptional quality with the fifteen weepers under crocketed canopies broadly undamaged. The weepers on the sides are believed to represent Thomas and Editha's children, possibly fourteen, and their respective spouses. The chest tomb now abuts the south wall of the chancel meaning only three sides visible.

Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert with Saints Catherine and Thomas of Canterbury in the centre.

The River Amber rises near Kelstedge, Derbyshire [Map] after which it flows through Ashover, Derbyshire [Map], Wooley [Map] before joining the River Derwent at Ambergate [Map].

Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, North East Derbyshire, Ashover, All Saints Church [Map]

On 13 Mar 1518 Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) died at Ashover, Derbyshire [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Ashover, Derbyshire [Map].

Monument to Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert. Excellent painted alabaster monument of the Fluted Period with the colours much refreshed. Carved by Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings. The monument was probably erected shortly after Edith died. Thomas's will requests the tomb not be disturbed when dies:

I will my body be buryed in my parish church of Ashover, nere by wif Edith, it it fortune me to deceas within xx. myles of the same. And ells in such place as shalbe thought by them that shalbe wt me at the tyme of my diceas; But I will not that the Tombe which I have made in the Church of Ashover be broken or hurt for my carkas, but that it be leyde nere the same, and over that place that I shall lye in, a stone with a scripture after myne executors and supervisour myndis or the more parte of them to be leyde."

Thomas Babington of Dethick: Around 1449 he was born to John Babington and Isabel Bradbourne. Before 1476 Thomas Babington of Dethick and Editha Fitzherbert were married.

Editha Fitzherbert: Around 1457 she was born to Ralph Fitzherbert and Elizabeth Marshall at Norbury, Derbyshire. In 1511 Editha Fitzherbert died at Ashover, Staffordshire.

She wearing a Gabled Headress with long lappets.

He in civilian clothes with a purse (aka scrip aka gypciere) hanging from his belt.

The chest tomb of exceptional quality with the fifteen weepers under crocketed canopies broadly undamaged. The weepers on the sides are believed to represent Thomas and Editha's children, possibly fourteen, and their respective spouses. The chest tomb now abuts the south wall of the chancel meaning only three sides visible.

Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert with Saints Catherine and Thomas of Canterbury in the centre.

Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, North East Derbyshire, Gladdins Mark Farm Ashover [Map]

09 Dec 1868. Will of Frank Gee (age 42).

I, Frank GEE of COTEFIELD (age 42) within Edale in the parish of Castleton in the County of Derby Farmer declare this to be my last Will and Testament

I DIRECT the payment of all my just debts (except the sum of one hundred pounds of which I owe upon my promissory note) my funeral and testamentary expenses by my Executors hereinafter carried out of my personal Estate and from and after payment and satisfaction thereof

I GIVE devise and Bequeath all my Real Estate and the residue unto my nephews John Thomas GEE (age 24) of Kinder in the Parrish of Glossop in the said County of Derby , Farmer, and James Albert GEE (age 20) Gladdins Mark [Map] near Ashover in the said county of Derby, Farmer, their heirs, executors and administrators and assigns according to the nature and tenure thereof respectively UPON TRUST to permit and suffer my dear wife, Elizabeth GEE (age 32), to have the use and enjoyment of all my household furniture, faming stock and other effects (except money or securities for money that shall or may be or not about the house and farm on which I reside at the time of my decease and also to permit and suffer my said wife to receive the rents and profits of all that my Estate called UPPER BOOTH Estate [Map] in Edale aforesaid until my youngest child shall obtain the age of twenty one years (provided she continue to live with my widow but not otherwise) she my said wife maintaining my children during their respective minorities or so long as they shall wish to reside with her during their respective minorities PROVIDED ALWAYS that if my said wife shall elect to reside on my said Estate called UPPER BOOTH

I DECLARE that she may do so until my youngest child shall obtain the age of twenty one years IN CASE she remarries my widow as aforesaid but not otherwise and as to for and concerning that my Estate called OOCLOW [JOW HOLE] Farm situated in Chinley in the Parrish of Glossop aforesaid and now in the occupation of Hannah FORD UPON TRUST that the said John Thomas GEE and James Albert GEE their heirs, executors and administrators or assigns (hereinafter called the trustee or trustees) do and shall do and shall receive the rents and profits thereof until my son, Edwin Arthur GEE, shall obtain the age of twenty one years or such other period as shall enable the said Trustees or Trustee to pay off the said Debt of one hundred pounds and the three several legacies of one hundred and fifty pounds each which I Bequeath to my Daughters - Emma, Jane, Alice Maria, and Eliza Frances - on their severally attaining the age of twenty one years AND I declare and direct until such period as aforesaid the said Trustees or Trustee shall invest the said rents and profits of my said Estate called OOCLOW [JOW HOLE] Farm in the names or name of the said Trustees or Trustee in any of the public stocks or funds or upon real securities in England and accumulate the same in the way of compound interest by investing the same and the resulting income thereof on or upon any such stocks, funds and securities as hereinbefore mentioned until thereby or therewith the said Trustees or Trustee shall be enabled to pay off and discharge the said debt and legacies AND FROM and after payment and satisfaction thereof I declare that the said Trustees or Trustee shall stand seized of my said Estate called OOCLOW [JOW HOLE] Farm To the use of my said son, Edwin Arthur GEE his heirs and assigns forever subject nevertheless to the payment of an annually or yearly rent of seven pounds ten shillings to my said wife and her assigns during so long as she shall continue my widow to be yearly incurring and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon my said Estate called OOCLOW [JOW HOLE] Farm THE SAID annually or yearly rent to be payable and paid to her my said wife or her assigns in equal half yearly portions in every year clear of all incidental expenses and deductions with a proportional sum for any functional portion of a half year which may happen immediately to forecast the determination thereof the first half yearly payment of the said annually or yearly rent charge to be made at the expiration of five calendar months after my youngest child shall attain the age of twenty one years AND THE said aforementioned share to be payable immediately after the demise or marriage of my said wife AND I hereby declare that in case the said annually or yearly rent charge of seven pounds ten shillings or the aforesaid proportional part thereof should be at any time be in arrears and unpaid in the whole or in part for the space of twenty one days and after any of the said days or times hereinafter appointed for the payment thereof then it shall go lawful for my said wife her executors administrators or assigns to enter and detain for the same and for the expenses occasioned by the non-payment thereof upon all or any part of the hereditaments hereby charged with the payment of the said annually or yearly rent charge in the same manner in all respects as Landlords are authorized to do for rents received on common leases for years and as to for and concerning all that my Estate called UPPER BOOTH I DECLARE that all the said Trustees or Trustee stand seized from and after my son Alfred Henry GEE shall have attained the age of twenty one years TO THE use of the said Alfred Henry GEE his heirs and assigns for-ever subject nevertheless to the payment of an annually or yearly rent charge of seven pounds ten shillings to my said wife and her assigns during so long as she shall continue my widow to be yearly issuing and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon my said Estate UPPER BOOTH THE SAID annually or yearly rent charge to be paid and payable to her my said wife at the like times and time and in the like manner and to be recovered and recoverable by the like ways and means as are hereinbefore mentioned and directed in the case of the annuity to my said wife charged upon and payable out of my said Estate called OOCLOW [JOW HOLE] Farm and from and after the decease or marriage of my said wife or the time when my youngest child shall have attained the age of twenty one years I DECLARE that the said Trustees or Trustee stand possessed of all residue of my said Personal Estate in trust for my said son Alfred Henry GEE his ancestors, administrators or assigns for his and their own use absolutely AND I devise all the freehold and copyhold hereditaments vested in me upon trust or mortgage unto the said John Thomas GEE and James GEE their heirs and assigns subject to the Equity of Redemption subsisting therein respectively but the money secured on such Mortgages shall be considered as part of my personal Estate AND I appoint my said wife Elizabeth GEE and the said John Thomas GEE and my said two sons Alfred Henry GEE and Edwin Arthur GEE Executors of this my Will and my said wife Guardian of my infant children AND I revoke all other Will or Wills by me heretofore made

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have to this my last Will and Testament written on these sheets of paper to the first two sheets thereof subscribed my name and to this third and last sheet thereof subscribed my name and set my seal this ninth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight - Frank Gee -

SIGNED SEALED PUBLISHED DECLARED by the said Testator Frank GEE as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in his presence and at his request, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witness:

- Charles Augustus Bennett - Chapel-en-le-Frith

- William Shepley - Chapel-en-le-Frith

16 Apr 1869. Proved at Derby the 16th day of April 1869 by the Oaths of Elizabeth GEE, Widow, the Relict, and John Thomas GEE, the nephew, two of the Executors to whom administration was granted. Power reserved to Alfred Henry GEE and Edwin Arthur GEE (now respectively minors) the other Executors where they shall have attained the age of twenty one years. The Testator, Frank GEE, was late of Cotefield within Edale in the parish of Castleton, in the County of Derby, Farmer and died on the 1st day of January 1869 at Cotefield aforesaid. EFFECTS: under £200.