Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lindsey [Map]

Lindsey is in Lincolnshire.

617 Battle of the River Idle

679 Battle of the Trent

Battle of the River Idle

In 617 Raedwald King East Anglia (age 47) and his son Raegenhere Wuffingas fought the Battle of the River Idle which took place at the River Idle, Markham Moor which forms the western border of the Isle of Lindsey [Map].

Raegenhere Wuffingas was killed.

Æthelfrith King Northumbrians (age 45) was killed. King Edwin of Northumbria (age 31) succeeded King Northumbria.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 627. This year was King Edwin (age 41) baptized at Easter, with all his people, by Paulinus, who also preached baptism in Lindsey [Map], where the first person who believed was a certain rich man, of the name of Bleek, with all his people. At this time Honorius  succeeded Boniface in the papacy, and sent hither to Paulinus the pall; and Archbishop Justus having departed this life on the tenth of November, Honorius was consecrated at Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] Archbishop of Canterbury by Paulinus; and Pope Honorius sent him the pall. And he sent an injunction to the Scots, that they should return to the right celebration of Easter.

In 674 King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 29) seized the Kingdom of Lindsey [Map] after he had repelled King Wulfhere of Mercia (age 34).

Battle of the Trent

Around 679 King Æthelred of Mercia defeated the Northumbrian army led by King Ecgfrith of Northumbria (age 34) at the Battle of the Trent somehere in Lindsey [Map]. King Aelfwine of Deira was killed.

Assers Life of Alfred 873. 873. 45. The Heathen winter in Lindsey.98 In the year of our Lord's incarnation 873, being the twenty-fifth of King Alfred's life, the oft-named army, leaving London, went into Northumbria, and there wintered in the shire of Lindsey [Map]; and the Mercians again made peace with them.

Note 98. From the Chronicle.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1066. This year came King Harold (age 44) from York to Westminster, on the Easter succeeding the midwinter when the king (Edward) died. Easter was then on the sixteenth day before the calends of May. Then was over all England such a token seen as no man ever saw before. Some men said that it was the comet-star, which others denominate the long-hair'd star. It appeared first on the eve called "Litania major", that is, on the eighth before the calends off May; and so shone all the week. Soon after this came in Earl Tosty (age 40) from beyond sea into the Isle of Wight [Map], with as large a fleet as he could get; and he was there supplied with money and provisions. Thence he proceeded, and committed outrages everywhere by the sea-coast where he could land, until he came to Sandwich, Kent [Map]. When it was told King Harold (age 44), who was in London, that his brother Tosty (age 40) was come to Sandwich, Kent [Map], he gathered so large a force, naval and military, as no king before collected in this land; for it was credibly reported that Earl William from Normandy (age 38), King Edward's (age 63) cousin, would come hither and gain this land; just as it afterwards happened. When Tosty (age 40) understood that King Harold (age 44) was on the way to Sandwich, Kent [Map], he departed thence, and took some of the boatmen with him, willing and unwilling, and went north into the Humber with sixty skips; whence he plundered in Lindsey [Map], and there slew many good men. When the Earls Edwin and Morkar understood that, they came hither, and drove him from the land. And the boatmen forsook him. Then he went to Scotland with twelve smacks; and the king of the Scots entertained him, and aided him with provisions; and he abode there all the summer. There met him Harold, King of Norway (age 51), with three hundred ships. And Tosty (age 40) submitted to him, and became his man.87 Then came King Harold (age 44)88 to Sandwich, Kent [Map], where he awaited his fleet; for it was long ere it could be collected: but when it was assembled, he went into the Isle of Wight [Map], and there lay all the summer and the autumn. There was also a land-force every where by the sea, though it availed nought in the end. It was now the nativity of St. Mary, when the provisioning of the men began; and no man could keep them there any longer. They therefore had leave to go home: and the king rode up, and the ships were driven to London; but many perished ere they came thither.

Note 87. These facts, though stated in one MS. only, prove the early cooperation of Tosty with the King of Norway. It is remarkable that this statement is confirmed by Snorre, who says that Tosty was with Harald, the King of Norway, in all these expeditions. Vid "Antiq. Celto-Scand." p. 204.

Note 88. i.e. Harold, King of England; "our" king, as we find him. Afterwards called in B iv., to distinguish him from Harald, King of Norway.

John of Worcester. 24 Apr 1066. The same year a comet was seen on the eighth of the calends of May [24th April], not only in England, but, as it is reported, all over the world: it shone with excessive brilliance for seven days. Soon afterwards earl Tosti (age 40) returned from Flanders, and landed in the Isle of Wight [Map]; and, having compelled the islanders to give him pay and tribute, he departed, and plundered along the sea-coast, until he arrived at Sandwich, Kent [Map]. King Harold (age 44), who was then at London, having been informed of this, ordered a considerable fleet and a body of horse to be got ready, and prepared to go in person to the port of Sandwich, Kent [Map]. On receiving this intelligence, Tosti (age 40) took some of the boatmen of the place, willing or unwilling, into his service, and, departing thence, shaped his course for Lindsey [Map], where he burnt several vills and slew a number of men. Thereupon Edwin, earl of Mercia, and Morcar, earl of Northumbria, flew to the spot with some troops, and drove him out of that neighbourhood; and, on his departure, he repaired to Malcolm (age 35), king of the Scots, and remained with him during the whole summer. Meanwhile king Harold (age 44) arrived at the port of Sandwich, Kent [Map], and waited there for his fleet. When it was assembled, he sailed to the Isle of Wight [Map]; and as William (age 38), earl of Normandy, king Edward's cousin, was preparing an army for the invasion of England, he kept watch all the summer and autumn, to prevent his landing; besides which, he stationed a land army at suitable points along the sea-coast; but provisions failing towards the time of the feast of the Nativity of St. Mary [8th September], both the fleet and army were disbanded.

Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lindsey, Blyton

On 20 Apr 1608 Bishop Edward Rainbowe was born to Thomas Rainbowe Vicar at Blyton.

Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lindsey, Bolingbroke

Around 1422 Agnes Hutton was born at Bolingbroke.

Europe, British Isles, North-Central England, Lincolnshire, Lindsey, Bolingbroke Castle [Map]

Around 1220 Ranulf de Blondeville Gernon 6th Earl Chester 1st Earl Lincoln (age 50) commissioned Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire [Map].

Around 1238 William St John was born to Robert St John (age 38) and Agnes Cantilupe (age 36) at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire [Map].

On 04 Apr 1339 Maud Plantagenet Duchess Lower Bavaria was born to Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 29) and Isabel Beaumont Duchess Lancaster (age 19) at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 25 Mar 1345 Blanche Plantagenet Duchess Lancaster was born to Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 35) and Isabel Beaumont Duchess Lancaster (age 25) at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 15 Apr 1367 King Henry IV of England was born to John of Gaunt 1st Duke Lancaster (age 27) and Blanche Plantagenet Duchess Lancaster (age 22) at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire [Map]. He a grandson of King Edward III of England.