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Europe, British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Ludgate
Ludgate is in Middlesex.
Pepy's Diary. 31 Aug 1661. From hence he and I walked towards Ludgate and parted. I back again to the fair all alone, and there met with my Ladies Jemimah and Paulina, with Mr. Pickering and Madamoiselle, at seeing the Monkeys dance, which was much to see, when they could be brought to do so, but it troubled me to sit among such nasty company.
Evelyn's Diary. 07 Sep 1666. The people, who now walked about the ruins, appeared like men in some dismal desert, or rather, in some great city laid waste by a cruel enemy; to which was added the stench that came from some poor creatures' bodies, beds, and other combustible goods. Sir Thomas Gresham's statue, though fallen from its niche in the Royal Exchange [Map], remained entire, when all those of the Kings since the Conquest were broken to pieces. Also the standard in Cornhill [Map], and Queen Elizabeth's effigies, with some arms on Ludgate, continued with but little detriment, while the vast iron chains of the city streets, hinges, bars, and gates of prisons, were many of them melted and reduced to cinders by the vehement heat. Nor was I yet able to pass through any of the narrow streets, but kept the widest; the ground and air, smoke and fiery vapor, continued so intense, that my hair was almost singed, and my feet insufferably surbated. The by-lanes and narrow streets were quite filled up with rubbish; nor could one have possibly known where he was, but by the ruins of some Church, or Hall, that had some remarkable tower, or pinnacle remaining.
Europe, British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Blackfriars Preachers Ludgate
On 11 Dec 1443 John Cornwall 1st Baron Fanhope 1st Baron Milbroke (age 79) died at Ampthill Castle, Bedfordshire [Map]. He was buried at Blackfriars Preachers Ludgate. Baron Fanhope, Baron Milbroke extinct.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Nov 1557. [The xviij day of November died the lord Bray, within the Black-friars, near Ludgate]; the wyche he gatt ys deth [at St. Quintin's.]
Europe, British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Ludgate Gate
Henry Machyn's Diary. 07 Feb 1544. [The vij day of February, in the forenoon, Wyatt (age 23), with his army and ordnance, were at Hyde Park Corner. There the Queen's host met with, with a great number of men at arms on horseback, beside foot. By one of the clock the Quen['s men and Wyatt's had a skirmish;] ther wher mony slayn; butt master Wyatt toke the way don by Sant James with a grett company and so to Charyngcrosse [Map], and so forth, crying 'God save quen Mare!' tyll he cam to Ludgatt and [knocked there; thinking to have entered; but the gate being kept fast against him, he retired,] and bake agayne unto Tempull Bare, and folouyd hym mony man, and ther he yelded unto master Norray the harold of armes in ys cote of armes, and ther he lycted be-hynd a gentleman unto the cowrte; but by the way mony of them wher slayne by the way or thay cam to Charyng-crosse [Map], what with mores pykes and bylls; and mony of Wyatt('s) men, as they whent, wher the quens fryndes and Englys-men under a fallss pretens that he whent a-bowtt to .... way as thay whent, and cam for to make men beleyff that the quen('s) grace had gyffvyn them pardon; and dyvers of ys men toke the quen('s) men by the hand as thay whent toward Ludgatt. Thys was done on As-Wedynsday the furst yere of quen Mare of England; and the sam nyght to the Towre [Map] ser Thomas Wyatt, master Cobham (age 47), and master Vane, and ij Knewetes and odur captaynes.
Wriothesley's Chronicle 14 Feb 1554. 14 Feb 1544. The 14 of February divers of the rebells were putt to death, that is to saye, Bothe, one of the Queenes footemen, one Vicars, a Yeoman of the Garde, great John Norton, and one Kinge, were hanged at Charinge Crosse [Map]. And three of the rebells, one called Pollarde, were hanged at the parke pale by Hide Parke; three allso in Fleet street, one at Ludgate, one at Bishopsgate [Map], one at Newgate [Map], one at Aldgate [Map], three at the Crosse [Map] in Cheape, three at Soper Lane ende in Chepe, and three in Smithfield [Map], which persons hanged still all that daye and night tyll the next morninge, and then cutt downe.a And the bodies of them that were hanged at the gates were quartered at Newgate [Map], and the heades and bodies hanged over the gates where they suffred.
Note a. The Grey Friares Chronicle (p. 88) adds "the whych ware of London that fled from the Dnke of Norfoke."
Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Feb 1544. The xiiij day of Feybruary wher hangyd at evere gatt and plasse: in Chepe-syd vj; Algatt [Map] j, quartered; at Leydynhall [Map] iij; at Bysshope-gatt [Map] on, and quartered; Morgatt one; Crepullgatt [Map] one; Aldersgatt on, quartered; Nuwgat [Map] on, quartered; Ludgatt on; Belyngat iij hangyd; Sant Magnus iij hangyd; Towre hyll [Map] ij. hangyd; Holborne iij hangyd; Flettstret [Map] iij hangyd; at Peper alley gat iij; Barunsaystret iij; Sant Gorgus iij; Charyng crosse [Map] iiij, on Boyth the fottman, and Vekars of the gard, and ij moo; at Hydparke corner iij, on Polard a waterbeyrar; theys iij hanges in chynes; and but vij quartered, and ther bodys and heds set a-pon the gattes of London.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Jun 1556. The ix day of June was drane from the Towre unto Tyborne [Map] iij gentyllmen for a consperace, master Rosey, master Bedylle, and master Dethyke, and ther hangyd and quartered, and ther quarters bered, master Rosey('s) hed on London bryge, and Bedylle('s) hed over Ludgatt, and master Dethyke('s) over Althergatt.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 27 Jan 1560. The sam day cam rydyng to London, and so [entered] at Ludgatt, the good yerle of Shreusbery (age 32), with a C [100] [men] rydyng, and so to Cold Harber to ys owne plasse.
Pepy's Diary. 07 Sep 1666. Up by five o'clock; and, blessed be God! find all well, and by water to Paul's Wharfe. Walked thence, and saw, all the towne burned, and a miserable sight of Paul's church [Map]; with all the roofs fallen, and the body of the quire fallen into St. Fayth's [Map]; Paul's school also, Ludgate, and Fleet-street [Map], my father's house, and the church, and a good part of the Temple [Map] the like.
Europe, British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Ludgate Prison
Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Sep 1561. The xxix day of September, was Myghellmas evyn, the old shreyffes master Cristofer Draper and master Thomas Rowe unto the nuw shreyffes master (Alexander) Avenon, and master (Humphrey) Baskerfeld (age 44), was delevered Nugatt [Map] and Ludgatt, and the ij conters, and the presonars.
In 1617 Nicholas Hilliard (age 70) was briefly imprisoned in Ludgate Prison after standing surety for the debt of another, and being unable to produce the amount.
Evelyn's Diary. 24 Dec 1673. Visited the prisoners at Ludgate, taking orders about the releasing of some.
Europe, British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Ludgate Street Ludgate
Europe, British Isles, England, Home Counties, Middlesex, Creed Lane Ludgate Street Ludgate
In 1713 James "Athenian" Stuart was born in Creed Lane Ludgate Street Ludgate.