Europe, British Isles, East England, Suffolk, Wingfield, St Andrew's Church [Map]

St Andrew's Church, Wingfield is in Wingfield, Suffolk.

After 1361. Monument to John Wingfield (deceased) in St Andrew's Church, Wingfield [Map]. Camail and Jupon Period.

John Wingfield: In 1320 he was born to John Wingfield. In 1361 John Wingfield died.

Effigy of Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk and his Countess Catherine. In 1415 he was engaged to serve Henry the Fifth in his expedition into France. He was entrusted with the command of the rear-guarda of the English army, and was at the siege of Harfleur, with which operation the King opened the campaign. The Earl of Suffolk fell a victim at that place to the dysentery, which infected the English army. His son Michael, who was with him, succeeded to his honours, and within a month after the death of his father was slain on the glorious field of Azincourt. The Earl of Suffolk by his last will directed that his body should be buried near his father and mother, at the church of the Carthusians in Hull, if he should die in the north of England; if elsewhere, at Wingfield [Map] in the county of Suffolk, in the collegiate church of that placeb, on the north side of the altar of the blessed Virgin. To Catherine (age 40) his wife he gave a little book, with tablets of silver gilt, and the coronet which was the Earl of Stafford her father's. To his son a little primer, which belonged to John de la Pole, his brother.

He was buried at Wingfield, and the Countess his wife, who was one of his executors, erected, in all probability, the monument there which commemorates him and herself. The effigies of de la Pole and his Countess are eminently beautiful specimens of female and military costume in the time of Henry the Fifth. The grand simplicity of the very plain suit of plate-armour which he wears, personihes the idea which we entertain of the appearance of the martial spectre so boldly imagined by Shakspeare for one of his finest dramas.

Details. Plate 1. Ornamented fret of the Duchess's coiffure.

Note a. This appears to be an exception to the custom of conferring the degree of Banneret only on the held of battle, and for military services. See Dugdale's Baronage, vol. 1. p. 181.

Note b. The patronage of the Chantry at Wingfield came to his father, the first Earl of Suffolk, by marriage with Catherine, daughter of Sir John de Wingfield, who was his mother.

Note c. Stow, 4to. edit, black letter, p. 556.

After 1419. Monument to Michael de la Pole 2nd Earl Suffolk and Katherine Stafford Countess Suffolk (age 43) in St Andrew's Church, Wingfield [Map]. Early Plate Bascinet Period.

Katherine Stafford Countess Suffolk: Around 1376 she was born to Hugh Stafford 2nd Earl Stafford and Philippa Beauchamp Countess Stafford. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward I of England. Before 1394 Michael de la Pole 2nd Earl Suffolk and she were married. She by marriage Countess Suffolk. She the daughter of Hugh Stafford 2nd Earl Stafford and Philippa Beauchamp Countess Stafford. He the son of Michael de la Pole 1st Earl Suffolk and Katherine Wingfield Countess Suffolk. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward I of England. On 08 Apr 1419 Katherine Stafford Countess Suffolk died.

Murder of William de la Pole

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 01 May 1450. Ande at his passynge ovyr the see warde he was mette with by-twyne Dovyr and Calys by dyvers schyppys, of the whyche was here Admyralle Nycholas of the Towre; and yn that shyppe soo beyng in the see they smote of his hedde of the fore said Duke of Sowthefolke (age 53), and they caste bothe body and his hedde in to the see. And aftyr that it was takyn uppe and brought unto the towne of Dovyr [Map], and aftyr from thens brought unto Wynkylfylde [Map] in Sowthefolke, and there it is i-buryde; whos name was Syr Wylliam Pole.

After 1503. Monument to John de la Pole 2nd Duke of Suffolk and Elizabeth York Duchess Suffolk (age 58) in St Andrew's Church, Wingfield [Map]. Finely made Fluted Period alabaster monument. Both wearing their ducal coronets. He wearing a Leg Garter. His head resting on a great helm with Saracen's Head Crest, feet resting on a Lion. Chunky Lions Mane.