Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area

Westminster Abbey Area is in Westminster [Map].

1551 Trial and Execution of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset and his Supporters

1618 Execution of Walter Raleigh

1678 Popish Plot

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Canon Row

On 19 Mar 1553 Richard Cecil (age 58) died at Canon Row. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

In 1572 Thomas Wharton 2nd Baron Wharton (age 52) died at Canon Row. His son Philip Wharton 3rd Baron Wharton (age 17) succeeded 3rd Baron Wharton. Frances Clifford Baroness Wharton by marriage Baroness Wharton.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Hertford House Canon Row

Before 25 Dec 1560 Edward Seymour 1st Earl Hertford (age 21) and Catherine Grey Countess Hertford (age 20) were married in secret by an anonymous clergyman at Hertford House Canon Row. She the daughter of Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk. He the son of Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset and Anne Stanhope Duchess Somerset (age 63). He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Canon Row, Prior's Winehouse

Roger Whitley's Diary. 04 Jan 1690. Satorday, went to Parliment; dined at Prior's Winehouse with 2 Mainwarings, Dousdale & Burrage; Bromley came to us before & after dinner; I left them together, went to Committe; called at the Rummer Tavern (neare Lockets) at my retorne for Roger, he went home with me; stayd neare an houer &c; I stayd at home all night.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 07 Jan 1690. Tuesday, went to Parliment; dined at Prior's Winehouse with Mainwaring, Borage & Blake; came home about 6; Mr Thomas came & supt; parted neare 8.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 08 Jan 1690. Wednesday, went to Parliment dined at Prior's Winehouse with 2 Mainwarings, Andrews, Hussey &c; went to the Committe; called on Roger at the Rummer Tavern, parted past 9.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 09 Jan 1690. Thursday, went to Parliment dined at Prior's Winehouse with 2 Mainwarings, Andrews, Guyse, sollicitor &c; went to Committe, then (with 2 Mainwarings) to the Castle in Fleet Streete; there was Dashwood, Lewes, Thomas & my sonne (age 39); afterwards came Edisbury; we parted past 10.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 13 Jan 1690. Monday, went to Parliment; dined at Prior's Winehouse with G. Mainwaring (age 47), Foly, 2 Harleys, Blake, Montague & 3 other Members (I know not theire names) went to the Commite & to the Cellar (to Roger) past 7; stayd till neare 9; then went home.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 16 Jan 1690. Thursday, went to Parliment dined at Prior's Winehouse with 2 Mainwarings & Stratford; went to Committe (till past 9) then to the Cellar with 2 Mainwarings; parted neare 11.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 17 Jan 1690. Friday, went to Parliment; dined at Prior's Winehouse with 2 Mainwarings went to Committe; then to the Globe in Chancery Lane; there was Halles & 2 Mainwarings parted past 10.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Gatehouse Prison

After 15 Feb 1627 John Wray 2nd Baronet (age 40) was imprisoned for declining to act under the commission, to contribute to the loan, or to give security for his appearance before the council at Gatehouse Prison, Westminster Abbey.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, St Margaret's Church [Map]

After 22 May 1455 William Cotton (deceased) was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

After 28 Nov 1489 Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland was baptised at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 31 Oct 1494 Thomas Hungerford (age 50) died at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

After 14 Mar 1500 Mary Folville (deceased) was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

In 1522 Anne Percy (age 78) died. She was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 19 Mar 1553 Richard Cecil (age 58) died at Canon Row. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 22 Mar 1553. The xxij day of Marche was bered master Syssylle (deceased) sqwyr, and gentyllman of the kynges robes, and the father unto sir Hare Sysselle (age 32) knyght, and bered at saynt Margates at Westmynster [Map], with cote armur and ys penon of armes; and he had a-nodur cote armur, and a penon, was mad and cared in-to the contrey wher he dwelt.

Note. Funeral of Richard Cecil esquire. This was the father of the great lord Burghley, whom our diarist on this occasion erroneously calls "sir Harry" instead of sir William Cecil. There is a monument to him, with kneeling effigies of himself, wife, and three daughters, (recently very carefully repaired,) in the church of Saint Martin at Stamford [Map]: an engraving of which is in Peck's History of that town, fol. 1727, p. 69, and in Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, vol. i. p. 4. In the inscription he is said to have died on 19th May, 1552. Lord Burghley in his Diary states the date on the 19th March 1553, with which Machyn's entry agrees.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Apr 1554. The sam day was bered my lade Dudley lat wyff of barne [baron] of Dudley, in sant Margarett in Westmynster [Map], with iiij baners of emages, and mony gowens, and hon[g with] blake and armes, for my lade was ontt [aunt] unto the [duke] of Suffoke-Dassett, the wyche was hedyd latt.

Note. P. 61. Funeral of the lady baroness Dudley, widow of lord Dudley, noticed in p. 334. She was the lady Cecily Grey, second daughter of Thomas marquess of Dorset, by Cecily, daughter and heir of William lord Bonville and Harington.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 31 Dec 1554. The last day of Desember was bered at Margatt [Map] at Westmynster a Spaneard, a lord, and bered with baner, cott, targett, and skochyons, and with grett lyght, and elmet, and the mantyll, and mony torche lyght.

P. 79. A Spanish lord buried at Saint Margaret's Westminster. From the records of that church this is shown to have been "John de Mendoca, knyght." During the time that the servants of king Philip were about the court at Westminster, several other Spaniards occur in the same register: their names are here extracted:

1554. Sept. The xvij day. Martyne, a spanyard.

— Oct. The xjth day. Martyne, a spanearde.

—,, The xvijth day. Sr Uther, a launce knyght.

—" The xviijth day. Sr Henry, a launce knyght.

— Dec. The xxiij day. Joh'n de mendoca, a knyght spaynearde.

— March 2. Joh'n de bevaunte [Debevaunco in the churchwardens' accounts].

—" The xth day. Philippe, a spaynyshe childe.

—" The xiijth day. Peter, a spaynearde, slayn wt a horsse.

1555. May. The vjth day. Francisco de espilla.

— Auguste. The xxvij day. Peter, a spaynearde.

— September. The xjth day. Agnes, a spaynearde.

— November. The firste day. Fraunces, a spaynyshe childe.

—" The vjth day. Margaret, uxor Ispanie.

— January. The xvth day. Corby, a portyngal.

1556. November. 6to die. Marie spaniard.

1557. March 28. Cornelius, spanyard.

— May. primo die. Peter Angle, spanyard.

— June. 28 die. Alberte, a spanyerd, off syknesse, of the house [ie a servant of the royal household].

The names of most of these are repeated in the churchwardens' accounts, indeed several imes over, in this way:

Item, of Uther, a launceknyght, for iiij tapers xvjd.

Item, of Uther, the launceknyght, for iiij torches viijd.

Item, of Uther, the launceknyght, for his grave vjs. viijd.

Item, of Uther, the launceknyght, for the clothe viijd.

Item, of Mr. Joh'n Demendoca, for knylle and peales xviijd.

Item, at the obsequy of Mr. Mendoca, kept the second and third day of January, for iij. tapers xxd.

Item, at the obsequy of Mr. Joh'n Mendoca, for the belles xviijd.

There is one Spanish marriage recorded in the register, but without names, merely thus: "1555 Nov. the xth day a Spanyeard," and a similar difficulty was felt in christenings, as "1558, Feb. the ixth day Mariana ispanica," and "March the xxj day Franciscus jspanicus." In Oct. that year occurs "The xxijti day, Philippe Ruyz a spaynearde."

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Apr 1555. The xiiij day of Aprell, the wyche was [Ester day,] at sant Margatt [Map] parryche at Westmynster, af[ter masse] was done, one of the menysters a prest of the ab[bay] dyd helpe hym that was the menyster [to] the pepull who wher reseyvyng of the blessyd sacrement of [the lord] Jhesus Cryst, ther, cam in-to the chyrche a man that was a monke of Elly, the wyche was marryed to a wyff; the sam day ther that sam man sayd to the menyster, What doyst thow gyff them? and as sone as he had spokyn he druw his wod-knyffe, and hyt the prest on the hed and struck hym a grett blowe, and after ran after hym and struck hym on the hand, and cloyffe ys hand a grett way, and after on the harme a grett wond [wound]; and ther was syche a cry and showtt as has not byne; and after he was taken and cared to presun, and after examynyd wher-for he dyd ytt.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 24 Apr 1555. The xxiiij day of Aprell was the sam man cared to Westmynster that dyd hurt the prest, and had ys hand stryken of at the post, and after he was bornyd [burned] aganst sant Margett chyrche [Map] with-owt the cherche-yerde.

On 13 Oct 1558 Michael Wentworth (age 46) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Oct 1558. The xxiij day of October was bered at Westmynster [Map] master Wentworth (deceased), sqwyre, and cofferer unto quen Mare, with ij whyt branchys and ij dosen torchys, and a cot-armur and a pennon of of armes, with a harold of armes, and a iiij dosen of skochyons of armes and serten morners, and mony of the quen Mare['s] servandes at ys berehyng at sant Marg(ar)et there.

Note. P. 176. Funeral of [Michael] Wentworth esquire. Michael Wentworth esq. was the second son of Thomas Wentworth esq. of Wentworth Woodhouse, co. York. He is described in 1 Mar. 1554, as of Ottes in Essex esquire, and one of the masters of the queen's household. (Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 388.) He afterwards became cofferer. He died October 13, 1558, and his name is entered in the parish register of St. Margaret's Westminster, as "Mr. Mychaell Wentworth." His son Thomas was seated at Mendham priory, Suffolk; but his grandson Michael bought Wolley in Yorkshire, where the family has since continued (the representation passing in the last generation to a younger son of sir George Armytage, bart. who assumed the name). See Mr. Hunter's pedigree, ubi supra.

Before 03 Jul 1560 George Tuchet 9th Baron Audley, 6th Baron Tuchet died. He was buried on 03 Jul 1560 in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His son Henry Tuchet 10th Baron Audley, 7th Baron Tuchet succeeded 10th Baron Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire, 7th Baron Tuchet. Elizabeth Sneyd Baroness Audley Heighley by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Dec 1560. The xx day of Desember was a man .... was slayne and browth in-to sant Margaret's Westmynster [Map] chyrche-yerde, and ther he was .... brod, and he was repyd, and ys bowhelles taken owtt, and .... the wyche after-ward was knowne that he was slayne in ....

Note. Man slain in Saint Margaret's (Westminster) churchyard. Buried, "Dec. the xxij day. John Harrys kylde." (Par. Reg.)

Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 Jul 1561. The sam day, behyng sant Margat [Map] evyn, master Clarenshus (age 51) rod and toke ysjorney in-to Essex and Suffoke on ys vese[tation], and parte of Northfoke, and Ruge-crosse rod with hym, and a v [of his] servantes in ys leverey and bage.

On or before 11 Mar 1562 Richard Neale Archbishop was born. He was baptised on 11 Mar 1562 at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 10 May 1563. The x day of May was cared to be bered from Chanell row unto sant Margattes at Westmynster [Map] ser James Stumpe knyght, with ij haroldes of armes, one beyryng ys helmet and crest, and master Somersett beyryng ys cote armur; furst pore men whent a-for a mornars, and then a clarke syngyng, and next a mornar beyryng ys standard and anodur ys pennon of armes, and then the haroldes, and then cam the corse with a pall of blake velvett a-pon hym, and with armes, and a herse for the body hangyd with blake and armes, and the chyrche hangyd.

On 12 Jul 1586 Edward Sutton 4th Baron Dudley (age 61) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His son Edward Dudley 5th Baron Dudley (age 18) succeeded 5th Baron Dudley. Theodosia Harrington Baroness Dudley by marriage Baroness Dudley.

On 10 Nov 1599 Margaret Radclyffe of Ordsall Hall (age 26) died at Richmond Palace [Map]. She had never recovered from the news of her twin brother Alexander's death earlier in the year. Margaret was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map] with all the ceremonies of a great lady's obsequies. Elizabeth I (age 66) ordered the Court into mourning. A magnificent monument was erected over her grave at the Queen's expense, and Ben Jonson wrote the inscription for it:

Marble weep, for thou dost cover.

A dead beauty underneath thee,.

Rich as nature could bequeath thee:

Grant, then, no rude hand remove her.

All the gazers on the skies.

Read not in fair heaven's story.

Expresser truth or truer glory,.

Than they might in her bright eyes.

Rare as wonder was her wit;.

And like nectar ever flowing:

Till time, strong by her bestowing,.

Conquered have both life and it.

Life whose grief was out of fashion.

In these times. Few have so rued.

Fate in a brother. To conclude,.

For wit, feature, and true passion.

Earth, thou hast not such another.

The Monument is no longer extant.

On 08 Aug 1600 Thomas Seymour (age 37) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 22 Sep 1604 Dorothy Stafford (age 77) died. She was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. Her effigy and monument are in the north aisle of the church. The inscription reads... Here Lyeth the Lady Dorothy Stafford, Wife and Widow to Sir William Stafford, Knight, Daughter to Henry, Lord Stafford, the only son of Edward, the last Duke of Buckingham: Her mother was Ursula, Daughter to the Countesse of Salisbury, the only Daughter to George, Duke of Clarence, Brother to King Edward the Fourth. Shee continued a true Widow from the Age of 27 till her Death. She served Queen Elizabeth 40 Yeeres, lying in the Bedchamber, esteemed of her, loved of all, doing good, all she could, to every Body, never hurt any; a continual Remembrancer of the Suits of the Poor. As she Lived a religious Life, in great Reputation of Honour and Vertue in the World, so she ended in continual fervent Meditation, and hearty Prayer to God. At which Instant, as all her Life, so after her Death, she gave liberally to the Poore, and died aged 78, the 22 of September 1604. In whose Remembrance, Sir Edward Stafford (age 52), her sonne, hath caused this Memorial of her to be in the same Forme and Place as she herselfe long since required him.

On 05 Feb 1605 Edward Stafford (age 53) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 29 Oct 1618 Walter Raleigh (age 64) was beheaded at Old Palace Yard, Westminster Palace. He was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

There are numerous quotes attributed to Raleigh at his execution although none quote an original source. Many quote his last words as being "What dost thou fear? Strike, man, strike!"

Raleigh's head was embalmed and presented to his wife [Elizabeth Throckmorton (age 53)]. His body was to be buried in the local church in Beddington, Surrey, the home of Lady Raleigh, but was finally laid to rest in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map], where his tomb is located.

On 04 Mar 1619 Edmund Sheffield 1st Earl Mulgrave (age 53) and Mariana Irwin Countess Mulgrave were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Baroness Sheffield of Butterwick in Lincolnshire.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 04 Mar 1619. The 4th my Lord Sheffield (age 53) was married at Westminster in St. Margaret’s Church [Map] to one Anne Erwin, daughter of her [sec] Wilkam Erwin a Scottish man, which was held a very mean match, an undiscreet on part of him.

In May 1626 Edward Fraunceys (age 60) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On or before 25 Nov 1637 Thomas Chiffinch was born to Thomas Chiffinch Keeper of the King's Closet (age 37). On 25 Nov 1637 he was baptised at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 19 May 1639 Charles Weston 3rd Earl of Portland was born to Jerome Weston 2nd Earl of Portland (age 33) and Frances Stewart Countess Portland (age 22). He was christened the same day at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 18 Jan 1640 Francis Drake 2nd Baronet (age 22) and Dorothy Pym were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. There was no issue from the marriage.

On 27 Nov 1640 Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland was born to William Villiers 2nd Viscount Grandison (age 26) and Mary Bayning Countess Anglesey (age 17) at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

In 1655 William Constable 1st Baronet (age 75) died. Baronet Constable of Flamborough in Yorkshire extinct. He received a State Funeral when buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. At the Restoration he body was exhumed and buried in a communal grave at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 01 Dec 1655 Samuel Pepys (age 22) and Elizabeth de St Michel (age 15) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map] by Richard Sherwyn, Esq, a Westminster Justice of the Peace, an arrangement for civil marriages put in place by Cromwell's government.

Pepy's Diary. 05 Aug 1660. After dinner to St. Margaret's [Map], where the first time I ever heard Common Prayer in that Church. I sat with Mr. Hill in his pew; Mr. Hill that married in Axe Yard [Map] and that was aboard us in the Hope. Church done I went and Mr. Sheply to see W. Howe at Mr. Pierces, where I staid singing of songs and psalms an hour or two, and were very pleasant with Mrs. Pierce and him. Thence to my Lord's, where I staid and talked and drank with Mr. Sheply. After that to Westminster stairs, where I saw a fray between Mynheer Clinke, a Dutchman, that was at Hartlibb's (age 60) wedding, and a waterman, which made good sport.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Sep 1660. Sunday. To Westminster, my Lord being gone before my coming to chapel. I and Mr. Sheply told out my money, and made even for my Privy Seal fees and gratuity money, &c., to this day between my Lord and me. After that to chappell, where Dr. Fern, a good honest sermon upon "The Lord is my shield". After sermon a dull anthem, and so to my Lord's (he dining abroad) and dined with Mr. Sheply. So, to St. Margarett's [Map], and heard a good sermon upon the text "Teach us the old way", or something like it, wherein he ran over all the new tenets in policy and religion, which have brought us into all our late divisions. From church to Mrs. Crisp's (having sent Win. Hewer home to tell my wife that I could not come home to-night because of my Lord's going out early to-morrow morning), where I sat late, and did give them a great deal of wine, it being a farewell cup to Laud Crisp. I drank till the daughter began to be very loving to me and kind, and I fear is not so good as she should be. To my Lord's, and to bed with Mr. Sheply.

Pepy's Diary. 26 May 1661. Lord's Day. Lay long in bed. To church and heard a good sermon at our own church, where I have not been a great many weeks. Dined with my wife alone at home pleasing myself in that my house do begin to look as if at last it would be in good order. This day the Parliament received the communion of Dr. Gunning (age 47) at St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map]. In the afternoon both the Sir Williams came to church, where we had a dull stranger.

Evelyn's Diary. 15 Jan 1662. This solemn fast was held for the House of Commons at St. Margaret's [Map]. Dr. Reeves, Dean of Windsor, preached on Joshua vii. 12, showing how the neglect of exacting justice on offenders (by which he insinuated such of the old King's murderers as were yet reprieved and in the Tower [Map]) was a main cause of God's punishing a land. He brought in that of the Gibeonites, as well as Achan and others, concluding with an eulogy of the Parliament for their loyalty in restoring the Bishops and Clergy, and vindicating the Church from sacrilege.

Pepy's Diary. 26 Jul 1662. Thence to Mrs. Sarah, and there looked over my Lord's lodgings, which are very pretty; and White Hall garden and the Bowling-ally (where lords and ladies are now at bowles), in brave condition. Mrs. Sarah told me how the falling out between my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 21) and her Lord was about christening of the child lately1, which he would have, and had done by a priest: and, some days after, she had it again christened by a minister; the King (age 32), and Lord of Oxford, and Duchesse of Suffolk, being witnesses: and christened with a proviso, that it had not already been christened. Since that she left her Lord, carrying away every thing in the house; so much as every dish, and cloth, and servant but the porter. He is gone discontented into France, they say, to enter a monastery; and now she is coming back again to her house in Kingstreet. But I hear that the Queen (age 23) did prick her out of the list presented her by the King;2 desiring that she might have that favour done her, or that he would send her from whence she come: and that the King was angry and the Queen discontented a whole day and night upon it; but that the King hath promised to have nothing to do with her hereafter. But I cannot believe that the King can fling her off so, he loving her too well: and so I writ this night to my Lady to be my opinion; she calling her my lady, and the lady I admire. Here I find that my Lord hath lost the garden to his lodgings, and that it is turning into a tennis-court. Hence by water to the Wardrobe to see how all do there, and so home to supper and to bed.

Note 1. The boy was born in June at Baroness Castlemaine's house in King Street. By the direction of Lord Castlemaine, who had become a Roman Catholic, the child was baptized by a priest, and this led to a final separation between husband and wife. Some days afterwards the child was again baptized by the rector of St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map], in presence of the godparents, the King, Aubrey De Vere (age 35), Earl of Oxford, and Barbara, Countess of Suffolk (age 40), first Lady of the Bedchamber to the Queen and Baroness Castlemaine's aunt. The entry in the register of St. Margaret's [Map] is as follows: "1662 June 18 Charles Palmer Ld Limbricke, s. to ye right honorble Roger Earl of Castlemaine by Barbara" (Steinman's "Memoir of Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland", 1871, p. 33). The child was afterwards called Charles Fitzroy, and was created Duke of Southampton in 1674. He succeeded his mother in the dukedom of Cleveland in 1709, and died 1730.

Note 2. By the King's command Lord Clarendon (age 54), much against his inclination, had twice visited his royal mistress with a view of inducing her, by persuasions which he could not justify, to give way to the King's determination to have Baroness Castlemaine's of her household.... Lord Clarendon has given a full account of all that transpired between himself, the King and the Queen, on this very unpleasant business ('Continuation of Life of Clarendon,' 1759, ff. 168-178). Steinman's Memoir of Duchess of Cleveland, p. 35. The day at length arrived when Baroness Castlemaine's was to be formally admitted a Lady of the Bedchamber. The royal warrant, addressed to the Lord Chamberlain (age 61), bears date June 1, 1663, and includes with that of her ladyship, the names of the Duchess of Buckingham (age 24), the Countesses of Chesterfield and Bath (age 22), and the Countess Mareshall. A separate warrant of the same day directs his lordship to admit the Countess of Suffolk as Groom of the Stole and first Lady of the Bedchamber, to which undividable offices she had, with the additional ones of Mistress of the Robes and Keeper of the Privy Purse, been nominated by a warrant dated April 2, 1662, wherein the reception of her oath is expressly deferred until the Queen's household shall be established. We here are furnished with the evidence that Charles would not sign the warrants for the five until Catherine had withdrawn her objection to his favourite one. Addenda to Steinman's Memoir of Duchess of Cleveland (privately printed), 1874, p. i.

Evelyn's Diary. 29 May 1663. Dr. Creighton (age 24) preached his extravagant sermon at St. Margaret's [Map], before the House of Commons.

In 1666 Carew Raleigh (age 61) died at his home In St Martin's Lane. He was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 13 May 1666. After dinner he and I walked together as far as Cheapside [Map], and I quite through to Westminster again, and fell by chance into St. Margett's' Church [Map], where I heard a young man play the foole upon the doctrine of purgatory. At this church I spied Betty Howlett, who indeed is mighty pretty, and struck me mightily.

Pepy's Diary. 03 Jun 1666. So home after church time to dinner, and after dinner my father, wife, sister, and Mercer by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], while I walked by land, and saw the Exchange [Map] as full of people, and hath been all this noon as of any other day, only for newes. I to St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map], and there saw at church my pretty Betty Michell, and thence to the Abbey [Map], and so to Mrs. Martin, and there did what 'je voudrais avec her [I wanted with her].... So by and by he come in, and after some discourse with him I away to White Hall, and there met with this bad newes farther, that the Prince (age 46) come to Dover, Kent [Map] but at ten o'clock last night, and there heard nothing of a fight; so that we are defeated of all our hopes of his helpe to the fleete. It is also reported by some Victuallers that the Duke of Albemarle (age 57) and Holmes their flags were shot down, and both fain to come to anchor to renew their rigging and sails.

Pepy's Diary. 05 Aug 1666. Thence walked to the Parish Church [Map] to have one look upon Betty Michell, and so away homeward by water, and landed to go to the church, where, I believe, Mrs. Horsely goes, by Merchant-tailors' Hall, and there I find in the pulpit Elborough, my old schoolfellow and a simple rogue, and yet I find him preaching a very good sermon, and in as right a parson-like manner, and in good manner too, as I have heard any body; and the church very full, which is a surprising consideration; but I did not see her.

Pepy's Diary. 10 Oct 1666. So home to supper, and to bed, it being my wedding night1, but how many years I cannot tell; but my wife says ten.

Note 1. See Life, vol. i., p. xxi., where the register of St. Margaret's [Map] parish, Westminster, is quoted to the effect that Pepys was married December 1st, 1655. It seems incomprehensible that both husband and wife should have been wrong as to the date of their wedding day, but Mrs. Pepys was unquestionably wrong as to the number of years, for they had been married nearly eleven.

On 15 Nov 1666 John Glynne (age 64) died. He was buried in his own vault under the alter at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 14 Apr 1667. From him to Margaret's Church [Map], and there spied Martin, and home with her.... but fell out to see her expensefullness, having bought Turkey work, chairs, &c.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Jun 1667. So to my house, where we find my father and wife at dinner, and after dinner Creed and I by water to White Hall, and there we parted, and I to Sir G. Carteret's (age 57), where, he busy, I up into the house, and there met with a gentleman, Captain Aldrige, that belongs to my Lord Barkeley (age 65), and I did give him the book of maps for my Lord, and so I to Westminster Church [Map] and there staid a good while, and saw Betty Michell there.

Pepy's Diary. 01 Mar 1668. After dinner by coach to Westminster, and there to St. Margaret's church [Map], thinking to have seen Betty Michell, but she was not there, but met her father and mother and with them to her father's house, where I never was before, but was mighty much made of, with some good strong waters, which they have from their son Michell, and mighty good people they are.

Pepy's Diary. 19 Apr 1668. Then home to dinner, and Roger Pepys (age 50) did tell me the whole story of Harman (age 43), how he prevaricated, and hath undoubtedly been imposed on, and wheedled; and he is called the miller's man that, in Richard the Third's time, was hanged for his master1. So after dinner I took them by water to White Hall, taking in a very pretty woman at Paul's Wharf, and there landed we, and I left Roger Pepys and to St. Margaret's Church [Map], and there saw Betty, and so to walk in the Abbey with Sir John Talbot, who would fain have pumped me about the prizes, but I would not let him, and so to walk towards Michell's to see her, but could not, and so to Martin's, and her husband was at home, and so took coach and to the Park, and thence home and to bed betimes. Water 1s., coach 5s. Balty (age 28) borrowed £2.

Note 1. The story alluded to by Pepys, which belongs not to the reign of Richard III, but to that of Edward VI, occurred during a seditious outbreak at Bodmin, in Cornwall, and is thus related by Holinshed: "At the same time, and neare the same place (Bodmin), dwelled a miller, that had beene a greate dooer in that rebellion, for whom also Sir Anthonie Kingston sought: but the miller being thereof warned, called a good tall fellow that he had to his servant, and said unto him, 'I have business to go from home; if anie therefore come to ask for me, saie thou art the owner of the mill, and the man for whom they shall so aske, and that thou hast kept this mill for the space of three yeares; but in no wise name me.' The servant promised his maister so to doo. And shortlie after, came Sir Anthonie Kingston to the miller's house, and calling for the miller, the servant came forth, and answered that he was the miller. 'How long,' quoth Sir Anthonie, 'hast thou kept this mill?' He answered, 'Three years.'-'Well, then,' said he, 'come on: thou must go with me;' and caused his men to laie hands on him, and to bring him to the next tree, saieing to him, 'Thou hast been a busie knave, and therefore here shalt thou hang.' Then cried the fellow out, and saide that he was not the miller, but the miller's man. 'Well, then,' said Sir Anthonie, 'thou art a false knave to be in two tales: therefore,' said he, 'hang him up;' and so incontinentlie hanged he was indeed. After he was dead, one that was present told Sir Anthonie, 'Surelie, sir, this was but the miller's man.'-'What then!' said he, 'could he ever have done his maister better service than to hang for him?'" B.

On or before 13 Jul 1668 Thomas Chiffinch was born to Thomas Chiffinch (age 30). On 31 Jul 1668 he was baptised at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 20 Sep 1668. Thence to St. Margaret's Church [Map], thinking to have seen Betty Michell, but she was not there. So back, and walked to Gray's Inn walks a while, but little company; and so over the fields to Clerkenwell, to see whether I could find that the fair Botelers do live there still, I seeing Frances the other day in a coach with Cary Dillon (age 41), her old servant, but know not where she lives. So walked home, and there walked in the garden an hour, it being mighty pleasant weather, and so took my Lady Pen (age 44) and Mrs. Markham home with me and sent for Mrs. Turner (age 45), and by and by comes Sir W. Pen (age 47) and supped with me, a good supper, part of my dinner to-day. They gone, Mrs. Turner staid an hour talking with me.... [Note. Missing text "and yo did now the first time tocar her cosa with my hand and did make her do the like con su hand to my thing, whereto neither did she show any aversion really, but a merry kind of opposition, but yo did both and yo do believe I might have hecho la cosa too mit her. ] So parted, and I to bed.

Pepy's Diary. 09 May 1669. Lord's Day. Up; and, after dressing in my best suit with gold trimming, I to the Office, and there with Gibson and Tom finishing against to-morrow my notes upon Commanders' Instructions; and, when church-time, to church with my wife, leaving them at work. Dr. Mills preached a dull sermon, and so we home to dinner; and thence by coach to St. Andrew's [Map], Holborne, thinking to have heard Dr. Stillingfleete (age 34) preach, but we could not get a place, and so to St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map], and there heard a sermon, and did get a place, the first we have heard there these many years, and here at a distance I saw Betty Michell, but she is become much a plainer woman than she was a girl.

On or before 20 Sep 1670 Elizabeth Cole Lady Wheler died. She was buried on 20 Sep 1670 at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 06 Sep 1671 Basil Firebrace 1st Baronet (age 19) and Elizabeth Hough Lady Firebrace were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 26 Nov 1672 Humphrey Forster 2nd Baronet (age 23) and Judith Winch Lady Forster were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Lady Forster of Aldermaston in Berkshire.

Evelyn's Diary. 05 Nov 1678. Dr. Tillotson (age 48) preached before the Commons at St. Margaret's [Map]. He said the Papists were now arrived at that impudence, as to deny that there ever was any such as the gunpowder-conspiracy; but he affirmed that he himself had several letters written by Sir Everard Digby (one of the traitors), in which he gloried that he was to suffer for it; and that it was so contrived, that of the Papists not above two or three should have been blown up, and they, such as were not worth saving.

In 1679 Bishop Thomas Sprat (age 44) was appointed Lecturer at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Evelyn's Diary. 23 Nov 1679. Dr. Allestree (age 57) preached before the household on St. Luke xi. 2; Dr. Lloyd (age 42) on Matt. xxiii. 20, before the King (age 49), showing with how little reason the Papists applied those words of our blessed Savior to maintain the pretended infallibility they boast of. I never heard a more Christian and excellent discourse; yet were some offended that he seemed to say the Church of Rome was a true church; but it was a captious mistake; for he never affirmed anything that could be more to their reproach, and that such was the present Church of Rome, showing how much it had erred. There was not in this sermon so much as a shadow for censure, no person of all the clergy having testified greater zeal against the errors of the Papists than this pious and most learned person. I dined at the Bishop of Rochester's (age 54), and then went to St. Paul's to hear that great wit, Dr. Sprat (age 44), now newly succeeding Dr. Outram, in the cure of St. Margaret's [Map]. His talent was a great memory, never making use of notes, a readiness of expression in a most pure and plain style of words, full of matter, easily delivered.

Evelyn's Diary. 24 Oct 1686. Dr. Warren preached before the Princess [NOTE. Not clear which Princess this is]; possibly at Whitehall, on 5th Matthew, of the blessedness of the pure in heart, most elegantly describing the bliss of the beatifical vision. In the afternoon, Sir George Wheeler (age 35), knight and baronet, preached on the 4th Matt. upon the necessity of repentance, at St. Margaret's [Map], an honest and devout discourse, and pretty tolerably performed. This gentleman coming from his travels out of Greece, fell in love with the daughter of Sir Thomas Higgins (age 62), his Majesty's resident at Venice, niece to the Earl of Bath, and married her. When they returned into England, being honored with knighthood, he would needs turn preacher, and took orders. He published a learned and ingenious book of his travels, and is a very worthy person, a little formal and particular, but exceedingly devout.

In 1693 John Cutler 1st Baronet (age 90) died without male issue. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. Baronet Cutler of London extinct. His estates were inherited by his daughter Elizabeth Cutler Countess Radnor.

On 12 Jan 1693 John Bellew 1st Baron Bellew died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His son Walter Bellew 2nd Baron Bellew succeeded 2nd Baron Bellew of Duleek.

On 11 Jan 1695 Francis Scott 2nd Duke Buccleuch was born to James Scott (age 20) and Henrietta Hyde Countess Dalkeith (age 18). On 20 Jan 1695 Francis Scott 2nd Duke Buccleuch was baptised at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 17 Oct 1706 Charles Rich 3rd Baronet (age 26) died. He was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His brother Robert Rich 4th Baronet (age 21) succeeded 4th Baronet Rich of London.

Before 28 Dec 1708 Thomas Culpepper (age 71) died at Tothill Street. On 28 Dec 1708 Thomas Culpepper was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 26 May 1723 John West 6th Baron De La Warr (age 60) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His son John West 1st Earl De La Warr (age 30) succeeded 7th Baron De La Warr. Charlotte Maccarthy Baroness De La Warr by marriage Baroness De La Warr.

On 14 Jul 1727 George Neville 1st Earl Abergavenny was christened at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

1749. Canaletto (age 51). Westminster Abbey [Map] with a procession of Knights of the Bath. St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map] adjacent with the flag.

On 17 Dec 1758 Charles Butler 3rd Duke Ormond (age 87) died without issue at his lodgings at Whitehall Palace [Map]. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. Duke Ormonde, Marquess Ormonde, Earl Arran extinct. His second cousin once removed John Butler 15th Earl Ormonde de jure 16th Earl Ormonde, 8th Earl Ossory although he never used these titles.

In 1759 Edward Astley 4th Baronet (age 29) and Anne Milles were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Vesta Monumenta. 1765. Plate 2.26. East Window of St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. A sixteenth-century Flemish-inspired stained-glass window produced in Holland and shipped to England around 1526. Known now as the "Great East Window at St Margaret's Church, Westminster," its three central lights show the Crucifixion, and its two outer lights feature portraits of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. The window was first installed in the Church of Waltham Abbey, and then moved to New Hall, Essex during the Dissolution of the Monasteries. The window was installed in St. Margaret's in 1758. Engraving by James Basire (age 35) after George Vertue.

On 29 Jun 1770 Robert Jenkinson 2nd Earl Liverpool was baptised at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 09 Sep 1775 George Jackson aka Duckett 1st Baronet (age 49) and Grace Goldstone Lady Duckett (age 25) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. The difference in their ages was 24 years.

On 30 Nov 1777 John West 2nd Earl De La Warr (deceased) was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

In 1793 Robert Hawgood Crew (age 30) and Mary Sophia Foreman (age 18) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 21 Dec 1811 Admiral Peter Parker 1st Baronet (age 90) died. He was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. His grandson Peter Parker 2nd Baronet (age 25) succeeded 2nd Baronet Parker of Bassingbourn in Essex.

On 01 Jun 1851 Edward Frederick Leveson-Gower (age 32) and Margaret Compton (age 21) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She the daughter of Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton and Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton. He the son of Granville Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Granville and Harriet Cavendish Countess Granville (age 65).

On 06 Jul 1872 William Eden 4th Baron Auckland (age 43) and Mabel Emily Finch-Hatton Baroness Auckland were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Baroness Auckland of West Auckland. She died four months later. She the daughter of George Finch-Hatton 6th Earl Nottingham 11th Earl Winchilsea (age 57) and Constance Henrietta Paget Countess Nottingham Winchilsea (age 49). He the son of Bishop Robert Eden 3rd Baron Auckland.

On 02 Nov 1880 Edward Knatchbull-Hugessen 2nd Baron Brabourne (age 23) and Amy Virginia Beaumont (age 21) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 01 Jul 1889 Lewis Vernon-Harcourt 1st Viscount Harcourt (age 26) and Mary Burns Viscountess Harcourt (age 14) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

The Times. 01 Aug 1892. The marriage of Mr. Victor Cavendish (age 24), MP, eldest son of the late Lord Edward Cavendish, and nephew and heir presumptive of tho Duke of Devonshire (age 59), to Lady Evelyn Fitzmaurice (age 21), eldest daughter of the Marquis of Lansdowne (age 47), Viceroy of India, took place on Saturday afternoon in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. The church was tastefully decorated with flowers. A large crowd assembled outside the church long before half-past 2, the hour fixed for the ceremony, but admittance could only be obtained by those favoured with invitations or tickets. Shortly before 2 o'clock, Mr. Victor Cavendish entered by the east door, secompanied by his brother, Mr. Richard Cavendish (age 21), who dlscharged the duties of best man, and took up his position at the chancel steps. Meanwhile the bridesmaids, eight in number, assembled inside the entrance. They were Miss Blanche Egerton (age 21), eldest daughter of the Hon. Francis (age 67) and Lady Louisa Egerton (age 57), cousin of the bridegroom; Lady Francis Spencer Churchill (age 21) eldest daughter of the Marchioness of Blandford, Lady Maud Anson (age 23), daughter of the Earl of Lichfield, Lady Katherine Scott (age 17), daughter of the Duke of Buccleuch (age 60); Lady Gladys Hamilton (age 12), daughter of the Duke of Abercorn (age 53), Miss Muriel Herbert, second cousin of the bride; Lady Dorothy Osborne (age 3), daughter of the Marquis of Carmarthen (age 29); and Miss Margery Digby, daughter of Colonel and Lady Emily Digby (age 37), cousin of the bride.

They were attired alike in dresses of white satin veiled with lisse, the bodices being arranged with fichus having small frills at the edge, and tied in large bows in front, and wore Gainsborough hats trimmed with white feathers and pale pink roses. Each carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and wore a diamond snake brooch, the Cavendish crest, a present from the bridegroom. Master Harry Strettfeild, son of Colonel and Lady Florence Streatfeild (age 32), acted as psge, and wore a costume of white velvet, and a diamond scarf-pin, the bridegroom's gift.

The bride, who arrived punctually at half-past 2, was met at the entrance by the clergy and choir, and a procession being formed, advanced up the aisle, the choristers singing "The voice that breathed o'er Eden" to a setting by Barnby. The Bishop of London, uncle of the bride-groom, performed the nuptial rite, and was assisted in the service by the Rev. John Duncan, M.A., Vicar of CaIne, Wilts, and chaplain to the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Rev. C. Gore and the Rev. H. Rounsell. The music used throughout the service was by Barnby, and included "Jlesn, lover of my soul," from the Hymnary, and "For all the Saints who from their labours rest." The bride, who, in the absence of the Viceroy, was given away by her brother, the Earl of Kerry, wore a dress of rich white satin duchesse trimmed with beautiful Brussels point lace; the skirt being plainly made, and having a very narrow trimming round the hem. Her tulle veil fell from a wreath of orange flowers and her ornaments included a diamond necklace and a pearl necklace, the gift of her father, thee diamond stars, given by Lady Edward Cavendish, and a fine diamond bracelet, presented to her by the Viceregal Staff in India. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party proceeded to the vestry and signed the registers, the attestors being the Marchioness of Lansdowne (age 42), the Duke of Devonshire, the Duke of Abercorn, Lady Edward Cavendish, and the Dowager Maarchioness of Lansdowne, during which the organist plaved the March from St. Polycarp.

The bride, and bridegroom left the church Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played, acd the hells of St. Margaret's rang out a merry peal. The reception was held at ffampden-houlse, lent for the occasion by the Duke and Duchess of Abercorn. In the Lawrence Room was stationed Herr Wurms's White Vienna Band, and refreshments were served in the dining room, the long buffet being profusely decorated with choice white flowers admirably arranged in a number of large silver bowls. Among the company present were the Duke of Devonshire, the Duke and Duchess (age 55) of Bucceuch, the Duke and Duchess of Abercorn, the Duchess Dowager of Abercorn, the Duchess of Leeds and the Ladies Godolphin Osborne, the Dowager Maarchioness of Lansdowne, Lady Edward Cavendish, Lady Frederick Cavendish, the Countess of Kerry, Lord Charles Fitzmaurice, Lord and Lady Edmond Fitzmaurice, the Marchioness of Salisbury and Lady Gwrendolen Cecil, the Marchioness of Blandford and the Ladies Spencer Churchill, the Marquis of Headtort, the Dowager Marchioness of Waterford, the Marchioness of Waterford, the Countess of Normanton and Lady Mary Agar, the Countess of Mayo and Lady Florence Bourke, the Earlof Ava. theEarl and Countess of Morley, and Lady Katherine Parker the Earl and Countess of Minto and the Ladies Elliot Countess Percy and the Ladies Percy, Earl Winterton Countess Spencer, the Earl and Countess of St Germans and Mliss Lascelles, the Earl of Camperdown, Viscount Cross, Viscountess Galway, Viscountess Hampden and the Hon. Miss Brand, Lord Robert Cecil, Lady Alexandra Hamilton, Lady Gladys Hamilton, Lord John Hamnilton, Lord Henry Fitzgerald, LadyHelen Feruson,Lady Li ian Yorkeand Miss Pelly, Lady Rovelstokc and the HIon. M£i5S Baring, Lady George Hamlton, Lady lantage, Lord Frederick Hamilton, the Ladies Egerton, Lord and Lady Alexander Russcll, Lady Constance Scott, Lady Harris, Lady Louisa Blagelis, Lady Beatrix Herbert and Miss Uuriel Herbert, Lady Mauriel Boyle, Lady Lyttelton, Lady Fanny Marjoribanks, Lady Olliffe and Mlliss Olliffe, Lady Abercromby, Lady Claud Hamilton, Lady William Osborne Elphinstone, the Hon. Lady Yoley, the Hon. Charles Gore, Mr. and Mrs. Childers, 1r. Chaplin, the Hon. bliss Roberts and Miss Pryde, Hon. Percy Wyndham and Miss Pamela KWyndham and the.on. MIary lVyndham, the Hon. Thomas Egerton, thec Hon. C. Anson, the Hon. Mrs. Assheton 6?urzon, the Hon. Lionel Holland, the Hon. Alexander Hood, Mlajor the Hon Montagu and M1rs. COrzon, the Hon. Mrs. Agar Ellis, Mr. and Lady Louise Loder, Lady Sybil Beauclerk, Sir James Ramsden, Sir George Baden-Powell Sir Thomas and Lady Brooks, Sir Andrew Scobie, Sir. Henry and Miss James, General Sir Hugh and Lady Gough, Sir Donald Wallace, Colonel and Lady Emily Digby, MIr. and Lady Helena Heneasge, Sir George and Lady Young, General Arthur Ellis, Ilrs. Grenfell, BMrs. Temple, Mr. Hercert, MIrs. Reginald Brett, Miss Chandos Pole, Mr. IV. H. Grenfell, Mrs. Arthur Barclay, Admiral and Mrs. F. Robinson, Mr. Leveson-Gower, Mr. G. Leveson-Gower, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grey, Mr. Reginald Loder, Mr. Leeson, Colonel Ian and MN rs. Haamilton, Mr. James Cavendish, Mr. and Mrs. Baillie Hamilton, Mr. and Mirs. P. Ponsonby, Mrs. Francis Gore, and many others. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Lady Evelyn Cavendish left for Bowood-park, Lord Lansdowne's seat in Wiltshire, for the honeymoon. Lady Evelyn Cavendish travelled in a dress of ptle blue radzimir, trimmed with white embroidered lisse, with lar-e revers of white moire antique, and wore a large black hat.

The Queen (age 73) presented the bride with an Indian shawl, and the bridegroom with a bronze statuette of herself, with the inscription, "Presented to Victor Cavendish by Victoria, R.I., 1892." The Empress Eugenie gave the bride a ruby and diamond watch bracelet, and Princess Christian presented the bridegroom with 12 volumes of Tennyson's poems, bound in white calf. The other presents to the bride included, from the bridegroom, a superb diamond tiara, an antique chatelaine watch set in diamonds, and a sapphire and diamond bracelet; from the Marchioness of Lansdowne, a diamond necklace and a pearl necklace; the Duke and Duchess of Buecleuch, a diamond and pearl necklace; the Duke of Devonshire, a three-stringed pearl necklace the Ducchess of 'Abercorm, pair of gold links with tucquoise in centre; the Duke of Abercorn, silver and tortoiseshell box; the Dowager Duchess of Abercorn, gold and enamel filagree tulip watch, gold bracelet with motto, and four silver-gilt shell dishes; the Duke of Westminster, a necklace of brilliantts, pink topazes, beryls, and white enamel olira leaves; the MIa-quis of Lansdowne's staff diamond heart bracelet; the Duke and Duchess of St. Albans, pair of amber heart-shaped links with diamond centres; the Duke and Duchess of Bedford, diamond and carbuncle horseshoe brooch: the Dowager M1archioness of Lansdowne, diamond and sapphire thistle brooch the Earl of Mlount Edgeumbe, diamond and sapphire bangle; the Earl of Durham, diamond and sapphire brooch, the Marquis de Lavalette, ring with large pearl in centre and iamonds; La Marquise de Lavalette, diamond flowver brooch; the Earl and Countess of Powis, silver ink-stand and candlesticks; the Earl of Kerry and Lord Charles Fitzmaurice, silver tea service in case; Earl and Countess Winterton, fluted silver bowl; Countess Russell, silver fan-shaped box; the Earl of Rosebery 2 pair of silver candlesticks; the MIarquis of Tullibardine, pair of tortoiseshell and silver opera-glasses the Countess of Lichfield, pair of carved rosewood book shelves; the Countess of Kerry, pair of silver candlesticks; the Marquis of Hamilton, two silver pepper-boxes in case; the Duke of Athole, silver and tortoiseshell inkstand and tray with letter clip; Countess Granville, fitted luncheon basket;fhe MIarquis of Bath, tortoiseshell and silver photo frame Earl and Countess Fitzwilliam, silver-gilt box; the Dowager Marchioness of Waterford, leather dressing-case with silver-gilt fittings; the Earl and Countess of Ilchester, painted lace fan; the Earl of Dalkeith. lace fanD; tnc Eiarl of Northbrook, act of enamelled trays; the Marchioness of Headfort, six fruit knives with malachite handles; the Earl of Ava, crystal seal with diamond-beaded snake entwined; Countess Spencer, pair of large Mintonvases; the MIarchioness ot Blandfora, a framed engraving; Louise, Duchess of Manchester, carriage-basket with clock, &c. the Countess of Minto, Louis XVI. clock; Earl and Coun tess of Wharneliffe, large copper jardiniere on iron stand; Earl and Countess Cowrper, Louis XV clock,; Lord Wolverton silver and copper card-case and memo-book; Lord and Lady Strathrnore. heart-shaped mirror in silver frame; Lord aBnd Lady P.oay, silver trinket tray on stand; Viscount Turnour, silver shell tray; Lady Claud AnSOn, silver tray; Lord and Lady Edmunud Fitzmaurice, pearl and diamond brooch; Viscountess Cranborne ann Lady Esther Gore, gold curb bracelet with crimson enamel heart; Lord and Lady Mount Stephen,. a sable travelling rug; Lady Edward S*vs;di'eA4d tars viacoant Valetort, diamond bracelet: l; dy Robert Cecil and Lady Anne Lambton, pair of gold and malachite links; the Ladies Churchill, silver-mounted heart-shaped tortoise-shell tray; Lady Suffolk, diamond and pearl brooch; Lord Frederick Hamilton, enamel miniature locket set with pearls; Lord Henry Scott, silver tea-caddy the Earl of Caraperdown, silver box; Lord Alington, three-fold screen; Dowager Baroness Ashburton and Mliss Digby, screen; Lord and Lady Roberts, Indian silver bowl; Lady Amnpthill,:gilt carriage clock; Baroness Leconfield, rosewood specimen table; Lord and Baroness Willoughby de Eresby, tortoiseshell and silver tea-caddy; Viscount and Viscountess Cross, hammered silver tray; Lady Abercromby, gold box with enamelled cross and pearl in centre; Lord Revelstoke Savres chin-: vase; Baroness Revelstoke, gold-mounted torto.iseshell paper knife; Lord Rowton, silver-gilt vase; Lady Wantage, Louis XV. clock; Viscount and Viscountess Newport, pair of agate trays; Lord and Lady Ernest Hamilton,two Crorwn Derby ink-pots and tua7; Earl and Countes5 oEf Morley, pair of silver-gilt mounted claret jugs; Lady Beatrice Fitzmaurice, chased silver teapot; Baroness Carrington, silver hot-milk jug-; archioness of Carmarthen, ostrich feather fan; Mrs. 3ontefiore, inlaid cabinet table vith marble top; Hon C Lambton, small silver dish; Mrs. Temple, sil-er bell; Mr Thomas Baring, gold necklace with onys Dendant set. in diamonds; 3r. John Baring, gold curb bracelet with moonstone heart surmonnted with rubies and diamonds; Hon. Miss Baring, diamond and enamel heart brooch; Mrs. Sackville West, gold ball hatpin set with diamonds. Mrs. Grace, silver inkstand and tray; Sir Tatton and Lady Sykes,massive silver-framed:mirror.; Sir Alerander Iackenzie, gold safety-pin brooch set with pearls and diamonds; Captain and Mrs. Cecil Cavendish, silver-mounted pin-cushion; Hon. Mrs Wyndharn, silver buckle Mrr and Lady Fanny hlarioribanks, piece of Indian plate; Mr. and hMrs. W. Grenfell, copper and brass standard lamp; General Brackenbury, large silver-mounted:scent bottle, Mr. and Lady Louise Loder, silver inkstand and tray; MIr. Cyril Flower, large Venetian glass bowl hlr. and Irs. Childers, Dresden china tdte-&-tetc tea service Lord Lansdowne's WViltshire tenants, diamond bracelet. The bridegroom's presents included --From the Duchess of Westminster, tortoiseshell blotting case inlaid with gold; the Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne, sl1ver salver; the Marquis of Blandford, silver-gilt card case; the Earl of Chesterfield, silver flask; Mr. R. Cavendish, Eervice of plate in walnut case; the Dowager Marchioness of Lansdowne, large diamond scarf-pin; the Dowrager Duchess of Abercorn, silver cofee pot; the Duke and Duchess of Leeds, gold and bloodstone seal,; the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, tortoiseshell and silver calendar frame Lady Frederick Cavendish, 24 volumes of George Eliot's works; the Countess of Bectivo, crystal and gold bos; the Marchioness of Salisbury, pair of tall silver salt cellars and spoons in case; Louise, Duchess of Manchester, silver milk jug; the Marquis of Granby, silver-mounted walking stick; Viscount 'Wolmer, silver-mounted hunting crop; Viscount and Viscountes6 Portman, half-a-dozen silver-gilt dessert spoons in a case; Earl of Arran, gold and nearl Albert chain; Lord and Lady Burton and Hon. ellie Bass, antique silver box; Baroness Taunton, pair of silver candlesticks; Lord Ampthill, massive silver-mounted inkstand; Lord and Lady Henry Bentinek, silver hot milk jug; Sir Thomas asd Baroness Brooke, pair of antique b-rass ornaments; Lord and Lady Herschell, silver-mounted blotter; Hon. W. and Mrs. Cavendish, silver-mounted hock jug; Sir H. and Lady Mleysey Thompson, silver-gilt match box and tray; Hon. A. Lyttelton, silver-mounted riding whip; Hon E. Cavendish, silver grenade cigar lighter; Lord Vernon, silver.tobacco box; Lord and Baroness Chesham, gold and enamel pencil-case Lord and Baroness Penrhyn, four silver salt cellars and spoons; Viscount and Viscountess Hampden, silver coffee-pot; the Earl and Countess of St. toermans, pair of vases; the Countess of Leicester, silver and tortoiseshell scimitar paper cutter; Sir George Baden Powell, silver-mounted ebony stick; Sir Henry James, set of pearl studs; Colonel J. C. Cavendish, silver inkstand; Viscount St. Cyres, silver-mounted walking-stick; Lord and Lady Belper, silver inkstand; Ron. J. Mansfield, silver match-box; Hon. F. Leveson-Gower, two engravings; Earl Spencer, silver sandwich box and flask in casel; Mr and Lady Harriet Cavendish, a silver-mounted driving whip.

On 06 Jun 1893 Robert Gresley 11th Baronet (age 27) and Frances Louisa Spencer-Churchill Lady Gresley (age 22) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Lady Gresley of Drakelow in Derbyshire. She the daughter of George Charles Spencer-Churchill 8th Duke of Marlborough and Albertha Frances Anne Hamilton Duchess of Marlborough (age 46). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 14 Dec 1893 George Capell 7th Earl of Essex (age 36) and Adele Beach Grant Countess Essex (age 27) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Countess Essex. Dollar Princess. He uncle R Suydam Grant gave her away since her father David Beach Grant had died five years before. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Jan 1900 David Lindsay 27th Earl of Crawford 10th Earl Balcarres (age 28) and Constance Lilian Pelly Countess Crawford and Balcarres were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Countess Crawford and Countess Balcarres. He the son of James Ludovic Lindsay 26th Earl of Crawford 9th Earl of Balcarrie (age 52).

On 01 Jul 1906 Wilfrid Lawson 2nd Baronet (age 76) died at 18 Ovington Square, Knightsbridge. His funeral was held at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map] amidst a large gathering of members of Parliament, family members, personal friends, and representatives of public bodies. He was buried at St Kentigern's Church, Aspatria. His son Wilfrid Lawson 3rd Baronet (age 43) succeeded 3rd Baronet Lawson of Brayton House in Cumberland. Mary Camilla Macan Lady Lawson (age 41) by marriage Lady Lawson of Brayton House in Cumberland.

On 12 Sep 1908 Winston Churchill (age 33) and Clementine Hozier (age 23) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 20 Dec 1910 Charles Scotter 1st Baronet (age 75) died at his home in Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey [Map]. His son Frederick Charles Scotter 2nd Baronet (age 42) succeeded 2nd Baronet Scotter of Surbiton in Surrey.

From Christchurch Times - Saturday 24 December 1910 ...

His funeral took place at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. The only flowers placed on the coffin, in addition to those from members of the family, were sent by the children of the L. and S.W. Railway Servants' Orphanage at Woking. A pathetic circumstance in connection with this Orphanage is that Sir Charles, in his last conscious moments, expressed the wish that the Christmas dinner for the children should be provided this year as usual at his expense. Various branches of the railway service desired to send wreaths, but, in deference to the wishes of the family, the money subscribed was devoted instead to the children's orphanage at Woking. After the service the body was cremated at Golder's Green.

In 01 Feb 1911 Hugo Francis Charteris (age 27) and Violet Catherine Manners (age 22) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. The reception at 16 Arlington Street, Piccadilly. She the daughter of Henry John Brinsley Manners 8th Duke Rutland (age 58) and Violet Lindsay Duchess Rutland (age 54). He the son of Hugo Charteris 11th Earl of Wemyss (age 53) and Mary Constance Wyndham Countess Wemyss (age 48).

The Times. 02 Feb 1911. The Hon. Hugo Charteris, eldest son of Lord (age 53) and Lady Elcho (age 48) and grandson of the Earl of Wenyss (age 92), was married yesterday at St. Margaret's, Westmister [Map], to Lady Violet Manners (age 22), second daughter of the Duke (age 58) and Duchess of Rutland (age 54). The wedding excited much interest, and by the time the bride arrived at the church there was a crowd which extended halfway across Parliament-square. The service was held at 2.15, and by 2 o'clock there was not a vacant seat in the church. The choir stalls and the chancel entrance wetre decorated with flowers, mainly arum lilies. While the guests were assembling the "March" from Trmihauser was played and a guard of honour, supplied by O 'quadron 'of the Gloucestershire Yeomanry, in which the bridegroom holds a commission, lined the. asle.

The bridesmaids, the Ladies Marjorie (age 27) and Diana (age 19),Manners (the bride's sisters), the Hon. Mary (age 16) and the Hon. Irene (age 9) Charteris (sisters of the bridegrom), the Hon. Irene Lawley, Miss Nancy, Lindsay, Miss Elizabeth Manners, and M1iss Felicity Tree awaited the bride by the west door. They were wearing frocks designed from a picture by Botticelli. The gowns of the elder bridesmaids were of champagne; coloured crepe-de-chine with a pink foundation. An embroidery of green leaves showed at the neok and waist. Small roses and daisies were embroidered over the whole frock, and touches ot red velvet appeared beneath the hem and at the elbow. They wore net caps trimmed with red rosebuds. The two younger bridesmaids, who walked immediately behind the bride, wore frocks of pink chiffon, and wreaths of red roses in their hair. The Duke of Rutland accompanied his daughter to the church. The Hon. Guy Charteris (age 25) was best man.

The bride's dress was of white charmeuse with a tunic of old English lace, held in at the waist by a band of gold tissue. The train was of gold brocade mounted on white velvet, at the hem of which were worked in gold the heraldic designs of the Rutland and Wemyss families. The Bishop of Derby officiated, assisted by Canon McCormick and the Rev. F. W. Knox (private chaplain to the Duke of Rutland). A wedding march composed for the occasion by Mr. Raymond Roze was played as the bride and bride-groom left the chut&b.


The Duchess of Wellington (age 62), wearing a dress of old rose velvet with furs and a hat with rose-coloured plumes, brought her daughter, Lady Eileen Wellesley (age 23), who was dressed in sapphire blue velvet, The Duchess of Rutland wore a tunic of grey moire velours over grey chiffon velvet, caught at the shoulders by diamond ornaments, with long tasselled ende falling, in front of the skirt. Her hat was trimmed with flamingo plumes wirith touches of eau-de-nil. The Marchioness of Anglesey wore black satin, witb a hat crowned with many small white plumes. Theh Mfarchioness of Tweeddale wvore a coat and skirt of black braided velvet and a large hat adorned with a royal blue feather. The Prime Minister was present vwith his sister-in-law, Mrs. Oraham Smith. who wore a long black brocaded wrap over a dress of dark material. The Hon. Alfred Lyttelton was accompanied by Mxl. Lyttelton, who was dressed in black satin with touches of bright blue. The French, Germian, and Spanish Ambassadors were also present. Lady Tree wore a dress of Ermine fur, with a hat of green felt trimmed with everlasting flowers; and Lady Lytton wore an embroidered cloak over a dress of grey material, and a small toque with green feathers. Lady Beatrico Rawson, who was wearing pale mauve, brought her daughter, Miss Violet Rawson, who was dressed in navy blue. The Earl and Countess of Wemyss arrived a few minutes before the bride, the latter dressed in soft grey ehil!on voile with marten furs, and wearing a toque trimmed with smalU grey feathers, Lady Beat-rice Hlerbert, who cameo with Viscountess Ingestre, was dressed in black velvet, with a crimson cloak and a collar of old point lace.

On 26 Apr 1911 Algernon Strutt 3rd Baron Belper (age 27) and Eva Isabel Countess Rosebery (age 18) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

The Times. 27 Jan 1916. MARRIAGE OF LORD GRANBY.

The marriage of the Marquess of Granby (age 29), only son of the Duke (age 63) and Duchess of Rutland (age 59), to Miss Kathleen Tennant (age 21), youngest daughter of Mr. (age 54) and Mrs. Frank Tennant (age 52), of Innes House, took place yesterday at St. Margaret's [Map]. There was a very large attendance, and a number of those present brought young children with them.

The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a Venetian gown of white satin with a gold, brocade train four yards long and a short mantlet of old Venetian family lace; the sleeves were long and close-fitting, and she had a long white net veil with a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a copy of the marriage service embroidered in seed pearl and coloured silks, worked by her mother after an old design in the British Museum.

Lady Diane Manners (age 24), who was one of the bridesmaids, designed the bridesmaids' gowns in the medieval manner; they were of white chiffon belted in silver worn with flowing veils of blue tulle held by silver bands. Each of the bridesmaids carried a tail branch of almond blossom; the others were Miss Elizabeth Asquith (age 18), Miss Mary Lyttelton, and Miss Violet Warrender. The Hon. Stephen Tennant (age 9), who wore a Romeo suit with a jewelleed belt, was the page. Captain Charles Lindsay, Grenadier Guards, was best man. Canon Sheppard (age 35), Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal, and the Rev. F. W. Knox, the Duke of Rutland's chaplain, performed the ceremony.

SOME OF THE GOWNS. The Duke of Rutland was among the first to come to the church, and most of the guests were there early. The Prime Minister (age 63) arrived with Mr. (age 35) and Mrs. Bonham-Carter (age 28), and Mr. Balfour with a party which included Mr. and Mrs. William Balfour. The Duchess on Rutland wore gold charmeuse with gold tissue in her hat and a rose pink velvet cloak bordered with fur. The Marchioness of Anglesey (age 32), in white box-cloth, brought her little daughter, Lady Carolinie Paget (age 2), in a little Ermine coat and hat. Mrs. Asquith (age 51), who was with Mrs. Graham Smith (age 56), wore a black charmeuse gown made with a ruched cape and trimmed with chinchilla; her hat was black with emerald feathers.

Mrs. Tennant wore black and white embroidered taffetas; Lady Robert Manners had a long muauve coat trimmed with skunk; and the Countess of Wemyss (age 53) was in black and white. Lady Tree had a pervenche panne long coat made tight-fitting and a plain black sailor hat. The Countess of Drogheda (age 29) wore black and gold, Lady D'Abernon (age 50) grey chinchilla furs with a black coat and skirt, and Lady Arthur Paget a musquash coat bordered with skunk. Mrs. Guy Charteris (age 28) brought her baby, and the Hon. Mrs. George Keppel (age 45), in black and white, was accomapanied by her two daughters, and Mrs. McKenna by her two sons. Mrs. Hwfa Williams and Lady Randolph Churchill (age 62) (who was with Mrs. Churchill (age 30)) both were black velvet.

The Guests. Among those present were:

The Italian Ambassador, the Spanish Ambassador, the Duchess of Buccleuch (age 44), and Lady Margaret Scott, etc.

A small reception was held after the ceremony at Lord (age 56) and Lady Glenconner's (age 45) house in Queen Anne's gate, and the bride and bridegroom subsequently left for Belvoir Castle [Map], where the honeymoon will be spent.

On 30 Jan 1917 Wykeham Cornwallis 2nd Baron Cornwallis (age 24) and Cecily Etha Mary Walker (age 23) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. They had two children.

On 12 Jul 1922 Roger Lumley 11th Earl of Scarbrough (age 25) and Katherine Isobel McEwen Countess Scarborough (age 22) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 17 Jul 1922 Henry Herbert 6th Earl Carnarvon (age 23) and Anne Catherine Tredick Wendell Countess Carnarvon (age 21) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. He the son of George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert 5th Earl Carnarvon (age 56) and Almina Wombwell Countess Carnarvon (age 46).

On 18 Jul 1922 Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (age 22) and Edwina Ashley (age 20) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. He the son of Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven and Victoria Hesse Darmstadt Marchioness Milford Haven (age 59). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

The wedding, which attracted hugh crowds, was attending by Queen Mary (age 55), Queen Alexandra (age 77) and the Prince of Wales.

Left to right: Mary Ashley (age 15), Princess Margarita Glücksburg (age 17), Joan Esther Sybilla Pakenham (age 18), Sophie Glücksburg (age 8) (seated), Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Edwina Ashley, Prince of Wales (age 28), Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (age 19) (seated), Princess Theodora (age 16) and Princess Cecile (age 11) (seated).

On 08 Oct 1923 Brograve Beauchamp 2nd Baronet (age 26) and Evelyn Leonora Almina Herbert (age 22) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She the daughter of George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert 5th Earl Carnarvon and Almina Wombwell Countess Carnarvon (age 47).

On 20 May 1924 William Arthington Worsley 4th Baronet (age 34) and Joyce Morgan Brunner Lady Worsley (age 29) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 25 Jul 1930 an Memorial Service was held for Rosemary Millicent Sutherland-Leveson-Gower (deceased) at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

On 14 Nov 1933 Walter Francis David Long (age 22) and Frances Laura Charteris Duchess of Marlborough (age 18) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Before 25 Apr 1939 Thomas William Anson (age 26) and Anne Ferelith Bowes-Lyon (age 21) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. The wedding was attended by the King (age 43) and Queen (age 38), Princesses Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 13) and Princess Margaret (age 8) - see Pathe. He the son of Thomas Edward Anson 4th Earl Lichfield (age 55) and Evelyn Maud Keppel Countess Lichfield (age 52).

On 10 Oct 1944 Harold Philips (age 34) and Georgina Wernher (age 24) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. Guests included The King of Hellenes (age 54), Prince Bertil of Sweden (age 32), and The Duchess of Kent (age 37). Princess Alexandra of Kent (age 7) and Gina's sister, Myra, were bridesmaids.

On 08 Oct 1952 Harry John Neville Vane 11th Baron Barnard (age 29) and Davina Mary Cecil Baroness Barnard (age 21) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She the daughter of David George Brownlow-Cecil 6th Marquess Exeter (age 47) and Mary Theresa Montagu-Douglas-Scott (age 48). They were half second cousin once removed.

A memorial service for Edward Louis Spears 1st Baronet was held at St. Margaret's, Westminster [Map] on 7 March 1974. The trumpeters of the 11th Hussars sounded a fanfare; the French and Lebanese ambassadors were in attendance.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Tothill Street

Before 28 Dec 1708 Thomas Culpepper (age 71) died at Tothill Street. On 28 Dec 1708 Thomas Culpepper was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map].

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Tothill Street, Swan with Two Necks Tavern

Pepy's Diary. 04 Apr 1664. And at last W. Joyce was called in; and by the consequences, and what my Lord Peterborough (age 42) told me, I find that he did speak all he said to his disadvantage, and so was committed to the Black Rod: which is very hard, he doing what he did by the advice of my Lord Peters' (age 38) own steward. But the Sergeant of the Black Rod did direct one of his messengers to take him in custody, and so he was peaceably conducted to the Swan with two Necks, in Tuttle Street, to a handsome dining-room; and there was most civilly used, my uncle Fenner, and his brother Anthony, and some other friends being with him. But who would have thought that the fellow that I should have sworn could have spoken before all the world should in this be so daunted, as not to know what he said, and now to cry like a child. I protest, it is very strange to observe.

Pepy's Diary. 05 Apr 1664. Up very betimes, and walked to my cozen Anthony Joyce's, and thence with him to his brother Will, in Tuttle Street, where I find him pretty cheery over (what) he was yesterday (like a coxcomb), his wife being come to him, and having had his boy with him last night. Here I staid an hour or two and wrote over a fresh petition, that which was drawn by their solicitor not pleasing me, and thence to the Painted Chamber [Map], and by and by away by coach to my Lord Peterborough's (age 42), and there delivered the petition into his hand, which he promised most readily to deliver to the House today.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Tothill Street, Tothill Fields [Map]

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 08 Dec 1551. Item the viij. day of that monyth was a gret muster at Totehylle [Map] of men of armes befor the kynge (age 14), of dyvers lordes.

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 20 Dec 1551. Item the xxth day of December was sorne [sworn] the byshoppe of Ely lorde [chancellor of Engla]nd.

Item that same day was the muster of the dewke of Somersettes servanttes before [the king at] Totylle [Map] also.

Item the same day was comytted unto the tower [Map] the byshopp [of Dur]hame Cudberte Tunstalle (age 77).

Pepy's Diary. 01 Jun 1665. That done, we walked to Cornehill [Map], and there at Mr. Cade's' stood in the balcon and saw all the funeral, which was with the blue-coat boys and old men, all the Aldermen, and Lord Mayor, &c., and the number of the company very great; the greatest I ever did see for a taverne. Hither come up to us Dr. Allen, and then Mr. Povy (age 51) and Mr. Fox (age 38). The show being over, and my discourse with Mr. Povy, I took coach and to Westminster Hall [Map], where I took the fairest flower, and by coach to Tothill Fields [Map] for the ayre till it was dark. I 'light, and in with the fairest flower to eat a cake, and there did do as much as was safe with my flower, and that was enough on my part.

Pepy's Diary. 18 Jul 1665. After dispatching letters at the office, I by water down to Deptford, Kent [Map], where I staid a little while, and by water to my wife, whom I have not seen 6 or 5 days, and there supped with her, and mighty pleasant, and saw with content her drawings, and so to bed mighty merry. I was much troubled this day to hear at Westminster how the officers do bury the dead in the open Tuttle-fields [Map], pretending want of room elsewhere; whereas the New Chappell churchyard was walled-in at the publick charge in the last plague time, merely for want of room and now none, but such as are able to pay dear for it, can be buried there.

On 09 May 1711 Cholmley Dering 4th Baronet (age 31) was killed in a duel at Tothill Fields [Map]. His son Edward Dering 5th Baronet (age 6) succeeded 5th Baronet Dering of Surrenden Dering in Kent. The duel, unusually with pistols rather than swords, was with Richard Thornhill with whom Dering had argued in a pub near Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map] two days previously; Thornhill had afterwards sent Dering a note challenging him to a duel. Both pistols were fired but only Dering was hit. Richard Thornhill was tried for murder but convicted of the lesser offence of manslaughter. Thornhill was murdered three months later.

Europe, British Isles, England, London, Westminster Abbey Area, Westminster School [Map]

Around 1612 John Glynne (age 10) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On 23 Dec 1621 Heneage Finch 1st Earl Nottingham was born to Heneage Finch (age 41) and Frances Bell. He was educated at Westminster School [Map] and Christ Church College, Oxford University.

Around 1625 Henry Vane "The Younger" (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1628 Henry Bennet 1st Earl Arlington (age 10) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On or before 02 Feb 1635 William Godolphin was born to William Godolphin (age 30). He was baptised on 02 Feb 1635. He was educated at Westminster School [Map] and Christ Church College, Oxford University.

On 10 Mar 1638 Archbishop John Vesey was born to Rector Thomas Vesey. He was educated at Westminster School [Map] and Trinity College, Dublin.

Around 1661 Heneage Finch 1st Earl Aylesford (age 12) educated at Westminster School [Map].

After 1661 Orlando Bridgeman 1st Baronet (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Evelyn's Diary. 13 May 1661. I heard and saw such exercises at the election of scholars at Westminster School [Map] to be sent to the University in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic, in themes and extemporary verses, as wonderfully astonished me in such youths, with such readiness and wit, some of them not above twelve or thirteen years of age. Pity it is, that what they attain here so ripely, they either do not retain, or do not improve more considerably when they come to be men, though many of them do; and no less is to be blamed their odd pronouncing of Latin, so that out of England none were able to understand, or endure it. The examinants, or posers, were, Dr. Duport, Greek Professor at Cambridge; Dr. Fell, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford; Dr. Pierson; Dr. Allestree (age 39), Dean of Westminster Abbey, and any that would.

On 12 Jul 1669 Henry Boyle 1st Baron Carleton was born to Charles Boyle 3rd Baron Clifford (age 29) and Jane Seymour Baroness Clifford (age 32). He was educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1671 John Brownlow 3rd Baronet (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1677 James Brydges 1st Duke Chandos (age 3) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Evelyn's Diary. 10 Sep 1677. His lady (age 43) (being one of the Brederode's daughters, grandchild to a natural son of Henry Frederick, Prince of Orange) [Note. Evelyn confused here. Elisabeth Nassau Beverweert Countess Arlington was the daughter of Louis Nassau Beverweert who was the illegitimate son of Prince Maurice I of Orange. Frederick Henry Orange Nassau II Prince Orange was the younger brother of Prince Maurice I of Orange.] is a good-natured and obliging woman. They love fine things, and to live easily, pompously, and hospitably; but, with so vast expense, as plunges my Lord (age 59) into debts exceedingly. My Lord himself is given into no expensive vice but building, and to have all things rich, polite, and princely. He never plays, but reads much, having the Latin, French, and Spanish tongues in perfection. He has traveled much, and is the best bred and courtly person his Majesty (age 47) has about him, so as the public Ministers more frequent him than any of the rest of the nobility. While he was Secretary of State and Prime Minister, he had gotten vastly, but spent it as hastily, even before he had established a fund to maintain his greatness; and now beginning to decline in favor (the Duke being no great friend of his), he knows not how to retrench. He was son of a Doctor of Laws, whom I have seen, and, being sent from Westminster School [Map] to Oxford, with intention to be a divine, and parson of Arlington, a village near Brentford, when Master of Arts the Rebellion falling out, he followed the King's Army, and receiving an HONORABLE WOUND IN THE FACE, grew into favor, and was advanced from a mean fortune, at his Majesty's Restoration, to be an Earl and Knight of the Garter, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, and first favorite for a long time, during which the King married his natural son, the Duke of Grafton (age 13), to his only daughter (age 9) and heiress, as before mentioned, worthy for her beauty and virtue of the greatest prince in Christendom. My Lord is, besides this, a prudent and understanding person in business, and speaks well; unfortunate yet in those he has advanced, most of them proving ungrateful. The many obligations and civilities I have received from this noble gentleman, extracts from me this character, and I am sorry he is in no better circumstances.

Around 1682 William Legge 1st Earl Dartmouth (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On or before 08 Mar 1688 John Conduit was born. He was baptised on 08 Mar 1688 at St Paul's Church, Covent Garden. In Jun 1701 he was admitted to Westminster School [Map]. In 1705 he was elected a Queen's scholar to Trinity College, Cambridge University [Map].

Around 1695 Henry Newport 3rd Earl Bradford (age 12) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On 20 Oct 1713 James Cecil 6th Earl of Salisbury was born to James Cecil 5th Earl Salisbury (age 22) and Anne Tufton Countess of Salisbury. He was educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1721 John Mordaunt (age 12) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1721 William Courtenay 7th Earl Devon (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1723 Thomas Thoroton was born to Robert Thoroton of Screveton and Mary Levett. He was educated at Westminster School [Map]. He was admitted to Trinity Hall, Cambridge University on 30 Dec 1741.

Around 1723 James Waldegrave 2nd Earl Waldegrave (age 7) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1724 Matthew Ridley (age 12) commenced his education at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1725 Thomas Osborne 4th Duke Leeds (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1726 John Tylney 2nd Earl Tylney (age 13) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1726 Henry Reginald Courtenay (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On 25 Apr 1726 Charles Gould aka Morgan 1st Baronet was born. He was educated at Westminster School [Map] and Christ Church College, Oxford University reciving BA in 1747 and MA in 1750.

Around 1735 John Hobart 2nd Earl Buckinghamshire (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1737 William Keppel (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1743 Bishop Frederick Keppel (age 14) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1747 Augustus Henry Fitzroy 3rd Duke Grafton (age 11) was educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1748 Edward Southwell 20th Baron Clifford (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On 17 Sep 1749 Thomas Brand Baron Dacre was born to Thomas Brand (age 32) and Caroline Pierrepont (age 33). He was educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1755 Bishop Reginald Courtenay (age 13) admitted at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1763 Francis Osborne 5th Duke Leeds (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1764 Thomas Egerton 1st Earl Wilton (age 14) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1765 Percy Charles Wyndham (age 7) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1767 William Lowther 1st Earl Lonsdale (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1767 Charles William Wyndham (age 6) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1768 Thomas Pelham 2nd Earl Chichester (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1774 Henry Charles Somerset 6th Duke Beaufort (age 7) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1775 Charles Henry Hall (age 12) was admitted to Westminster School [Map].

Around 1775 George Talbot Rice 3rd Baron Dynevor (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1777 Francis Russell 5th Duke Bedford (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1777 Robert Grosvenor 1st Marquess Westminster (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1789 William Courtenay 10th Earl Devon (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

On 10 Apr 1792 Charles Morgan 1st Baron Tredegar was born to Charles Gould aka Morgan 2nd Baronet (age 32) and Mary Margaret or Magdalen Stoney. He was educated at Harrow School, Westminster School [Map] and Christ Church College, Oxford University.

On 30 Sep 1796 John "Mad Jack" Mytton was born to John Mytton (age 28). He was educated at Westminster School [Map] but expelled after one year for fighting with a Master. He was then sent to Harrow School from where he was expelled after three months.

Around 1797 Spencer Rodney 5th Baron Rodney (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1800 Francis Russell 7th Duke Bedford (age 11) educated at Westminster School [Map].

Around 1828 Henry Lowther 3rd Earl Lonsdale (age 9) educated at Westminster School [Map].

In 1832 William John Butler (age 13) became a queen's scholar at Westminster School [Map].

Henry Grey 4th Earl Stamford educated at Westminster School [Map].