
Bishop is in Lords Spiritual.

Bishop Albi

On 10 Sep 1501 Louis Amboise Bishop Albi (age 22) resigned as Bishop Albi.

On 01 Jul 1503 Louis Amboise Bishop Albi (age 24) was elected Bishop Albi.

Bishop Amiens

Bishop Guy Ponthieu was appointed Bishop Amiens.

Guy Montdidier Bishop Amiens was appointed Bishop Amiens.

Bishop Autun

Robert Burgundy Bishop Autun was appointed Bishop Autun.

Henry Burgundy Bishop Autun was appointed Bishop Autun.

Bishop Bayeux

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1087. In the same year also, before the Assumption of St. Mary, King William (age 59) went from Normandy [Map] into France with an army, and made war upon his own lord Philip, the king (age 34), and slew many of his men, and burned the town of Mante, and all the holy minsters that were in the town; and two holy men that served God, leading the life of anachorets, were burned therein. This being thus done, King William (age 59) returned to Normandy. Rueful was the thing he did; but a more rueful him befel. How more rueful? He fell sick, and it dreadfully ailed him. What shall I say? Sharp death, that passes by neither rich men nor poor, seized him also. He died in Normandy, on the next day after the Nativity of St. Mary, and he was buried at Caen in St. Stephen's minster [Map], which he had formerly reared, and afterwards endowed with manifold gifts. Alas! how false and how uncertain is this world's weal! He that was before a rich king (age 59), and lord of many lands, had not then of all his land more than a space of seven feet! and he that was whilom enshrouded in gold and gems, lay there covered with mould! He left behind him three sons; the eldest, called Robert (age 36), who was earl in Normandy after him; the second, called William (age 31), who wore the crown after him in England; and the third, called Henry (age 19), to whom his father bequeathed immense treasure. If any person wishes to know what kind of man he was, or what honour he had, or of how many lands he was lord, then will we write about him as well as we understand him: we who often looked upon him, and lived sometime in his court. This King William (age 59) then that we speak about was a very wise man, and very rich; more splendid and powerful than any of his predecessors were. He was mild to the good men that loved God, and beyond all measure severe to the men that gainsayed his will. On that same spot where God granted him that he should gain England, he reared a mighty minster, and set monks therein, and well endowed it. In his days was the great monastery in Canterbury built, and also very many others over all England. This land was moreover well filled with monks, who modelled their lives after the rule of St. Benedict. But such was the state of Christianity in his time, that each man followed what belonged to his profession-he that would. He was also very dignified. Thrice he bare his crown each year, as oft as he was in England. At Easter he bare it in Winchester, at Pentecost in Westminster, at midwinter in Glocester. And then were with him all the rich men over all England; archbishops and diocesan bishops, abbots and earls, thanes and knights. So very stern was he also and hot, that no man durst do anything against his will. He had earls in his custody, who acted against his will. Bishops he hurled from their bishoprics, and abbots from their abbacies, and thanes into prison. At length he spared not his own brother Odo, who was a very rich bishop in Normandy. At Baieux was his episcopal stall; and he was the foremost man of all to aggrandise the king (age 59). He had an earldom in England; and when the king (age 59) was in Normandy, then was he the mightiest man in this land. Him he confined in prison. But amongst other things is not to be forgotten that good peace that he made in this land; so that a man of any account might go over his kingdom unhurt with his bosom full of gold. No man durst slay another, had he never so much evil done to the other; and if any churl lay with a woman against her will, he soon lost the limb that he played with. He truly reigned over England; and by his capacity so thoroughly surveyed it, that there was not a hide of land in England that he wist not who had it, or what it was worth, and afterwards set it down in his book.110 The land of the Britons was in his power; and he wrought castles therein; and ruled Anglesey withal. So also he subdued Scotland by his great strength. As to Normandy, that was his native land; but he reigned also over the earldom called Maine; and if he might have yet lived two years more, he would have won Ireland by his valour, and without any weapons. Assuredly in his time had men much distress, and very many sorrows. Castles he let men build, and miserably swink the poor. The king (age 59) himself was so very rigid; and extorted from his subjects many marks of gold, and many hundred pounds of silver; which he took of his people, for little need, by right and by unright. He was fallen into covetousness, and greediness he loved withal. He made many deer-parks; and he established laws therewith; so that whosoever slew a hart, or a hind, should be deprived of his eyesight. As he forbade men to kill the harts, so also the boars; and he loved the tall deer as if he were their father. Likewise he decreed by the hares, that they should go free. His rich men bemoaned it, and the poor men shuddered at it. But he was so stern, that he recked not the hatred of them all; for they must follow withal the king's (age 59) will, if they would live, or have land, or possessions, or even his peace. Alas! that any man should presume so to puff himself up, and boast o'er all men. May the Almighty God show mercy to his soul, and grant him forgiveness of his sins! These things have we written concerning him, both good and evil; that men may choose the good after their goodness, and flee from the evil withal, and go in the way that leadeth us to the kingdom of heaven. Many things may we write that were done in this same year. So it was in Denmark, that the Danes, a nation that was formerly accounted the truest of all, were turned aside to the greatest untruth, and to the greatest treachery that ever could be. They chose and bowed to King Cnute, and swore him oaths, and afterwards dastardly slew him in a church. It happened also in Spain, that the heathens went and made inroads upon the Christians, and reduced much of the country to their dominion. But the king of the Christians, Alphonzo by name, sent everywhere into each land, and desired assistance. And they came to his support from every land that was Christian; and they went and slew or drove away all the heathen folk, and won their land again, through God's assistance.

Bishop Odo of Bayeux was appointed Bishop Bayeux.

Richard Fitzrobert Bishop Bayeux was appointed Bishop Bayeux.

Bishop Cambrai

Manasses Normandy Bishop Cambrai Bishop Soissons was appointed Bishop Cambrai.

William Avesnes Bishop Cambrai was appointed Bishop Cambrai.

André Luxemburg Bishop Cambrai was appointed Bishop Cambrai.

Peter Metz Bishop Cambrai was appointed Bishop Cambrai.

Bishop Chartres

In 1176 Bishop John of Salisbury (age 58) was appointed Bishop Chartres.

In 1182 Reginald of Bar Bishop Chartres was appointed Bishop Chartres.

Bishop Châlons sur Marne

In 1190 Rotrou du Perche Chateaudun Bishop Châlons sur Marne was appointed Bishop Châlons sur Marne.

Philip Blois Bishop Châlons sur Marne was appointed Bishop Châlons sur Marne.

William Chateaudun Bishop Châlons sur Marne was appointed Bishop Châlons sur Marne.

Bishop Comminges

Bishop Cornouaille

Benoît Canhiart Bishop Cornouaille was appointed Bishop Cornouaille.

Orscand Canhiart Bishop Cornouaille was appointed Bishop Cornouaille.

Bishop Evreux

Rotrou Newburgh Archbishop of Rouen was appointed Bishop Evreux.

Gilbert Arques Bishop Evreux was appointed Bishop Evreux.

Bishop Langres

Robert Burgundy Bishop Langres was appointed Bishop Langres.

Bishop Le Mans

In 997 Avesgaud Chateau Du Loir Bishop Le Mans was appointed Bishop Le Mans.

In 1036 Gervais Chateau Du Loir Archbishop of Reims (age 29) was appointed Bishop Le Mans.

Bishop Lescar

Bishop Lisieux

In 1049 Hugues Normandy Bishop Lisieux was appointed Bishop Lisieux.

Bishop Liège

In 1191 Albert of Louvain Bishop Liege (age 25) was elected Bishop Liège.

In 1302 Theobald of Bar Bishop Metz Bishop Liège was appointed Bishop Liège.

In 1389 John "Pitiless" Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria Straubing (age 14) was appointed Bishop Liège.

In 1389 Dietrich La Marck Bishop Liège was appointed Bishop Liège.

John Dampierre Bishop Metz Bishop Liège was appointed Bishop Liège.

Frederick Namur Bishop Liège was appointed Bishop Liège.

William Savoy Bishop Liège was appointed Bishop Liège.

Bishop Nantes

In 1081 Benoît Canhiart Bishop Nantes was appointed Bishop Nantes.

Guérech Canhiart Bishop Nantes was appointed Bishop Nantes.

Bishop Noyen

Peirre Chalot Capet Bishop Noyen was appointed Bishop Noyen.

Bishop Orléans

In 1297 Frederick Metz Bishop Orléans was appointed Bishop Orléans.

Bishop Pamiers

Bishop Soissons

Manasses Normandy Bishop Cambrai Bishop Soissons was appointed Bishop Soissons.

Guy Ingelger Bishop Soissons was appointed Bishop Soissons.

Bishop Strasbourg

In 1365 John Luxemburg Archbishop of Mainz was appointed Bishop Strasbourg.

Charles Lorraine Bishop Metz Bishop Strasbourg was appointed Bishop Strasbourg.

Bishop Toulose

Saint Louis Capet Bishop Toulose was appointed Bishop Toulose.

Matthias Metz Bishop Toulose was appointed Bishop Toulose.

Bishop Tournai

Before 1517 Bishop Richard Sampson was appointed diocesan chancellor and vicar-general of the Bishop Tournai by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (age 43).

Liudolfe Vermandois Bishop Noyen Bishop Tournai was appointed Bishop Tournai.

Bishop Valence

In 1224 Bishop William of Savoy was elected Bishop Valence.

In 1241 Archbishop Philip of Savoy (age 34) was elected Bishop Valence.

Bishop Verdun

In 984 Adalberon Ardennes Bishop Verdun was appointed Bishop Verdun.

Adalbero Ardennes Bishop Metz Bishop Verdun was appointed Bishop Verdun.

Cardinal Louis of Bar was appointed Bishop Verdun.

Bishop of Beauvais

In 1149 Henry Capet Archbishop of Reims (age 28) was appointed Bishop of Beauvais.

In 1175 Philippe of Dreux (age 17) was appointed Bishop of Beauvais.

Bishop of Paris

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 660. This year Bishop Egelbert (age 35) departed from Kenwal; and Wina held the bishopric three years. And Egbert (age 35) accepted the bishopric of Paris, in Gaul, by the Seine.

In 660 Bishop Egelbert (age 35) was appointed Bishop of Paris.

Bishop Godfrey Flanders was appointed Bishop of Paris.

Bishop Guillaume Montfort was appointed Bishop of Paris.