On this Day in History ... 11th September

11 Sep is in September.

1297 Battle of Stirling Bridge

1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak

1535 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1547 Battle of Pinkie Cleugh

1649 Siege of Drogheda

1709 Battle of Malplaquet

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 11th September

On 11 Sep 1261 King Magnus VI of Norway (age 23) and Queen Ingeborg of Norway (age 17) were married. She the daughter of King Eric IV of Denmark and Jutta of Saxony (age 38).

On 11 Sep 1297 the combined forces of Andrew Moray and William Wallace defeated the forces of John Warenne 6th Earl of Surrey (age 66) near Stirling Bridge, Stirling during the Battle of Stirling Bridge. After around half the English had crossed the narrow bridge the Scots attacked subjecting the English to a significant defeat.

Lanercost Chronicle. 11 Sep 1297. When this had been done and the greater part of the army had been dismissed, the Steward brought them to the bridge of Stirling, where on the other side of the water the army of Scotland was posted. They [the Scots] allowed as many of the English to cross the bridge as they could hope to overcome, and then, having blocked the bridge1, they slaughtered all who had crossed over, among whom perished the Treasurer of England, Hugh de Cressingham, of whose skin William Wallace caused a broad strip to be taken from the head to the heel, to make therewith a baldrick for his sword1. The Earl of Warenne escaped with difficulty and with a small following, so hotly did the enemy pursue them. After this the Scots entered Berwick and put to death the few English that they found therein; for the town was then without walls, and might be taken as easily by English or Scots coming in force. The castle of the town, however, was not surrendered on this occasion.

Note 1. Ponte obturato i.e. with the bridge blocked.

Note 2. Other writers say the skin was cut up into horse-girths.

John of Fordun's Chronicle. 11 Sep 1297. Battle of Stirling Bridge

In the year 1297, the fame of William Wallace was spread all abroad, and, at length, reached the ears of the king of England; for the loss brought upon his people was crying out. As the king, however, was intent upon many troublesome matters elsewhere, he sent his treasurer, named Hugh of Clissingham, with a large force to repress this William's boldness, and to bring the kingdom of Scotland under his sway. When, therefore, he heard of this man's arrival, the aforesaid William, then busy besieging the English who were in Dundee Castle, straightway intrusted the care and charge of the siege of the castle to the burgesses of that town, on pain of loss of life and limb, and, with his army, marched on, with all haste, towards Strivelyn (Stirling), to meet this Hugh. A battle was then fought, on the 11th of September, near Strivelyn (Stirling), at the bridge over the Forth. Hugh of Clissingham was killed, and all his army put to flight: some of them were slain with the sword, others taken, others drowned in the waters. But, through God, they were all overcome; and the aforesaid William gained a happy victory, with no little praise. Of the nobles, on his side, the noble Andrew of Moray alone, the father of Andrew, fell wounded.

Scalacronica. 11 Sep 1297. And the following winter, the said William Wallace burnt all Northumberland. The Earl of Warenne (age 66), who was Keeper of Scotland for the King of England, being in the south1, turned towards Scotland; where at the bridge of Stirling he was defeated by William Wallace, who, being at hand in order of battle2, allowed so many of the English as he pleased to cross over the said bridge, and, at the right moment3, attacked them, caused the bridge to be broken, where many of the English perished, with Hugh de Cressingham, the King's Treasurer; and it was said that the Scots caused him to be flayed, and in token of hatred made girths of his skin. The Earl of Warenne took flight to Berwick. William Wallace, to whom the Scots adhered, immediately after this discomfiture, followed4 the said Earl of Warenne in great force, and skirting Berwick, arrived on Hutton Moor in order of battle; but perceiving the English arrayed to oppose him, he came no nearer to Berwick, but retired and bivouacked in Duns Park5.

Note 1. Warenne, or Surrey, which was his principal title, had been recalled on 18th August for service with King Edward on the Continent, and Sir Brian Fitz Alan was appointed Keeper of Scotland in his place. But Sir Brian having raised a difficulty about his salary (£1128 8s.), the Prince of Wales wrote on 7th Sept., 1298, requiring Surrey to remain at his post. (See Stevenson's Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland, ii. 230.)

Note 2. En batailA soun point. i.e., in force or in order of battle; used in both senses.

Note 3. A soun point. i.e.

Note 4. Suyst, misprinted fuyst in Maitland Club Ed.

Note 5. Not Duns Park on Whitadder, but in a place which then bore that name a little to the north of Berwick.

Chronicle of Walter of Guisborough Voume 2. [11 Sep 1297]. After a long time, when the earl finally awoke from his sleep and all were armed in the field, he knighted new men there, some of whom fell the same day. Meanwhile, our infantry crossed over again, but returned once more because the Steward of Scotland and the Earl of Lennox arrived with only a few men, not with the sixty armed horsemen as had been agreed. Our men believed them to be bearers of good news, but they excused themselves both for the previous failure and for their inability to pacify their own people, saying they could neither seize their horses nor their weapons from them.

Cumque post magnam horam surrexisset a somno, essentque omnes in campo armati, fecit ibidem novos milites, quorum quidam eadem die corruerunt. Interimque transierunt pedestres nostri, et iterato reversi sunt eo quod senescallus Scotiæ et comes de Levenax veniebant cum paucis quidem et non cum LX armatis ut convenerant, credebantque nostri ipsos fore bajulos boni nuncii, sed excusaverunt se et in facto prædicto et quod gentem propriam justificare non possent, dicentes se non posse ab eis eripere nec equos nec arma.

In Jun 1348 the 1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak arrived in England. The first of many occurrences. It is estimated to have killed between 25 to 60 percent of the population of around six million. The outbreak lasted through 1349 recurring in 1362, 1369 and regularly thereafter until its last significant outbreak in The Great Plague of 1666.

On 11 Sep 1349 Bonne Luxemburg Queen Consort France (age 34) died of plague in Maubisson, Pontoise.

After 11 Sep 1504. All Saints Church, Turvey [Map]. Monument to John Mordaunt (deceased) and Edith Latimer (deceased).

Fluted Period. Angels Supporting Pillow. Dress Folds at Feet. Misericorde. Tassets. Crespine Headress. Lancastrian Esses Collar with Big Esses. Screaming Man crest, possibly Saracen's Head Crest. Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Dogs chewing at her dress. Some uncertainty about the attribution. Dogs chewing at her dress with Studded Collar. Swirling Tail. Chunky Lions Mane.

Edith Latimer: Before 1479 John Greene and she were married. Around 1450 she was born to Nicholas Latimer and Joan Hody at Duntish, Dorset. Before 1475 John Mordaunt and she were married. The date somewhat unreliable. Her first husband John Greene is supposed to have died in 1483 which makes the date of her marriage to John Mordaunt and the birth of her sons by him unreliable? On 01 Sep 1504 Edith Latimer died at Turvey, Bedfordshire. She was buried at All Saints Church, Turvey.

Letters and Papers 1535. 11 Sep 1535. R. O. 341. John Gostwyk to Cromwell.

This day I received your letter on horseback going home, and have delivered the three merchants the 20s. as the King's reward, as I am not to break the sum that came from York. As to your marvel that I have not received from the archbishop of Canterbury and the abbot of Westminster the money due to the King, I cannot see how I shall get it till next term. The Abbot's money is not yet due. On my return I shall quicken the Archbishop and other debtors with sharp letters, as you command, to pay up instantly. Concerning the killing and bestowing of your stag in the duke of Suffolk's park, I have already advertised you. By the Lord Mayor's certificate which I send you will see that the plague increases. London, Saturday, 11 Sept. Signed.

P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1540. 11 Sep 1540. The eleuenth of September a stranger was hanged in Moorefield, named Iames Rinatian, who had slaine his maister, one Capon a Florentine in a garden, for his harlot. In the latter end of this summer, was vniuersallie through the most parts of this realme great death by a strange kind of hot agues and fluxes, and some pestilence, in which season was such a drought, that wels and small riuers were cleane dried vp, so that much cattell died for lacke of water, and the Thames was so shalow, & the fresh water of so small strength that the salt water flowed aboue London bridge, till the raine had increased the fresh waters.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1540. 11 Sep 1540. Also the 11th daie of September was hanged in the Morefield [Map] before Betchlem Bridgee a stranger, named James Rynacyacyf, a Florentine borne, which said James had slaine one Capon, a Florentine borne, in a garden at Bethlem, on Bartholomew evin last past, very wilfullie, and had stabbed him in divers partes of his bodie with a dagger, having one wounde in his backe of six inches deepe.

Note e. Bethlehem Hospital originally stood on the east side of that part of the mere or moor afterwards known as Moorfields, from which it was divided by a large and deep ditch, over which was a bridge.

Note f. Stow calls him "Rinatian".

Holinshed's Chronicle 1547. [11 Sep 1547]. The next daie being sundaie the eleuenth of September, somewhat before noone, the armie remooued, & marching along the Forth side toward Lieth about three of the clocke in the after noone pitched their field, a pricke shot on this side that towne on the southeast halfe, somewhat shadowed from Edenburgh by a hill, but yet the most part of it laie within the full sight and shot of the castell there, and in distance somewhat aboue a quarter of a mile. The lord marshall, and the most part of the horssemen wer [...] bestowed and lodged in the towne of Lieth. The dukes grace, the lord lieutenant, and the rest of the armie in the campe. On tuesdaie the thirteenth of September, the smaller vessels of the English flée [...] burned Kinkorne, and a towne or two standing on the north shore of the Forth against Lieth.

In the after noone the dukes grace rowed vp the Forth a six or seuen miles westward, as it runneth into the land, and tooke in his waie an Iland there called saint Cooms ins, which lieth foure miles beyond Lieth, and a good waie neerer the north shore than the south, yet not within a mile of the néerest. It is but halfe a mile about, and had in it an abbeie, but the moonks were gone: fresh water inough, and store of conies, and is so naturallie strong, that but by one waie it can be entred; the plot whereof the lord protector considering, did quicklie cast to haue it kept, whereby all traffike of merchandize, all commodities else comming by the Forth into their land, and vtterlie the whole vse of the Forth it selfe, with all the hauens vpon it, should quite be taken from them.

Tudor Tracts by Pollard Chapter 4. Sunday the 11th of September [1547]. In the morning, a great sort [company] of us rode to the place of onset, where our men lay slain: and, what by gentlemen for their friends, and servants for their masters, all of them that were known to be ours were buried.

In the meantime, the Master and Officers of the Ordnance, did very diligently get together all the Scottish ordnance: which, because it lay in sundry places, they could not in [bring in] all overnight. And these were in number, a thirty pieces: whereof one culverin, three sakers, and nine smaller pieces were of brass; and of iron, seventeen pieces more, mounted on carriages.

These things thus done. Somewhat afore noon, our camp raised. We marched along the Frith side, straight towards Leith; and approaching nigh the same about three o'clock in the afternoon, we pight [pitched] our field [i.e., the camp] a prick shot on this side the town, being on the south-east half, somewhat shadowed from Edinburgh by a hill [Calton Hill], but the most of it lying within the full sight and shot of the Castle there, and in distance somewhat above a quarter of a mile.

My Lord's Grace, guarded but with a small company, was come to Leith well-nigh half an hour before the army; which he found all desolate of resistance, or anybody else. There were in the haven that runneth unto the midst of the town, a thirteen vessels of divers sorts. Somewhat of oade, wines, wainscot, and salt were found in the town: but as but little of that, so nothing else of value. For how much of other things as could well be carried, the inhabitants, overnight, had packed away with them.

My Lord Marshal and most of our horsemen were bestowed and lodged in the town. My Lord's Grace, my Lord Lieutenant, and the rest of the army in the camp.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1616. 11 Sep 1616. Upon the 11th Mr Sandford went to London by whom I sent a very earnest letter to my Lord (age 27) that I might come up to London1.

Note 1. Upon the 18th died my Lady Margaret’s old Beagle.

Before 11 Sep 1617. Unknown Painter. Portrait of Anthony Mildmay (age 68) at Emmanuel College, Cambridge University which father Walter Mildmay founded.

On 11 Sep 1617 Anthony Mildmay (age 68) died. He was buried at the Church of St Leonard, Apethorpe [Map]. His inscription reads ... Here sleepeth in the Lord with certaine hope of resurection Sr Antony Mildmay Knt eldet sonne to Sr Walter Mildmay Knt Chaunclor of the Exchequor. to Queene Elizabeth. He was Embassador from Queen Eliza: to the most Christian King of Fraunce Henry the 4th Ano. 1596; He was to Prince and Country faithful, and serviceable, in peace and warre, to freinds constant to enemies reconciliable. Bountiful and loved hospitality. He died September 11 1617.

On 27 Jul 1620 Grace Sharington (age 68) died. She was buried at the Church of St Leonard, Apethorpe [Map]. The inscription of her monument reads ... Here also lyeth Grace Ladie Mildmay the only wife of the saied Sr Antho: Mildmay one of the heyres of Sr Henry Sharington Knt: of Lacock in the County of Wiltes who lived 50 years maried to him and three years a widow after him. she was most devout, unspotedly chast mayd, wife, and widow, compassionate in heart, and charitably helpful with phisick, cloathes, nourishment, or counsels to any in misery, She was most careful and wise in managing worldly estate. So as her life was a blessing to hirs, and hir death she blessed them which hapned July 27 1620.

From RCHME Inventory. It is of grey veined and black marble and is partly gilded and painted. Two effigies lie on a black and white marble tomb chest beneath a baldachino consisting of a shallow dome with a cupola having round-headed openings in its drum, which give light to the interior. The baldachino is supported at each end by a rectangular pier onto which curtains, hanging from the architrave of the dome, are looped. Against the piers are standing figures representing the four Virtues, and the frieze is inscribed 'Devoute', 'Wise', 'Charitable' and 'Just'; the frieze is also inscribed 'Chaste' and 'Valiant'. The head of the figure representing Justice is modern. Seated on the cornice are smaller figures, on the E. of Faith and on the W. of Hope; on the cupola dome is a seated figure of Charity. Crowning the cornice are freestanding cartouches of arms of Mildmay (N.E. and S.E.) and Sherington (N.W. and S.W.). Against the cupola drum are shields of arms of Mildmay impaling Sherington, both quartered with alliances, and Mildmay quarterly. The W. pier of the baldachino is inscribed with a record of the setting up of the monument by Sir Francis Fane (age 37) in 1621. The tomb chest is enriched with emblems of mortality and eulogistically-phrased inscriptions record the lives of Sir Anthony on the S., and of Lady Grace on the N. The effigies lie on rush mats, he in Greenwich armour, she in full mantle, ruff and head-dress. The authorship of the monument is not known but the figures of the four Virtues are in the manner of Maximillian Colt (age 42) (cf. Cecil monument, Hatfield, Hertfordshire); the baldachino may be compared with that over the tomb of the Countess of Derby at Harefield, Middlesex, probably also by Colt (age 42).

Grace Sharington: Around 1552 she was born to Henry Sharington of Lacock in Wiltshire and Anne Paggett of Lacock Abbey. In 1567 Anthony Mildmay and she were married. They lived at Apethorpe Hall, Northamptonshire. In 1581 Henry Sharington of Lacock in Wiltshire died. His two surviving daughters for many disputed his will. According to Grace Sharington her sister Olive Sharington had persuaded their father to change his will. Grace Sharington eventually gained an equal share.

On 11 Sep 1627 General John Burgh (age 45) was killed in action during the siege of the citadel of St. Martin, on the Île de Rhé.

Diary of Isabella Twysden 1645. the 11 of Sep 1645 prince rupert (age 25) delivered up bristoll on treaty to Sr Tho: farfax (age 33) for the parlement.

Between 03 Sep 1649 and 11 Sep 1649, Drogheda [Map], under the command of the Royalist Arthur Aston (age 59), was besieged by the Parliamentary army commanded by Oliver Cromwell (age 50).

On 11 Sep 1649 Oliver Cromwell (age 50) had a letter delivered to Sir Arthur Aston, which proposed his Aston's surrender; Aston refused.

At 5:00 PM Cromwell ordered simultaneous assaults on the southern and eastern breaches in the walls of Drogheda.

At the southern breach, the defenders counterattacked. The death of their commander, Colonel Wall, caused them to fall back, allowing further Parliamentary reinforcements to be funnelled into the breach. In the fighting at the walls some 150 Parliamentarian troops, including Colonel Castle, were killed.

After the death of Colonel Wall with more and more Parliamentary soldiers streaming into the breaches, the Royalist resistance at the walls collapsed.

In Cromwell's words, "In the heat of the action, I forbade them [his soldiers] to spare any that were in arms in the town...and, that night they put to the sword about two thousand men".

The execution of Royalists constinued as and when they were discovered.

Around one hundred Royalists were discovered in St Peter's Church - Cromwell ordered the church and those inside to be burned.

Arthur Aston (age 59) was killed.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1660. At Sir W. Batten's (age 59) with Sir W. Pen (age 39) we drank our morning draft, and from thence for an hour in the office and dispatch a little business. Dined at Sir W. Batten's (age 59), and by this time I see that we are like to have a very good correspondence and neighbourhood, but chargeable. All the afternoon at home looking over my carpenters. At night I called Thos. Hater out of the office to my house to sit and talk with me. After he was gone I caused the girl to wash the wainscot of our parlour, which she did very well, which caused my wife and I good sport. Up to my chamber to read a little, and wrote my Diary for three or four days past. The Duke of York did go to-day by break of day to the Downs. The Duke of Gloucester (age 20) ill. The House of Parliament was to adjourn to-day. I know not yet whether it be done or no. To bed.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1663. Hither Mr. Moore came to me, and he and I home and advised about business, and so after an hour's examining the state of the Navy debts lately cast up, I took coach to Sir Philip Warwick's (age 53), but finding Sir G. Carteret (age 53) there I did not go in, but directly home, again, it raining hard, having first of all been with Creed and Mrs. Harper about a cook maid, and am like to have one from Creed's lodging.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1665. After dinner to billiards, where I won an angel1, and among other sports we were merry with my pretending to have a warrant to Sir W. Hickes (who was there, and was out of humour with Sir W. Doyly's (age 51) having lately got a warrant for a leash of buckes, of which we were now eating one) which vexed him, and at last would compound with me to give my Lord Bruncker (age 45) half a buck now, and me a Doe for it a while hence when the season comes in, which we agreed to and had held, but that we fear Sir W. Doyly (age 51) did betray our design, which spoiled all; however, my Lady Batten invited herself to dine with him this week, and she invited us all to dine with her there, which we agreed to, only to vex him, he being the most niggardly fellow, it seems, in the world. Full of good victuals and mirth we set homeward in the evening, and very merry all the way.

Note 1. A gold coin, so called because it bore the image of an angel, varying in value from six shillings and eightpence to ten shillings.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1665. So to Greenwich, Kent [Map], where when come I find my Lord Rutherford and Creed come from Court, and among other things have brought me several orders for money to pay for Tangier [Map]; and, among the rest £7000 and more, to this Lord, which is an excellent thing to consider, that, though they can do nothing else, they can give away the King's money upon their progresse. I did give him the best answer I could to pay him with tallys, and that is all they could get from me. I was not in humour to spend much time with them, but walked a little before Sir J. Minnes's (age 66) door and then took leave, and I by water to Woolwich, Kent [Map], where with my wife to a game at tables1, and to bed.

Note 1. The old name for backgammon, used by Shakespeare and others. The following lines are from an epitaph entirely made up of puns on backgammon "Man's life's a game at tables, and he may Mend his bad fortune by his wiser play". Wit's Recre., i. 250, reprint, 1817.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1665. Up and walked to the office, there to do some business till ten of the clock, and then by agreement my Lord, Sir J. Minnes (age 66), Sir W. Doyly (age 51), and I took boat and over to the ferry, where Sir W. Batten's (age 64) coach was ready for us, and to Walthamstow, Essex [Map] drove merrily, excellent merry discourse in the way, and most upon our last night's revells; there come we were very merry, and a good plain venison dinner.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1666. Lay there, and up betimes, and by water with my gold, and laid it with the rest in my office, where I find all well and safe. So with Sir W. Batten (age 65) to the New Exchange by water and to my Lord Bruncker's (age 46) house, where Sir W. Coventry (age 38) and Sir G. Carteret (age 56) met. Little business before us but want of money. Broke up, and I home by coach round the town.

Pepy's Diary. 11 Sep 1667. But here come Mr. Moore, and sat and discoursed with me of publique matters: the sum of which is, that he do doubt that there is more at the bottom than the removal of the Chancellor (age 58); that is, he do verily believe that the King (age 37) do resolve to declare the Duke of Monmouth (age 18) legitimate, and that we shall soon see it. This I do not think the Duke of York (age 33) will endure without blows; but his poverty, and being lessened by having the Chancellor (age 58) fallen and Sir W. Coventry (age 39) gone from him, will disable him from being able to do any thing almost, he being himself almost lost in the esteem of people; and will be more and more, unless my Chancellor (age 58), who is already begun to be pitied by some people, and to be better thought of than was expected, do recover himself in Parliament. He would seem to fear that this difference about the Crowne (if there be nothing else) will undo us. He do say that, that is very true; that my Lord [Chancellor (age 58)] did lately make some stop of some grants of £2000 a-year to my Lord Grandison (age 50), which was only in his name, for the use of my Baroness Castlemaine's (age 26) children; and that this did incense her, and she did speak very scornful words, and sent a scornful message to him about it.

On 11 Sep 1674 Anna Maria Josepha Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 34) and Claudia Felicitas of Holy Roman Empress (age 21). She died three months later on 21 Dec 1674. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.35%.

Before 11 Sep 1676 . Unknown Painter. Portrait of Anna de Medici (age 60).

Anna de Medici: On 21 Jul 1616 she was born to Cosimo II de Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany. Before 30 May 1653 Ferdinand Charles Habsburg Spain and she were married. They were first cousins. On 11 Sep 1676 Anna de Medici died.

Before 11 Sep 1676 . Unknown Painter. Portrait of Duchess Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

Duchess Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin: On 04 Dec 1784 she was born to Grand Duke Frederick Francis I of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Princess Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg. On 21 Jun 1806 King Christian I of Norway and VIII of Denmark and she were married. They were first cousins. In 1810 King Christian I of Norway and VIII of Denmark and Duchess Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin were divorced after her alleged affair with her singing teacher Édouard Du Puy. She was exiled; she never saw her one year old son again. On 13 Jul 1840 Duchess Charlotte Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin died.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 11 Sep 1690. Thursday, Bidolph Morgan & sonne (age 39) went a coursing; Traverse came with them home,& dined; after dinner I, sonne (age 39), Bidolph & Morgan went to Utkington; there was Crew, Church, Damport, Huxley, another (a stranger),&c. we came at 4, parted at 6; came home; Mainwaring came back after I was in bed; the gardner went to Warburton with venison.

On 11 Sep 1709 at the Battle of Maplaquet Colonel Edmund Revett and John Murray (age 25) were killed.

Avebury by William Stukeley. 11 Sep 1724. Nor is this a slight matter; for if knowledge be a valuable thing, if it be the highest ornament and felicity to the human mind; the most divine part of all knowledge is to know somewhat of the nature of the deity. This knowledge the Druids assuredly attempted to come at, and obtained, as we gather from the different kinds of their temples; and when we have described them, we shall beg leave to resume this argument, and briefly to discourse on it again, as being the chief and ultimate purpose of all antique inquiries.

Before 11 Sep 1821 Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (age 66). Portrait of Varvara Nikolayevna Golitsyn (age 55).

Varvara Nikolayevna Golitsyn: In 1766 she was born to Nikolai Fyodorovich Golitsyn. On 11 Sep 1821 she died.

On 08 Sep 1945 Cecil Reginald John Manners (age 77) committed suicide by jumping in front of a train at Crowborough Railway Station Crowborough East Sussex.

The Liverpool Echo reported on the 11 Sep 1945: "A fully loaded six-chambered revolver was found on the body of a man believed to be Lord Cecil Manners, it wa stated at the inquest at Cromborough (Sussex), to-day. The man was killed by a train at Crowborough Station on Saturday. Detective-Constable Gray said he found an identity card on the body with the name Cecil R. J. Manners. A visiting card bore the name of Lord Cecil Manners, Tunbridge Wells. The coroner said he was satisfied that the man was Lord Cecil Manners. He recorded a verdict of "Death by decapitation by throwing himself in front of a train while the balance of mind was disturbed."

Births on the 11th September

On 11 Sep 1318 Eleanor Plantagenet Countess Arundel and Surrey was born to Henry Plantagenet 3rd Earl of Leicester 3rd Earl Lancaster (age 37) and Maud Chaworth (age 36). She a great granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 11 Sep 1364 Charles Metz II Duke Lorraine was born to John Metz I Duke Lorraine (age 18) and Sophie Württemberg Duchess Lorraine (age 21).

On 11 Sep 1476 Louise of Savoy Countess Angoulême was born to Philip "Landless" Savoy II Duke Savoy (age 38) and Margaret Bourbon (age 37). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.19%.

On 11 Sep 1573 Elizabeth West was born to Thomas West 2nd Baron De La Warr (age 17) and Anne Knollys Baroness De La Warr (age 18).

On 11 Sep 1652 Luise Hesse-Kassel was born to Wilhelm "The Just" VI Hesse-Kassel (age 23) and Hedwig Sophia Hohenzollern (age 29).

On 11 Sep 1674 Anna Maria Josepha Habsburg Spain was born to Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor (age 34) and Claudia Felicitas of Holy Roman Empress (age 21). She died three months later on 21 Dec 1674. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.35%.

Before 11 Sep 1677 John Eden 2nd Baronet was born to Robert Eden 1st Baronet and Margaret Lambton. He was baptised on 11 Sep 1677.

On or before 11 Sep 1677 John Cordell 3rd Baronet was born to John Cordell 2nd Baronet (age 31).

On 11 Sep 1679 Leopold Duke of Lorraine was born to Charles V Duke of Lorraine (age 36) at Palace of Innsbruck, Innsbruck.

On 11 Sep 1717 Henry Granville was born to Richard Granville (age 39).

On or before 11 Sep 1722 Thomas Haggerston 4th Baronet was born to Carnaby Haggerston 3rd Baronet (age 25). he was baptised on 11 Sep 1722.

On 11 Sep 1725 George Seymour was born to Algernon Seymour 7th Duke of Somerset (age 40) and Frances Thynne Duchess Somerset (age 26).

On 11 Sep 1739 Hugh Carleton 1st Viscount Carleton was born.

On 11 Sep 1747 Frederick Hesse-Kassel was born to Frederick Hesse-Kassel (age 27) and Mary Hanover (age 24). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 11 Sep 1751 Charlotte Saxe Meiningen Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg was born to Anton Ulrich Duke of Saxe Meiningen (age 63).

On 11 Sep 1755 Charlotte Dillon Countess Kenmare was born to Henry Dillon 11th Viscount Dillon (age 50) and Charlotte Lee Viscountess Dillon (age 31). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 11 Sep 1783 Edward Murray was born to John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 27).

On 11 Sep 1786 Reverend John Earle Welby was born to William Earle Welby 1st Baronet (age 52) and Elizabeth Cope Lady Welby (age 28).

On 11 Sep 1834 Henry Fitzwarine Chichester was born to Edward Chichester 4th Marquess Donegal (age 35) and Amelia Ogrady Marchioness County Donegal.

On 11 Sep 1842 George Frederick Greville-Nugent was born to Fulke Southwell Greville-Nugent 1st Baron Greville (age 21) and Rosa Emily Nugent Baroness Greville (age 28).

On 11 Sep 1873 Claude Champion de Crespigny was born to Claude Champion de Crespigny 4th Baronet (age 26) and Louisa Margaret McKerrall.

On 11 Sep 1883 William John Lydston Poulett 7th Earl Poulett was born to William Henry Paulett 6th Earl Paulett (age 55) and Rosa Melville Countess Poulett.

On 11 Sep 1896 Robert Abdy 5th Baronet was born to Henry Abdy 4th Baronet (age 43) and Anna Adele Coronn.

On 11 Sep 1917 Jessica Lucy Mitford was born to David Freeman-Mitford 2nd Baron Redesdale (age 39) and Sydney Bowles (age 37).

On 11 Sep 1937 Valentine Abdy 6th Baronet was born to Robert Abdy 5th Baronet (age 41) and Helen Diana Bridgeman (age 30).

Marriages on the 11th September

On 11 Sep 1261 King Magnus VI of Norway (age 23) and Queen Ingeborg of Norway (age 17) were married. She the daughter of King Eric IV of Denmark and Jutta of Saxony (age 38).

On 11 Sep 1705 Edward Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh (age 21) and Mary Holbech Baroness Leigh were married.

On 11 Sep 1735 Edward Dering 5th Baronet (age 30) and Mary Fotherby Lady Dering were married at St Anne's Church, Soho [Map].

On 11 Sep 1768 George Bowyer 5th and 1st Baronet (age 28) and Margaret Price Lady Downing were married. No issue.

Before 11 Sep 1786 William Earle Welby 1st Baronet (age 52) and Elizabeth Cope Lady Welby (age 28) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years.

On 11 Sep 1856 Frederick Christian Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 27) and Adelheid Hohenlohe Langenburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg were married. She by marriage Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. He the son of Christian August Oldenburg II Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg (age 58) and Louise Sophie Danneskiold Samsøe Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Augustenburg. He a great x 3 grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

Before 11 Sep 1873 Claude Champion de Crespigny 4th Baronet (age 26) and Louisa Margaret McKerrall were married.

Deaths on the 11th September

On 11 Sep 1161 Melisende Queen of Jerusalem (age 56) died.

On 11 Sep 1188 Alice D'Aubigny Countess Eu died.

In Jun 1348 the 1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak arrived in England. The first of many occurrences. It is estimated to have killed between 25 to 60 percent of the population of around six million. The outbreak lasted through 1349 recurring in 1362, 1369 and regularly thereafter until its last significant outbreak in The Great Plague of 1666.

On 11 Sep 1349 Bonne Luxemburg Queen Consort France (age 34) died of plague in Maubisson, Pontoise.

On 11 Sep 1617 Anthony Mildmay (age 68) died. He was buried at the Church of St Leonard, Apethorpe [Map]. His inscription reads ... Here sleepeth in the Lord with certaine hope of resurection Sr Antony Mildmay Knt eldet sonne to Sr Walter Mildmay Knt Chaunclor of the Exchequor. to Queene Elizabeth. He was Embassador from Queen Eliza: to the most Christian King of Fraunce Henry the 4th Ano. 1596; He was to Prince and Country faithful, and serviceable, in peace and warre, to freinds constant to enemies reconciliable. Bountiful and loved hospitality. He died September 11 1617.

On 27 Jul 1620 Grace Sharington (age 68) died. She was buried at the Church of St Leonard, Apethorpe [Map]. The inscription of her monument reads ... Here also lyeth Grace Ladie Mildmay the only wife of the saied Sr Antho: Mildmay one of the heyres of Sr Henry Sharington Knt: of Lacock in the County of Wiltes who lived 50 years maried to him and three years a widow after him. she was most devout, unspotedly chast mayd, wife, and widow, compassionate in heart, and charitably helpful with phisick, cloathes, nourishment, or counsels to any in misery, She was most careful and wise in managing worldly estate. So as her life was a blessing to hirs, and hir death she blessed them which hapned July 27 1620.

From RCHME Inventory. It is of grey veined and black marble and is partly gilded and painted. Two effigies lie on a black and white marble tomb chest beneath a baldachino consisting of a shallow dome with a cupola having round-headed openings in its drum, which give light to the interior. The baldachino is supported at each end by a rectangular pier onto which curtains, hanging from the architrave of the dome, are looped. Against the piers are standing figures representing the four Virtues, and the frieze is inscribed 'Devoute', 'Wise', 'Charitable' and 'Just'; the frieze is also inscribed 'Chaste' and 'Valiant'. The head of the figure representing Justice is modern. Seated on the cornice are smaller figures, on the E. of Faith and on the W. of Hope; on the cupola dome is a seated figure of Charity. Crowning the cornice are freestanding cartouches of arms of Mildmay (N.E. and S.E.) and Sherington (N.W. and S.W.). Against the cupola drum are shields of arms of Mildmay impaling Sherington, both quartered with alliances, and Mildmay quarterly. The W. pier of the baldachino is inscribed with a record of the setting up of the monument by Sir Francis Fane (age 37) in 1621. The tomb chest is enriched with emblems of mortality and eulogistically-phrased inscriptions record the lives of Sir Anthony on the S., and of Lady Grace on the N. The effigies lie on rush mats, he in Greenwich armour, she in full mantle, ruff and head-dress. The authorship of the monument is not known but the figures of the four Virtues are in the manner of Maximillian Colt (age 42) (cf. Cecil monument, Hatfield, Hertfordshire); the baldachino may be compared with that over the tomb of the Countess of Derby at Harefield, Middlesex, probably also by Colt (age 42).

Grace Sharington: Around 1552 she was born to Henry Sharington of Lacock in Wiltshire and Anne Paggett of Lacock Abbey. In 1567 Anthony Mildmay and she were married. They lived at Apethorpe Hall, Northamptonshire. In 1581 Henry Sharington of Lacock in Wiltshire died. His two surviving daughters for many disputed his will. According to Grace Sharington her sister Olive Sharington had persuaded their father to change his will. Grace Sharington eventually gained an equal share.

On 11 Sep 1623 Margaret Hamilton Countess Angus (age 38) died.

On 11 Sep 1677 William Crofts 1st Baron Crofts (age 66) died.

On 11 Sep 1679 Edward Sebright 2nd Baronet (age 34) died. His son Edward Sebright 3rd Baronet (age 11) succeeded 3rd Baronet Sebright of Besford in Worcestershire.

On 04 Sep 1717 Henry Bendish 4th Baronet (age 43) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Steeple Bumstead on 11 Sep 1717. Baronet Bendish of Steeple Bumstead in Essex extinct.

Before 11 Sep 1734 Elizabeth "Mad Duchess" Cavendish Duchess Albermarle Duchess of Montagu (age 80) died. On 11 Sep 1734 she was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 11 Sep 1748 Dorothy Maynard Lady Haselrigge (age 80) died.

On 11 Sep 1768 George Trevelyan 3rd Baronet (age 60) died. His son John Trevelyan 4th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 4th Baronet Trevelyan of Nettlecombe.

On 11 Sep 1783 John Shelley 5th Baronet (age 53) died. His son John Shelley 6th Baronet (age 11) succeeded 6th Baronet Shelley of Mitchelgrove in Sussex.

On 11 Sep 1785 Thomas Reynolds 2nd Baron Ducie (age 51) died. His brother Francis Reynolds-Moreton 3rd Baron Ducie (age 46) succeeded 3rd Baron Ducie.

On 11 Sep 1810 Francis Baring 1st Baronet (age 70) died. His son Thomas Baring 2nd Baronet (age 38) succeeded 2nd Baronet Baring of Larkbeer in Devon. Mary Ursula Sealy Lady Baring (age 36) by marriage Lady Baring of Larkbeer in Devon.

On 11 Sep 1827 Nicholas Ward 2nd Viscount Bangor (age 76) died unmarried. His nephew Edward Ward 3rd Viscount Bangor (age 37) succeeded 3rd Viscount Bangor of Castleward in County Downe.

On 11 Sep 1845 Mary Beauclerk Countess Coventry (age 54) died.

On 11 Sep 1858 Sarah Dunn-Gardner Marchioness Townshend died.

On 11 Sep 1869 Emily Lamb Countess Cowper (age 82) died.

On 11 Sep 1892 Arthur Algernon Capell 6th Earl Essex (age 89) died. His grandson George Capell 7th Earl of Essex (age 34) succeeded 7th Earl Essex.

On 11 Sep 1921 Prince Louis of Battenburg 1st Marquess Milford Haven (age 67) died. His son George Mountbatten 2nd Marquess Milford Haven (age 28) succeeded 2nd Marquess Milford Haven. Nadejda Mikhailovna Torby Marchioness Milford Haven (age 25) by marriage Marchioness Milford Haven.

On 11 Sep 2001 Henry Herbert 7th Earl of Carnarvon (age 77) died. His son George Herbert 8th Earl of Carnarvon (age 44) succeeded 8th Earl Carnarvon, 8th Baron Porchester.