On this Day in History ... 13th March
13 Mar is in March.
Events on the 13th March
Florence of Worcester. 13 Mar 1121. After this, the archbishop, having accompanied the king (age 53) to Abingdon [Map], consecrated on Sunday the third of the ides [the 13th] of March, Robert, before named, as bishop of Chester, there being present and assisting at this sacrament William, bishop of Winchester, William, bishop of Exeter, and the Welsh bishops, Urban (age 45) and Bernard.
New Chronicle by Villani Chapter 39. 13 Mar 1271. And now we return to our chief subject — how was slain Count Henry, earl of Cornwall (age 35), brother [cousin] of King Edward, in revenge for this, as we said before. The court was greatly disturbed, giving much blame therefor to King Charles, who ought not to have suffered this if he knew thereof, and if he did not know it he ought not to have let it go unavenged. But the said Count Guy (age 27), being provided with a company of men-at-arms on horse and on foot, was not content only with having done the said murder; forasmuch as a cavalier asked him what he had done, and he replied, "J’ai fait ma vangeance," [I took my revenge] and that cavalier said, "Comment? Votre père fut trainé;" [How? Your father was dragged] and immediately he returned to the church, and took Henry by the hair, and dead as he was, he dragged him vilely without the church; and when he had done the said sacrilege and homicide, he departed from Viterbo, and came safe and sound into Maremma to the lands of Count Rosso, his father-in-law. By reason of the death of the said Henry, Edward, his brother, very wrathful and indignant against King Charles, departed from Viterbo, and came with his followers through Tuscany, and abode in Florence, and knighted many citizens, giving them horses and all knightly accoutrements very nobly, and then he came into England, and set the heart of his said brother in a golden cup upon a pillar at the head of London Bridge over the river Thames, to keep the English in mind of the outrage sustained. For the which thing, Edward, after he became king, was never friendly towards King Charles, nor to his folk. After like manner, Philip, king of France, departed with his folk, and came and dwelt many days in Florence; and when he was come into France, he buried the body of the good King Louis, his father with great honour, and had himself crowned with great solemnity at Rheims.
On 13 Mar 1271 Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 35) was murdered while attending mass at the Chiesa di San Silvestro Viterbo Lazio by his cousins Simon "Younger" Montfort and Guy Montfort Count Nola (age 27) in revenge for the deaths of their father Simon and older brother Henry at the Battle of Evesham.
The murder was carried out in the presence of the Cardinals, who were conducting a papal Election, King Philip III of France (age 25), and King Charles of Sicily (age 43). The Montfort brothers were excommunicated
The deed is mentioned by Dante Alighieri some forty years after in the Divine Comedy who placed Guy de Montfort in the seventh circle of hell. Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 35) was buried in Hailes Abbey [Map].
On 13 Mar 1271 Queen Judith of Bohemia and Poland was born to Rudolph I King Romans (age 52) and Gertrude Hohenburg (age 46).
On 13 Mar 1372 Charles Bohemia was born to Charles IV King Bohemia Holy Roman Emperor Luxemburg (age 55) and Elizabeth Pomerania Holy Roman Empress Luxemburg (age 25). On 24 Jul 1373 Charles Bohemia (age 1) died.
On 13 Mar 1372 Louis Valois Duke Touraine I Duke Orléans was born to King Charles V of France (age 33) and Joanna Bourbon Queen Consort France (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.59%.
Chronicle of Gregory 1461. The xiij day of Marche the King, owre newe King Edwarde (age 18), toke his jornaye unto the Northe, and the Duke of Northefolke (age 45) with hym. The Erle of Warwycke (age 32) and the Lord Fauconbrygge (age 32), with many knyghtes, squyers, and comyns, to the nombyr of iic Mlmen.
Calendars. 13 Mar 1463. Westminster Palace [Map]. Commission to James Strangways, knight, Thomas Witham (age 43), chancellor of the Exchequer, Thomas Mouutford, esquire, John Laton, esquire, and Ralph Assheton, esquire, to enquire by oath of good men of the county of York whether Joan Faucombregge, late Countess of Kent (age 56), is an idiot and incapable of the government of herself and her possessions, whether she has alienated any of her lands, and who is her next heir.
On 13 Mar 1516 Vladislaus II King Hungary (age 60) died.
On 13 Mar 1518 Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) died at Ashover, Derbyshire [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Ashover, Derbyshire [Map].
Monument to Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert. Excellent painted alabaster monument of the Fluted Period with the colours much refreshed. Carved by Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings. The monument was probably erected shortly after Edith died. Thomas's will requests the tomb not be disturbed when dies:
I will my body be buryed in my parish church of Ashover, nere by wif Edith, it it fortune me to deceas within xx. myles of the same. And ells in such place as shalbe thought by them that shalbe wt me at the tyme of my diceas; But I will not that the Tombe which I have made in the Church of Ashover be broken or hurt for my carkas, but that it be leyde nere the same, and over that place that I shall lye in, a stone with a scripture after myne executors and supervisour myndis or the more parte of them to be leyde."
Thomas Babington of Dethick: Around 1449 he was born to John Babington and Isabel Bradbourne. Before 1476 Thomas Babington of Dethick and Editha Fitzherbert were married.
Editha Fitzherbert: Around 1457 she was born to Ralph Fitzherbert and Elizabeth Marshall at Norbury, Derbyshire. In 1511 Editha Fitzherbert died at Ashover, Staffordshire.
She wearing a Gabled Headress with long lappets.
He in civilian clothes with a purse (aka scrip aka gypciere) hanging from his belt.
Dogs chewing at her dress suggests Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent carved the monument.
The chest tomb of exceptional quality with the fifteen weepers under crocketed canopies broadly undamaged. The weepers on the sides are believed to represent Thomas and Editha's children, possibly fourteen, and their respective spouses. The chest tomb now abuts the south wall of the chancel meaning only three sides visible.
Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert with Saints Catherine and Thomas of Canterbury in the centre.
Babington Arms impaled Fitzherbert Arms.
Chronicle of Greyfriars. 13 Mar 1537. Also the 13th day of March sir Francis Bigod (age 29) was brought out of the North to the tower through Smithfield [Map] and in at Newgate [Map], riding so through Cheapside [Map] and so to the Tower [Map], and Sir Ralph Elderker leading him by the hand with that he was bound withal.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Mar 1562. The sam day dyd pryche at the cowrte, that was fryday a-for Passyon sonday, master Nowell (age 45) the dene of Powlles.
On 13 Mar 1569 Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 38) was killed after surrendering at the Battle of Jarnac. His son Henri Bourbon Condé Prince Condé (age 16) succeeded Prince Condé. His son Charles Bourbon Condé Count Soissons (age 2) succeeded Count Soissons.
Diary of Anne Clifford 1617. 13 Mar 1617. The 13th made an end of Leviticus with Mr Ran. I sent by Willoughby a little jewel of opal to Lady Frenchard’s girl.
On 13 Mar 1620 Bishop Martin Fortherby (deceased) was buried at All Hallows Staining Church Langbourn Ward.
Evelyn's Diary. 13 Mar 1650. Saw a triumph in Monsieur del Camp's Academy, where divers of the French and English noblesse, especially my Lord of Ossory, and Richard, sons to the Marquis of Ormond (age 39) (afterward Duke), did their exercises on horseback in noble equipage, before a world of spectators and great persons, men and ladies. It ended in a collation.
Evelyn's Diary. 13 Mar 1661. This afternoon, Prince Rupert (age 41) showed me, with his own hands, the new way of graving, called mezzo tinto, which afterward, by his permission, I published in my "History of Chalcography"; this set so many artists on work, that they soon arrived to the perfection it is since come to, emulating the tenderest miniatures.
Evelyn's Diary. 13 Mar 1661. I went to Lambeth, with Sir R. Browne's (age 56) pretense to the Wardenship of Merton College, Oxford, to which, as having been about forty years before a student of that house, he was elected by the votes of every Fellow except one; but the statutes of the house being so that, unless every Fellow agree, the election devolves to the Visitor, who is the Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Juxon (age 79)), his Grace gave his nomination to Sir T. Clayton, resident there, and the Physic Professor: for which I was not at all displeased, because, though Sir Richard (age 56) missed it by much ingratitude and wrong of the Archbishop (Clayton being no Fellow), yet it would have hindered Sir Richard from attending at Court to settle his greater concerns, and so have prejudiced me, though he was much inclined to have passed his time in a collegiate life, very unfit for him at that time, for many reasons. So I took leave of his Grace, who was formerly Lord Treasurer in the reign of Charles I.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1665. This day I saw my Lord Castlemayne (age 31) at St. James's, lately come from France.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1666. At noon to dinner, and then to the office again, where mighty business, doing a great deale till midnight and then home to supper and to bed. The plague encreased this week 29 from 28, though the total fallen from 238 to 207, which do never a whit please me.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1667. By and by by coach, set down Mr. Holliard (age 58) near his house at Hatton Garden [Map] and myself to Lord Treasurer's (age 60), and sent my wife to the New Exchange. I staid not here, but to Westminster Hall [Map], and thence to Martin's, where he and she both within, and with them the little widow that was once there with her when I was there, that dissembled so well to be grieved at hearing a tune that her, late husband liked, but there being so much company, I had no pleasure here, and so away to the Hall again, and there met Doll Lane coming out, and 'par contrat did hazer bargain para aller to the cabaret de vin', called the Rose, and 'ibi' I staid two hours, 'sed' she did not 'venir', 'lequel' troubled me, and so away by coach and took up my wife, and away home, and so to Sir W. Batten's (age 66), where I am told that it is intended by Mr. Carcasse to pray me to be godfather with Lord Bruncker (age 47) to-morrow to his child, which I suppose they tell me in mirth, but if he should ask me I know not whether I should refuse it or no.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1667. Late at my office preparing a speech against to-morrow morning, before the King (age 36), at my Lord Treasurer's (age 60), and the truth is it run in my head all night.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1667. So home to supper and to bed. The Duke of Buckingham (age 39) is concluded gone over sea, and, it is thought, to France.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1667. So to Westminster Hall [Map], and there staid and talked, and then to Sir G. Carteret's (age 57), where I dined with the ladies, he not at home, and very well used I am among them, so that I am heartily ashamed that my wife hath not been there to see them; but she shall very shortly.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1667. So home by water, and stepped into Michell's, and there did baiser my Betty, 'que aegrotat' [unwell] a little. At home find Mr. Holliard (age 58), and made him eat a bit of victuals. Here I find Mr. Greeten, who teaches my wife on the flageolet, and I think she will come to something on it. Mr. Holliard (age 58) advises me to have my father come up to town, for he doubts else in the country he will never find ease, for, poor man, his grief is now grown so great upon him that he is never at ease, so I will have him up at Easter.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1667. Up, and with Sir W. Batten (age 66) to the Duke of York (age 33) to our usual attendance, where I did fear my Lord Bruncker (age 47) might move something in revenge that might trouble me, but he did not, but contrarily had the content to hear Sir G. Carteret (age 57) fall foul on him in the Duke of York's (age 33) bed chamber for his directing people with tickets and petitions to him, bidding him mind his Controller's place and not his, for if he did he should be too hard for him, and made high words, which I was glad of. Having done our usual business with the Duke of York (age 33), I away; and meeting Mr. Prince in the presence-chamber, he and I to talk; and among other things he tells me, and I do find every where else, also, that our masters do begin not to like of their councils in fitting out no fleete, but only squadrons, and are finding out excuses for it; and, among others, he tells me a Privy-Councillor did tell him that it was said in Council that a fleete could not be set out this year, for want of victuals, which gives him and me a great alarme, but me especially for had it been so, I ought to have represented it; and therefore it puts me in policy presently to prepare myself to answer this objection, if ever it should come about, by drawing up a state of the Victualler's stores, which I will presently do.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1668. Thence he to the House, and I to the Hall, where my Lord Brouncker (age 48) and the rest waiting till noon and not called for by the House, they being upon the business of money again, and at noon all of us to Chatelin's, the French house in Covent Garden [Map], to dinner-Brouncker (age 48), J. Minnes (age 69), W. Pen (age 46), T. Harvey (age 42), and myself-and there had a dinner cost us 8s. 6d. a-piece, a damned base dinner, which did not please us at all, so that I am not fond of this house at all, but do rather choose the Beare.
Pepy's Diary. 13 Mar 1668. Thence with our company to the King's playhouse, where I left them, and I, my head being full of to-morrow's dinner, I to my Lord Crew's (age 70), there to invite Sir Thomas Crew (age 44); and there met with my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 20) and his lady, the first time I spoke to her. I saluted her; and she mighty civil and; with my Lady Jemimah, do all resolve to be very merry to-morrow at my house. My Lady Hinchingbroke [Note. Probably a reference to Elizabeth Wilmot Countess Sandwich the future Lady Hinchinbroke.] I cannot say is a beauty, nor ugly; but is altogether a comely lady enough, and seems very good-humoured, and I mighty glad of the occasion of seeing her before to-morrow.
Roger Whitley's Diary. 13 Mar 1690. Thursday, about 9 I met G.Mainwaring (age 47), Johnson, Murray, Gates at Gerards; there came severall people (Griffith, the Carpenters & severall others) offering to vote for me & G.Mainwaring (age 47) if we would get them made free & those that wanted money desired to borrow it & would pay it againe or work it out; but G.Mainwaring (age 47) & I refused to meddle in the matter; soe I left them, went to Dr Fog, & with him, to the Quire, then to the Mayor in the Penthouse; the elder Sheriffe, Shakerly, Leeming, Ince, Wilcocks, Wilson, Allen, 2 Bennetts, Williamson & Mr Thomas was present; they made about 37 freemen that morninG. Alderman Edwards, Wynne, & Hand were present; they objected against: severall that were made free; one being very old & in a capacity of being made free for 40 yeares together; Edwards asked him how he came to desire his freedome now; he sayd he wanted money before but now a frind lent it him; many old & severall under age were made free; I and Alderman Mainwaring would not be prsent at making any free nor give any countenance to it; we onely came to move the Mayor & the Sheriffes that a pole might be in the Norgate streete, a spatious place, and not on the Roadee; & gave many reasons for it; they sayed: they would consider it; we left them there; went to the Talbot, dined there with Bidolph, Streete, Mainwaring, Morgan, Wright, &c. after dinner came Croughton, Sheriffe Randle Batho, Edwards, Hand, Farington, Pugh, Kinaston, Wright, Salisbury, &c. ( Mrs Harleston & Mrs Wright came to speake with me in another roome; also Mr Glasier & another, in another roome, they stayd not long) we all parted about 5; Bidolph & my sonne (age 39) went home with me in my coach.
Calendars. 13 Mar 1693. Whitehall. Passes for Andrew Depp to go to Harwich and Holland; and for Michael Bird, ditto. [S.P. Dom. Warrant Book 36, p. 514.]
Calendars. 13 Mar 1693. Whitehall. Warrant for the denization of the following French Protestants:— Peter Laloue, clerk, Isaac Odry, clerk, Peter Hamelot, clerk, Abel Ligonier, clerk, John Gohier, clerk, James Gohier, Peter Ducros, John Buschman, John Beckman, Lucas Yosnony, John Wesell, Henry Sperling, William Barlemeyer, John Gaspard Meyer, Hugh Marmion, Michael Garnaut, Peter Garnaut, Lewis Pointou, Stephen Toulouse, Peter de l''Isle, John Braguier, Henry Justel, Peter Daniel and Peter his son, Peter St. Julien de Malecare, Peter and Lewis his children, David Sabatier, Peter John Daves, Peter Verdetty and Theodore his son, Samuel Mar, John Luquet, Peter Brochard and Mary his wife, James Davy and Dorothea his wife. John Richer. Anthony le Mercier, Peter Angel, ,John Theron. Peter John David, Francis Grimpret, Michael de Neuville, Daniel Helot, Gabriel Cosson, Abraham Desmarets, John Treville, Isaac Sausselle, Peter de la Touche, Martha his wife, and Peter, James and Mark their children, John Mariette, John Rapillart, Isaac Cousin, Henry Baignoux, John Robethon, Abraham Kemp, Daniel Duchemin, Philipe Bouquet, John Alexander Faure, David Lardeau, Jane his wife, and David and Anna their children, Stephen Thibaut and Lsther his wife, Peter Pashtureau and Jane his wife, John Labbe and Elizabeth his wife, Samuel Binaud, Stephen Rouleau and Mary his wife, Francis Basset, Mary Magdalen his wife, and Suzanna Magdalen and Susanna their daughters, James Mani, John Mani, John Pages, Benjamin Godfroy, Andrew Jolin, Claude Fonnereau, John le Sage, Daniel Audait, John Anthony Roche, Henry Roche, Richard Moyne, John Tadourneau, Susanna Basset, Christian Bauer, Nicholas de Wael, Peter Roux, John Chadaigne, Henry Jourdan, Adrian Brievinck, William Beste, John Valleau, Vincent de Laimerie, John Audebert, Elizabeth his wife, and John, Philip and Moses, their children, Daniel Fougherson and John, his son, Peter la Brosse, Andrew Denis, Samuel de Rosseau, Gerard Bovey, Nicholas Wilkens, Cornelius Van Deure, Peter Brun, John Dubrois, Abraham Dupont, David Knigge, William Moyon, Isaiah Valleau, Nicholas Fallet, Thomas Fallet, George Nicholas Dobertin, Austin Borneman, Abraham 'T'exier, Nicholas Moyne, John Papin, Daniel Marchezather de Belleveue, Matthew Chottard, and Paul and Gabriel his children. Josias Caillon, and Josias , and John his children, James Thomeur, John Thomeur, Peter Thomeur Duport, Elias Arnaud, and John and Elias his children, Jeremiah Marion, Ambroses Godfrey Hantkwitz, Jacob Giles Zinck, John Motteux, John Anthony, and Timothy, Peter, Judith, Catherina, and Martha Mary his children, Isaac Charier, Peter Chabot, Denis Cavallier, Peter Maurice, Daniel Cadroy, Moses Jaqueau, Mary Ann Pryor, Peter Fermend, David de la Maziere, Esther Sandham and , Isaac de la Haye. [H.O. Warrant Book 6, p. 516.]
Calendars. 13 Mar 1693. Whitehall. Commissions for Benjamin Grimaudet, gentleman, to be ensign to Capt. Bradshaw's company in Col. John Tidcombe's regiment of foot; for Mark Hildesley, gent., to be ensign to Lieut.-Col. Hammond Rook in the Queen's regiment of foot, commanded by Col. Henry Trelawny [H.O. Military Entry Book 2, p. 387]; for Elizeus Burges, esq., to be brigadier and eldest lieutenant of the second troop of horse guards, whereof the Duke of Ormond is captain and colonel; for Dejuge, gentleman, to be adjutant to Col. Francis du Cambon's regiment of foot [Ibid., p. 888]; and for James Buttler, esq., to be exempt and eldest captain of the second troop of horse guards, whereof James Duke of Ormond is captain and colonel [Ibid., p. 843].
Calendars. 13 Mar 1693. Whitehall. Warrant addressed to the Attorney or Solicitor General, reciting that Waterford was surrendered on the 24th of July, 1690, upon certain articles, the third of which was to the effect that the Roman Catholics of that place should not be molested in their properties; and directing, upon the petition of the Roman Catholics of Waterford, a ratification and confirmation of the said third article under the Great Seal. [S.P. Ireland King's Letter Book 1, p. 851.]
On 13 Mar 1716 Princess Philippine Charlotte of Prussia was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 27) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 28). She a granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.
Vesta Monumenta. Mr. Emlyn’s Account of King Edward IV’s Vault in St. George’s Chapel, explanatory of the Drawing.
On Friday, March 13, 1789, in making the ground to receive the new pavement in the North aile of St. George’s Chapel at Windfor, some of the ftones which closed the entrance to the vault of King Edward IV fell out, fo that the vault could be entered with ease by removing some other loose stones. In the vault was a quantity of bricks, earth, &c. The bricks had originally closed the vault, as appeared from the lower part, where the original brick-work remained. The earth seemed to have been dug from the bottom, which was sloping, from near the sides and ends, and sunk the depth of the king’s coffin. On clearing away the rubbish, the decayed parts of a stout wooden coffin, a skull, and some bones, were found over the king’s coffin. The king’s coffin was of lead, of very irregular thickness, about a quarter of an inch in the thickest places; it was much compressed, and in some parts a little decayed, as is shown in the drawing, fig. 1. The head of the coffin was ten inches from the West end of the vault, and it lay with a descent of about three inches at the feet. On opening the coffin, the entire skeleton was found, as in fig. 2. Some long brown hair lay near the skull; and some of the same colour, but shorter, was on the neck of the skeleton. There was in the bottom of the coffin a liquid, which at the feet was about three inches deep: the feet and part of the leg-bones were immersed in it. The skeleton measured six feet three inches and a half, and the coffin seven feet, in length.
The vault must have been built at the same time with the church, as part of one of the pillars stands on the arch, as in the drawing. The vault is nine feet long, four feet seven inches wide, and six feet six inches from the surface of the pavement of the aisle, to the bottom of the foundation of the walls. The walls are two feet six inches high to the springing of the arch; and the arch rises two feet three inches. In the summer of 1788, an ineffectual attempt to find the entrance of this vault was made in the choir, by which the stone on the back part was damaged, as seen in the drawing. An exact copy (to half the size) of what was written in chalk is given in the drawing; and the characters cut on the stones drawn to the full size.
On 13 Mar 1806 Richard Seymour (age 37) was killed in the battle against the French frigate Belle Poule.
On 13 Mar 1808 Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 59) died. His son Frederick VI King Denmark and Norway (age 40) succeeded VI King Denmark and Norway. Marie Sophie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 40) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway.
On 13 Mar 1825 the inquest concluded "That the deceased, Mr. Wm. Owen (age 56), Esq,. died from taking a large quantity of Barclays drops; the bottle containing that liquid having been negligently and incautiously labelled, by the person who prepared the medicine as an opening draught, such as the said Mr. Owen had been in the habit of taking and that we understand the above lamented mistake took place at the house of Mr. Smith, a chymist and druggist in the Haymarket."
On 13 Mar 1834 Charles Philip Yorke (age 70) died without issue one day after his seventieth birthday. On 10 May 1854 Harriet Manningham (age 90) died. Both buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].
Framed inscription panel with achievement of arms, supported by consoles and surmounted by a sarcophagus, in various marbles, signed by Thomas Denman (age 44).
The quote 'Et Nos Aliquod' appears to refer to Vergils Aeneid Paragraph 57 Sentence 4 "et nos aliquod nomenque decusque gessimus." meaning "I also had some name and respect".
Charles Philip Yorke: On 12 Mar 1764 he was born to Charles Yorke and Agneta Johnson. On 01 Jul 1790 Charles Philip Yorke and Harriet Manningham were married.
Harriet Manningham: On 21 Jun 1763 she was born to Charles Manningham of Thorpe in Surrey.
The Diary of George Price Boyce 1854. 13 Mar 1854. To Rossetti's (age 25). Found him at home but unwell ; he sleeps little at nights. A young man of the name of Hughes (age 22) was painting a picture of Orlando inscribing his mistress' name on a tree. Parts nicely painted. Rossetti showed me an exquisite drawing of his from the Vita Nuova, Dante receiving visitors on the anniversary of Beatrice's death. He showed me too a little unfinished drawing of Dante, Beatrice, and two others, in Paradise, he promised to finish for me, as I liked it, and would like some work in exchange. On the wall he has pen and ink outlines by J. E. Millais (age 24), W. H. Hunt (age 26), Deverell, and W. B. Scott, pencil design by Woolner, chalk study by F. M. Brown (age 32). A lovely hasty rub in of a cornfield against a deep blue sky, by W. H. Hunt (age 26). We read a long critique of the National Exhibition in the Daily News by Coventry Patmore; intensive praise of my small drawing, finding fault with the others. Rossetti (age 25) came round to Russell St. and took ten of the drawings I showed him. He liked the long Sunset, Moel Siabod—Autumn Study, Thought the 3 greatest men in art were Giotto, Durer, Hogarth.
On 13 Mar 1881 Tsar Alexander II of Russia (age 62) was assassinated. He died at the Winter's Palace, St Petersburg. His son Tsar Alexander III of Russia (age 36) succeeded III Tsar Russia. Dagmar aka Maria Feodrovna Glücksburg (age 33) by marriage Tsarina Russia.
As he was known to do every Sunday for many years, the emperor went to the Mikhailovsky Manège for the military roll call. A young member of the Narodnaya Volya ("People's Will") movement, Nikolai Rysakov, threw a bomb which explosion Alexander survived. A second young member of the Narodnaya Volya, Ignacy Hryniewiecki, threw a second bomb killing the Tsar.
The London Gazette 26496. St. James's Palace, March 13, 1894.
The Queen (age 74) has been pleased to appoint Edwyn Francis, Earl of Chesterfield (age 39), to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, in the room of George William Henry, Lord Vernon (age 40), resigned.
The London Gazette 27294. Board of Green Cloth, Buckingham Palace, March 13, 1901.
The King has been graciously pleased to appoint Colonel Sir Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote (age 71), K.C.B., Extra Equerry to His Majesty, to be Paymaster of His Majesty's Household, in the room of George Thomas Hertslet, Esq., resigned
On 13 Mar 1906 Admiral Richard Horace Hamond (age 63) died. Memorial in All Saints Church, West Acre [Map].
Admiral Richard Horace Hamond: On 17 Jan 1843 he was born to Anthony Hamond and Mary Anne Musters.
On 13 Mar 1949 Marie Campbell Baroness Leigh died. Memorial at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh [Map].
Marie Campbell Baroness Leigh: On 02 Oct 1923 Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh and she were married. She by marriage Baroness Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.
Births on the 13th March
On 13 Mar 1271 Queen Judith of Bohemia and Poland was born to Rudolph I King Romans (age 52) and Gertrude Hohenburg (age 46).
On 13 Mar 1372 Louis Valois Duke Touraine I Duke Orléans was born to King Charles V of France (age 33) and Joanna Bourbon Queen Consort France (age 34). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.59%.
On 13 Mar 1372 Charles Bohemia was born to Charles IV King Bohemia Holy Roman Emperor Luxemburg (age 55) and Elizabeth Pomerania Holy Roman Empress Luxemburg (age 25). On 24 Jul 1373 Charles Bohemia (age 1) died.
Before 13 Mar 1422 Mary Clifford Baroness Despencer was born to John Clifford 7th Baron Clifford (age 33) and Elizabeth Percy Countess of Westmoreland (age 27). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.
On or before 13 Mar 1596 Ralph Hopton 1st Baron Hopton was born to Robert Hopton of Witham (age 21). He was baptised 13 Mar 1596 at St Peter's Church.
On 13 Mar 1674 James Bertie was born to James Bertie 1st Earl of Abingdon (age 20) and Eleanor Lee Countess Abingdon.
On 13 Mar 1679 Charlotte Lee Baroness Baltimore was born to Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 16) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 14) at St James' Park [Map]. She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 13 Mar 1687 John Ashburnham 1st Earl Ashburnham was born to John Ashburnham 1st Baron Ashburnham (age 31) and Bridget Vaughan Baroness Ashburnham.
On 13 Mar 1716 Princess Philippine Charlotte of Prussia was born to Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia (age 27) and Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia (age 28). She a granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 8.31%.
On 13 Mar 1719 John Griffin 4th Baron Howard Walden 1st Baron Braybrooke was born to William Whitwell and Anne Griffin.
On or before 13 Mar 1721 Major-General Robert Wrey was born to Bourchier Wrey 5th Baronet (age 39) and Diana Rolle (age 38). He was baptised at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map] on 13 Mar 1730. Coefficient of inbreeding 6.36%.
On 13 Mar 1729 Francis Hastings 10th Earl Huntingdon was born to Theophilus Hastings 9th Earl Huntingdon (age 32) and Selina Shirley Countess Huntingdon (age 22).
On 13 Mar 1733 Johan Joseph Zoffany was born.
On 13 Mar 1736 John Stewart 7th Earl Galloway was born to Alexander Stewart 6th Earl Galloway (age 42) and Catherine Cochrane Countess Galloway (age 27).
On 12 Mar 1749 or 13 Mar 1749 William Robert Fitzgerald 2nd Duke Leinster was born to James Fitzgerald 1st Duke Leinster (age 27) and Emilia Mary Lennox Duchess Leinster (age 17) at Arlington Place. He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.
On 13 Mar 1764 Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey was born to Charles Grey 1st Earl Grey (age 34) and Elizabeth Grey Countess Grey (age 20).
On 13 Mar 1768 Anne Wellesley was born to Garrett Wellesley 1st Earl Mornington (age 32) and Anne Hill Countess Mornington (age 25).
On 13 Mar 1770 Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn was born to George Hamilton (age 51).
On 13 Mar 1779 Mary Cavendish-Bentinck was born to William Cavendish-Bentinck 3rd Duke Portland (age 40) and Dorothy Cavendish 3rd Duchess Portland (age 28).
On 13 Mar 1782 Robert Bateson 1st Baronet was born.
On 13 Mar 1785 Robert Murray was born to John Murray 4th Duke Atholl (age 29).
On 13 Mar 1786 Charles Henry Maynard 3rd Viscount Maynard was born to Henry Maynard.
On 13 Mar 1792 Elizabeth Cavendish was born to George Augustus Henry Cavendish 1st Earl Burlington (age 37) and Elizabeth Compton Countess Burlington (age 31).
On 13 Mar 1793 Priscilla Anne Wellesley-Pole Countess of Westmoreland was born to William Wellesley aka Wellesley-Pole 3rd Earl Mornington (age 29) and Katherine Forbes Countess Mornington (age 32).
On 13 Mar 1826 Tatton Sykes 5th Baronet was born to Tatton Sykes 4th Baronet (age 54) and Mary Anne Foulis.
On 13 Mar 1829 Robert Jacob Buxton 3rd Baronet was born to John Jacob Buxton 2nd Baronet (age 40) and Elizabeth Cholmeley.
On 13 Mar 1833 Frederick Hervey-Bathurst 4th Baronet was born to Frederick Hervey-Bathurst 3rd Baronet (age 25) and Clare Emily Brooke.
On 13 Mar 1833 Anthony Francis Henry Ashley-Cooper was born to Anthony Ashley-Cooper 7th Earl Shaftesbury (age 31) and Emily Caroline Catherine Frances Cowper Countess Shaftesbury.
On 13 Mar 1846 Lancelot Aubrey-Fletcher 5th Baronet was born to Henry Fletcher 3rd Baronet (age 38) and Emily Maria Browne Lady Fletcher.
On 13 Mar 1857 Herbert Plumer 1st Viscount Plumer was born.
On 13 Mar 1878 David Freeman-Mitford 2nd Baron Redesdale was born to Algernon Freeman-Mitford 1st Baron Redesdale (age 41) and Clementina Gertrude Helen Ogilvy (age 23).
On 13 Mar 1887 Charles Thomas Mills was born to Charles Mills 2nd Baron Hillingdon (age 32) and Alice Marion Harbord Baroness Hillingdon (age 29).
On 13 Mar 1912 Violet Pakenham was born to Thomas Pakenham 5th Earl of Longford (age 47) and Mary Julia Child-Villiers Countess Longford (age 35).
On 13 Mar 1924 Frederick William Conyngham 7th Marquess Conyngham was born to Frederick William Conyngham 6th Marquess Conyngham (age 33).
On 13 Mar 1949 Andrew Clyde Stewart 14th Earl of Galloway was born to Alexander David Stewart (age 34).
On 13 Mar 1954 Francis David Ormsby-Gore 6th Baron Harlech was born to William David Ormsby-Gore 5th Baron Harlech (age 35) and Sylvia Thomas Baroness Harlech.
On 13 Mar 1954 Francis Fitzherbert 15th Baron Stafford was born to Basil Fitzherbert 14th Baron Stafford (age 27).
On 13 Mar 1961 Ralph Douglas Scott-Montagu 4th Baron Montagu of Beaulieu was born to Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu 3rd Baron Montagu (age 34) and Belinda Crossley Baroness Montagu (age 29).
Marriages on the 13th March
On 13 Mar 1712 John Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Gower (age 17) and Evelyn Pierrepont Baroness Gower (age 21) were married. She by marriage Baroness Gower. She the daughter of Evelyn Pierrepont 1st Duke Kingston upon Hull (age 57) and Mary Fielding Countess Kingston upon Hull. They were fourth cousins.
On 13 Mar 1723 Francis Poole 2nd Baronet (age 41) and Frances Pelham Lady Poole were married. She by marriage Lady Poole of Poole in Cheshire.
On 13 Mar 1729 Bussy Mansel 4th Baron Mansel (age 8) and Barbara Villiers Lady Blackett (age 22) were married. She the daughter of William Villiers 2nd Earl Jersey.
On 13 Mar 1746 Francis Vincent 7th Baronet (age 29) and Mary Howard Lady Vincent (age 24) were married.
On 13 Mar 1778 Robert Shirley 7th Earl Ferrers (age 21) and Elizabeth Prentiss Countess Ferrers were married at St Leonard's Church Shoreditch. He the son of Robert Shirley 6th Earl Ferrers (age 54) and Catherine Cotton Countess Ferrers.
On 13 Mar 1879 Prince Arthur Windsor 1st Duke Connaught and Strathearn (age 28) and Luise Margarete Hohenzollern Duchess Connaught (age 18) were married at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle [Map]. He the son of Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 59). She a great x 5 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.
Deaths on the 13th March
On 13 Mar 1181 Simon "Chauve" Montfort 4th Count Évreux (age 53) died at Évreux, Haute Normandie. His son Amaury V Montfort 5th Count Évreux succeeded 5th Count Évreux, 5th Seigneur Montfort.
On 13 Mar 1271 Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 35) was murdered while attending mass at the Chiesa di San Silvestro Viterbo Lazio by his cousins Simon "Younger" Montfort and Guy Montfort Count Nola (age 27) in revenge for the deaths of their father Simon and older brother Henry at the Battle of Evesham.
The murder was carried out in the presence of the Cardinals, who were conducting a papal Election, King Philip III of France (age 25), and King Charles of Sicily (age 43). The Montfort brothers were excommunicated
The deed is mentioned by Dante Alighieri some forty years after in the Divine Comedy who placed Guy de Montfort in the seventh circle of hell. Henry "Almain" Cornwall (age 35) was buried in Hailes Abbey [Map].
On 13 Mar 1375 Maria de la Cerda Y Lara Countess Alençon (age 56) died.
On 13 Mar 1385 Katherine Clivedon Baroness Berkeley (age 75) died.
On 13 Mar 1422 John Clifford 7th Baron Clifford (age 33) died. On 13 Mar 1422 His son Thomas Clifford 8th Baron Clifford (age 7) succeeded 8th Baron de Clifford, 8th Lord Skipton.
On 13 Mar 1516 Vladislaus II King Hungary (age 60) died.
On 13 Mar 1540 Henry Bourchier 2nd Earl Essex 3rd Count of Eu died. Earl Essex, Viscount Bourchier extinct. His daughter Anne Bourchier 7th Baroness Bourchier (age 23) succeeded 7th Baroness Bourchier. His second cousin once removed John Bourchier 2nd Earl Bath (age 41) succeeded 2nd Count Eu. Neither he or his descendants used the title.
On 13 Mar 1569 Louis Bourbon Prince Condé (age 38) was killed after surrendering at the Battle of Jarnac. His son Henri Bourbon Condé Prince Condé (age 16) succeeded Prince Condé. His son Charles Bourbon Condé Count Soissons (age 2) succeeded Count Soissons.
On 13 Mar 1635 Richard Weston 1st Earl of Portland (age 58) died. His son Jerome Weston 2nd Earl of Portland (age 29) succeeded 2nd Earl of Portland. Frances Stewart Countess Portland (age 18) by marriage Countess of Portland.
On 13 Mar 1708 John Pole 3rd Baronet (age 58) died. His son William Pole 4th Baronet (age 30) succeeded 4th Baronet Pole of Shute House in Devon.
On 04 Mar 1739 John Shaw 3rd Baronet (age 52) died. He was buried on 13 Mar 1739 at the Church of Holy Trinity, Eltham. His son John Shaw 4th Baronet (age 10) succeeded 4th Baronet Shaw of Eltham in Kent.
On 13 Mar 1741 Elizabeth Shirley Countess Northampton (age 46) died. Baron Ferrers of Chartley abeyant.
On 13 Mar 1743 Catherine Darnley Duchess Buckingham and Normandby (age 63) died.
On 13 Mar 1753 Charles Bennet 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 55) died. His son Charles Bennet 3rd Earl Tankerville (age 36) succeeded 3rd Earl Tankerville, 4th Baron Ossulston of Ossulston in Middlesex. Alice Astley Countess Tankerville (age 36) by marriage Countess Tankerville.
On 13 Mar 1768 Compton Domvile 2nd Baronet (age 72) died. Baronet Domvile of Templeogue extinct. Charles Pocklington aka Domvile (age 28) inherited his estates and adopted the surname Domvile.
On 13 Mar 1771 Charles Knollys 5th Earl Banbury (age 67) died. He was buried on 19 Mar 1771 at St John the Baptist Church, Burford. His son William Knollys 6th Earl Banbury (age 44) de jure 6th Earl Banbury, 6th Viscount Wallingford, 6th Baron Knollys.
On 13 Mar 1782 Charles Holte 6th Baronet (age 60) died. Baronet Holte of Aston in Warwickshire extinct. His daughter Mary Elizabeth Holte (age 26) and her husband Abraham Bracebridge inheritedBrereton Hall, Cheshire [Map]. The inheritance complicated since Lister Holte, 5th Baronet, appears to have bequeathed Heneage Legge a lifetime's interest in the Hall.
On 13 Mar 1808 Christian VII King Denmark and Norway (age 59) died. His son Frederick VI King Denmark and Norway (age 40) succeeded VI King Denmark and Norway. Marie Sophie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 40) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway.
On 13 Mar 1812 Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 67) died. He was buried at Lichfield Cathedral [Map]. His son Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 43) succeeded 2nd Earl Uxbridge, 10th Baron Paget Beaudasert, 4th Baronet Bayly of Plas Newydd in Anglesey.
On 13 Mar 1823 John Jervis 1st Earl St Vincent (age 88) died. Earl of St Vincent and Baron Jervis of Medsford in Staffordshire extinct. His nephew Edward Jervis Ricketts aka Jervis 2nd Viscount St Vincent (age 55) succeeded 2nd Viscount St Vincent of Meaford in Staffordshire.
Before 13 Mar 1825 William Owen (age 56) died after being accidentally poisoned by an overdose of 'Barclay's Drops' - a mixture of aniseed, camphor and opium. He had been ill and was taking medicines. His chemist labelled his medicines incorrectly wrongly and as a result Owen took a fatal dose of the 'Barclay's Drops', dying hours later.
On 13 Mar 1834 Charles Philip Yorke (age 70) died without issue one day after his seventieth birthday. On 10 May 1854 Harriet Manningham (age 90) died. Both buried at St Andrew's Church, Wimpole [Map].
Framed inscription panel with achievement of arms, supported by consoles and surmounted by a sarcophagus, in various marbles, signed by Thomas Denman (age 44).
The quote 'Et Nos Aliquod' appears to refer to Vergils Aeneid Paragraph 57 Sentence 4 "et nos aliquod nomenque decusque gessimus." meaning "I also had some name and respect".
Charles Philip Yorke: On 12 Mar 1764 he was born to Charles Yorke and Agneta Johnson. On 01 Jul 1790 Charles Philip Yorke and Harriet Manningham were married.
Harriet Manningham: On 21 Jun 1763 she was born to Charles Manningham of Thorpe in Surrey.
On 13 Mar 1857 William Pitt Amherst 1st Earl Amherst (age 84) died at Knole House, Sevenoaks. His son William Amherst 2nd Earl Amherst (age 51) succeeded 2nd Earl Amherst, 3rd Baron Amherst of Montreal in Kent. Gertrude Percy Countess Amherst (age 42) by marriage Countess Amherst.
On 13 Mar 1858 Richard Griffin 3rd Baron Braybrook (age 74) died at Audley End House, Saffron Walden [Map]. His son Richard Cornwallis Neville 4th Baron Braybrooke (age 37) succeeded 4th Baron Braybrooke of Braybrooke in Northamptonshire.
On 13 Mar 1859 Washington Sewallis Shirley 9th Earl Ferrers (age 37) died at Staunton Harold, Leicestershire [Map]. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Staunton Harold, Leicestershire [Map]. His son Sewallis Edward Shirley 10th Earl Ferrers (age 12) succeeded 10th Earl Ferrers, 16th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire.
On 13 Mar 1867 Louise Caroline Hesse-Kassel Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg (age 77) died.
On 13 Mar 1869 Admiral Charles Christopher Parker 5th Baronet (age 76) died. Baronet Parker of Bassingbourn in Essex extinct.
On 13 Mar 1892 Prince Louis Hesse Darmstadt IV Grand Duke (age 54) died.
On 13 Mar 1898 Eleanor Sophia Leigh Lady Cunliffe (age 50) died.
On 13 Mar 1909 John Manners Yorke 7th Earl of Hardwicke (age 68) died. His son Charles Yorke 8th Earl of Hardwicke (age 39) succeeded 8th Earl Hardwicke, 8th Viscount Royston.
Before 13 Mar 1930 George William Coventry died. His son George Coventry 10th Earl Coventry (age 29) succeeded 10th Earl Coventry.
On 13 Mar 1930 George Coventry 9th Earl Coventry (age 91) died.
On 13 Mar 1933 Charles Marsham 5th Earl Romney (age 68) died. His son Charles Marsham 6th Earl Romney (age 41) succeeded 6th Earl Romney, 6th Viscount Marsham, 8th Baron Romney, 12th Baronet Marsham of Cuckston in Kent. Marie Henrietta Keppel Countess of Romney (age 42) by marriage Countess Romney.
On 13 Mar 1937 Arthur Walsh 3rd Baron Ormathwaite (age 77) died. His brother George Harry Walsh 4th Baron Ormathwaite (age 74) succeeded 4th Baron Ormathwaite of Ormathwaite in Cumberland.
On 13 Mar 1949 Marie Campbell Baroness Leigh died. Memorial at Church of the Virgin Mary, Stoneleigh [Map].
Marie Campbell Baroness Leigh: On 02 Oct 1923 Francis Dudley Leigh 3rd Baron Leigh and she were married. She by marriage Baroness Leigh of Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.
On 13 Mar 1967 Margaret Etrenne Hannah "Peggy" Primrose Marchioness Crewe (age 86) died.
On 13 Mar 1969 Robert Foljambe 4th Earl of Liverpool (age 81) died. His great nephew Edward Foljambe 5th Earl of Liverpool (age 24) succeeded 5th Earl Liverpool.
On 13 Mar 1990 Hugh Cholmondeley 6th Marquess of Cholmondeley (age 70) died. His son David Cholmondeley 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley (age 29) succeeded 7th Marquess Cholmondeley, 10th Earl Cholmondeley in Cheshire, 7th Earl Rocksavage of Cheshire, 11th Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells in County Meath, 10th Viscount Malpas in Cheshire, 10th Baron Cholmondeley Nampwich in Cheshire, 9th Baron Newburgh of Newburgh in Anglesey, 9th Baron Newborough of Newborough in County Wexford.