10th Century Events

10th Century Events is in 2nd Millennium.

Battle of the Holme

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 902. This year was the great fight at the Holme39 between the men of Kent and the Danes.

Note 39. Or, in Holmsdale, Surry: hence the proverb - "This is Holmsdale, Never conquer'd, never shall."

On 13 Dec 902 Æthelwold Prince Wessex revolted against his cousin King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons (age 28) helped by the Danes.

Sigehelm Earldorman Kent was killed fighting for King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons (age 28).

Brihtsige Wessex, Ysopa Wessex, Oscetel Wessex and Eohric King East Anglia were killed fighting for Æthelwold Prince Wessex.

Battle of Tettenhall

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 911. This year the army in Northumberland broke the truce, and despised every right that Edward and his son demanded of them; and plundered the land of the Mercians. The king (age 37) had gathered together about a hundred ships, and was then in Kent while the ships were sailing along sea by the south-east to meet him. The army therefore supposed that the greatest part of his force was in the ships, and that they might go, without being attacked, where that ever they would. When the king learned on enquiry that they were gone out on plunder, he sent his army both from Wessex and Mercia; and they came up with the rear of the enemy as he was on his way homeward, and there fought with him and put him to flight, and slew many thousands of his men. There fell King Eowils, and King Healfden (age 37); Earls Ohter and Scurf; Governors Agmund, Othulf, and Benesing; Anlaf the Swarthy, and Governor Thunferth; Osferth the collector, and Governor Guthferth.

Battle of Tempsford

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 917. This year, before Easter, King Edward (age 43) ordered his men to go to the town of Towcester [Map], and to rebuild it. Then again, after that, in the same year, during the gang-days, he ordered the town of Wigmore [Map] to be repaired. The same summer, betwixt Lammas and midsummer, the army broke their parole from Northampton and from Leicester; and went thence northward to Towcester, and fought against the town all day, and thought that they should break into it; but the people that were therein defended it, till more aid came to them; and the enemy then abandoned the town, and went away. Then again, very soon after this, they went out at night for plunder, and came upon men unaware, and seized not a little, both in men and cattle, betwixt Burnham-wood and Aylesbury. At the same time went the army from Huntington and East-Anglia, and constructed that work at Ternsford [Map] which they inhabited and fortified; and abandoned the other at Huntingdon [Map]; and thought that they should thence oft with war and contention recover a good deal of this land. Thence they advanced till they came to Bedford [Map]; where the men who were within came out against them, and fought with them, and put them to flight, and slew a good number of them. Then again, after this, a great army yet collected itself from East-Anglia and from Mercia, and went to the town of Wigmore, Herefordshire [Map]; which they besieged without, and fought against long in the day; and took the cattle about it; but the men defended the town, who were within; and the enemy left the town, and went away. After this, the same summer, a large force collected itself in King Edward's dominions, from the nighest towns that could go thither, and went to Temsford [Map]; and they beset the town, and fought thereon; until they broke into it, and slew the king, and Earl Toglos, and Earl Mann his son, and his brother, and all them that were therein, and who were resolved to defend it; and they took the others, and all that was therein. After this, a great force collected soon in harvest, from Kent, from Surrey, from Essex, and everywhere from the nighest towns; and went to Colchester [Map], and beset the town, and fought thereon till they took it, and slew all the people, and seized all that was therein; except those men who escaped therefrom over the wall. After this again, this same harvest, a great army collected itself from East-Anglia, both of the land-forces and of the pirates, which they had enticed to their assistance, and thought that they should wreak their vengeance. They went to Maldon [Map], and beset the town, and fought thereon, until more aid came to the townsmen from without to help. The enemy then abandoned the town, and went from it. And the men went after, out of the town, and also those that came from without to their aid; and put the army to flight, and slew many hundreds of them, both of the pirates and of the others. Soon after this, the same harvest, went King Edward (age 43) with the West-Saxon army to Passham [Map]; and sat there the while that men fortified the town of Towcester [Map] with a stone wall. And there returned to him Earl Thurferth, and the captains, and all the army that belonged to Northampton northward to the Welland, and sought him for their lord and protector. When this division of the army went home, then went another out, and marched to the town of Huntingdon; and repaired and renewed it, where it was broken down before, by command of King Edward (age 43). And all the people of the country that were left submitted to King Edward (age 43), and sought his peace and protection. After this, the same year, before Martinmas, went King Edward (age 43) with the West-Saxon army to Colchester [Map]; and repaired and renewed the town, where it was broken down before. And much people turned to him, both in East-Anglia and in Essex, that were before under the power of the Danes. And all the army in East-Anglia swore union with him; that they would all that he would, and would protect all that he protected, either by sea or land. And the army that belonged to Cambridge chose him separately for their lord and protector, and confirmed the same with oaths, as he had advised. This year King Edward (age 43) repaired the town of Gladmouth; and the same year King Sihtric slew Neil his brother.

Battle of Brunanburh

In 937 King Æthelstan I of England (age 43) and his son Edmund (age 16) defeated the Scottish, Irish Viking and Strathclyde army at the Battle of Brunanburh. Two of Æthelstan's cousins, Æthelwine Wessex and Aelfwine Wessex were killed.

Archbishop Oda was present although there are no contemporary records of Oda's appearance at the battle. He is said to have miraculously provided a sword to the king when the king's own sword slipped out of its scabbard.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 938. Here Athelstan king (age 44), of earls the lord, rewarder of heroes, and his brother eke, Edmund atheling, elder of ancient race, slew in the fight, with the edge of their swords, the foe at Brumby! The sons (age 17) of Edward their board-walls clove, and hewed their banners, with the wrecks of their hammers. So were they taught by kindred zeal, that they at camp oft 'gainst any robber their land should defend, their hoards and homes. Pursuing fell the Scottish clans; the men of the fleet in numbers fell; 'midst the din of the field the warrior swate. Since the sun was up in morning-tide, gigantic light! glad over grounds, God's candle bright, eternal Lord!- 'till the noble creature sat in the western main: there lay many of the Northern heroes under a shower of arrows, shot over shields; and Scotland's boast, a Scythian race, the mighty seed of Mars! With chosen troops, throughout the day, the West-Saxons fierce press'd on the loathed bands; hew'd down the fugitives, and scatter'd the rear, with strong mill-sharpen'd blades, The Mercians too the hard hand-play spared not to any of those that with Anlaf over the briny deep in the ship's bosom sought this land for the hardy fight. Five kings lay on the field of battle, in bloom of youth, pierced with swords. So seven eke of the earls of Anlaf; and of the ship's-crew unnumber'd crowds. There was dispersed the little band of hardy Scots, the dread of northern hordes; urged to the noisy deep by unrelenting fate! The king of the fleet with his slender craft escaped with his life on the felon flood;- and so too Constantine, the valiant chief, returned to the north in hasty flight. The hoary Hildrinc cared not to boast among his kindred. Here was his remnant of relations and friends slain with the sword in the crowded fight. His son too he left on the field of battle, mangled with wounds, young at the fight. The fair-hair'd youth had no reason to boast of the slaughtering strife. Nor old Inwood and Anlaf the more with the wrecks of their army could laugh and say, that they on the field of stern command better workmen were, in the conflict of banners, the clash of spears, the meeting of heroes, and the rustling of weapons, which they on the field of slaughter played with the sons of Edward. The northmen sail'd in their nailed ships, a dreary remnant, on the roaring sea; over deep water Dublin [Map] they sought, and Ireland's shores, in great disgrace. Such then the brothers both together king and atheling, sought their country, West-Saxon land, in right triumphant. They left behind them raw to devour, the sallow kite, the swarthy raven with horny nib, and the hoarse vultur, with the eagle swift to consume his prey; the greedy gos-hawk, and that grey beast the wolf of the weald. No slaughter yet was greater made e'er in this island, of people slain, before this same, with the edge of the sword; as the books inform us of the old historians; since hither came from the eastern shores the Angles and Saxons, over the broad sea, and Britain sought,- fierce battle-smiths, o'ercame the Welsh, most valiant earls, and gained the land.

Death of King Edward Exile

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 17 Jul 924. This year died King Edward (age 50) at Farndon [Map] in Mercia; and Elward (age 22) his son died very soon after this, in Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. Their bodies lie at Winchester. And Athelstan (age 30) was chosen king in Mercia, and consecrated at Kingston [Map]. He gave his sister to Otho (age 11), son of the king of the Old-Saxons (age 48). St. Dunstan (age 15) was now born; and Wulfhelm took to the archbishopric in Canterbury. This year King Athelstan and Sihtric king of the Northumbrians came together at Tamworth, Staffordshire [Map], the sixth day before the calends of February, and Athelstan (age 30) gave away his sister to him.

On 17 Jul 924 King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons (age 50) died. He was buried in St Oswald's Priory [Map]. His son King Æthelstan I of England (age 30) succeeded King Anglo Saxons. His son King Æthelstan I of England (age 30) succeeded I King Anglo Saxons.

Battle of Trans la Foret

On 01 Aug 939 Hugh Maine II Count Maine (age 19), Alan "Twisted Beard" Poher II Duke Brittany (age 39) and Judicael Berengar Penthièvre I Count Rennes defeated the Viking army at Battle of Trans la Foret in Trans-la-Foret freeing Brittany of Viking occupation and leading to the establishment of the Duchy of Brittany.

Assassination of William "Longsword"

On 17 Dec 942 William "Longsword" Normandy I Duke Normandy (age 49) was assassinated at Picquigny by the followers of Arnulf "Great" I Count Flanders (age 52) with whom he was attending a peace conference. He was buried at Rouen Cathedral, Rouen. His son Richard "Fearless" Normandy I Duke Normandy (age 10) succeeded I Duke Normandy. Gunnora Countess Ponthieu by marriage Countess Ponthieu.

Death of King Edmund

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 26 May 946. This year King Edmund (age 25) died, on St. Augustine's mass day. That was widely known, how he ended his days: that Leof stabbed him at Pucklechurch. And Ethelfleda of Damerham, daughter of Alderman Elgar, was then his queen. And he reigned six years and a half: and then succeeded to the kingdom Edred Atheling his brother, who soon after reduced all the land of the Northumbrians to his dominion; and the Scots gave him oaths, that they would do all that he desired.

On 26 May 946 King Edmund I of England (age 25) was murdered by Leofa, an exiled thief, whilst attending mass at Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His brother King Eadred I of England succeeded I King England.

Battle of Carno

In 950 Iago ap Idwal Aberffraw (age 8) and Idwal "Ieuaf aka Junior" Aberffraw, sons of Idwal ap Anaward "Foel aka Bald" King Gwynedd, defeated the sons of Hywel at the Battle of Carno at Carno, Radnorshire.

Ramiro II King Leon succeeded by Ordoño "Blind"

On 01 Jan 951 Ramiro II King Leon (age 51) died. His son Ordoño "Blind" III King Leon (age 25) succeeded III King Leon.

Battle of Llanwrst

In 954 Rhodri ap Hywel King Deheubarth and Edwin ap Hywel King Deheubarth defeated the sons of Idwal at the Battle of Llanwrst at Llanrwst, Clywd.

Death of King Eadred

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 955. This year died King Edred, on St. Clement's mass day, at Frome.41 He reigned nine years and a half; and he rests in the old minster. Then succeeded Edwy, the son of King Edmund, to the government of the West-Saxons; and Edgar Atheling (age 12), his brother, succeeded to the government of the Mercians. They were the sons of King Edmund and of St. Elfgiva.

Note 41. So I understand the word. Gibson, from Wheloc, says-"in aetatis vigore;" a fact contradicted by the statement of almost every historian. Names of places seldom occur in old MSS. with capital initials.

Death of King Eadwig

Coronation of King Edgar Peaceful

In 973 King Edgar "Peaceful" I of England (age 30) was crowned In Bath, Somerset [Map]. The service forms the basis of the present English Coronation ceremony.

Death of King Edgar Peaceful

On 08 Jul 975 King Edgar "Peaceful" I of England (age 32) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. He was buried in Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His son King Edward "Martyr" I of England (age 13) succeeded I King England.

Murder of King Edward the Martyr

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 978. This year was King Edward (age 16) slain, at eventide, at Corfe-gate [Map], on the fifteenth day before the calends of April. And he was buried at Wareham, Dorset [Map] without any royal honour. No worse deed than this was ever done by the English nation since they first sought the land of Britain. Men murdered him but God has magnified him. He was in life an earthly king-he is now after death a heavenly saint. Him would not his earthly relatives avenge-but his heavenly father has avenged him amply. The earthly homicides would wipe out his memory from the earth-but the avenger above has spread his memory abroad in heaven and in earth. Those, Who would not before bow to his living body, now bow on their knees to His dead bones. Now we may conclude, that the wisdom of men, and their meditations, and their counsels, are as nought against the appointment of God. In this same year succeeded Ethelred Etheling (age 12), his brother, to the government; and he was afterwards very readily, and with great joy to the counsellors of England, consecrated king at Kingston [Map]. In the same year also died Alfwold, who was Bishop of Dorsetshire, and whose body lieth in the minster at Sherborn [Map].

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 18 Mar 978. Edward, king of England (age 16), was foully murdered at Corvesireate [Map], at the instigations of his step-mother, queen Elfthritha (age 33), and was buried at Wareham [Map] without royal pomp.

William of Malmesbury Book 2 Chapter 9. 18 Mar 978. Meanwhile king Edward (age 16) conducted himself with becoming affection to his infant brother (age 12) and his step-mother (age 33); he retained only the name of king, and gave them the power; following the footsteps of his father's piety, and giving both his attention and his heart to good council. The woman (age 33), however, with that hatred which a step-mother only can entertain, began to meditate a subtle stratagem, in order that not even the title of king might be wanting to her child, and to lay a treacherous snare for her son-in-law [step-son], which she accomplished in the following manner. He was returning home, tired with the chase and gasping with thirst from the exercise, while his companions were following the dogs in different directions as it happened, when hearing that they dwelt in a neighbouring mansion, the youth proceeded thither at full speed, unattended and unsuspecting, as he judged of others by his own feelings. On his arrival, alluring him to her with female blandishment, she made him lean forward, and after saluting him while he was eagerly drinking from the cup which had been presented, the dagger of an attendant pierced him through. Dreadfully wounded, with all his remaining strength he clapped spurs to his horse in order to join his companions; when one foot slipping, he was dragged by the other through the trackless paths and recesses of the wood, while the streaming blood gave evidence of his death to his followers. Moreover, they then commanded him to be ingloriously interred at Wareham; envying him even holy ground when dead, as they had envied him his royal dignity while living. They now publicly manifested their extreme joy as if they had buried his memory with his body; but God's all-seeing eye was there, who ennobled the innocent victim by the glory of miracles. So much is human outweighed by heavenly judgment. For there lights were shown from above; there the lame walked; there the dumb resumed his fticulty of speech; there every malady gave way to health. The fame of this pervading all England, proclaimed the merits of the martyr. The murderess excited by it, attempted a progress thither; and was already urging forward the horse slie had mounted, when she perceived the manifest anger of God; for the same creature which she had heretofore constantly ridden, and which was used to outstrip the very wind in speed, now by command of God, stood motionless. The attendants, both with whips and clamours, urged him forward that he might carry his noble mistress with his usual readiness; but their labour was in vain. They changed the horse; and the same circumstance recurred. Her obdurate heart, though late, perceived the meaning of the miracle; wherefore, what she was not herself permitted to do, she suffered to be performed by another: for that Elferius, whom I before blamed for destroying the monasteries, repenting of his rashness, and being deeply distressed in mind, took up the sacred corpse from its unworthy burial-place, and paid it just and distinguished honours at Shaftesbury [Map]. He did not escape unpunished, however, for, within a year afterwards, he was eaten of the vermin which we call lice. Moreover, since a mind unregulated is a torment to itself, and a restless spirit endures its own peculiar punishment in this life, Elfthrida declining from her regal pride, became extremely penitent; so that at Werewell [Map], for many years, she clothed her pampered body in hair-cloth, slept at night upon the ground without a pillow; and mortified her flesh with every kind of penance. She was a beautiful woman; singularly faithful to her husband; but deserving punishment from the commission of so great a crime. It is believed and commonly reported, that from her violence to Edward, the country for a long time after groaned under the yoke of barbarian servitude.

On 18 Mar 978 King Edward "Martyr" I of England (age 16) was murdered at Corfe Castle, Dorset [Map] when visiting his younger half-brother Æthelred (age 12) and his [Æthelred's] mother Aelfthryth (age 33). He was buried in Wareham, Dorset [Map] without ceremony. His half brother King Æthelred "Unready" II of England (age 12) succeeded II King England.

Coronation of King Æthelred

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 14 Apr 978. His brother Ethelred (age 12), the illustrious etheling, a youth of graceful manners, handsome countenance, and fine person, was on the Sunday after Easter, the eighteenth of the calends of May in the sixth indiction, crowned and consecrated king by archbishops Dunstan (age 69) and Oswald, and ten bishops, at Kingston [Map].

Battle of Anglesey

In 980 Hywel ap Ieuaf King Gwynedd defeated Custennin ab Iago Aberffraw, son of his former enemy Iago ap Idwal Aberffraw at the Battle of Anglesey, at Anglesey. Custennin ab Iago Aberffraw was killed; he was supported by the Viking Gofraid mac Arailt Ivar.

Coronation of King Robert II of France

On 30 Dec 987 Robert "Pious" II King France (age 15) was crowned II King France: Capet.

Battle of Maldon

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 991. This year was Ipswich, Suffolk [Map] plundered; and very soon afterwards was Alderman Britnoth47 slain at Maldon [Map]. In this same year it was resolved that tribute should be given, for the first time, to the Danes, for the great terror they occasioned by the sea-coast. That was first 10,000 pounds. The first who advised this measure was

Note 47. Vid. "Hist. Eliens." ii. 6. He was a great benefactor to the church of Ely.Archbishop Siric.

On 11 Aug 991 Ælfflæd Earldorman of Essex was killed at the Battle of Maldon.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 993. This year came Anlaf with three and ninety ships to Staines, which he plundered without, and went thence to Sandwich, Kent [Map]. Thence to Ipswich, Suffolk [Map], which he laid waste; and so to Maldon [Map], where Alderman Britnoth came against him with his force, and fought with him; and there they slew the alderman, and gained the field of battle; whereupon peace was made with him, and the king received him afterwards at episcopal hands by the advice of Siric, Bishop of Canterbury, and Elfeah of Winchester. This year was Bamborough [Map] destroyed, and much spoil was there taken. Afterwards came the army to the mouth of the Humber; and there did much evil both in Lindsey and in Northumbria. Then was collected a great force; but when the armies were to engage, then the generals first commenced a flight; namely, Frene and Godwin and Frithgist. In this same year the king ordered Elfgar, son of Alderman Elfric, to be punished with blindness.