1130-1154 Anarchy
1130-1154 Anarchy is in 12th Century Events.
1130 Battle of Stracathro
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 16 Apr 1130. This year was Angus slain by the army of the Scots, and there was a great multitude slain with him. There was God's fight sought upon him, for that he was all forsworn.
16 Apr 1130. The 1130 Battle of Stracathro took place around three miles north of Brechin. The rebellion was led by two pretenders to the Scottish crown, Malcolm Mac Alexander illegitimate son of Alexander I of Scotland, and Angus of Moray who was the grandson of King Lulach who had been deposed and killed by David (age 46) taking advantage of King David I of Scotland (age 46) being in England.
Death of Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys
On 09 Feb 1132 Maredudd ap Bleddyn King Powys (age 85) died. His son Madog ap Maredudd Mathrafal Prince Powys succeeded Prince Powys.
Death of Robert Curthouse
Florence of Worcester. 1134. Robert (age 83), brother of king Henry, and formerly earl of Normandy, who was taken prisoner of war by the king when in Normandy, at the castle of Tinchebrai, and had been long confined in England, died at Cardiff, and, being carried to Gloucester [Map], was buried with great honours in the pavement of the church before the altar.
On 03 Feb 1134 Robert Curthose III Duke Normandy (age 83) died at Cardiff Castle having spent twenty-eight years in captivity. He was buried at Gloucester Cathedral [Map].
Death of King Henry I
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1135. In this year went the King Henry (age 67) over sea at the Lammas; and the next day, as he lay asleep on ship, the day darkened over all lands, and the sun was all as it were a three night old moon, and the stars about him at midday. Men were very much astonished and terrified, and said that a great event should come hereafter. So it did; for that same year was the king (age 67) dead, the next day after St. Andrew's mass-day, in Normandy. Then was there soon tribulation in the land; for every man that might, soon robbed another. Then his sons and his friends took his body, and brought it to England, and buried it at Reading. A good man he was; and there was great dread of him. No man durst do wrong with another in his time. Peace he made for man and beast. Whoso bare his burthen of gold and silver, durst no man say ought to him but good. Meanwhile was his nephew come to England, Stephen de Blois (age 41). He came to London, and the people of London received him, and sent after the Archbishop William Curboil, and hallowed him to king (age 41) on midwinter day. In this king's (age 41) time was all dissention, and evil, and rapine; for against him rose soon the rich men who were traitors; and first of all Baldwin de Redvers, who held Exeter, Devon [Map] against him. But the king (age 41) beset it; and afterwards Baldwin accorded. Then took the others, and held their castles against him; and David, King of Scotland (age 51), took to Wessington against him. Nevertheless their messengers passed between them; and they came together, and were settled, but it availed little.
Florence of Worcester. 01 Dec 1135. Henry, king of England (age 67), died on the fourth of the nones [the 20th] of December [Note. Other sources say 01 Dec 1135? The nones of December is the 5th so the fourth of the nones is the 1st?], in the sixty-ninth year of his age, after a reign of thirty-five years and four months;
The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon 1119. 01 Dec 1135In his thirty-fifth year King Henry (age 67) still continued in Normandy, though he often proposed to return to England, an intention which was never fulfilled. His daughter (age 33) detained him on account of sundry disagreements, which had their origin in various causes, between the king and the Count of Anjou (age 22), and which were fomented by the arts of his daughter. These disputes irritated the king, and roused an ill feeling, which some have said resulted in a natural torpor, which was the cause of his death. For, returning from huntin at St.Denys in the "Wood of Lions," he partook of some lampreys, of which he was fond, though they always disagreed with him; and though his physician recommended him to abstain, the king would not submit to his salutary advice; according to what is written :
"Men strive 'gainst rules, and seek forbidden things."
This repast bringing on ill humours, and violently exciting similar symptoms, caused a sudden and extreme disturbance, under which his aged frame simk into a deathly torpor; in the reaction against which, Nature in her struggles produced an acute fever, while endeavouring to throw off the oppressive load. But when all power of resistance fiEtiled, this great king died on the first day of December [1135], after a reign of thirty-five years and three months. And now, with the end of so great a king, I propose to end the present Book, entreating tlie Muse to furnish such a memorial of him as he deserved:
Hark! how unnnmber'd tongues lament
Henry, the wide world's ornament.
Olympus echoes back the groan,
And Gods themselves his fote bemoan.
Imperial Jove from his right hand
Might take the sceptre of command;
Mercury borrow winged words,
Mars share with him the dash of swords
Alcides' strength, Minerva's wit,
Apollo's wisdom, him befit:
Form'd like the Deities to shine.
He shar'd their attributes divine.
England, his cradle and his throne.
Mourns, in his glory lost, her own;
Her great duke, weeping,Normandy
Saw in her bosom lifeless lie.
On 01 Dec 1135 King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 67) died at Lyons-la-Forêt, Normandy [Map]. The succession fell between Henrys daughter Empress Matilda (age 33) and Henry's nephew King Stephen I England (age 41), son of Adela Normandy Countess Blois (age 68) daughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England. The period from 1135 to 1153 during which the succession was fought over is known as The Anarchy.
Coronation of King Stephen
Florence of Worcester. 20 Dec 1135. ... and Stephen (age 41), his sister's son, being elected to the kingdom of England, was consecrated king, by William (age 65), archbishop of Canterbury, on the thirteenth of the calends of January [20th December], at London, where he held his court, at Christmas, surrounded by the nobles of England, with great courtesy and royal pomp.
Note 1. Wikipedia states 22 Dec 1135 although doesn't provide a source?
1136 Battle of Kidwelly
In 1136 a battle, or skirmish, was fought at Maes Gwenllian [Map] between the Welsh forces of Gwenllian (age 36), wife of Gruffydd (age 55), with her two sons, and the Norman force of Maurice de Londres. Gwenllian (age 36) and her two sons were killed.
The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales: Book 1 Chapter 9. Thence we proceeded towards the river Lochor,86 through the plains in which Howel, son of Meredyth of Brecheinoc, after the decease of king Henry I., gained a signal victory over the English. Having first crossed the river Lochor, and afterwards the water called Wendraeth,87 we arrived at the castle of Cydweli [Map].88 In this district, after the death of king Henry, whilst Gruffydd son of Rhys, the prince of South Wales, was engaged in soliciting assistance from North Wales, his wife Gwenliana (like the queen of the Amazons, and a second Penthesilea) led an army into these parts [1136 Battle of Kidwelly]; but she was defeated by Maurice de Londres, lord of that country, and Geoffrey, the bishop's constable.89 Morgan, one of her sons, whom she had arrogantly brought with her in that expedition, was slain, and the other, Malgo, taken prisoner; and she, with many of her followers, was put to death. During the reign of king Henry I., when Wales enjoyed a state of tranquillity, the above-mentioned Maurice had a forest in that neighbourhood, well stocked with wild animals, and especially deer, and was extremely tenacious of his venison. His wife (for women are often very expert in deceiving men) made use of this curious stratagem. Her husband possessed, on the side of the wood next the sea, some extensive pastures, and large flocks of sheep. Having made all the shepherds and chief people in her house accomplices and favourers of her design, and taking advantage of the simple courtesy of her husband, she thus addressed him: "It is wonderful that being lord over beasts, you have ceased to exercise dominion over them; and by not making use of your deer, do not now rule over them, but are subservient to them; and behold how great an abuse arises from too much patience; for they attack our sheep with such an unheard-of rage, and unusual voracity, that from many they are become few; from being innumerable, only numerous." To make her story more probable, she caused some wool to be inserted between the intestines of two stags which had been embowelled; and her husband, thus artfully deceived, sacrificed his deer to the rapacity of his dogs.
Note 86. Lochor, or Llwchwr [Map], was the Leucarum mentioned in the Itineraries, and the fifth Roman station on the Via Julia. This small village is situated on a tide-river bearing the same name, which divides the counties of Glamorgan and Caermarthen, and over which there is a ferry. "Lochor river partith Kidwelli from West Gowerlande." - Leland, Itin. tom. v. p. 23. [The ferry is no more. The river is crossed by a fine railway bridge.]
Note 87. Wendraeth, or Gwen-draeth, from gwen, white, and traeth, the sandy beach of the sea. There are two rivers of this name, Gwendraeth fawr [Map], and Gwendraeth fychan, the great and the little Gwendraeth, of which Leland thus speaks: "Vendraeth Vawr and Vendraith Vehan risith both in Eskenning commote: the lesse an eight milys of from Kydwelli, the other about a ten, and hath but a little nesche of sand betwixt the places wher thei go into the se, about a mile beneth the towne of Kidwely."
Note 88. Cydweli [Map] was probably so called from cyd, a junction, and wyl, a flow, or gushing out, being situated near the junction of the rivers Gwendraeth fawr and fychan; but Leland gives its name a very singular derivation, and worthy of our credulous and superstitious author Giraldus. "Kidwely, otherwise Cathweli, i.e. Catti lectus, quia Cattus olim solebat ibi lectum in quercu facere:- There is a little towne now but newly made betwene Vendraith Vawr and Vendraith Vehan. Vendraith Vawr is half a mile of." - Leland, Itin. tom. v. p. 22.
Note 89. The scene of the battle [1136 Battle of Kidwelly] fought between Gwenllian and Maurice de Londres is to this day called Maes Gwenllian [Map], the plain or field of Gwenllian; and there is a tower in the castle of Cydweli still called Tyr Gwenllian. [Maes Gwenllian [Map] is now a small farm, one of whose fields is said to have been the scene of the battle.]
1136 Battle of Crug Mawr aka Cardigan
The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales: Book 2 Chapter 3. We proceeded on our journey from Cilgerran towards Pont-Stephen [Map],127 leaving Cruc Mawr [Map], i.e. the great hill, near Aberteivi, on our left hand. On this spot Gruffydd, son of Rhys ap Tewdwr, soon after the death of king Henry I., by a furious onset gained a signal victory [1136 Battle of Crug Mawr aka Cardigan] against the English army, which, by the murder of the illustrious Richard de Clare, near Abergevenny (before related), had lost its leader and chief.128 A tumulus is to be seen on the summit of the aforesaid hill, and the inhabitants affirm that it will adapt itself to persons of all stature and that if any armour is left there entire in the evening, it will be found, according to vulgar tradition, broken to pieces in the morning.
Note 127. Our author having made a long digression, in order to introduce the history of the beaver, now continues his Itinerary. From Cardigan, the archbishop proceeded towards Pont-Stephen [Map], leaving a hill, called Cruc Mawr, on the left hand, which still retains its ancient name, and agrees exactly with the position given to it by Giraldus. On its summit is a tumulus, and some appearance of an intrenchment.
Note 128. In 1135.
Marriage of Prince Louis and Eleanor of Aquitaine
On 25 Jul 1137 Louis VII King Franks (age 17) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 15) were married at the by Archbishop Geoffrey of Loroux. Her father William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine had died some three months previously leaving Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 15) as a ward of Louis's father King Louis VI of France (age 55) who quickly married her to his son Louis with a view to the Duchy of Aquitaine becoming joined with the Kingdom of France. A week later King Louis VI of France (age 55) died and his son Louis and Eleanor became King and Queen of France. She the daughter of William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine and Aenor Chatellerault Duchess Aquitaine. He the son of King Louis VI of France (age 55) and Adelaide Savoy Queen Consort France. They were third cousin once removed.
Eleanor gave Louis a rock-crystal vase as a wedding gift which he subsequently gave to Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis. The vase is no in the Louvre.
Crystal vase, 'of Eleanor'. Crystal: Iran (?), 6th-7th century (?). Mounting: Saint-Denis, before 1147; 13th and 14th centuries. Rock crystal, nielloed and gilded silver, precious stones, pearls, champlevé enamels on silver. Originating from the treasury of the Abbey of Saint-Denis. Inscription: "+ HOC VAS SPONSA DEDIT A(ie)NOR-REGI LUDOVICO MITADOL(us) AVO MIHI REX S(an)C(tis)Q(ue) SUGER(ius)" (This vase, Eleanor, his spouse, gave it to King Louis, Mitadolus to his ancestor, the king to me, Suger, who have offered it to the saints).
Vase de cristal, "d’Aliénor". Cristal: Iran (?), VI-VII siécle (?). Monture: Saint-Denis, avant 1147; XIII et XIV siécles. Cristal de roche, argent niellé et doré, pierres pécieuses, perles, émaux champlevés sur argent Provient du trésor de I'abbaye de Saint-Denis. Inscription: "+ HOC VAS SPONSA DEDIT A(ie)NOR-REGI LUDOVICO MITADOL(us) AVO MIHI REX S(an)C(tis)Q(ue) SUGER(ius)". (ce vase, Aliénor, son épouse, l'a donné au roi Lous, Mitadolus a son aïeul, le roi à moi, Suger, qui l'ai offert aux saints).
Archbishop Geoffrey of Loroux: In 1137 he was appointed Archibishop of Bordeaux. On 18 Jul 1155 he died.
William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine: William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine and Aenor Chatellerault Duchess Aquitaine were married. She by marriage Duchess Aquitaine. He the son of William "Troubadour" Poitiers IX Duke Aquitaine and Philippa Rouerge Duchess Aquitaine. In 1099 he was born to William "Troubadour" Poitiers IX Duke Aquitaine and Philippa Rouerge Duchess Aquitaine at Toulose. On 10 Feb 1127 William "Troubadour" Poitiers IX Duke Aquitaine died. His son William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine succeeded X Duke Aquitaine. On 09 Apr 1137 William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine died. His daughter Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England succeeded XI Duchess Aquitaine.
Coronation of Eleanor of Aquitaine as Queen Consort Franks
On 25 Dec 1137 Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 15) was crowned Queen Consort Franks.
Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton
The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon Book 8. 22 Aug 1138. While the king was thus engaged in the south, David of Scotland (age 54) led an immense army into the north of England, against which the northern nobles, at the exhortation and under the command of Thurstan, archbishop of York (age 68), made a resolute stand. The royal standard was planted at Alverton1, and as the archbishop was prevented by illness from being present at the battle, he commissioned Balph, bishop of Durham2, to fill his place, who, standing on an eminence in the centre of the army, roused their courage with words to this effect:
Brave nobles of England, Normans by birth ; for it is well that on the eve of battle you should call to mind who you are, and from whom you are sprung: no one ever withstood you with success. Gallant France fell beneath your arms; fertile England you subdued; rich Apulia flourished again under your auspices; Jerusalem, renowned in story, and the noble Antioch, both submitted to you. Now, however, Scotland which was your own rightly, has tataken you at disadvantage, her rashness more fitting a skirmish than a battle. Her people have neither military skill, nor order in fighting, nor self command. There is, therefore, no reason for fear, whatever there may be for indignation, at finding those whom we have hitherto sought and conquered in their own country, madly reversing the order, making an irruption into ours. But that which I, a bishop, and by divine permission, standing here as the representative of our archbishop, tell you, is this: that those who in this land have violated the temples of the Lord, polluted his altars, slain his priests, and spared neither children nor women with child, shall on this same soil receive condign punishment for their crimes. This most just fulfilment of his will God shall this day accomphsh by our hands. Rouse yourselves, then, gallant soldiers, and bear down on an accrursed enemy with the courage of your race, and in the presence of God. Let not their impetuosity shake you, since the many tokens of our valour do not deter them. They do not cover themselves with armour3 in war; you are in the constant practice of arms in times of peace, that you may be at no loss in the chances of the day of battle. Your head is covered with the helmet, your breast with a coat of mail, your legs with greaves, and your whole body with the shield. Where can file enemy strike you when he finds you sheathed in steel? "What have we to fear in attacking the naked, bodies of men who know not the use of armour? Is it their numbers? It is not so much the multitude of a host, as the valour of a few, which is decisive. Numbers, without discipline, are an hindrance to success in the attack, and to retreat in defeat. Your4 ancestors were often victorious when they were but a few against many. What, then, does the renown of your fathers, your practice of arms, your military discipline avail, unless they make you, few though you are in numbers, invincible against the enemy's hosts? But I close my discourse, as I perceive them rushing on, and I am delighted to see that they are advancing in disorder. Now, then, if any of you who this day are called to avenge the atrocities committed in the houses of God, against the priests of the Lord, and his little flock, should fall in the battle, I, in the name of your archbishop, absolve them from all spot of sin, in the name of the Father, whose creatures the foe hath foully and horribly slain, and of the Son, whose altars they have defiled, and of the Holy Ghost, from whose grace they have desperately fallen."
Note 1. Allerton. This famous Battle of the Standard is also fully described by Roger of Wendover. See also William of Newbury and Trivet; but the MS. of the "Gesta Stepfani" after relating the irruption into Northumberland, becomes imperfect just in this place.
Note 2. Both the MSS. which I have consulted concur with Savile's printed text in the reading of "Orcadum;" but as Roger of Wendorer calls Ralph Bishop of Durham, and he was evidently a suffragan of the Archbishop of York, I have adopted that reading. Perhaps the bishop of Durham had jurisdiction in the Orkneys? [Note. Possibly Bishop Radulf Novell, Bishop of Orkney?]
Note 3. "Nesciunt annare se ;" and just afterwards the historian calls them "nudos et inermes!" Not that they went to battle unarmed, as the passage has been rendered, but the rank and file of the Scots used no defensive armour, and perhaps, like their posterity, they only wore the kilt.
Note 4. Arundel MS., "our."
On 22 Aug 1138 Walter Gaunt (age 58) died. Possibly at the Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton?
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 22 Aug 1138. In this year came David, King of Scotland (age 54), with an immense army to this land. He was ambitious to win this land; but against him came William, Earl of Albemarle (age 37), to whom the king (age 44) had committed York, and other borderers, with few men, and fought against them, and routed the king (age 54) at the Standard, and slew very many of his gang.
Florence of Worcester. 22 Aug 1138. Irruption of the Scots, and Battle of the Standard.
During these events, David (age 54), king of Scotland, made a third irruption from the borders of his kingdom, with large bands both of horse and foot, and began to set on fire farms, towns, and castles, on the confines of Northumbria, and lay waste nearly all the country. But as he threatened at last to pursue his inroad as far as York and the Humber, Ralph, archbishop of Canterbury, archbishop of York, had a conference with the Yorkshiremen, and prevailed on them all, with one consent, to take the oath of fealty to king Stephen, and resist the king of Scots. David, however, was still more incensed at this, and rejecting all advice to the contrary, and reaching the river Tees on the octave of the Assumption of St. Mary [22nd August], which happened on a Monday, he determined to surprise our troops, there being a thick fog in the morning of that day. Hoping, in consequence, to come upon us unawares, he left many vills untouched, and would not suffer his men to set fire to any place, as they usually did. Meanwhile, our troops being warned by a squire, though somewhat late so that they were nearly taken by surprise, armed themselves, and drew up in order of battle with the utmost despatch, sending out archers in front, by whom the Scots were severely galled. Then the king's barons marched with the knights, having all dismounted and stationed themselves in the first rank, and thus fought hand-in-hand with the enemy. The conflict was ended, and victory secured at the very first onset, for the Scots gave way, and either fell or fled in the greatest alarm. Our men, however, being on foot, and having caused all their horses to be led to some distance, were unable to continue the pursuit long, otherwise they would have taken or put to the sword the king (age 54) himself, with his son (age 24), and all his immediate attendants. Of his army, nearly ten thousand men fell in different places, and as many as fifty persons of rank were made prisoners. The vanquished king (age 54) himself escaped by flight, overwhelmed with terror and shame. His chancellor, William Comyn, was taken by the bishop of Durham; but being set at liberty, he gave thanks to God, heartily hoping he should never again fall into such a scrape. The king's son (age 24) reached Carlisle on foot, attended by a single knight; and his father (age 54) escaped with some difficulty through the woods and thickets to Roxburgh. He had led an innumerable army consisting of French, as well as English, Scots, Galwegians, and the people of all the isles which owed him allegiance, but nineteen only out of two hundred of his mailed knights carried back their armour; for every one left nearly all that he had to become the spoil of the enemy, so that an immense booty, both of horses, arms, and clothing, and many other things, was taken from his army. Eustace Fitz-John (age 50), who had joined his expedition, met with a similar fate, having been wounded, and barely escaping with life to his castle. Among the valiant men who, in Christ's name, fought on behalf of king Stephen, were the earl of Albemarle (age 37), Bernard de Baliol, and many others, but the earl was distinguished for his bravery in the battle.1
Note 1. A more detailed account of this famous "Battle of the Standard" will be found in Henry of Huntingdon's History, pp. 267, &c. [.Antiq. Lib.], and in Roger of Wendover, ibid, p. 489. Cf. also William of Newbury, Trivet, and Rieval "de Bello Standardi," in Twysden
Flowers of History 1138. 22 Aug 1138. Of the pitched battle between the Scots and English.
The Scots hearing the shout, like women, raised their usual war-cry of Alban! Alban! which was, however, soon drowned in the dreadful rush of the engaging armies. A body of the men of Lothian, who had obtained from the king (age 54) the honour of striking the first blow, with numbers of missiles and with their long lances, bore down impetuously upon the mailed English knights, but fell upon them like as upon a wall, for they remained immovable. The English archers, then mingling with the cavalry, poured their arrows like a cloud upon the Scots, pierced all who were not protected by their armour, whilst the whole English line and the glory of the Normans, crowding around the standard, remained firm and unshaken. The commander of the men of Lothian fell slain by an arrow, and his men all took to flight. For the most high God was offended with them: therefore their valour was broken like a spider's web in the battle. The main body of the Scots, which was fighting in another part of the field, seeing their comrades routed, lost courage and retreated also. But the king's troops, who were of different clans, began first to flinch individually, and afterwards to recoil in a body, though the king (age 54) still stood firm: but his friends compelled him to mount his horse and fly, whilst his brave son (age 24), heeding not the flight of the rest, but solely bent on acquiring glory, charged the lines of the enemy with headlong valour, though his men could do no execution on knights that were sheathed in mail; but at last they were forced to take flight, not, without much bloodshed, and were ignominiously driven off the field in all directions. It was reported that eleven thousand of the Scots were slain, besides those who were found mortally wounded in the corn-fields and woods: our army happily triumphed with very little loss of life, and all the knights, the brother of Gilbert de Lacy was the only one slain. This battle was fought in the month of August, by the people who lived in the country beyond the Humber. The same year, in the month of October, the count of Anjou compelled the inhabitants of Orismes to surrender, and laid siege to Bayeux and Falaise.
On 22 Aug 1138 an English army commanded by William of Blois 1st Earl Albemarle aka Aumale 1st Earl York (age 37), William "The Younger" Peverell (age 58) and Robert III Stuteville defeated a Scottish army led by King David I of Scotland (age 54) and his son Henry Dunkeld 3rd Earl Huntingdon 1st Earl of Northumbria (age 24). The battle was fought at Cowton Moor, Northallerton. The name "Battle of the Standard is derived from the Standards (banners) of the Bishops of Durham, York, Beverly and Ripon which were flown from a mast mounted on a cart.
Robert III Stuteville: he was born to Robert Stuteville at Estouteville. Before 1186 Robert III Stuteville and Helewise de Murdac were married. In 1186 Robert III Stuteville died. Before 1186 Robert III Stuteville and Sibilla Valognes were married.
After 22 Aug 1138 William of Blois 1st Earl Albemarle aka Aumale 1st Earl York (age 37) was created 1st Earl York for his success at the Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton.
An Account of the Standard. An Account of the Standard was written around 1154 by Aelred of Reivaulx Chronicler (age 44). It describes the Battle of the Standard aka Northallerton. In Latin it is known as "Relatio de Standardo" or "De bello standardii".
First Battle of Lincoln
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1140. Thereafter died William, Archbishop of Canterbury; and the king (age 46) made Theobald (age 50) archbishop, who was Abbot of Bec. After this waxed a very great war betwixt the king (age 46) and Randolph, Earl of Chester (age 41); not because he did not give him all that he could ask him, as he did to all others; but ever the more he gave them, the worse they were to him. The Earl held Lincoln against the king (age 46), and took away from him all that he ought to have. And the king (age 46) went thither, and beset him and his brother William de Romare in the castle.
Florence of Worcester. 02 Feb 1141. Stephen made prisoner at the battle of Lincoln. Stephen, king of England, after long toils and sieges of castles, in which he had struggled during five years and six weeks for the peace of the kingdom, at last, on the day of the Purification of St. Mary [2nd February], which fell on Sexagesima Sunday, was, by the just judgment of God, outmaneuvred and taken prisoner at the siege of Lincoln castle by Robert, earl of Gloucester, his uncle's son, and Ranulph, earl of Cheser1, and, being first brought to Gloucester on Quinquagesima Sunday [9th February], was then conducted to the city of Bristol and placed in custody. Many of his adherents were taken with him and thrown into prison.
Note 1. The best account of the battle of Lincoln is given by Henry of Huntingdon, who was a canon of that church, and most probably resident there at the time of the battle. See his History, pp. 273–280, Antiq. Lib. The account in "Gesta Stephani" is singularly deficient in details, ibid, p. 378. Roger of Wendover's is rather more circumstantial, ibid, vol. i., p. 492.
On 02 Feb 1141 the army of Empress Matilda (age 38) commanded by Robert Normandy 1st Earl Gloucester (age 42) defeated the army of King Stephen I England (age 47). Matilda's army included Ranulf Gernon 4th Earl Chester (age 42) and Madog ap Maredudd Mathrafal Prince Powys. King Stephen I England (age 47), Gilbert Gaunt 1st Earl Lincoln (age 15), William "The Younger" Peverell (age 61) and Ilbert Lacy 3rd Baron Pontefract were captured. William of Blois 1st Earl Albemarle aka Aumale 1st Earl York (age 40) fought for Stephen, his cousin.
Massacre at Vitry le François
In 1142 the forces of Louis VII King Franks (age 22) seized Vitry le François. Over 1000 residents were killed when the church in which they had sought protection was set on fire.
Second Crusade
Between 1147 and 1150 the Second Crusade took place following the fall of Edessa.
In 1148 Renaud Count of Torrene (age 40) was killed during the Second Crusade.
Louis and Eleanor's Divorce
On 21 Mar 1152 the marriage of Louis VII King Franks (age 32) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 30) was dissolved by Hugh Toucy Archbishop of Sens at the Château de Beaugency on the grounds of consanguinity. Both Louis and Eleanor were present as were the Archbishops of Rouen and Bordeaux. Samson Mauvoison Archbishop of Reims acted on behalf of Eleanor. In dissolving the marriage Louis lost control of the Duchy of Aquitaine which was to have far reaching consequences for the next three centuries.
Eleanor of Aquitaine Abduction Attempts
After 21 Mar 1152 Theobald "Good" Blois V Count Blois (age 22) attempted to abduct Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 30) from Blois. She fled in the middle of the night taking a barge to Tours.
Around 26 Mar 1152 Geoffrey Plantagenet Count Nantes (age 17) attempted to abduct Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 30) from Port de Piles, Vienne where she intended to cross the River Creuse. Once again Eleanor escaped.
Marriage of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine
On 18 May 1152 Whit Sunday King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 19) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 30) were married at Poitiers Cathedral [Map]. They were more closely related than Eleanor and her previous husband Louis VII King Franks (age 32). The marriage would bring the Kingdom of England, and the Duchies of Normandy and Aquitaine under the control of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 19). She the daughter of William "Saint" Poitiers X Duke Aquitaine and Aenor Chatellerault Duchess Aquitaine. He the son of Geoffrey Plantagenet Duke Normandy and Empress Matilda (age 50). They were half third cousins. He a grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.
Henry II visits his mother in Rouen
Before Jan 1153 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 19) visited his mother Empress Matilda (age 50) in Rouen, France [Map] to seek funds for his impending invasion of England.
Henry II sails to England
In Jan 1153 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 19) sailed from Barfleur, Basse Normandie to England, arriving the next day, with a fleet of twenty-six ships, and an army, to bring King Stephen I England (age 59) submit to Henry's authority.
Henry II Relieves Wallingford Castle
In Jul 1153 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 20) arrived at Wallingford Castle [Map] to relieve the siege that King Stephen I England (age 59) had commenced in 1152.
Eustace of Blois Dies
On 17 Aug 1153 King Stephen's eldest son Eustace Blois IV Count Boulogne (age 23) died at Bury St Edmunds [Map]. Probably from food poisoning, possibly murdered for having sacked the Abbey. His brother William Blois I Count Boulogne (age 16) succeeded I Count Boulogne.
Treaty of Wallingford aka Winchester aka Westminster
Around Aug 1153 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 20) and King Stephen I England (age 59) agreed the Treaty of Wallingford aka Winchester aka Westminster by which King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 20) would inherit the throne on the death of King Stephen I England (age 59). The Treaty was ratified by Archbishop Theobald of Bec (age 63) at Westminster [Map] in Christmas 1153.
Henry II Holds Easter at Rouen
Around Mar 1154 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 20) returned to Rouen, France [Map] and met with his mother Empress Matilda (age 52), and his brothers. Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 32) joined them to celebrate Easter with their first son William Plantagenet IX Count Poitiers who met his father for the first time aged around eight months.
Louis VII marries Constance of Castile
In 1154 Louis VII King Franks (age 34) and Constance of Castile (age 14) were married in Orléans. Somewhat curiously they were more closely related than Louis VII King Franks (age 34) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 32) whose married had been annulled for that reason. The difference in their ages was 20 years. She the daughter of Alfonso VII King Castile VII King Leon (age 48) and Berenguela Barcelona Queen Consort Castile and Leon. He the son of King Louis VI of France and Adelaide Savoy Queen Consort France. They were second cousins.
Death of King Stephen
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1154. In this year died the King Stephen (age 60); and he was buried where his wife and his son were buried, at Faversham [Map]; which monastery they founded.
On 25 Oct 1154 King Stephen I England (age 60) died at Priory of St Martin, Dover [Map]. His first cousin once removed King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 21) succeeded II King England.
Henry II Leaves Barfleur
On 07 Dec 1154 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 21), the seven months pregnant Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 32) and their son William Plantagenet IX Count Poitiers (age 1) left Barfleur, Basse Normandie for England. On 08 Dec 1154 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 21) and his party landed near Southampton, Hampshire [Map].
Coronation of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine
On 19 Dec 1154 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 21) was crowned II King England. Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 32) was crowned Queen Consort England. Archbishop Theobald of Bec (age 64) presided.
Henry II travels to Normandy
On 10 Jan 1156 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 22) crossed from Dover, Kent [Map] to Wissant [Map]. Richard "The Loyal" Lucy (age 67) was appointed Regent in Henry's absence. Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 34) was placed in the care of Archbishop Theobald of Bec (age 66) and Bishop John of Salisbury (age 38). Her party included her sister Petronilla Poitiers (age 31).
Henry II pays homage to Louis VII
On 05 Feb 1156 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 22) paid homage to Louis VII King Franks (age 36) for his lands in Normandy [Map], Anjou and Aquitaine.
Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine Reunited
Before 29 Aug 1156 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 23) and Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 34) were reunited in Saumur [Map].
Louis VII marries Adela of Blois
On 13 Nov 1160 Louis VII King Franks (age 40) and Adèle Blois were married a month or so after his second wife (deceased) had died in childbirth; Louis needed an heir. She the daughter of Theobald Blois II Count Champagne IV Count Blois and Matilda Carinthia Countess Champagne and Blois. He the son of King Louis VI of France and Adelaide Savoy Queen Consort France. They were third cousin once removed. She a great granddaughter of King William "Conqueror" I of England.
Henry II and Louis II make Peace
In Oct 1161 King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England (age 28) and Louis VII King Franks (age 41) met at Fréteval [Map] and made peace.