1547-1550 Edward VI

1547-1550 Edward VI is in 16th Century Events.

Edward VI Appointments

After 16 Feb 1547. The date uncertain but likely to be after the funeral of Henry VIII (deceased) King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) made a number of new appointments although given King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) was only nine years old at the time, the titles were, in effect, bestowed by Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 47).

William Parr 1st Marquess Northampton (age 35) was created 1st Marquess Northampton.

Thomas Seymour 1st Baron Seymour (age 39) was created 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley and appointed Lord High Admiral.

New Garter Knights:

318th Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 30).

319th Edward Stanley 3rd Earl of Derby (age 37).

320th Thomas Seymour 1st Baron Seymour (age 39).

321st William Paget 1st Baron Paget Beaudasert (age 41).

John Carey (age 56) and Henry Huberthorne were knighted by King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9).

Coronation of Edward VI

On 16 Feb 1547, three weeks's after the death of King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (deceased), the new Council promoted themselves ...

Thomas Wriothesley 1st Earl of Southampton (age 41) was created 1st Earl of Southampton in accordance with Henry VIII's (deceased) will for which he was nominated executor. Jane Cheney Countess Southampton (age 38) by marriage Countess of Southampton.

Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 47) was created 1st Duke Somerset. Since he was Protector and head of the Privy Council at the time he effectively created himself Duke. Anne Stanhope Duchess Somerset (age 50) by marriage Duchess Somerset.

William Willoughby 1st Baron Willoughby of Parham (age 32) was created 1st Baron Willoughby Parham. Elizabeth Heneage Baroness Willoughby of Parham (age 29) by marriage Baroness Willoughby Parham.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The twentith daie of Februarie, being the Soundaie Quinquagesima, the Kinges Majestie Edward the Sixth (age 9), of the age of nyne yeares and three monthes, was crowned King (age 9) of this realme of Englande, France, and Irelande, within the church of Westminster [Map], with great honor and solemnitie, and a great feast keept that daie in Westminster Hall which was rychlie hanged, his Majestic sitting all dynner with his crowne on his head; and, after the second course served, Sir Edward Dymmocke (age 39), knight, came ridinge into the hall in clene white complete harneis, rychlie gilded, and his horse rychlie trapped, and cast his gauntlett to wage battell against all men that wold not take him for right King (age 9) of this realme, and then the King (age 9) dranke to him and gave him a cupp of golde; and after dynner the King (age 9) made many knightes, and then he changed his apparell, and so rode from thence to Westminster Place.

On 20 Feb 1547 King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 9) was crowned VI King England at Westminster Abbey [Map].

John Russell 1st Earl Bedford (age 62) was appointed Lord High Steward. Henry Fitzalan 19th Earl of Arundel (age 34) was appointed Constable of England.

Anthony Browne 1st Viscount Montagu (age 18), George Vernon "King of the Peak" (age 39), Richard Devereux (age 34) and William Sharington (age 52) were created Knight of the Bath.

Francis Hastings 2nd Earl Huntingdon (age 33), Edward Courtenay, William Sharington (age 52), John Shelton (age 44) and Walter Buckler were knighted.

Edward Dymoke (age 39) attended as the King's Champion.

Alexander Unton (age 53) and Edward Rogers (age 49) were knighted.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The 21st daie was great justes with runninge at the tilt, and the 22th daie was fighting and turninge at the barriors, where was many noble feates donne.

On 22 Feb 1547 Thomas Fitzherbert (age 33) was knighted. Anthony Cooke (age 43) was created Knight of the Bath.

On 26 Feb 1547 Richard Rich 1st Baron Rich (age 50) was created 1st Baron Rich of Leez. Elizabeth Jenks Baroness Rich (age 37) by marriage Baroness Rich of Leez.

Death of King Francis I of France Accession of Henry II

On 31 Mar 1547 King Francis I of France (age 52) died. His son King Henry II of France (age 28) succeeded II King France: Capet Valois Angoulême.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The fourth daie of Aprill, 1547, tidinges was brought to London Death of the that Frances the French King (deceased) was deade, and died the first daie of April last, and it was said that he neaver rejoyced synce he had heard of the Kinges Majesties death.

Battle of Pinkie Cleugh

Tudor Tracts by Pollard Chapter 4. Battle of Pinkie Cleugh.

Saturday the 10th of September [1547]1. This day morning somewhat before eight o'clock, our camp dislodged and our host march straight towards the church of Underesk [Map], as well for intent to have camped nigh the same, as for placing our ordnance, and other considerations afore remembered.

The Scots, I know not whether more for fear of our departing or hope of our spoiling, were out of their camp" coming towards us, passed the river, gathered in array, and well nigh at this Church ere we were half way to it.

They had quite disappointed our purpose" and this, at the first, was so strange in our eyes, that we could not devise what to make of their meaning" and so much the stranger, as it was quite beside our expectation or doubt, that they would ever forsake their strength [strong position], to meet us in field. But we, after, understood that they did not only thus purpose to do" but also to have assailed us in our camp, as we lay, if he had not been stirring the timelier.

And to the intent, at this time, that as well none of their soldiers should lurk behind them in their camps, as also that none of their captains should be able to flee from their enterprise" they had first caused all their tents to be let flat down to the ground ere they came out" and they that had horses (as well nobles as others, a few expected), that were not horsemen, appointed to leave their horses behind them, and march on with their soldiers afoot.

Note 1. This day was long after known in Scotland as "Black Saturday"" and the battle then fought, was the last conflict between the Scotch and the English, as separate nations. E. A.

On 10 Sep 1547 an English army commanded by Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 47) defeated a Scottish army commanded by James Hamilton 2nd Earl Arran (age 31) and Archibald Douglas 6th Earl Angus (age 58) at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh at Musselburgh.

The English army included John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 43), Francis Talbot 5th Earl of Shrewsbury (age 47), Miles Partridge and Thomas Wentworth 2nd Baron Wentworth (age 22). John Thynne (age 32) and Edmund Brydges 2nd Baron Chandos (age 25) were knighted.

William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley (age 26) accompanied Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 47).

Edward Shelley of Worminghurst Park (age 44) was killed.

John Forbes 6th Lord Forbes (age 82), Christopher Coningsby (age 31) and Edward Clere were killed.

John Thynne (age 32) was knighted after the battle.

The Scottish army included John Gordon 11th Earl Sutherland (age 22) who commanded the Rearguard and Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 32). John Stewart, Robert Douglas (age 41), John Livingston, Thomas Hamilton of Priestfield and Hugh Montgomerie were killed. John Hay 4th Lord Hay was captured but soon released.

Malcolm Fleming 3rd Lord Fleming (age 53) was killed. His son James Fleming 4th Lord Fleming (age 13) succeeded 4th Lord Fleming. Barbara Hamilton Lady Fleming by marriage Lord Fleming.

Robert Graham Master of Montrose was killed.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The 20th daie, being Sainct Matthewes Eaven, was a solemne sermon made in Poules [Map] by the Bishopp of Lincolne, with procession, Ponies. kneeling with their copes in the quire, and after that Te Deum song with the organns playinge to give laude to God for the said victorie, my lord major, with his brethren the aldermen, being present, with all the comens in their lyveries, and that night great fiars were made in everie streete with banqueting for joy of the said victorie.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. This yeare also the Lord Protectors Grace (age 47) went into Scotlande with an armie riall in the beginning of September, and the 20th daie of September [Note. Mistake for 20 Sep 1547] he had battell with the Scottes within fower miles of Edenboroughe, where, by the power of God, he had the victorie, and there was slaine of the Scottes fiftene thousande, and tow thousand taken prisoners. The Erle of Huntley (age 33), Chauncelor of the Scottes, was one, the Earl of Cassells slaine [Note. Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis (age 32) was captured.], and the Lord Fleeming (deceased). And of Englishemen their were not slaine above an hundred persons in all. The Scottes were numbred above fortie thousande, and the Englishmen not above sixteene thousande; and also they tooke there shipps and all their ordinance, with all the spoile of the fielde, and certeyne castells were yelded to him.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. And the morrow, being Sainct Matthewes daie, all the parishe churches within the citie and the suburbes of the same, kept a solempne procession on their knees in English, with Te Deum after for the said victorie.

In Jun 1548 a French army took the town of Haddington [Map] from the English.

On 07 Jul 1548 a Scottish Parliament held at a nunnery near the town of Haddington [Map] agreed to marry Mary Queen of Scots (age 5) to the Dauphin of France (age 4).

Trial and Execution of Thomas Seymour

Holinshed's Chronicle 1548. 16 Jan 1549. The sixteenth of Ianuarie, sir Thomas Seimer (age 41) baron of Sudleie, lord admerall, and brother to the duke of Summerset lord protector, was arrested and sent to the tower, and after by authoritie of parlement he was attainted, and the twentith of March next insuing, in the third yeare of this kings reigne beheaded at tower hill. Moreouer in this parlement, the vse of the masse was clearlie prohibited, and a booke for the vniformitie of diuine seruice, and right administration of the sacraments, was set foorth and established.

On 16 Jan 1549 Thomas Seymour (age 41), the King's (age 11) uncle, was caught trying to break in to the King's (age 11) apartments at Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map]. He entered the privy garden and awoke one of the King's pet spaniels. In response to the dog's barking, he shot and killed it. He was arrested and taken to the Tower of London [Map].

Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 49) was arrested on various charges, including embezzlement at the Bristol mint.

After 16 Jan 1549 William Sharington (age 54) was arrested and charged with coining base money, clipping, and other frauds. He confessd and was attainted forfeiting his landed estates and being ejected from his seat in Parliament.

On 18 Jan 1549 agents were sent to interrogate co-conspirators including Princess Elizabeth (age 15). The regency council was sure of her complicity with Thomas, and sought to bully an easy confession from her. She was interrogated for weeks.

On 22 Feb 1549 Thomas Seymour 1st Baron Seymour (age 41) was charged with thirty-three charges of treason; found guilty.

1549 Creation of Knights of the Garter

Prayer Book Rebellion

Between Jun 1549 and Aug 1549 the Prayer Book Rebellion was an uprising against the Book of Common Prayer.

After Jun 1549 John Russell 1st Earl Bedford (age 64) appointed Anthony Kingston (age 41) to bring the Prayer Book Rebellion rebels to justice. They included: Nicholas Boyer, the mayor of Bodmin and John Payne, portreeve of St Ives; Mayor Mayow of Gluvian in the parish of St Columb was hanged outside a tavern in St Columb. A number of priests were hanged, including Richard Bennett, vicar of St Veep and St Neot, Simon Morton, vicar of Poundstock, and the curate of Pillaton.

Annales of England by John Stow. 27 Jan 1550. the 27 of January, Humfrey Arundell (age 37) esquire, Thomas Holmes, Winslowe and Bery, captaines of the rebels in Devonshire, were hanged and quartered at Tyboure [Map].

On 27 Jan 1550 Humphrey Arundell of Helland (age 37) was executed.

Kett's Rebellion

In 1549 Rice Griffin was killed during Kett's Rebellion.

In Jul 1549 Kett's Rebellion was a revolt in Norwich, Norfolk [Map] in response to the enclosure of land. The revolt was suppressed by Thomas Tresham (age 49) who received £272, 19.6 for his services.

Diary of Edward VI. Aug 1549. Now to Northfolk.4 The people sodenly gathered together in Norfolke, and encreased to a great nomber; against whom was the lord marquise Northampton (age 37) sent, with the nombre of 10601a horsmen, who winning the towne of Norwich, kept it one day and one night, and the next day in the morning with losse of 100 departed out of the towne; among whom the lord Sheffield (deceased)2a was slaine. There were takin divers gentlemen and serving men to the nombre of 30, with wich victory the rebels were very glade. But afterward, hearing that th'erle of Warwic (age 45) came against them, thei began to stay upon a strong plat of ground upon a hil niere to the towne of Norwich, having the towmie confederat with them. Th'erle of Warwic (age 45) came with the nombre of 6000 men and 1500 horsmen, and entred into the toune of Norwich, wich having wone, it was so weke that he cold scarcely defend it, and oftentimes the rebels came into the streets killing divers of his mene, and were repulsed again; ye, and the townsmen were gieven to mischief themselfis. So, having endured ther assaultis three dayes, and stoped there vitailes, the rebels were constrained for lake of raeat to remove, whome th'erle of Warwic (age 45) folowed with 1000 Almans and al his horsemen, leaving th'English footmen in the towme, and overcam them in plaine battail, killing 2000 of them and taking Keit there captain, who in January folowing was hanged at Norwich, and his head hanged out. Kelt's brother was taken also, and punished alike.3a.

Note 4. Of the Norfolk rebellion a history was written in Latin by Alexander Nevylle, secretary to archbishop Parker, the archbishop himself having been present in the city of Norwich during the tumults, against which his oratory was unsuccessfully inhsted. It was printed in 1575, under the title, "Alexandri Nevylli Angli de Furoribus Nolfolciensium, Ketto duce. Liber unus. Ejusdem Norwicus. Ex ofEcina Henrici Bynneman, 1575." There was a second edition in 1582; and an English translation, made by Richard Woods, was printed in 1615, entitled, "Norfolk Furies and their Foyle, under Kett, their accursed Captaine. Second edition, 1623." See Upcott's British Topography, pp. 972, 973. In the first instance the duke of Somerset himself intended to take the field against "one Kett, a tanner, who hath taken upon himself our royal power and dignity, and calleth himself master and king of Norfolk and Suffolk." See letter under the King's signet, dated 6th August, printed by Strype, Memorials, II. i. 174, from MS. Cotton. Vesp. P. ixi. A subsequent proclamation, dated 16th August, when it was determined to send the earl of Warwick (age 45) on this service, is partly given ibid. p. 176.

Note 1a. So the MS., perhaps an error for 1600.

Note 2a. Edmund Sheffield (deceased), raised to the peerage in 1547 (see p. 211).

Note 3a. "The 29 of November, Robert Ket, and William Ket his brother, were delivered out of the Tower of London to sir Edmond Windham, knight, and sherifie of Norfolke, to be conveyed to Norwich, where Robert Ket was hanged in chains on the top of Norwich castle, and William Ket likewise hanged on the top of Windham steeple." Stowe's Chronicle.

On 01 Aug 1549 the rebels defeated a royal army led by William Parr 1st Marquess Northampton (age 37).

On 27 Aug 1549 the rebels were defeated by an army led by John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 45). Henry Willoughby (age 32) was killed at Mousehold Heath, Norwich [Map].

1549 Prayer Book Rebellion

Diary of Edward VI. Aug 1549. To Devonshier the lord Previ-seal (age 64)1 was sent, who with his band, being but smal, lay at Honington whils the rebels besieged Exciter [Map], who did rise divers preaty feates of warre. For after divers skirmishes, when the gatis were burnt, thei in the cite did continew the fir(e), til thei had mad a ramper within. Also afterward, when they were underminded and pouder was laid in the mind, thei within drouned the pouder and the mind with water they cast in; wich the lord Previ-seal hearing, thought to a gone to renforce them a bie way; of wich the rebels having spial, cut al the trees betwixt St. Mary-Outrie and Exciter. For wich cause the lord Previ-seal burnt that toun, and thought to returne home. The rebels kept a brig behind his bake, and so compelled him with his smal band to set upon them, wich he did and overcam them, killing 600 of them, and returning hom without any loss of men. Then the lord Gray (age 40) and Spinula2 with their bandis came to him, and afterward Gray (age 40) (sic) with 200 of Reding, with wich bands he being renforcid came to raise the sieg at Exciter, for bicaus thei had scarcety of vitel; and as he passed from Hunniagton, he cam to a little towne of his owne, whether cam but only tow waies, wich thei had ranforced with tow bulwarkes mad of earth, and had put to the defence of the same about 2000 men, and the rest the(y) had layed, some at a brige called Honnington brige, partly at a certein hedg in a hie way, and the most part at the sieg of Exciter. The rierward of the horsmen, of which Travers was captain, set upon the on(e) bulwark, the vauard and battail on the tother. Spiaula's band kept them occupied at their wale. At lenght Travers drove them into the towne, wich the lord Previ-seal burnt. Then thei rane to a bridg thereby; from whence being driven their were in a plain about 900 of them slain. The next day ther wer mete about other 2000 of them at the entrie of a hie way, who first desired to talk, and in the meane season fortified them selves, wich being perceived they ranne ther wayes, and that same night the cite of Exitter was delivered of the siege.1a

Note 1. John lord Russell (age 64), shortly after made earl of Bedford. Some of his despatches to the council on this occasion will be found in Strype's Memorials, vol. ii. Records, DD.; also in Wiffen's Memorials of the House of Eussell, i. 369.

Note 2. "Captaine Paule Baptist Spinola, an Italian, borne of a noble house in Genoa, with a band of Italian footmen" Holinshed, p. 1651.

Note 1a. A very full narrative of the Devonshire rebellion, written by John Vowell, alias Hooker, chamberlain of Exeter, accompanied by a "description of the citie," was first published in the edition of 1586 of Holinshed's Chronicle, and it occupies in the edition of 1808 pp. 926-963 of vol. iii. It was also printed distinctly in 4to. 1775. Great pains were taken to refute the religious doctrines advanced in their "supplication" or manifesto: and several drafts of "the King's answer" thereto are preserved in the State Paper office, which Mr. Tytler has partly printed, i. 178 — 182; but a much more elaborate reply was compiled by Cranmer, which will be found at length in his works (Parker Soc, edition), ii. 163—187.

Diary of Edward VI. Aug 1549. After that thei gathered at Launston, to whom the lord Prevy scale (age 64) and sir William Herbert (age 48)2 went, and overthrue them, taking their chief heades and executing them. Nevertheles some sayled to Brigewater [Map] and went about sedicion, but were quikely repressed. Hitherto of Devonshire.

Note 2. Sir William Herbert (age 48), then master of the King's horses, and afterwards earl of Pembroke, brought a thousand Welshmen, who, says Hooker, though they came too late to the fray, were yet soon enough to the play; for the whole country was then put to the spoil.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1548. Aug 1549. For the pacifieng of these rebels, were appointed by the king and his councell, sir Iohn Russell (age 64) knight lord priuie seale, the lord Greie of Wilton (age 40), sir William Herbert (age 48) after earle of Penbroke, sir Iohn Paulet, sir Hugh Paulet, sir Thomas Speake, and others, with a conuenient power of men of warre both on horssebacke and foot. Amongst others, there were certeine strangers that came with my lord Greie, as capteine Germane an Hennower, with a band of horssemen, most part Albanoises and Italians. Also capteine Paule Baptist Spinola an Italian borne of a noble house in Genoa, with a band of Italian footmen. But now the lord priuie seale that was ordeined by the king and his councell, generall of that armie, vpon his first approching towards them, sent vnto them the kings maiesties proclamation: the effect whereof was, that all such persons as were vnlawfullie assembled, and did not within thrée daies next after the proclaming thereof, yéeld and submit themselues to the lord priuie seale (the kings lieutenant) they should from thenceforth be deemed, accepted, and taken for rebels against his roiall person, and his imperiall crowne and dignitie.