Catherine Howard Trial and Executions

Catherine Howard Trial and Executions is in 1540-1543 Catherine Howard and Cromwell's Execution.

Catherine Howard Trial

On 01 Nov 1541 Henry VIII (age 50) received a warrant for Catherine Howard's (age 18) arrest from Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (age 52) at Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace [Map].

On 23 Nov 1541 Catherine Howard (age 18) was stripped of her title as Queen and imprisoned at Syon Abbey [Map].

In Dec 1541 Francis Dereham (age 28) and Thomas Culpepper (age 27) were tried for adultery with Queen Catherine Howard of England (age 18). The former for adultery before Henry and Catherine's marriage, the latter for adultery after the marriage.

Both were found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Both men pleaded for mercy. Culpeper, presumably because of his former closeness to the King, received a commuted sentence of beheading only.

Catherine Howard Tyburn Executions

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 10 Dec 1541. This year the 10th daye of December was draune from the tower to Tyborne [Thomas] Culpeper (age 27), and there was hongyd and heddyd.

Hall's Chronicle 1541. 10 Dec 1541. At this tyme the Quene (age 18) late before maried to the kyng called Quene Katheryne (age 18), was accused to the Kyng of dissolute livyng, before her mariage, with Fraunces Diram (age 28), and that was not secretely, but many knewe it. And sithe her Mariage, she was vehemently suspected with Thomas Culpeper (age 27), whiche was brought to her Chamber at Lyncolne, in August laste, in the Progresse tyme, by the Lady of Rocheforde (age 36), and were there together alone, from a leven of the Clocke at Nighte, tyll foure of the Clocke in the Mornyng, and to hym she gave a Chayne, and a riche Cap. Upon this the kyng removed to London, and she was sent to Sion [Map], and there kepte close, but yet served as Quene. And for the offence confessed by Culpeper (age 27) and Diram (age 28), thei were put to death at Tiborne [Map], the tenth dale of December.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1541. 10 Dec 1541. The tenth of December, the said Culpeper (age 27) and Diram (age 28) were drawen from the tower vnto Tiburne and there Culpeper (age 27) had his head striken off, and Diram (age 28) was hanged, dismembred and headed. Culpeper's (age 27) bodie was buried in S. Sepulchers church, but both their heads were set on London bridge.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1541. 22 Dec 1541. The two and twentith of December were arreigned in the Kings bench at Westminster, the ladie Margaret Howard (age 26), wife to the lord William Howard (age 31), Katharine Tilneie, & Alice Restwold gentlewomen, Joane Bulmer, wife to Anthonie Bulmer gentleman, Anne Howard, wife to Henry Howard esquier, and brother to the late queene, Malein Tilneie widow, Margaret Benet, wife to Iohn Benet gentleman, Edward Walgraue gentleman, William Ashbie gentleman; all these were condemned of misprision of treason, for concealing the queenes misdemeanour. And the same daie in the afternoone, the lord William Howard, and Damport a gentleman were likewise arreigned, and condemned of the same offense, and as well these as the other were adiudged to lose their goods, & the profits of their lands during life, and to remaine in perpetuall prison.

Catherine Howard Tower of London Executions

Chronicle of Greyfriars. 13 Feb 1542. And the 13th day of February was the Queen Katherine (age 19) and Lady Rocheford (age 37) be-heddyd within the tower, and there burryd.

Hall's Chronicle 1542. 13 Feb 1542. To the whiche peticions the kyng graunted, saiyng that he thanked the Commons, that thei tooke his sorowe to bee theirs: Whereupon the Quene (age 19) and the Lady Rocheforde (age 37), were attainted by bothe the houses. And on Saterdaie beyng the [e]leventh daie of February, the Kyng sent his royall assent, by his greate Seale: and then all the Lordes were in their Robes, and the Common house called up, and there the acte redde, and his assent declared. And so on the thirtene daie, these twoo Ladies were behedded on the Grene, within the Tower [Map] with an axe, and confessed their offences, and died repentaunt.

On 13 Feb 1542 Queen Catherine Howard (age 19) and Jane Parker Viscountess Rochford (age 37) were beheaded at Tower Green [Map]. Henry Howard (age 26) attended. They were both buried at St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map].

Mary Boleyn (age 43) was the heir of Jane Parker Viscountess Rochford (age 37) being the sister of her deceased husband George Boleyn Viscount Rochford.

The History of England under Henry VIII 1542. The King yet not satisfied thus, for more authorizing his Proceeding, referred the Businesse to the Parliament sitting the 16 of January, 1541. Where upon Petition of both houses, that hee would not vex himself, but give his Royall assent to what they should doe, they had leave to proceed, and together thanks given them that they took his forrow to be theirs. Hereupon they attainted the Queen and the Lady Jane Rochfort, as also Culpeper, Derrham &c. And so the Queen and Lady Jane Rochfort (Wife to the late Lord Rockford, and noted to be a particular instrument in the death of Queen Anne) were brought to the Tower, and after confession of their faults, had their heads cut off.