Biography of Arnulf "Bad" Luitpoldings I Duke Bavaria -937

Arnulf "Bad" Luitpoldings I Duke Bavaria was appointed I Duke Bavaria.

Arnulf "Bad" Luitpoldings I Duke Bavaria and Judith d Count Eberhard Friuli were married.

On 14 Jul 937 Arnulf "Bad" Luitpoldings I Duke Bavaria died.

[his daughter] Judith Luitpoldings was born to Arnulf "Bad" Luitpoldings I Duke Bavaria.

Henry Saxon Ottonian I Duke Bavaria 920-955 and [his daughter] Judith Luitpoldings were married. She the daughter of . He the son of Henry "Fowler" I King East Francia and .

Royal Descendants of Arnulf "Bad" Luitpoldings I Duke Bavaria -937

Henry King Romans II Holy Roman Emperor x 1