Biography of Audrey Gainsford -1560

Maternal Family Tree: Margaret Ilam 1460

In Nov 1524 [her future husband] George Harper (age 21) and Lucy Peckham (age 20) were married.

Before Jun 1556 George Harper (age 53) and Audrey Gainsford were married.

Before 12 Dec 1558 [her husband] George Harper (age 55) died.

After 12 Dec 1558 George Carleton (age 29) and Audrey Gainsford were married.

Before 27 Jan 1560 Audrey Gainsford died.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 27 Jan 1560. The xxvij day of January was cared from [Black] frers unto sant Martens at Ludgatt to be bered my lade Harper, by her furst hosband ser [her former husband] Gorge Harper knyght, and the wyff of master Carlton (age 31), with a pennon of armes, and ij dosen and a d' of of skochyons of armes, and re .. mad in the chyrche and hangyd with blake and armes; and haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux (age 50) and master Somersett, [and] mony morners in blake; the cheyff morner was ...

In Jan 1590 [her former husband] George Carleton (age 61) died.

George Taylor of Lingfield in Surrey and Audrey Gainsford were married.

Audrey Gainsford was born to John Gainsford and Audrey Shaa.

Ancestors of Audrey Gainsford -1560

Father: John Gainsford

Audrey Gainsford

Great x 2 Grandfather: John Shaa

Great x 1 Grandfather: John Shaa

GrandFather: John Shaa

Mother: Audrey Shaa

GrandMother: Margaret Ilam