Biography of Judge John Hynde 1480-1550
Around 1480 Judge John Hynde was born.
Before 1530 Judge John Hynde (age 50) and Ursula Curson were married.
Around 1532 [his son] Francis Hynde was born to Judge John Hynde (age 52) and [his wife] Ursula Curson.
On 04 Nov 1545 Judge John Hynde (age 65) was knighted.
On 05 Nov 1545 Judge John Hynde (age 65) was appointed Judge of the Common Pleas.
On 17 Oct 1550 Judge John Hynde (age 70) died. He was buried at St Dunstan's in the West, Fleet Street [Map] on the 23 Oct 1550.
Henry Machyn's Diary. 23 Oct 1550. The xviij day of October was bered Juge Hynde (deceased) in sant Donstones parryche in the whest [Map], with standard, cot, elmet, sword, and penon, target, and a harold, and Juges ij and ij to-gether, and then serjantes of coyffe ij and ij together, and then clarkes syngyng, and my lade Hynde dyd make anodur standard, and a cote armur, and a penon, and a elmet, and target, and sword, to be had at the moynthe myn[d] in the contrey for hym, and a grett dolle of monay and of mett and drynk, and gownes to the pore; for ther was myche a doo ther for hym.
Note. Funeral of judge Hynde. Sir John Hynde, made a serjeant at law 1535, a judge of the Common Pleas 1546. When Nicholas Charles surveyed the church of St. Dunstan's in the West, the armorial insignia of sir John Hynde (made by our diarist) were remaining over his tomb: see them described in Collectanea Topogr. et Geneal. 1837, vol. iv. p. 100. Nicholas Charles was wrong in styling him "Chief Justice of the Common Pleas."