Biography of Laura Theresa Epps 1852-1909

Laura Theresa Epps 1852-1909 is in Painters.

On 16 Apr 1852 Laura Theresa Epps was born.

Letters of Christina Rossetti. 56 Euston Square, N.W.

Friday afternoon, 14th. [May 1869]1

My dear Miss Boyd (age 44)

Thank you warmly for so exceedingly kind an invitation, concerning which I will only put forward one regret, that Mrs Epps [Note. Not clear who Mrs Epps is since Laura Theresa Epps (age 17) didn't marry [her future husband] Lawrence Alma-Tadema (age 33) until 1871] should lose what might so have refreshed her both in mind and in body. And indeed, if I may, I will say that should it after all turn out that she could visit lovely Penkill you will without hesitation let me know your altered plans to which I shall most readily conform mine. On the other hand if I go, it will be a special indulgence to travel with the Scotts [Note. William Bell Scott (age 58) and Letitia Margery Norquoy] and as you give me so generous a latitude I will even feel housed at the Castle until a companion offers with whom to start south again;-the journey being somewhat formidably lengthy. But this, of course, only in case it brings my visit within not altogether unreasonable dimensions. How very kind you are to me, and how much I should like to make my gratitude obvious to you. Knowing what a Dear Mrs Scott is, I think she will kindly let me know her plans in due course: meanwhile I expect to run down to Gloucester next week on a little visit to my Uncle if he will have me, but to be up again in time for Penkill.

My love, please, to Mrs Scott, and a kindred sentiment to Mr Scott (age 58). We saw Gabriel (age 41) last night, but I know nothing at all about his summer plans.2

My Mother (age 69) desires her most cordial remembrances to you, and adds her thanks to mine on my behalf.

Always and affectionately yours

Christina G. Rossetti (age 38).

I expect you will find me quite a different order of being this year as regards walking, and I mean to trim up my old hat for possible croquet.

Note 1. Endorsed: "1867." CGR returned to Penkill in 1869, from 9 June to 22 July, not in 1867.

Note 2. DGR (age 41) was at Penkill from mid-August to 20 September.

In Jul 1871 Lawrence Alma-Tadema (age 35) and Laura Theresa Epps (age 19) were married.

After Jul 1871. Catherine Emily Brown (age 20). Portrait of Laura Theresa Epps (age 19).

1876. [her husband] Lawrence Alma-Tadema (age 39). Portrait of Laura Theresa Epps (age 23).

1876. Laura Theresa Epps (age 23). "World of Dreams".

Before 1878. Laura Theresa Epps (age 25). "The Persistent Reader".

1879 to 1880. Laura Theresa Epps (age 26). "With a Babe in the Woods".

1881. Laura Theresa Epps (age 28). "A Looking out o'Window, Sunshine".

1887. Laura Theresa Epps (age 34). "Always Welcome".

Around 1891. [her husband] Lawrence Alma-Tadema (age 54). "Interrupted". Portrait of Laura Theresa Epps (age 38).

1896. Laura Theresa Epps (age 43). "Love's Beginning".

1897. Laura Theresa Epps (age 44). "A Knock at the Door".

1898. Laura Theresa Epps (age 45). "At the Doorway".

1904. Laura Theresa Epps (age 51). "The Pledge".

On 15 Aug 1909 Laura Theresa Epps (age 57) died.

On 25 Jun 1912 [her former husband] Lawrence Alma-Tadema (age 76) died.

Laura Theresa Epps. "A Carol".

Laura Theresa Epps. "The Bible Lesson".

Laura Theresa Epps. "The Tea Party".

Laura Theresa Epps. "Battledore and Shuttlecock".