
Architecture is in General Things.

Prodigy House

Prodigy House. A large house built in the Tudor, Elizabethan and Jacobean periods defined by their use of glass. Prodigy houses include: Longford Castle, Wiltshire [Map], Wollaton Hall, Nottinghamshire, Longleat House, Burghley House, Hatfield House, Hertfordshire and Hardwick Hall [Map].

In 1573 Thomas Gorges of Longford Castle (age 37) acquired the manor of Longford, Wiltshire [Map] which had been owned by the Servington aka Cervington family. In 1576 after his marriage to Helena Snakenbourg Marchioness Northampton (age 24) they commissioned the building of a house on the triangular Swedish style on the banks of the Wiltshire River Avon with money from a shipwreck of the Spanish Armada.

Around 1585 William Brereton 1st Baron Brereton (age 34) and his wife Margaret Savage (age 36) commissioned the building of Brereton Hall, Cheshire [Map]; a Prodigy House.

Margaret Savage: In 1549 she was born to John Savage and Elizabeth Manners. Before 25 Feb 1591 William Brereton 1st Baron Brereton and she were married. They were third cousins. On 07 Apr 1597 Margaret Savage died.

Between 1593 and 1600 Doddington Hall [Map] was built as a Prodigy House for the lawyer Thomas Tailor. The architect was Robert Smythson. The facade is wide, but the house is only a single room deep at the centre.