Culture, General Things, Death and Illness, Death, Disease, Died of Dysentery

Died of Dysentery is in Disease.

1376 Death of the Black Prince

1415 Siege of Harfleur

1422 Death of Henry V

1680 Siege of Tangier

On 01 Aug 1137 King Louis VI of France (age 55) died of dysentery. His son Louis VII King Franks (age 17) succeeded VII King of the Franks. Eleanor of Aquitaine Queen Consort Franks and England (age 15) by marriage Queen Consort Franks.

Death of the Black Prince

Siege of Harfleur

On 17 Sep 1415 Michael de la Pole 2nd Earl Suffolk (age 54) died of dysentery. His son Michael de la Pole 3rd Earl Suffolk (age 21) succeeded 3rd Earl Suffolk, 3rd Baron Pole. Elizabeth Mowbray Countess Suffolk (age 21) by marriage Countess Suffolk.

Death of Henry V

Chronique du Religieux de St Denis Book 43 Chapter 3. 31 Aug 1422. In the year previously mentioned, on Monday, the last day of August, Henry, King of England, at the place called the Bois de Vincennes, the most delightful castle of the King of France, departed the way of all flesh. Indeed, the cause of his death was an illness of dysentery1, which is called Saint Fiacre's disease, because, as was commonly said, he had wished to transfer the precious body of the said most glorious saint from its rightful place to another, out of disordered desire, gravely offending the Creator and the said glorious saint. And, as is very likely, he had intended to bring that precious body to his kingdom of England. And because the will is considered equivalent to the deed, if one has done everything within one's power, he was therefore to be regarded as a sacrilegious person and a violator of the church.

Cette méme année, le lundi trente et uniéme jour du mois d'août, Henri, roi d'Angleterre, rendit le dernier soupir au cháteau du bois de Vincennes, l'une des plus agréables résidences du roi de France. Il succomba à une espèce de dyssenterie, appelée le mal de saint Fiacre, parce qu'il avait voulu, disait-on, en vue de sa guérison, enlever le précieux corps du très-glorieux saint du lieu qu'il occupait, et le transporter ailleurs; ce qui était une grave offense envers le Créateur et ledit glorieux saint. ll se proposait, selon toute vraisemblance, de faire passer ces précieuses reliques dans son royaume d'Angleterre. Et, comme l'intention est réputée pour le fait, lorsque l'on a fait ce qui dépend de soi pour l'accomplir, il devait étre conséquemment considéré comme sacrilége et profanateur d'église.

Anno superius declarato, die autem lune ultima mensis augusti, Henricus, rex Anglie, in loco dicto le boys de Vincennes, castro regis Francie delectabilissimo, viam universe carnis est ingressus. Etenim sui decessus causa fuit infirmitas fluxus ventris, que dicitur infirmitas sancti Fiacri, eo, ut communiter ferebatur, quia preciosum corpus dicti gloriosissimi sancti a proprio loco in alterum ad sui inordinatum affectum voluerat et volebat transferre , Creatorem dictumque sanctum gloriosum grávissime offendendo, et, ut verissimile est, in se proposuerat illud corpus preciosum in suum Anglie regnum asportare. Et quia voluntas reputatur pro facto, si fecerimus quod in nobis est, ideo sacrilegus et ecclesie violator reputandus erat.

Note 1. "fluxus ventris" i.e. dysentery may be better translated as "diarrhea".

On 19 Oct 1595 Philip Howard 20th Earl of Arundel (age 38) died of dysentery at Tower of London [Map]. He was buried at St Peter ad Vincula Church, Tower of London [Map], reburied at Arundel Cathedral, Sussex [Map] and then reburied in the Fitzalan Chapel, Arundel Castle [Map]. Earl Arundel Sussex, Earl Surrey, Baron Maltravers, Baron Arundel, Baron Mowbray, Baron Segrave forfeit.

He had been imprisoned for ten years and had never seen his son and heir Thomas Howard 21st Earl of Arundel 4th Earl of Surrey 1st Earl Norfolk (age 10) who had been born three months after he was imprisoned.

On 07 Dec 1674 Charles Hohenzollern (age 19) died of dysentery.

Siege of Tangier

In 1689 Bishop Thomas Cartwright (age 55) died of dysentery in Dublin [Map]. He was buried in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Dublin [Map].

Before 1758 Robert Apreece (age 81) died of dysentery.

On 23 Nov 1856 Thomas Seddon (age 35) died of dysentery at Cairo, Egypt.