
Europe is in Continents.

1437 Death of Sigismund King of Hungary Germany Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor

1854 Charge of the Light Brigade

1915 Sinking of the SS Persia

Europe, Anatolia

Europe, Anatolia, Nicaea

On 03 Jul 1035 Robert "Magnificent" Normandy I Duke Normandy (age 35) died at Nicaea. His son King William "Conqueror" I of England (age 7) succeeded II Duke Normandy.

Europe, Baltic

In 1392 William "Nithsdale" Douglas (age 28) was killed by Thomas Clifford at Baltic.

Europe, Bohemia

Europe, Bohemia, Prague

On 10 May 1290 Rudolf Habsburg II Duke Austria (age 20) died at Prague.

On 18 Jun 1297 Queen Judith of Bohemia and Poland (age 26) died at Prague.

On 16 Oct 1306 Rudolph Habsburg III Duke Austria (age 24) and Elizabeth Richeza Unknown Duchess Austria were married at Prague. She by marriage Duchess Austria. He the son of Albert Habsburg I Duke Austria (age 51) and Elizabeth Carinthia Duchess Austria.

On 11 May 1366 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England was born to Charles IV King Bohemia Holy Roman Emperor Luxemburg (age 49) and Elizabeth Pomerania Holy Roman Empress Luxemburg (age 19) at Prague.

On 27 Jul 1420 Sigismund I King Hungary I King Germany I King Bohemia Holy Roman Emperor Luxemburg (age 52) was crowned I King Bohemia at Prague.

Chronicle of Gregory 1433. 1433. Ande that same year be ganne the generalle consayle at Basyle of alle Crystyn londys; and thedyr come the Parganers, that is to saye they of Parge1; and Mayster Perrys, clerke, of Ingelonde, a regeaunte2 and a herytyke, come from Oxforde thedyr whym3 as an hery tyke; and there were many artyculys and poyntys of the faythe determyte ande spokyn. And soo they partyde, and wente agayn unto Prage why the out any lettynge; and the cause was for they of Prage hadde worthy clerkys of our faythe in plegge for them of Prage for to goo save and come save, and ellys they hadde gon to the fyre, as moste men supposyd.

Note 1. The heretics of Prague in Bohemia.

Note 2. The writer means, apparently, a renegade, as Fabyan calls him.

Note 3. whym. The writer probably meant to have written "with them."

On 17 Dec 1619 Prince Rupert Palatinate Simmern 1st Duke Cumberland was born to Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine (age 23) and Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia (age 23) at Prague. He a grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Europe, Bulgaria

Europe, Bulgaria, Pleven

Europe, Bulgaria, Pleven, Nikopol

On 28 Sep 1396 John Grandison (age 49) died at Nikopol.

Europe, Crete

On 30 Dec 1915 the SS Persia was torpedoed near Crete without warning by the German U-boat U-38, commanded by Max Valentiner. It sank in five to ten minutes, killing 343 of the 519 aboard.

John Douglas-Scott-Montagu 2nd Baron Montagu of Beaulieu (age 49) survived. His mistress Eleanor Thornton (age 35) drowned.

Europe, Hungary

Around 1051 King Edgar Ætheling II of England was born to Edward "The Exile" Wessex (age 35) and Agatha at Hungary. His sobriquet Ætheling means Prince.

Europe, Hungary, Budapest

Evelyn's Diary. 12 Sep 1686. Buda now taken from the Turks; a form of thanksgiving was ordered to be used in the (as yet remaining) Protestant chapels and church of Whitehall and Windsor.

On 30 Apr 1869 Philip de László was born in Budapest.

Europe, Latvia

Europe, Latvia, Riga

Pepy's Diary. 18 Feb 1663. Up, leaving my wife sick as last night in bed. I to my office all the morning, casting up with Captain Cocke (age 46) their accounts of 500 tons of hemp brought from Riga, and bought by him and partners upon account, wherein are many things worth my knowledge.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Mar 1663. There also coming into the river two Dutchmen, we sent a couple of men on board and bought three Hollands cheeses, cost 4d. a piece, excellent cheeses, whereof I had two and Commissioner Pett (age 52) one. So back again to Woolwich, Kent [Map], and going aboard the Hulke to see the manner of the iron bridles, which we are making of for to save cordage to put to the chain, I did fall from the shipside into the ship (Kent), and had like to have broke my left hand, but I only sprained some of my fingers, which, when I came ashore I sent to Mrs. Ackworth for some balsam, and put to my hand, and was pretty well within a little while after. We dined at the White Hart [Map] with several officers with us, and after dinner went and saw The Royal James brought down to the stern of the Docke (the main business we came for), and then to the Ropeyard [Map], and saw a trial between Riga hemp and a sort of Indian grass, which is pretty strong, but no comparison between it and the other for strength, and it is doubtful whether it will take tarre or no.

Pepy's Diary. 12 Mar 1663. Up betimes and to my office all the morning with Captain Cocke (age 46) ending their account of their Riga contract for hemp.

Pepy's Diary. 03 Aug 1663. Up both of us very betimes and to the Yard, and see the men called over and choose some to be discharged. Then to the Ropehouses and viewed them all and made an experiment which was the stronger, English or Riga hemp, the latter proved the stronger, but the other is very good, and much better we believe than any but Riga. We did many other things this morning, and I caused the Timber measurer to measure some timber, where I found much fault and with reason, which we took public notice of, and did give them admonition for the time to come.

Europe, Lithuania

Europe, Lithuania, Memel

On 04 Apr 1808 Philip Yorke (age 23) drowned in a storm off Memel in a ship called the Agatha of Lübeck.

Europe, Monaco

On 05 Mar 1977 Corisande Emma Louise Ida de Gramont (age 96) died at Monaco.

Europe, Monaco, Monte Carlo

Around 1925 Annie Stager died at Monte Carlo. She left a total estate of $847,207, half of which was left to Ellen Stager Marchioness Ormonde.

Europe, Monaco, Metropole Hotel Monte Carlo

On 03 Dec 1944 Andrew Glücksburg (age 62) died at the Metropole Hotel Monte Carlo.

Europe, Monaco, Monte Carlo, Prince's Palace

Europe, Poland

Europe, Poland, Gdańsk aka Danzig

Around 1694 Enoch "The Younger" Seeman was born in Gdańsk aka Danzig.

Europe, Poland, Warsaw

On 18 May 1760 Elizabeth Murray was born to David Murray 2nd Earl Mansfield (age 32) and Henrietta Frederica von Bünau at Warsaw.

Europe, Ukraine

Europe, Ukraine, Crimea

Europe, Ukraine, Crimea, Balaclava

On 25 Oct 1854 George Charles Bingham 3rd Earl Lucan (age 54) led at Balaclava during the Charge of the Light Brigade.

Europe, Ukraine, Crimea, Inkerman

On 05 Nov 1854 Charles Francis Seymour-Conway (age 35) was killed in action at Inkerman.

Europe, Ukraine, Odessa

Europe, Ukraine, Odessa, Cathedral Church

On 31 Aug 1918 King Carol II Hohenzollern Sigmaringen (age 24) and Joanna Marie "Zizi" Rangabe Lambrino (age 19) were married at Cathedral Church. He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.