Culture, General Things, Harleian Manuscripts

Harleian Manuscripts is in General Things.

1509 Coronation of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon

1536 Funeral of Catherine of Aragon

Culture, General Things, Harleian Manuscripts, Harleian 169

Harleian 169. Another Book of Collections, written by the Hand of Mr. Ralph Starkey; viz.

1. Part of the Acts of Council, during the Raign of Queen Elizabeth, i. e. from 20 of November 1558, to 14th day of February 1558.

2. Extracts of divers Letters relating to foreign Affairs, from 26 April 1559, to 6 Jan. 1559.

3. The Effecte of the Speeche used by Sir Nicolas Bacon Knight, Lorde-Keeper of the Great Seale of Englande, unto the Quenes Majestie, at suche time as Her Highenesse first called him to serve; in ano. Dom. 1558.

4. An Information made to Q. Elizabethe by .... of the several Abuses & Frauds done unto the State Generall & Crowne, by the Corruption of suche as have bin imployed by hir Father uppon the Suppression of the Abbeyes, & continuance of the same.

5 The Transportation of the Right Highe & mighty Princess Margaret, Sister to the most Christiane Kinge Edward the Fourth, of England & Lord of lerland, to Sluse with hir Intertaynement, the Triumphe, and & Mariadge with Charles Duke of Burgundye, as hereafter followethe.

6. A Proclamation appoynted by Kinge .... the ... to be observede in his Hoste, at .... published the .. of ....

7. Hear followeth part of the Coronasione of Queene Katherine Wife to King Henry the vth ...

8. The Creasione of William Lord Barkeleye in the 21 yeare of the Reigne of Kinge Edward IV.

9. A Coppie of such Serveces done by the Lord Cromwcll unto King Henrye the Vlll since he came to be Lorde Tresoror of Englande; and coppied out of the Origenalle under Thomas Lord Cromwelles Hand, remaining in the Kings Tresury of the Exchequere Ano. 1612.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 24 Jun 1509... and were both [King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 17) and Catherine of Aragon Queen Consort England (age 23)] crowned on Midsommer day.i

Note i. For the account of Henry's coronation with his queen, Kadiarine, see MS. Harleian. 169, Art 7.

Culture, General Things, Harleian Manuscripts, Harleian 540

Harleian 540. A Book in 4to, containing many of the historical Collections of Mr. John Stowe, and for the far greater part, written by his own hand. They are,


17 aka 52b. Circular Letter of K. Henry the VIII to many persons of Quality, requiring their attendance in the Conveyance of the Corps of (his Q. Catherine) the widow of Prince Arthur from Kymbolton to Peterborow, there to be interred.


Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 29 Jan 1536. She was buried at Peterborowe [Map]c the 29th daie of Januarie, being Saturdaie.

Note c. In the Abbey Church, which Henry VIII afterwards converted into a Cathedral. The circular letter addressed by the King to many persons of quality, requiring their attendance in the conveyance of the corpse from Kimbolton to Peterborough, will be found in MS. Harleian. 540, fol 52b.

Culture, General Things, Harleian Manuscripts, Harleian 565

Harleian 565. A Parchment book in 4to, wherein are contained,

1. Nomina Regum Anglie, ab Alfrido ad Hemicum VI. et quot annis regnarunt.

2. Copia Tabule pendentis ad Columpnam, juxta Tumulum Ducis Lancastr. in Ecclesia Sti. Pauli London. de descriptone ejusdem Ecclesiæ.

3. Copia alterius Tabule pendentis ad mediam Columpnam ibidem, inter dictum tumulum dicti Ducis, et tumulum Sti. Rogeri nuper Episcopi London. i.e. Chronicon breve.

4. Copia magne Tabule ibidem pendentis per dictam tumbam dicti Rogeri nuper Episcopi London. i. e. Chronicon succinQum, a creatione Mundi, usq; ad Henr. vi.

5. A Chronicle of English Affairs; & especially of those relating to the City of London; from the first year of K. Richard I. to the 21st of K. Henry the VI. inclusive. With the names of the Wardens, Mayors, & Sheriffes in each year.

6. Scripta nonnulla de caricacione 180 quarteriorum Brasij, de portu Villæ S. Botulphi (i. e. Boston) versus portum London. ann. 7. R. Henrici Vlll.

7. Scriptum de carcatione diversarurn Merchandisarum in Simba (Cymba) unde Robertus Akey est Magister, de portu Villæ de Lenne-Epifcopi (nunc Lenne-Regis) usque ad Portum de Boltone: dat. 30 die Marcij, anno 6to R. Henrici Vlll.

8. A Poem upon the wars of K.Henry the v. in France; & his return to England, after the Battle of Agincourte; composed, perhaps by John Lidgate.

9. The making of (i. e. Poem upon) the comynge of the Kynge (Henry v.) out of Fraunce, to London. be John Lidgate the Monke of Bery,

Culture, General Things, Harleian Manuscripts, Harleian 753

Harleian 753. A parchment book in 4to [quarto], wherin is written The Chronicle of England called Brute. It comes down to the 7th year of Henry VI and is imperfect at the end.

Culture, General Things, Harleian Manuscripts, Harleian 2256

Harleian 2256. A Book in small folio, written partly upon Paper, and partly upon Parchment (that is, every Ouarternio is guarded by Parchment Leaves) wherein is contained, The old Chronicle commonly called Brute; beginning thus, "In die Nobul Londe of Surre." It endeth in the 8th Year of K. Henry VI upon the taking of Johan d'Arc, otherwife called La pucelle d'Orleans.