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Qui obiit is in Latin Dictionary.

qui obiit. Who died.

On 07 Sep 1384 John Harsick III died. Brass in Church of St George, South Acre [Map] of John Harsick III and his wife Catherine Calthorpe holding hands. Great Helm with Feathers. Camail and Jupon Period. His coat of arms Harsick. Her showing Harsick Arms impaled with Calthorp Arms. At his feet a lion couchant, at hers a dog couchant. Inscription: Hic iacet Dns. Johes. Harsick Miles eiusoem Nominis tertius, qui obiit Serto die Septembris Ano Dni. Mccclxxxiv. cuius anime propicictur Deus Amen, et Domina Katherina Uxor.

John Harsick III: he was born to John Harsick II. In 1377 he was appointed High Sheriff of Norfolk. In or before 1384 John Harsick III and Catherine Calthorpe were married. In 1384 John Harsick III made his will on the Wednesday after the decollation of St. John Baptist. He bequeaths several legacies to the Lady Catharine his wife, his eldest son John, and to his son Eudo Harsick, the manor of Stanhow in Norfolk for life, remainder to his son Brian.

Catherine Calthorpe: she was born to Bartholemew Calthorpe.

On 25 Mar 1440 Geoffrey Boleyn (age 60) died. Around 1414 Alice Bracton (age 29) died. Memorial brass in the floor of the nave of Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map]. It originally also had tiny figures representing their 5 sons and 4 daughters, but the inlay is lost. Inscription: Hic jacet Galfrid. Boleyn qui obt. 25 die mensis Martij 1440, et Alicie, uxor. ejus, et pueror. suorum, quorum a'i'ab; &c. Label: Dominus propitius esto nobis peccatorib. ie "Here lies Geoffrey Boleyn who died the 25th day of the month of March A.D. 1440, and Alice, his wife, and children, on whose souls may God have mercy Amen"

Geoffrey Boleyn: Around 1380 he was born to Thomas Boleyn and Anne Jane Bracton. Before 1406 Geoffrey Boleyn and Alice Bracton were married. They were first cousins. In 1408 Geoffrey Boleyn provided timber for the building of Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle. The church was paid for by four Lords of the manor, Geoffrey Boleyn, Thomas Brigge, Thomas Roos and an unknown person, with newly acquired wealth from the wool trade.

Alice Bracton: Around 1385 she was born to John Bracton at Salle, Norfolk.

On 03 Aug 1482. Brass to Simon Boleyn (age 35) Vicar of Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map]. Inscription: Orate p. a'i'a. Simonis Boleyn, capellani, qui obt. 3 die mensis Augi. 1482.

Simon Boleyn: Around 1447 he was born to Geoffrey Boleyn and Ann Hoo. On 03 Aug 1482 Simon Boleyn died.

In Jun 1534 Thomas Leman Rector died. Rector of Church of St George, South Acre [Map] from 1502 to 1534. Inscription: Orate pro anima Domini Thome Leman, quandam Rectoris istius Ecclesie qui obiit r Die Mensis Junii, an Mcccccxxxiiii, cuius anime propicietur Deus.