Biography of Sitric King Northumbria -927

917 Battle of Tempsford

924 Death of King Edward Exile

Sitric King Northumbria was born to Unknown father of Sihtric.

Battle of Tempsford

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 917. This year, before Easter, King Edward (age 43) ordered his men to go to the town of Towcester [Map], and to rebuild it. Then again, after that, in the same year, during the gang-days, he ordered the town of Wigmore [Map] to be repaired. The same summer, betwixt Lammas and midsummer, the army broke their parole from Northampton and from Leicester; and went thence northward to Towcester, and fought against the town all day, and thought that they should break into it; but the people that were therein defended it, till more aid came to them; and the enemy then abandoned the town, and went away. Then again, very soon after this, they went out at night for plunder, and came upon men unaware, and seized not a little, both in men and cattle, betwixt Burnham-wood and Aylesbury. At the same time went the army from Huntington and East-Anglia, and constructed that work at Ternsford [Map] which they inhabited and fortified; and abandoned the other at Huntingdon [Map]; and thought that they should thence oft with war and contention recover a good deal of this land. Thence they advanced till they came to Bedford [Map]; where the men who were within came out against them, and fought with them, and put them to flight, and slew a good number of them. Then again, after this, a great army yet collected itself from East-Anglia and from Mercia, and went to the town of Wigmore, Herefordshire [Map]; which they besieged without, and fought against long in the day; and took the cattle about it; but the men defended the town, who were within; and the enemy left the town, and went away. After this, the same summer, a large force collected itself in King Edward's dominions, from the nighest towns that could go thither, and went to Temsford [Map]; and they beset the town, and fought thereon; until they broke into it, and slew the king, and Earl Toglos, and Earl Mann his son, and his brother, and all them that were therein, and who were resolved to defend it; and they took the others, and all that was therein. After this, a great force collected soon in harvest, from Kent, from Surrey, from Essex, and everywhere from the nighest towns; and went to Colchester [Map], and beset the town, and fought thereon till they took it, and slew all the people, and seized all that was therein; except those men who escaped therefrom over the wall. After this again, this same harvest, a great army collected itself from East-Anglia, both of the land-forces and of the pirates, which they had enticed to their assistance, and thought that they should wreak their vengeance. They went to Maldon [Map], and beset the town, and fought thereon, until more aid came to the townsmen from without to help. The enemy then abandoned the town, and went from it. And the men went after, out of the town, and also those that came from without to their aid; and put the army to flight, and slew many hundreds of them, both of the pirates and of the others. Soon after this, the same harvest, went King Edward (age 43) with the West-Saxon army to Passham [Map]; and sat there the while that men fortified the town of Towcester [Map] with a stone wall. And there returned to him Earl Thurferth, and the captains, and all the army that belonged to Northampton northward to the Welland, and sought him for their lord and protector. When this division of the army went home, then went another out, and marched to the town of Huntingdon; and repaired and renewed it, where it was broken down before, by command of King Edward (age 43). And all the people of the country that were left submitted to King Edward (age 43), and sought his peace and protection. After this, the same year, before Martinmas, went King Edward (age 43) with the West-Saxon army to Colchester [Map]; and repaired and renewed the town, where it was broken down before. And much people turned to him, both in East-Anglia and in Essex, that were before under the power of the Danes. And all the army in East-Anglia swore union with him; that they would all that he would, and would protect all that he protected, either by sea or land. And the army that belonged to Cambridge chose him separately for their lord and protector, and confirmed the same with oaths, as he had advised. This year King Edward (age 43) repaired the town of Gladmouth; and the same year King Sihtric slew [his brother] Neil his brother.

Death of King Edward Exile

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 17 Jul 924. This year died King Edward (age 50) at Farndon [Map] in Mercia; and Elward (age 22) his son died very soon after this, in Oxford, Oxfordshire [Map]. Their bodies lie at Winchester. And [his future brother-in-law] Athelstan (age 30) was chosen king in Mercia, and consecrated at Kingston [Map]. He gave his [his future sister-in-law] sister to Otho (age 11), son of the king of the Old-Saxons (age 48). St. Dunstan (age 15) was now born; and Wulfhelm took to the archbishopric in Canterbury. This year King Athelstan and Sihtric king of the Northumbrians came together at Tamworth, Staffordshire [Map], the sixth day before the calends of February, and Athelstan (age 30) gave away his [his future wife] sister to him.

In 926 Sitric King Northumbria and Edith Wessex were married. She the daughter of King Edward "Elder" of the Anglo Saxons and Ecgwynn Unknown Queen Consort Anglo Saxons.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 926. This year appeared fiery lights in the northern part of the firmament; and Sihtric departed; and [his brother-in-law] King Athelstan (age 32) took to the kingdom of Northumbria, and governed all the kings that were in this island:-First, Howel, King of West-Wales (age 46); and Constantine, King of the Scots; and Owen, King of Monmouth; and Aldred, the son of Eadulf, of Bamburgh. And with covenants and oaths they ratified their agreement in the place called Emmet, on the fourth day before the ides of July; and renounced all idolatry, and afterwards returned in peace.

In 927 Sitric King Northumbria died.

Around 927 [his son] Amlaíb Cuarán King Northumbria and Dublin was born to Sitric King Northumbria.

Ancestors of Sitric King Northumbria -927

GrandFather: Ímar "The Boneless"

Father: Unknown father of Sihtric

Sitric King Northumbria