Biography of Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth -1023

Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth was born to Seisyll ap Ednowain Cadelling and Muzna Unknown.

In or before 1013 Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth and Angharad ferch Maredudd were married. She the daughter of Maredudd ab Owain King Deheubarth King Powys King Gwynedd.

In 1013 [his son] Blethgent ap Llewelyn was born to Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth and [his wife] Angharad ferch Maredudd.

Before 1023 Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth was appointed King Powys.

Before 1023 Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth was appointed King Gwynedd.

Before 1023 Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth was appointed King Deheubarth.

In 1023 Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth died.

Archaeologia Cambrensis 1887 Page 349. Proceeding from the Castle a distance of about 300 yards, to the south, Twt Hill [Map], the site of the earlier castle built by Llywelyn ap Sitsyllt, King of Gwynedd c. 1015, was passed; and a little further on are the remains of the Dominican Priory [Map], now called the Abbey. Here, again, under the same guidance, were seen the windows of the monks' dormitory, above the present barn; and built up into the Avails, a large monumental slab with an incised effigy of an Archbishop of Rages, a former brother of the house. Near it was a cross ragule, memorial to "De Bridelton' cuius a'ie p'piciet." Other floriated crosses lie near the front door of the farmhouse, whilst in the garden wall are portions of window-tracery. There is a much damaged effigy of a knight in the wall of the stable; and behind the buildings on the opposite side of the yard (the western) may be seen several Pointed windows that show that portion to have been a part of the old monastic building. The property now belongs to Sir W. G. Williams, Bart (age 42)., of Bodelwyddan, and it is much to be desired that these interesting relics should be more carefully protected. The lateness of the hour and the shades of evening rendered it too dark to see the church, and it had reluctantly to be omitted for the day.

[his son] Gruffydd ap Llywelyn King Wales was born to Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth and Angharad ferch Maredudd.

[his son] Rithwalon ap Llewelyn was born to Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth and Angharad ferch Maredudd.

[his father] Seisyll ap Ednowain Cadelling and [his mother] Muzna Unknown were married.

Royal Descendants of Llywelyn ap Seisyll King Gwynedd King Powys King Deheubarth -1023

Gruffydd ap Llywelyn King Wales x 1