Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432

Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

1431 Execution of Joan of Arc

1431 French Coronation of Henry VI

1435 Battle of Gerberoy

1435 Death of John of Bedford

1437 Death of Dowager Queen Consort Catherine of Valois

1441 Trial and Punishment of Eleanor Cobham

1443 Beaufort Campaign

1445 Marriage of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou

1445 Coronation of Queen Margaret of Anjou

1447 Death of Humphrey of Lancaster

1450 Jack Cade's Rebellion

1450 Murder of William de la Pole

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1431

19 May 1431. Ande that yere there was on namyd hym selfe Jacke Sharpe that wolde have made a rysynge in the cytte of London, for he wolde have take owte the temperalteys of Hooly Chyrche; but the xix day of May he was take at Oxforde and v moo of secte, and whythe yn fewe dayes he was drawyd, hangyde, and quarteryde, and hys hede sete on London Brygge, and hys quarterys i-sent to dyvers townys of Ingelonde, as to Oxforde, Abyngdon, and to moo othyr. And sum of his h felowys were takyn at Govyntre, and there they were drawe, hangyd, and quarteryd; and a woman was be-heddyd at the galous.

23 May 1431. Ande the xxiij day of May the Pusylle (age 19) was brent at Rone [Map], and that was a pon Corpus Crysty evyn. [Note. The date here one week out; should be 30 May 1431]

23 Jul 1431. And the xxiij day of Julyy there was one Kusselle i-drawe, hanggyd, and quarteryde, and hys hedde was sette on Londyn Brygge, and hys quarterys in dyvers placys in London; for he wolde have made newe lordys, dukys, erlys, and baronys, aftyr hys entente & hys oppynyon, &c.

17 Jul 1431. Ande the same yere, in the monythe of Juylle, the xvij day, the posterne be-syde the Towre [Map] sanke downe into the erthe vij [7] fote and more.

11 Aug 1431. And the same yere, the xj day of Auguste, the Earl of Warwyke (age 49), the Earl of Stafforde (age 28), slowe and toke a grete nombyr of pepylle be-syde Bevys; and ther was take on Potyn and a scheparde that was namyd le Bergere, and he namyd hym sylfe hooly and a saynte, for the Fraynysche men hadde a be-leve on hym that yf he hadde layde hys honde on a castelle walle that hyt shulde have fallyn downe by the power of hys holynys.

03 Dec 1431. Ande that yere the kyng (age 9) passyde the see in to Fraunce, and wente unto Parysse [Map]; and he come thedyr the thyrde day of Decembyr.

13 Dec 1431. And the xiij day of the same monythe he was crownyde at Parysse; for there he was worthely and ryally ressayvyd as they cowthe devyse whythe alle the statys of the towne. And there he hylde hys feste raylly to alle maner of nacyons that were in that contre, that yf hyt plesyde hem thedyr for to come. And in Syn Johnys day in the Crystysmasse weke the kynge remevyd towarde Roone [Map], and on the xij evyn he come unto Calys. Ande the xxix day of Janyver he londyd at Dovyr [Map].

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1432

14 Feb 1432. And yn Syn Volantynys day he come unto London; and he was worthely fette in to the cytte whythe the mayre and hys aldyrmen whythe alle the worthy comyns of the cytte and every crafte in hyr devys.

And whenne the kynge (age 10) come to Londyn Brygge [Map] there was made a towre, and there yn stondynge a gy aunte welle arayde and welle be-sene, whythe a swerde holdynge uppe on hye, sayynge thys reson in Latyn, Inimicos ejus induam confusione. And on every syde of hym stode an antiloppe, that one holdynge the armys of Ingelond and that othyr the armys of Fraunce. Ande at the drawe brygge there was a nothyr ryalle toure, there yn stondynge iij empryssys ryally arayde, whythe crownys on hyr heddys, the whyche namys folowyn here: fyrste, Nature; the secunde, Grace; the thyrde, Fortune, presentyng hym whythe gyftys of grace. The fyrste gaffe hym Scyence an Cunnynge, and the secunde gaffe hym Prosperyte and Eyches. And on the ryght syde of the emperyssys stode vij fayre maydyns clothyde alle in whyte, i-powderyde whythe sonnys of golde, presentynge the kyng whythe vij gyftys of the Holy Goste in the lykenys of vij whyte dovys by fygure owtwarde, whythe thys resonys: Impleat te Dominus spiritu1 sapiencie et intellectus, spiritu consitij etfortitudinis, sciencie et pietatys, spiritu timorys Domini. And on the lyfte syde of thes emperysse stode vi j othyr fay re maydyns in why the, powdery de why the sterrys of golde, presentyng the kyng whythe vij gyftys of worschyppe. The fyrste was a crowne of glorye, the seconde with a cepter of clennysse, the iij whythe a swyrde of ryght and vyctorye, the iiij whythe a mantelle of prudence, the v whythe a schylde of fay the, the vj an helme of helme, the vij a gyrdylle of love and of parfyte pes. And thys maydens song an hevynly songe unto the kynge of praysynge and of hys vyctorye and welle comynge home. And whenne he come unto Cornehylle, there yn the vij scyence, and every scyence schewynge hys propyr corny ng wondyrly i-wroughte.

Note 1. spiritu. spiritus, MS.

And whenne he come to the Condyte of Cornhylle [Map] there was a tabernacule, and there yn syttynge a kynge whythe a ryalle aparayle. And on the ryght syde sate the lady of Mercy, ande on the lyfte syde sate the lady of Trough the, and the lady of Clennysse hem inbrasyng with Eeson. And by-fore the kyng stode ij jugys of grete worthynys, whythe viij sergauntys of lawe ther presente for the comyn profyte representynge of dome and of ryghtuysnysse, with thys scryptura,

"Honowre of kyngys in every mannys syght

Of comyn custome lovythe equyte and ryghte."

And so the kyng rode forthe an esy passe tylle he come unto the Grete Condyte, ande there was made a ryalle syghte lyke unto Paradys, whythe alle maner of frontys of delys. And there were vyrgynnys there, drawyng waterys and wynys of joye, and of plesaunce and comforte, the whyche ranne to every mannys comforte and helthe. Thes maydyns were namyd: Mercy, Grace, and Pytte. And in thys Paradys stode ij olde men lyke hevynly folke, the whyche were Ennocke and Ely, saluynge the kynge whythe wordys of grace and vertu.

And soo rode he forthe unto the Crosse in Cheppe [Map]. There stode a ryalle castelle of jasper grene, and there yn ij grene treys stondyng uppe ryght, shewyng the ryght tytyllys of the Kyng of Inglond and of Fraunce, convaying fro Synt Edwarde and Synt Lowys be kyngys unto the tyme of Kyng Harry the vjte , every kynge stondynge whythe hys cote armowre, sum lyberdys and sum flouredelysse; and on that othyr syde was made the Jesse1 of owre Lorde ascendyng uppewarde from Davyd unto Jesu. And so rode he forthe unto the Lytylle Condyte. And there was a ryalle mageste of the Trynyte, fulle of angelys syngyng hevynly songys, blessynge ande halowynge the kyngys whythe thes resonys in Latyn wrytyn: Angelis suis2 mandavit de3 te ut custodiant te, etc. Longitudinem dierum replebo in eum4 et ostendam illi salutare meum5. And thenne wente he forthe unto Poulys, and there he was ressayvyd whythe many byschoppys and prelatys whythe dene and the quere, and whythe devoute songe, as hyt longythe to a kynge. Ande so he offerryd there and thankyd God of hys goode speede and of hys welfare. And thenne he rode to Westemyster, and there he restyd hym; and on the nexte day folowynge the mayre and the aldyrmen6 whythe a certayne comeners that were worthy men, and they presentyde the kynge whythe an hampyr of sylvyr and gylte, whythe a M there yn of nobellys, &c.

Note 1. Jesse. Perhaps the writer meant "Geste," a history; but more probably he has left out some words. Fabyan speaks here of "the sprynge of Jesse, wherin was shewyd the genelogy of our blessed Lady."

Note 2. Angelis suis. Angelus suus, MS.

Note 3. de. This word is crossed through as if it were positively inaccurate, and the sentence read "Angelus suus mandavit te."

Note 4. Longitudinem - in eum. So in MS.

Note 5. meum. eum, MS.; see Ps. xc. (xci.) 11, 16.

Note 6. aldyrmen. aldyrman, MS.

12 May 1432. Ande the xij day of May be-ganne the Parlement at Westemyster, and that duryd unto the xvj day of Juylle nexte folio wynge.

24 Nov 1432. And that same yere on Syn Kateryn ys eve was the Lorde Fewater drownyd, and moche pepylle whythe hym. And moche harme done in the see of loste of schyppys that were lade whythe wyne fro Bordowys by the grete tempasse in the see.

On 25 Nov 1431 Walter Fitzwalter 7th Baron Fitzwalter (age 31) drowned at sea in a storm whilst returning from France.

Elizabeth Fitzwalter Baroness Dinham 8th Baroness Fitzwalter (age 1) succeeded 8th Baroness Fitzwalter. Note. Chronicle of Gregory 1432 states 24 Nov 1432 or, more specifically, "on Syn Kateryn ys eve" - St Katherine's feast day is 25 Nov.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1433

1433. Ande that same yere be ganne the generalle consayle at Basyle of alle Crystyn londys; and thedyr come the Parganers, that ys to saye they of Parge1; and Mayster Perrys, clerke, of Ingelonde, a regeaunte2 and a herytyke, come from Oxforde thedyr whym3 as an hery tyke; and there were many artyculys and poyntys of the faythe determyte ande spokyn. And soo they partyde, and wente agayn unto Prage why the owte any lettynge; and the cause was for they of Prage hadde worthy clerkys of oure faythe in plegge for hem of Prage for to goo save and come save, and ellys they hadde gon to the fyre, as moste men supposyd.

Note 1. The heretics of Prague in Bohemia.

Note 2. The writer means, apparently, a renegade, as Fabyan calls him.

Note 3. whym. The writer probably meant to have written "with them."

1432. Ande that same yere, a-non aftyr Ester, was the conselle of Ingelonde holdyn at Calys by the counselle of Ingelonde, for there was the Duke of Bedeforde (age 42), Regaunte of Fraunce, and the Duke of Glouceter (age 41), with many moo lordys of the Counselle; and there were cartayne personys done unto dethe, that ys to wete, iij sowdyers were banyschyde the towne of Caleys.

14 Nov 1432. And the same yere deyde the Duchyes of Bedforde (age 28) in Fraunce, the wyffe of the Regyaunte (age 43), whos terment was solempny holde at Syn Poulys [Map] in London.

22 Apr 1433. And the same yere the Duke of Bedforde (age 43), and Regyant of Fraunce, weddyde the dukys (age 43)1 doughter (age 18) of Syn Powle the xxij2 day at Tyruyn [Map]3.

Note 1. He was Count Saint Pol rather than Duke.

Note 2. of April.

Note 3. Thérouanne [Map].

08 Jul 1433. And that same yere the kynge (age 11) hylde hys Parlyment at Wystemystyr, that be ganne the viij day of Juylle; and soo forthe hyt induryd unto Lammas, and thenne hyt was enjornyde unto Syntte Edwarde ys day nexte folowynge; unto the whyche Parlyment came the Regaunt of Fraunce. Ande he come unto London on Syn Johnys evyn the Baptyste, and was worthely ressayvyde of the Mayre of London why the alle hys aldyrmen and worthy comyners of the cytte.

Around Aug 1433. And the same yere the Erle of Hontyngdone (age 38) wente into Fraunce whythe a fayre mayny for to kepe the contrey, and he dyde many fayre jornayes.

16 Sep 1433. And that same yere a-non aftyr the xij day, the xxix day of Janyver was the Lorde Fehewe (age 34) ys brothyr a was stallyd Byschoppe of London.

Around Oct 1433. Ande that same yere apperyde stella comata, othyr wyse namyde a blasynge starre, yn the sowthe weste, etc.

09 Nov 1433. Ande that same yere, the ix day of November, was the terement of the Erle of Syn Powle worthely i-holde at the chyrche of Syn Poulys [Map] in London.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1434

10 Mar 1434. Ande the x daye of Marche the Lorde Talbot (age 51) wente in too Fraunce whythe a goodely meyne.

30 Sep 1434. Ande that yere at the Counselle of Basyle deyde the Byschoppe of Rochester1.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1435

12 Jun 1435. And that same yere was slayne the Erle of Arundelle (age 27) in France.

Ande that yere was the Counselle of Aras of alle Crystyn nacyons for to trete of pes by twyne thes ij realmys, Ingelonde and Fraunce, there beynge iij cardynallys; the Cardynalle of Wynchester for the realme of Ingelonde, and hys name was Syr Harry Bewforde, the Kyng of Ingelonde ys onkylle; the Cardynalle of Syn Crosse, and the Cardynalle of Ciprys. And there was the Duke of Burgayne and many moo othyr lordys of that party. Ande of Ingelonde the Erle of Huntyngdone, whythe many othyr spyrytualle and temporalle of oure partye. But was not to noo profyte, for the Fraynysche parte was not alle trewe in hyr comyng.

14 Sep 1435. Ande that same yere, the xiiij day of Septembyr, deyde the Duke of Bedforde (age 46), Regaunte of alle Fraunce, in the castelle of Rone [Map], bytwyne ij and iij in the mornynge; and hys body ys buryde in Nostre Dame Chyrche of Roone [Map]. And of hys soule ande alle Crystyn soulys God have marcy, Amen.

25 Nov 1435 to 14 Feb 1436. Ande that same yere there was a grete wyntyr and a colde froste, that duryd fro Syn Kateryns day to Synt Valentynys day next sewynge [spring?], soo that noo schippe myght passe; wherefore the vyntage come by londe ynne cartys unto London fro the Downys, thoroughe Kent and ovyr Scheters Hylle [Map], for men provesyde be-fore at the vyntage of Gascon and Gyan shulde come ovyr Scheters Hylle, and men made but a mocke ther of.

And that yere the kyng hylde a Parlyment at Westemyster, that duryd fro Mychellemasse unto the Feste of Crystysmas next folowynge.

Around 25 Dec 1435. Ande that same yere, aboute Crystysmas, the Fraynysche parte gate a yenne Arflewe a and many moo othyr townys.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1436

Apr 1436. And that same yere the Fraynysche party in the monythe of Aprylle wanne a-gayne Parys.

1436. And that same yere the Mayre of London sende, by the goode a-vyse and consent of craftys, sent sowdyers to Calys [Map], for hyt was sayde that the Duke of Burgone (age 39) lay sege unto Calis. And soo he dyd sone aftyr, as ye shalle hyre here after. And at the Parlyment be-fore hyt was ordaynyde that the Duke of Yorke (age 24) shulde in to Fraunce with certayne lordys with hym in stede of the Eegaunt. And whythe hym went the Erle of Salysbury (age 36). Ande the Erle of Mortayne (age 30) wente to Calys [Map] sone aftyr Estyr.

And the xiiij day aftyr he made a roode in to Flaunders, and he slowe and toke xv c [1500] of Flemmyngys, and many bestys; the nombyr ys more thenne I canne certaynely reherse. And a-non aftyr the Duke of Burgone (age 39) layde hys sege unto Calys whythe a stronge ordynaunce and a myghty, with xl M [40000] men and moo. And they made grete bulworkys, and grete bastylys, and stronge forty fycacy on.

22 Jul 1436. And on Mary Magdelene ys day the kyng (age 14) hylde hys counselle at Cauntyrbury [Map], whythe a grete party of hys lordys.

12 Jul 1436. Ande xij day of Juylle the Erle of Mortayne (age 30), the Lorde Camyse, whythe othyr moo knyghtes and squyers went owte whythe a goodely mayny unto the Bastyle, and wanne hyt manfully, and sette hyt a fyre; and in that same Bastyle was v. C. [500] men of armys, of the whyche v. c. [500] schapyd not a way the nombyr of xij [12] men, as letters made mencyon that were sente into Ingelonde. Ande a-non the Duke of Burgone (age 39) with alle hys oste fledde cowardely; and he lefte the moste parte of hys stoffe and ordynance be hynde, for he hadde haste in hys fleynge; for there were lefte many grete gonnys, and many of othyr ordynaunce, why the moche vytayle of flesehe, flowre, wyne, bere, and a grete nomber of barellys whythe botyr, &c.

22 Jul 1436. Ande the xxvj day of Juylle the Duke of Glouceter (age 45) whythe alle the substaunce of the lordys of Ingelonde schyppyde at Sondewyche [Map] with xl. M [40000] men of alle the contreys of Ingelonde, for every towne, cytte, or borowe fonde certayne men whythe dyvers lyvereys of the bagys of the towne, and soo dyd abbeys and pryorys in the same wyse of alle Ingelonde. And the same day they londyd at Calys, and there they hylde hyr consaile the Fryday, Satyrday, and Sonday. And on the Monday he toke hys jornaye in-to Flaunders warde; ande he rode throughe Pycardye and dyd moche harme yn the contre of Flaunders, for he brent Poperyng and Belle, ij [2] goode townys, and many moo othyr vylagys in Flaunders and in Pycardye; and soo he come home a-yenne to Calys whythe owte any lettynge of any person, thonkyd be God.

1436. Ande that same yere the Erle of Northehomerlonde (age 42) made a viage in-to Scotlonde, and there he made a nobylle jornay.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1437

03 Jan 1437. Ande that same yere Quene Kateryn (age 35) dyde at Bredmonsey [Map] the iij day of Jany ver.

1437. And that same yere on of the gatys of Londyn Bryge [Map] and one of the g[r]ettyste arche of the same bryge, fylle a downein to Temys wondyrfully; thonkyd be God, noo man, woman, nor chylde i-hurte nor perchyde.

21 Jan 1437. And that yere the kynge (age 15) ordaynyde the Parlyment to be holde at Cambridge [Map] Caumbryge, but aftyr warde by goode counselle hyt was tornyde and holde att Westemyster; the whyche Parlyment be ganne the xxj day of Janyver. And to that Parlyment come the Byschoppe of Tyrwynne [Thérouanne] ande the counselle of the Erle of Armanacke (age 40).

04 Feb 1437. Ande the ix day of Feverer Quene Kateryn (deceased) aforesayde was broughte to Powlys [Map] yn London, and there sche hadde a solempne deryge ande a masse on the morne. And thenne she was hadde unto Westemyster. And the iij day aftyr she was worth ely enteryde and buryde in Oure Lady chapylle at Westemyster in the Abby; of whos soule God have mercy.

Ande the same yere the Kynge of Schottys was trayturly slayne in hys owne londe, of a false squyr and the squyer ys sone, of the same londe, that was namyd Robert Grahams. The whyche squyer and hys sone were take anon aftyr, and there they were playnely put to dethe, as welle worthy was, to be traye any kynge or prynce.

Jul 1437. And the same yere dyde Quene Jane (deceased) a at Averyng at the Bowre [Map], in Esex, in the monythe of Juylle, and she ys buryde at Cauntyrbury [Map] whythe hyr hosbonde, Kynge Harry the iiij the.

1437. Ande the same yere the kyng (age 15) put downe the Mayre of Norwyche, and certayne aldyrmen were devydyd unto othyr certayne placys, sum to Lynne and sum to Cauntyrbury. And John Wellys, Aldyrman of London, was made Wardon of Northewyche [Norwich].

29 Aug 1437. Ande the same yere the Erle of Warwyke (age 55) went into Fraunce the xxix day of Auguste; he schippyd at Portysmouthe, and the Duke of Yorke (age 25) come home into Ingelonde owte of Fraunce.

09 Dec 1437. Ande that same yere deyde the Emperowre of Rome (age 69), and hys termentte was solempnly holde at Syn Poulys [Map] at the cytte of London the iij day of May, there beynge the kynge (age 16) and hys lordys.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1438

14 May 1438. And the same yere on Estyr day there was on John Gardyner take at Synt Mary at the Axe in London, for he was an herytyke; for whenne shulde have benne houselyd he wypyd hys mouthe whithe a foule clothe and layde the oste there yn; and so he was takyn by the person of the chyrche, and the xiiij day of May he was i-breht in Smethefylde [Map].

1438. Ande the same yere the Erle of Mortayne (age 32) was made Erle of Dorsette, and he was sentte unto Anjoye and Mayne [Map].

1438. And the same yere there was a grete conselle at Calys [Map], there beynge in oure party the Cardynalle Arche-byschoppe of Yorke (age 58) and many moo spirytualle and temporalle lordys. And on that othyr party the Duchyes of Burgone (age 40) and many moo lordys, bothe spyrytualle and temporalle.

04 Jun 1438. Ande the same yere the iiij day of June certayne men of Kentte were a-reste at Maydestone [Map] for rysynge, and v. of hem were drawe, hanggyde, and quarteryde, and be-heddyde, and hyr heddys were sette on Londyn Brygge [Map]; and sum of hyr heddys at Cauntyrbury [Map] and in othyr certayne townys in Kente a boute in the schyre, for to cause men to be ware. And that yere was grete dyrthe of corne, for a buschclle of whete was worthe ij s vj d. And that yere was grete pestylaunce, and namely in the northe contraye.

1438. And the same yere deyde the Countasse of Stafforde (age 55), and the Clerke of the Rollys, Mayster Jon Franke; and he was holde one of the rycchyste men that deyde many dayes be-fore.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1439

1439. Ande the same yere duryde the dyrthe of come and of alle maner of grayne thoroughe Ingelonde.

30 Apr 1439. And the laste day of Aprylle deyde the Erle of Warwyke (age 57) at Roone [Map]. Ande the same yere the Cardynalle Archebyschoppe of Yorke (age 59), the Byschoppe of Northewyche (age 51), the Byschoppe of Syn Davys and many othyr docters, and the Duke of Northefolke (age 23), the Erle of Stafford (age 36), the Lorde Bowcer, and the Lorde Hungerforde (age 39), with a grete mayny, wente unto Calys; and they hadde the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 44) with hem for to trete of pes by twyne Ingelonde and Fraunce. And there mette with hem the grete lordys of Fraunce, that ys to wyte, of spyrytualle and temporalle, the Archebyschoppe of Raynys (age 59), whythe many moo byschoppys, the Erle of Wendon (age 63), a the Bastarde of Orlyaunce (age 36), and many othyr lordys of Fraunce; and thedyr come the Byschoppe of Spayne and of Colayne, and many moo othyr dyvers contreys that com fro the Counselle of Basylle.

1439. Ande the same yere in the same tretys the Fraynsche party wanne Mewys in Bryayenne, in the whyche was Captayne Syr Wylliam Chambyrlayne.

1439. And the same yere the Erle of Huntyngdone (age 43) wente unto Gyenne whythe a grete navy. And the same yere went Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 54) in to Normandy and Syr Wylliam Peytowe, and many moo othyr, whythe a fayre mayne.

1439. And that same yere, a-pon Wytsondaye, the kyng (age 17) made knyghtys at Kenyngton, that ys to wete, the sone and hayre (age 8) of the Lorde of Huntyngdon (age 43), and the sone ande the ayre of the Erle of Aroundelle1, Lewys John, and Wylliam Estefylde, marchaunt of London. And the mayre ordaynyd that yere that comvn wemmen shulde were raye hoodys, and bawdys to the pelory. And thys was cryde the v day of Auguste the same yere, and so hyt was done at dyvers tymys.

1. Humphrey Fitzalan 15th Earl Arundel (age 9) had died on 24 Apr 1438 aged nine years old. His heir was his uncle William Fitzalan 16th Earl Arundel (age 20) who first child Thomas was born in 1450 so it isn't clear who is being referred to here?

1439. And the same yere, att the generalle counseylle, the Emperoure of Costantyne the Nobylle and hys sone, whythe alle the clergy of Gryke, obeyd hym unto the Chyrche of Rome of certayne artyculys of the faythe; and they hylde more thanne v. c. yere, and alle the realme of Ermonye d that haddyn ben owte ix. c. yere, fro the beleve not on the Hooly Goste, nor on the sacrament, nor noo Pyrgatorye, nor noo suffragys of Hooly Chyrche, as prayers and almysdedys. And there were of Eome viij cardynallys and moo thanne v. C myters, whythe owte docters. And thus was proclaymyd at Powlys Crosse the xxviij day of August above sayde, etc.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1440

1440. Ande that yere was the Parlyment concludyd, and ordaynyd that Lumbardys sholde goo to hoste. And that same yere alyens were putte to hyr fynaunce to pay a certayne a yere to the kynge. Also in the same yere there were ij traytours hangyde on a payre of galowys that were made in Temys for the same purposse, be syde Syn Kateryns.

1440. And that same yere there was a preste i-callyd Syr Rycharde Wyche and hys servand brent atte the Tourehylle [Map], for the whyche there was moche trobil a-monge the pepylle, in soo moche that alle the wardys in London were assygnyd to wake there day and nyght that the pepylle myght nought have hyr ylle purpose as at that tyme.

25 Oct 1440. Ande in that same yere the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 45) made hys othe at Westemyster and there uppon ressayvyde the blessyd sacrament on Cryspyn and Cryspynyan ys day. And the Fryday aftyr Allehalowyn day he went towarde Fraunce, and whythe hym he hadde Syr John Corneuale (age 34), knyght, and many othyr knyghtys and squyers.

1440. Ande that same yere werre the barrys in Smethefylde [Map] newe made, for Syr Rycharde Woodevyle (age 55), knyght, was chalengyd of a knyght of Spayne for to donne certayne poyntys of armys in the felde.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1441

16 May 1441. Ande the xvj day of May the Duke of Yorke (age 29), the Erle of Oxynforde (age 33), the Erle of Ewe (age 37), the Erle of Ormounde (age 47), and Syr Richard Woodevyle (age 56), whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers, toke the way towarde Fraunce, and they schippyd at Portysmouthe [Map].

1441. And the same yere the Crosse in Chepe [Map] was take a downe and a newe sette uppe there that the olde Crosse stode.

1441. And in the same yere there were take certayne traytourys, the whyche purposyd to slee oure lege lorde the kyng (age 19) by crafte of egremauncey1, and there instrumentys were opynly shewyde to alle men at the Crosse [Map] in Powlys chyrche yerde a-pon a schaffolde i-made there-for. Att the whyche tyme was present one of the same traytours, whiche was callyd Roger Bulbroke, a clerke of Oxforde, and for that same tresoun my Lady of Glouceter (age 41) toke sayntwerye at Westemyster; and the xj day of Auguste thenne next folowynge she toke the way to the castelle of Lesnes.

27 Oct 1441. And on Syn Symon and Jude ys eve was the wycche (age 26) be syde Westemyster brent in Smethefylde [Map], and on the day of Symon and Jude the person of Syn Stevynnys in Walbroke, whyche that was one of the same fore sayde traytours, deyde in the Toure [Map] for sorowe.

Note 1. Necromancy.

13 Nov 1441. Ande in that same yere the Lady of Glouceter (age 41) for the same treson she was juggyde by the spyrytualle lawe to iij [3] sondyr or dyvers placys, that ys to wete, on Mondaye, the xiij daye of Novembyr, to Powlys; and on the Wanysday i-sygnyd unto Crychyrche; and on the Fryday nexte folowyng to Synt Mychellys in Cornehylle.

18 Nov 1441. And on the Satyrday next folowyng was Roger Bulbroke hanggyde, and drawe, and quarteryde at Tyburne.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1442

30 Jan 1442. Ande the xxx day of Janyver was certayne poyntys of armys done in Smethefylde [Map] by twyne a knyght of Catelan and a Engelysche squyer, i-callyde Syr John Ascheley; of the whiche tyme the sone of the sayde knyght, in presens of alle the pepylle there, was made knyght opynly by the kyngys (age 20) owne hondys. And the sayde John Ayschelay also was made knyght att the same tyme.

25 May 1442. Ande the xxv day of May my Lorde Talbot (age 59) toke hys way towarde the see, for to passe yn to Fraunce whythe hys retenowe.

After 07 Jun 1442. Ande in that same yere deyde John Wellys, the nobylle Aldyrman, and sum tyme Mayre of London.

1442. Ande in that same yere there was a pynner hyngge hym sylfe on a Palme Sondaye. And he was alle nakyd save hys breche; and then he was caryd in a carte owte of the cytte.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1443

1443 [possibly 1442]. And that same yere was a woman of Westemyster brentt at Toure-hylle [Map] for kyllynge of hyr hosbond.

1443 [possibly 1442]. Ande that same yere there was founde in a walle in the Gylhalle [Map] a certayne sum of mony, and alle in pense, and every peny weyde j d. ob., and sum a goode dele more, and sum more; and hyt was of many dyvers cunys [coins], for sum were made yn London and sum in Cheschyre, and sum in Lancaster, and in many othyr dyvers placys of the londe, but alle was the kyngys owne kune [coin].

08 Sep 1443. And on the same yere, the viij day of Septembyr, there was done a grete vyage yn Fraunce by the Duke of Somesette (age 40) and his retynowe; and at the same viage were slayne and takyn to the nombyr of iij M vij c [3700], whereof were ix lordys and a squyer, whyche that was a grete captayne.

1443. Ande in that yere were streppettys1 i-dreve a-boute the Cytte of London whythe raye hodys. And in that same yere one on the pelerry, the whyche wrought by a wycckyd spyryte, the whyche was callyd Oberycom, and the maner of hys proces and werkyng was wretyn and hanggyd a bowte hys necke whenne he was in the pellery.

Note 1. Strumpets.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1444

1444. Ande that same yere the Duke of Sowthefolke (age 47) and othyr whythe many worthy knyghtys and squyers wentte ovyr the see to fette home the quene (age 13).

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1445

01 Feb 1445. Ande the same yere was Syn Poulys [Map] stypylle fyryd a-pon Candylmas evyn whythe the lyghtenynge.

10 Oct 1445. And that same yere, the x day of October, was ordaynyd by the archebyschoppys and bysschoppys, and there uppon proclaymyd oppynly ynne chyrchys, that the day of Synt Edward shulde be kepte hooly day fro that day forthewarde1.

Note 1. Probably the Translation of St. Edward the King and Confessor, which was on the 13th October.

1445. And yn the same yere a schippe y-namyde Grace de Dyeu1, whyche was chargyd of goode of Sprusse, sche was loste a lytylle whythe yn Temys.

Note 1. This entry somewaht confusing since the Grace Dieu had been laid up in the River Hamble around 1430 and, having been struck by lightning burned to the water-line in 1439?

1445. And yn the same yere come dyvers enbassytourys of lordys of Fraunce for to trete of the pes.

1445. And that same yere was the Erle of Warwyke (age 19) made Duke of Warwyke.

01 Apr 1445. And a pon the fyrste day of Aprylle Quene Margarete (age 15) landed at Portysmowthe [Map], and a-pon the x day of the same monythe sche was weddyd at a lytylle velage [Map] in Hampsehyre i-namyd.

Apr 1445. And a gayne hyr comynge to London were ordaynyde many notabylle devysys in the cytte, as at the brygge of London, and in othyr dyvers placys, at Ledynne halle, and in Cornehylle, and in iiij placys yn Chepe, that ys to say, at the Grete Condyte, and at the Standarde [Map], and at the Crosse [Map], and atte the Lytylle Condyte.

26 May 1445. And uppon Thorsday, the xxvj day of May, the kyng (age 23) made xlvj [46] Knyghtys of the Bathe yn the Towre of London. And uppon the morowe, that was the Fry day, lordys of the realme, whythe nobylle and grete and costelowe araye, the Mayre of London and the aldyrmen in scharlet, whythe alle the craftys of London in blewe, wythe dyvers dyvysyngys, every crafte to be knowe from othyr, rydyng agayne Quene Margarete (age 15) and brought hyr unto the Toure of London [Map], the quene (age 15) havynge whythe hyr xvij [17] charys with ladys.

28 May 1445. And a-pon the morowe, the Satyrday, she was brought thoroughe London syttyng in a lytter by twyne ij [2] goode and nobylle stedys i-trappyd with whyte satton, and sche was conveyyde unto Westemyster. And apon the morowe the Sonday was the coronacyon, and ij [2] dayes aftyr there was grette revylle of justys of pes in the sayntewery at Westemyster, &c.

Jul 1445. Ande in the monythe of Juylle next folowynge there come owte of Fraunce a grette enbasset of lordys to trete by-twyne ij realmys of Ingelonde and of Fraunce and for dyvers contreys to hem, &c.

1445. Ande in that same yere was a Parlyment holdyn at Westemyster, and same yere there was on Wylliam Nete, yeman of the Quenys charyetes, drawyn and hanggyd in Horse Downe for sleyng of a damselle callyd Johne Gooche.

04 Oct 1445. Ande that same yere there was a pechyng i-made uppon the Erle of Ormounde (age 52) by the pryour of Kylmayn (age 24)1 for certayne poyntys of treson, the whyche was takyn in to the kyngys grace, where uppon hyt lykyd oure soverayne lorde (age 23) to graunte a generalle pardon unto the sayde Erle (age 52). But nevyrtheles the sayde pryour (age 24) appayryde in Smethefylde [Map] the iiij day of the monythe of October, as hyt was apoyntyde, fulle clenly harnyssyd, redy whythe alle hys fetys and whythe alle hys wepyns, kepynge the fylde tylle hyghe none.

Note 1. Thomas Fitzgerald (age 24) grandson of Thomas Earl of Kildare, was at this time Prior of the Knights of St. John at Kilmainham in Ireland.

1445. And that same yere the Prevy Sealle comynge fro enbassetry owte of Fraunce was gretely comberyd with fortune of the see, in soo moche that many of hys men were drownyde.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1446

1446. And in that same yere was a nothyre chalenge i-made in Smethefylde [Map] by on Arblastre and a-nothyr man of London, but hyt was putte of by trete, and the same Arblastre ranne yn to the contente.

1446. Ande that same yere my Lorde of Glouceter (age 55) wente yn-to a place i-callyd the Vyse.

1446. And that same yere was a gernarde be-gon for pore pepylle of the contraye that myght nought utter hyr graynys; and hyt was made by the coste and goodys of Symon Eyre, Mayre of London.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1447

31 Jan 1447. Ande in that same yere there was an armyrer and hys owne man fought whythe yn the lystys in Smethefylde [Map] the laste day of Januer, ande there the mayster was slayne and dyspoylyde owte of hys harnys, and lay stylle in the fylde alle that day and that nyght next folowynge. And thenne afty[r]ward, by the kyngys (age 25) commaundement, he was d[r]awyn, hanggyde, and be-heddyde, and hys hedde sette on London Brygge [Map], and the body hynggyng a-bove erthe be-syde the towre.

Jan 1447. Ande that same yere was a Parlyment begon at Byry [Map]; and that same yere there was grete wache at Syn Donstonys in the Este [Map], by the sofferens of oure sufferayne lorde the kyng, in every warde of London alle the xvi dayes in Crystysmasse by the commaundement of the kynge (age 25).

23 Feb 1447. Ande at Schroffe tyde nexte aftyr there was ordaynyd a Parlyment at Synt Edmondys Bury [Map]; ande att the comyng of the goode Duke Umfray, sum tyme Duke of Glouceter (age 56), uppon the Satyrday anon as he was a lyght of hys hors he was a-restyde of dyvers lordys for treson by commaundement of the kyng (age 25), and men sayde at that tyme. And uppon the Thursseday next folowynge he dyssesyd ande passyde owte of thys wrecchyde and false trobely worlde. And he ys buryde at Syn Albonys.

1447. Ande uppon Ester nexte folowynge, Harry Byschoppe of Wynchester and Cardynalle (age 72), and lythe enteryde at Wynchester. And a-non aftyr the dethe of the Duke of Glouceter (age 56) there were a reste many of the sayde dukys1 to the nombyr of xxxviij squyers, be-syde alle othyr servantys that nevyr ymagenyd no falsenys of the that they were put a-pon of.

Note 1. The word "servants" appears to be omitted.

14 Jul 1447. And on Fryday the xiiij day of Juylle nexte folowynge by jugement at Westemyster, there by fore v [5] personys were dampnyd to be drawe, hanggyd and hyr bowellys i-brente by fore hem, and thenne hyr heddys to ben smetyn of, ande thenne to be quarteryde, and every parte to be sende unto dyvers placys by assygnement of the jugys. Whyche personys werethes: Arteys the bastarde of the sayde Duke of Glouceter, Syr Rogger Chambyrlayne knyght, Mylton squyer, Thomas Harberde squyer, Nedam yeman, whyche were the sayde xiiij day of Juylle i-drawe fro Syn Gorgys thoroughe owte Sowthewerke and on Londyn Brygge [Map], ande so forthe thorowe the cytte of London to the Tyborne [Map], and there alle they were hanggyde, and the ropys smetyn a-sondyr, they beynge alle lyvynge, and thenne, ar any more of any markys of excecusyon were done, the Duke of Sowthefolke (age 50) brought them alle yn generalle pardon and grace from our lorde and soverayne Kynge Harry the vj (age 25)te.

05 Aug 1447. Also that same yere dyssesyde the Duke of Exceter (age 52), and he was enteryd at Syn Kateryns [Map].

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1448

1448 Ande that same yere the Duke of Yorke, Rycharde Plantagenet (age 36), was exsylyde in to Irlonde for hys rebellyon, as thoo a boute the kynge (age 26) informyde hym, fully ande falsely as hyt was aftyr warde i-knowe.

1448. And that same yere was a tretys of trewys takyn whythe the Schottys by Mayster Adam Molaynys for iiij [4] yere, that tyme he beyng enbasytor in to Schotlonde, and aftyr that Prevy Seale, ande thenne i-made Byschoppe of Chychester, and with ynne shorte tyme aftyr put to dethe.

Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1431-1432, Chronicle of Gregory 1450

1450. Ande that same yere was the moste pa[r]te of Normandy y-loste, and a Parlymentte was at Westemyster. In the mene whyle was the [city] of Eoon [Map], Mustarde Vylers, and Herflete i-loste by fore Crystysmasse, and thenne the Parlyment was prolongyd tylle aftyr Syn Hyllary ys day. Ande at that tyme beyng many sowdyers at Portysmowthe [Map], the whyche haddyn take the kyngys (age 28) wagys for to pass ovyr the see. And anon aftyr Crystysmasse was sende unto the see syde the Prevye Sealle, whyche was callyd Mayster Adam Molaynys, to have take the monster [muster?] at the see syde, he beynge that tyme Byschoppe of Chychester. Ande for hys covetysse, as hyt was reportyde, schippemen put hym to dethe, and sum mys-a-wysyd men of the sowdyers holpyn welle there-to. And thys was done at Portysmouthe [Map].

13 Jan 1450. Ande aftyr Synt Hyllary ys day the Parlyment was remevyd unto Laycetter [Map]; ande yn the mene tyme was Caneyoldyn, ande alle the remenaunt of Normandy, savyng Chyrborowe [Map]. And the Duke of Sowthefolke (age 53) was a-pechyde at that Parlyment, he beynge at London, of verry graunte tresou, and of many poyntys; among alle othyr, for that he schulde have solde Normandy, and also for the dethe of that nobylle prynce the Duke of Glouceter, and for many othyr poyntys of treson, for the whyche he was exylyd owte of Ingelonde for certayne yerys.

01 May 1450. Ande at hys passynge ovyr the see warde he was mette with by-twyne Dovyr and Calys by dyvers schyppys, of the whyche was here Admyralle Nycholas of the Towre; and yn that shyppe soo beyng in the see they smote of hys hedde of the fore sayde Duke of Sowthefolke (age 53), and they caste bothe body and hys hedde in to the see. And aftyr that hyt was takyn uppe and brought unto the towne of Dovyr [Map], and aftyr from thens brought unto Wynkylfylde [Map] in Sowthefolke, and there hyt ys i-buryde; whos name was Syr Wylliam Pole (age 53).

Apr 1450. Ande aftyr that the comyns of Kent a rosse with certayne othyr schyrys, and they chesse hem a captayne, the whyche captayne compellyd alle the gentellys to a-rysse why the hem. Ande at the ende of the Parlyment they come whythe a grete myght and a stronge oste unto the Blackehethe [Map], be syde Grene wyche, the nomber of xlvj M [46000]; and there they made a fylde, dykyd and stakyde welle a-bowt, as hyt ben in the londe of warre, save only they kepte ordyr among them, for als goode was Jacke Robyn as John at the Noke, for alle were as hyghe as pygysfete, unto the tyme that they shulde comyn and speke with suche statys and massyngerys as were sende unto hem; thenne they put alle hyr pouer unto the man that namyd hym captayne of alle hyr oste. And there they a-bode certayne days too the comyng of the kynge (age 28) fro the Parlymentte at Leyceter. Ande thenne the kyng (age 28) send unto the captayne dyvers lordys bothe spyrytualle and temporalle, to wytte and to have knowleche of that grette assembelynge and gaderyng of that grete a[n]d mysavysyd feleschyppe. The captayne of hem sendyng worde agayne unto the kynge (age 28), that hyt was for the wele of hym oure soverayne lorde, and of alle the realme, and for to dystrye the traytours beyng a-boute hym, whythe othyr dyvers poyntys that they wolde see that hyt were in schorte tyme a-mendyde. Uppon whyche answere that the kyng, a thedyr sent by hys lordys, dyd make a crye in the kyngys name of Engelonde that alle the kyngys lege men of Engelonde shulde a-voyde the fylde. And a-pon the nyght aftyr they were alle voydyd and a-goo.

Jun 1450. The morne aftyr, the kynge (age 28) rode armyd at alle pecys from Syn Johnys be-syde Clerkynwelle [Map] thoroughe London; and whythe hym the moste party of temporalle lordys of thys londe of Engelond in there a beste raye. Aftyr that they were every lorde whythe hys retenowe, to the nombyr of x M [10000] personys, redy as they alle shulde have gon to batayle in to any londe of Crystyn-dome, whythe bendys a-bove hyr harnys that every lorde schulde be knowe from othyr.

07 Jun 1450. And yn the fowarde, as they wolde have folowyde the captayne, was slayn Syr Umfray Stafforde (age 50) and Wylliam Stafford (age 30), squyer, one the mannylste man of alle thys realme of Engelonde, whythe many moo othyr of mene personys at Sevenocke [Map], in Kentt, in hyr oute ragyng fro hyr oste of our soverayne lordys the kyng, Harry the vj te . And the kyng (age 28) loggyd that nyght at Grenewyche [Map], and sone aftyr every lorde whythe hys retynewe rood home in to hyr contraye. [Note. The date sometimes given as the 08 Jun 1450 and 18 Jun 1850]

01 Jul 1450. Ande aftyr that, uppon the fyrste day of Juylle, the same captayne come agayne, as the Kenttysche men sayde, but hyt was a-nothyr that namyd hymselfe the captayne, and he come to the Blacke Hethe [Map]. And uppon the morowe he come whythe a grette hoste yn to Sowtheworke [Map], and at the Whythe Herte he toke his loggynge.

02 Jul 1450. And a-pon the morowe, that was the Fryday, a gayn evyn, they smote a sondyr the ropys of the draught brygge and faught sore a manly, and many a man was mortheryde and kylde in that conflycte, I wot not what [to] a name hyt for the multytude of ryffe raffe. And thenne they enteryde in to the cytte of London as men that hadde ben halfe be-syde hyr wytte; and in that furynys they wente, as they sayde, for the comyn wele of the realme of Ingelonde, evyn strayght unto a marchaunte ys place i-namyd Phylyppe Malpas of London. Yf hyt were trewe as they surmysyd aftyr ther doyng, I remytte me to ynke and pauper - Deus scit et ego non [God knows and I am not]. But welle I wote that every ylle begynnynge moste comynly hathe an ylle endyng, and every goode begynnyng hathe the wery goode endyng. Proverbium: - Felix principium finem facit esse beatum [A happy beginning makes an end happy]. And that Phylyppe Malpas was aldyrman, and they spoylydhym ande bare a-way moche goode of hys, and in specyalle moche mony, bothe of sylvyr and golde, the valowe of a notabylle som, and in specyalle of marchaundys, as of tynne, woode, madyr, and alym, whythe grette quantyte of wollyn clothe and many ryche jewellys, why the othyr notabylle stuffe of fedyr beddys, beddyng, napery, and many a ryche clothe of arys, to the vale we of a notabylle sum - nescio, set Deus omnia scit [I don't know, but God knows all things].

03 Jul 1450. Ande in the evenynge they went why the hyr sympylle captayne to hys loggynge; botte a certayne of hys sympylle and rude mayny a-bode there alle the nyght, weny[n]ge to them that they hadde wytte and wysdome for to have gydyde or put in gydyng alle Ingelonde, alsosone at they hadde gote the cytte of London by a mysse happe of cuttynge of ij sory cordys that no we be alteryde, and made ij stronge schynys of yryn unto the draught brygge of London. But they hadde othyr men with hem, as welle of London as of there owne party. And by hem of on parte and of that othyr parte they lefte noo thyng unsoffethe, a and they serchyd alle that nyght.

04 Jul 1450. Ande in the morne he come yn a-gayne, that sory and sympylle and rebellyus captayne why the hys mayny; that was Satyrday, and hyt was also a Synt Martyn ys day1, the dedycacyon of Synt Martynys in the Vyntry [Map], the iiij day of Juylle. And thenne dyvers questys were i-sompnyd at the Gylhalle [Map]; and ther Robert Home beynge alderman was a-restydeand brought in to Newegate. And that same day Wylliam Crowemere (age 34), squyer, and Scheryffe of Kentt, was be-heddyde in the fylde whythe owte Algate at the mylys ende be-syde Clopton ys Place. And a nothyr man that was namyde John Bayle was be-heddyd at the Whytte Chapylle. And the same day aftyr-non was be-heddyd in Cheppe a-fore the Standard [Map], Syr Jamys Fynes (age 55), beyng that tyme the Lorde Saye and Grrette Treserer of Ingelonde, the whyche was brought oute of the Toure of London [Map] unto the Gylde Halle [Map], and there of dyvers tresons he was exampnyd, of whyche he knowlachyd of the dethe of that notabylle and famos prynce the Duke of Glouceter. And thenne they brought hym unto the Standard in Cheppe [Map], and there he ressayvyd hys jewys and hys dethe. And so forthe alle the iij [3] heddys that day smetyn of were sette uppon the Brygge of London [Map], and the ij othyr heddys takyn downe that stode a-pon the London Brygge by-fore. And at the comyng of the camptayne yn to Sowtheworke, he lete smyte of the hedde of a strong theff that was namyd Haywardyn.

Note 1. The Translation of St. Martin of Tours.

05 Jul 1450. And uppon the morowe the Sonday at hyghe mas tyme a lette to be heddyd a man of Hampton, a squyer, the whyche was namyd Thomas Mayne. And that same evyn Londyn dyd a rysse and cam owte uppon hem at x [of] a the belle, beyng that tyme hyr captaynys the goode olde lorde Schalys (age 53) and Mathewe Goughe. Ande from that tyme unto the morowe viij of belle they were ever fyghtynge uppon London Brygge [Map], ande many a man was slayne and caste in Temys, harnys, body, and alle; and monge the presse was slayne Mathewe Goughe and John Sutton aldyrman. And the same nyght, a-non aftyr mydnyght, the Captayneof Kentte dyde fyre the draught brygge of London; and be-fore that tyme he breke bothe Kyngys Bynche [Map] ande the Marchelsy [Map], and lete owte alle the presoners that were yn them.

06 Jul 1450. And uppon the morowe by tymys came my lorde the Cardynalle of Yorke (age 70), and my Lorde of Cauntyrbury, and the Byschoppe of Winchester (age 52), and they tretyde by twyne the Lorde Schalys (age 53) and that captayne, that the sore conflycte and skarmasche was sessyde, ande gaffe the captayne and hys mayne a generalle chartoure for hym and for alle hys company in hys name, callyng hym selfe John Mortymere, and thoroughe that mene they were i-voydyde the moste partye. And the vj day aftyr that, the Satyr-daye at evyn 3 the iij heddys were takyn downe of London Brygge, that ys to say, the Lorde Say (deceased) ys hedde, Crowmers (deceased), and the Bayleyes, and the othyr ij [2] heddys sette uppe a-yenne that stode a-pon London Brygge be-fore, and the body whythe hedde were i-burydde at the Gray Fryers at London.

12 Jul 1450. And uppon the xij day of Juylle, the yere a-fore sayde, the sayde camptayne was cryde and proclaymyd traytoure, by the name of John Cade, in dyvers placys of London, and also in Sowtheworke, whythe many moo, that what man myght or wolde bryng the sayde John Cade to the kyng, qwyke or dede, shulde have of the kynge a thousande marke. Also who som evyr myght brynge or wolde brynge any of hys chyffe counsellourys, or of afynyte, that kepte any state or rewle or governansse undyr the sayd fals captayne John Cade, he schulde have to hys rewarde of the kynge v. c. [500] marke. And that day was that fals traytoure the Captayne of Kentte i-take and slayne in the Welde in the countre of Sowsex, and uppon the morowe he was brought in a .earre alle nakyd, and at the Herte in Sowetheworke there the carre was made stonde sty lie, the wyffe of the howse myght se hym yf hyt were the same man or no that was namyd the Captayne of Kente, for he was loggyd whythe yn hyr howse in hys pevys tyme of hys mys rewylie and rysynge. And thenne he was hadde in to the Kyngys Bynche [Map], and there he lay from Monday at evyn unto the Thursseday nexte folowynge at evyn; and whythe yn the Kynges Benehe [Map] the sayde captayne was be-heddyde and quarteryde; and the same day i-d[r]awe a-pon a hyrdylle in pecys whythe the hedde by-twyne hys breste from the Kyngys Benehe thoroughe owte Sowthewerke, and thenne ovyr Londyn Brygge, and thenne thoroughe London unto Newegate, and thenne hys hedde was takyn and sette uppon London Brygge.

29 Jun 1450. And the same yere was the Byschoppe of Sawlysbury (age 55) slayne at Edyngton, a myle owte of the towne, a-pon a hyghe hylle; hyt was the xiiij day of June, and alle hys goode mevabylle was departyde to every man dwellynge there that any of hys lyflode laye; for bothe oxsyn, sheppe, hors, swyne, carte, plowe, corne, hay, tymbyr, strawe, harnys in castellys of hys, clothynge for hys owne body, bokys, chalys, and alle that longyd to any manyr of hys, and the very ledde that coveryd the howsys and wodys wer fylde downe in sum placys, but not in every place, but in som, as at Shyrbone in Dorsette schyre. And the men that toke a-pon hem alle thys mys rewle, whenne they undyrstode that hyt was wronge that they hadde done bothe to hym, and in specyalle unto the kynge, they a-non wente thoroughe owte alle the towne of Shyrborne an toke to every man, woman, and chylde that was above xij yere age and iij chore, every che of hem hadde vj d ; and they madde them to swere to be trewe ande holde to gedyr, by cause yf the kynge wolde have take any execucyon a-pon hyt he moste have take hyt a-pon e alle the hoole schyre and contrays there that hys lyflode was. And for cause here of the kynge gaffe a generalle pardon to alle maner men.

Ande that same yere was slayne Tresham, the man of lawe, that was Speker of the Parlymentt, and hys sone was soore woundyde in Northehampton schyre. And by the kynge and hys counselle a Parlyment was ordaynyde to be-gyn on Syn Leonarde ys day nexte folowynge. In the mene tyme many strange and woundyrfulle bylle were sete in dyvers placys, sum at the kyngys owne chambyr doore at Westemyster, in hys palysse, and sum at the halle dore at Westemyster, ande sum at Poulys chyrche dore, and in many othyr dyvers placys of London.

Ande in the ende of the sayde same yere Rychard, the Duke of Yorke, come to the sayde Parlymentt, for the sayde Duke was before banyschyd for certayne yerys, whythe a notabylle felyschippe of fensabylle men, and the Duke of Northefolke whythe a grete multytude of defensabylle men. And every lorde whythe hyr retynowe welle harnysyd and welle be-sene ; and every lorde hadde hys bagge a-pon hys harnys, and hyr mayny also, that they myght ben knowe by hyr baggys and levereys.

Mayor and Sheriffs: Nycholas Wyfolde, Wylliam Deere and Wylliam Deere.

02 Dec 1450. Ande that same yere, the ij day of Decembyr, the Duke of Somersett (age 44) was a-tachyde in the Fryer Prechourys at London. And that day he was robbyde of alle hys goodys, and hys jewyllys were takyn and borne a-way by lordys mayny. Ande in the morowe they dyspoylyd the placys and longgynges of many dyvers lordys, and they bare away alle the goodys that were with ynne hem, that ys to say, Syr Thomas Stodenham (age 49)a, a thenne beynge wardroper, Syr Thomas Hoo (age 54) the Lorde Hastynge, sum tyme the Chambyrlayne of Normandy.

Note a. Todenham.

02 Dec 1450. And the same day was a man of the forsayde feleschyppe, the whyche was at the spoylynge and robbynge of the Fryer Prechourys, be-heddyde at the Standarde in Cheppe [Map], for to ben an exampylle unto alle othyr; but hyt was nevyr the bettyr, for hyt causyd moche the more herte brennyng a gayne the duke and the lordys by-fore sayde, &c.

02 Dec 1450. And that same day, the aftyr non, the Duke of Yorke (age 39) roode - thoroughe London. And he made to be cryde in dyvers placys that whatb maner a man that robbyd or ryfylde any persone schulde have as hastely jewys as the sayde man hadde. And uppon Thursday nexte folowynge the kynge come fro Westemyster, ryddyng thoroughe London; and whythe the Duke of Yorke (age 39), and the moste dele in substans of alle the lordys in thys londe, with hyr retenowys of fensabylle men ; whyche was a gay and a gloryus syght if hit hadde ben in Fraunce, but not in Ingelonde, for hyt boldyd sum mennys hertys that hyt causyd aftyr many mannys dethe. Wher was or ys the defaute I wotte not, &c.

Note b. what repeated in the MS.

02 Feb 1450. Ande the same yere, on Candylmas daye, the kynge was at Cauntyrbury, and whythe hym was the Duke of Excetyr (age 19), the Duke of Somersette (age 44), my Lorde of Schrofuysbury (age 67), whythe many moo othyr lordys and many justyces; and there they helde the cessyons iiij dayes, and there were dampnyde many men of the captayne ys men for hyr rysyng, and for hyr talkyng a gayne the kyng, havynge more favyr unto the Duke of Yorke (age 38) thenne unto the kynge. And the dampnyde men were drawe, hanggyde, and quarteryde, but they were pardonnyde to be buryde, botlie hyr quarters of bodys and hyr heddys with alle.

1450. Ande at Rochester [Map] ix [11] men were be-heddyd at that same tyme, and hyr heddys were sende unto London by the kyngys commaundement, and sette uppon London Brygge [Map] alle at one tyme; and xij [12] heddys at a nothyr tyme were brought unto London at a sette uppe undyr the same forme, as hysa was commaundyd by the kyng. Men calle hyt in Kente the Harvyste of Hedys. Willb

Note a. So in MS.

Note b. The Christian name "Will." is added by a somewhat later hand. The date " 1451 " is also added in the margin in a hand decidedly more modern.