Europe, France, Troyes [Map]

Troyes, France is in France.

1420 Treaty of Troyes

1420 Marriage of Henry V and Catherine of Valois

On 13 May 1423 John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 33) and Anne Valois Duchess of Bedford (age 18) were married at Troyes, France [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Bedford She the daughter of John "Fearless" Valois Duke Burgundy and Margaret Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy. He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. They were third cousins. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Europe, France, Troyes Cathedral [Map]

Chronicle of Gregory 1420-1426. 20 May 1420. Ande in that yere, the xx day of May, the yere of oure Lorde M1CCCC xx, the kyng (age 33) come unto Troys, in Chaunpeyne, and there he was worthely ressayvyde of alle the lordys spyrytualle and temporalle that were there whithe the Kynge of Fraince. And on the morne the Kyng (age 51) and Quene of Fraunce (age 50), and Dame Katerynne (age 18), and the Duke of Burgayne, mette to gedyr in Synt Petrys chyrche [Map] in Troys; whiche metyng was in the body of the chyrche. Ande thenne they went upe to the hyghe auter, and there were the artyculys of the pes redde, and the othys made on aythyr partye.

On 02 Jun 1420 Henry V (age 33) and Catherine of Valois (age 18) were married at Troyes Cathedral [Map]. She the daughter of Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France (age 51) and Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France (age 50). He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. They were half third cousin once removed. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Chronicle of Gregory 1420-1426. 03 Jun 1420. And thenne was the kyng (age 33) and Dame Katerynne (age 18) swryde to-gedyr. And on the morne aftyr was Trenyte Sonday, that was the iij day of June, the yere of oure Lorde M CCCC xx, in the chyrche of Troys [Map], the kyng spowsyd Dame Kateryne (age 18), Kyng Charlys doughter of Fraunce (age 51); and thenne he was made Regent of Fraunce, and the convencyons of the whiche acordyd folowynge here aftyr, that ys for to saye:

Harry (age 33), by the grace of God, Kyng of Inglond, hey re and Regent of Fraunce, and Lorde of Yrlonde, to perpetualle mynde to alle Crystyn pepylle, ande to alle that ben undyr owre obeysaunce, we notefy and declare that thoughe a here before dyvers tretes have ben be twyne the moste excellente Prynce Charlis (age 51), owre fadyr of Fraunce, and hys progenytours, for the pes to ben hadde be twyne ij realmys of Fraunce and of Inglonde, the whiche here by forne have borne no1 frwte, we, consyderynge the grette harmys that have ben, not oonly by twyne ij realmys for the grette devysyon J>at hathe ben be-twyne hem, but to alle hooly Chyrche, we have take a trete whythe oure sayde fadyr and us, that for as moche as be the bonde of matrymonye, i-made for the goode of the pes be-twyne us and oure moste dyre modyr Isabelle (age 50) hys wyffe, the same Charlis and Isabelle ben made fadyr and modyr, and there fore take hem as for owre fadyr and modyr, we shalle have and worschippe as hyt syttythe and semythe so worthy a prynce and a pryncesse too ben i-worschippyde, pryncypally before alle othyr temporalle personys of the worlde.

Alle so we shalle nought dystroble, nor dyssesyn, nor lette oure sayde fadyr, but that he holde and procede2 as longe as he levythe, and holdythe, ande he possedythe at thys tyme, the crowne and dygnyte of the ryalte of Fraunce, and rentys and profytys of the same, to the sustenaunce of hys estate and chargys of the realme of Fraunce, and owr modir al so holdyng as long as she levy the the estate and dygnyte of the quene, aftyr the maner of the same realme, whythe convenable and convenyante parte of the sayde rentys and profytys.

Alle so that the fore sayde Kateryne shalle take and have dwer in oure realme of Inglond, as [quenes of England]3 here a-forne were wonte to have and take, that ys for to saye, to the summa of xl M [40000] scwtys yerely, of the whyche4 ij [2] shalle be worthe a nobylle Englysche. Alle so the maners, weyis, and menys that we may, whythe owte transgressyon or ofFensys ofte5 i-made by us for to kepe the lawys, customys, usagys, and ryghtys of owre said realme6 of Inglonde, [we]7 shalle done owre labur and pursewe that the sayde Katerynne, alsone as hyt may be done and be made sure, for to take and for to have in owre sayde realme of Inglonde fro tyme of oure dethe, the sayde xl M [40000] scutys yerly, of the whyche twyne shalle alle way be worthe8 a nobylle of Englysche mony.

Note 1. borne no. These words are taken from J., and are a true rendering of the text of the original treaty (see Kymer, ix. 895). Our MS. reads, "have ben frwte/' following perhaps some other translation in which the word "without" has been omitted. Vit. reads, still more absurdly, "have ben frendes."

Note 2. procede. A transcriber's error for "possede," i.e. possess,,

Note 3. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.

Note 4. of the whiche repeated, MS.

Note 5. ofte. We should certainly read, "of the oath;" but the words do not occur even in J.

Note 6. of owre sayde realme repeated in MS.

Note 7. Omitted in MS.

Note 8. worthe. with, MS.; corrected from J.