Biography of Coelwulf King Mercia King East Anglia King of Kent

Coelwulf King Mercia King East Anglia King of Kent was born to Cuthberht Mercia.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 819. This year died [his brother] Cenwulf, King of Mercia; and Ceolwulf33 succeeded him. Alderman Eadbert also departed this life.

Note 33. St. Kenelm is said to have succeeded Cenwulf:

"In the foure and twentithe yere of his kyngdom

Kenulf wente out of this worlde, and to the joye of hevene com;

It was after that oure Lord in his moder alygte

Eigte hondred yet and neygentene, by a countes rigte,

Seint Kenelm his yonge sone in his sevende yere

Kyng was ymad after him, theg he yong were."

"Vita S. Kenelmi, MS. Coll. Trin Oxon." No. 57. Arch.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 821. This year Ceolwulf was deprived of his kingdom.

In 821 [his brother] King Coenwulf of Mercia died at Basingwerk, Flintshire. He was buried at Winchcombe Abbey [Map]. His brother Coelwulf King Mercia King East Anglia King of Kent succeeded King Mercia, King East Anglia, King of Kent.