Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1542

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1542 is in Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII.

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic Henry VIII 1542 January

16 Jan 1542. Parl. Roll, 33 Henry VIII. R. O. 28. Parliament. Begun and held at Westm., 16 Jan. 33 Henry VIII.

[In the following summary, where an Act is printed in the Statutes at Large, its subject only is noted; where not printed, its effect is described.]

I. Acts entered on the Parliament Roll, viz.:—

1 [cap. 1, o.n. 3 1]. Concerning counterfeit letters or privy tokens to receive money or goods in other men's names.

2 [c. 3, o.n. 3]. Folding of cloths in North Wales.

3 [c. 4, o.n. 4]. Pewterers.

4 [c. 6, o.n. 6]. Crossbows and handguns.

5 [c. 7, o.n. 7]. Conveyance of brass, latten, and bell-metal over sea.

6 [c. 9, o.n. 9]. For maintenance of artillery and debarring of unlawful games.

7 [c. 10, o.n. 10]. Execution of certain statutes.—The justices of peace at their general sessions after Easter shall yearly hold inquiry for offenders against the statutes touching vagabonds, retainers, maintenance, embracery, bowstaves and archery, unlawful games, forestallers and regrators, victual, victuallers, and innholders.

8 [c. 11, o.n. 11]. Butchers to sell at their pleasure, by weight or otherwise.

9 [c. 12, o.n. 12]. Murder and malicious bloodshed within the Court.

10 [c. 13, o.n. 13]. Keeping of sheriffs' courts in the county palatine of Chester; and translation of the towns of Hoppe and Assaphe, the parish and lordship of Hawarden and the lordships, towns, and parishes of Molesdale, Mereforde, and Oseley from the county of Denbigh to the county of Flint.

11 [c. 16, o.n. 16]. Worsted yarn in Norfolk.

12 [c. 17, o.n. 17]. Continuance of certain Acts.

13 [c. 18, o.n. 18]. True making of kerseys.

14 [c. 19, o.n. 19]. Shipping of cloths.

15 [c. 20, o.n. 33 of the year 37 Henry VIII.]. For due process to be had in high treason in cases of lunacy or madness.4

16 [c. 22, o.n. 20]. The order of wards and liveries.

17 [c. 23, o.n. 21]. To proceed by commission of oyer and terminer against persons who confess treason, without remanding them to be tried in the shire where the offence was committed.

18 [c. 24, o.n. 22]. That no man be justice of assize in his own country.

19 [c. 27, o.n. 25]. Leases by hospitals, colleges, and other corporations to be valid with the consent of the majority.

20 [c. 36, o.n. 34]. Repairing of Canterbury, Rochester, Stamford, Grimsby, Cambridge, Derby, Guildford, Dunwich, the Cinque Ports, Lewes, and Buckingham.

21 [c. 37, o.n. 35]. The manor of Ampthill to be an honor, and have annexed to it all the King's lands in Ampthill, Milbroke, Fletewike, Malden, Stepingley, Westoninge, Houghton Congest, Wishamstede, Littelington, Husbondcrawley, Rigemond cum Sageno, Aspeley Geys, Cuphill, Caynoo, Shefforde, Cranefeild, Polloxhill, Harlington, Todington, Barton, Shitlington, Chalgrave, Mariston, Wooburne, Evershall, Milton Brian, Warden, Elstowe, Caudewell, Donistable, Salforde, Holcoote, Bedford, Wootton, Kempston, and the manor of Colmeworth, Beds; and in Newport-pannell, Tikforth, Molso, Great Lidforth, Little Lidforth, Stewkley, Little Brickhill, Boobrickhill, Wavendon, North Crauley, and Swanborne, Bucks.

22 [c. 38, o.n. 36]. The manor of Grafton to be an honor, and have annexed to it the hundreds of Wymbersley and Alforde howe, the forests of Whittilwood and Sawsey and chace of Yardesley, Ntht, and the chace of Waddon, Bucks; and all the King's lands in Grafton, Hertwell, Asheton, Roode, Cortnall, Alderton, Stoke Brewerne, Shittill Anger, Shoresley, Bliseworthe, Milton Mallesworthe, Tiffild, Pallispery, Tossetour, Eiston, Hulcote, Abthorpe, Foscot, Greynsmorton, Blakesley, Woodend, Colehigham, Grimscott, Gayton, Patsell, Escott, Ascott, Dalescot, Bugbroke, Ruddisthrupp, Collingthright, Hardingston, Wotton, Quynton, Slopton, Densager, Yardeley, Pottersbery, Furthoo, Cosgrove, Castelashby, Wyken, and Delaprey, Ntht.; and in Luffilde, Hanslappe, Castelthorp, Harsham, Sheneley, Lyttle Horewood, Snelsoo, and Little Lidforth, Bucks.

Note 3. The number of the original Act as preserved in the Parliament Office.

Note 4. This was read the first time on 4 Feb., and received the royal assent on the 11th. Lords' Journals.

II. Acts printed in the Statutes at Large, but not entered on the Parliament Roll, viz.:—

Cap. 2 [o.n. 2]. Buying of fish upon the sea.

C. 5 [o.n. 5]. Great horses.

C. 8 [o.n. 8]. Against conjurations and witchcrafts and sorcery and enchantments.

C. 14 [o.n. 14]. Prophecies upon declaration of names, arms, badges, &c.

C. 15 [o.n. 15]. Sanctuary of Manchester to be abolished, and the sanctuary men transferred to West Chester, which is to be a sanctuary.

C. 21 [o.n. 33 in the year 37 Henry VIII.].5 Attainder of Catharine Howard and others.—Catharine Howard whom the King took to wife is proved to have been not of pure and honest living before her marriage, and the fact that she has since taken to her service one Francis Dereham, the person with whom she "used that vicious life before," and has taken as chamberer a woman who was privy to her naughty life before, is proof of her will to return to her old abominable life. Also she has confederated with Lady Jane Rocheford, widow, late wife of Sir George Boleyn, late Lord Rochford, to "bring her vicious and abominable purpose to pass" with Thomas Culpeper, late one of the King's Privy Chamber, and has met Culpeper in "a secret and vile place," at 11 o'clock at night, and remained there with him until 3 a.m., with only "that bawd, the lady Jane Rocheford." For these treasons, Culpeper and Dereham have been convicted and executed, and the Queen and Lady Rochford stand indicted. The indictments of such as have lately suffered are hereby approved, and the said Queen and Lady Rochford are, by authority of this Parliament, convicted and attainted of high treason, and shall suffer accordingly; and the said Queen, lady Rocheford, Culpeper, and Dereham shall forfeit to the Crown all possessions which they held on 25 Aug. 33 Henry VIII. The Royal assent to this Act shall be given by commission. And where Agnes duchess of Norfolk, widow, and Catharine Countess of Bridgewater, wife of Henry Earl of Bridgewater, are indicted of misprision of treason for concealing the first treasons, and lord William Howard, lady Margaret Howard his wife, Edward Walgrave, Kath. Tylney, Alice Restwold, Joan Bulmer, Anne Howard, Robert Damporte, Malyn Tylney, Marg. Bennet, and William Assheby have been convicted of the said misprision, all of them shall forfeit their goods to the King, and be imprisoned for life, and the King shall take the revenues of their lands from 1 Oct. 33 Henry VIII. for term of their lives. To avoid doubts in future, it is declared that the Royal assent given by commission shall be valid in all cases hereafter, that any lightness of the Queen for the time being may be revealed to the King or his Council, and that an unchaste woman marrying the King shall be guilty of high treason.

C. 25 [o.n. 23]. Denization of children of Thomas Poyntz, of London, grocer, William Castelyn, of London, mercer, and John Dymock, late gentleman usher, born beyond sea of wives who were not denizens.

C. 26 [o.n. 24]. Certain crafty conveyances executed by Sir John Shelton, dec., declared null.

C. 28 [o.n. 26]. That the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Chancellor of Augmentations, the Chancellor of First Fruits and Tenths, the master of Wards and Liveries, each of the General Surveyors, the treasurer of the Chamber, the treasurer of Augmentations, and the groom of the Stole, may each retain one chaplain holding one benefice with cure of souls and not resident upon it.

C. 29 [o.n. 27]. Religious persons of houses and monasteries which have been translated from their old corporations into new corporations, without being suppressed, to enjoy the benefits of the Act of 31 Henry VIII., enabling religious persons in houses suppressed to sue and be sued, &c.

C. 30 [o.n. 28]. Authority of the dean and chapter of Lichfield in making leases, &c.

C. 31 [o.n. 29]. Bishoprics of Chester and of the Isle of Man transferred from the jurisdiction of Canterbury to that of York.

C. 32 [o.n. 30]. Whitegate made a parish church separate from the parish of Over.

C. 33 [o.n. 31]. Privileges of Kingston-upon-Hull.

C. 34 [o.n. 32]. The two annual fairs granted to King's Lynn by pat.

7 July 29 Henry VIII. taken away, because of the regrating of salt fish practised there, to the detriment of Styrbridge fair, Ely fair, and other fairs in cos. Camb. and Hunts.

C. 35 [o.n. 33]. Water conduits of Gloucester.

C. 39 [o.n. 37]. Establishment of the Court of General Surveyors.

Note. 5. Received the royal assent, 11 February, Lords' Journals.