On this Day in History ... 14th December

14 Dec is in December.

1287 Great Storm

1290 Eleanor Crosses

1417 Execution of Lollard John Oldcastle

1542 Death of King James V of Scotland

1558 Funeral of Mary I

1666 Great Fire of London

1666 Paper Bill

1861 Death of Prince Albert

1895 Birth of King George VI

1911 South Pole Reached

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 14th December

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 14 Dec 704. This year died Ealdferth, king of the Northumbrians, on the nineteenth day before the calends of January [14 Dec 704], at Driffield [Map]; and was succeeded by his son Osred (age 7). Bishop Saxulf also died the same year.

On 14 Dec 704 Aldfrith King Northumbria died. His son Osred King Northumbria (age 7) succeeded King Northumbria.

On 14 Dec 1287 a great storm caused a significant number of deaths on both sides of the English Channel. In the Low Countries around 50,000 people are believed to have died. In England hundreds were killed. The port of New Romney was so changed as to be replaced by Rye [Map] through which the course of the River Rother now ran. The port of Dunwich, Suffolk never recovered from the storm and thereafter declined.

On 14 Dec 1290 Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England (deceased) body rested at the sight of the Cheapside Cross [Map] where, thereafter, a Cross was constructed. The Cross, built at an original cost of £300, was one of the most elaborate of the twelve Eleanor Crosses.

On 14 Dec 1417 John Oldcastle was hanged in St Giles' Field Holborn for being a Lollard.

On 14 Dec 1542 King James V of Scotland (age 30) died at Falkland Palace [Map]. His daughter Mary Queen of Scots succeeded I Queen Scotland. She was six days old.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Dec 1558. The xiiij day of Desember [was] the quen('s) (deceased) masse; and [all the lords] and lades, knyghtes and gentyll women, dyd offer. [And there was] a man of armes and horse offered; and her cotarmur, and sword, and targett, and baner of armes, and iij [standards]; and all the haroldes abowt her; and ther my lord bysshope of Wynchester (age 48) mad the sermon; and ther was offered cloth of gold and welvet, holle pesses, and odur thynges. [After the] masse all done, her grace was cared up [to the chapel [Map]] the kyng Henry the vij byldyd, with bysshopes [mitred;] and all the offesers whent to the grayffe [grave], and after [they] brake ther stayffes, and cast them in-to the grayffe; in the mayn tyme the pepull pluckt [down] the cloth, evere man a pesse that cold caycth [catch] [it,] rond a-bowt the cherche, and the armes. And after[wards,] my lord bysshope of Yorke (age 57), after her grace was [buried,] he declaryd an colasyon [collation], and as sone as he had made an end, all the trumpetes bluw a blast, and so the cheyff morners and the lords and knyghtes, and the bysshopes, with [the] abbott (age 43), whent in-to the abbay to dener, and all the offesers of the quen('s) cott [court].

On 14 Dec 1618 Anna of Austria Holy Roman Empress (age 33) died.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Dec 1666. So I to Westminster Hall [Map], and there met my good friend Mr. Evelyn (age 46), and walked with him a good while, lamenting our condition for want of good council, and the King's minding of his business and servants. I out to the Bell Tavern, and thither comes Doll to me .... [Note. Other versions include 'and yo did tocar la cosa [ I did touch the thing ] of her as I pleased;'], and after an hour's stay, away and staid in Westminster Hall [Map] till the rising of the house, having told Mr. Evelyn (age 46), and he several others, of my Gazette which I had about me that mentioned in April last a plot for which several were condemned of treason at the Old Bayly for many things, and among others for a design of burning the city on the 3rd of September.

Pepy's Diary. 14 Dec 1666. The House have been mighty hot to-day against the Paper Bill, showing all manner of averseness to give the King (age 36) money; which these courtiers do take mighty notice of, and look upon the others as bad rebells as ever the last were. But the courtiers did carry it against those men upon a division of the House, a great many, that it should be committed; and so it was: which they reckon good news.

On 14 Dec 1677 Edmund Dunch was born to Hungerford Dunch (age 38).

On 14 Dec 1717 Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet (age 59) died. Monument in Church of All Hallows, Great Mitton [Map]. Baronet Shireburn extinct. His daughter Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk (age 24) inherited Stonyhurst.

Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet: On 29 Jul 1658 he was born to Richard Shireburn and Isabel Ingleby. On 04 Feb 1685 Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Shireburn.

Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk: Around 1693 she was born to Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet. On 26 May 1709 Thomas Howard 8th Duke of Norfolk and she were married. She by marriage Duchess Norfolk. She bringing a large dowry of £30,000. She eventually left him after he changed his allegiance to George I rejecting the Jacobites. On 26 Sep 1754 Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk died. Her aunt Elizabeth Shireburn inherited Stonyhurst by which it became into the ownership of the Weld family.

On 14 Dec 1727 François-Hubert Drouais was born.

On 14 Dec 1788 Charles III King Spain (age 72) died. His son Charles IV King Spain (age 40) succeeded IV King Spain.

On 14 Dec 1799 President George Washington (age 67) died.

On 14 Dec 1841 Anne Fitzpatrick (age 72) died at Farmingwood or Farming Woods, Northamptonshire. Monument in St James the Apostle Church, Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire [Map] sculpted by Richard "The Younger" Westmacott (age 42).

Anne Fitzpatrick: After 23 Mar 1769 she was born to John Fitzpatrick 2nd Earl Upper Ossory and Anne Liddell Duchess Grafton.

Adeline Horsey Recollections. On September 28, 1858, my marriage took place at the Military Chapel Gibraltar, and I was the first Countess of Cardigan to be married on foreign soil, I wore a white silk gown draped with a blue scarf, and a large hat adorned with many feathers; Lord Cardigan's (age 60) friends, Stuart Paget, Mrs, Paget and the Misses Paget, were present, and we gave a ball on the yacht in the evening. We spent a very gay week at Gibraltar, and then left for Cádiz, touching at Malacca and Alicante; then we took rail to Madrid, where we arrived on October 16 in time to witness a review of 30,000 troops on Queen Isabella's (age 27) birthday. After a short stay at Madrid we rejoined the Airedale at Barcelona, and went 500 miles by sea to Leghorn. We experienced bad weather and many storms, and every one on board was ill except myself. The cook was a great sufferer, and his absence was naturally felt by those who were able to look at food without aversion.

From Leghorn we went to Elba, when I saw the place Napoleon embarked from after the "hundred days". We left the Airedale at Civiti Vecchia and started for Rome, Italy in our travelling-carriage with six horses, escorted by some of the Papal Guard sent by the Pope to protect us. I met many of my friends in the Eternal City; I saw everything worth seeing during my delightful sojourn there, and before we left Lord Cardigan and I were blessed by the Pope at an audience we had with his Holiness. As I wished to go to Genoa by sea, we returned to Civita Vecchia and set out in the yacht for Genoa, where we landed; we went from there to Turin, and on by rail by the Mont Cenis route to Paris [Map].

Paris was then a city of delight, revelling in the palmy days of the Second Empire, and I greatly enjoyed my visit there. One night I went to the Opera with Cardigan and we saw Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trelawney in a box. Mrs. Trelawney was the famous Miss Howard, once the English mistress of Louis Napoleon (age 50), who paid her £250,000 when he renounced her to marry Eugenie de Montijo (age 32). Mrs. Trelawney annoyed the Emperor (age 50) and Empress (age 32) as much as she dared by sitting opposite the Royal box at the Opera, and driving almost immediately behind the Empress's (age 32) carriage in the Bois de Boulogne. She was a very fat woman, and her embonpoint increased to such an extent that the doors of her carriage had to be enlarged to allow her to get in and out with comfort.

Clarence Trelawney was a friend of mine, and the poor fellow came to a sad end. After his wife's death he married an American lady, but unfortunately he got into debt. He appealed to his relations, who were very wealthy but apparently equally mean, for they refused to lend him the £400 he asked for, and driven desperate by worry he blew out his brains.

From Paris we came to London and stayed at Lord Cardigan's town-house in Portman Square Marylebone; then we went to Deene [Map] on December 14, where we met with a royal reception, six hundred tenants on horseback escorting our carriage from the station to the house.

On 14 Dec 1861 Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 42) died at Windsor Castle [Map]. His wife, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 42) never recovered from his death spending, more or less, the remainder of her life in mourning.

On 14 Dec 1895 King George VI of the United Kingdom was born to George V King United Kingdom (age 30) and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 28) at York Cottage, Sandringham Estate. The second son at birth he became King when his elder brother King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 1) Abdicated. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.84%.

On 14 Dec 1901 Paul I King Greece was born to Constantine I King Greece (age 33) and Sophia Hohenzollern Queen Consort Greece (age 31). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 14 Dec 1911 the South Pole was reached for the first time by an expedition led by Roald Amundsen. The expedition led by Robert Falcon Scott reached the pole some thirty-four days later.

Births on the 14th December

On 14 Dec 1562 Lionel Tollemache 1st Baronet was born to Lionel Tollemache (age 17) and Susan Jermyn.

On 14 Dec 1597 John Tyrrell was born to Thomas Tyrrell.

On 14 Dec 1599 Charles Berkeley 2nd Viscount Fitzhardinge was born to Maurice Berkeley (age 23) and Elizabeth Killigrew (age 20).

On 14 Dec 1616 William Hamilton 2nd Duke Hamilton was born to James Hamilton 2nd Marquess Hamilton (age 27) and Ann Cunningham Marchioness Hamilton (age 31) at Hamilton Palace, Hamilton.

On 14 Dec 1631 Anne Finch was born to Heneage Finch (deceased) and Elizabeth Craddock.

On 14 Dec 1655 Philipp Hesse-Kassel was born to Wilhelm "The Just" VI Hesse-Kassel (age 26) and Hedwig Sophia Hohenzollern (age 32).

On 14 Dec 1655 Philip Landgrave of Hesse-Philippsthal was born.

On or before 14 Dec 1660 Dr George Fulham was born. He was baptised 14 Dec 1660.

On 14 Dec 1677 Edmund Dunch was born to Hungerford Dunch (age 38).

Around 14 Dec 1689 Holland Egerton 4th Baronet was born to John Egerton 3rd Baronet (age 31).

On 14 Dec 1690 Mary Lumley Countess Halifax was born to Richard Lumley 1st Earl Scarborough (age 40) and Frances Jones Countess Scarborough (age 23).

On or before 14 Dec 1727 Richard Bateman was born. He was baptised at St Giles Church, Hartington [Map] on 14 Dec 1727.

On 14 Dec 1727 François-Hubert Drouais was born.

On 14 Dec 1752 John Leigh was born to Thomas Leigh (age 27) in Farnworth, Widnes.

On 14 Dec 1759 Unamed Son Bertie was born to Peregrine Bertie 3rd Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (age 45) and Mary Panton Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven.

On 14 Dec 1763 General Francis Fuller was born.

On 14 Dec 1775 Thomas Cochrane 10th Earl Dundonald was born to Archibald Cochrane 9th Earl of Dundonald (age 27).

On 14 Dec 1777 Du Pre Alexander 2nd Earl Caledon was born to James Alexander 1st Earl Caledon (age 47).

On 14 Dec 1780 Sybilla Ann Egerton was born to Philip Egerton of Oulton (age 42) and Mary Eyles-Styles (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 14 Dec 1791 Henry Hall Gage 4th Viscount Gage was born to Henry Gage 3rd Viscount Gage (age 30).

On 14 Dec 1795 Adam Hay 7th Baronet was born.

On 14 Dec 1812 Charles Canning 1st Earl Canning was born to George Canning Prime Mininster (age 42) and Joan Scott Viscountess Canning (age 36) at Gloucester Lodge.

On 14 Dec 1818 George Augustus Beauclerk was born to William Beauclerk 8th Duke St Albans (age 51) and Maria Janetta Nelthorpe Duchess St Albans. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 14 Dec 1821 William Lowther was born to Henry Cecil Lowther (age 31) and Lucy Eleanor Sherard (age 29).

On 14 Dec 1825 Robert William Devereux Shirley was born to Robert William Shirley (age 42) and Anne Weston.

On 14 Dec 1828 Henry Tanworth Wells was born.

On 14 Dec 1837 Mary Catherine Curzon Baroness Trevor was born to Alfred Curzon (age 36) and Sophia Holden.

On 14 Dec 1852 Denison Faber 1st Baron Wittenham was born.

On 14 Dec 1882 Emily Mary Lowry-Corry was born to Henry Lowry-Corry (age 37) and Blanche Edith Wood.

On 14 Dec 1891 Major Edward Robert Francis Compton was born to Alwyne Frederick Compton (age 36).

On 14 Dec 1895 King George VI of the United Kingdom was born to George V King United Kingdom (age 30) and Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England (age 28) at York Cottage, Sandringham Estate. The second son at birth he became King when his elder brother King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (age 1) Abdicated. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.84%.

On 14 Dec 1901 Paul I King Greece was born to Constantine I King Greece (age 33) and Sophia Hohenzollern Queen Consort Greece (age 31). He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 14 Dec 1905 Nina Mary Hope-Wallace Lady Hoare was born to Charles Nugent Hope-Wallace (age 28).

On 14 Dec 1929 Edward Canning Beaumont was born to Wentworth Henry Canning Beaumont 2nd Viscount Allendale (age 39) and Violet Lucy Emily Seely Viscountess Allendale (age 32).

Marriages on the 14th December

Before 14 Dec 1539 John Stocker of Poole and Edith Phelips were married.

On 14 Dec 1539 John Horsey and Edith Phelips were married.

On 14 Dec 1561 Robert Stewart 1st Earl Orkney (age 28) and Jean Kennedy Countess Orkney were married. She by marriage Countess Orkney. She the daughter of Gilbert Kennedy 3rd Earl Cassilis and Margaret Kennedy Countess Cassilis (age 47). He the illegitmate son of King James V of Scotland and Euphame Elphinstone (age 52). He a great grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Before 14 Dec 1573 Clement Throckmorton (age 61) and Eleanor Windsor Baroness Scrope Masham were married. The difference in their ages was 21 years; she, unusually, being older than him. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 14 Dec 1619 William Armine 1st Baronet (age 26) and Elizabeth Hicks Lady Armine (age 21) were married. She by marriage Lady Armine of Osgodby South Kesteven Lincolnshire.

On 14 Dec 1626 Thomas Richardson (age 57) and Elizabeth Beaumont (age 49) were married at St Giles in the Fields Church, Camden [Map]. There was no issue from the marriage.

On 14 Dec 1637 George Brydges 6th Baron Chandos (age 17) and Susan Montagu Baroness Chandos were married. She by marriage Baroness Chandos of Sudeley. She the daughter of Henry Montagu 1st Earl Manchester (age 74) and Margaret Crouch Countess Manchester (age 32). He the son of Grey Brydges 5th Baron Chandos and Anne Stanley Countess Castlehaven (age 57). He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

After 14 Dec 1654 Charles Leigh and Anne Littleton were married.

Before 14 Dec 1715 Archbishop Thomas Tenison (age 79) and Anne Love were married.

On 14 Dec 1723 James Ogilvy 5th Earl Findlater 2nd Earl Seafield (age 34) and Sophia Hope Countess Findlater (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Charles Hope 1st Earl Hopetoun (age 42) and Henrietta Johnstone (age 41). He the son of James Ogilvy 1st Earl Seafield 4th Earl Findlater (age 60).

On 14 Dec 1745 Lieutenant-General Richard Lyttelton (age 25) and Rachel Russell Duchess Bridgewater (age 38) were married. She the daughter of Wriothesley Russell 2nd Duke Bedford and Elizabeth Howland Duchess Bedford.

Before 14 Dec 1751 James Cavendish (age 45) and Anne Yale were married. He the son of William Cavendish 1st Duke Devonshire and Mary Butler Duchess Devonshire.

On 14 Dec 1773 Edward Ligonier 1st Earl Ligonier (age 33) and Mary Henley Countess Ligonier (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Robert Henley 1st Earl Northington and Jane Huband.

On 14 Dec 1798 Thomas Ralph Maude 2nd Viscount Hawarden (age 31) and Frances Anne Agar Viscountess Hawarden were married. She the daughter of Charles Agar 1st Earl Normanton (age 61) and Jane Benson Countess Northampton.

On 14 Dec 1814 Edmund Beckett aka Denison 4th Baronet (age 27) and Maria Beverley Lady Beckett (age 19) were married.

Before 14 Dec 1865 Reverend Jocelyn Willey of Camblesforth Hall, Yorkshire and Frances Carus-Wilson were married.

On 14 Dec 1865 Trevor Wheler 9th Baronet (age 72) and Frances Carus-Wilson were married. She by marriage Lady Wheler of the City of Westminster.

On 14 Dec 1893 George Capell 7th Earl of Essex (age 36) and Adele Beach Grant Countess Essex (age 27) were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map]. She by marriage Countess Essex. Dollar Princess. He uncle R Suydam Grant gave her away since her father David Beach Grant had died five years before. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 14 Dec 1905 Henry Arthur Mornington Wellesley 3rd Earl Cowley (age 39) and Millicent Florence Eleanor Wilson Countess Cowley (age 33) were married at Colombo, Sri Lanka. She by marriage Countess Cowley. He the son of William Henry Wellesley 2nd Earl Cowley and Emily Gwendoline Williams Countess Cowley (age 66). They were third cousins.

On 14 Dec 1946 Captain Henry William Newman Fane (age 49) and Dorothy Mary Findlay (age 41) were married.

Deaths on the 14th December

On 14 Dec 704 Aldfrith King Northumbria died. His son Osred King Northumbria (age 7) succeeded King Northumbria.

On 14 Dec 1280 Renfred Arundell (age 42) died at Lanherne, St Mawgan in Pyder.

On 14 Dec 1334 Otto Wittelsbach IV Duke Lower Bavaria (age 27) died at Munich. His nephew John I Duke of Bavaria (age 5) succeeded 1st Duke Lower Bavaria.

On 14 Dec 1384 Richard Moleyns (age 31) died.

On 14 Dec 1392 Henry Grey (age 61) died at Codnor [Map].

On 14 Dec 1392 John Grey 3rd Baron Grey of Codnor (age 87) died at Aylesford, Kent [Map]. His grandson Richard Grey 1st or 4th Baron Grey of Codnor (age 21) succeeded 4th Baron Grey of Codnor. Elizabeth Bassett Baroness Grey Codnor (age 20) by marriage Baroness Grey of Codnor. Or he was created 1st Baron Grey of Codnor depending on whether the first three Barons were ever summoned to Parliament.

On 14 Dec 1404 Elizabeth Pole (age 42) died.

On 14 Dec 1417 John Oldcastle was hanged in St Giles' Field Holborn for being a Lollard.

On 14 Dec 1417 Thomas Green (age 48) died at Greens Norton, Northamptonshire.

On 14 Dec 1476 John Butler 6th Earl Ormonde (age 54) died. His brother Thomas Butler 7th Earl Ormonde (age 50) succeeded 7th Earl Ormonde. Anne Hankford Countess Ormonde (age 45) by marriage Countess Ormonde.

On 14 Dec 1476 Elizabeth Hungerford died.

On 14 Dec 1511 Muriel Howard Viscountess Lisle (age 26) died.

Around 14 Dec 1536 John Clavering of Callaley (age 35) died.

Before 14 Dec 1542 Archibald Campbell 3rd of Auchinbreck (age 62) died.

On 14 Dec 1542 King James V of Scotland (age 30) died at Falkland Palace [Map]. His daughter Mary Queen of Scots succeeded I Queen Scotland. She was six days old.

On 14 Dec 1562 John Delaval (age 64) died.

On 14 Dec 1567 Ellen Gresham (age 34) died.

On 14 Dec 1573 Clement Throckmorton (age 61) died.

On 14 Dec 1576 Gilbert Kennedy 4th Earl Cassilis (age 35) died. His son John Kennedy 5th Earl Cassilis (age 1) succeeded 5th Earl Cassilis.

On 14 Dec 1593 Henry Radclyffe 4th Earl of Sussex (age 61) died. He was buried at Boreham [Map]. His son Robert Radclyffe 5th Earl of Sussex (age 20) succeeded 5th Earl of Sussex, 5th Viscount Fitzwalter, 14th Baron Fitzwalter.

On 14 Dec 1596 Blanch Killigrew (age 61) died.

On 14 Dec 1606 Edmund Huddlestone (age 56) died.

On 14 Dec 1618 Anna of Austria Holy Roman Empress (age 33) died.

On 14 Dec 1634 John Erskine 19th Earl Mar (age 72) died. His son John Erskine 20th Earl Mar (age 49) succeeded 20th Earl Mar.

On 14 Dec 1640 Mary Petre (age 39) died.

On or before 14 Dec 1643 Capell Bedell 1st Baronet (age 41) died. Baronet Capell of Hamerton in Huntingdonshire extinct. He was buried on 14 Dec 1643.

On 14 Dec 1654 Thomas Holte 1st Baronet (age 83) died. His grandson Robert Holte 2nd Baronet (age 29) succeeded 2nd Baronet Holte of Aston in Warwickshire.

On 14 Dec 1657 Sophie Saxe Gotha (age 14) died at Gotha.

On 14 Dec 1679 Richard Dummer (age 90) died at Newbury Massachusetts.

On 14 Dec 1702 Willoughby Aston 2nd Baronet (age 62) died. His son Thomas Aston 3rd Baronet (age 37) succeeded 3rd Baronet Aston of Aston.

On 14 Dec 1707 William Edwin died at Llanmihangel Plas Llanmihangel. He was buried at Llanmihangel Church Llanmihangel.

On 14 Dec 1715 Archbishop Thomas Tenison (age 79) died without issue.

On 14 Dec 1716 Thomas Morgan 3rd Baronet (age 31) died. His son John Morgan 4th Baronet (age 6) succeeded 4th Baronet Morgan of Langattock in Monmouthshire.

On 14 Dec 1717 Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet (age 59) died. Monument in Church of All Hallows, Great Mitton [Map]. Baronet Shireburn extinct. His daughter Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk (age 24) inherited Stonyhurst.

Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet: On 29 Jul 1658 he was born to Richard Shireburn and Isabel Ingleby. On 04 Feb 1685 Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet was created 1st Baronet Shireburn.

Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk: Around 1693 she was born to Nicholas Shireburn 1st Baronet. On 26 May 1709 Thomas Howard 8th Duke of Norfolk and she were married. She by marriage Duchess Norfolk. She bringing a large dowry of £30,000. She eventually left him after he changed his allegiance to George I rejecting the Jacobites. On 26 Sep 1754 Maria Winifreda Francisca Shireburn Duchess Norfolk died. Her aunt Elizabeth Shireburn inherited Stonyhurst by which it became into the ownership of the Weld family.

Before 14 Dec 1723 Elizabeth Hay (age 37) died.

On 14 Dec 1735 Bishop Thomas Tanner (age 61) died.

On 14 Dec 1741 James Cavendish (age 40) died.

On 14 Dec 1751 Josiah Hort (age 77) died.

On 14 Dec 1751 James Cavendish (age 45) died.

On 14 Dec 1759 Unamed Son Bertie died.

On 14 Dec 1768 Pryse Campbell (age 41) died.

On 14 Dec 1777 Selina Shirley (age 76) died.

On 14 Dec 1788 Charles III King Spain (age 72) died. His son Charles IV King Spain (age 40) succeeded IV King Spain.

On 14 Dec 1792 Anne Hamilton (age 77) died.

On 14 Dec 1799 President George Washington (age 67) died.

On 14 Dec 1808 Hugo Meynell (age 73) died.

On 14 Dec 1810 George Pretyman (age 88) died.

On 14 Dec 1812 George Byng 4th Viscount Torrington (age 72) died. His brother John Byng 5th Viscount Torrington (age 69) succeeded 5th Viscount Torrington. He enjoyed the Viscountcy for only twenty-four days dying on 08 Jan 1813. Further, the seat of the Viscountcy Southill Park had been sold to pay off debts. Bridget Forrest Viscountess Byng (age 64) by marriage Viscountess Torrington.

On 14 Dec 1814 Isabella Johnston (age 77) died at New York. She was buried at the Houston Street Cemetery.

On 14 Dec 1826 Samuel Young 1st Baronet (age 50) died.

On 14 Dec 1837 Arthur Hill-Trevor 2nd Viscount Dungannon (age 74) died. His son Arthur Hill-Trevor 3rd Viscount Dungannon (age 39) succeeded 3rd Viscount Dungannon.

On 14 Dec 1841 Anne Fitzpatrick (age 72) died at Farmingwood or Farming Woods, Northamptonshire. Monument in St James the Apostle Church, Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire [Map] sculpted by Richard "The Younger" Westmacott (age 42).

Anne Fitzpatrick: After 23 Mar 1769 she was born to John Fitzpatrick 2nd Earl Upper Ossory and Anne Liddell Duchess Grafton.

On 14 Dec 1861 Prince Albert Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 42) died at Windsor Castle [Map]. His wife, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (age 42) never recovered from his death spending, more or less, the remainder of her life in mourning.

On 14 Dec 1863 George Shiffner 3rd Baronet (age 72) died. His son George Croxton-Shiffner 4th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 4th Baronet Shiffner of Coombe in Sussex.

On 14 Dec 1864 Ann Alleyne Lady Fitzherbert (age 50) died.

On 14 Dec 1865 Walter George Berkeley Fitzharding (age 7) died.

On 14 Dec 1874 Philip James Yorke (age 75) died.

On 14 Dec 1878 Princess Alice Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 35) died.

On 14 Dec 1884 Jane Georgiana Sheridan Duchess Somerset (age 75) died.

On 14 Dec 1888 George Augustus Frederick Liddell (age 76) died.

On 14 Dec 1895 Montagu Francis Finch Osborn (age 71) died. He was buried at Church of the Holy Trinity Embleton [Map].

On 14 Dec 1914 Henry Lyndhurst Bruce (age 33) died.

On 14 Dec 1923 Osbert Victor George Atheling Lumley (age 66) died.

On 14 Dec 1939 Ernest Hamilton (age 81) died.

On 14 Dec 1945 Princess Maud Duff Countess Southesk (age 52) died.

On 14 Dec 1995 Gustavus Hamilton-Russell 10th Viscount Boyne (age 64) died.

On 14 Dec 1997 Gerald Legge 9th Earl of Dartmouth (age 73) died. His son William Legge 10th Earl of Dartmouth (age 48) succeeded 10th Earl Dartmouth, 11th Baron Dartmouth.

On 14 Dec 2000 Marie Alexandra Glücksburg (age 73) died.