On this Day in History ... 17th August

17 Aug is in August.

1153 Eustace of Blois Dies

1424 Battle of Verneuil

1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury

1510 Execution of Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley

1553 Trial and Execution of Lady Jane Grey's Supporters

1648 Battle of Preston

1661 Creation of Baronets and Peerages by Charles II Post Coronation

1808 Battle of Roliça

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 17th August

On 17 Aug 1153 King Stephen's eldest son Eustace Blois IV Count Boulogne (age 23) died at Bury St Edmunds [Map]. Probably from food poisoning, possibly murdered for having sacked the Abbey. His brother William Blois I Count Boulogne (age 16) succeeded I Count Boulogne.

On 17 Aug 1390 Guy de Bryan (age 71) died. Monument at Tewkesbury Abbey [Map]. Alabaster with, unusually, a portrait rather than a generic face. Early Plate Bascinet Period. He was buried at St James' Church, Slapton.

On 17 Aug 1424 the English forces led by John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 35) inflicted a significant defeat on the French and Scottish army at the Battle of Verneuil; a second Agincourt. For the English Edmund Hungerford (age 15), Ralph Longford (age 23), John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 41) and Richard Waller (age 29) fought.

On the French and Scottish side Pierre Valois, Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine (age 52), William Seton Master of Seton (age 34), Alexander Home of Home and Dunglas (age 56) were killed

John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 43) was killed. His brother Robert Stewart Earl Ross (age 39) de jure Earl Ross and Earl Buchan although he didn't claim the title since both titles had reverted to the Crown.

Jean Poton Xaintrailles (age 34) fought.

Polydore Vergil. 17 Aug 1424. 5. At this time Charles (age 21) was staying at Tours, and aware of this business from the start, did not appear to be much concerned. Rather, relying partly on the nature of the place, and partly on the strength of his followers, he only gathered sufficient forces to fight the enemy on equal terms. Therefore, when he had assembled a larger army, he sent Duke John of Alençon (age 15) to assist his subjects, and he ordered him not to shrink from a battle, should the situation require it. The Duke departed quickly, and before approaching the place he learned of the castle’s surrender, and then, obliged by necessity to change his route, he went to Verneuil and stormed it, killing a goodly part of the English garrison. And he was soon given this town, defended by great works, because he had long insisted it should be part of his domain. When this was reported to Bedford (age 35), with no hesitation he marched to Verneuil in battle array, and in the same way approached the enemy camp. For a very little while the French were terrified by their enemies’ approach, and debated what should be done. Almost all were of the opinion that they should wait in the camp until the enemy’s intention was clearer. For they were mindful of all the times they had previously been defeated whenever they engaged the English, and so were not unwilling to delay coming to blows. But when they saw the enemy battle-line drawing closer and closer, their spirits surged and, howling and chanting as was their habit, they took up arms and stationed themselves before the camp. The battle was begun with missiles, but they immediately abandoned these and came together, drawing their swords and running at each other with a great shout. They fought strenuously and continually, and on such even terms that one could not easily tell which way the battle was inclining, with many men falling on both sides. Their outcries were similar, as also the manner of their fighting. Wherever danger threatened the most. there they more earnestly strove to resist and repel, and so the fight dragged on for more than four hours, and the outcome was still uncertain. Meanwhile the Duke of Alençon (age 15) did not desist in both beseeching and exhorting his soldiers not to flag, nor to allow the enemy, now falling back, to conquer. And Bedford (age 35) himself also went around everywhere, exhorted, renewed the fight at every point. And when in the end he appreciated that the French were exhausted by their effort and heat (for it is the nature of the French, that they cannot tolerate the effort of a long battle, because for the sake of inspiring fear they expend more of their strength at the beginning of a fight, but cannot maintain it thereafter) and were pressing less than usual, then at length he attacked the enemy with might and main, and those who followed him assaulted with such an onslaught that they first budged the enemy from his place, and then drove them headlong. In that battle 5,000 Frenchmen died, together with Buchan (age 43) the Marshal of France and the Scotsman John Stuart (age 44), whom I have shown above to have come in aid of Charles, and more than ten French captains About 200 were captured, including Duke John of Alençon (age 15). On the English side 2,000 died, partly foot and partly horse. This defeat was suffered by the French in the year of human salvation 1424, the third year of Henry’s reign.

A Brief Latin Chronicle. 17 Aug 1424. However, in the year —— of this king, there was a battle at Verneuil in Perche between John, Duke of Bedford (age 35), regent of France, and the French and Scots. With the said duke were the Earl of Salisbury (age 36), the Earl of Suffolk (age 27), Lord Willoughby, Lord Scales, Lord Poynings, and William Oldhall with the retinue of the Duke of Exeter, then infirm. In this battle on the French side, the Duke of Alençon was captured; the bastard of Alençon, the Count of Nevers, and the Count of Marle were indeed killed. On the Scottish side, Archibald, Earl of Douglas (age 52), the Earl of Buchan (age 43), the Earl of Mar, the Earl of Moray, James Douglas, son of the said earl, Sir Alexander Lindsay; William Douglas of Drumlanrig, Matthew Pork, Hugh Orth, knights, and many others, both French and Scots, were killed in that battle and in the flight, to the number of 7,000 and more. Later, in the ditches of the said town, it is said, 4,000 were found drowned. And for all these things, always give thanks to God.

Anno autem —— hujus regis fuit prelium apud Vernoll in Perche inter Johannem ducem Bedfordie regentem Francie et Francos ac Scottos. Ubi cum dicto duce fuerunt Comes Sarum, Comes Southfok, deminus Wylughby, dominus Scales, dominus Ponynges, Willelmus Oldale cum retinencia ducis Exonie tunc infirmi. Et in dicto bello ex parte Francorum captus est dux de Launson[..]; occisi vero sunt ibidem bastardus de Launson, Comes de Navern et Comes de Marrebon[..]. Ex parte autem Scottorum perempti sunt Archibaldus Comes de Douglasse, Comes de Boghan, Comes de Marre, Comes de Murrey, Jacobus Douglas filius dicti comitis, Alexander Lyndesey miles; Willelmus Douglas de Danlanryk, Matheus Pork, Hugo Orth, milites, et alii quam plures, tam de Francis quam de Scottis in ipso bello et fuga ad numerum vij ml et ultra. Postea vero in foveis dicte ville inventa sunt, ut dicitur, iiij ml submersa. Et super his omnibus semper Deo gratias.

On 17 Aug 1469 Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30), having escaped after the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury, was captured and executed by a mob at Bridgwater, Somerset [Map]. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. Earl Devon extinct.

Hall's Chronicle 1469. 17 Aug 1469. When kynge Edward was aduertised of thys vnfortunate chances, he wrote in all hast to the Shiriefes of Somerset shyre and Deuenshyre, that if they coulde by any meane take the lorde Stafford of South-wyke (age 30), that they vpon payne of their lyues, should without delay put hym in execucion, whiche accordingly to the kynges commaundement, after long exploracion made, founde hym hyd in a village in Brentmarche, called .... where he was taken & brought to Bridgwater [Map], & there cut shorter by the hedde.

On 17 Aug 1473 Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York was born to King Edward IV of England (age 31) and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 36) at Westminster Palace [Map]. He was created 1st Duke York by his father on the same day.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 1510. This yeare, in August, Sir Richard Empson (age 60)d and Edmund Dudley (age 48) were beheaded at the Tower Hill [Map].e

Two heretiques burned in Smithfield on St. Luke's day.

Note d. In MS. incorrectly written Sir Thomas Empson, which mistake is also made by Arnold.

Note e. In MS. this and the preceding entry have been accidentally transposed.

On 17 Aug 1510 Edmund Dudley (age 48) and Richard Empson (age 60) were beheaded at Tower Hill [Map] for constructive treason for having carried out King Henry VII's rigorous and arbitrary system of taxation. The new King King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 19) attempting to distance himself from his father's policies.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 17 Aug 1553. The xvij day of August was mad a grett skaffold in Westmynster hall agaynst the morow, for the duke of Northumberland (age 49) commyng to be raynyd, with odur, as the marqwes of Northamton (age 41) and the yerle of Warwyke (age 26).

Wriothesley's Chronicle 17 Aug 1554. 17 Aug 1554. The 17 of Augusta the King (age 27) and Queen (age 38) came by water from Richmond in the after noone, and landed at my Lord Chancellors stayers in St. Marye Overies, and there had a banquett in the Lord Chauncellors (age 71) howsse [Map], and then passed throughe the parke to the howse at St. Georges, of which Sir John Gage, Lord Chamberlayne to the Queene (age 74), had the keepinge, and there lay that night and dyned there the next daye.

Note a. The authorities differ widely as to this date. The Grey Friars' Chronicle (p. 91 ) says: "They came not unto London tyll it was the 18th day of Angnst, and then came hothe unto the place in Sothwarke, and lay there that nyght, and the 19th day came into London." And Stow (p. 625): "The 11 of August, the King and Queene remooued to Richmond, from thence by water to Southwarke, &c. And the next day, heing the 12 of August, they rode through Southwarke oner the bridge, and so through London, &c." While Baker's Chronicle reads: "The eleventh of August they remoued to Richmond, the seven-and-twentieth to Suffolk Place in Southwark, and the next day to London," &c. (p. 342).

On 17 Aug 1654 Henry Bourchier 5th Earl Bath (deceased) was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. Inscriptions HIC SITUS EST DOM: HENRICUS BOURGCHIER COMES BATHONIENSIS: Qui longa Propagine, et numeroso Stemmate, a uetustissimus iuxta ac nobilissimis Familijs, de BOURGCHIER et FITZWARREN, effluxit Et Iure haeredit ario ac Titulo Cognationis ascita sibi Insignia de WOODSTOCK, BOHUN, SAY, MANDEVILLE, BRUSE, BADLESMER, CLARE, MONTCHENSEY, CORNEHILL, WINDSOR, PEVERELL, CLIFFORD, GIFFORD, MARTIN, MOHUN, TRACY, COGAN, DINHAM, COURTNEY, RIVERS, STOURTON, HANGFORD reliquareum celebris Notae Familiarum, Arma Natalitia, cum proprijs Insignibus, intertexta ac circumfusa, Scuto suo Gentilitio complectitur, et Posteris Marmore hoc insculpta exhibet. Satis est, Lector; habes iam tandem compendiosam suorum Natatium Seriem, ubi Generis Splendorem, et Prosapiae Suae Sublimitatem spectes. Si vero Virtutes, et Animi Supeflectilem lustraueris, Nomem Suum Ære perennius, Marmore diuturnius aut quouis Eulogio uel Epitaphio conspectius tandem aliquando consulas.

Æternitati Sacrum Siste Viator Sub hoc Tumulo hue Sistro Marmoreo Deposuit Exuuias Carnis Henricus Comes Bathoniensis Paefentis faeculi liuor, et venturae Posteritatis luctus: Vir venerandi Natalibus quam apprime insignis Et prolixa nobilissimi stemmatis Prosapia mon minus Conspicuus Videas qua supellectile Fortunae suit stipatus; Ne minus virtutum Peculio grandis Animus exuberauit Varia solidioris literaturae limatura suit excultus, Et taman blando Comtae Elegantiae lenocinio facilis et effisus Egenis sua Inopia vacissantibus suit subsidium et Columen Academicis ingruente huium Temporis Barbarie pene fractis, Fulcrus et Statumen, Amicis suit diffusae urbanitatis, Inimicis uero Benignae, Compensationis Specimen; In omnes alios pronus et demissus, solum in Seipsum grauis; Erga Regem erat infractae licet Calamitossae Fidelitatis Symbolum, Ac denuo erga peum intemeratae Pietatis assiduus Assecta. sed eheu dum tantos Virtutum Iconismos umbratili stylo Calamistramus, Plorantibus passim pijs et stipantibus Angelis A Terrestri hoc Puluere, in caeleste Fastigium euectus est. In cuius Memoriam (ne situ et Ærugine Tabeiceret) Hoc Monumentus Affectus sui Tesseram, RACHEL (age 41), Comitissa Lugens possuit who was Da: to Francis Ea: of Westmerland sone & heire of Tho: Fane KT by Mary his wife Da: & heire of Hen: Nevill LD Abergaveney. Her Mother was Mary Da: & heire to Anthony Mildmay KT by Grace Da: & Choheire of Hen: Sherington KT Octo: 1659

After 17 Aug 1656 Edward Wyot was buried at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map].

In Aug 1661 King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 31) created new Baronetcies and Peerages ...

02 Aug 1661 Thomas Carew 1st Baronet (age 29) was created 1st Baronet Carew of Haccombe in Devon.

04 Aug 1661 John Chichester 1st Baronet (age 38) was created 1st Baronet Chichester of Raleigh in Devon.

07 Aug 1661 Mark Milbanke 1st Baronet (age 23) was created 1st Baronet Milbanke of Halnaby in Yorkshire. Elizabeth Acklom Lady Milbanke by marriage Lady Milbanke of Halnaby in Yorkshire.

17 Aug 1661 William Boyd 1st Earl Kilmarnock (age 15) was created 1st Earl Kilmarnock.

Pepy's Diary. 17 Aug 1661. So he and I to the Wardrobe to dinner, and after dinner Captain Ferrers and I to the Opera, and saw "The Witts" again, which I like exceedingly. The Queen of Bohemia (age 64) was here, brought by my Lord Craven (age 53).

On 17 Aug 1723 John Hobart 2nd Earl Buckinghamshire was born to John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire (age 29) and Judith Britiffe Lady Hotham.

On 17 Aug 1755 Thomas Stothard was born. His parent's only child.

On 17 Aug 1786 Marie Luise Victoria Saxe Coburg Gotha Duchess Kent and Strathearn was born to Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 36) and Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 29) at Coburg.

On 17 Aug 1786 Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia (age 74) died. His nephew Frederick William II King Prussia (age 41) succeeded II King Prussia.

On 17 Aug 1808 the Battle of Roliça an Anglo-Portuguese army under Sir Arthur Wellesley defeated an outnumbered Imperial French division under General of Division Henri François Delaborde, near the village of Roliça in Portugal.

General Henry Fane (age 29) commanded.

On 17 Aug 1812 Mary Hutchinson (age 78) died. She was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map].

Mary Hutchinson: Around 1734 she was born to Thomas Hutchinson of Staindrop in County Durham and Tabitha m Hutchinson. In 1769 John Lee and she were married.

Births on the 17th August

On 17 Aug 1473 Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York was born to King Edward IV of England (age 31) and Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 36) at Westminster Palace [Map]. He was created 1st Duke York by his father on the same day.

On 17 Aug 1523 Mary Gresham was born to John Gresham (age 28) and Mary Ipswell (age 28).

On 17 Aug 1614 George Colt was born.

Before 17 Aug 1618 Charles Hutchinson was born to Thomas Hutchinson (age 31) and Catherine Stanhope (age 8). His birth year given as 1636 which is inconsistent with his father's death in 1618.

On 17 Aug 1629 John III Sobieski King Poland was born.

Around 17 Aug 1636 Edward Aston was born to Edward Aston (age 44).

On 17 Aug 1683 Henry Neville aka Grey was born to Richard Neville (age 27) and Catherine Grey (age 29). He was baptised on 21 Aug 1683.

On 17 Aug 1684 Anne Lennard 16th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland Baroness Teynham was born to Thomas Lennard 1st Earl of Sussex (age 30) and Anne Fitzroy Countess Sussex (age 23). She a granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.14%.

On 17 Aug 1696 Bishop John Thomas was born.

On 17 Aug 1701 Henry Fitzroy was born to Charles Fitzroy 1st Duke Southampton 2nd Duke Cleveland (age 39) and Anne Pulteney Duchess Southampton Duchess of Cleveland (age 37). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 17 Aug 1721 Mary Wallop was born to John Wallop 1st Earl Portsmouth (age 31) and Bridget Bennet Viscountess Lymington (age 24).

On 17 Aug 1721 Elizabeth Knightley was born to Lucius Knightley (age 37).

On 17 Aug 1723 John Hobart 2nd Earl Buckinghamshire was born to John Hobart 1st Earl Buckinghamshire (age 29) and Judith Britiffe Lady Hotham.

On 17 Aug 1755 Antoine 8th Duke Gramont was born to Antoine 7th Duke Gramont (age 33).

On 17 Aug 1755 Thomas Stothard was born. His parent's only child.

On 17 Aug 1765 John Hope 4th Earl Hopetoun was born to John Hope 2nd Earl Hopetoun (age 60) and Jane Oliphant Countess Hopetoun.

On 17 Aug 1785 William Woods Howard was born illegitimately to Charles Howard 11th Duke of Norfolk (age 39).

On 17 Aug 1786 Marie Luise Victoria Saxe Coburg Gotha Duchess Kent and Strathearn was born to Francis Saxe Coburg Gotha I Duke Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 36) and Augusta Reuss Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 29) at Coburg.

On 17 Aug 1800 Harriet Emma Arundel Stewart Duchess Leeds was born illegitimately to Granville Leveson-Gower 1st Earl Granville (age 26) and Henrietta Frances Spencer Countess Bessborough (age 39). She was born in secret and sent to be raised by a foster mother.

On 17 Aug 1807 Elizabeth Charlotte Liddell was born to Thomas Liddell 1st Baron Ravensworth (age 32) and Maria Susannah Simpson Baroness Calthorpe (age 34).

On 17 Aug 1812 Sophia Caroline Musters was born to John Musters of Colwick (age 35) and Mary Ann Chaworth (age 26).

On 17 Aug 1826 Isabel Elizabeth Morritt Viscountess Barrington was born to John Morritt (age 24) and Mary Baillie (age 24).

On 17 Aug 1840 Wilfrid Scawen Blunt was born.

On 17 Aug 1845 Thomas Astley Horace Hamond was born to Anthony Hamond (age 41) and Mary Anne Musters (age 39).

On 17 Aug 1873 Walter FitzUryan Rice 7th Baron Dynevor was born to Arthur Rice 6th Baron Dynevor (age 37) and Selina Lascelles (age 32).

On 17 Aug 1875 Foster Hugh Egerton Cunliffe 6th Baronet was born to Robert Alfred Cunliffe 5th Baronet (age 36) and Eleanor Sophia Leigh Lady Cunliffe (age 27).

On 17 Aug 1899 Marie Constance Kerr was born to William Walter Raleigh Kerr (age 36).

On 17 Aug 1904 Gladys Mona m Trotter was born.

On 17 Aug 1916 Antony Guy Acland 5th Baronet was born to Hubert Acland 4th Baronet (age 26) and Lalage Mary Kathleen Acland (age 27). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.57%.

On 17 Aug 1924 Prince Alfred Hohenzollern was born to William Victor aka Sigismund Hohenzollern (age 27) and Charlotte Saxe Altenburg. He a great x 2 grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 17 Aug 1958 Mark Baring 8th Baron Ashburton was born to John Francis Baring 7th Baron Ashburton (age 29) and Susan Renwick (age 28).

Marriages on the 17th August

On 17 Aug 1497 Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 54) and Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk (age 20) were married some four months after the death of his first wife. She by marriage Countess Surrey. She, Agnes, was a first cousin of his former wife Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey for which he was given dispensation on 17 Aug 1497. The difference in their ages was 34 years. He the son of John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk and Katherine Moleyns. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 17 Aug 1561 William Ruthven 1st Earl Gowrie (age 18) and Dorothea Stewart Countess Gowrie were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 17 Aug 1599 Oliver Luke (age 25) and Elizabeth Knightley (age 19) were married.

On 17 Aug 1654 William Cholmley 2nd Baronet (age 28) and Katherine Hotham were married.

On 17 Aug 1663 John Paulett 3rd Baron Paulett (age 22) and Essex Popham Baroness Poulett (age 21) were married.

On 17 Aug 1700 Robert Porteus Senior (age 21) and Mildred Smith (age 19) were married at Purton. She the daughter of Captain John Smith and Mary Warner (age 37).

On 17 Aug 1732 John Evelyn 2nd Baronet (age 25) and Mary Boscawen (age 26) were married. They were first cousins.

On 17 Aug 1736 William Lowther 2nd Baronet (age 42) and Catherine Ramsden Lady Lowther (age 38) were married. She by marriage Lady Lowther of Swillington in West Yorkshire.

On 17 Aug 1769 Bysshe Shelley 1st Baronet (age 38) and Elizabeth Jane Perry were married.

On 16 or 17 Aug 1776 Ambrose Goddard (age 47) and Sarah Maria Williams (age 27) were married at St James' Church, Piccadilly. They had three sons and seven daughters

On 17 Aug 1797 George William Frederick Osborne 6th Duke Leeds (age 22) and Charlotte Townshend Duchess Leeds (age 21) were married. She by marriage Baroness Darcy of Knayth, Baroness Conyers. She the daughter of George Townshend 1st Marquess Townshend (age 73) and Anne Montgomery Marchioness Townshend (age 45). He the son of Francis Osborne 5th Duke Leeds (age 46) and Amelia Darcy 12th Baroness Darcy 9th Baroness Conyers. He a great x 5 grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Before 17 Aug 1798 Richard Walpole (age 70) and Margaret Vanneck (age 55) were married. A Marriage of Two Sets of Siblings; her sister Elizabeth Vanneck had married his brother Thomas Walpole (age 70).

On 17 Aug 1805 John Buchanan Riddell (age 37) and Frances Marsham (age 26) were married. She the daughter of Charles Marsham 1st Earl Romney (age 60) and Frances Wyndham Countess Romney.

On 17 Aug 1815 Admiral John Beresford 1st Baronet (age 49) and Harriet Elizabeth Peirse Lady Beresford were married. She by marriage Lady Beresford of Bagnall in County Waterford. He the illegitmate son of George de la Poer Beresford 1st Marquess Waterford.

On 17 Aug 1835 Henry Bickersteth 1st Baron Langdale (age 52) and Jane Elizabeth Harley Baroness Langdale were married at St James' Church, Paddington. She the daughter of Edward Harley 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (age 62) and Jane Elizabeth Scott Countess of Oxford and Mortimer.

On 17 Aug 1858 Captain Augustus Thomas Hotham (age 41) and Anne Byam Stapleton were married.

On 17 Aug 1860 Edward Bootle Wibraham 1st Earl Lathom (age 22) and Alice Villiers Countess Lathom (age 19) were married. She the daughter of George William Villiers 4th Earl Clarendon (age 60) and Katherine Grimston Countess Clarendon (age 50).

On 17 Aug 1918 Major John Clive Darling (age 31) and Eleanor Joan Martin Powell were married.

Deaths on the 17th August

On 17 Aug 1153 King Stephen's eldest son Eustace Blois IV Count Boulogne (age 23) died at Bury St Edmunds [Map]. Probably from food poisoning, possibly murdered for having sacked the Abbey. His brother William Blois I Count Boulogne (age 16) succeeded I Count Boulogne.

On 17 Aug 1328 Thomas Blount 1st Baron Blount (age 65) died.

On 17 Aug 1336 Hugues Châtillon Seigneur de Leuze (age 51) died.

On 17 Aug 1390 Guy de Bryan (age 71) died. Monument at Tewkesbury Abbey [Map]. Alabaster with, unusually, a portrait rather than a generic face. Early Plate Bascinet Period. He was buried at St James' Church, Slapton.

On 17 Aug 1390 Nicholas Carew (age 68) died in Malleforde, Buckinghamshire.

On 17 Aug 1424 James Douglas died.

On 17 Aug 1424 the English forces led by John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 35) inflicted a significant defeat on the French and Scottish army at the Battle of Verneuil; a second Agincourt. For the English Edmund Hungerford (age 15), Ralph Longford (age 23), John "Old Talbot" Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (age 41) and Richard Waller (age 29) fought.

On the French and Scottish side Pierre Valois, Archibald Douglas 1st Duke Touraine (age 52), William Seton Master of Seton (age 34), Alexander Home of Home and Dunglas (age 56) were killed

John Stewart 2nd Earl Buchan (age 43) was killed. His brother Robert Stewart Earl Ross (age 39) de jure Earl Ross and Earl Buchan although he didn't claim the title since both titles had reverted to the Crown.

Jean Poton Xaintrailles (age 34) fought.

On 17 Aug 1431 Amadeus Savoy (age 19) died.

On 17 Aug 1434 John Seton 2nd Lord Seton (age 64) died at Seton. His grandson George Seton 3rd Lord Seton (age 19) succeeded 3rd Lord Seton.

On 17 Aug 1435 William Paulet (age 67) died at Melcomb Paulet, Somerset.

On 17 Aug 1451 James "Black Knight of Lorn" Stewart (age 56) was killed.

On 17 Aug 1469 Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30), having escaped after the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury, was captured and executed by a mob at Bridgwater, Somerset [Map]. He was buried at Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. Earl Devon extinct.

On 17 Aug 1510 Edmund Dudley (age 48) and Richard Empson (age 60) were beheaded at Tower Hill [Map] for constructive treason for having carried out King Henry VII's rigorous and arbitrary system of taxation. The new King King Henry VIII of England and Ireland (age 19) attempting to distance himself from his father's policies.

On 17 Aug 1523 John Leigh (age 76) died.

On 17 Aug 1541 William Yelverton (age 64) died.

On 17 Aug 1545 Thomas Poynings 1st Baron Poynings (age 33) died at Boulogne sur Mer [Map]. Baron Poynings extinct.

On 17 Aug 1548 Anne Grey (age 28) died.

On 17 Aug 1553 Charles 3rd Duke Savoy (age 66) died. His son Emmanuel Philibert Duke of Savoy (age 25) succeeded Duke Savoy.

On 17 Aug 1556 Victoria Valois died.

On 17 Aug 1557 Anne Moyle (age 36) died.

On 17 Aug 1574 Chideok Paulett (age 54) died.

On 17 Aug 1591 Margaret Willoughby (age 48) died.

On 17 Aug 1597 Margaret Willoughby (age 30) died at Brington, Northamptonshire.

On 17 Aug 1618 Thomas Hutchinson (age 31) died.

On 17 Aug 1627 Toby Caulfeild 1st Baron Caulfeild (age 61) died. He was buried at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Dublin [Map]. His nephew William Caulfeild 2nd Baron Caulfeild (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baron Charlemont.

On 17 Aug 1640 Thomas Fitzherbert (age 88) died at Rome, Italy.

On 17 Aug 1656 Marie Anne d'Orléans (age 3) died.

On or before 17 Aug 1663 Mary Pretyman Baroness Latimer and Willoughby Broke (age 31) died. She was buried 17 Aug 1663.

After 17 Aug 1683 Catherine Grey (age 29) died.

On 17 Aug 1689 Thomas Street (age 68) died.

In 17 Aug 1698 Amabel Benn Countess Kent (age 90) died.

On 17 Aug 1701 Thomas Leigh died in Upton Farnworth, Widnes.

On 17 Aug 1709 Anne Phelips (age 22) died.

On 17 Aug 1729 Jacob Astley 1st Baronet (age 90) died. His son Philip Astley 2nd Baronet (age 62) succeeded 2nd Baronet Astley of Hill Morton.

On 17 Aug 1734 Elizabeth Shirley (age 30) died in childbirth following the premature birth of her daughter Elizabeth as a result of the shock caused by a violent flash of lightning.

On 17 Aug 1736 James Berkeley 3rd Earl Berkeley (age 57) died. His son Augustus Berkeley 4th Earl Berkeley (age 21) succeeded 4th Earl Berkeley, 4th Viscount Dursley, 12th Baron Berkeley.

Before 17 Aug 1769 Mary Catherine Michell (age 35) died.

On 17 Aug 1769 John Spring 6th Baronet (age 64) died. Baronet Spring of Pakenham in Suffolk extinct.

On 17 Aug 1786 Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia (age 74) died. His nephew Frederick William II King Prussia (age 41) succeeded II King Prussia.

On 17 Aug 1789 John Maitland 7th Earl Lauderdale (age 71) died at Haltoun House, Ratho. His son James Maitland 8th Earl Lauderdale (age 30) succeeded 8th Earl Lauderdale. Eleanor Todd Countess Lauderdale (age 27) by marriage Countess Lauderdale.

On 17 Aug 1790 Hannah Swift died.

On 17 Aug 1798 Richard Walpole (age 70) died.

On 17 Aug 1812 Mary Hutchinson (age 78) died. She was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map].

Mary Hutchinson: Around 1734 she was born to Thomas Hutchinson of Staindrop in County Durham and Tabitha m Hutchinson. In 1769 John Lee and she were married.

On 17 Aug 1836 Charles Hesse-Kassel (age 91) died.

On 17 Aug 1841 Henry Hoare 3rd Baronet (age 79) died. His son Hugh Richard Hoare 4th Baronet (age 53) succeeded 4th Baronet Hoare of Barn Elms in Surrey.

On 17 Aug 1843 Elizabeth Araminta Monck (age 56) died.

On 17 Aug 1857 Mary Glynne Lady Lyttelton (age 44) died.

On 17 Aug 1860 Harriet Fairfax (age 55) died at Gilling Castle, North Yorkshire [Map].

On 17 Aug 1865 Charles William Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck (age 47) died.

On 17 Aug 1868 William Neville 4th Earl Abergavenny (age 76) died. His son William Neville 1st Marquess Abergavenny (age 41) succeeded 5th Earl Abergavenny, 5th Viscount Neville, 21st Baron Bergavenny, 19th Baron Bergavenny. Caroline Vanden Bempte Johnston Marchioness Abergavenny by marriage Countess Abergavenny.

On 17 Aug 1879 John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield 1st and 2nd Baron Bloomfield (age 76) died. Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha in County Tipperary extinct, Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha in County Tipperary extinct [in the Peerage of the United Kingdom].

On 17 Aug 1899 Maria James (age 81) died.

On 17 Aug 1908 Arthur Edward Casamaijor Cole (age 57) died.

On 17 Aug 1912 Charlotte Georgiana Cholmondeley (age 84) died.

On 17 Aug 1916 Edward Henry Fiennes-Clinton (age 30) was killed in action.

On 17 Aug 1931 Millicent Cox Countess Lindsey (age 68) died.

On 17 Aug 1945 Blanche Maynard (age 81) died.

On 17 Aug 1949 Jane Grey (age 80) died.

On 17 Aug 1992 Frederick John Vassalli (age 80) died. He was buried at St Michael's Church, Muncaster [Map].