On this Day in History ... 25th August

25 Aug is in August.

1330 Battle of Teba

1345 Battle of Bergerac

1580 Battle of Glenmalure

1665 Great Plague of London

1689 Siege of Londonderry

1942 Dunbeath Air Crash

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 25th August

On 25 Aug 1270 King Louis IX of France (age 56) died. His son Philip "Bold" III King France (age 25) succeeded III King France: Capet. Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France (age 22) by marriage Queen Consort France.

On 25 Aug 1282 Bishop Thomas Cantilupe (age 64) died in Ferento, Orvieto. Monument in the North Transept of Hereford Cathedral [Map] in the form of a shrine-pedestal and consisting of an altar-tomb and open superstructure (Plate 134), altar-tomb possibly slightly earlier than the rest, tapering on plan and re-assembled, long sides with six bays and W. end with two bays of cinque-foiled arcading on attached shafts with foliated capitals and moulded bases, spandrels carved with varying naturalistic foliage; each bay filled with figure of knight (Plate 136) with long surcoat, heater-shaped shield and feet on lions and other beasts, faces all defaced; on slab, indent of brass figure of bishop with mitre and crozier and canopy; small brass figure of St. Ethelbert now in library; superstructure with six bays on long sides and two at W. end of open trefoiled arcading resting on shafts with moulded capitals and bases, spandrels carved with naturalistic foliage and winged beasts, moulded cornice at top and plain top slab; E. end of tomb, plain and not intended to be seen, with part of carved spandrel set in it.

On 25 Aug 1330 James "Black" Douglas (age 44) was killed during the Battle of Teba at Teba whilst en route to the Holy Land with the heart of Robert "The Bruce" I King Scotland.

Froissart. 25 Aug 1330. Battle of Teba. And within a while after that this knight sir William Douglas (age 44) was come to the king of Spain (age 19), on a day the king issued out into the field to approach near to his enemies. And the king of Granade issued out in like wise on his part, so that each king might see other with all their banners displayed. Then they arranged their battles each against other. Then sir William Douglas (age 44) drew out on the one side with all his company, to the intent to shew his prowess the better. And when he saw these battles thus ranged on both parties, and saw that the battle of the king of Spain (age 19) began somewhat to advance toward their enemies, he thought then verily that they should soon assemble together to fight at hand strokes; and then he thought rather to be with the foremost than with the hindermost, and strake his horse with the spurs, and all his company also, and dashed into the battle of the king of Granade, crying, 'Douglas! Douglas!' weening to him the king of Spain (age 19) and his host had followed, but they did not; wherefore he was deceived, for the Spanish host stood still. And so this gentle knight (age 44) was enclosed, and all his company, with the Saracens, whereas he did marvels in arms, but finally he could not endure, so that he and all his company were slain. The which was great damage, that the Spaniards would not rescue them. Also in this season there were certain lords that treated for peace between England and Scotland. So that at the last there was a marriage made and solemnised between the young king of Scotland (age 4) and dame Joan of the Tower (age 7), sister to king Edward of England (age 15), at Berwick [Map], as the English chronicle saith, on Mary Maudlin day [Note. the Feast of Mary Magdalen is 22 Jul?], the year 'of our Lord MCCCXXVIII., against the assent of many of the nobles of the realm. But queen Isabel (age 35) the king's mother and the earl Mortimer (age 43) made that marriage; at the which, as mine author saith, there was great feast made on both parties.

Around 25 Aug 1345 Henry of Grosmont 1st Duke Lancaster (age 35) commanded the English forces at Bergerac, Dordogne during the Battle of Bergerac. The English army including Walter Manny 1st Baron Manny (age 35) won a decisive victory over the French with Henri Montigny captured.

On 25 Aug 1482 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 52) died at Chateau Dampierre-sur-Loire, Dampierre-sur-Loire, Saumur. She was buried at Angers Cathedral [Map].

On 25 Aug 1580 the Irish forces ambushed the forces of Arthur Grey 14th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 44) at the Battle of Glenmalure fought at Glenmalure, County Wicklow. Around 800 English soldiers, including, Peter Carew were killed.

Autobiography Simon D'Ewes. 25 Aug 1622. On Sunday, the 25th day of this month, preached one Mr. Claydon, (minister of Hackney, near London,) at St. Paul's Cross [Map]; and cited a story out of our Chronicles, of a Spanish sheep, brought into England in Edward the First's time, which infected most of the sheep of England with a murrain, and prayed God no more such sheep might be brought over from thence hither; at which many of his bearers cried out "Amen." So much generally did all men fear that Prince Charles should marry1 the King of Spain's (age 17) sister (age 16), as they ever hated that nation. He lay awhile in prison for his sermon, but was soon after set at liberty by the mediation of Sir John Ramsey (age 42), Knt., a Scotchman, Earl of Holderness, whose chaplain he was.

Note 1. In MS. Egerton 783, is a curious paper, entitled "A Private Consideration of the intended Marriage between Charles, Prince of Woles, and Mary of Austria, Daughter of the late Phillip the Third king of Spain."It commences as follows: - "The House of Parliament should once have been blown up, and now is supposed to be broken up for the averseness of the Commons to the Spanish match, for expressing their fears of danger and loss to the kingdom, both daily confirmed and increased by the acquires of the King of Spain, and prooeedings of the Spanish action; by our treative complements with Spain, and for protesting to preserve their rights and privileges." The proposed articles of marriage are given in the same volume.

Pepy's Diary. 25 Aug 1665. Up betimes to the office, and there, as well as all the afternoon, saving a little dinner time, all alone till late at night writing letters and doing business, that I may get beforehand with my business again, which hath run behind a great while, and then home to supper and to bed. This day I am told that Dr. Burnett, my physician, is this morning dead of the plague; which is strange, his man dying so long ago, and his house this month open again. Now himself dead. Poor unfortunate man!

On 25 Aug 1665 Charles Seymour 2nd Baron Seymour of Trowbridge (age 44) died, possibly of plague. His son Francis Seymour 5th Duke of Somerset (age 7) succeeded 3rd Baron Seymour of Trowbridge.

Evelyn's Diary. 25 Aug 1689. Hitherto it has been a most seasonable summer. Derry aka Londonderry relieved after a brave and wonderful holding out.

On 25 Aug 1695 John Trevor 3rd Baron Trevor was born to Thomas Trevor 1st Baron Trevor Bromham (age 37) and Elizabeth Searle (age 23).

On 25 Aug 1699 Christian V King Denmark and Norway (age 53) died. His son Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 27) succeeded IV King Denmark and Norway. Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 31) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway.

On 25 Aug 1707 Louis I King Spain was born to Philippe V King Spain (age 23) and Maria Luisa Savoy (age 18). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.

The Early Diaries of Frances Burney May 1775. Mr. Jones, a Welsh harper, a silly young man, was also present. We had a great deal of conversation in parties, before the Concert began. I had the satisfaction to sit next to Mr. Harris (age 62), who is very cheerful and communicative, and his conversation was instructive and agreeable58.5. Mr. Jones, the harper, began the Concert. He has a fine instrument of Merlin's construction; he plays with great neatness and delicacy; but as expression must have meaning, he does not abound in that commodity. After him, at the request of the Baronness Deiden, Mr. Burney went to the harpsichord. He played with his usual successful velocity and his usual applause. When he had received the compliments of the nobility and gentry, my father begged the Baronness to take his place; but she would not at first hear of it. She said in French, which she almost always speaks, that it was quite out of the question; and that it would be like a figurante's dancing after Heinel59.1. However, Miss Phipps joined so warmly in my father's request, that she was at length prevailed with. The character she has acquired of being the first of lady harpsichord players, as far as I have heard or can judge, is well merited. She has a great deal of execution and fire, and plays with much meaning. She is, besides, extremely modest and unconscious. She declared she had never been so much frightened before in her life59.2. When she had played a Lesson of Schobert's, my father asked her for another German composition, which he had heard her play at Lord Mulgrave's. She was going very obligingly to comply, when the Baron Deiden, looking at my sister, said, "Mais après, ma chère." "Eh bien!" cried Miss Phipps, "après Mrs. Burney."

Note 58.5. James Harris, of Salisbury (age 62), was nephew to that Earl of Shaftesbury who wrote "The Characteristics." He was First Lord of the Admiralty in 1762; a Lord of the Treasury afterwards. Dr. Johnson said that he was "a sound, solid scholar," but "a prig, and a bad prig," and "a coxcomb," who "did not understand his own system" in his own book, called "Hermes, an inquiry concerning universal grammar." We here see him in his pleasant, social aspect. Dr. Burney ranks him as a writer on music, in virtue of his three "Treatises on Art, Music, and History," 1774. When Mr. Harris took his seat in the House of Commons, Charles Townsend said to his next neighbour,-" Who is this man?"-" Who? why Harris that wrote one book about Grammar, and another about Virtue."-" What does he come here for? He will find neither Grammar nor Virtue here."

Note 59.1. Horace Walpole to Lord Strafford, August 25, 1771: "There is a finer dancer" (than Mlle. Guimard) "whom Mr. Hobart is to transport to London; a Mlle. Heinel or Ingle, a Fleming. She is tall, perfectly made, very handsome, and has a set of attitudes copied from the classics; she moves as gracefully slow as Pygmalion's statue when it was coming to life." She filled a before-deserted Opera House. The manager, Mr. Hobart, paid her six hundred pounds for the season, and the Maccaroni Club" complimented her with a regale of six hundred more."

Note 59.2. According to Horace Walpole, the Baron and Baroness Deiden were not personce gratis at the Court of St. James; being sent to England after the imprisonment of George III's (age 33) sister, Caroline Matilda, Queen of (age 20) Denmark. They were moved to the Papal Court, where Miss Berry met them a little later.

On 25 Aug 1839 Evelina de Rothschild was born to Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (age 30) and Charlotte von Rothschild.

After 25 Aug 1873. Memorial at St Andrew's Church, Kimbolton [Map] to husband and wife Benjamin Welstead and Mary Rowley (deceased).

Benjamin Welstead: On 25 Dec 1774 he was born to Charles Marion Welstead and Ann Richards. On 10 Jul 1832 Benjamin Welstead and Mary Rowley were married at St Marylebone Church. The difference in their ages was 23 years. On 14 Mar 1858 Benjamin Welstead died.

Mary Rowley: In 06 Oct 1798 she was born. On 25 Aug 1873 she died at Littlehampston.

On 25 Aug 1900 Lois Sturt was born to Humphrey Napier Sturt 2nd Baron Alington (age 41) and Feodorowna Yorke Baroness Alington (age 36).

On 25 Aug 1925 the Heywood War Memorial [Map] was unveiled by the Very Reverend The Dean of Manchester. The memorial was sculpted by Walter Marsden (age 42).

On 25 Aug 1942 Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent (age 39) died in a plane crash at Dunbeath. His son Edward Windsor 2nd Duke Kent (age 6) succeeded 2nd Duke Kent.

Michael Strutt (age 28) was also killed.

Births on the 25th August

On 25 Aug 1540 Catherine Grey Countess Hertford was born to Henry Grey 1st Duke of Suffolk (age 23) and Frances Brandon Duchess of Suffolk (age 23) at Bradgate Park, Leicestershire. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 25 Aug 1695 John Trevor 3rd Baron Trevor was born to Thomas Trevor 1st Baron Trevor Bromham (age 37) and Elizabeth Searle (age 23).

On 25 Aug 1703 Thomas Lee was born to Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield (age 40) and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield (age 38). He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Aug 1707 Louis I King Spain was born to Philippe V King Spain (age 23) and Maria Luisa Savoy (age 18). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 5.82%.

On 25 Aug 1708 Henry Every 6th Baronet was born to Reverend Simon Every 5th Baronet (age 53).

On 25 Aug 1726 Jane Knightley was born to Lucius Knightley (age 42).

On 25 Aug 1750 Gertrude Trevor Roper 19th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland was born to Charles Trevor Roper (age 29) and Gertrude Trevor. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Aug 1782 Prince Carl Gustav Duke of Småland was born to Gustav III King Sweden (age 36) and Queen Sophia of Sweden (age 36). He a great grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland. Coefficient of inbreeding 2.73%.

On 25 Aug 1784 William Fowle Middleton 2nd Baronet was born to William Fowle Middleton 1st Baronet (age 35).

On 25 Aug 1794 Patrick James Herbert Crichton-Stuart was born to John Stuart and Elizabeth Penelope Mcdouall Crichton (age 21).

On 25 Aug 1807 Susan Hussey Bosville Bosville Macdonald was born to Godfrey Bosville Macdonald (age 31) and Louisa Maria La Coast Hanover (age 25). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 25 Aug 1831 Frederick Charles Keppel was born to William Arnold Keppel (age 26).

On 25 Aug 1839 Evelina de Rothschild was born to Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (age 30) and Charlotte von Rothschild.

On 25 Aug 1843 Dudley William Buckle was born to Reverend Matthew Hughes George Buckle (age 40).

On 25 Aug 1857 Rosamund Catherine Petre Countess Bantry was born to Edmund George Petre (age 28).

On 25 Aug 1898 Ralph Stawell Dutton 8th Baron Sherborne was born to Henry John Dutton (age 51) and Blanche Eleanor Cave (age 32).

On 25 Aug 1900 Lois Sturt was born to Humphrey Napier Sturt 2nd Baron Alington (age 41) and Feodorowna Yorke Baroness Alington (age 36).

Marriages on the 25th August

On 25 Aug 1561 William "The Silent" Orange Nassau I Prince Orange (age 28) and Anna of Saxony (age 16) were married. She by marriage Princess Orange. They had two sons, one of which died in infancy, and three daughters.

On 25 Aug 1595 William Courtenay 3rd Earl Devon (age 42) and Elizabeth Sydenham were married. He the son of William Courtenay 2nd Earl Devon and Elizabeth Paulett Countess Devon.

After 25 Aug 1595 William Courtenay 3rd Earl Devon (age 42) and Jane Hill Countess Devon (age 30) were married. She by marriage Countess Devon. He the son of William Courtenay 2nd Earl Devon and Elizabeth Paulett Countess Devon.

On 25 Aug 1627 Lewis Mansel 2nd Baronet (age 33) and Elizabeth Montagu Lady Sebright and Mansel (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Henry Montagu 1st Earl Manchester (age 64) and Catherine Spencer.

On 25 Aug 1679 Charles Kirkoven 1st Earl Bellomont (age 36) and Frances Willoughby Countess Bellomont (age 36) were married. She by marriage Baroness Wotton. His paternal grandfather Thomas Wotton 2nd Baron Wotton had been the last of the previous creation of Baron Wotton. He the son of Jehan Lord of Heenvliet and Katherine Wotton Countess Chesterfield.

On 25 Aug 1681 William James (age 33) and Sibella St John (age 19) were married.

On 25 Aug 1741 Francis Vincent 7th Baronet (age 24) and Elizabeth Kilmaine were married.

On 25 Aug 1750 Arthur Charles Stanhope (age 35) and Margaret Headlam (age 21) were married.

On 25 Aug 1769 Clotworthy Upton 1st Baron Templetown (age 48) and Elizabeth Boughton Baroness Templetown (age 16) were married. The difference in their ages was 31 years.

On 25 Aug 1784 Henry Hoare 3rd Baronet (age 22) and Maria Palmer Acland were married. They were second cousins.

On 25 Aug 1800 John Vesey 2nd Viscount Vesci (age 29) and Frances Letitia Brownlow Viscountess Vesci were married. She by marriage Viscountess Vesci of Abbeyleix in Queen's County.

On 25 Aug 1802 George Charles Venables-Vernon 4th Baron Vernon (age 22) and Frances Maria Warren Baroness Vernon (age 18) were married.

On 25 Aug 1802 Charles John Cary 9th Viscount Falkland (age 33) and Christiana Anton Viscountess Falkland were married. She by marriage Viscountess Falkland.

On 25 Aug 1806 Edward Knatchbull 9th Baronet (age 24) and Annabella Christiana Honywood were married.

On 25 Aug 1831 Thomas Charles Hanbury-Tracy 2nd Baron Sudeley (age 30) and Emma Elizabeth Alicia Dawkins-Pennant Baroness Sudeley were married.

On 25 Aug 1847 Henry Seymour Moore 3rd Marquess Drogheda (age 22) and Mary Caroline Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie Marchioness Drogheda (age 20) were married. She by marriage Marchioness Drogheda. They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Aug 1855 Colonel Charles Freville Surtees (age 31) and Bertha Chauncey (age 22) were married.

On 25 Aug 1864 Balthazar Walter Foster 1st Baron Ilkeston (age 24) and Emily Martha Sargant were married.

On 25 Aug 1868 Herbert Hay Langham 12th Baronet (age 28) and Anna Maria Sandys were married.

On 25 Aug 1868 Walter Henry James 2nd Baron Northbourne (age 22) and Edith Emeline Mary Lane Baroness Northbourne were married.

On 25 Aug 1869 Francis Seymour 1st Baronet (age 56) and Agnes Austin Wickham Lady Seymour (age 26) were married. The difference in their ages was 29 years. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 25 Aug 1881 Richard Hanbury Joseph Gurney (age 26) and Sarah Evelyn Buxton were married. They were half second cousins.

On 25 Aug 1914 or 25 Oct 1914 Henry Cecil Vane (age 32) and Enid Victoria Rachel Fane (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Anthony Fane 13th Earl of Westmoreland (age 55).

Deaths on the 25th August

On 25 Aug 383 Gratian Roman Emperor (age 24) was killed at Lyon, France [Map].

On 25 Aug 1164 John Burgundy (age 8) died.

On 25 Aug 1192 Hugh III Duke Burgundy (age 50) died. His son Odo III Duke Burgundy (age 26) succeeded III Duke Burgundy.

On 25 Aug 1214 Hervey Bagot (age 61) died at Stone, Staffordshire [Map].

On 25 Aug 1270 Alphonse Brienne Count Eu (age 42) died. His son John Brienne I Count Eu succeeded I Count Eu.

On 25 Aug 1270 King Louis IX of France (age 56) died. His son Philip "Bold" III King France (age 25) succeeded III King France: Capet. Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France (age 22) by marriage Queen Consort France.

On 25 Aug 1271 Joan Rouerge (age 51) died.

On 25 Aug 1282 Bishop Thomas Cantilupe (age 64) died in Ferento, Orvieto. Monument in the North Transept of Hereford Cathedral [Map] in the form of a shrine-pedestal and consisting of an altar-tomb and open superstructure (Plate 134), altar-tomb possibly slightly earlier than the rest, tapering on plan and re-assembled, long sides with six bays and W. end with two bays of cinque-foiled arcading on attached shafts with foliated capitals and moulded bases, spandrels carved with varying naturalistic foliage; each bay filled with figure of knight (Plate 136) with long surcoat, heater-shaped shield and feet on lions and other beasts, faces all defaced; on slab, indent of brass figure of bishop with mitre and crozier and canopy; small brass figure of St. Ethelbert now in library; superstructure with six bays on long sides and two at W. end of open trefoiled arcading resting on shafts with moulded capitals and bases, spandrels carved with naturalistic foliage and winged beasts, moulded cornice at top and plain top slab; E. end of tomb, plain and not intended to be seen, with part of carved spandrel set in it.

On 25 Aug 1325 Gaucher Chatillon (age 44) died.

On 25 Aug 1330 James "Black" Douglas (age 44) was killed during the Battle of Teba at Teba whilst en route to the Holy Land with the heart of Robert "The Bruce" I King Scotland.

On 25 Aug 1330 John Mohun (age 30) was killed at Boroughbridge [Map]. He was buried at Dunster, Somerset.

On 25 Aug 1339 Henry Cobham 1st Baron Cobham (age 79) died at Hache, Somerset. His son John Cobham 2nd Baron Cobham (age 54) succeeded 2nd Baron Cobham. Agnes Stone Baroness Cobham by marriage Baroness Cobham.

On 25 Aug 1383 Henry Hussey (age 63) died.

On 25 Aug 1390 Maurice Fitzgerald 4th Earl of Kildare (age 72) died. His son Gerald Fitzgerald 5th Earl of Kildare succeeded 5th Earl Kildare.

On 25 Aug 1394 Mary Percy Baroness Ros of Helmsley (age 27) died. Her late husband's brother John Ros 5th Baron Ros Helmsley received her dower lands which included Helmsley [Map].

On 25 Aug 1407 Juliana Grey (age 57) died.

On 25 Aug 1446 Millicent Tiptoft (age 78) died. She was buried at St Benet's Abbey, Norfolk [Map].

On 25 Aug 1463 John Montfort died.

On 25 Aug 1482 Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England (age 52) died at Chateau Dampierre-sur-Loire, Dampierre-sur-Loire, Saumur. She was buried at Angers Cathedral [Map].

On 25 Aug 1498 Giovanni de Gigli died in Rome, Italy.

On 25 Aug 1500 Robert Scrope (age 54) died.

On 25 Aug 1537 Richard Tempest of Bracewell (age 57) died in Fleet Prison [Map].

On 25 Aug 1548 Mary Scrope (age 72) died.

On 25 Aug 1553 John Alexander Harrington (age 56) died.

Before 25 Aug 1557 John Pollard died.

On 25 Aug 1560 Isabel Spencer (age 64) died at Snitterfield.

On 25 Aug 1560 Nicholas Strelley (age 80) died.

On 25 Aug 1562 Humphrey Swynnerton (age 46) died.

On 25 Aug 1580 the Irish forces ambushed the forces of Arthur Grey 14th Baron Grey of Wilton (age 44) at the Battle of Glenmalure fought at Glenmalure, County Wicklow. Around 800 English soldiers, including, Peter Carew were killed.

On 25 Aug 1592 William IV Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (age 60) died.

On 25 Aug 1595 John Stewart 5th Earl Atholl (age 32) died.

On 25 Aug 1636 John Drake died.

On 25 Aug 1652 Robert Bacon died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Redgrave.

On 25 Aug 1665 Charles Seymour 2nd Baron Seymour of Trowbridge (age 44) died, possibly of plague. His son Francis Seymour 5th Duke of Somerset (age 7) succeeded 3rd Baron Seymour of Trowbridge.

On 25 Aug 1686 James Douglas 10th Earl Morton died. His son James Douglas 11th Earl Morton (age 26) succeeded 11th Earl Morton.

On 25 Aug 1688 Captain Henry Morgan Privateer (age 53) died.

On 25 Aug 1693 George Murray died.

On 25 Aug 1696 Philip Bedingfield (age 41) died.

On 25 Aug 1699 Christian V King Denmark and Norway (age 53) died. His son Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway (age 27) succeeded IV King Denmark and Norway. Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 31) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway.

On 25 Aug 1711 Edward Villiers 1st Earl Jersey (age 55) died. His son William Villiers 2nd Earl Jersey (age 29) succeeded 2nd Earl Jersey, 2nd Viscount Villiers, 2nd Baron Villiers.

On 25 Aug 1718 Anne Gage (age 34) died.

On 25 Aug 1721 Anthony Thorold 6th Baronet (age 11) died. His uncle John Thorold 7th Baronet (age 45) succeeded 7th Baronet Thorold of Marston in Lincolnshire.

On 25 Aug 1751 Sarah Cadogan Duchess Richmond (age 45) died.

On 03 Aug 1769 or 25 Aug 1769 James Agar (age 55) was killed in a duel with Henry Flood (age 37) his political rival. James, who missed with his first shot, reputedly shouted "Fire, you scoundrel!": Flood duly fired. Flood was prosecuted for murder, but was found guilty of manslaughter, and spared a prison sentence, as according to the code of the time he had acted honourably. The case, which aroused huge public interest.

On 25 Aug 1789 Mary Ball (age 80) died at Fredericksburg.

On 25 Aug 1834 Charles Boyle (age 33) died.

On 25 Aug 1863 William Gott (age 66) died at Patterdale suddenly whilst visiting. He was interred in the Gott Vault at St Bartholomew's Church, Armley [Map] on 01 Sep 1863. The cortège included a hearse, four coaches and a "large number of carriages", and it processed for an hour between Wyther Hall and Armley Church, while the Town Hall bell tolled.

On 25 Aug 1867 Willoughby John Trevelyan (age 28) died.

On 25 Aug 1873 Mary Rowley (age 74) died at Littlehampston [Map].

On 25 Aug 1878 Thomas John Wynn (age 37) died.

On 25 Aug 1887 Frances Laura Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (age 73) died.

On 25 Aug 1904 Henri Fantin Latour (age 68) died.

On 25 Aug 1906 Henry Dering 9th Baronet (age 66) died. His son Henry Dering 10th Baronet (age 40) succeeded 10th Baronet Dering of Surrenden Dering in Kent.

On 25 Aug 1931 Alice Elizabeth Cole (age 78) died.

On 25 Aug 1933 Frederick John William Ponsonby (age 86) died.

On 25 Aug 1937 Oriel Susannah Wilson (age 25) died.

On 25 Aug 1939 Commander Arthur Asquith (age 56) died.

On 25 Aug 1940 Francis George North (age 38) died.

On 25 Aug 1940 Cynthia North (age 31) died.

On 25 Aug 1942 Prince George Windsor 1st Duke Kent (age 39) died in a plane crash at Dunbeath. His son Edward Windsor 2nd Duke Kent (age 6) succeeded 2nd Duke Kent.

Michael Strutt (age 28) was also killed.

On 25 Aug 1958 Joyce Christabel Kennaway Lady Wilbraham (age 81) died.