On this Day in History ... 26th July

26 Jul is in July.

1346 Battle of Caen

1461 Edward IV Rewards his Followers

1469 Capture of Edward IV

1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury

1575 Jul 1575 Rathlin Island Massacre

1588 Spanish Armada

1603 Coronation of James I

1665 Great Plague of London

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 26th July

On 26 Jul 1139 Afonso "Conqueror Founder Great" I King Portugal (age 30) was appointed I King Portugal: Burgundy.

On 26 Jul 1346 the English army attacked and took Caen [Map] killing around 5000 French soldiers and militia. Otho Holland (age 30) fought.

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 26th [Jul 1358], Isabella (age 63) and her daughter the Queen of Scotland (age 37) spent the day at Almesho Park; and the following day at Madecroft Park.

On 26 Jul 1375 Richard Pembridge (age 55) died. Hereford Cathedral [Map]. Alabaster altar-tomb and effigy, altar-tomb with moulded base and capping, sides and ends panelled with alternate quatrefoils enclosing shields of his arms and trefoil-headed panels; effigy in bascinet, Camail and Jupon Period. His jupon with same arms as his shield. Hip Belt, Leg Garter, right leg modern, head on helm crested with a Feathered Crest, feet on hound.

On 26 Jul 1461 William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 30) was created 1st Baron Hastings for supporting King Edward IV of England (age 19) in his claim to the throne.

Robert Ogle 1st Baron Ogle (age 55) was created 1st Baron Ogle by King Edward IV of England (age 19) for having been the principal Northumbrian gentleman to support the Yorkist cause.

Warkworth's Chronicle 1469. 26 Jul 1469. And Robyne of Riddesdale came uppone the Walschemenne in a playne byyonde Banbury toune1, and ther they faughthe strongly togedere, and ther was the Earl of Penbroke takene, and his brother withe hym, and two Ml, Walschmenne slayne, and so the Walschmen loste the felde the xxvj, day of Juylle the same yere. The names of the gentylmen that were slayne2 of Walsche party in the same batelle, -Sere Rogere Vaghan, knyght, Herry Organ sonne and heyre3, Thomas Aprossehere Vaghan, squyere, William Harbarde of Breknoke, squyere, Watkyn Thomas, sonne to Rogere Vaghan, Yvan ap Jhon of Merwyke, Davy ap Jankyn of Lymmeryke, Harry Done ap Pikton, John Done of Kydwelle, Ryse ap Morgon ap Ulston, Jankyn Perot ap Scottesburght, John Eneand of Penbrokeschire, and Jhon Contour of Herforde, And of the north party ther was slayne Sere Herry Latymere (age 32)4, sonne and heyre to the Lorde Latymere, Sere Rogere Pygot, knyghte, James Conya[r]s (age 36)5, sonne and heyre to Sere Jhon Conya[r]s (age 58), knyght, Olivere Audley6, squyere, Thomas Wakes sonne and heyre, William Mallerye, squyere, and many othere comyners, &c.

Note 1. A playne byyonde Banbury toune. Danesmoor is in the parish of Edgecote, near three hills of unequal size, and in their relative position approaching a triangle;" the spot now called Danesmoor is a small plantation of a few acres, but the name at this period had doubtless a much more extended application." - Baker's Northamptonshire, I. 500. This battle is commemorated in "Marwnad Thomas ab Rhosser, arglwydd Herast" of Lewis Glyn Cothi. Three things ought to be remarked, viz. that Herbert, who was beheaded, only made a codicil to his will, and not a new one, as commonly stated; that the battle took place on the Monday:

"Dyw Llun y bu waed a lladd:"

and that Herbert and his fellow captives were executed on the Wednesday-

"Marchog a las ddyw Merclur,"

as Gutto Glyn remarks in his poetical language. Cf. MS. Cotton. Otho, B. XIV. fol. 221, vo, where an erroneous date is given to the battle, - in quo cœsi multa milia [in which many thousands were slain]. In MS. Tann. Bodl. 2, fol. 104, vo. we find the field called "prelium ad Hegecote, seu Danysmore, prope Banburiam, dictam Banbery-Feld, seu Hegecote-Fyld [The battle at Hedgecote, or Danesmoor, near Banbury, called Banbury Field, or Hedgecote Field]." Hearne's fragment informs us that the land on which the battle was fought belonged to a person named Clarell. In the valuable collection of manuscripts at the seat of W. Ormsby Gore, Esq. are some verses in the Welsh language on this battle; see Sir Thomas Phillipps's Catalogue of these Manuscripts, p. 1.

Note 2. The names of the gentylmen that were slayne. See another and more extensive list in Itinerarium Willelmi de Worcestre, p. 120.1, although the major part of this catalogue differs from his. Worcester says that at least 168 of the nobility and gentry of Wales fell in this battle, and 1500 men on the English side.

Note 3. Herry Organ. sonne and heyre, i.e. the son and heir of Henry Organ.

Note 4. Sere Herry Latymere. Rather Sir Henry Neville (age 32), paternally a cousin-german of the great Earl of Warwick, and whose mother was Lady Elizabeth Beauchamp (age 52), half-sister to the heiress Anne (age 43), whom the Earl of Warwick married. Leland, in describing the Beauchamp Chapel at Warwick, says: "There lyeth buried (as some saye) in the west end of our Lady Chapell one of the Nevilles L. Latemer, slayne at Edgcote field by Banbury (as some suppose), but there is neither tombe nor scripture seene. This was Sir Hen. Neville, sonne and heire of George Neville, Lord Latemer. But he was never Lord, for he dyed before his father. This Henry Neville was grandfather to the Lord Latemer now livinge." The fact of Sir Henry Neville, and of his brother-in-law John Dudley (age 42), also slain in the same battle, having been buried in the Beauchamp Chapel, is proved by the will of his mother Lady Latimer, who on the field of Edgcote lost her only son and the husband of her daughter. Before the close of the same year, (on the 30th Dec.) her husband died insane, Nichols's Beauchamp Monuments, 4to. p. 40. - J.G.N.

Note 5. Sir John Conyers of Hornby (age 36), com. Ebor. Kt.

Note 6. Olivere Audley, squyere. For Audley read Dudley. He was a son of John Lord Dudley, K.G. and brother of that John who was grandfather of John Duke of Northumberland. Beauchamp Monuments, p. 39.-J.G.N.

Hall's Chronicle 1469. 26 Jul 1469. The Northern men incamped themself on the Southe hill. The erle of Penbroke and the lorde Stafford of Southwike, wer lodged at Banbery the daie before the feld whiche was sainct James daie, and there the erle of Pembroke, putte the Lorde Stattorde out of an Inne wherein he delighted muche to be, for the loue of a damosell that dwelled m the house: contrary to their mutuall agrement by them taken, wbiche was, that whosoeuer obteined first a lodgyng, should not be deceiued nor remoued. After many great woordes and crakes, had betwene these twoo capitaines, the lorde Stafford of Southwyke, in greate dispite departed with his whole compaignic and band of Archers, leauyng the erle of Pembroke almoste desolate in the toune, whiche, with all diligence returned to his host, liyng in the feld vnpurueied of Archers, abidyng suche fortune as God would sende and prouide. Sir Henry Neuell (age 32) sonne to the Lorde Latimer (age 62), tooke with hym certain light horssemen, and skirmished with the Welshemen in the euenyng, euen before their Campe, where he did diuerse valiaunt feates of armes, but a litle to hardy, he went so farre forward that he was taken and yelded, and yet cruelly slain: whiche vnmercifull acte, the Welshemen sore ruled the next daie or night. For the Northren men beyng inflamed, & not a litle discontented, with the death of this noble man, in the mornyng valiauntly set on the Welshemenne, and by force of archers, caused theim quickely to descende the hill into the valey, where bothe the hostes fought. Therle of Penbroke behaued hymself like a hardy knight, and expert capitain, but his brother sir Richarde Herbert so valiauntly acquited hymself, that with his Polleaxe in his hand (as his enemies did afterward reporte) he twise by fine force passed through the battaill of his aduersaries, and without any mortall wounde returned. If euery one of his felowes and compaignions in armes, hud doen but halfe thactes, whiche he that daie by his noble prowes achiued, the Northremen had obteined neither sauetie nor victory.

On 26 Jul 1469 the Yorkist army suffered a defeat against a Lancastrian army led by Robin of Redesdale at the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury. The Yorkist army was commanded by John Courtenay 15th Earl Devon (age 34) and William "Black William" Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 46).

Thomas Vaughan (age 69), John Wogan, Henry Neville (age 32), John Conyers (age 36), and brothers John Dudley (age 42) and Oliver Dudley were killed.

Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30), John Conyers (age 58) and William Parr (age 35) fought.

Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 64) and John Woodville (age 24) were captured.

There is some uncertainty about the date with some sources suggesting the 24 Jul 1469, the eve of St James' Feast day, as being the correct date.

After 26 Jul 1469. St Mary's Church, Kington [Map]. Thomas Vaughan killed 26 Jul 1469 at the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury and wife Elena "Terrible" Gethen so called because she murdered her cousin who had murdered her brother. Alabaster. Early Plate Bascinet Period. Tassets. Believed to have been moved from the Chancel since it is decorated on all sides. Possible Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent - see the folds at the base of her dress and the possible little dog between them. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings holding Shields.

Hall's Chronicle 1469. 26 Jul 1469. All the kynges doynges were by espials declared to the erle of Warwycke, which lyke a wyse and politique Capitayne entendyng pot to lese so great an auauntage to hym geuen, but trustyng to brynge all his purposes to a fynall ende and determinacion, by onely obteyning this enterprise: in the dead of the nyght, with an elect company of men of warre, as secretly as was possible set on the kynges felde, kylling them that kept the watche, and or the kynge were ware (for he thought of nothynge lesse then cf that chaunce that happened) at a place called Wolney. iiij. myle from Warwycke, he was taken prysoner, and brought to the Castell of Warwicke. And to the entent that the kynges frendes myghte not know where he was, nor what was chaunced of hym, he caused hym by secret iorneys in the nyght to be conueyed to Myddelham Castell [Map] in Yorkeshire, & there to be kept vnder the custody of the Archebishop of Yorke his brother, and other his trusty trendes, which entertayned the kyng, like lis estate, and serned hym lyke a prynce. But there was no place so farre of but that the taking of the kyng was shortly knowé there with the wynde which newes made many men to feare, and greatly to dread, and many to wonder and lament the chauce. Kyng Edward beyng thus in captiuitie, spake euer fayre to the Archebishop and to the other kepers, (but whether he corrupted them with money or fayre promises) he had libertie divers dayes to go on huntynge, and one day on a playne there met with hym syr William Stanley, syr Thomas of Borogh, and dyuers other of hys frcdes, with suche a great bend of men, that neither his kepers woulde, nor once durst moue him to retorne to prison agayn.

After 26 Jul 1469 King Edward IV of England (age 27) was captured by his brother George (age 19) at Olney, Buckinghamshire [Map] after the Battle of Edgecote Moor.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jul 1553. The xxix day of July was a felow s[et in the pillory] for spykyng agaynst the good qwen Mare (age 37).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jul 1553. The sam day cam rydyng thrugh London my lade Elssabeth (age 19) grace, and thrugh Fletstrett, and so to my [lord of] Somersett('s) place that was, and yt ys my lade grasys [place; attended] with ij Ml. horse, with speres and bowes and gunes, and odur .... and spesyall sir John Wylliam, sir John Brygys, master Chamb[urlain,] all in gren gardyd with whytt welvett saten taffaty ...

Note. Arrival of the lady Elizabeth. In this passage read, "and odur [weapons,]" and add to it, "and cloth, according to their qualities." (Strype.) The "green garded with white" was then the royal livery.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 26 Jul 1559. The xxvj day of July cam tydynges in-to London the yonge Frenche kyng (age 15) has proclamyd ym-seyllff kyng of Skottland and England and Franse and (unfinished) .... and the morow a grett dener ... chylderyn of the hospetalle, and a-for and after .... unyalles, and ther was a goodly compene of ....

On 26 Jul 1575 the English forces killed more than six hundred Scots and Irish men, women and children. The entire family of Sorley Boy MacDonnell were killed.

After 26 Jul 1575 Walter Devereux 1st Earl Essex (age 33) wrote to Francis Walsingham (age 43) that Sorley Boy MacDonnell watched the massacre from the mainland helplessly and was "like to run mad from sorrow".

On 26 Jul 1588 Roger Townshend (age 44) was knighted.

On 25 Jul 1603 King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 37) was crowned I King England Scotland and Ireland at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Charles Howard 1st Earl Nottingham (age 67) was appointed Lord High Steward.

On 26 Jul 1603 Thomas Bennett (age 60) and Thomas Cambell (age 67) were knighted.

On 27 Jul 1603 William Wrey 1st Baronet was knighted at Whitehall Palace [Map].

On 30 Jul 1603 Richard Preston 1st Earl Desmond was knighted at Whitehall Palace [Map].

Bishop Thomas Bilson (age 56) gave the sermon. While the wording conceded something to the divine right of kings, it also included a caveat about lawful resistance to a monarch.

Pepy's Diary. 26 Jul 1665. Thence mighty full of the honour of this day, I took coach and to Kate Joyce's, but she not within, but spoke with Anthony, who tells me he likes well of my proposal for Pall to Harman (age 28), but I fear that less than £500 will not be taken, and that I shall not be able to give, though I did not say so to him. After a little other discourse and the sad news of the death of so many in the parish of the plague, forty last night, the bell always going, I back to the Exchange [Map], where I went up and sat talking with my beauty, Mrs. Batelier, a great while, who is indeed one of the finest women I ever saw in my life. After buying some small matter, I home, and there to the office and saw Sir J. Minnes (age 66) now come from Portsmouth, Hampshire [Map], I home to set my Journall for these four days in order, they being four days of as great content and honour and pleasure to me as ever I hope to live or desire, or think any body else can live. For methinks if a man would but reflect upon this, and think that all these things are ordered by God Almighty to make me contented, and even this very marriage now on foot is one of the things intended to find me content in, in my life and matter of mirth, methinks it should make one mightily more satisfied in the world than he is. This day poor Robin Shaw at Backewell's died, and Backewell himself now in Flanders. The King (age 35) himself asked about Shaw, and being told he was dead, said he was very sorry for it. The sicknesse is got into our parish this week, and is got, indeed, every where; so that I begin to think of setting things in order, which I pray God enable me to put both as to soul and body.

After 26 Jul 1712. Monument to Thomas Osborne 1st Duke Leeds (deceased) in the Osborne Family Chapel at All Hallows' Church Harthill [Map]. Sad state of repair as is the case with most of the East Markham monuments.

After 26 Jul 1723. Church of St Michael and All Angels, Edenham [Map]. Monument to Robert Bertie 1st Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (deceased) sculpted by Peter Scheemakers (age 32) and Henry Cheere 1st Baronet (age 20). A Classical Period with Corinthian Capitals supporting open dentilated pediment with garland, urns and putti. Before the Aedicule a rounded Pedestal supports a marble image of the deceased attired as a Roman General.

On 26 Jul 1756 Maria Anne Smythe aka "Mrs Fitzherbert" was born to Walter Smythe (age 36) and Mary Ann Errington (age 21) at Tong Castle, Shropshire [Map].

After 26 Jul 1856. Monument to Lucy Cust in St Peter and St Paul Church, Belton [Map].

On 26 Jul 1870 Ignacio Zuloaga was born.

On 26 Jul 1919 Edward Poynter 1st Baronet (age 83) died. His son Ambrose Macdonald Poynter 2nd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 2nd Baronet Poynter of Albert Gate in Westminster in London.

Births on the 26th July

On 26 Jul 1224 John Courtenay 2nd Baron Okehampton was born to Robert Courtenay 1st Baron Okehampton (age 54) and Mary Vernon Redvers Baroness Okehampton (age 28). He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

On 26 Jul 1400 Isabel Despencer Countess Warwick and Worcester was born to Thomas Despencer 1st Earl Gloucester and Constance York Countess Gloucester (age 26) some six months after her father had been beheaded during the Epiphany Rising. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 26 Jul 1428 Anne Cheney was born to Edmund Cheney (age 26) and Alice Stafford Baroness Kyme (age 23).

On 26 Jul 1553 Friedrich Wittelsbach was born to Albert V Wittelsbach V Duke Bavaria (age 25) and Anna Habsburg Spain Duchess Bavaria (age 25). Coefficient of inbreeding 1.58%.

On 26 Jul 1574 August Oldenburg was born to John "Younger" Oldenburg Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 29) and Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (age 24).

On or before 26 Jul 1629 James Houblon was born to James Houblon (age 37). He was baptised on 26 Jul 1629.

On 26 Jul 1629 John Ferrers was born to Humphrey Ferrers and Anne Pakington (age 30) at Tamworth, Staffordshire [Map].

On 26 Jul 1691 John Trelawny 4th Baronet was born to Bishop Jonathan Trelawny 3rd Baronet (age 41) and Rebecca Hele Lady Trelawny.

On or before 26 Jul 1714 Ann Palmer was born to Thomas Palmer 4th Baronet (age 32). She was baptised on 26 Jul 1714.

On or before 26 Jul 1719 Elizabeth Cuffe 1st Countess Longford was born to Michael Cuffe (age 25). She was baptised on 26 Jul 1719.

On 26 Jul 1721 William Pery 1st Baron Glentworth was born to Reverend Stackpole Pery.

On 26 Jul 1749 Laurence Harman Parsons 1st Earl of Rosse was born.

On 26 Jul 1750 Frances Scott Baroness Douglas was born to Francis Scott and Caroline Campbell 1st Baroness Greenwich (age 32). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Jul 1756 Maria Anne Smythe aka "Mrs Fitzherbert" was born to Walter Smythe (age 36) and Mary Ann Errington (age 21) at Tong Castle, Shropshire [Map].

On 26 Jul 1780 Anthony Buller was born to John Buller (age 36).

On 26 Jul 1785 Henry Monck 1st Earl of Rathdowne was born to Charles Stanley Monck 1st Viscount Monck (age 31) and Anne Quin.

On 26 Jul 1791 John Shaw Leigh was born to John Leigh (age 38).

On 26 Jul 1797 William Bulkeley Hughes was born.

On 26 Jul 1798 Reverend James Alexander Barnes was born to John Barnes (age 28).

On 26 Jul 1809 Robert Williams was born to Robert Williams 9th Baronet (age 45).

On 26 Jul 1816 Harriet Bagot was born to Bishop Richard Bagot (age 33) and Harriet Villiers (age 28).

On 26 Jul 1841 Thomas Brocklebank of The Roseote in Heswall in Cheshire was born to Ralph Brocklebank of Childwall Hall. He was baptised on 02 Dec 1841 at St Augustine's Church, Liverpool.

On 26 Jul 1870 Ignacio Zuloaga was born.

On 26 Jul 1943 Mick Jagger was born to Basil Fanshawe "Joe" Jagger (age 30) and Eva Ensley Mary Scutts (age 30) at Dartford, Kent [Map].

Marriages on the 26th July

On 26 Jul 1407 Alan IX Viscount Rohan (age 25) and Marguerite Montfort Viscountess Rohan (age 15) were married. She the daughter of John Montfort V Duke Brittany and Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England (age 37). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

Before 26 Jul 1428 Edmund Cheney (age 26) and Alice Stafford Baroness Kyme (age 23) were married.

On 26 Jul 1470 William Stanley of Hooton (age 27) and Agnes Grosvenor (age 35) were married.

Before 26 Jul 1518 John Cotell and Alice aka Agnes Cotell (age 33) were married.

On 26 Jul 1563 Henry Boteler (age 25) and Catherine Waller (age 33) were married.

On or after 26 Jul 1570 Colin Cam Mackenzie 11th of Kintail and Barbara Grant were married.

On 26 Jul 1660 Edward Greene and Catherine Pegge (age 25) were married.

On 26 Jul 1717 Charles Cadogan 2nd Baron Cadogan (age 32) and Elizabeth Sloane Baroness Cadogan (age 22) were married at Church of St George the Martyr, Queen Square. The marriage transferred the 250-acre (1.0 km2) Sloane estate in suburban Chelsea to the Cadogan family, which has been the basis of the family wealth ever since.

On 26 Jul 1725 Henry Mainwaring and Diana Blackett (age 21) were married.

On 26 Jul 1733 Charle Hope-Weir aka Vere (age 23) and Catherine Weir were married. He the son of Charles Hope 1st Earl Hopetoun (age 52) and Henrietta Johnstone (age 50).

On 26 Jul 1738 James Fitz James 3rd Duke Berwick 10th Duke Veragua (age 19) and Maria Teresa Silva Duchess Berwick and Veragua (age 22) were married. She by marriage Duchess Berwick. He the son of James Fitz James 2nd Duke Berwick and Catalina Ventura Colón Duchess Berwick 9th Duchess Veragua (age 48). He a great grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Jul 1796 Walter Shirley and Alicia Newenham (age 22) were married.

On 26 Jul 1810 John Horsley Beresford 2nd Baron Decies (age 36) and Charlotte Philadelphia Horsley were married.

On 26 Jul 1822 James Hogg 1st Baronet (age 32) and Mary Swinton were married. They had fourteen children.

On 26 Jul 1825 Fletcher Norton 3rd Baron Grantley (age 27) and Charlotte Earle Beechey Baroness Grantley were married. She by marriage Baroness Grantley of Markenfield in Yorkshire.

On 26 Jul 1831 Charles Miles Lambert Monck 6th Baronet (age 52) and Mary Elizabeth Bennet (age 46) were married. She the daughter of Charles Bennet 4th Earl Tankerville and Emma Colebrooke Countess Tankerville (age 79).

On 26 Jul 1836 Charles Grey (age 32) and Caroline Eliza Farquhar (age 22) were married. He the son of Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 72) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 60).

On 26 Jul 1836 Richard Pennefather (age 29) and Emily Georgina Arabella Butler (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Richard Butler 1st Earl Glengall.

On 26 Jul 1855 Colonel Herbert Watkin Williams-Wynn (age 33) and Anna Lloyd (age 21) were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Jul 1864 Frederick Smith 2nd Viscount Hambleden and Esther Georgiana Caroline Gore Viscountess Hambleden were married. They had five children. She the daughter of Arthur Saunders Gore 5th Earl Arran (age 25) and Edith Jocelyn Countess Arran (age 19).

On 26 Jul 1890 Arthur Walsh 3rd Baron Ormathwaite (age 31) and Clementine Pratt Baroness Ormathwaite (age 20) were married. She the daughter of John Charles Pratt 3rd Marquess Camden and Clementina Augusta Spencer-Churchill Countess Camden. They were fourth cousins.

On 26 Jul 1893 Charles Botolph Joseph Stourton 21st Baron Stourton 23rd Baron Segrave 22nd Baron Mowbray (age 26) and Mary Constable Baroness Stourton, Segrave and Mowbray (age 23) were married. She by marriage Baroness Stourton, Baroness Segrave and Baroness Mowbray. He a great x 5 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 26 Jul 1915 Edwin Montagu (age 36) and Beatrice Venetia Stanley (age 28) were married. She had converted to Judaism after his proposal on 28 Apr 1915.

On 26 Jul 1923 Thomas Brand 4th Viscount Hampden (age 23) and Leila Seely were married.

On 26 Jul 1931 Anton Habsburg Tuscany Archduke Austria (age 30) and Ileana Hohenzollern Sigmaringen Archduchess Austria (age 22) were married at Sinaia. She by marriage Archduke Austria. She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 26 Jul 1932 Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald Dawnay (age 24) and Elizabeth Katherine Grey (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Charles Robert Grey 5th Earl Grey (age 52) and Mabel Laura Georgiana Palmer Countess Grey (age 47).

On 26 Jul 1934 Oswald Partington 2nd Baron Doverdale (age 62) and Leslie Cornell Baroness Doverdale were married. She by marriage Baroness Doverdale of Westwood Park in Worcestershire.

On 26 Jul 1947 Alastair McCorquodale (age 21) and Rosemary Sybil Turnor (age 22) were married.

On 26 Jul 1949 George Herbert 7th Earl of Powis (age 24) and Katharine Odeyne de Grey Countess Powis (age 21) were married. He the son of Bishop Percy Herbert (age 64) and Elaine Letitia Algitha Orde-Powlett (age 54).

On 26 Jul 1951 William Douglas-Home Baron Dacre (age 39) and Rachel Leila Brand 27th Baroness Dacre (age 21) were married. He the son of Charles Cospatrick Douglas-Home 13th Earl of Home (deceased) and Lilian Lambton Countess of Home (age 69). They were third cousins.

Deaths on the 26th July

On 26 Jul 1158 Geoffrey Plantagenet Count Nantes (age 24) died at Nantes [Map].

On 26 Jul 1242 Robert Courtenay 1st Baron Okehampton (age 72) died. His son John Courtenay 2nd Baron Okehampton (age 18) succeeded 2nd Baron Okehampton.

On 26 Jul 1375 Richard Pembridge (age 55) died. Hereford Cathedral [Map]. Alabaster altar-tomb and effigy, altar-tomb with moulded base and capping, sides and ends panelled with alternate quatrefoils enclosing shields of his arms and trefoil-headed panels; effigy in bascinet, Camail and Jupon Period. His jupon with same arms as his shield. Hip Belt, Leg Garter, right leg modern, head on helm crested with a Feathered Crest, feet on hound.

On 26 Jul 1378 Joan Saye (age 53) died at Herstmonceux.

On 26 Jul 1383 Isabella Valois Duchess Bourbon (age 70) died.

On 26 Jul 1409 Elisabeth Hohenzollern (age 51) died.

On 26 Jul 1441 Richard Radclyffe of Wymersley (age 62) died.

On 26 Jul 1442 John Radclyffe (age 77) died.

Before 26 Jul 1443 Thomas Grey of Heton (age 39) died.

On 26 Jul 1451 Elizabeth Bonville (age 89) died.

On 26 Jul 1454 Robert Bulkeley (age 80) died.

On 26 Jul 1469 the Yorkist army suffered a defeat against a Lancastrian army led by Robin of Redesdale at the Battle of Edgecote Moor aka Danes Moor aka Banbury. The Yorkist army was commanded by John Courtenay 15th Earl Devon (age 34) and William "Black William" Herbert 1st Earl Pembroke (age 46).

Thomas Vaughan (age 69), John Wogan, Henry Neville (age 32), John Conyers (age 36), and brothers John Dudley (age 42) and Oliver Dudley were killed.

Humphrey Stafford 1st Earl Devon (age 30), John Conyers (age 58) and William Parr (age 35) fought.

Richard Woodville 1st Earl Rivers (age 64) and John Woodville (age 24) were captured.

There is some uncertainty about the date with some sources suggesting the 24 Jul 1469, the eve of St James' Feast day, as being the correct date.

On 26 Jul 1506 Anna Foix Queen Consort of Hungary and Bohemia (age 22) died.

On 26 Jul 1518 John Cotell was strangled by his wife Alice aka Agnes Cotell (age 33) at Farleigh Hungreford Castle [Map] with the aid of William Mathewe and William Inges, yeomen of Heytesbury, Wiltshire [Map]. He, John, was steward to Edward Hungerford who she subsequently married.

On 26 Jul 1524 Margery Stewart died.

After 26 Jul 1580 Thomas Chamberlayne (age 76) died.

On 26 Jul 1586 Roger Cave of Stanford (age 63) died.

On 26 Jul 1595 Thomas Sidney (age 26) died.

On 26 Jul 1614 Henry Grey 1st Baron Grey of Groby (age 67) died. His grandson Henry Grey 1st Earl Stamford (age 15) succeeded 2nd Baron Grey of Groby.

On 26 Jul 1630 Charles Emmanuel Savoy I Duke Savoy (age 68) died.

On 26 Jul 1639 Henry O'Brien 5th Earl Thomond (age 51) died. His brother Barnabas O'Brien 6th Earl Thomond succeeded 6th Earl Thomond.

On 26 Jul 1655 Thomas Metcalfe (age 75) died.

On 26 Jul 1680 John Wilmot 2nd Earl Rochester (age 33) died. His son Charles Wilmot 3rd Earl Rochester (age 9) succeeded 3rd Earl Rochester, 3rd Viscount Wilmot.

On 26 Jul 1693 Ulrika Eleonora Oldenburg (age 36) died.

On 26 Jul 1697 John Tempest of Old Durham (age 74) died.

On 26 Jul 1697 Bridget Rolle died.

On 26 Jul 1712 Thomas Osborne 1st Duke Leeds (age 80) died. His son Peregrine Osborne 2nd Duke Leeds (age 53) succeeded 2nd Duke Leeds, 2nd Earl of Danby, 2nd Viscount Osborne, 2nd Viscount Latimer, 2nd Baron Osborne of Kinderton, 3rd Baronet Osborne of Kiveton. Bridget Hyde Duchess Leeds (age 50) by marriage Duchess Leeds.

On 26 Jul 1712 Lionel Tollemache (age 30) died.

On 26 Jul 1754 Robert Porteus Junior (age 49) died at Cockayne Hatley.

On 26 Jul 1767 Henrietta Hobart Countess Suffolk (age 78) died.

On 26 Jul 1786 John Buller (age 65) died.

On 26 Jul 1793 Sophia Anne Delaval (age 38) died. She was buried at St Peter's Church, Doddington [Map].

On 26 Jul 1795 Susan Gordon died.

On 26 Jul 1804 James Cockburn 8th Baronet (age 75) died.

On 26 Jul 1812 Willoughby Vere Bertie (age 1) died.

On 26 Jul 1818 Caroline Yorke Countess St Germans (age 52) died.

On 26 Jul 1836 George Augustus Craven (age 25) died.

On 26 Jul 1840 Arthur Paget (age 69) died.

On 26 Jul 1850 Charles Tollemache (age 75) died.

On 26 Jul 1851 Anne Isabella Monck Viscountess Hawarden (age 92) died.

On 26 Jul 1858 Charles George Perceval (age 61) died.

On 26 Jul 1860 Reverend Leveson-Vernon-Harcourt (age 72) died without issue.

On 26 Jul 1866 Captain Francis Edward Seymour (age 77) died.

On 26 Jul 1866 Francis Edward Seymour (age 77) died.

On 26 Jul 1869 Vice Admiral Henry George Seymour (age 51) died.

On 26 Jul 1881 August Victor Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 63) died.

On 26 Jul 1894 Nina Emily Hill-Trevor (age 31) died.

On 26 Jul 1895 Caroline Margaret Fox-Strangways Lady Kerrison (age 76) died.

On 26 Jul 1902 Harriet Christian Douglas died.

On 26 Jul 1903 FitzGerald Algernon Charles Foley (age 79) died.

On 26 Jul 1912 Sewallis Edward Shirley 10th Earl Ferrers (age 65) died. On His fourth cousin Walter Shirley 11th Earl Ferrers (age 48) succeeded 11th Earl Ferrers, 17th Baronet Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire. Mary Jane Moon Countess Ferrers by marriage Countess Ferrers.

On 26 Jul 1914 Henry Strutt 2nd Baron Belper (age 74) died. His son Algernon Strutt 3rd Baron Belper (age 31) succeeded 3rd Baron Belper. Eva Isabel Countess Rosebery (age 22) by marriage Baroness Belper.

On 26 Jul 1919 Edward Poynter 1st Baronet (age 83) died. His son Ambrose Macdonald Poynter 2nd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 2nd Baronet Poynter of Albert Gate in Westminster in London.

On 26 Jul 1927 Lionel Ernest Bingham (age 50) died.

On 26 Jul 1928 Stephen Tryon of Hallen Lodge in Henbury (age 76) died.

On 26 Jul 1936 Lettice Mary Elizabeth Grosvenor Countess Beauchamp (age 59) died estranged from all her children except her youngest Richard Edward Lygon (age 19).

On 26 Jul 1938 Frances Evelyn "Daisy" Maynard Countess Warwick (age 76) died.

On 26 Jul 1941 George Maryon Maryon-Wilson (age 80) died.

On 26 Jul 1945 Joan Emily Thynne Countess Cawdor (age 72) died.

On 26 Jul 1952 Francis George Montagu-Douglas-Scott (age 72) died.

On 26 Jul 1960 Gwendolen Talbot (age 83) died.