Biography of Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose 1103-1148

In 1103 Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose was born to (age 62) and Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily 1079-1157 (age 23).

On 28 Feb 1105 [his father]  (age 64) died. His son Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose (age 2) succeeded I Count Toulose.

In 1117 [his step-father] Roger II King Sicily (age 21) and [his mother] Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily 1079-1157 (age 37) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Sicily. She the daughter of Alfonso "Brave" VI King Leon VI King Castile and Jimena Munoz.

Around 1134 [his son]  was born to Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose (age 31).

In 1148 Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose (age 45) died. His son [his son]  (age 14) succeeded V Count Toulose.

[his father]  and [his mother] Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily 1079-1157 were married. She by marriage Countess Toulose. The difference in their ages was 38 years. She the daughter of Alfonso "Brave" VI King Leon VI King Castile and Jimena Munoz. He the son of and .

Royal Descendants of Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose 1103-1148

x 1

Ancestors of Alphonse Rouerge I Count Toulose 1103-1148



Great x 1 Grandfather:


Great x 4 Grandfather: Sancho II King Pamplona 938-994

Great x 3 Grandfather: García Sánchez "Tremulous" II King Pamplona -1000

Great x 4 Grandmother:

Great x 2 Grandfather: Sancho "Great" III King Pamplona 994-1035

Great x 4 Grandfather: Fernando Bermúdez

Great x 3 Grandmother:

Great x 1 Grandfather: Ferdinand "Great" I King Leon 1015-1065

Great x 3 Grandfather: Sancho García

Great x 2 Grandmother:

GrandFather: Alfonso "Brave" VI King Leon VI King Castile

Great x 3 Grandfather: Bermudo "Gouty" II King Galicia II King Leon

Great x 4 Grandmother:

Great x 2 Grandfather: Alfonso "Noble" V King Leon 994-1028

Great x 4 Grandfather: García Fernández of Castile

Great x 3 Grandmother:

Great x 1 Grandmother: Sancha Astur Leonese

Great x 3 Grandfather: Menendo González

Great x 2 Grandmother:

Mother: Elvira Alfónsez Jiménez Queen Consort Sicily 1079-1157

GrandMother: Jimena Munoz