Died of Plague

Died of Plague is in Disease.

664 Plague Outbreak

1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak

1361 Plague Outbreak

1394 Death and Funeral of Anne of Bohemia

1665 Great Plague of London

664 Plague Outbreak

In 664 Bishop Tuda died of plague.

On 14 Jul 664 Archbishop Deusdedit died of plague.

In Sep 1343 Gaston Foix II Count Foix (age 35) died of plague at Seville. His son Gaston Phoebus Foix III Count Foix (age 12) succeeded III Count Foix.

1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak

In 1348 John Savoy (age 10) died of plague during the 1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak.

In 1348 John Barcelona (age 31) died of plague.

In Jun 1348 the 1348 Black Death Plague Outbreak arrived in England. The first of many occurrences. It is estimated to have killed between 25 to 60 percent of the population of around six million. The outbreak lasted through 1349 recurring in 1362, 1369 and regularly thereafter until its last significant outbreak in The Great Plague of 1666.

On 11 Sep 1349 Bonne Luxemburg Queen Consort France (age 34) died of plague in Maubisson, Pontoise.

On 06 Jun 1349 William Harcourt (age 49) died of plague at Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire [Map].

On 29 Sep 1349 Margaret Wake Countess Kent (age 52) died of plague. Her son John Plantagenet 3rd Earl Kent (age 19) succeeded 4th Baron Wake of Liddell and inherited her dower lands and the estates she had inherited from her brother Thomas Wake 2nd Baron Wake of Liddell.

On 26 Mar 1350 Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile (age 38) died of plague. His son Peter "Cruel" I King Castile (age 15) succeeded I King Castile.

1361 Plague Outbreak

On 04 Oct 1361 John Mowbray 3rd Baron Mowbray (age 50) died of plague. His son John Mowbray 4th Baron Mowbray Baron Segrave (age 21) succeeded 4th Baron Mowbray.

On 05 Oct 1361 Reginald Cobham 1st Baron Cobham (age 66) died of plague at Lingfield, Surrey. He was buried at Lingfield, Surrey. His son Reginald Cobham 2nd Baron Cobham (age 13) succeeded 2nd Baron Cobham.

On 20 Sep 1370 Edward Plantagenet (age 6) died of plague at Bordeaux [Map].

On 13 Nov 1386 Thomas Beauchamp 11th Earl Warwick (age 73) died of plague. His son Thomas Beauchamp 12th Earl Warwick (age 48) succeeded 12th Earl Warwick.

Death and Funeral of Anne of Bohemia

On 07 Jun 1394 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England (age 28) died of plague (probably) at Sheen Palace [Map]. King Richard II of England (age 27) was so distraught at her death he ordered the destruction of Sheen Palalce [Map].

In Oct 1397 Henry of Bar (age 33) died of plague at Treviso.

On 22 Sep 1399 Thomas Mowbray 1st Duke of Norfolk (age 31) died of plague in Venice whilst in exile. He was buried at St Mark's Cathedral, Venice. Duke Norfolk forfeit.

Thomas Mowbray 4th Earl Norfolk 2nd Earl Nottingham (age 14) succeeded 4th Earl Norfolk, 2nd Earl Nottingham, 7th Baron Mowbray, 8th Baron Segrave and Earl Marshal.

On 22 Sep 1405 Barnim Griffins 6th Duke Pomerania (age 40) died of plague. His son Barnim Griffins 7th Duke Pomerania succeeded 7th Duke Pomerania.

On 14 Aug 1414 Guy Montfort Baron Laval (age 29) died of plague following his return from the Holy Land.

On 31 Aug 1433 Peter Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 43) died of plague at Rambures, Somme. His son Louis Luxemburg I Count Saint Pol (age 15) succeeded I Count Saint Pol.

On 03 Nov 1456 Edmund Tudor 1st Earl Richmond (age 26) died of plague at Carmarthen Castle [Map] leaving his twelve year old wife Margaret Beaufort Countess Richmond (age 13) pregnant with their child Henry Tudor, the future King Henry VII. His son Henry Tudor succeeded 2nd Earl Richmond.

In 1462 or 1467 Christopher Plunkett 2nd Baron Killeen (age 19) died of plague. His brother Edmund Plunkett 3rd Baron Killeen (age 13) succeeded 3rd Baron Killeen.

On 18 Nov 1463 John Wittelsbach IV Duke Bavaria (age 26) died of plague.

On or after 20 May 1474 John VI Duke of Mecklenburg (age 35) died of plague.

In Mar 1479 George York 1st Duke Bedford (age 2) died of plague at Windsor Castle [Map]. Duke Bedford extinct.

On 29 May 1500 Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 76) died of plague at Cawood, North Yorkshire [Map].

On 27 Jan 1501 Bishop Thomas Langton died of plague.

On 15 Mar 1530 Katherine Howard Countess Derby died of plague.

Before 1541 Thomas Fiennes (age 4) died of plague.

In 1583 Walter Corbet died of plague.

In 1613 John Leveson of Haling Kent (age 26) died of plague.

On 04 Aug 1624 Emanuel Filibert of Savoy (age 36) died of plague.

In Aug 1625 John Fletcher (age 45) died of plague.

On 01 Jul 1641 George Hastings (age 51) died of plague.

On 26 Nov 1651 Henry Ireton (age 40) died of plague.

Great Plague of London

On 25 Aug 1665 Alexander Burnett died of plague.

On 01 Mar 1666 Talbot Pepys (age 83) died of plague.

On 29 Sep 1665 Martin Noell (age 65) died of plague.

John Sutherland died of plague.