Culture, General Things, Church Monuments, Church Monument Details, Clothing, Female Headwear, Gabled Headress
Gabled Headress is in Female Headwear.
On 25 Feb 1387 John Grey aka Marmion (age 44) died in Spain. In 1400 Elizabeth St Quentin (age 53) died.
Monument in St Nicholas Church, West Tanfield, North Yorkshire [Map]. Camail and Jupon Period. Lancastrian Esses Collar. Hip Belt. Feathered Crest on Great Helm. Angels Supporting Pillow. His bascinet has decorated edges with the camail appearig to attach inside the bascinet. Decorated flat band. She wearing a unusual headress which appears to be a cross between Gabled Headress and Bongrace. Her dress long with a Low Rounded Neckline and appears to be decoated with an armorial: vair at the top, chevrons at the bottom, which may be Marmion Arms or a variation of.
John Grey aka Marmion: In 1343 he was born to John Grey 1st Baron Grey and Avice Marmion Baroness Grey Rotherfield. Before 25 Feb 1387 John Grey aka Marmion and Elizabeth St Quentin were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.
Elizabeth St Quentin: Before 1347 she was born to Herbert St Quentin and Mary Lisle.
On 13 Mar 1518 Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) died at Ashover, Derbyshire [Map]. He was buried at All Saints Church, Ashover, Derbyshire [Map].
Monument to Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert. Excellent painted alabaster monument of the Fluted Period with the colours much refreshed. Carved by Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent. Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings. The monument was probably erected shortly after Edith died. Thomas's will requests the tomb not be disturbed when dies:
I will my body be buryed in my parish church of Ashover, nere by wif Edith, it it fortune me to deceas within xx. myles of the same. And ells in such place as shalbe thought by them that shalbe wt me at the tyme of my diceas; But I will not that the Tombe which I have made in the Church of Ashover be broken or hurt for my carkas, but that it be leyde nere the same, and over that place that I shall lye in, a stone with a scripture after myne executors and supervisour myndis or the more parte of them to be leyde."
Thomas Babington of Dethick: Around 1449 he was born to John Babington and Isabel Bradbourne. Before 1476 Thomas Babington of Dethick and Editha Fitzherbert were married.
Editha Fitzherbert: Around 1457 she was born to Ralph Fitzherbert and Elizabeth Marshall at Norbury, Derbyshire. In 1511 Editha Fitzherbert died at Ashover, Staffordshire.
She wearing a Gabled Headress with long lappets.
He in civilian clothes with a purse (aka scrip aka gypciere) hanging from his belt.
Dogs chewing at her dress suggests Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent carved the monument.
The chest tomb of exceptional quality with the fifteen weepers under crocketed canopies broadly undamaged. The weepers on the sides are believed to represent Thomas and Editha's children, possibly fourteen, and their respective spouses. The chest tomb now abuts the south wall of the chancel meaning only three sides visible.
Thomas Babington of Dethick (age 69) and Editha Fitzherbert with Saints Catherine and Thomas of Canterbury in the centre.
Babington Arms impaled Fitzherbert Arms.
In or after 1526. St Mary's Church, Ruabon [Map]. Monument [Map] to John ap Ellis Eyton. Alabaster Monument. Lancastrian Esses Collar. Possibly Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent.
John ap Ellis Eyton: In 1526 he died.
Chest with Angels with Rounded Wings holding Shields indicative of Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent.
Detail of his head. Categorised as Fluted Period. Note the absence of headwear, his being clean shaven and the Standard protecting the neck all of which define the Fluted Period.
Before it was damaged this was a dog chewing at the hem of her dress; also indicative of Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent.
She wearing a Gabled Headress.
Tudor Roses on his sword pommel.
Bedesman and Swirling Tail both indicative of Harpur and Moorecock of Burton on Trent.
A curious lion at his feet. Unlikely the carver had ever seen a lion.
Detail of the orle, mantling and what remains of the crest on his Great Helm. Difficult to tell what it was originally.
On 14 Feb 1531 John Blount (age 62) died at Kinlet, Cleobury Mortimer [Map]. He was buried at Church of St John The Baptist, Kinlet [Map].
Monument to John Blount (age 62) and Catherine Peshall (age 47). Fluted Period. Lancastrian Esses Collar with Big Esses. Long bobbed hair, no facial hair. Bare hands; gauntlets at the right side of the legs. She wearing a short Gabled Headress. Chest tomb somewhat of the wrong period ie Renaissance suggesting this may be a replacement effigy, or re-used. Probably Richard Parker of Burton on Trent.
John Blount: Around 1469 he was born to Thomas Blount and Anne Croft at Kinlet, Cleobury Mortimer. Before 1498 John Blount and Catherine Peshall were married.
Catherine Peshall: In 1484 she was born to Hugh Peshall. In 1540 she died.
After 08 Dec 1534. St Mary's Church, Fawsley [Map]. Monument to Richard Knightley (deceased) sculpted by Richard Parker of Burton on Trent. Gabled Headress. Chest with Weepers. Lancastrian Esses Collar with Big Esses. Angels Supporting Pillow.
Richard Knightley: In 1455 he was born to Richard Knightley in Fawsley, Northamptonshire. On 08 Dec 1534 Richard Knightley died in Fawsley, Northamptonshire. He was buried in St Mary's Church, Fawsley.
On 14 Aug 1539 Ralph Sacheverell (age 33) died at Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire [Map]. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map].
On 27 Jun 1538 Cecilia Durance (age 30) died. She was buried at Holy Trinity Church Ratcliffe on Soar [Map].
Decorated Gabled Headress. Lancastrian Esses Collar with Big Esses with Tudor Rose Pendant. Possibly second hand monuments. Gabled Headress.
Ralph Sacheverell: Ralph Sacheverell and Cecilia Durance were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. Ralph Sacheverell and Anna Unknown were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. In 1506 he was born to Richard Sacheverell Baron Hungerford, Botreaux and Moleyns and Mary Hungerford Baroness Hastings, 4th Baroness Hungerford, 5th Baroness Botreaux and 2nd Baroness Moleyns at Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottinghamshire.
Cecilia Durance: In 1508 she was born to John Durance at Isham, Northamptonshire.