Biography of Christina Wessex Abbess Romsey 1057-1093

Paternal Family Tree: Wessex

Maternal Family Tree: Agatha

Christina Wessex Abbess Romsey was appointed Abbot Romsey.

In or before 1045 [her father] Edward "The Exile" Wessex (age 29) and [her mother] Agatha were married. He the son of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England and Ealdgyth Unknown.

Flowers of History 1057. 1057. Eadward king of England (age 54), being advanced in years, sent Aldred bishop of Worcester into Hungary, and recalled thence [her father] Eadward (age 41), son of king Eadmund his brother, with the intention of making him his successor. Eadward came accordingly, with his son [her brother] Eadgar (age 6) and his daughters [her sister] Margaret (age 12) and Christina, but died not long after his arrival in the city of London, leaving the king the charge of his son Eadgar and his daughters before mentioned.

Around 1057 Christina Wessex Abbess Romsey was born to Edward "The Exile" Wessex (age 41) and Agatha.

On 19 Apr 1057 [her father] Edward "The Exile" Wessex (age 41) died.

Flowers of History. Before 25 Dec 1066. And as they all fled to Malcolm, king of Scotland (age 35), they were all honorably received by him. Then also, [her brother] Edgar Atheling (age 15), the legitimate heir of the kingdom of England, seeing his country plundered and disturbed on all sides, embarked on board ship with his mother [her mother] Agatha, and his sisters [her sister] Margaret (age 21) and Christina (age 9), and endeavoured to return into Hungary, where he had been born; but, a tempest arising, he was compelled to land on the coast of Scotland. And, in consequence of the occasion thus offered, it came to pass that Margaret (age 21) was given as a bride to King Malcolm (age 35), whose exemplary life and virtuous death are plainly set forth in a book specially composed on that subject. But his sister Christina (age 9) became a nun, and deserves our benediction as one who was married for ever to a heavenly bridegroom.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1067. This summer the child [her brother] Edgar (age 16) departed, with his mother [her mother] Agatha, and his two sisters, [her sister] Margaret (age 22) and Christina (age 10), and Merle-Sweyne, and many good men with them; and came to Scotland under the protection of King Malcolm (age 35), who entertained them all. Then began King Malcolm (age 35) to yearn after the child's sister, Margaret (age 22), to wife; but he and all his men long refused; and she also herself was averse, and said that she would neither have him nor any one else, if the Supreme Power would grant, that she in her maidenhood might please the mighty Lord with a carnal heart, in this short life, in pure continence. The king (age 35), however, earnestly urged her brother (age 16), until he answered Yea. And indeed he durst not otherwise; for they were come into his kingdom. So that then it was fulfilled, as God had long ere foreshowed; and else it could not be; as he himself saith in his gospel: that "not even a sparrow on the ground may fall, without his foreshowing." The prescient Creator wist long before what he of her would have done; for that she should increase the glory of God in this land, lead the king aright from the path of error, bend him and his people together to a better way, and suppress the bad customs which the nation formerly followed: all which she afterwards did. The king (age 35) therefore received her, though it was against her will, and was pleased with her manners, and thanked God, who in his might had given him such a match. He wisely bethought himself, as he was a prudent man, and turned himself to God, and renounced all impurity; accordingly, as the apostle Paul, the teacher of all the gentries, saith: "Salvabitur vir infidelis per mulierem fidelem; sic et mulier infidelis per virum fidelem," etc.: that is in our language, "Full oft the unbelieving husband is sanctified and healed through the believing wife, and so belike the wife through the believing husband." This queen (age 22) aforesaid performed afterwards many useful deeds in this land to the glory of God, and also in her royal estate she well conducted herself, as her nature was. Of a faithful and noble kin was she sprung. Her father was [her father] Edward Etheling, son of King Edmund. Edmund was the son of Ethelred; Ethelred the son of Edgar; Edgar the son of Edred; and so forth in that royal line: and her maternal kindred goeth to the Emperor Henry, who had the sovereignty over Rome. This year went out Githa, Harold's mother, and the wives of many good men with her, to the Flat-Holm, and there abode some time; and so departed thence over sea to St. Omer's.

Coronation of Queen Matilda

John of Worcester. 1068. After Easter [23rd March], the countess Matilda (age 37) came to England from Normandy, and was crowned queen by Aldred, archbishop of York, on Whitsunday [1lth May]. After this, Mariesweyn and Cospatric, and some of the most noble of the Northumbrian nation, in order to escape the king's tyranny, and fearing that, like others, they might be thrown into prison, took with them [her brother] Edgar (age 17) the etheling, with his mother [her mother] Agatha and his two sisters, [her sister] Margaret (age 23) and Christina (age 11), and, embarking for Scotland, wintered there under favour of Malcolm (age 36), king of Scots. Meanwhile, king William (age 40) marched his army to Nottingham, Nottinghamshire [Map], and, having fortified the castle there, proceeded to York [Map], where he erected two strong forts, and having stationed in them five hundred men, he gave orders that strong castles should be built at Lincoln, Lincolnshire [Map] and other places.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1086. Then he went into Normandy; and [her brother] Edgar Etheling (age 35), the relation of King Edward, revolted from him, for he received not much honour from him; but may the Almighty God give him honour hereafter. And Christina (age 29), the sister of the etheling (age 35), went into the monastery of Rumsey [Map], and received the holy veil.

Around 1093 Christina Wessex Abbess Romsey (age 36) died.

Royal Ancestors of Christina Wessex Abbess Romsey 1057-1093

Kings Wessex: Grand Daughter of King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Ancestors of Christina Wessex Abbess Romsey 1057-1093

Great x 3 Grandfather: King Edmund I of England

Great x 4 Grandmother: Eadgifu Kent Queen Anglo Saxons

Great x 2 Grandfather: King Edgar "Peaceful" I of England

Great x 3 Grandmother: Aelfgifu of Shaftesbury Queen Consort England

Great x 1 Grandfather: King Æthelred "Unready" II of England

Great x 3 Grandfather: Ordgar Earldorman Devon

Great x 2 Grandmother: Aelfthryth Queen Consort England

GrandFather: King Edmund "Ironside" I of England

Great x 2 Grandfather: Thored Northumbria

Great x 1 Grandmother: Aelfgifu of York Queen Consort England

Father: Edward "The Exile" Wessex

GrandMother: Ealdgyth Unknown

Christina of Wessex

Mother: Agatha