Biography of Ordgar Earldorman Devon

Around 945 [his daughter] Aelfthryth Queen Consort England was born to Ordgar Earldorman Devon.

In 964 Ordgar Earldorman Devon was appointed Earldorman Devon by his son-in-law King Edgar "Peaceful" I of England (age 21).

Charter S998 King Edward to Ordgar. 1042. King Edward to Ordgar, his faithful minister; grant of a half hide (mansa) at Littleham, Devon. Latin with English bounds

Px In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi. Omnis quidem susceptio et datio passionum terrarum melius litterarum exemplis confirmanda sit ne in posterum aliquis testamenti confirmationem ignorans presumptionis peccatum uel direptionis incaute crimen incurrat. Qua de re ego EADWARD (age 39) rex regali fretus dignitate aliquam terram cuidam fideli meo ministro uocitato nomine ORDGAR - unum dimidium mansam in loco ubi dictum est Littleham; cum sylua ad se pertinente in australi parte in hereditatem perennem impendere curaui. Sit uero predictum rus ab omni seculari grauedine expers. nisi expeditione pontis arcisue munitione. Quicumque hoc decretum minuere seu transmutare satagerit; noscat se reum esse in die iudicii coram Christo et sanctis eius. Terra autem ista his terminibus circumdatur. Ðis syndon þære healfan hide landgemæro æt Lytlanhamme. Ærest on Exanmuðan. þonne up on stryem. be norðan lydewicnæsse on þone norþran mere. up andlang riðan of þone æwylm. þanone east rihte to hafocys setle. þanone east rihte to þan hricgwege. andlang þæs hricgweges. on þa ealdan dic. east andlang þære dic of þære wega gelæto be norðan ðam fulan landa. þanon norð on þone grenan weg on auan ford. of þam fordan up andlang stryemes on þone sele. of þam sele norð on þone grenan weg to þam slæde. east up andlang þæs slædes to ðære plegin stowe. þonne to þan herpaðe. andlang þæs herpaðas to fugelis beorh dune. andlang þære dune to fuhgeles beorhge. fram þam beorhge suð to ellewurðie. þanon to þan broce. adun þonne andlang þæs broces eft ut on sæ: - Acta est autem hec prefata donatio anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Christi. millesimo. xl. ii. indictione. x.

Ego Eadweard rex Britannie totius Anglorum (age 39) monarchus hoc agie Crucis taumate roboraui.

Eadsige Dorobernensis ecclesie archiepiscopus eiusdem regis principatum et beniuolentiam sub sigillo Sancte Crucis conclusi.

Ego Ælfgyfu (age 57) regina humillima adiuui.

Ego Ælfwine episcopus assensum prebui.

Ego Byrhtwold episcopus dictando titulaui.

Ego Dudoc episcopus consolidaui.

Ego Lyfing episcopus dignum duxi.

Ego Godwine dux.

Ego Sigwerd dux.

Ego Leofric dux.

Ego Sigwerd abbas.

Ego Ælfwine abbas.

Ego Odda (age 49) minister.

Ego Ordgar minister.

Ego Ælfgar minister.

Ego Godwine minister.

Ego Æþelric minister.

Ego Toky minister.

Ego Toui minister.

Ego Dodda minister.

Ego Ælfwerd minister.

Ego Osmær minister.

Royal Descendants of Ordgar Earldorman Devon

Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal x 14

Agnes La Marck Queen Consort Navarre x 25

Eleanor Ivrea Queen Consort Aragon -1244 x 1

Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Aragon x 1

Blanche Capet Queen Consort Aragon x 1

Aelfthryth Queen Consort England x 1

King Æthelred "Unready" II of England x 1

King Edmund "Ironside" I of England x 1

King Edward "Confessor" of England x 1

Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland x 1

Edgar Ætheling II King England x 1

Edgar "The Valiant" I King Scotland 1074-1107 x 1

Alexander "Fierce" I King Scotland x 1

Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England x 1

King David I of Scotland x 1

Empress Matilda x 1

King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England x 1

Malcolm IV King Scotland x 1

William "Lion" I King Scotland x 1

King Richard "Lionheart" I of England x 1

Eleanor Plantagenet Queen Consort Castile 1161-1214 x 1

King John "Lackland" of England x 1

Otto Welf IV Holy Roman Emperor 1175-1218 x 1

Berengaria Ivrea I Queen Castile 1179-1246 x 1

Urraca Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal 1187-1220 x 1

Blanche Ivrea Queen Consort France x 1

Alexander II King Scotland x 1

Ferdinand III King Castile III King Leon x 1

Matilda Dammartin Queen Consort Portugal x 1

Henry I King Castile 1204-1217 x 1

King Henry III of England x 1

Sancho "Pious" II King Portugal 1209-1248 x 1

Alfonso III King Portugal x 1

Joan Plantagenet Queen of Scotland 1210-1238 x 1

Isabella Plantagenet Holy Roman Empress 1214-1241 x 1

King Louis IX of France x 1

Alfonso X King Castile X King Leon x 1

King Edward "Longshanks" I of England x 1

Margaret Queen of Scotland x 1

Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort England x 1

Alexander III King Scotland x 1

Beatrice Queen Consort Portugal 1242-1303 x 1

Philip "Bold" III King France x 1

Blanche Capet Queen Navarre 1248-1302 x 2

John "Empty Coat" I King Scotland x 1

Charles II King Naples 1254-1309 x 1

Maria Reginar Queen Consort France 1256-1321 x 1

Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon 1258-1295 x 1

Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway 1261-1283 x 2

Denis I King Portugal 1261-1325 x 2

Alexander Dunkeld Prince Scotland 1264-1284 x 2

Philip "The Fair" IV King France x 1

Charles Martel King Hungary 1271-1295 x 1

Isabel Bruce Queen Norway 1272-1358 x 2

Joan Blois I Queen Navarre 1273-1305 x 2

Robert "The Bruce" I King Scotland x 2

Robert "Wise" King Naples 1275-1343 x 1

Margaret of France Queen Consort England 1279-1318 x 2

Louis Wittelsbach IV Holy Roman Emperor x 1

Isabella Ivrea Queen Consort Aragon 1283-1328 x 1

Edward Balliol I King Scotland x 1

Margaret "Maid of Norway" I Queen Scotland 1283-1290 x 2

King Edward II of England x 2

Ferdinand IV King Castile IV King Leon 1285-1312 x 1

Charles I King Hungary 1288-1342 x 1

Louis X King France I Navarre x 3

Margaret of Burgundy Queen Consort France 1290-1315 x 1

Constance Burgundy Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon 1290-1313 x 2

Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal 1291-1357 x 2

Joan of Burgundy Queen Consort France 1292-1330 x 2

Philip V King France I King Navarre 1293-1322 x 3

Beatrice Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal 1293-1359 x 1

Clementia Hungary Queen Consort France 1293-1328 x 1

Joan "Lame" Burgundy Queen Consort France 1293-1349 x 1

King Philip "Fortunate" VI of France x 2

Charles IV King France I King Navarre x 3

Isabella of France Queen Consort England x 3

Blanche of Burgundy Queen Consort France x 2

Alfonso IV King Aragon 1299-1336 x 1

Philip "Noble" III King Navarre x 6

Eleanor Ivrea Queen Consort Aragon 1307-1359 x 3

Joan Évreux Queen Consort France 1310-1371 x 6

Alfonso "Avenger" XI King Castile x 3

Margaret Hainault Holy Roman Empress x 4

Joan Capet II Queen Navarre x 4

King Edward III of England x 5

Maria Burgundy Queen Consort Castile 1313-1357 x 3

Philippa of Hainault Queen Consort England x 4

Constanza Manuel Queen Consort Castile 1316-1349 x 2

King Robert II of Scotland x 4

John "The Posthumous" I King France 1316-1316 x 4

Blanche Valois Holy Roman Empress Luxemburg 1317-1348 x 4

King John "The Good" II of France x 3

Peter IV King Aragon x 1

Blanche Dampierre Queen Consort Norway and Sweden 1320-1363 x 4

Peter I King Portugal x 3

Joan of the Tower Queen Consort Scotland x 5

King David II of Scotland x 2

Louis I King Hungary King Poland x 1

Joan Auvergne Queen Consort France 1326-1360 x 6

Eleanor Burgundy Queen Consort Aragon 1328-1348 x 3

Maria Évreux Queen Consort Aragon 1329-1347 x 10

Blanche Évreux Queen Consort France 1331-1398 x 10

Charles "Bad" II King Navarre x 10

Henry "Fratricide" II King Castile x 3

Peter "Cruel" I King Castile x 6

King Robert III of Scotland 1337-1406 x 4

Joanna Bourbon Queen Consort France 1338-1378 x 7

King Charles V of France x 3

Blanche Bourbon Queen Consort Castile 1339-1361 x 7

Joan Valois Queen Consort Navarre 1343-1373 x 3

Ferdinand I King Portugal 1345-1383 x 5

King John I of Aragon 1350-1396 x 2

King John I of Portugal 1352-1433 x 3

Rupert King Germany 1352-1410 x 1

Martin I King Aragon 1356-1410 x 2

Eleanor Barcelona Queen Consort Castile 1358-1382 x 2

John I King Castile 1358-1390 x 6

Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Portugal 1360-1415 x 14

Charles III King Navarre 1361-1425 x 13

Eleanor of Castile Queen Consort Navarre 1363-1425 x 6

Yolande of Bar Queen Consort Aragon 1365-1431 x 8

King Richard II of England x 14

King Henry IV of England x 14

Charles "Beloved Mad" VI King France x 10

Joanna of Navarre Queen Consort England x 13

Isabeau Wittelsbach Queen Consort France 1370-1435 x 2

Mary Hungary I Queen Hungary x 1

Catherine of Lancaster Queen Consort Castile x 15

Eleanor of Alberquerque Queen Consort Aragon 1374-1465 x 6

King Louis of Naples x 8

Louis Wittelsbach III Elector Palatine 1378-1436 x 1

Henry III King Castile 1379-1406 x 8

Ferdinand I King Aragon 1380-1416 x 8

King Henry V of England x 22

Blanche Évreux Queen Consort Aragon 1388-1441 x 19

Isabella Valois Queen Consort England x 12

Edward "The Philosopher" I King Portugal 1391-1438 x 17

Philippa Lancaster Queen Consort Denmark 1394-1430 x 22

King James I of Scotland x 4

Alfonso V King Aragon 1396-1458 x 14

Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Castile 1396-1445 x 14

John II King Aragon 1398-1479 x 14

Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Aragon 1401-1458 x 23

Catherine of Valois Queen Consort England x 12

Charles "Victorious" VII King France x 12

Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland x 20

Marie Valois Anjou Queen Consort France 1404-1463 x 18

John II King Castile x 23

Jacquetta of Luxemburg Duchess Bedford x 5

Charles "Viana" IV King Navarre 1421-1461 x 33

King Henry VI of England and II of France x 34

Ferdinand I King Naples x 14

Louis "Father of the People" XI King France x 30

Blanche Trastámara II Queen Navarre 1424-1464 x 33

Margaret Stewart Dauphine of France 1424-1445 x 24

Juana Enríquez Queen Consort Aragon 1425-1468 x 3

Henry IV King Castile 1425-1474 x 37

Eleanor Trastámara Queen Consort Navarre 1426-1479 x 33

Isabella Aviz Queen Consort Castile 1428-1496 x 20

Margaret of Anjou Queen Consort England x 21

King James II of Scotland x 24

Isabella Aviz Queen Consort Portugal 1432-1455 x 17

Alfonso "The African" V King Portugal x 31

Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland 1434-1463 x 25

Eleanor Aviz Holy Roman Empress 1434-1467 x 31

Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England x 5

Joan Aviz Queen Consort Castile 1439-1475 x 31

Charlotte Savoy Queen Consort France 1441-1483 x 20

King Edward IV of England x 57

Alfonso II King Naples x 14

Isabella Queen Castile x 43

King James III of Scotland x 49

Ferdinand II King Aragon x 17

Frederick IV King Naples 1452-1504 x 14

King Richard III of England x 57

John II King Portugal x 48

x 5

Anne Neville Queen Consort England x 57

King Henry VII of England and Ireland x 36

Maximilian Habsburg I Holy Roman Emperor x 31

Christina Queen Consort Denmark Norway and Sweden x 6

Joanna "La Beltraneja" Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal 1462-1530 x 68

Louis XII King France x 38

Joan Valois Queen Consort France 1464-1505 x 50

Elizabeth York Queen Consort England x 62

Francis I King Navarre 1467-1483 x 63

Catherine Grailly I Queen Navarre 1468-1517 x 63

Jean III King Navarre 1469-1516 x 8

Manuel "Fortunate" I King Portugal x 51

Ferdinand II King Naples 1469-1496 x 14

Isabella Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal 1470-1498 x 60

Charles VIII King France x 50

King Edward V of England x 62

Bianca Maria Sforza Holy Roman Empress 1472-1510 x 20

King James IV of Scotland x 49

Anne of Brittany Queen Consort France x 61

Philip "Handsome Fair" King Castile x 102

Joanna "The Mad" Trastámara Queen Castile x 60

Christian II King Denmark II King Norway x 6

Maria Trastámara Queen Consort Portugal 1482-1517 x 60

Joachim "Nestor" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg 1484-1535 x 6

Catherine of Aragon Queen Consort England x 60

Germaine Foix Queen Consort Aragon 1488-1538 x 71

Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland x 98

King Henry VIII of England and Ireland x 98

Marguerite Valois Orléans Queen Consort Navarre 1492-1549 x 65

King Francis I of France x 65

Mary Tudor Queen Consort France x 98

Eleanor of Austria Queen Consort France Queen Consort Portugal 1498-1558 x 162

Claude Valois Orléans Queen Consort France 1499-1524 x 99

Charles V Holy Roman Emperor x 162

Queen Anne Boleyn of England x 46

Isabella of Austria Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1501-1526 x 162

John III King Portugal x 111

Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor x 162

King Henry II of Navarre 1503-1555 x 71

Anne Jagiellon Holy Roman Empress x 53

Christian III King Denmark 1503-1559 x 6

Catherine of Austria Queen Consort Portugal x 162

Queen Jane Seymour x 47

King James V of Scotland x 147

Catherine Parr Queen Consort England x 55

Anne of Cleves Queen Consort England x 52

Mary of Guise Queen Consort Scotland x 128

Queen Mary I of England and Ireland x 158

Antoine King Navarre 1518-1562 x 112

King Henry II of France x 164

Queen Catherine Howard of England x 38

Augustus Wettin Elector of Saxony 1526-1586 x 1

Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain x 273

Maximilian Habsburg Spain II Holy Roman Emperor x 215

Maria of Spain Holy Roman Empress x 273

Jeanne Albret III Queen Navarre 1528-1572 x 136

Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland x 144

Frederick II King Denmark 1534-1588 x 6

Jane "Nine Days Queen" Grey I Queen England and Ireland x 181

King Edward VI of England and Ireland x 145

Louis VI Elector Palatine 1539-1583 x 26

Mary Queen of Scots x 275

Francis II King France King Consort Scotland x 164

Elizabeth Valois Queen Consort Spain x 164

Anna of Austria Queen Consort Spain x 488

Charles IX King France x 164

Henry III King France x 164

Rudolf II Holy Roman Emperor 1552-1612 x 488

Louise Lorraine Queen Consort France 1553-1601 x 86

Margaret Valois Queen Consort France 1553-1615 x 164

Henry IV King France x 248

Sebastian King Portugal 1554-1578 x 546

Elisabeth of Austria Queen Consort France 1554-1592 x 488

Matthias I Holy Roman Emperor x 488

Sophie Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark 1557-1631 x 6

Christian Wettin I Elector Saxony 1560-1591 x 7

King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland x 459

Ferdinand King Asturias 1571-1578 x 761

Maximilian "The Great" Wittelsbach I Duke Bavaria I Elector Bavaria x 548

Frederick IV Elector Palatine 1574-1610 x 26

Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland x 12

Maria Anna Wittelsbach Holy Roman Empress 1574-1616 x 548

Marie de Medici Queen Consort France x 215

Diego King Asturias 1575-1582 x 761

Electress Louise Juliana of the Palatine Rhine 1576-1644 x 33

Christian IV King Denmark 1577-1648 x 12

Philip III King Spain x 761

Ferdinand of Spain II Holy Roman Emperor 1578-1637 x 499

Margaret of Austria Queen Consort Spain 1584-1611 x 499

John George Wettin Elector Saxony 1585-1656 x 7

Anna of Austria Holy Roman Empress 1585-1618 x 435

Princess Elizabeth Stewart Queen Bohemia x 471

Frederick Palatinate Simmern V Elector Palatine Rhine x 59

King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland x 471

Anne of Austria Spain Queen Consort France x 1260

Louis XIII King France x 463

Elisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain 1602-1644 x 463

John IV King Portugal x 108

Philip IV King Spain x 1260

Maria Anna of Spain Holy Roman Empress x 1260

Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor x 1047

Frederick III King Denmark x 12

Henrietta Maria Bourbon Queen Consort England x 463

John George Wettin Elector Saxony 1613-1680 x 7

Frederick William "Great Elector" Hohenzollern Elector Brandenburg x 65

Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark 1628-1685 x 7

Ernest Augustus Hanover Elector Brunswick-Lüneburg 1629-1698 x 7

Eleonora Gonzaga Queen Consort Bohemia 1630-1686 x 1177

King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland x 934

Maria Leopoldine Habsburg Spain Queen Consort Bohemia 1632-1649 x 499

Ferdinand King Bohemia IV King Romans 1633-1654 x 2307

King James II of England Scotland and Ireland x 934

Mariana of Austria Queen Consort Spain x 2307

Louis "Sun King" XIV King France x 1723

Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France x 1723

Catherine of Braganza Queen Consort England x 108

Leopold Habsburg Spain I Holy Roman Emperor x 2307

Christian V King Denmark and Norway x 19

Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal 1646-1683 x 543

John George Wettin III Elector Saxony 1647-1691 x 7

Peter II King Portugal x 108

Charlotte Amalie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1650-1714 x 72

King William III of England, Scotland and Ireland x 934

Charles Palatinate Simmern II Elector Palatine Rhine 1651-1685 x 537

Margaret Theresa Habsburg Holy Roman Empress x 3567

Frederick I King Prussia x 65

King George I of Great Britain and Ireland x 537

Charles "Bewitched" II King Spain x 3567

Marie Louise Bourbon Queen Consort Spain 1662-1689 x 2657

Mary Stewart II Queen England Scotland and Ireland x 934

Maximilian Wittelsbach II Elector Bavaria 1662-1726 x 1595

Queen Anne of England Scotland and Ireland x 934

Victor Amadeus King Sardinia x 1743

Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort England 1666-1726 x 7

Louise of Mecklenburg Güstrow Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1667-1721 x 26

Maria Anna Neuburg Queen Consort Spain 1667-1740 x 276

John George Wettin IV Elector Saxony 1668-1694 x 26

Sophia Charlotte Hanover Queen Consort Prussia 1668-1705 x 537

Anne Marie Bourbon Queen Consort Sardinia 1669-1728 x 2657

Frederick IV King Denmark and Norway x 91

Frederick I King Sweden 1676-1751 x 143

Joseph I Holy Roman Emperor 1678-1711 x 2583

Louis Bourbon Duke Burgundy 1682-1712 x 5041

Caroline Hohenzollern Queen Consort England x 6

King George II of Great Britain and Ireland x 544

Philippe V King Spain x 5041

Charles Habsburg Spain VI Holy Roman Emperor 1685-1740 x 2583

Sophia Louise Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Prussia 1685-1735 x 20

Sophia Dorothea Hanover Queen Consort Prussia 1687-1757 x 544

Ulrika Eleonora Palatinate Zweibrücken Queen Consort Sweden x 19

Frederick William "Soldier King" I King Prussia 1688-1740 x 602

John V King Portugal 1689-1750 x 108

Christian VI King Denmark and Norway 1699-1746 x 117

Charles Emmanuel III King Sardinia x 4400

Polyxena Hesse Rotenburg Queen Consort Sardinia 1706-1735 x 7

Louis I King Spain 1707-1724 x 9441

Francis I Holy Roman Emperor 1708-1765 x 428

Louise Élisabeth Bourbon Queen Consort Spain 1709-1742 x 3983

Louis XV King France x 9441

Adolph Frederick King Sweden 1710-1771 x 7

Elisabeth Therese Lorraine Queen Consort Sardinia 1711-1741 x 2688

Barbara Queen Consort Spain 1711-1758 x 108

Frederick "The Great" I King Prussia 1712-1786 x 1146

Ferdinand VI King Spain 1713-1759 x 9441

Joseph I King Portugal 1714-1777 x 108

Charles III King Spain 1716-1788 x 5041

Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress 1717-1780 x 2583

Frederick V King Denmark and Norway 1723-1766 x 117

Louise Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1724-1751 x 550

Victor Amadeus III King Sardinia 1726-1796 x 4407

Juliana Maria Welf Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1729-1796 x 2

President George Washington x 22

King George III of Great Britain and Ireland x 883

William Elector of Hesse x 693

Charlotte Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort England x 20

Frederick William II King Prussia 1744-1797 x 1146

Gustav III King Sweden x 1153

Queen Sophia of Sweden 1746-1813 x 667

Electress Wilhelmina Caroline Oldenburg x 667

Charles XIII King Sweden 1748-1818 x 1153

Charles IV King Spain x 5041

Christian VII King Denmark and Norway 1749-1808 x 667

Caroline Matilda Hanover Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1751-1775 x 883

Louis XVI King France x 12587

Louis XVIII King France 1755-1824 x 12587

King Charles X of France 1757-1836 x 12587

King George IV of Great Britain and Ireland x 903

King William IV of the United Kingdom x 883

Marie Sophie Hesse-Kassel Queen Consort Denmark and Norway 1767-1852 x 1360

Frederick VI King Denmark and Norway 1768-1839 x 1550

Francis Lorraine II Holy Roman Emperor 1768- x 3011

Caroline of Brunswick Queen Consort England x 885

Frederick William II King Prussia 1770-1840 x 1153

Ernest Augustus King Hanover x 903

King Louis Philippe I of France x 3983

Frederica Mecklenburg Strelitz Queen Consort Hanover 1778-1841 x 27

Ferdinand VII King Spain x 19523

Louis XVII King France 1785-1795 x 15598

King Christian I of Norway and VIII of Denmark x 772

Frederick William IV King Prussia 1795-1861 x 1153

Caroline Amalie Oldenburg Queen Norway 1796-1881 x 1568

William I King Prussia 1797-1888 x 1153

Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies Queen Consort Spain 1806-1878 x 30721

Frederick VII King Denmark 1808-1863 x 1758

Queen Louise Hesse-Kassel of Denmark 1817-1898 x 1465

King Christian IX of Denmark 1818-1906 x 1387

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom x 1564

George V King Hanover 1819-1878 x 930

Isabella II Queen Spain x 50244

Frederick III King Prussia x 1153

Queen Sophia of Sweden and Norway 1836-1913 x 2798

Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia x 3544

King Edward VII of the United Kingdom x 3544

Frederick VIII King Denmark 1843-1912 x 2852

Alexandra Glücksburg Queen Consort England x 2852

George I King Greece 1845-1913 x 2852

Alfonso XII King Spain x 69767

Gustav V King Sweden 1858-1950 x 2798

Maria Christina of Austria Queen Consort Spain 1858-1929 x 8052

Wilhelm Hohenzollern x 4697

Maria de las Mercedes Unknown Queen Consort Spain 1860-1878 x 23506

George V King United Kingdom x 6396

Victoria Mary Teck Queen Consort England x 2289

Frederick Charles I King Finland 1868-1940 x 1465

Constantine I King Greece x 5251

Maud Windsor Queen Consort Norway x 6396

Christian X King Denmark 1870-1947 x 2852

Haakon VII King Norway x 2852

Alexandrine Mecklenburg-Schwerin Queen Consort Denmark 1879-1952 x 3385

Gustaf Adolph VI King Sweden 1882-1973 x 2798

Alfonso XIII King Spain 1886-1941 x 77819

Victoria Eugénie Mountbatten Queen Consort Spain 1887-1969 x 3565

Louise Mountbatten Queen Consort Sweden x 3586

George II King Hellenes x 9948

Alexander I King Greece 1893-1920 x 9948

King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom x 8685

King George VI of the United Kingdom x 8685

Paul I King Greece 1901-1964 x 9948

Olav Glücksburg V King Norway 1903-1991 x 9248

Ingrid Bernadotte Queen Consort Denmark 1910-2000 x 7495

Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh x 8837

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom x 16688

Sophia Glücksburg Queen Consort Spain 1938- x 19995

Juan Carlos I King Spain 1938- x 81384

Constantine II King Hellenes 1940- x 19995

Carl XVI King Sweden 1946- x 13994

King Charles III x 25525

Diana Spencer Princess Wales 1961-1997 x 32750

Catherine Middleton Princess of Wales x 74

William Prince of Wales 1982- x 58275