Early Medieval Books, Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419

Chronicle of Gregory 1403-1419 is in Chronicle of Gregory.

1403 Battle of Shrewsbury

1405 Northern Rising

1407 Marriage of Edmund Holland Earl of Kent and Lucia Visconti

1408 Battle of Île de Bréhat

1408 Battle of Bramham Moor

1409 Tournaments

1413 Coronation of Henry V

1413 Death of King Henry IV Accession of Henry V

1415 Suppression of the Lollards

1415 Southampton Plot

1415 Siege of Harfleur

1416 Visit of Sigismund Holy Roman Emperor

1416 Meeting of Henry V and the Duke of Burgundy

1416 Battle of the Seine

1417 Battle of Cap-de-la-Hève

1417 Execution of Lollard John Oldcastle

1418 Siege of Rouen

Battle of Shrewsbury

21 Jul 1403. And that year, the year of our lord Mcccc iiij, was the batylle of Shrouysbury, that was uppon Mary Mawdelyn Evyn, in the whyche bataylle Syr Harry Percy (age 39) was sayle1, and Thomas Percy (age 60) was i-takynne and kept iij dayes aftyr, and thenne he was drawe, hanggyd, quarteryd, and be-heddyd; and the quarters was sende one unto London Brygge. And in the same bataylle was the Prynce (age 16) shotte thorowe the hedde with an arowe, and the Erle of Stafforde (age 25) was i-slayne in the kyngys cote armure undyr his baner, and many mo lordys and knyghtes lost there lyvys, and squyers and many a goode yemon. For hit was one of the wyrste bataylys that evyr came to Inglonde, and unkyndyst, for there was the fadyr a-yenst the son and the son ayenste the fadyr, and brother and cosyn a-yenste eche othyr.

Note 1. sayle. So in MS., but the reading ought certainly to have been slain.

1404. And that year Serle, that was one of thoo that mortheryd the Duke of Glouceter at Calys, was takyn in the Marche of Schotlond, and was brought unto London, and was hangyd at Tyburne.

1405. Ande that year Syr Thomas (age 16) the kyngys son was Amerelle of the See, and he wente unto Flaundrys and brent bothe in Cachante and in Flaundrys, ande londyd at Scluse [Map] and gaffe there to a strong sawte. Alle so he toke carrekys of Jene and brought them unto Wynchylse [Map], and they were brent thorowe mysse governaunce and moche of the goode ther ynne.

Northern Rising

08 Jun 1405. Alle so the same year Syr Richard Schroppe, Archebyschoppe of Yorke (age 55), and the Lord Mombray (age 19), were be-heddyd at Yorke.

1406. Ande that year alle the werys [weirs] bytwyne London and Mydway were drawe downe by the conselle of the King and of the mayre of London, and of the comyns of the same cytte, for they dyd moche harme in the ryver of Themys, for they dystroyed moche yonge frye, for the pepylle gaffe hit hir hoggys, and soo uncomely devouryd it.

Marriage of Edmund Holland Earl of Kent and Lucia Visconti

24 Jan 1407. Ande that year the Erle of Kent (age 23) weddyd the Erlys daughter (age 27) of Mylayne, at Synt Mary Overeys in Sowtheworke [Map], the xiiij day of Juylle..

Note. Other sources say 24 Jan 1407?

1407. And that year deyd Syr Robert Knollys (age 82), and is byryd at the Whytte Freers at London.

Battle of Bramham Moor

1408. Ande that year the Erle of Northehumberlond (age 66) ande the Lord Bardoffe (age 38) were take in the Northe countre ande be-heddyd and quarteryd; and the hedde of the erle and the quartyr of the lord were brought unto Londyn Brygge.

1408. And that year was a grete froste, and that duryd xxv wekys and more.

Battle of Île de Bréhat

1408. Alle so the same year the Erle of Kentt (age 23) was slayne at the castelle of Bryake whythe a stone.

1409 Tournaments

1409. Ande that year was the grette playe at Skynners Welle in London. Ande that year there were grete justys in Smethefylde by twyne the Erle of Somersett (age 36) and the Synyschalle of Henowde [Hainault], and Syr John Corwayle and Syr Rycharde of Arundelle, and the son of Syr John Chenye, and othyr Fraynysche men dede the dedys of armys there.

1410. And that year ther was an heretyke, that was callyd John of Badby, that be-levyd nought in the Sacrament of the Auter, and he was brought unt[o] Smethefylde for to be brent, and bownde unto a stake; and Syr Harry Percy of Walys (age 23)1 conselyd him to holde the very ryght beleve of Hooly Chyrche, and he shulde faylle nothyr lacke noo goode. Al so the Chaunceler of Oxynford, on Mayster Corteney, informyd him in the faythe of Holy Chyrche, and the Pryour of Syn Bartholomewys brought the hooly sacrament with xij torchys and brought it before hym. And it was askyd howe that he be-levyde. Ande he answeryd and said that he wyste welle that hit was hooly brede, and nought Goodys oune blessyde body. And thenne was the tonne putt ovyr him ande fyre put unto hym; and whenne he felde fyre he cryde marcy. And a-non the prynce commaundyd to take a wey the fyre, and hit was don soo anon. And then the prynce (age 23) askyd him yf that he wolde for-sake his heresy and be-leve on the faythe of alle Hooly Chyrche, and he wolde gyffe him his lyffe and goode i-nowe whyle he levyd; but he wolde nought, but contynuyde forthe in his heresye. And thenne the prynce commaundyd him up to be brende at onys, and soo he was. And John Gylott, vynter, he made ij wevers to be take, the whyche folowyd the same waye of heresy.

And the same tyme was the hurlynge in Estechepe by the lord Thomas and the lord John, the kyngys sone, &c.

Note 3. Percy. A clerical error. "Harry Prince of Wales" is the reading in other Chronicles.

1411. Ande that same year there com inbassetours to the King from the Duke of Burgeyne (age 39) for to have men sowdyd whithe him ayenst the Duke of Orlyauns (age 16), but the King wolde not graunte him non. And they spake unto the prynce (age 24), and he sende thedyr the Erle of Arundelle (age 29) and Syr John Oldecastelle, lord of Cobham, and many mo knygtys and squyers of this londe.

1412. And that year, the xij day of October, the year of our Lord Ml cccc and xj, ther was in Temys iij flodys in oo day.

1412. And that year the Lord Thomas (age 23), the kyngys sone, was made Duke of Clarence, and that year there com inbassetours fro the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 17) unto the kyng for to wage men ayenst the Duke of Burgayne (age 40), and [th]e kyng sende thedyr the Duke of Clarence (age 23) and othyr certayne lordys; and at the feste of Synt Laurence they londyd at Hoggys.

1412. And the same year the kyng (age 44) let make to be smetyn newe nowblys, but they were of lasse wyght thenne was the olde nobylle by the paysse of an halpeny wyght, soo that a nobylle shuld wey but iiij d. and halfe a peny, and that l. nowblys shulde make a pounde of Troye wyght.

Death of King Henry IV Accession of Henry V

20 Mar 1413. Ande that same year the kyng (age 45) dyde at Westemyster, the xx day of Marche, the year of our lord Ml CCCC and xij; and he is byryde at Cauntyrbury [Map] be-syde the schryne.

1413. And that same year Syr John Olde Castelle was a restyde [arrested] at Wynsore and sende to the Toure of London [Map] for poyntys of heresy that he was accusyd of; and at the Frere Prechourys he was examnyd by fore alle the clargy of this realme, spyritualle and temporalle and relygyous, and he was sent unto the Toure a-yenne; and son aftyr he brake owt of the Towre and wentte in to Walys; and aftyr he was take ayen by the Lord Powes (age 43) in the tyme of Rychard Merlowe, as ye shalle hyre aftyr.

1413. Walderne, mayor, the same xiiij year of his7 fadyr and the first year of the sone, ande this is rekynde but for oone year.

Note 7. So in MS.

Coronation of Henry V

1413. Thes ben the namys of Mayrys of London and of the Sherevys of the same for-said cytte in the tyme of Kyng Harry the v (age 26), that was crownyd the ix day of Aprylle at Westemyster, the year of our lord MlCCCC xiij. And it was apon Passyon Sonday, and that was a full wete day of rayne.

1414. Ande that year the kyng (age 27) made to be brought the bonys of Kyng Rychard to Westemyster, and they were beryd and put in his owne sepulture, that he let make him selfe with Quene Anne his wyfe8. [th]is was the laste year of raygne of the fadyr, and the first year of the raygne of the sone, Kyng Harry the v.

Note 8. The words betweenb bare repeated in the MS.

05 Jan 1415. Ande that same year, on the Twelfe the nyght, were a-restyd certayne personys, called Lollers, atte the sygne of the Ax, whithe out Byschoppe is gate, the whyche Lollers hadde caste to have made a mommynge at Eltham, and undyr coloure of the mommynge to have dystryte the kyng (age 28) and Hooly Chyrche. And they hadde ordaynyde to have hadde the fylde be-syde Syn Gylys. But, thonkyd be God Almighty, owre kyng (age 28) hadde warnyng thereof, and he come unto London and toke the felde be syde Syn Jonys in Clerkynwelle; and as they come the kyng (age 28) toke them, and many othyr. And there was a knyght take that was namy[d] Syr Roger of Acton, and he was drawe and hanggyd be syde Syn Gyly, for the King let to be made iiij payre of galowys, the whiche that were i-callyd the Lollers galowys. Al so a preste that hyght Syr John Bevyrlay, and a squyer that hyght John Browne of Oldecastellys, they were hanggyd; and many moo were hanggyd and brent, to the nomber of xxxviij personys and moo.

Suppression of the Lollards

1415. And that year was Tebayne Breste9, a preste, slayne in London by a squyer that was callyd Yownser and his men; wherefore the same Yownser with iij of his men for-swore the lond. And that year was the Parlyment at Layceter.Suppression of the Lollards

Note 9. His name is given as Maister "John Tybbay, clerk," in Harl. 565. It is "Tykey, preest," in Vit. A. xvi.

1416. Ande that same year was brent in Smethefild [Map] John Claydon, schynner, and Rychard Turmyn, baker, for heresye that they were convycte a-pon.

15 Jun 1415. Al so the same year the kyng (age 28) toke his jornay and wagyd10 in to Normandy; and the xv day of Juny the kyng roode thorowe London11 whithe sherevys, aldermen, and alle the comeners brought the King at Blacke Hethe [Map]; and there the mayre ande alle his aldermen with alle the comyns toke there leve of [th]e King, and the kyng bade the mayre goo home and kepe welle his chambyr in his absens, and [yave hym]12 Crystysse blessyng and hys, and he said "Cryste save London."

Note 10. So in MS., but apparently a transcriber's error for "viagyd."

Note 11. So in MS.; but doubtless we should supply here, as the beginning of a new sentence, "And the mayor."

Note 12. Omitted in our MS., but supplied from Vit. A. xvi.

Southampton Plot

Jul 1415. And he roode forthe his way tylle he cam to Hampton, and there he mosteryd his mayne. And there were certayne personys that had caste to slayne our King, but God that knew alle trougthe, he sende warnynge to our kyng; and his enmys, the whiche namys folowythe aftyr, Syr Richarde Camborowe (age 29)13, Erle of Cambryge, Syr Harry, lord Scrope (age 42), ande Syr Thomas Gray (age 30), knyght, with moo of her assent, [th]e whiche personys were a-restyde and put in the preson, ande do to dethe.

Note 13. Camborowe. Conysborughe in Vit.

12 Aug 1415. And the xij day of Auguste the kyng saylyd towarde Arflewe, whythe Ml Ml sperys and moo;

Siege of Harfleur

16 Aug 1415. ... and the 16th day of the same month he landed at Kytkawys, and the Saturday he laid siege unto the town of Harfleur, and that was the Saturday next after of the Assumption of our Lady; and the siege continued unto the Sunday next before the feste of Saint Michael [29th of September], on the which Sunday the town of Harfleur was delivered up to the king, that was 22nd day of September. But it is to wit that the Tuesday before, that is to say the 16th day of the same month, at 2 of the clock within night, the lords that were the captains and governors of the town, that is to wite the lord Gawcorte, the lord Tutville, and more other lords, send out heralds of arms unto the Duke of Clarence (age 26), praying him at the reverence of God that he would of his high lordship that he would grant them live and leave for to treat with what persons that the king would assign unto them; and the king at the reverence of God and at their request he assigned the Duke of Exeter, the lord Fehewe, and Sir Thomas Erpingham, to hear what they would say and desire.

And they desired that the king would not war on them from that hour of midnight unto the Sunday next after the feast of Saint Michael, and but it were rescued by battle by that day by the French king or by the Dauphin, else at that day to deliver the town unto the King, and they to have her lives and her goods. Ande the king sent them word if that they would deliver the town on the morne after, by the hour of midnight above said, without any condition, he would accept it, and in none other wise he bade them for to treat.

And yet the French lords prayed our lords that they would vouchsafe to beseech the King at the reverence of God and of our Lady that he would grant them respite from the same Tuesday at night unto the Sunday next after till one hour afternoon; and in the meantime the lords that were captains of the town to come to the King with twenty-four knights and squires with them, of the most sufficient men with in the town, and they to be sworn on God's body openly before all the people. But if it so were that the French King or the Dauphin rescued them by that Sunday by the hour of noon, other else anon after noon, they for to deliver the town to the king and all her bodies and goods to don with them what so them every last, with any condition. With that the King suffered them to send unto France eight persons out of the town letting him wit in what plight that they stood in, and the king granted them; and upon the Wednesday by the moon the lords come out, and twenty-two knights and squires with them; and then come the procession solemnly and stately, with twenty-four copes of clothe of gold before God's body, with many worshipful lords, knights, and squires, and other multitude of people from the king's tent, solemnly and stately as ever was done such a thing before time. But the king was not here present. And the French lords made there their oaths upon the sacrament; and, the others done, the French lords were brought unto the king's tent, and there they dined in the king's hall, but in all this time they saw not the King. And when that they had eaten they departed and delivered to certain for to keep in hostage till the Sunday on noon, as it was accordingly made before time when that they took her oaths. And the Sunday at the same hour assigned the king had a tent put upon a hill before the town, and there he sat in his estate, royally, and alle his lords about him. And then come the French lords, with sixty-four with them of the most sufficient men that were withing the town, to the king's own proper person, and delivered up the keys of the town and her bodies and her goods to the King's grace, with out any condition. And this was the 22nd day of Septembre, the year of our lord 1415

... and the xvj day of the same monythe he londyd at Kytkawys, and the Satyrday he leyde sege unto the towne of Arflewe, and that was the Satyrday nexte aftyr of the Assompsyon of our Lady; and the sege contynuyd unto the Sonday nexte be fore the feste of Synt Mychelle, on the whiche Sonday the towne of Arflewe was delyveryd uppe to the kyng, that was xxij day of Septembre. But hit is to wyte that the Tewysday before, that is to saye the xvj day of the same monythe, at xij of the clocke whytheynne nyght, the lordys that were the capytaynys and governowrys of the towne, that is to wete the lord Gawcorte14, the lord Tutvyle, and moo othyr lordys, sende out herodys of armys unto the Duke of Clarens (age 26), prayng him at the reverens of God that he wolde of his hyghe lordeschippe that he wolde graunte them lyve and leve for to trete whythe what personys that the kyng wolde a-sygne unto hem; and the kyng at the reverens of God and at hyre requeste he assygnyde the Duke of Exceter [Note. Unclear as to who this is? Possibly Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 38) who was created Duke the following year?], the lord Fehewe, and Syr Thomas Erpyngham (age 60), to hyre whatt they wolde say and desyre. And they desyryd that the kyng wolde nought warre on them fro that our of mydnyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr the feste of Synt Mychell, and but it were rescwyd by batayle by that day by the Frenysche kyng or by the Dolfynne, ellys at that daye to delyver the towne unto the King, and they to have her lyvys and her goodys. Ande the kyng sende them worde yf that they wolde delivery the towne on the morne aftyr, be the our of mydnyght a bove said, without any condyscyon, he wolde accepte it, and in non othyr wyse he bade them for to trete. Ande yette the Fraynysche lordys prayde our lordys that they wolde fochesave to be-seche the King at the reverens of God and of our Lady that he wolde graunte them respyte fro the same Twysday at nyght unto the Sonday nexte aftyr tylle one owre aftyr none; and in the mayne tyme the lordys that were captaynys of the towne to come to the King whithe xxiiij knyghtys and squyers with hem, of the moste suffycyent men whithe in the towne, and they to be sworne on Goddys body opynly before alle the pepylle. But yf15 hit soo were that the Fraynysche King or the Dolfynne rescwyde them by that Sonday by the owre of none, othyr ellys a-non aftyr none, they for to delyvery the towne to the kyng and alle her bodys and goodys to don whythe them what so them evyr lyste, whythe16 any condiscyon. Whythe that the King sufferde them to sende unto Frauns viij personys out of the towne lettyng him wytte in what plytte that they stode yn, and the kyng grauntyd hem; and uppe the Wanysday by [th]e mone the lordys come owte, and xxij knyghtys and squyers whythe hem; and thenne come the prosessyon solempny and stately, whithe xxiiij copys of clothe of golde by-fore Goddys body, whythe many worschipfulle lordys, knyhtis, and squyers, and othyr multytude of pepylle from [th]e kyngys tente, solempny and stately as evyr was done suche a thyng be-for tyme. But the kyng was nott here present. And the Franysche lordys made thare her othys a-pon the sacrament; and, the othys done, the Fraynysche lordys were brought unto the kyngys tente, and there they dynyd in the kyngys halle, but in alle this tyme they sawe nought the King. And whanne that they hadde etyn they departyd and delyveryd to sartayne for to kepe yn ostage tylle the Sonday on none, as it was a cordyment i-made before tyme whenne that they toke her othys. And the Sonday at the same owre a-signyd the kyng hadde a tente phyght a-pone a hylle be-fore the towne, and there he sate in his estate, ryally, and alle his lordys aboute hym. And thenne come the Fraynysche lordys, with lxiiij whythe them of the moste suffycyentt men that were whythe yn the towne, to the kyngys owne propyr person, and delyveryd uppe the keyes of the towne and her boodys and her goodys to the Kings grace, whithe out any condyscyon. And this was the xxij day of Septembre, the year of our lord Ml cccc xv.

Note 14. Sawcortein our MS. by a misreading; Gawcourte in Vit.

Note 15. But if, i. e. unless.

Note 16. whythe. withoute, Vit.

Before 25 Oct 1415. And thenne son aftyr the King (age 29) and his mayne ostyde from thens xxj dayes thorowe the realme of Fraunce towarde Caleys [Map]. And the Fraynysche men hyrde telle of his comyng that way, and they brake the bryggys there that the kyng shulde passe ovyr, and in so moche that17 he might not passe noo way but he moste nedys mete with the Fraynysche oste. And a-pon the Fryday, that is to saye, the day of Syn Cryspyn and Cryspynyany, alle the ryalle pouer of Fraunce come by-fore our King and his lytylle blessyd mayne. And thenne they sawe the Dolfynne whythe alle the lordys of France were by-fore our good King enbatellyd in iij batellys the nomber of iij schore Ml men of armys. And that was the fayryste syght of armyde men that evyr any man saye in any place.

Note 17. thatrepeated in MS.

25 Oct 1415. And the kyng (age 29) sawe he might not passe whythe out batayle, and thenne he said unto his lytylle mayne, "Serys and felowys, yendyr maynye wylle lette us of our waye, and they wylle not come unto us. But nowe lette every man preve hym-selfe a goode man this day and a-vance his baner in the beste tyme of the day and year." Ande the kyng (age 29) roode ande his basnet in his hede, and alle othyr men wente on her foote a-passe in her hoole araye and18 Englysche myle or that they assemblyde. And thorowe Goddys grace the King (age 29) made his way thoroughe the thyckyste of alle the batayle; and ther was slayne on the kyngys syde the Duke of Yorke (age 42), the Erle Southeffolke (deceased), and ij knyghtys, and Davy Gam (age 35), and of the gentylle men no moo, and of alle maner of Englysche men it passyd not xxviij personys. And on the Fraynysche syde was slayne the Duke of Launsonne, the Duke of Barre (age 38), the Duke of Braban (age 31), ande vij erlys, and the Constabylle of Fraunce, and the Senschalle of Henowde, and the Mayster Alblester19, and many moo lordys, and knygtys and squyers v Ml and moo. And there was take the Duke of Orlyaunce (age 20), the Duke of Burbon (age 34), the Counte of Rychemounde, and the Counte of Ewe (age 21), [th]e Marchalle of Fraunsce, Syr Bursegaunte, and many moo othyr knyghtys and squyers. And whanne this was done the kyng (age 29) bode alle nyghte in a vyllage faste be-syde ther that the batelle was done. And on the morowe he toke his waye unto Calys whythe his lordys and his presoners, whythe his owne mayne.

Note 18. So in MS.

Note 19. Thomas Arblastier. He was one of the retinue of Sir William Bourchier. See Nicolas's Battle of Agincourt, 360.

23 Nov 1415. And the xxiij day of November the kyng (age 29) come unto London whythe alle his presoners a bove sayd. And there he was ressayvyd worthely and ryally, for the mayre, with alle the aldermen, whythe alle good comyners, roode and fette him ynne. And whythe a ryalle processyon he was brought ynne; and there was mad, stondyng apone the brygge, Syn Gorge ryally armyd, and at the Crosse in Cheppe [Map] was made a castelle, and there yn was moche solempnyte of angelys and virgenys syngyng merely. And soo he roode unttylle that he came to Powlys, and there mette whithe him xvj byschoppys and abbattys whithe processyon and sensyd hym, and brought him uppe in to [th]e qwere whythe devoute songe, and there he offerde and the Franysche lordys alle soo. And thenne he rode forthe unto Westemyster; and the mayre and his bretheryn brought him there.

1415. Ande this same year be-ganne the generallc Conselle at Custaunce of alle clargye and of alle maner of nacyons.

29 Oct 1415. And in that same year, onne the morne aftyr Syn Symonnys day and Jude, that the mayre shulde ryde to Westemyster for to take his othe, come tydyngys to London of the batayle a-bove said by the Byschoppe of Worseter20, that tyme beyng Chaunceler, for he come to London erly in the mornynge, and warnyd the mayre. And thenne thorowe London they lette rynge the bellys in every chyrche and song Te Deum; and at Powlys [Map], at ix of the clocke, the tydyngys were oppynly proclaymyd to alle the comeners of [th]e cytte and to alle othyr strangerys. And thenne the Quene (age 45)21, and alle her byschoppys and alle the lordys [th]at were in London that tyme, wentte to Westemyster on her fete a prosessyon to Synt Edward is schryne, whythe alle the prestys, and clerkys, and fryers, and alle othyr relygyous men, devoutely syngynge ande saynge the letanye. And whenne they hadde offerde, the mayre com home rydynge merely whythe alle his aldermen and comeners as they were i-wounte for to doo.

Note 20. Should be Winchester. Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester (age 40), afterwards Cardinal. The title is given correctly in Vit.

Note 21. Joan of Navarre (age 45), widow of Henry IV.

Visit of Sigismund Holy Roman Emperor

May 1416. Ande this year com the Emperowre of Almayne (age 48)22 in to London be-fore the Feste of Synt Gorge. Ande the feste was deferryde unto his commynge, and that was done solempny at the castylle of Wyndesore. And at the prosessyon the King (age 29) went a-pone the upper-moste syde of the emperowre, and soo alle the masse tyme he stode a-bove the emperoure. Ande at the mete the kyng sate on the ryght syde of the emperoure, and the Duke of Bedforde (age 26) sate on the lefte syde, and the Chaunceler of Inglonde and the Byschoppe of Devylyn sate on the left syde, and the Duke of Bryga and a-nothyr duke of the emperours sate on the kyng is syde; and alle thosse vij satte on oo syde of [th]e table. And the first sotellete of the first cours was howe our Lady armyd Syn Gorge and a aungylle doyng on his sporys. And the secunde sotellete was Syn Gorge rydynge and fyghtyng whythe a dragon whythe his spere in his honde. And the iij sotellete was a castelle, and Syn Gorge and the Kings daughter ledyng the lambe in at the castelle gatys. And all thes sotelleteys were servyd be-fore the emperoure and the kyng and noo ferther; ande othyr lordys were servyd with sotelleteys aftyr her astate and degre.

Jun 1416. And that same year come the Duke of Holand into London, but he was nought at the feste a-fore said. And the emperoure lay at Westmyster alle the wyle that he was here for the moste party, and the Duke William of Holand in the byschope is place of Ely; and son aftyr Mydsomer the kyng went to Caleys whythe the emperoure, and the duke saylyd home ayenne and mette whythe kyng (age 29) at Caleys.

Meeting of Henry V and the Duke of Burgundy

Jun 1416. And the Duke of Burgayne (age 45) and the Counte of Charlys (age 19) son come to Gravelynge; and the King (age 29) sende thedyr the Duke of Glouceter (age 25) his brother and the Erle of Marche (age 24) to abyde there in ostage, wylys that the Duke of Burgayne (age 45) come to Calys to speke with the King; and in the myddys of the ryver the lordys mette togedyr. And the dukys sone (age 19) of Burgayn ressayvyd our lordys and led them in to Fraunce, and the Erle of Warwyke (age 34) ressayvyd the Duke of Burgayne (age 45) ande brought him to Calys, and there they hadde a conselle twyne them two; and thenne he toke his leve of the kyng (age 29). And the Erle of Warwyke (age 34) brought him unto Gravelyng water and in to the same place there as they mette at the first metynge; and there every party toke her leve of othyr. And thenne the King retornyd ayenne into Inglonde and the emperoure saylyde unto Holande and so passyd forthe in to Constaunce.

Note 22. Sigismund (age 48).

Battle of the Seine

15 Aug 1416. Alle so that same year the Duke of Bedforde (age 27) and the Erle of Marche (age 24), on our Lady Day the Assumpsyon, they fought whythe viij grete carykys of Jene and whythe l. othyr shyppys, and they toke them whythe her patronys and drownyde a grette hulke of the contre of Flaundrys.

Battle of Cap-de-la-Hève

29 Jun 1417. Ande the same year, on Syn Petrys eve and Poule, the Erle of Huntyngdon (age 22) whythe o[th]yr certayne lordys faughtyn whithe carykys of Gene, and dyscomfyte hem, and toke iiij of [th]e grettyste of them and her patronys. And the amerelle [admiral] of them was the Duke of Burbone (age 36), and he was take whithe them whythe alle the tresoure that sholde have wagyd them for halfe a year.

30 Jul 1417. Al so the same year the King saylyd unto Normandye the second tyme, ande he londyd on Lammas day by-syde Tooke in Normandye. And the same tyme the kyng wanne the towne of Tooke and assaylyd the castelle, the whyche castelle on Syn Lauerens evynne was yolde unto the King, and he gave it unto his brother the Duke of Clarens (age 28) whithe alle the lorschippys dependaunt there too; and thenne the Duke of Clarens (age 28) roode forthe to Cane [Map] whythe othyr lordys whythe hym. And one our Lady evyn, the Assumpcyon, he mustryd his men by-fore the towne of Cane [Map]; and the xij day of August the kyng layde sege to Cane, and that contynuyd tylle the day of the Natyvyte of our Lady nexte folowynge; uppon the same day the towne whythe grete sawte was yoldyd and wonne. And thenne the kyng layde sege unto the castelle, and that in shorte tyme was yoldyn unto the King; and whylys the kyng boode in Cane [Map], the Duke of Clarens (age 28) roode to Bayeux and wanne that. And the same year the kyng wanne Argentyne, bothe the towne and the castelle. And the kyng wanne Alansonne and many moo strong castellys and townys and strong abbeyes.

1417. Ande the same year, a-pon Estyr daye at aftyr none, the Lord Stronge (age 35) and Syr John Trusselle (age 68), knyght, fylle at debate for her wyvys in the chyrche of Syn Donstonys in the Este [Map], evyn at the prechyng tyme. In the same fraye Thomas Pedwardynne, fyschemonger, was slayne as he wolde have lettyde them of her fyghtynge, and many men were i-hurte; and therefore the chyrche was suspendyd. Ande thenne was the Lord Stronge (age 35) a-restyde and brought unto the Counter in the Pultrye, and the Sonday nexte aftyr he was cursyde in every chyrche in London, whithe boke, belle, and candelle, in one houre of the day. And aftyr he dyde his penaunsse opynly thorow London for his trespas ayenst Hooly Chyrche.

1417. And that year was a dyre year of whete, for a buschelle was worthe ij s.

Nov 1417. Ande the same year, scilicet, in anno vto23, the general conselle was endyd, and a unyte made in Hooly Chyrche, and oo pope chosynne at Custaunce on Syn Martyns daye, by common assente of alle the generalle counselle, the whyche was callyd Pope Martyn the first24.

Note 23. Notwithstanding that the mayor and sheriffs for the sixth year are given at the head of this chapter, almost the whole of it is devoted to events of the fifth year omitted in their proper place.

Note 24. Should be Martin the Fifth.

Execution of Lollard John Oldcastle

Dec 1417. Alle so the same year Syr Johnne Oldecastelle was take in the Marche of Walys and brought unto Westemyster in a chare, and there he was juggyde to the dethe; and this was his juggement, that he shulde be ladde thorowe London in the same chare unto Towre Hylle, and there to be layde on a hyrdylle and drawe to Syn Gylys galowys, and there to be hanggyd and brent. And so he was hanggyd by a strong chayne. For there was the Duke of Bedforde (age 28), the Duke of Exceter (age 40), and alle the lordys of this londe that were [th]at tyme a-bowte London, tylle that they hadde sene his juggement.

1417. Ande the same day the person of Wortham, theffe, and his peramowre was broughte unto Westemyster Halle. And he was sente to Newgate, and there he dyde.

01 Nov 1417. Ande that same year the kyng (age 31) layde sege unto Faleys [Map] the first day of Novembre, and that sege contynuyde unto the xx day of Decembre, the year of grace Mlcccc xvij. Thenne the towne dysendyd for to trete whythe the King, and the kyng commyttyd the trety unto Thomas Erle of Saulysbury (age 29), and to Harry lord Fehewe, and to Syr Johnne Cornewale, and to Syr Wylliam Haryngdon (age 27), knyghtes and commyssyoners for his partye; and as for the party of the towne, Syr Wylliam Molene (age 39)25, Syr Gylberte Mounstrewys, lord of Fayete26, capytaynys of men of armys, and of the schotte whythe ynne the towne of Faleys, and whythe [them]27 a pon the same trete, the lord of Gamulle;28 which29 parteys entretid30 ande a cordyd uppon the artyculys and poyntmentys aftyr folowyng.

Alle so hit is accordyd that alle the strongers that benne in the fore said towne of Faleys, the whyche before this tyme hathe ben founde agayne, and in the rystynge of, the King in tyme sythe his first comynge to his Duche of Normandye, were it at Cane [Map], or in any othyr of furtheresser, or that have benn with the King, or with any of his subgettys in his commaundementys, that alle suche strangerys shulle put them only in the kyngys grace and mercy of our sovereign lord the Kyng of Inglonde.

Fryste, that hit is accordyd that the secunde day of Janyver next folowynge they shulde yelde uppe [th]e towne be-for said of Faleys, whythe ynne the houre of terce, into the hondys and power of our sovereign lord the King, or in to the hondys of them be him commyttyde and assygnyde, yf soo be that they be nott rescwyde be batayle of the King her lorde, or Dolfyn, his eldyste sone, or by the Constabylle of Fraunce. And on that the kyng [to]31 setten or do settynne in the fore said towne suche32 warde and kepynge as hit schalle lyke hym.

Alle so it is accordyd that they shalle delyvery and yeldyn uppe33 alle the presoners, Englysche or any othyr, holdyng of owre lege lord the Kyng of Inglonde, the whiche that34 have benne presoners be fore35 the first daye a fore said, ande at the same daye of this present trete, and [that]36 non appechementt ben put up on none of them by her maysterys nowe at that this tyme [nor in tyme]37 to come, be it sommaunce38 requyrynge or askyng in any maner [matier]39 what soo evyr it be, but fynallye the for said maysterys shalle aquyntyn, renownsyn, and relessyn to her presoners her troughthys, her behestys, and hyre othysse, whyche that [the seid presoners mowen have made to heir maisters in eny maner, and that]37 whythe out fraude or malyngyne.

Alle so it is accordyd that the fore said capytaynys shulde delyvery out of the towne of Faleys in to the hondys of the commyssenaryours of our sovereign lord the Kyng of Inglonde, al thoo that were borne in Inglonde, Walys, and Yrlonde, or Gascoyne, whiche be-fore this tyme have holde whythe the party of Inglonde, and for this presentt tyme ben in this said towne of Faleys contrarye ayenste the kyng and his parteyes.

Alle so it is accordyd that non of the captaynys, nor burgessys, nor non othyr of the towne, shalle geve nor suffer for to be gevyn to them of the castelle of Faleys any strengthe of men, of armys, or of schotte, nor maner of socoure of armyrowrysse or artury, schottys, powder, gonnys, or any othyr comfort durynge the for said trete.

Alle so it is accordyd that noo captayne, ne none sowdyer, burgeys, ner comyner, nor non othyr beynge whythe ynne the said towne of Faleys, shalle ressayve or suffer to be ressayved or drawyn out of the castelle the captayne of the same castelle nor non othyr of the same garysonne thereynne beynge at40 this present tretys41. Ande alle soo they shulle nott drawe any42 of them of the castelle undyr the coloure of this presentt tretye.

Ande uppon this our sovereign lord the King of specyalle grace hathe grauntyd unto the forsaid captaynys, sowdyers, and othyr of the said towne, her horse, harneys, and alle her othyr goodys what evyr it be, owte-take artury, shotte, powders and gonnys, arblastrys, and bawderykys for arblastrys, whyche that shalle abyde stylle in the same towne, and alle wey for to sen that the straungers of whyche the seconde artycule makythe mensyon, nor shalle not emynucyon43 the pryvelegys and the benyfytys of this presentt artyculys.

Alle the for said captaynys have sworne a-pon her honowre that durynge the for said trete that they shalle not makyn nor suffyr to be made any brekyng, wastynge, nor be putt nor done a waye any of suche artyculys, shotte, or any othyr thyng be-fore said.

Alle so hit is accordyd that durynge the fore sayd trete noo maner of poyntment of the wallys of the towne shalle be made, but the wallys shalle be leve stylle lyke as they ben foundyn the first daye of this present trete.

Alle so it his accordyd that noo sowdyer nor stranger in the towne of Faleys shalle not make noo robory nor pylyage on the burgeysys of the towne of Faleys in noo maner, ande yf any suche evylle doers ben founde, that thenne the captaynys of men of armys and of shotte do ther on justyfyynge and execusion, or ellys that alle suche evylle doers shalle forfete hyre benyfys and her saffecondyte.

Alle so it [is]44 accordyd that the said captaynys nor non othyr of the same towne shalle nought bere away, nor purlayne, nor suffer to ben i-purlaynyd or doo a-waye, any ornamentys, jewellys, or relyqwys of Hooly Chyrche, be they of the same towne or of any othyr relygyous out of [th]e towne, that perchaunce were brought unto the towne for dowte of warre or othyr wyse i-brought unto the towne.

Alle so hit is accordyde that the for said captaynys nor non othyr of her feleschyppe shalle nought ledyn nor bere, nor suffer for to be borne nor lede, out of the townye of Faleys, noo maner of goodys undyr the colowre of appyontementt, but oonly her owne propyr goode.

Alle so it is accordyd that alle the capitaynys whythe them of alle her company shalle a-voyde the towne of Faleys the secunde day of Janyver abovyn said by the sonne goynge downe, but yf that they were rescwyd as it is a-fore said. And our sovereign lord the King of Inglond of his specyalle grace hathe grauntyd to alle and to every burgeys of the towne of Faleys, that wylle dwelle and abyde stylle in the fore said towne, there to a-byde and dwelle, sykerly and surely and fully, whythe out any enpechyment uppon them to putte in body or in goodys, mevabylle or unmevabylle, as herytagys nor possessyons whythe ynne the fore said towne, but pessabylly rejoysynne as her propyr goodys at this tyme and in tyme to come, as they might done before the yelding upe of the same towne; be so alle way that they so wyllynge to dwelle and byde in the same towne be come legys and obedyaunte to our sovereign lord the Kyng of Inglonde and his ayrys.

45 Alle so it is accordyd that noo captayne, sowdyer, nor burgeys, nor comyner, nor non othyr whithe ynne the said towne of Faleys, shalle nought ressayvynne, nor suffer to ressayvynne, nor drawyn of the castelle of Faleys the captayne ther of, nor non of there garysons, nor non at this tyme there abydynge [in]46 the for said chastelle, nor noo maner of goodys to them longyng undyr colowre and shadowe of goodys of the towne, nothyr undy[r] coloure of this presente trete.

Alle so it is accordyd that hangyng this presentte trety and appoyntement noo maner of warre shalle be made by-twyne them ande the oste of our sovereign lord the Kyng of Inglonde and them of the towne of Faleys47.

Alle so it is accordyd that the forsaid lordys and capytaynys of the towne of Faleys shalle take and delyvery xij of the jentyllyste knyghtys and squyers notablys in ostage, the whiche shalle be delyveryde a yenne at the daye that the forsaid lordys and capytaynys havyng fully her poyntys48. And for this trete and appoyntment welle and trewly [to]49 ben holdyn on our parte, the forsaide Thomas Erle of Salysbury, Harry lord Feehewe, John Cornewale and Wylliam Haryngdon, knyghtys, unto this sedylle (id est a bylle) of poyntmentt have sette to our selys for the grete50 affyrmacyon of trought. Gevynne be-fore the towne of Faleys, the xx day of the monythe of December and the year a-fore said.

The whyche towne in maner and forme as it is be-fore said was yoldynne to our sovereign lord the King of Inglonde [th]e seconde daye of Janyver as it was before lemytyd, ande the castelle be lefte stylle un-y[o]ldon unto the first daye of Fevyrer51; the whyche castelle was yoldynne the seconde daye of the monythe a-bove said, and delyveryd in maner and forme a-fore-said, &c.

Note 25. Molene. Melone in Vit. The name is Meulhou in Rymer.

Note 26. Fayete. Our MS. reads, lord of feyfty capytaynys; but Vit. more accurately, "lord Fayete, capteyns."

Note 27. Omitted in MS.; J. reads "hem."

Note 28. the lord of Gamulle. This reading is taken from J. The name is written in the same way on Norman Roll, 5 Hen. V., m. 2, from which the treaty is printed in Rymer, and perhaps it may be read, as Rymer reads it, "Ganville." Our MS. reads absurdly, "they of Gaunte." Perhaps the person intended was the Sire de Graville, who a few months later (4 July, 1418) disputed with the English the passage of the Seine at Pont de l'Arche.-Williams's "Gesta Henrici V.," 122

Note 29. which. with, MS.

Note 30. entretid. encresyd, MS.; corrected from J.

Note 31. Supplied from J.

Note 32. suche. The MS. reads "whiche," an evident error, which is corrected from Vit.

Note 33. "the town and," V.

Note 34. that. there, V.; that there, J.

Note 35. be forerepeated in MS.

Note 36. Supplied from J.

Note 37. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J. and V.

Note 38. J. reads, "be it to sommone, requiren, or asken."

Note 39. Omitted in MS.; supplied from V.

Note 40. at. and, MS.; at, J.

Note 41. tretys. tyme, J.; trete tyme, V.

Note 42. any. J. reads, "eny goodes of them of the castel undre the colour and shadowe of her owne goodes of the towne, ne undre the colour of this present trete."

Note 43. emynucyon. enjoie, J. A blank is left for the word in V.

Note 44. Omitted in MS.

Note 45. This is a repetition of a former article which will be found in its right place on p. 118.

Note 46. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.

Note 47. J. adds, "forseen alweys that it be understanden that the castel of Faloys, ne non theryn, be comprehendid ne taken in this present abstinence."

Note 48. havyng fully her poyntys. han fulfillid here promyse, J.

Note 49. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.

Note 50. grete. gretter, J.

Note 51. J. gives also the text (translated) of the articles for the surrender of the castle, which are dated on the 1st Feb., and of which the two first are printed in Rymer, ix. 541, in the original French. See Appendix.

Ande thenne the Kyng of Inglonde lette parte his oste to prynces thens on dyversse wayes; that is to saye, on party toke my lord the Duke of Clarens whythe many full worthy lordys whythe hym, and he gate many townys and castellys and strong abbeys. And the Duke of Glouceter toke a nothyr partye of the oste, and whythe him the Erle of Marche, the lord Graye, the lord Clyfforde, Syr Watyr Hongerford, stywarde of the kyngys howse, whythe many othyr knyghtys and squyers; and he gate, or he layde sege to Chyrborowe, xxiiij townys and castellys. And son aftyr Ester he layde sege to the towne of Chyrborowe, and contynowyde unto Mychelmasse, and thenne the towne and the castelle was yolde unto hym. Ande the iij party of the oste the King delyveryde unto the Erle of Warwyke and othyr lordys whythe hym. And they gate many strong townys and castellys and abbeys.

1418. Here begynnythe the vj year.

1418. Ande aftyr Ester the kyng (age 31) layde sege unto Lovers [Map] ande wanne it, and aftyr that he wanne Pountte Large.

1418. And the King (age 31) layde sege unto the cytte of Reyne [Map]52, and that contynuyd tylle the xxiiij53 day of Janyver nexte aftyr.

Note 52. Rouen.

Note 53. Should be the 13th.

Siege of Rouen

1418. The same John Bryan [Sheriff of London] scheryve unto the ix day of Octobre, and thenne he dyde; and thenne John Pernys [J Parnasse] was chose sheryve for the year. And fro that day of Saynt Edward contynuyd the sege of Rone unto the xxiiij53 day of Janyver, as it is by-fore said; at the whiche day they of the cytte desyryd to trete. And the King (age 31) commaundyd the Erle of Warwyke, and the Erle of Salysbury, the lord Fehewe, Syr Watyr Hungerforde (age 39), Gylbert Houmfryvyle, John Vasquyes de Almada, and Robert54 Knyght, to trete whythe hem. And for the party of Roone [Map] [these folowyng]:55

first, it is accordyd that Syr Gy Butler, captayne of the cytte of Roone [Map], with the consentte of the nobylle cyttezyns and of othyr dwellynge and beyng in the same cytte and castelle a-bove said, whythe owt fraude or malyngnynge, what tyme aftyr the myddys of the xix day of this present monythe of Janyver, our said lord the King wylle that the cytte and the castelle too him or to his be delyveryd undyr maner and in forme whythe ynne wrytte.

Alle so it is accordyd that the day and the howre56 of that of the nobylle cyttezyns and othyr whatt soo evyr they be dwellynge and beynge in the fore said cytte and castelle shalle submyt them in alle thyngys to the grace of our excellent lord the kyng.

Alle so it is accordyd that fro this howre57 unto the reale and effectualle [yeldyng]58 of the said cytte and castelle, none of forsaid noble cyttezyns othyr othyr59 being in the same cytte and castelle shalle nought goo out of the said cytte and castelle without specyalle lyscens of our excellente lord the King.60

Alle so it is accordyd that fro this howre57 unto the delyverans of the cytte any61 of [th]e parteys shalle abstayne them from alle goodys62 of werre to make a yenste the othyr partys of hem. Alle so it is accordyde that the noble cyttezeyns and othyr beynge in the cytte and castelle shalle paye to our fore said lord the King CCC Ml scwtys of golde, where of alle way ij of them shalle be worthe an Englysche noble, or in stede of every scwte xxx grete blankys wyte, or xv grotys; of the whyche CCC Ml scwtys that one parte shalle be payde unto our sovereign lord the King, or unto his deputys, whythe ynne the cytte of Roone be-fore said, the xxij day of this present mony[th]e of Janyver, and the othyr halfe payde to our said lord or to his deputys in the feste of Syn Mathie the Apostylle nexte to come, that shalle be the xxiij63 day of Feverer, whythe out any delay i-hadde, &c.64

Alle so it is accordyde that every subgett of our said lord the King that nowe ben or were presoners to any person in the said cytte or castelle, and her pleggys, shall be utterly fre as a-yens thes personnys, and the summys that they ar boundyn ynne, at the day of this present trete and accorde.

Alle so it is accordyde that alle and every soudyer and stranger beynge in the said citte and castelle shalle swere on the Evaungelys of God be-fore there departyng, that they shall not bere armys a-gayne our said lord the King or any of hys, unto the first day of Janyver nexte to come, for no maner maundement [th]at to them of any maner person in contrary may be done or ennyode.65

Alle so it is accordyde that alle and every jewelle, relykys, and othyr goodys longgyng to the abbaye of Synt Kateryne, whythe ynne the same cytte and castelle, beyng alle hoolly, shalle be delyveryd unto him whom that the Kyng of Inglonde deputyn or ordeyn them to ressayve aftyr the delyveraunce of the sayd cytte.

Alle so it is accordyde that the fore said noble cyttezyns and othyr whythe in the said cytte and castelle beyng, shalle make the same cytte and castelle be-fore the said xix daye of this present monythe of Janyver suffycyantly and honestely to be made clene, and alle so honestly and diligently that alle the dede bodys newe dede or to ben dede in to that daye of delyveraunce of the cytte honestely and dylygently shalle ben beryd.

Alle soo it is accordyd that the for said noble cyttezyns and alle beynge in the said citte and castelle anon shalle receyve66 and don entre in to the same cytte and castelle alle and everyche beynge in the dychys67 of the said cytte that for penurye68 went out of the same cytte whom69 they shalle be holde to fede unto the xix day of Janyver above said, as they wylle answere unto Gode and the kyng; and out takyn them they shalle not ressayve non othyr personnys in to the same cytte or castelle unto the forsaid day without specyalle lyssens of our moste dowtfulle lord the Kyng of Inglonde. But yf hit happe any massyngere or harowde of armys of the adversy party of the King to come to the partys of [th]e gatys or dychys of the said castelle and cytte . . .70

Whiche71 artyculys and appoyntmentys, as it is before said, alle and every chone in maner as it is accordyd, the forsaid captaynys and the noble cyttezyns ande othyr whythe ynne the said castelle and citte being, welle and trewly whythe out any fraude or malygny72 to holdyn ande observe and kepe they be-hote, ande thoo two be kept and fullefyllyd they bynd them soo, but yf yt be falle our said moste doughtefulle lord the King, that God for bede, to ben ovyr come in the batayle to him i-made by Charlys his adversarye of Fraunce or the Duke of Burgayne, be-fore the for-said [xix]73 day of this present monythe of Janyver; for to sen74 alle way that [if]73 it be falle the forsaid Charlys adversary, othyr the Duke of Burgayne, or any othyr, to come to the sege of our King to remoeve75 fro the forsaid cytte, that nothyr the fore said captayne nor non of the cyttezyns, sowdyers, othyr othyr76 beyng whythe ynne the for said cytte or castelle, shalle goo owte, nor noo maner helpe they shalle delyverye nor lene to hem, so azens our lord the Kings comyng in nomaner a wyse.

Alle so, that alle thes maner of poynttementysse, covenauntys, and accordys, and every poynte as it is a fore said, welle and trewly and unbrokyn to be kepte; and for the more surete of the same covenauntys and accordys, the for said captayne, the noble cyttezyns, and othyr above said shalle ben takyn in this tyme anone into the hondys of our lord the King iiij schore notable plegys, where of xxty shalle be knyghtys and squyers, ande the remenaunte cyttezyns of the same cytte, att her owne coste to be sustaynyd. For the party sothely of our moste doutefulle lord ande King a-fore said, gracyusly and benyngly consederynge the meke submyttynge and yeldynge of the said citte and castelle above said, he hathe grauntyde that alle and everye person of what a-state or degre that he be of condycyon with ynne the said castelle [and cite]77 beyng, [excepte]77 sartayne personys with ynne expressyde, that wylle be-come legys and subgetys to our lord the King, and fro hensforthe wylle dwelle undyr his obessauns, they shalle have there herytagys and goodys, mevablis and unmevablys, whythe ynne his duche of Normandy constitute; and whiche that benne afore the day and date of this present letters by our fore said lord the King to78 othyr personys have nought be yovyn and grauntyde, excepte armours artyrlys a-bove sayd; makyng and doyng [for]77 her herytagys, and for her unmevabylle goodys to our for said lord the King, the services79 ther-of dewe and consuete, or to swere to whom suche maner of servyce of the graunte of our lord the King ought too long.

Alle so it is agrauntyd of our lord the King is be-halve, that alle the cyttezyns and dwellers of the cytte of Roone that nowe be, or in tyme to come shalle be, [and]80 shall have alle ande every franches, lybertes, and prevelegys [th]e whiche of worthely mynde be progenys of our lord the King, of kyngys of Inglonde, dukys of Normandye, to them and to his said cytte were grauntyde, in possessyon where [of]81 they were the first day that our lord the King a-fore said come by fore the said cytte; and alle so of more large grace of his benyngnyte hathe grauntyde, that the same cyttezyns and dwellers of the citte shalle have alle the lyberteys, and franches, and prevelegys, where they were in pos sessyons on the fore said first day of comynge of our lord the King before the cytte, of the graunte of his progenytourys of kyngys of Fraunce that were before tyme of Phylyppe Valeys, adversarye of our lord [the kyng].81

[Also it is grauntid and accordid in our lord] the kyngys behalve, that alle the strangers, sowdyers, and othyr in the fore said citte and castelle, beynge at this tyme nought wyllynge to be come leges of our lord the kyng, the for-said citte so yoldynne as hit is before said, to departe, living to our said lord the kyng all her armowrys, hors, artylyrs, and othyr thyngys, harneysse, and goodys, excepte the Normandys that wylle nought be lyges of our lord the King, [th]at thoo alle shalle a-byde presoners of our lord the kyng.

Alle so it is grauntyd in our lord the Kings behalve, that the werre and alle so schrewde speche that duryng the sege the folke and pepylle nemnyd, of what condycyon that they ben, ayens his ryalle soveraynyte, or whythe defame lyppys have spoke, our moste sovereign lord the kyng, of strenyger the day of parte82 mekely shalle be forgevynne, out take the personys that above in specyalle ben exceptyd.83

Alle so it is accordyd in our lord the kyngys be halve, that the for said soudyers and strongers be-fore this presentt trete and accorde, wyllyng for to departynne, our lord the kyng shalle ordaynne and make a sykyr and saffe condyte in form consuete.

And so the fore said cytte was yoldyd to our sovereign lord the King uppon Synt Wolstonys day.84 And aftyr that he gatte many townys and castellys, as it shalle aftyr this be wretyn alle the processe.

Note 53. Should be the 13th.

Note 54. Robert. Robesard, J.

Note 55. [these folowyng]. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J. Nevertheless it is clear there is a further omission, even in J.

Note 56. howre. The hof this word is struck out in all these places.

Note 57. See notee, p. 122.

Note 58. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.

Note 59. So in MS. The first "othyr" seems to mean "or."

Note 60. This clause is repeated in the MS. with the variation, "non of the fore said cyttezyns or othyr."

Note 61. any. every, J.

Note 62. goodys. Evidently a transcriber's error for dedys. J. reads dede.

Note 63. xxiij. Should be 24th. See Rymer, ix. 665.

Note 64. Here several articles are omitted which may be seen in Rymer. They are given in the English in J.

Note 65. enjoined.

Note 66. receyve. resome, MS.; receyve, V.; receyven, J.

Note 67. or about diches, J.

Note 68. penurye. femurye, MS.; penurie, J. Vit. reads "fere."

Note 69. whom. whanne, MS.

Note 70. The conclusion of the sentence is omitted not only in our MS. but also in J. and V. In the Latin it is, "ipse in ipsa non recipietur, seu providebitur eidem per dominum nostrum Regem de salvo conductu."

Note 71. Whiche. The MS. has "with the" written as if it were the continuation of the previous sentence.

Note 72. malygny. malengyne, J.

Note 73. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.

Note 74. for to sen, i. e. foreseen, provided.

Note 75. remoeve. remayne, MS., corrected from J.

Note 76. See page 123, notec.

Note 77. Omitted in MS.; supplied from J.

Note 78. to. and, MS.; corrected from J.

Note 79. services. sermoys, MS.

Note 80. This word is clearly superfluous.

Note 81. The end of this sentence and the beginning of the next are omitted in our MS., which runs on without a break from the word "lorde" to "the kyngys behalve' as if it were one sentence.

Note 82. of strenyger the day of parte. of steryng the day of pietie, J. These are strange corruptions. The Latin has ex instinctu Divinæ pietatis.

Note 83. They are mentioned in the preceding clause in the original treaty; but their names are omitted in the MS.

Note 84. 19th Jan.