Henry Machyn's Diary 1555

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 is in Henry Machyn's Diary.

1555 Protestant Executions of Cardmaker and Warne

1555 Banning of Protestant Books

1555 Attack on French Merchant Fleet

1555 Great Flood

1555 Execution of Bishops

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 January

01 Jan 1555. The furst day of January where asymbulle of men and vomen in Bowe chyrche-yerde at nyght of a xxx and a-boyffh, and ther thay had the Englys serves and prayers and a lectorne, and thay wher taken by the shreyffes, and Thomas Rosse the menyster, and thay wher cared to the contors and odur plases, and ser Thomas Rosse to the Towre.

08 Jan 1555. The viij day of January the prynsse of Pyemon (age 26) whent by water to the Towre with my lord Admerall (age 45) and my lord Clynton, and dyvers odur, and he was shud evere plasse ther, and ther wher grett shutyng of gones.

09 Jan 1555. [The ix day of January certain Spaniards killed an Englishman basely: two held him while one thrust him through, and so he died.]

14 Jan 1555. The xiiij day of Januarij ther preched [at Paul's cross [Map]] doctur Chadsay persun of Allalowes in Bred-strett.

16 Jan 1555. The xvj day of January was bered the lade Fuwater (age 20), the wyff of the lord Fuwater (age 30), in [Essex] at Odam Water, [Woodham Walter] with iiij baners of armes, [a standard?] of armes, and ij emages, with a hers, and vij dosen penselles, and viij dosen of skochyons, and a mantyll, and whyt branchys, and four dosen stayff-torchys.

Note. P. 80. Funeral of lady FitzWalter. Lady Elizabeth Wriothesley (age 20), daughter of Thomas earl of Southampton. She was the first wife of Thomas Ratcliffe (age 30), (afterwards) third earl of Sussex, K.G. and had issue two sons, who both died young.

18 Jan 1555. The xviij day of January wher hangyd at Tyborne [Map] ij men and iiij women.

18 Jan 1555. The sam day whent to the Towre [Map] my lord chansseler (age 72), and dyvers odur lordes and of the conselle, and delyvered a nomber presonars, as ther names folowes-ser James a Croft (age 37), ser Gorge Harper, ser Gawynn Carow, ser Necolas Frogmortun (age 40), master Vaghan, ser Edward Varner, Gybbs, the bysshope of Yorke, master Rogers (age 50), and dyvers odur presonars, and after ther was a gret shottyng of gones.

22 Jan 1555. The xxij day of Januarij was raynyd at my lord chansseler (age 72) plasse [Map] by-syd sant Mare Overes [Map] ser John Hoper (age 60) latt bysshope of Glosetur, doctur C[rome], as the parsun of Wyttyngtun colege, harold Tomson, Rogars parsun or veker of sant Pulkers, and dyvers odur.

24 Jan 1555. The xxiiij day of January ther wher grett ronnyng at the tylt at Westmynster with spayrers [spears], boyth Englys men and Spaneards.

25 Jan 1555. [The xxv day of January, being saint Paul's day, was a general procession of saint Paul by every parish, both priests and clarkes, in copes to the number of a hundred and sixty, singing Salve festa dies, with ninety crosses borne. The procession was through Cheap into Leadenhall. And before went the] chyldryn of the Gray-frers and Powlles skolle. [There were eight bishops, and the] bysshope of London myteryd, bayryng the sacre[ment, with .. eym] of torchys bornyng, and a canepe borne [over]; so a-bowtt the chyrch-yerde, and in at the west dore, [with the] lord mayre and the althermen, and all the craftes in ther best leverays. And with-in a wylle after the Kyng (age 27) cam, and my lord cardenall (age 54), and the prynsse of Pyamon (age 26), and dyvers lordes and knyghtes; thay hard masse, and after to the court to dener, and at nyght bone-fyres and grett ryngyng in evere [church].

27 Jan 1555. The xxvij day of January ther was a goodly prossessyon cam from Westmynster unto Tempull bar with crosses and a C. chylderyn in surples and a C. clarkes and prestes in copes syngyng, the wyche the copes wher very ryche of tyssuw and cloth of gold; [and after] that master dene Weston carehyng the blessyd sacrement, and a canepe borne over yt, and a-bowt yt a xx torchys bornyng, and after yt a ij C. men and women.

Note. P. 81. Knightes mayde by kinge Phillip in his chambre upon Sunday the xxvij.th of January, in An°. 1554. (MS. Harl. 6064, f. 80b.)

Sir John Lyon (age 41), lorde maior of London.

Sir Robert Broke, lord chief justice of the comon place.

Sir Edward Saunders, judge.

Sir John Whiddon, judge.

Sir William Staimford [judge of the common pleas.]

Sir Clement Hygham [afterwards chief baron of the exchequer.]

The droughtes that is to be payde by them that be mayde knightes by the kinges Matie in his chambre under the degre of a baron: (Ibid. f. 79.)

Imprimis, to the office of armes for the enteringe of their armes in record xxs.

Item, to the gentlemen ushers of the chambre . . xxs.

Item, to the yeoman ushers . . . . xs.

Item, to the gromes of the chambre . . . vs.

Item, to the pages of the chambre . . . vs.

Notwithstandinge these recordes afore rehersed, their was taken by them of the chambre of divers knightes that were made by kinge Phillip the xxvijth of Januarie in A°. 1554, these summes followinge, the which was never had before:

Item, to the gentlemen of the privy chambre . . xiijs. iiijd.

Item, to the gentleman ushers of the chambre . . xxs.

Item, to the yeoman ushers of the chambre . . xs.

Item, to the gromes of the chambre . . . xs.

Item, to the pages . . . . xs.

28 Jan 1555. The xxviij day of January was examynyd at sant Mare Overes [Map] bysshope Hoper (age 60), doctor Crom, and Cardmaker, and odur, and Cardmaker recantyd.

29 Jan 1555. The xxix day of January wher raynyd at sant Mare Overes [Map] for herese Hoper (age 60) and Rogers (age 50), and cast to be brentt, and from thens cared to Nugatt [Map].

30 Jan 1555. The xxx day of January was raynyd in the sam plasse [Map] Bradford (age 45), Tayller, and Sandur, and cast to be brentt in dyvers places.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 February

01 Feb 1555. [The j day of February was buried the duchess of Northumberland at Chelsea where she lived, with a goodly herse of wax and pensils, and escocheons, two baners] of armes, and iiij [banners of images, and] mony mornars, and with ij haroldes of armes. Ther was a mageste and the valans, and vj dosen of torchys and ij whyt branchys, and alle the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and a canepe borne over her to the chyrche.

Note. P. 81. Funeral of the duchess of Northumberland. Jane daughter and sole heir of sir Edward Guilford, lord warden of the Cinque Ports, and widow of John Dudley, duke of Northumberland. She gave birth to thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters. Her monument, decorated with coloured brass plates, still remains in Chelsea church, and is engraved in Faulkner's History of that parish. Her will, which is remarkable as having been written entirely with her own hand, though of considerable length, is printed in Collins's Memoirs of the Sidneys, &c. prefixed to the Sidney Papers, fol. 1746, p. 33.

04 Feb 1555. The iiij day (of) Feybruary the bysshope of London (age 55) went into Nugatt [Map], and odur docturs, to dysgratt [degrade] Hoper (age 60), and Rogers (age 50) sumtyme vycker of sant Polkers.

Note. P. 82. Burning of bishop Hooper. The letter from the queen to lord Chandos directing him to repair to Gloucester and assist at the execution of bishop Hooper, has been published in Miss Wood's Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies, iii. 284.

04 Feb 1555. The sam day was Rogers (age 50) cared be-twyn x and xj of the cloke in-to Smyth-feld [Map], and bornyd, for aronyus [erroneous] apinions, with a grett compene of the gard.

05 Feb 1555. The v day of Feybruarij be-twyn v and vj in the mornyng, (departed) master Hoper (age 60) to Gloceter [Map], and Sandurs (age 36) to Coventre [Map], boyth [to be] bornd.

06 Feb 1555. The vj day of Feybruary doctur Tayller was sent in-to Suffoke, and to be brentt.

12 Feb 1555. [Probably 07 Feb 1555]. The xij day of Feybruary was my lord Strange (age 23) mared to the lade of Cumberland (age 15) the yerle of Cumberland (age 38) doyctur [daughter]; and after a grett dener, and justes, and after tornay on horsbake with swordes, and after soper Jube the cane, a play, [Juego de Canas, or tilting with canes, a sport introduced by the Spaniards] with torch-lyght and cressettlyghtes, lx cressets and C. of torchys, and a maske, and a bankett.

Note. P. 82. Marriage of lord Strange. The date of this was Feb. 7th, not the 12th. "The vij. of February the lord Strange being maried at the court, the same day at night was a goodly pastime of Juga cana by cresset lyght; there were lxx. cresset lightes." Stowe's Summarie, 1566.

Note. Pp. 76, 82, 83. Juego de cannas. This sport, which the Spanish cavaliers brought with them from their native country, was long a favourite there. When Lord Berners was ambassador in Spain in 1518, "on midsummer daye in the morninge the king, with xxiij with him, well apparelled in cootes and clokes of goulde and gouldsmythe work, on horsback, in the said market-place (at Saragossa), ranne and caste canes after the countreye maner, whearas the kinge did very well (and was) much praysed; a fresh sight for once or twise to behold, and afterward nothing. Assoone as the cane is caste, they flye; wherof the Frenche ambassador sayd, that it was a good game to teche men to flye. My lord Barners answered, that the Frenchmen learned it well besides Gingate, at the jurney of Spurres." (Letter from the ambassador in MS. Cotton. Vesp. C. i. 177.) It continued in practice when Charles prince of Wales visited Spain in 1623, and a pamphlet entitled, "A relation of the Royal Festivities and Juego de Canas, a turnament of darting with reedes after the manner of Spaine, made by the king of Spaine at Madrid, the 21st of August this present yeere 1623," is reprinted in Somers's Tracts and in Nichols's Progresses of King James I. vol. iv.—"The Juego de Cannas," remarks Sir Walter Scott, "was borrowed from the Moors, and is still practised by Eastern nations, under the name of El Djerid. It is a sort of rehearsal of the encounter of their light horsemen, armed with darts, as the Tourney represented the charge of the feudal cavaliers with their lances. In both cases, the differences between sport and reality only consisted in the weapons being sharp or pointless."

"So had he seen in fair Castile

The youth in glittering squadrons start,

Sudden the flying jennet wheel,

And hurl the unexpected dart."

(Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel.)

09 Feb 1555. The ix day of Feybruary was raynyd at Powlles, a-for my lord mayre and the shreyffes and the bysshope of London (age 55) and dyvers docturs and of the conselle, vj heretykes [of] Essex and Suffoke, to be brent in dyvers places.

17 Feb 1555. The xvij day of Feybruary at bowt mydnyght ther wher serten lude feylous cam unto sant Thomas of Acurs, and over the dore ther was set the ymage of sant Thomas, and ther thay brake ys neke and the tope of ys crosier, the wyche was mad of fre-ston; with grett sham yt was done.

Note. P. 82. The image of St. Thomas pulled down. It had been erected only two days before. One Barnes a mercer, who lived opposite to the chapel, was suspected of being accessary to its destruction. He, therefore, was committed with some of his servants, and afterwards bound in recognizance to watch it, and make it good if defaced. The 2d of March it was restored at his charge; but on the 14th (as Machyn records) again broken.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 March

05 Mar 1555. The v day of Marche was playd a-fo [r the king and] the conselle Whyt the master of fensse and ys [fellows, and] all odur that wold come at the court at Vest[mynster.]

08 Mar 1555. The viij day of Marche ther was a general prossessyon from Powlles and thrugh Chepe and Bucklers[bery] and thrug Walbroke and up Boge-row and Watling stret, and so to Powlles; and all the chylderyn of Powlles and of the hospetall, and the bysshope and my lord mare and aldermen, and all the crafts, and all clarkes and prestes syngyng.

08 Mar 1555. The sam day was a man sett on the pelere [for hurting] of one of the vj men that was sworne, and lyke [to have] bene slayne, and dyd suspend the chyrche of [saint] Donestones in the est.

14 Mar 1555. The xiiij day of Marche in the nyght ther serten velyns [villains] dyd breke the neke of the ymage of sant Thomas of Canturbere, and on of ys arms broke.

15 Mar 1555. The xv day of Marche ther was a proclamassyon the morowe after that wo so ever dyd know or cold bryng word to the mayre who dyd breke ys neke, shuld have a C. crones of gold for ys labur.

16 Mar 1555. The xvj day of Marche was a veyver [weaver] bornyd in Smyth-feld [Map], dwellyng in Sordyche [Map], for herese, by viij of the cloke in the mornyng, ys nam was (Tomkins).

18 Mar 1555. The xviij day of Marche was browth to the Towre [Map] owt of Cambryge-shyre master Bowes, master Cutt, and master Hynd, and dyvers odur, for a nuw conspyrase, the wyche shuld have byne don in Suffoke and odur plases.

19 Mar 1555. The xix day of Marche in the mornyng the Kyng('s) (age 27) grace rune at the tylt a-gaynst odur Spaneards, and brake iiij stayffes by viij of the cloke in the mornyng.

20 Mar 1555. [The xx day of March the earl of Bedford (deceased), lord privy-seal, who died at his house beside the Savoy, was carried to his buryingplace in the country, called Chenies, with three hundred horse all in black. He was carried with three crosses,] with mony clerkes and prestes, [till they came to the hill] a-boyffe sant James, and ther returnyd [certain of them] home; and thay had torchys and almes and money gyven them. And after evere man sett in aray on horssebake. First on red in blake bayryng a crosse of sylver, and serten prestes on horsebake wayryng ther surples; then cam the standard, and then all the gentyllmen and hed officers; and then cam haroldes, on beyryng ys elmet, and the mantylls, and the crest, and anodur ys baner of armes, and anodur ys target with the garter, and anodur ys cott armur; and anodur ys sword: and then master Garter in ys ryche cott armur and then cam the charett with vj banars rolles of armes, and a-bowt the charett iiij banars of ymages, and after the charet a gret horsse trapyd in cloth of gold with the sadyll of the sam; and then cam mornars, the cheyffe (of whom) my lord Russell (age 28) ys sune, and after my lord trayssorer (age 72), and the master of the horse (age 34), and dyver odur nobull men all in blake; and evere towne that he whent thrughe the clarkes and prestes mett ym with crosses; and they had in evere parryche iiij nobuls to gyffe to the pore, and the prest and clarke of evere parryche xs., tyll he cam to ys plasse at Cheynes; and the morowe after was he bered, and a grett doll of money; and ther the deyn of Powlles mad a godly sermon; and after a grett dener, and great plenty to all the contrey a-bowt that wold com thether.

Note. P. 83. Funeral of the earl of Bedford. John first earl of Bedford, K.G. created lord Russell 1539, and an earl in 1550. See a portrait with memoirs of him in Wiffen's House of Russell, vol. i.; another in Lodge's Illustrious Portraits; and his portrait is also in the collection by Houbraken, and in Chamberlain's Holbein Heads. The chapel at Chenies, which has ever since been the cemetery of the Russells, was built by his widow in 1556, in pursuance of his last will. His effigy at Chenies is described in Lipscomb's Buckinghamshire: but in the inscription, "Lord President of the Western Portes" is an error for Partes.

25 Mar 1555. The xxv day of Marche, the wyche was owre lade [day,] ther was as gret justes as youe have sene at the tylt at Vestmynster; the chalyngers was a Spaneard and ser Gorge Haward (age 30); and all ther men, and ther horsses trymmyd in whyt, and then cam the Kyng (age 27) and a gret mene [menée, ie retinue] all in bluw, and trymmyd with yelow, and ther elmets with gret tuyffes [tufts ie plumes.] of blue and yelow fether, and all ther veffelers [whifflers ie forerunners] and ther fotemen, and ther armorers, and a compene lyke Turkes red in cremesun saten gownes and capes, and with fachyons [falchions], and gret targets; and sum in gren, and mony of dyvers colers; and ther was broken ij hondred stayffes and a-boyff.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 April

04 Apr 1555. The iiij day of Aprell the Kyng('s) (age 27) grace and the Quen (age 39) removyd unto Hamtun [Map] cowrte to kepe Ester ther, and so her grace to her chambur ther.

17 Apr 1555. The xvij day of Aprell was a commandment [from the bishop of London (age 55) that every] parryche in London should have the sam day, and the morowe, durge and masse and ryngyng for pope Jully [the third] of that name, and for all crystyn solles.

14 Apr 1555. The xiiij day of Aprell, the wyche was [Ester day,] at sant Margatt [Map] parryche at Westmynster, af[ter masse] was done, one of the menysters a prest of the ab[bay] dyd helpe hym that was the menyster [to] the pepull who wher reseyvyng of the blessyd sacrement of [the lord] Jhesus Cryst, ther, cam in-to the chyrche a man that was a monke of Elly, the wyche was marryed to a wyff; the sam day ther that sam man sayd to the menyster, What doyst thow gyff them? and as sone as he had spokyn he druw his wod-knyffe, and hyt the prest on the hed and struck hym a grett blowe, and after ran after hym and struck hym on the hand, and cloyffe ys hand a grett way, and after on the harme a grett wond [wound]; and ther was syche a cry and showtt as has not byne; and after he was taken and cared to presun, and after examynyd wher-for he dyd ytt.

20 Apr 1555. The xx day of Aprell was raynyd at Powlles a-for the bysshope of London (age 55) and many odur and my lord cheyffe justys and my lord mayre and the shreyffes; ys name was (master Fowler, alias Branch ); he was a monke of Ely; and ther was a goodly sermon, and after he was cast and condemnyd to have ys hand that hurt the prest cut off or he shuld suffer, and after dysgracyd, and after cared to Nuwgatt [Map]ss.

21 Apr 1555. The xxj day of Aprell ther was wypyd at a cart-hors [carts tail] iij, j man and ij women, and anodur man a-lone, ij old men with whyt berdes, and on was for carehyng ....

23 Apr 1555. [The xxiijd day of April, being saint George's day, at Hampton Court [Map], the King (age 27), with other lords and knights of the garter, went in their robes on procession, with three] crosses, and clarkes and prestes, and my lord chancellor, the cheyff menyster, metered [mitred ie wearing his mitre], and all thay in copes of cloth of tyssue and gold, syngyng Salva fasta dyes as thay whent a-bowt; the Quen('s) (age 39) grace lokyd owt of a cassement, that hundereds dyd se her grace after she had taken her chambur; and arolds gohyng a-bowt the Kyng('s) grace.

24 Apr 1555. The xxiiij day of Aprell was the sam man cared to Westmynster that dyd hurt the prest, and had ys hand stryken of at the post, and after he was bornyd [burned] aganst sant Margett chyrche [Map] with-owt the cherche-yerde.

26 Apr 1555. The xxvj day of Aprell was cared from the Marselsee [Map] in a care thrugh London unto Charyng-crosse [Map] to the galows, and ther hangyd, iij men for robyng of serten Spaneardes of tresur of gold owt of the abbay of Vestmynster.

26 Apr 1555. The sam day was a yonge man wypytt at a post with a coler of yron to the post, by the standard in the Chepe [Map], that ys callyd the post of reformassyon, for brybyng and pyky ..

29 Apr 1555. The xxix day of Aprell was cutte downe of the galows a man that was hangyd the xxvj day of Aprell, a pulter('s) servant that was one of them that dyd robed the Spaneard with-in Westmynster Abbay, and he hangyd in a gowne of towny [tawny] fryse and a dobelet of townny taffata and a payre of fyne hose lynyd with sarsenet, and after bered undur the galaus, rayllyng a-ganst the pope and the masse, and hangyd iiij days.

30 Apr 1555. The xxx day of Aprell and the last day of Aprell thydynges cam to London that the Quen('s) (age 39) grace was delevered of a prynce, and so ther was grett ryngyng thrugh London, and dyvers plases Te Deum laudamus songe; and the morow after yt was tornyd odurways to the plesur of God! But yt shall be when yt plesse God, for I trust God that he wyll remembur ys tru servands that putt ther trust in hym, when that they calle on hym.

Note. P. 86. False report of the queen's delivery. See the article before referred to in the Gentleman's Magazine for Dec. 1841, at p. 598. At St. Benedict Gracechurch [Map] the churchwardens paid to a prieste and six clerks for singing of Te Deum and playing upon the organs for the birth of our Prince (which was thought then to be), 1l. 8s. (Malcolm.)

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 May

01 May 1555. [The ij day of May three persons for their abominable living were carted through the city, from Guildhall to Cheapside, and so through Newgate, and through Smithfield, and back again to the Standard in Cheap, where the proclamation of their unclean living was made, viz. master] Manwaryng a gentyllman, and ij women, on .... Waren dwellyng at the Hare in Chepe, and the odur a gold-smyth('s) wyff, for baudry and hordom, and dyvers [times taken] with-all; and so cared owt of Algatt.

07 May 1555. The vij day of May was taken owt of ys grave the sam man that was bered be-syd the galaus at Charynge crosse, a pulter, and bornyd [burned] be-syd the galaus.

Note. P. 86. Body of thief burned at Charing cross. The name of the "pulter," or poulterer, the object of this posthumous vengeance, was Tooly. His case is related at large by Foxe. He had received pardon of some other crime July 5, 1553, the very day before king Edward's death. (Strype, Mem. ii. 509.)

10 May 1555. The x day of May was browth unto [the court at] Hamtun [Map] to the consell a yonge man the wyche sayd he was kyng Edward the vjth, and was [examined] a-for the conselle, and so examynyd how he [dared be] so bold, and after delevered unto the marshall and conveyed to the marshellsay, and ther he bydyth the conselles pleasure.

15 May 1555. The xv day of May was a generall prossessyon from Powlles and unto Leydynhall and downe Gracious-strett, and tornyd done Estchepe, and so to Powlles a-gayn; for [there] whent ij C. pore men with bedes in ther handes, and iij C. powre women of evere parryche, ij men and ij vomen, ij and ij to-gether, and after all the men-chylderyn of the hospetall, and after the chylderne of sant Antonys, and then all the chyltheryn of Powlles and all ther masters and husshers, and then all the prestes and clerkes, and the bysshope, and my lord mare and the althermen, and all the crafftes of London in ther leveray. The sam tym as thay wher a-gohyng a-prossessyon in Chepe ther cam a frantyke man and hangyd a-bowt a prest ij podynges, and after he was browth to the bysshope, and after to my lord mayre, and after to the contur for ys folyssnes .... wypyd at a care-hars [carts tail] a-bowt the ....

17 May 1555. The xvij day of May was bone to a post in [Cheap and] wyped for (blank in the MS.) as they wher gohyng a-prossessyon the Wednysday a-for, a-for non, a man dwellyng at Belyngatt in Bore['s head]-alley; ys nam ys (blank) Halle a leyterman.

18 May 1555. The xviij day of May was nodur lad wypyd at the same post in Chepe for loytryng and ronnyng a-bowt master-les as a vacabond.

18 May 1555. The sam day of May was (arraigned) iiij men at Powlles, a-for none and after-non, of Essex, and thay wher cast for heresse, all iiij cast to be bornyd, and so cared unto Nugatt [Map].

19 May 1555. The xix day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse [Map] master Hapffeld; and ther wher ij women stode ther a-fore the precher, and ther the ij women declaryd that yt was falsse that they sayd a-fore, that the chyld dyd nott spyke, and bad all men take hed [heed] how eny man or voman shuld beleyffe any shuche person the wyche shuld spyke a chyld be-syd Powlles, the wyche the chyld should spyke and shuld bed [bid] men pray, and sayd that the kyngdom of God ys at hand.

Note. P. 88. The child supposed to speak. "By a lettere dated in London, 11 May, 1555, it appeares that in Poules churche yearde, at the signe of the hedgehog, the goodwyfe of the house was brought to bedde of a mane child, beinge of the age of 6 dayes, and dienge the 7th daye followinge; and halfe an houre before it departed spake these words followinge (rise and pray), and so continued halfe an howre in thes words, and then cryenge departed the worlde. Hereuppon the bushope of London examined the goodman of the house, and othur credible persones, who affirmed it to be true, and will dye uppon the same." (MS. Harl. 353, f. 145.)

17 May 1555. The xvij day of May was bered the contesse of Vestmerland (deceased) at Sordyche [Map], for ther was a goodly hersse with iiij banars of emages, and iiij banars-rolles, and mony mornars, and ther was master Garter and Ruge-crosse, and after all done a gret dener.

Note. Page 88. Funeral of the countess of Westmerland. Katharine, daughter of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham, K.G. and wife of Ralph earl of Westmerland. A letter from her to the earl of Shrewsbury, 25 Apr. 1544, has been published in Miss Wood's Letters of Ladies, iii. 182. She died at Holywell, the house of her son-in-law the earl of Rutland (age 28), in the parish of Shoreditch, on Tuesday, May 14, 1555. (MS. Harl. 897, fol. 78b, 80.) In that church was erected a joint monument, with four kneeling effigies, representing Elinor (Paston) countess of Rutland, who died in 1551; this countess of Westmerland (deceased); her daughter Margaret countess of Rutland, who died 1560 (see Note hereafter to p. 215); and lady Katharine Constable, who died 1591, a granddaughter of the first; which see engraved in Ellis's Shoreditch, p. 56, or Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. ii. pl. xii.

22 May 1555. The xxij day of May one Wylliam (blank), sum tyme a lake [lackey], rod in a care from the Marsalsey [Map] thrugh London unto Westmynster and in-to the Hall, and ther he had ys jugement to be wypyd be-caws he sayd that he cam as a messynger from kyng Edward the vjth.

25 May 1555. [The xxv day of May were arraigned at St. Paul's for heresy, before the bishop, master Cardmaker sometime vicar of St. Bride's in Fleet-street, and one] John Warren a cloth [worker in Walbrook] and a-nodur of (blank), and cast to be brent; and [carried back to] Nugatt [Map].

29 May 1555. The xxix day of May was a goodly prossessyon of the chylderyn of the hospetall and all the skolles in [London].

30 May 1555. The xxx day of May was burnt in Smythfeld [Map] master Cardmaker sum-tyme veker of sant Bryd and master Varren (age 29) clothworker dwellyng aganst sant Johns in Walbroke, an hupholster, and ys wyff behyng in [Newgate].

27 May 1555. The xxvij day of May was the Clarkes' prossessyon from Yerdhall [Map] college, and ther was a goodly masse be hard, and evere clarke havyng a cope and garland, with C. stremers borne, and the whettes playng round Chepe, and so to Ledynhall [Map] unto sant Albro chyrche [Map], [and ther] thay putt off ther gayre, and ther was the blessyd sacrament borne with torche-lyght a-bowt, and from thens unto the Barbur-hall to dener.

26 May 1555. The xxvj day of May was a goodly May-gam at sant Martens in the feld [Map], with gyant and hobehorsses, with drumes and gonnes and mores danse and with othur mynsterelles.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 June

03 Jun 1555. The iij day of Junij cam a godly prossessyon from sant Peters in Cornhylle with the Fyssmongers, and my lorde mayre, with a C. copes, unto Powlles, and ther thay offered; with the whettes playhyng and syngyng.

03 Jun 1555. The sam day was a goodly May-gam at Westmynster as has ben synes, with gyantes, mores-pykes, gunes and drumes, and duwylles, and iij mores-dansses, and bag-pypes and wyolles, and mony dysgyssyd, and the lord and the lade of the May rod gorgyously, with mynsterelles dyver playng.

03 Jun 1555. [The same day was the procession of saint Clement's parish without Temple bar, set forth with a great many streamers] and banners, and the whetes of London [with crosses.] In the myds of the crosses was the Spaneards crosse of the Savoy, and yt was rond lyke to that hangys over [the sacrament,] of cremesun welvett inbrodere ryche, and after clarkes and prestes in ryche copes syngyng Salve fasta dies; [and] folowyng all the ines of the cowrt ther; and after all the parryche with whyt rods in ther handes a gret nombur.

03 Jun 1555. The sam day cam Eslyngtun prosessyon, with standard and baners, with clarkes and prestes in copes syngyng Salve fasta dies, and after all the parryche boyth men and women.

10 Jun 1555. The x day of Juin was delevered owt of Nuwgatt [Map] vij men to be cared in-to Essex and Suffoke to borne [burned].

10 Jun 1555. The sam day was Grossers' fest, and ther was my lord mayre and dyvers althermen, and ther my lord mayre dyd chuysse master Lee altherman shreyffe for the kyng, and master Whytt grocer and altherman the master of the Grosers, and master Graftun warden and master Grenway warden for that yere.

Note. P. 90. At the Grocers' feast my lord mayor did choose master Lee sheriff for the king.

The order observed "Upon Midsummer day, for the election of the Sheriffes of London, &c." will be found in Stowe's Survay, under the head of "Temporall Government." On that day (as still) the sheriffs were elected; but one had been previously "nominated by the Lord Maior according to his prerogative." This was done in the way intimated more than once in these pages, by drinking to him at a feast. A full and curious account of the mode in which this ceremony was performed at the Haberdashers' feast in the year 1583, is given in a letter of Mr. recorder Fleetwood to lord Burghley, printed in Ellis's Orig. Letters, 1st Series, ii. 290.

Note. P. 90. Master Lee chosen sheriff. Son of Roger Leigh of Wellington in Shropshire, and apprentice of sir Rowland Hill, whose niece, Alice Barker, he married. He became "Sir Thomas Leigh, maior, the first yeare of Q. Elizabeth, 1559. He dwelled in the Old Jury, his house joyning on the north of Mercers Chapell, where he was buried. Arms, Gules, on a cross engrailed argent between four unicorn's heads erased or, five hurts each charged with an ermine spot. His sonnes have since altred the armes to, Gules, a cross engrailed and in dexter chief a lozenge argent." (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.) Sir Thomas Leigh died Nov. 17, 1571. His epitaph at the Mercers' Chapel will be found in Stowe's Survay and in Dugdale's Baronage, vol. ii. p. 464. By his second son William he was ancestor of the Lords Leigh of Stoneleigh, and by his third son William, grandfather of Francis Leigh, earl of Chichester.

11 Jun 1555. The xj day of Juin be-gane they to sett up the frame for the hersse at Powlles for the quen of Spayn [Note. paternal grandmother of Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain (age 28)], the wyche was the goodlest that ever was sene in England; the bare frame cost xv1. the carpynter('s) dute.

17 Jun 1555. The xvij day of Juin was the hersse fenyssyd at Powlles a-boyffe the qwyer with ix prensepalles garnyshyd, (the) goodlest that ever was sene, and all the prensepalles covered with blake velvett, and the mageste of taffata and the frynge [gold]; and all the qwyre and a-boyffe the qwyre and the sydes and ondur [foot] and the body of the chyrche one he hangyd with blake and armes, and with xxxvj dosen of pensells of sylke welvett with gold and selver, and xvj baners-rolles of armes, and iiij baners of whyt emages wroght with fyne gold; over-nyght durge, and the morow masse; and mony mornars, the forst a stranger and the yerle of Shrusbere (age 27), and yerle of Penbroke (age 54), my lord treysorer, ser Recherd Sowthwell (age 52), and mony mo as Englys as Spaneards; and a vij skore powre men havyng nuwe blake gownes, and evere man holdyng torchys; and after messe a grett dener at the bysshope of London('s) plasse, and gret plente.

Note. P. 90. Funeral of the queen of Spain at Saint Paul's. The full ceremonial of this is preserved in the College of Arms, I. 14, ff. 111–114; and see a letter of the lord treasurer to the bishop of London respecting preparations for the solemnity in Strype, Memorials, iii. 220. The deceased was Jane, the grandmother of king Philip (age 28), and the aunt of queen Mary (age 39), being the elder sister of queen Katharine. She was the eldest daughter of Ferdinand the Catholic by Isabel queen of Castille; and having married Philip of Austria, they succeeded to the kingdom of Castille on the death of her mother in 1504. On the death of her father in 1516, her husband having previously died in 1506, she was from insanity unfit to reign, and her son Charles (age 55) (afterwards emperor) was acknowledged sovereign of all Spain.

14 Jun 1555. The xiiij day (of) Juin was a proclamassyon [that all] bokes shuld be broyth [brought] in of Luter, Tendalles, .... and Coverdals (age 67) and bysshope Cremer (age 65), and all shyche as .... shuys and all hereses bokes, and he that dyd nott [bring them] in with-in the xv days after shuld go to presun with-owt prysse, of what degre they be of.

Note. P. 90. Proclamation for bringing in heretical books. A printed copy of this, dated 13 June, is in the collection at the Society of Antiquaries: it is inserted in Foxe's Actes and Monuments, vol. iii. p. 271. Of its objects see also Strype, Mem. vol. iii. p. 250.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 July

01 Jul 1555. The furst day of July whent in-to Smythfeld to borne [burned] master Bradford (age 45), a grett precher by kyng Edwards days, and a talow chandler('s) prentes dwellyng by Nugatt, by viij of the cloke in the mornyng, with a grett compene of pepull.

01 Jul 1555. The sam day was bered good master Thomas .... altherman, sum tyme shreyff of London, and [a hearse] with ij whyt branchys and xij longe torchys [a hearse] stayffe torchys and iiij grett tapurs, and xij gownes gyffen unto xij pore men of blake peneston, and the compene of the Clarkes and mony prestes and ... armes of the body and the tapurs, and ther wher ... blake gownes, and after durge speysse-bred and wine; and the morow masse of requeem, and ther dyd pryche a frere of Grenwyche, and a grett dolle.

Note. P. 91. Funeral of alderman Thomas Lewen. That the name which our MS. has here lost should be thus supplied is shown by the following inscription from the church of St. Nicholas Olave's [Map]: "Here lies the bodies of Thomas Lewen, ironmonger and some time alderman of the city of London, and Agnes his wife; which Thomas deceased the 29. day of June, Anno D'ni 1555, and the said Agnes deceased the 26. day of October, Anno D'ni 1562. This monument of Thomas Lewen and Agnes his wife was newly revived and beautified at the charge of the right worshipful company of the Ironmongers, of which he was free, the 29th May, Anno D'ni 1623." By his will dated in the year of his death (which is enrolled at Guildhall), Lewen left to the Ironmongers a messuage in Breadstreet, and four other houses, for the observance of an obit, the support of four almspeople, and a scholarship at Oxford, and another at Cambridge of 50s. each: see the Report of the Commissioners of Public Charities, and abstract therefrom in Herbert's City Companies, p. 615. A portrait of alderman Lewen is still preserved at Ironmongers' hall. His arms were, Ar. on a chevron engrailed gules, between three crescents of the second, each charged with a bezant, as many estoiles or, and between them two lozenges of the field, each charged with a martlet sable, all within a bordure engrailed gu.—a somewhat remarkable example of a fully, but not unartistically, crowded coat. (MS. Harl. 6860.) He was sheriff 1537–8, but not lord mayor.—A few particulars remain to be given in a subsequent page on occasion of the death of Mrs. Lewen, the alderman's widow.

02 Jul 1555. The ij day of July was the Marchand-tayllers' fest, and ther dynyd my lord mayre and dyvers of the conselle and juges and the shreyffes and mony althermen and gentyllmen, and thay had agaynst ther dener lviij bokes and ij stages; the master of the compene master Jeye Wade sqwyre, (and the wardens) master Eton, master Rowe, and master Hylle, and master God, and all v borne in London and tayller(s') sunnes alle.

Note. P. 91. Master Eton. George Eyton, master in 1557 (see p. 141.) William Heton was warden of the Merchant-taylors in 1566–7. Wilson's Merchant-taylors' School, p. 1150.

Note. P. 91. Master Rowe. Sir Thomas Rowe was an alderman, sheriff in 1560, and lord mayor in 1568. By his will dated May 2, 1569, he was a munificent benefactor to the Merchant-taylors' company; as may be seen by the particulars given in Herbert's City Companies, p. 504. He died Sept. 2, 1570, and his monument at Hackney, having kneeling effigies of himself and wife, was engraved at the expense of his descendant Mr. Rowe-Mores in 1752, and inserted in Robinson's History of that parish, 1842, ii. p. 8. The very full and curious directions which he left for his funeral are printed in Lysons's Environs of London, 1811, vol. ii. p. 302. See memoirs of him also in Wilson's History of Merchant-taylors' school, pp. 5, et seq.; and a pedigree of his descendants in Rowe-Mores' History of Tunstall, 4to. 1780, p. xvii.

Note. P. 91. Ibid. Master Hylle warden. This was Richard Hills, the benefactor whom Stowe commemorates in his chapter on the "honour of citizens." He gave 500l. towards the purchase of the manor of the Rose, where Merchant-taylors' school was established; also (according to Stowe) fourteen almshouses for poor women on Tower-hill. The latter statement however is not confirmed by Herbert's account of the Merchant-taylors' almshouses; but it appears that by will dated June 28, 1586, he gave certain tenements in St. Botolph's, Aldgate, for the payment of 5l. yearly among six poor tailors, and that the Company still owns thirteen houses from this bequest. (Hist. of the City Companies, pp. 496, 506.) Strype mentions Richard Hills as having been resident at Strasburg in 1548, and commissioned by Cranmer to help Martin Bucer to his journey to England. He became master of the Merchant-taylors' company in 1561. (Wilson's Merchant-taylors' school, p. 10.)

Note. P. 91. Master God. The Survay of Finsbury manor, dated 1567, mentions "a lodge and certain gardens and tenter grounds in the tenure of John God, merchant-taylor, inclosed on the north towards Chiswell-street by a brick wall." (Herbert's Twelve City Companies, ii. 389.) He was again warden of the company in 1563–4, and master in 1565–6.

Note. P. 91. All v. born in London, and taylors' sons all. Herbert remarks, that, though "there are not at this time half a dozen tailor brothers of this dignified corporation," the case was quite the reverse formerly, (contrary to some affected aristocracy of the Merchanttaylors, absurdly advanced by the Rev. Dr. Wilson in his History of Merchant-taylors' School,) and the company itself continued a working one until the reign of James I. When it is recollected that the great city historian Stowe was a taylor of London, and his cotemporary Speed, the general historian, as well as Anthony Munday, Thomas Middleton, and others, besides a fair proportion of the distinguished civic senators and benefactors of former days, there can be no reason to despise the brethren of this very necessary craft, at any stage of its history, even if, besides "manufacturing pavilions for our kings, robes of state for our nobles, and tents, &c. for our soldiers," (Wilson, p. xix.) they also condescended to become "makers of ordinary garments" (ibid.) by stitching jerkins for our prentices, doublets for our shopmen, and trunk-hose for our cooks. It is true that trades were much more subdivided formerly than at present: thus we hear of bowyers and fletchers; armourers and linen armourers (the latter were associated with the tailors); and there were cappers and hosiers, distinct trades, though the material they used, as well as the tailors, was cloth. But a tailor, or a "taylor," has remained much the same from generation to generation.

06 Jul 1555. P. 91. The vj day of July rod to Tyburne [Map] to be hangyd iij men, and on drane [drawn] upon a hyrdyll unto Tyburne for qwynnyng [coining] of money.

08 Jul 1555. [The viij day of July were three more delivered out of Nugate, and sent into the country to be burned for heretics.]

12 Jul 1555. The xij day of July was bornyd [burned] at Canturbery iiij men for herese, ij prestes and ij laye men.

21 Jul 1555. The xxj day of July was cared to the Towre, [in the] morning erlee, iiij men; on was the good-man of [the] Volsake [Woolsack] with-owt Algatt.

21 Jul 1555. The xxj day of July dyd pryche at Althermare [church] Recherdson the Skott, that was the reder at Wyttyngton college, from on tyll iij of the cloke, and ther was the grettest audyense that has ben sen in a parryche; and he came thedur to have recantyd, butt he wold nott.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 August

02 Aug 1555. The ij day of August was a shumaker bornyd at sant Edmundebere in Suffoke [Map] for herese.

08 Aug 1555. The viij day of August, between iiij and v in the mornyng, was a presoner delevered unto the shreyff of Medyllsex to be cared unto Uxbryge to be bornyd; yt was the markett day-owt of Nuwgatt delevered.

09 Aug 1555. The ix day of August was a generall prossessyon at London with all the chylderyn of skolles in London; and all sextens, and all clarkes, and all prestes; and the bysshope of London (age 55), and my lord mayre, in ther leveray, from Powlles done Chepesyd, and thrugh Bokelars-bere and Walbroke, and up Watlyng-stret to Powlles.

03 Aug 1555. The iij day of August the Quen (age 39) and Kynges (age 28) grace removyd from Hamtun Court [Map] unto Hotland [Map], a iiij mylles of: has her grace whent thrugh the parke for to take her barge, ther mett her grace by the way a powre man with ij chruches, and when that he saw her grace, for joy he thruw hys stayffes a-way, and rane after her grace, and sche commondyd that one shuld gyff ym a reward.

15 Aug 1555. The xv day of August was a grett ffett on the see [fight on the sea] be-twyn the Frencmen and the Flemmyng, and ther wher dyvers of boyth partes slene, and boyth men and shypes and dyvers taken, and the goodes.

23 Aug 1555. The xxiij day of August was bornyd at [Stratford]-of-bowe, in the conte of Mydyllsex, a woman, [wife] of John Waren, clothworker, a huphulster [over] agaynst sant Johns in Walbroke; the wyche .... John her hosband was bornyd with on Cardmaker in Smythfeld, for herese boyth; and the sam woman had a sune taken at her bornyng and cared to Nuwgatt [Map] [to his] syster, for they will borne [burn] boyth.

24 Aug 1555. The xxiiij day of August cam from Rome at afternone the bysshope of Ely (age 49), the bysshope of Banger (age 51), the lord Montycutt vycontt (age 26), ser Hare Husse, and dyvers odur.

26 Aug 1555. The xxvj day of August cam from Westmynster, rydyng thrugh London unto Towrs-warff, the Kyng (age 28) and the Quen (age 39), and ther thay toke ther barge unto Grenwyche [Map], and landyd at the long bryge, and reseyvyd by my lord chanseler (age 72), and my lord of Ely (age 49), and my lord vycont Montyguw (age 26), master comtroller, master Sowthwell (age 52), and dyvers mo, and the gard, and dyvers holdyn torchys bornynge, and up to the Frers, and ther thare graces mad ther praers, and at her grace('s) landyng received ix or x suplycasyon(s), and so bake agayn to the court with a c. torchys bornyng.

28 Aug 1555. [The xxviii day of August went out of Newgate certain] heretykes to borne [burned] in the contrey.

29 Aug 1555. The xxix day of August, (which) was the day of Decolacyon [Declaration] of sant John Baptyst, the Marchand-tayllers kept masse at Sant Johnes be-yond Smyt-feld, and my lord of Sant Johnes dyd offer at masse, and ser Hare Hubylthorne, ser Thomas Whytt and master Harper, althermen, and all the clothyng. And after the iiij wardens of the yeomanry, and all the compene of the tayllers, a 1d. a pesse; and the qwyre honge with cloth of arres, and after masse to the Tayllers' halle to dener.

29 Aug 1555. The same day the Kyng('s) (age 28) grace toke ys jorney toward Dover, Kent [Map], and with a grett compeny, and ther tared for the wynd, and ther the shypes lying rede [ready] for ys grace gohyng over see.

Note. P. 93. Departure of king Philip. The king crossed to Calais on the 4th Sept. "and so foorth to Brusselles in Brabant to visite the emperour hys father." (Stowe's Summarie, 1566.) He went to assume the government of the Low Countries, and was received into Antwerp with great solemnity about the 18th January. (Ibid.)

30 Aug 1555. The xxx day of August was cast at yeld-hall [Map], for robyng of the quen('s) warderobe, one John Boneard, a servantt of hers, dwellyng be-syd the Warderobe at the Blake Frers, and cast. The sam day were cast, for robyng of ther masturs, ij. wher prentes, and the thurd was a servyngman, the prentes dwellyng in Boke larbere, for kepyng of herers, and after send unto the bysshop('s) presun at Startford in Essex.

31 Aug 1555. The xxxj day of August whent out of Nugatt a man of Essex unto Barnett for herese, by the shreyff of Medyllsex, to borne [burn] ther.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 September

04 Sep 1555. The iiij day of September the Quen('s) (age 39) grace and my lady Elsabeth (age 21), and all the court, dyd fast from flessh, and toke the Popes jubele and pardon grantyd to alle men.

04 Sep 1555. [The same day were certain bishops, viz. doctor Corwyn (age 55) archbishop of] Duvylyne [Dublin], [doctor William] Glyne (age 51) bysshoppe of Bangor, (and) doctur (James Turberville) bysshope of Exsseter, alle consecratyd at Powlles [Map].

10 Sep 1555. The x day of September was bered my lade Lyons, the mares of London [wife of John Lyon (age 41)], with a goodly [herse] mad in sant Benet-sherog parryche, with ij branchys, and xxiiij gownes of blake for pore men; and thay had xxiiij torchys, with v banars, one of armes, and iiij of emages, and vj dosen pensells, and vij dosen of skochyons, and ij harold(s) of armes, and c. mornars in blake, and the althermen folohyng the corsse, and after the [company of] the Grosers, and the morow the masse, and master H .. dyd pryche, and after a grett dener.

Note. P. 94. Funeral of lady Lyons. Alice wife of sir John Lyons then lord mayor, who has been noticed in p. 340. "A remembraunce for thenterement of my ladye Lyons" is in I. 3, in Coll. Arm. f. 94b. After the death of his first wife Alice, sir John Lyon married "Elsabeth doter of Lee and widow of Austen Hynde alderman and shreve of London. This Elsabeth dyed the xth of July in A° 1569. He dyed the 7th Sept. 1564 sans issue, wherefore he made his heyre . . . Lyon, his brother's son, of Acton, unto whosse sons he gave all his landes." (MS. Harl. 874, f. 25b.)

15 Sep 1555. The xv day of September dyd pryche at Powlles (blank), and he declaryd (the) Pope('s) jubele and pardon from Rome, and as mony as wyll reseyffe ys pardon so to be shryff, and fast iij days in on wyke, and to reseyffe the blessed sacrement the next Sonday affter, clen remyssyon of all ther synes tossyens quossyens [toties quoties] of all that ever they dyd.

20 Sep 1555. The xx day of September was cared from Nugatt unto the lolrar stowre [Map] serten men.

Note. P. 94. The Lollards' Tower. When I wrote the note in this page, and another in p. 118, I was not aware that there had been any other "Lollards' Tower" than that still remaining at Lambeth. I have since noticed in Stowe's Survey that the southern bell-tower at the west end of St. Paul's cathedral was so called. The tower towards the north, next the Bishop's palace, was attached to "the use of the same palace; the other, towards the south, is called the Lollards' Tower, and hath beene used as the bishop's prison, for such as were detected for opinions in religion, contrary to the faith of the church." The last prisoner Stowe had known confined there was in 1573. It is probable therefore that our Londoner meant the Lollards' Tower nearest at hand.

29 Sep 1555. The xxix day of September was the grettest rayn and fludes that ever was sene in England, that all low contreys was drounyd, and in dyver plasses boyth men and catell drounyd, and all the marssys, and sellers boyth of wyne and bere and alle and odur marchandysse, in London and odur plassys, drounyd; and the rayne begane after Bathellmuw-tyd telle sant Edwardes tyde, after not x days fayre....ij goodly whytt branchys and xij longe torchys .... stayffes torchys grett, and a c. mornars in blake, [xij poor] men and xij women, and all xxiiij in rosett gownes [and the] vomen raylles apon ther heds, and iiij gylt candyllstykes, with iiij grett tapurs and xx prestes and xx clarkes.

29 Sep 1555. The sam day at after-none was bered master Barthelett sqwyre and prynter unto Kyng Henry; and was bered with pennon and cote-armur, and iiij dosen of skochyons and ij whytt branchys and iiij gylt candyllstykes, and mony prestes and clarkes, and mony mornars, and all the craftes of prynters, boke-sellers, and all stassyoners a ...

Note. P. 95. Funeral of master Barthelet. Thomas Barthelet, made king's printer by patent dated 22 Feb. 21 Henry VIII. (1529–30). The place of his interment is not recorded. What is known respecting him, with a catalogue of his works, will be found in Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. pp. 271, et seq.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 October

07 Oct 1555. The vij day of October was a robere be-syd .... parke of clothears, so they foyth long, at last the th[ieves] over-cam them, and toke alle the goodes, and cot ther hors leges off and kyllyd sum.

09 Oct 1555. The ix day of October was a servyngman, [the] penter('s) broder that war bornyd at Staynes, was bered in Morefeld be-syd the doge-howsse, be-caus he was not resseff the ryctes of the chyrche, and thys lawe.

Note. P. 95. Burial of hereticks in Morefields. This was the usual practice with those who by a natural death (if such a term can be applied to the result of imprisonment and privations) escaped the stake and the faggots. See in Foxe, vol. iii. p. 537, a graphic cut of such a burial, with archers from the neighbouring butts as spectators.

After 09 Oct 1555. The (blank) day of October was bered doctor Wottun, phessyssyon, in Woodstrett, with ij whyt branchys and xij longe torchys and vj stayff torchys and mony (mourners).

Note. P. 95. Funeral of doctor Wotton. In St. Alban's Wood-street: "Here lieth Edward Wotton, doctor of phisick, ob. 5 Octobr. 1555, æt. 63, and Katharine his wife, who died 4 Decembr' 1558." (MS. Lansdowne 874.)

16 Oct 1555. The xvj day of October was the Sargent(s') of the law fest [feast], and vij mad the sam day, and a grett dener after, and kept at the (blank).

Note. P. 95. The serjeants' feast. As many as eleven barristers had been recently called to be serjeants: see Dugdale's Chronica Series, p. 89. One of them, George Wood, had been excused. (Ibid.) Machyn, however, says, only seven were made. One of the new serjeants, Anthony Brown, was appointed the king and queen's serjeant by patent dated Oct. 16, the day of the feast. (Ibid. p. 91.)

16 Oct 1555. [The same day were burnt at Oxford for heresy doctor Latimer (age 68), late bishop of Worcester, and doctor Ridley (age 55),] late bysshope of London; [they were some] tyme grett prychers as ever was; and at ther bornyng dyd pryche doctur Smyth, sum-tyme the master of Vetyngtun colege (blank).

26 Oct 1555. The xxvj day of October was sett on the pelere [one] for spykyng of sedyssyous wordes, and had

28 Oct 1555. The xxviij day of October in the mornyng was set up in Fletstrett, be-syd the well, a payre of galaus, and ij men hangyd, for the robere of a Spaneard, (and they were) hangyng aganst the Spaneardes gate be-tyme in the mornyng, and so hangyng alle the day in the rayne.

29 Oct 1555. The xxix day of October ther wher ij goodly pennes [pinnaces] deckyd with gones and flages and stremars, and a m. penselles, the penes pentyd, on whyt and bluw, and the thodur yelow and red, and the oars and gowne [guns] lyke coler; and with trumpets and drumes, and alle the craftes in barges and stremars; and at the ix of the cloke my nuw lord mayre and the shreyffes and the althermen toke barge at the iij Cranes with trumpets and shalmes, and the whetes playhyng; and so rod to Westmynster, and toke ys othe in the cheyker, and all the way the penoys shutyng of gones and playhyng up and done; and so after cam backe to Powlles warffe, and landyd with gret shutyng of gownes and playng; and so in Powlles cherche-yerde ther mett the bachelars and a goody pagyant, and a lxvi. men in blue gownes, and with goodly targates and gaffelynes and a duwlle, and iiij talle men lyke wodys alle in gren, and trumpets playing a-for the mare-the iij yere of Quen Mare.

Note. P. 96. The lord mayor's pageant. The new mayor was "sir William Garrard (age 48), haberdasher, a grave, sober, wise, and discreet citizen, equall with the best and inferior to none of our time, deceased 1571, in the parish of St. Christopher, but was buried in this church of St. Magnus [Map], as in the parish where he was borne. A faire monument is there raised on him. This monument is lately re-edified and new fenced by sir John Garrard (age 9), his sonne, and L. Maior 1602." (Stowe's Survay.) "He dwelled at the pissing conduit in St. Xp'ofer's parish." Arms, Argent, on a fess sable a lion passant of the first. (Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 November

13 Nov 1555. [The xiij day of November doctor Gardiner (deceased), bishop of Winchester, and lord chancellor of England, died in the morning, between twelve and one of the clock, at the King's] plasse, the wyche ys callyd Whyt-hall; [and by] iij of the cloke he was browt by water [to his own] plasse by sant Mary Overes [Map]; and by v of the [clock his bow]elles was taken owt, and bered a-fore the he [high] [altar; and] at vj the knyll begane ther, and at durge and masse contenuyd ryngyng alle the belles till vij at nyght.

14 Nov 1555. The xiiij day of November be-gane the knyll for the most ryght reverent father in God my lord chaunseler of England, doctur Sthevyn Gardener (deceased), byshope of Wynchastur, and of the preve consell with kyng Henry the viijth and unto quen Mare quen of England (age 39); and with a hersse of iiij branchys, with gylt candyllstykes, and ij whytt branchys and iij dosen of stayffes-torchys, and all the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes, and a durge songe; and the morow masse of requiem, and alle bysshoppes and lordes and knyghtes and gentyllmen; and my lord bysshope Bonar (age 55) of London did syng masse of requiem, and doctur Whyt (age 45) bysshope of Lynkolne dyd pryche at the sam masse; and after all they whent to his plasse to dener.

Note. P. 97. Funeral of lord chancellor Gardiner. The ceremonial of this is preserved in the Coll. Arm. I. 11. 121–124, and a second copy in pp. 127–133.—Machyn's extraordinary word "inowlle" is converted by Strype into "jewels:" and in my marginal note I have suggested "enamel." Both explanations are wrong: as no doubt our painter meant that the banners were painted with images of saints in oil and "with fine gold."

14 Nov 1555. The sam day at after-none was durge in evere parryche in London, and a hersse and ryngyng, and the morow masse of requiem, and so prayd for after the old custom.

21 Nov 1555. The xxj day of November at none be-gane the knyll for my lord chanseler (deceased), for then was the body browt to the chyrche of sant Mare Overes [Map], with grett compene of prestes and clarkes, and alle the bysshopes; and my lord of London (age 55) dyd exsecute the offes, and ware ys myter; and ther wher ij goodly whyt branchys bornyng, and the harsse with armes and (tapers) bornyng, and iiij dosen of stayffes; and all the qwyre with blake, and ys armes; and afor the corse the kyng of haroldes with ys cot, and with v baners of ys armes, and iiij of emages wrothe with fyne gold and inowlle [enamel]; and the morowe-masse iij masse, one of the Trenete, on of owre Lade, and (the) iij of requiem for ys solle; and after to dener; and so he was put in a hersse tyll a day that he shall be taken up and cared unto Wynchaster to be bered ther.

26 Nov 1555. [The xxvj of November a stripling was whipt about London, and about Paul's cross [Map], for speaking against the bishop] that dyd pryche the Sonday a-for.

Henry Machyn's Diary 1555 December

04 Dec 1555. The iiij day of Desember was a voman [set in the] pelere for beytyng of her chyld with rodes and .... to peteusly; and the sam day was a man and a voman cared a-bowt London at a care-arse [carts tail] for baudry and ...

01 Dec 1555. The furst day of December was reseyvyd with pressessyon my lord cardenall Pole (age 55) into Westmynster abbay [Map]; and ther mett hym x[viij bishops,] and the bysshope of Yorke (age 54) dyd menyster with ys myter; [and they] whent a pressessyon a-bowt the chyrche and the cloyster.

09 Dec 1555. The ix day of December was the parlement [adjourned] at the Whyt Hall, her grace('s) place-the iij yere; and so to Sant James thrughe the parke.

10 Dec 1555. The x day of Desember was had to the Towre [Map] ser Anthony Kyngston (age 47) knyght, and to the Flett [Map], and cam owt a-gayn shortely aft

Note. P. 98. Committal of sir Anthony Kingston to the Tower. This was for his "contemptuous behaviour and greate disorder by him lately comytted in the Parlemente house." He was discharged on the 24th Dec. See the minutes of the privy council, Dec. 10, 11, 18, 24. (MS. Harl. 353, ff. 146, 147.) He soon after again got into disgrace, and, being summoned to attend the privy council, died on his road to London. See Bayley's History of the Tower, pp. 449, 450.

13 Dec 1555. The xiij day of Desember was bered at sant Androwes in the Warderobe master Recherd Stokdun, gentyllman of the warderobe, with ij goodly whyt branchys and xiij stayffes-torchys, and xiij pore men, and thay had gownes of mantell frysse, and iiij grett tapurs, and money mornars; and the strett hangyd with blake and armes; and money prestes syngyng; and the morowe masse and alffe a trentall of masses, and after the offeryng a sermon (by) a doctur callyd master Sydnam, a gray frere of Grenwyche.

15 Dec 1555. [The xv day of December, before the sermon at Paul's cross [Map] began, an old man, a shepherd,] be-gane to spyke serten thynges and rayllyng, [whereupon he was] taken and carett to the conter for a tyme.

18 Dec 1555. The xviij day of Dessember be-twyn [8 and 9] of the cloke in the mornyng, was cared in-to Smythfeld [Map] to be bornyd on master (Philpot, archdeacon of Winchester ) gentyllman, for herese.

20 Dec 1555. The xx day of Dessember was bered at sant Donstones in the Est master Hare Herdsun (age 55), altherman of London and skynner, and on of the masturs of the hospetall of the gray frers in London, with men and xxiiij women in mantyll fresse gownes, a hersse of wax, and hong with blake; and ther was my lord mare and the swordberer in blake, and dyvers odur althermen in blake, and the resedew of the aldermen, at ys beryng; and all the masters, boyth althermen and odur, with ther gren stayffes in ther handes, and all the chylderyn of the gray frersse, and iiij men in blake gownes bayryng iiij gret stayffes-torchys bornyng, and then xxiiij men with torchys bornyng; and the morowe iij masses songe; and after to ys plasse to dener; and ther was ij goodly whyt branchys, and mony prestes and clarkes syngyng.

Note. P. 99. Funeral of alderman Henry Heardson. His widow Barbara (age 51) was remarried to alderman Richard Champion (age 60); and she erected a monument in St. Dunstan's in the East [Map], with kneeling effigies of herself and both the aldermen her husbands. See it described, with the poetical epitaphs, in Stowe's Survay. His arms were Argent, semee of fleursde-lis gules, a cross engrailed sable. He was never sheriff nor lord mayor. (List by Wm. Smith, Rouge-dragon.)