Europe, British Isles, South-East England, Surrey, Richmond Palace [Map]

Richmond Palace is in Richmond, Surrey [Map].

1377 Death of Edward III

1394 Death and Funeral of Anne of Bohemia

1503 Margaret Tudor's Journey to Scotland

1509 Death of Henry VII

1511 Birth and Death of Prince Henry

1540 Anne of Cleves Annulment

1603 Death of Queen Elizabeth I Accession of James I

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the following day, the 16th of April [1358], Isabella (age 63) set out on a journey from Hertford, and the movements of her household are recorded to have been - on the 16th to Tottenham; on the 17th to London; on the 20th to Shene [Map]; on the 21st to Upton ( near Windsor ), the Queen herself going, it is stated, to Chertsey; on the 26th to Shene again; and on the 30th to London, where it remained till the 13th of May.

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 26th [Apr 1358], having returned to Shene [Map], doubtless from Windsor, Isabella (age 63) receives her daughter Joan Queen of Scotland (age 36), with her retinue. Joan is stated to have come at this time on a political mission to the court of Edward III.; and from the present document it would appear that she continued a guest with her mother Isabella up to the time of the death of the latter; and that even her own dress and the livery of her retinue were supplied from Isabella's funds.

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 29th, being still at Shene, Isabella [Map] is visited by Edward III (age 45)., the Lady Isabella (age 25) ( the King's eldest daughter ), and the Earl of March (age 29), who sup with her.

Death of Edward III

On 21 Jun 1377 King Edward III of England (age 64) died of a stroke at Sheen Palace [Map]. He was buried in the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor, Westminster Abbey [Map]. His grandson King Richard II of England (age 10) succeeded II King England.

Death and Funeral of Anne of Bohemia

On 07 Jun 1394 Anne of Bohemia Queen Consort England (age 28) died of plague (probably) at Sheen Palace [Map]. King Richard II of England (age 27) was so distraught at her death he ordered the destruction of Sheen Palalce [Map].

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 1501. This yeare the Kinge (age 43) buylded new his manner at Sheene,d and chaunged the name and named it Richmonde [Map];e and buylded new his place, called the Baynards Castle [Map], in London; and repayred his place in Greenewich [Map], with muche new buyldinge.f

Note d. Stow has placed this paragraph under the year 1507, being the twenty-second year of Henry's reign.

Note e. After his own title.

Note f. Greenwich [Map] has much favoured by Henry VII (age 43) and here his son, afterwards Henry VIII (age 9) was born.

Margaret Tudor's Journey to Scotland

On 27 Jun 1503 Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland (age 13) left Richmond Palace [Map] for Scotland accompanied by Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 26), Edward Howard (age 27), Richard Neville 2nd Baron Latimer of Snape (age 35) and Ralph Ogle 3rd Baron Ogle (age 34).

Death of Henry VII

On 21 Apr 1509 King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 52) died of tuberculosis at Richmond Palace [Map]. His son Henry VIII  (age 17) succeeded VIII King England. Duke York and Earl Chester merged with the Crown.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 21 Apr 1509. This yeare, in Aprill, died King Henry the Vllth (age 52) at Richmond [Map] and his Sonne King Henry the VIII (age 17) was proclaymed Kinge on St Georges dayeg 1508 [1509], in the same moneth.

Note g. We should here read St George's Eve, 22nd April, 1509, from which day Henry Vlll reckoned his regnal years. Stow, however, says that Henry was not proclaimed till the 24th.

Birth and Death of Prince Henry

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 01 Jan 1511. This yeare, Prince Henrie, the Kings (age 19) first sonne, was borne at Richmonde [Map] on Newe Yeares dayeb, and on St. Mathie's day [Note. 23 Feb] after the saide Prince died, and was buried at Westminster [Map].

Note b. On the 1st January, 1510 [Note. 1511 if years are adjusted to begin on 01 Jan.]

Note c. Or rather St. Mathias' eve, February 23. Hall, howerer, says that this Prince died on "the 22 Feb. being the Even of Saint Mathy," which would seem to show that St. Mathias' day was sometimes kept on the 23rd, instead of the 24th February, in which case our text is correct.

On 01 Jan 1511 Prince Henry Duke Cornwall was born to Henry VIII (age 19) and Catherine of Aragon (age 25) at Richmond Palace [Map]. He was appointed Duke Cornwall at birth.

On 22 Feb 1511 Prince Henry Duke Cornwall died. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

Anne of Cleves Annulment

On 09 Jul 1540 Henry VIII's (age 49) marriage to Anne of Cleves (age 24) was annulled. He gave her a generous settlement including Richmond Palace [Map] and Hever Castle, Kent [Map]. Bishop Robert Parfew aka Warton signed the delcaration. She was given precedence above all other women other than the King's wife future wives and daughters, referring to her thereafter as The King's Sister. She lived seventeen more years outliving Henry's two next wives Queen Catherine Howard of England (age 17) and Catherine Parr Queen Consort England (age 27), and King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 2).

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The eight daie of October my Lord Protectors Grace (age 47) came from North home, and in Finsburie Fields my lord major, with the aldermen in their skarlett gownes, with certaine of the comens in their liveries with their hoodes, mett his Grace, the major and aldermen on horsebacke, and he ever tooke one of them by the handea, and after my lord major rode with him to the pounde in Smythfield [Map], where my Lord Protector tooke his leve of them, and so rode that night to his place at Shene [Map], and the morrowe after to the King (age 9) at Hampton Court [Map].

Note a. Probably a clerical error for "he tooke every one of them by the hand."

On 04 Jun 1550 Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester (age 17) and Amy Robsart (age 17) were married at Sheen Palace [Map]. King Edward VI of England and Ireland (age 12) and William Cecil 1st Baron Burghley (age 29) attended. He the son of John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 46) and Jane Guildford Duchess Northumberland (age 41).

Henry Machyn's Diary. 03 Aug 1553. The iij day of August, at Rychemond [Map], was my lord Cortnay (age 26) created the yerle of Denshyre of owre nobulle qwene Mare (age 37).

Wriothesley's Chronicle 19 May 1554. 19 May 1554. The xixth of May, beinge Saterday and the eeven of the feast of the Holie Trinitie, Ladye Elizabeth (age 20) was had out of the Tower [Map] and went thorowe London Bridge in her barge at 3 of the clock in the afternoone, lyeinge at Richmond [Map] that night; and from thence conveyed to Woodstock [Map], Mr. Benyfield (age 45)b, Lorde Williams of Tame, and Sir Leonard Chamberlayne, waytinge on her, with iic horsemen, there to remayne at the Queenes pleasure.

Note b. Sir Henry Bedingfield (age 45), the recently appointed Constable of the Tower.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 20 May 1554. The xx day of May my lade Elsabeth (age 20) the quen('s) (age 38) syster cam owt of the Towre, and toke her barge at Towre warfe [Map], and so to Rychemond [Map], and from thens unto Wyndsor [Map], and so to Wodstoke [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 May 1554. The xxix day of May the Queen (age 38) removed from St. James's, passing through the park, and took her barge at Whitehall, and so to Rychmond [Map], on her progress.

Note. Pp. 64, 69, 74, 75. Removes of king Philip and queen Mary. These are thus recorded in the churchwardens' accounts of St. Margaret's Westminster:

"Allso payde to the ryngers the xij day of August (1553) when the queenes grace wente to Richmonde; and the xxij day of September when she came from Richmonde to Westminster; and the xixth day of December, when her grace wente to Richemont, and the xxx day of December when her grace cam to Westminster xvjd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers when the queenes majestie went from Westminster to Rychmond the xxix of May [1554; see p. 64] iiijd.

"Item, payde the xvij. and xviij. day of August, when the kyng and the quene cam from Richemonde to Sowthwarke, and so from thens to Westmynster, for bread and drynk to the ryngers vjd.

"Item, the xxj. day when they came to the mynster, and allso the xxiij. day when they went to Hampton Coorte viijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers the xviijti [read 28th] day of September, when the kyng and the queenes majestie cam to Westmynster [see p. 69] iiijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers of the belles the xij. day of November, when the kyng and the queenes majesties cam to the mynster to the masse of the holy gost [see p. 74] iiijd.

"Item, payde to the ryngers on sayncte Andrewis day, when the kynges majestie came to the mynster iiijd.

See this last mentioned in p. 77, but without noticing that it was the feast of Saint Andrew.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 11 Aug 1554. 11 Aug 1554. The 11 of August the King (age 27) and Queen (age 38) removed to Richmond [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 15 Jul 1557. The xv day of July the Quen('s) (age 41) grace dynyd at Lambeth [Map] with my lord cardenall Polle (age 57), and after dener removyd to Rychmond [Map], and ther (her) grace tares ther her plesur.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 29 Jul 1560. The xxix day of July the Quen('s) (age 26) grace removyd from Grenwyche [Map] on her grace('s) progresse, and at Lambeth [Map] she dynyd with my lord of Canturbere (age 55) and her consell; and after [took her] gorney towhard Rychmond [Map], and her grace lay ther v [5] days; and after to Ottland [Map], and ther So[nday and] Monday dener, and to Suttun to soper.

On 07 Aug 1574 Robert Dudley was born illegitimately to Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester (age 42) and Douglas Howard Baroness Sheffield (age 32) at Richmond Palace [Map].

On 10 Nov 1599 Margaret Radclyffe of Ordsall Hall (age 26) died at Richmond Palace [Map]. She had never recovered from the news of her twin brother Alexander's death earlier in the year. Margaret was buried in St Margaret's Church, Westminster [Map] with all the ceremonies of a great lady's obsequies. Elizabeth I (age 66) ordered the Court into mourning. A magnificent monument was erected over her grave at the Queen's expense, and Ben Jonson wrote the inscription for it:

Marble weep, for thou dost cover.

A dead beauty underneath thee,.

Rich as nature could bequeath thee:

Grant, then, no rude hand remove her.

All the gazers on the skies.

Read not in fair heaven's story.

Expresser truth or truer glory,.

Than they might in her bright eyes.

Rare as wonder was her wit;.

And like nectar ever flowing:

Till time, strong by her bestowing,.

Conquered have both life and it.

Life whose grief was out of fashion.

In these times. Few have so rued.

Fate in a brother. To conclude,.

For wit, feature, and true passion.

Earth, thou hast not such another.

The Monument is no longer extant.

Death of Queen Elizabeth I Accession of James I

On 24 Mar 1603 Elizabeth I (age 69) died at Richmond Palace [Map] around three in the morning. Her first cousin twice removed King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) succeeded I King England Scotland and Ireland.

Immediately following her death Robert Carey 1st Earl Monmouth (age 43) started on horseback for Edinburgh to inform King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) arriving at Holyrood Palace [Map] late on the 26 Mar 1603. His conduct met with general disapproval and merited censure as contrary to all decency, good manners and respect. George Carew and Thomas Lake (age 35) were sent by the Council to formally inform James of her death.

On 20 Jun 1667 James Stewart 1st Duke Cambridge (age 3) died at Richmond Palace [Map]. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map]. Duke Cambridge extinct.

Evelyn's Diary. 27 Aug 1678. I took leave of the Duke (age 50), and dined at Mr. Henry Bruncker's (age 51), at the Abbey of Sheene [Map], formerly a monastery of Carthusians, there yet remaining one of their solitary cells with a cross. Within this ample inclosure are several pretty villas and fine gardens of the most excellent fruits, especially Sir William Temple's (lately Ambassador into Holland), and the Lord Lisle's (age 29), son to the Earl of Leicester (age 59), who has divers rare pictures, above all, that of Sir Brian Tuke's, by Holbein.

Vesta Monumenta. 1753. Plate 2.23. Richmond Palace [Map]. Engraved by James Basire Sr. (age 23).

Archaeologia Volume 35 1853 XXXIII. On the 20th of April, at Shene [Map], the Earl of Tancarville, the Countesses of Pembroke and Warren, "et alii magnates1," dined with the Queen.

Note 1. "and other magnates".