Bishop of Bath and Wells

Bishop of Bath and Wells is in Bishop. See Wells Cathedral [Map].

Around 998 Archibishop Ælfstan aka Lyfing was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 11 Jun 1033 Bishop Duduc was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1060 Bishop Giso was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Florence of Worcester Continuation. 03 Jun 1123. Henry, king of England, went over sea after the feast of Whitsuntide [3rd June]. William (age 53), archbishop of Canterbury, having received the pallium from pope Calixtus, and Thurstan (age 53), archbishop of York, with their companions, on their return from Rome, paid a visit to the king, who was still in Normandy: after a short stay, archbishop William came back to England, and, on the eleventh of the calends of August [22nd July], at Canterbury, consecrated Alexander as bishop of Lincoln; and, on the seventh of the calends of September [26th August], in the church of St. Paul the Apostle, at London, consecrated Godfrey, the queen's chancellor, to the bishopric of Bath.

On 22 May 1264 Archbishop Walter Giffard (age 39) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 04 Jan 1265 Archbishop Walter Giffard (age 40) was consecrated as Bishop of Bath and Wells at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral [Map].

On 23 Jan 1275 Bishop Robert Burnell (age 36) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 25 Dec 1308 King Edward II of England (age 24) opposed Bishop John Droxford aka Drokensford for election as Bishop of Bath and Wells. He received the temporalities of the see on 15 May 1309.

On 12 May 1400 Bishop Richard Boteville was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells; he was never consecrated since he was instead translated to Worcester.

On 18 Dec 1424 Archbishop John Stafford was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 27 May 1425 Archbishop John Stafford was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 13 Oct 1443 Bishop Thomas Beckington (age 53) was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Calendars. 20 Jan 1465. Grant to Master Robert Stillyngton (age 45), king's clerk, keeper of the privy Westminster, seal, by mainprise of John Brewester of London, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Wode of Farnham, co. Essex, 'gentilman,' of the custody of all the temporalities of the Bishopric of Bath and Wells, in the king's hands by the death of Thomas, late bishop (deceased), so long as they remain in the king's hands, rendering as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer before Midsummer and supporting all charges, and also all advowsons belonging to the king by reason of the said temporalities. By K.

On 30 Oct 1465 Bishop Robert Stillington (age 45) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1492 Bishop Richard Foxe (age 44) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 06 Nov 1495 Bishop Oliver King (age 63) was translated to Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1523 Bishop John Clerk was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1548 Bishop William Barlow (age 50) was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

1554 Consecration of new Bishops

On 01 Apr 1554 the Lord Chancellor Bishop Edmund "Bloody" Bonner of London (age 54), assisted by Bishop Stephen Gardiner (age 71), Bishop Nicholas Ridley (age 54) and Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall (age 80), consecrated seven bishops at Southwark Cathedral [Map]:

Bishop George Cotes was consecrated Bishop of Chester.

Bishop Gilbert Bourne was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Bishop James Brooks (age 41) was consecrated Bishop of Gloucester.

Bishop Maurice Griffiths (age 47) was consecrated Bishop of Rochester.

Bishop Henry Morgan was consecrated Bishop of St David's.

Bishop John White (age 44) was consecrated Bishop of Lincoln.

Bishop Robert Parfew aka Warton was consecrated Bishop of Hereford.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 01 Apr 1554. [The first day of April my lord chancellor (age 54) did consecrate six new bishops at St. Mary Overy's [Map], before the high altar; and a goodly mass was said. And when all] was done thay yede unto my lord ch[ancellor's,] for ther was as grett a dener as youe ha[ve seen.] Thes be the bysshopes names that wher consecrated, [doctor] Whyt (age 44), warden of Wynchastur, the bysshope of Ly[ncoln]; doctur Borne, bysshope of Bathe; doctur Morgan, bishop of sant Davys; doctur Brokes (age 41), bysshope of Gloss [ter]; doctur Cottes, bysshope of Westtchastur; bysshope of sant Asse changyd to be bysshope of Arfford; master [Griffith] (age 47) parsun of sant Magnus bysshope of Rochastur.

On 29 Jan 1560 Bishop Gilbert Berkeley (age 59) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells. Royal assent was given on 20 Mar 1560.

On 24 Mar 1560 Bishop Gilbert Berkeley (age 59) was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells at Lambeth Palace [Map].

In 1593 Bishop John Still (age 59) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 29 Mar 1608 Bishop James Montagu (age 40) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 14 May 1608 Bishop James Montagu (age 40) was enthroned Bishop of Bath and Wells at Wells Cathedral [Map].

On 17 Oct 1616 Bishop Arthur Lake (age 47) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 18 Sep 1626 Archbishop William Laud (age 52) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1660 Bishop William Piers (age 80) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 25 May 1670 Bishop Robert Crichton (age 77) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1672 Bishop Peter Mews (age 52) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

After Apr 1684 Bishop Thomas Ken (age 46) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 11 Jun 1691 Bishop Richard Kidder (age 58) was elected Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 30 Aug 1691 Bishop Richard Kidder (age 58) was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1727 Bishop John Wynne (age 60) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells which office he held until his death in 1743.

In 1824 Bishop George Henry Law (age 62) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

In 1845 Bishop Richard Bagot (age 62) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 02 Jun 1854 Bishop Robert Eden 3rd Baron Auckland (age 54) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 06 Sep 1869 Bishop Robert Eden 3rd Baron Auckland (age 70) resigned his position as Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On 18 Nov 1869 Bishop Arthur Hervey (age 61) was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Kingsbury Episcopi, Somerset [Map] is a village in Somerset. Episcopi, meaning Bishop, refers to it having been owned by the Bishop of Bath and Wells.

Bishop Wells

In 909 Archbishop Athelm was appointed Bishop Wells. The first Bishop of Wells.