On this Day in History ... 2nd April

02 Apr is in April.

1502 Death of Prince Arthur

1586 Exeter Black Assizes

1625 Useless Parliament

1656 Treaty of Brussels

1916 Faversham Explosion

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 2nd April

On 02 Apr 1118 Baldwin I King Jerusalem (age 60) died. Baldwin II King Jerusalem (age 43) succeeded King Jerusalem.

On 02 Apr 1284 Alfonso X King Castile X King Leon (age 62) died. His son Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon (age 25) succeeded IV King Castile, IV King Leon. Maria Molina Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon by marriage Queen Consort Castile, Queen Consort Leon.

On 02 Apr 1305 Joan Blois I Queen Navarre (age 32) died.

On 02 Apr 1416 Ferdinand I King Aragon (age 35) died. His son Alfonso V King Aragon (age 20) succeeded V King Aragon.

On 02 Apr 1497 George Geise of Gdańsk was born.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 02 Apr 1502. And in Easter weeke followinge the saide Prince Arthure (age 15) deceased at Ludlowe [Map], in Wales, and was buried at Worcester [Map].b

Note b. Prince Arthur (age 15) died on the Saturday following Easter Sunday in 1503, being April 2nd, and was buried in Worcester cathedral on the 27th April.

On 02 Apr 1502 Prince Arthur Tudor (age 15) died at Ludlow Castle [Map]. Earl Chester extinct. The cause of death unknown other than being reported as "a malign vapour which proceeded from the air". Catherine of Aragon (age 16) had recovered.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 02 Apr 1554. 02 Apr 1544. Munday the 2 of Aprill, 1554, the Parlement began at Westminster, which should haue bene kept at Oxforde, the Queens Majestie (age 28) ridinge in her Parlement robes from her pallace of Whitehall to St. Peters churche with all her Lordes spirituall and temporall in their robes, and there heard masse of the Holie Ghoete and a sermon. And that aftemoone the Common Howse did chuse Mr. Robert Brooke, esquier, and sergiant at lawe and Recorder of London, for their speaker in this Parlement.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 02 Apr 1554. The ij day of Aprell began the parlemente, and the Quen('s) (age 38) grace rod thedur in her robes, and bysshopes and lordes in parlement robes, and ther was a goody masse of the Holy-gost; and [so] to the parlement howsse.

In Mar 1586 a virulent outbreak of gaol fever occurred during the Assizes in Exeter, Devon [Map]. The cause according to modern medical opinion was typhus transmitted by the human body-louse. Among the dead victims were eight judges, eleven of the twelve jurors, several constables, and the surrounding population which was ravaged by the disease for several months.

Edward Flowerdew died of gaol fever.

On 28 Mar 1586 Thomas Carew of Haccombe (age 70) died of gaol fever.

On 31 Mar 1586 John Chichester died of gaol fever.

On 01 Apr 1586 Robert Carey (age 71) died of gaol fever.

On 02 Apr 1586 Arthur Bassett (age 45) died of gaol fever.

On 10 Apr 1586 Bernard Drake (age 58) died of gaol fever.

On 02 Apr 1586 Filippo Emanuele Prince of Piedmont was born to Charles Emmanuel Savoy I Duke Savoy (age 24) and Catherine Habsburg Spain Duchess Savoy (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.67%.

On 02 Apr 1625 the first Parliament of King Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland (age 24) known as the Useless Parliament sat.

On 02 Apr 1653 Prince George of Denmark 1st Duke Cumberland was born to Frederick III King Denmark (age 44) and Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark (age 25) at Copenhagen Castle.

On 02 Apr 1656 the Treaty of Brussels agreeing mutual support between England (Royal) and Spain was signed by Henry Wilmot 1st Earl Rochester (age 43) and James Butler 1st Duke Ormonde (age 45) on behalf of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 25), and Alonso Cárdenas on behalf of Philip IV King Spain (age 50).

On 02 Apr 1657 Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor (age 48) died.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Apr 1664. At noon to the Coffee-house, where excellent discourse with Sir W. Petty (age 40), who proposed it as a thing that is truly questionable, whether there really be any difference between waking and dreaming, that it is hard not only to tell how we know when we do a thing really or in a dream, but also to know what the difference [is] between one and the other.

On 02 Apr 1668 Peter II King Portugal (age 18) and Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 21) were married. She had, two years before, married his older brother Alfonso VI King Portugal (age 24) who he, Peter, had deposed; an example of Married to Two Siblings. He the son of John IV King Portugal and Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal.

Pepy's Diary. 02 Apr 1669. Up, and by water to White Hall, and there with the Office attended the Duke of York (age 35), and staid in White Hall till about noon, and so with W. Hewer (age 27) to the Cocke (age 52), and there he and I dined alone with great content, he reading to me, for my memory's sake, my late collections of the history of the Navy, that I might represent the same by and by to the Duke of York (age 35); and so, after dinner, he and I to White Hall, and there to the Duke of York's (age 35) lodgings, whither he, by and by, by his appointment come: and alone with him an hour in his closet, telling him mine and W. Coventry's (age 41) advice touching the present posture of the Navy, as the Duke of Buckingham (age 41) and the rest do now labour to make changes therein; and that it were best for him to suffer the King (age 38) to be satisfied with the bringing in of a man or two which they desire. I did also give the Duke of York (age 35) a short account of the history of the Navy, as to our Office, wherewith he was very well satisfied: but I do find that he is pretty stiff against their bringing in of men against his mind, as the Treasures were, and particularly against Child's' coming in, because he is a merchant. After much discourse with him, we parted; and [he to] the Council, while I staid waiting for his telling me when I should be ready to give him a written account of the administration of the Navy. This caused me to wait the whole afternoon, till night. In the mean time, stepping to the Duchess of York's (age 32) side to speak with Lady Peterborough (age 47); I did see the young Duchess (age 6)1, a little child in hanging sleeves; dance most finely, so as almost to ravish me, her ears were so good: taught by a Frenchman that did heretofore teach the King (age 38), and all the King's children, and the Queen-Mother (age 59) herself, who do still dance well.

Note 1. The Princess Mary (age 6), afterwards Queen of England.

Evelyn's Diary. 12 Jan 1690. The Parliament was unexpectedly prorogued to 2d of April to the discontent and surprise of many members who, being exceedingly averse to the settling of anything, proceeding with animosities, multiplying exceptions against those whom they pronounced obnoxious, and producing as universal a discontent against King William (age 39) and themselves, as there was before against King James (age 56). The new King (age 39) resolved on an expedition into Ireland in person. About 150 of the members who were of the more royal party, meeting at a feast at the Apollo Tavern [Map] near St. Dunstan's [Map], sent some of their company to the King (age 39), to assure him of their service; he returned his thanks, advising them to repair to their several counties and preserve the peace during his absence, and assuring them that he would be steady to his resolution of defending the Laws and Religion established. The great Lord suspected to have counselled this prorogation, universally denied it. However, it was believed the chief adviser was the Marquis of Carmarthen (age 57), who now seemed to be most in favor.

On 02 Apr 1827 William Holman Hunt was born to William Hunt (age 27) and Sarah Hobman (age 29) at 41 Lifford Street or Love Lane [Map]. Originally William Hobman Hunt he changed his name when he discovered it had been erroneously entered at his baptism on 10 Apr 1827 at the St Giles without Cripplegate Church [Map].

William Hunt: In 1800 he was born. In 1856 he died.

Sarah Hobman: In 1798 she was born to William Hobman of Rotherhithe. In 1884 she died.

After 02 Apr 1827. St Mary's Church, Buckden [Map]. Monument to John Green.

On 02 Apr 1830 Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton (age 38) died. Monument at Church of St Mary Magdalen, Castle Ashby [Map] sculpted by Pietro Tenerani (age 40) in 1836.

Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton: On 13 Dec 1791 she was born to Major-General William Douglas-Maclean-Clephane. On 24 Jul 1815 Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton and she were married. He the son of Charles Compton 1st Marquess Northampton. On 24 May 1828 Charles Compton 1st Marquess Northampton died. His son Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton succeeded 2nd Marquess Northampton, 10th Earl of Northampton, 2nd Earl Compton of Compton in Warwickshire, 2nd Baron Wilmington of Wilmington in Sussex. She by marriage Marchioness Northampton.

On 02 Apr 1848 Samuel Rush Meyrick (age 64) died.

02 Apr 1871. Census. 37 Fitzroy Square.

Ford Madox Brown (age 49). Head. 49.

Emma Matilda Hill (age 41). Wife. 36.

Emma Lucy Madox Brown (age 27). Daughter. 26.

Catherine Emily Brown (age 20). Daughter. 20.

Oliver Madox Brown (age 16). Son. 16.

Charloote Kirkby. Servant. 29.

Mary Ann Edwards. Servant. 19.

Oliver Madox Brown: In 1855 he was born to Ford Madox Brown and Emma Matilda Hill. In 1874 he died.

02 Apr 1871. Census. Thorpe St Andrew, Norfolk [Map].

Keomi aka Keytumas Gray (age 30). Aged 28.

02 Apr 1871. Census. 8 Edward Street, St Pancras.

James Forsyth (age 43). 43. Sculptor.

Annie Hardie (age 32). 32.

James Nesfield Forsyth (age 7). Son. 7. Scholar.

Agnes Ellen Forsyth (age 5). Daughter. 5. Scholar.

Eliza Forsyth (age 3). Daughter. 3.

William Adam Forsyth. Son. 8. Scholar.

Agnes m Forsyth. Mother. 66. No occupation.

Mary Blackall. Servant. 16.

On 02 Apr 1911. 1911 Census. 6 Ravenslea Road Wandsworth Common.

Ellis William Roberts (age 50). Portrait Painter.

Eliza Glover (age 44). Portrait Painter.

Robert Ellis Roberts (age 21). Student at Cambridge.

Millicent Elsie Roberts (age 11). School.

and two servants Lottie Hipkins and Edith Cox.

Eliza Glover: Around 1867 she was born to Joseph Glover at Longton, Staffordshire.

Robert Ellis Roberts: Around 1890 he was born to Ellis William Roberts and Eliza Glover.

Millicent Elsie Roberts: Around 1900 she was born to Ellis William Roberts and Eliza Glover.

On 02 Apr 1916, at 14:20, a store of 200 tons of TNT exploded at a gunpowder mill at Uplees, near Faversham in Kent. As it was a Sunday, no women were at work. There were 115 deaths of men and boys, including all the Works Fire Brigade, in the explosion and in subsequent sympathetic detonations. The bodies of seven victims were never found; 108 corpses were buried in a mass grave at Faversham Cemetery on 6 April.

On 02 Apr 2006 John Brigg Charles Fountaine (age 83) died. He was buried in the Churchyard of the Church of St Mary, Narford [Map].

John Brigg Charles Fountaine: On 15 Nov 1922 he was born to Vice Admiral Charles Andrew Fountaine and Louisa Constance Catherine Maclean at Narford Hall. On 14 Sep 1997 Andrew Douglas Algernon Fountaine died of cancer possibly at Swaffham Hospital otherwise at Narford Hall without issue. His brother John Brigg Charles Fountaine inherited Narford Hall.

Births on the 2nd April

On 02 Apr 1497 George Geise of Gdańsk was born.

On 02 Apr 1553 Richard Brownlow was born.

On 02 Apr 1586 Filippo Emanuele Prince of Piedmont was born to Charles Emmanuel Savoy I Duke Savoy (age 24) and Catherine Habsburg Spain Duchess Savoy (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.67%.

On or before 02 Apr 1616 Colonel Herbert Morley was born to Robert Morley. He was baptised on 02 Apr 1616.

On 02 Apr 1616 Wilhelm Anton Oldenburg was born to Alexander Oldenburg I Duke Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 43) and Dorothea Schwarzburg Duchess Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg (age 37).

On 02 Apr 1638 Henry Beaumont 2nd Baronet was born to Thomas Beaumont 1st Baronet and Elizabeth Trott. He was baptised at the Church of St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton [Map].

On 02 Apr 1653 Prince George of Denmark 1st Duke Cumberland was born to Frederick III King Denmark (age 44) and Sophie Amalie Hanover Queen Consort Denmark (age 25) at Copenhagen Castle.

Around 02 Apr 1663 Frances Fairfax Countess Buchan was born to Henry Fairfax (age 17) and Anne Browne (age 16).

On 02 Apr 1699 Mary Leigh Lady Hoskyns was born to Theophilus Leigh (age 52) and Mary Brydges (age 33).

On 02 Apr 1790 Maria FitzHardinge Berkeley was born illegitimately to Frederick Augustus Berkeley 5th Earl Berkeley (age 45) at Mount Street Grosvenor Square and Mary Cole. On 02 Jun 1793 Maria FitzHardinge Berkeley (age 3) died. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 02 Apr 1794 Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville was born to Charles Greville (age 31) and Charlotte Cavendish-Bentinck (age 18).

On 02 Apr 1799 Charles Yorke 4th Earl of Hardwicke was born to Admiral Joseph Sydney Yorke (age 30) and Elizabeth Weake Rattray at Sydney Lodge, Hamble le Rice.

On 02 Apr 1799 Rachel Hill was born to Colonel John Hill (age 29).

On 02 Apr 1807 Charles Edward Trevelyan 1st Baronet was born to Archdeacon George Trevelyan (age 42) and Harriet Neave (age 35).

On 02 Apr 1818 Thomas Anthony Denny was born.

On 02 Apr 1821 Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune was born.

On 02 Apr 1826 Georg II Duke of Saxe Meiningen was born to Bernhard II Duke of Saxe Meiningen (age 25).

On 02 Apr 1827 William Holman Hunt was born to William Hunt (age 27) and Sarah Hobman (age 29) at 41 Lifford Street or Love Lane [Map]. Originally William Hobman Hunt he changed his name when he discovered it had been erroneously entered at his baptism on 10 Apr 1827 at the St Giles without Cripplegate Church [Map].

William Hunt: In 1800 he was born. In 1856 he died.

Sarah Hobman: In 1798 she was born to William Hobman of Rotherhithe. In 1884 she died.

On 02 Apr 1832 Maria Stonor was born to Thomas Stonor 3rd Baron Camoys (age 34) and Frances Towneley (age 31).

On 02 Apr 1833 Lionel Eldred Smith-Gordon 2nd Baronet was born to General Lionel Smith 1st Baronet (age 54) and Isabella Pottinger Lady Smith (age 53).

Before 02 Apr 1868 Eliza Forsyth was born illegitimately to James Forsyth (age 40) and Annie Hardie (age 29). She was baptised on the same day 26 Sep 1869 as her elder brother and sister. Given that she was three on the date of the 1871 Census 02 Apr 1871 it suggests she was illegitimate since her parents married on 07 Nov 1868.

On 02 Apr 1875 Henry Lovick Cooper 5th Baronet was born to William Rickford Astley Cooper (age 49).

On 02 Apr 1877 Thomas Henry Noel-Hill 8th Baron Berwick was born to Thomas Noel-Hill (age 29).

On 02 Apr 1901 Alexandra Beatrice Leopoldine Hohenlohe Langenburg was born to Ernst Hohenlohe Langenburg II Prince (age 37) and Alexandra Windsor Princess (age 22). She a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 02 Apr 1930 William Smith 4th Viscount Hambleden was born to William Smith 3rd Viscount Hambleden (age 26) and Patricia Herbert Viscountess Hambleden (age 25).

On 02 Apr 1946 Spencer Compton 7th Marquess of Northampton was born to William Bingham Compton 6th Marquess Northampton (age 60) and Virginia Lucie Heaton Marchioness Northampton (age 27).

On 02 Apr 1954 Henry David Montgomery 3rd Viscount Montgomery was born to David Bernard Montgomery 2nd Viscount Montgomery (age 25) and Mary Connell.

Marriages on the 2nd April

On 02 Apr 1510 John Scrope (age 14) and Jane Radcliffe were married. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

Before 02 Apr 1550 Brian Stapleton (age 73) and Elizabeth Scrope were married. They were third cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 02 Apr 1589 Christopher Wyvill (age 27) and Jane Stapleton (age 11) were married.

On 02 Apr 1627 Thomas Coventry 2nd Baron Coventry (age 21) and Mary Craven (age 25) were married.

On 02 Apr 1646 Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 23) and Anne Leslie Lady Delaval were married at Cathedral Church St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne [Map]. She the daughter of Alexander Leslie 1st Earl Leven (age 66).

On 02 Apr 1657 William Cholmley 2nd Baronet (age 31) and Katherine Savile Lady Cholmley were married.

On 02 Apr 1662 Henry Beaumont 2nd Baronet (age 24) and Elizabeth Farmer were married at St Andrew's Church, Holborn [Map].

Before 02 Apr 1663 Henry Fairfax (age 17) and Anne Browne (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Browne (age 57).

On 02 Apr 1668 Peter II King Portugal (age 18) and Marie Françoise Élisabeth of Savoy Queen Consort of Portugal (age 21) were married. She had, two years before, married his older brother Alfonso VI King Portugal (age 24) who he, Peter, had deposed; an example of Married to Two Siblings. He the son of John IV King Portugal and Luisa de Guzman Queen Consort Portugal.

On 02 Apr 1673 John Egerton 3rd Earl Bridgewater (age 26) and Jane Paulet Countess Bridgewater (age 17) were married at St Dionis Backchurch. She the daughter of Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton (age 43) and Mary Scrope 6th Marchioness Winchester. He the son of John Egerton 2nd Earl Bridgewater (age 49) and Elizabeth Cavendish Countess Bridgewater. He a great x 5 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

After 02 Apr 1704 William Gage 2nd Baronet (age 53) and Merelina Jermyn Lady Gage Lady Spring (age 31) were married. The difference in their ages was 22 years.

On 02 Apr 1731 William Dalrymple Crichton 5th Earl Dumfries 4th Earl of Stair (age 32) and Anne Gordon Countess Dumfries (age 22) were married. She by marriage Countess Dumfries. She the daughter of William Gordon 2nd Earl Aberdeen (age 52) and Mary Melville. He the son of Colonel William Dalrymple Earl Dumfries (age 57) and Penelope Crichton 4th Countess of Dumfries.

On 02 Apr 1737 Velters Cornewall of Moccas in Herefordshire (age 40) and Catherine Hanbury were married.

On 02 Apr 1741 William Courtenay 7th Earl Devon (age 32) and Frances Finch Countess Devon were married. She by marriage Countess Devon. She the daughter of Heneage Finch 2nd Earl Aylesford (age 58) and Mary Fisher Countess Aylesford. He the son of William Courtenay 6th Earl Devon and Anne Bertie Countess Devon.

On 02 Apr 1781 Andrew Berkeley Drummond (age 25) and Mary Perceval were married. She the daughter of John Perceval 2nd Earl Egmont and Catherine Compton Countess Egmont (age 49).

On 02 Apr 1802 Coulson Wallop (age 27) and Catherine Townley Keatinge were married. There were no children from the marriage. He the son of John Wallop 2nd Earl Portsmouth and Urania Fellowes (age 60).

Before 02 Apr 1807 Archdeacon George Trevelyan (age 42) and Harriet Neave (age 35) were married.

On 02 Apr 1825 Robert Henry Cunliffe 4th Baronet (age 39) and Susan Emily Paton Lady Cunliffe (age 18) were married at Calcutta, India. The difference in their ages was 21 years.

On 02 Apr 1836 Charles Dickens (age 24) and Catherine Dickens nee Hogarth (age 20) were married.

On 02 Apr 1839 William Bowyer-Smijth 11th Baronet (age 24) and Marianne Frances Meux Lady Bowyer-Smijth were married. They had two sons and a daughter.

On 02 Apr 1845 Charles Alexander Gore (age 33) and Augusta Lavinia Priscilla Ponsonby (age 30) were married at All Souls Church Langham Place Marylebone. She the daughter of John Ponsonby 4th Earl Bessborough (age 63) and Maria Fane.

On 02 Apr 1891 James Cleland Burns 3rd Baron Inverclyde of Castle Wemyss (age 27) and Charlotte Mary Emily Nugent Dunbar (age 26) were married.

Deaths on the 2nd April

On 02 Apr 1118 Baldwin I King Jerusalem (age 60) died. Baldwin II King Jerusalem (age 43) succeeded King Jerusalem.

Before 02 Apr 1247 Bishop Anselm Le Gros died.

On 02 Apr 1258 Richard Harcourt (age 55) died at Market Bosworth, Leicestershire.

On 02 Apr 1284 Alfonso X King Castile X King Leon (age 62) died. His son Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon (age 25) succeeded IV King Castile, IV King Leon. Maria Molina Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon by marriage Queen Consort Castile, Queen Consort Leon.

On 02 Apr 1305 Joan Blois I Queen Navarre (age 32) died.

Before 02 Apr 1323 Philip de Kyme 1st Baron Kyme (age 81) died. His son William de Kyme 2nd Baron Kyme succeeded 2nd Baron Kyme.

On 02 Apr 1335 John Dampierre II Marquis Namur (age 24) died unmarried. His brother Guy Dampierre II Count Namur (age 23) succeeded II Count Namur.

On 02 Apr 1368 Margaret Norwich Countess Suffolk (age 82) died.

On 02 Apr 1380 Margaret Deincourt Baroness Tibetot (age 36) died at Nettlestead, Suffolk.

On 02 Apr 1381 Thomas Felton (age 51) died.

On 02 Apr 1416 Ferdinand I King Aragon (age 35) died. His son Alfonso V King Aragon (age 20) succeeded V King Aragon.

On 02 Apr 1437 John Tyrrell (age 55) died at Heron Hall East Horndon.

Before 02 Apr 1450 Alice St Maur Baroness Zouche Harringworth (age 40) died.

On 02 Apr 1502 Prince Arthur Tudor (age 15) died at Ludlow Castle [Map]. Earl Chester extinct. The cause of death unknown other than being reported as "a malign vapour which proceeded from the air". Catherine of Aragon (age 16) had recovered.

On 02 Apr 1506 William Bassett (age 42) died.

On 02 Apr 1520 Ralph Rhyther (age 70) died.

On 02 Apr 1522 Maurice Berkeley (age 82) died at Wymondham, Leicestershire.

On 02 Apr 1550 Brian Stapleton (age 73) died.

On 02 Apr 1559 Thomas Lawley (age 49) died.

On 02 Apr 1565 Elisabeth Brooke Marchioness Northampton (age 38) died.

On 02 Apr 1567 Ernest III Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen (age 48) died.

On 02 Apr 1568 Ambrose Cave (age 66) died.

On 02 Apr 1570 Margaret Cholmley Countess of Westmoreland (age 62) died.

On 02 Apr 1571 Richard Onslow (age 43) died.

In Mar 1586 a virulent outbreak of gaol fever occurred during the Assizes in Exeter, Devon [Map]. The cause according to modern medical opinion was typhus transmitted by the human body-louse. Among the dead victims were eight judges, eleven of the twelve jurors, several constables, and the surrounding population which was ravaged by the disease for several months.

Edward Flowerdew died of gaol fever.

On 28 Mar 1586 Thomas Carew of Haccombe (age 70) died of gaol fever.

On 31 Mar 1586 John Chichester died of gaol fever.

On 01 Apr 1586 Robert Carey (age 71) died of gaol fever.

On 02 Apr 1586 Arthur Bassett (age 45) died of gaol fever.

On 10 Apr 1586 Bernard Drake (age 58) died of gaol fever.

On 02 Apr 1613 Archbishop Henry Ussher (age 63) died.

On 02 Apr 1614 Henri I de Montmorency (age 79) died.

On 02 Apr 1616 Wilhelm Anton Oldenburg died.

On 02 Apr 1623 George Keith 5th Earl Marischal (age 70) died. His son William Keith 6th Earl Marischal (age 38) succeeded 6th Earl Marischal.

On 02 Apr 1630 Thomas Wotton 2nd Baron Wotton (age 43) died. Baron Wotton extinct. His daughter Katherine Wotton Countess Chesterfield (age 21) inherited Boughton aka Bocton Place, Kent [Map].

On 02 Apr 1657 Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor (age 48) died.

On 02 Apr 1657 Ferdinand III Habsburg Spain (age 48) died.

On 02 Apr 1693 Isabel Ingleby (age 66) died.

On 02 Apr 1694 Edward des Bouverie (age 72) died.

On 02 Apr 1698 Anne Browne (age 51) died.

On 02 Apr 1700 Léopold Lorraine died.

After 02 Apr 1701 Mary Clobery (age 34) died.

On 02 Apr 1704 Thomas Spring 3rd Baronet (age 32) died. His son William Spring 4th Baronet (age 7) succeeded 4th Baronet Spring of Pakenham in Suffolk.

On 02 Apr 1704 Anthony Abdy 2nd Baronet (age 48) died. His son Anthony Thomas Abdy 3rd Baronet (age 15) succeeded 3rd Baronet Abdy of Felix Hall in Kelveden in Essex.

On 02 Apr 1715 Thomas Nugent 1st Baron Nugent died.

On 02 Apr 1719 Anne Armine (age 67) died.

On 02 Apr 1720 Joseph Dudley (age 72) died. He was buried at Eliot Burying Ground Roxbury Boston, Massachusetts.

On 02 Apr 1734 Elizabeth Seymour Countess Thomond (age 49) died.

On 02 Apr 1742 Susanna Collet died.

On 02 Apr 1769 Robert Whalley (age 55) died.

On 02 Apr 1787 General Thomas Gage (age 68) died.

On 02 Apr 1793 Charles Bagot aka Chester (age 62) died.

On 02 Apr 1804 Theophilus Henry Hastings 11th Earl Huntingdon (age 75) died. Hans Francis Hastings 12th Earl Huntingdon (age 24) de jure 12th Earl Huntingdon although it wasn't until 1819 that after a long and complex investigation he was confirmed as the 12th Earl.

On 02 Apr 1814 Horatio Mann 2nd Baronet (age 70) died. Baronet Mann of Linton in Kent extinct. His nephew James Mann 5th Earl Cornwallis (age 35) inherited his estates of Boughton aka Bocton Place, Kent [Map] and Linton.

On 02 Apr 1817 Thomas Edward Clifford (age 42) died.

On 02 Apr 1821 Elizabeth Windsor (age 64) died.

On 02 Apr 1830 Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton (age 38) died. Monument at Church of St Mary Magdalen, Castle Ashby [Map] sculpted by Pietro Tenerani (age 40) in 1836.

Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane Marchioness Northampton: On 13 Dec 1791 she was born to Major-General William Douglas-Maclean-Clephane. On 24 Jul 1815 Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton and she were married. He the son of Charles Compton 1st Marquess Northampton. On 24 May 1828 Charles Compton 1st Marquess Northampton died. His son Spencer Compton 2nd Marquess Northampton succeeded 2nd Marquess Northampton, 10th Earl of Northampton, 2nd Earl Compton of Compton in Warwickshire, 2nd Baron Wilmington of Wilmington in Sussex. She by marriage Marchioness Northampton.

On 02 Apr 1841 Susan Stewart Duchess of Marlborough (age 73) died.

On 02 Apr 1848 Samuel Rush Meyrick (age 64) died.

On 02 Apr 1865 Rosamond Anne Myrtle Shirley (age 46) died.

On 02 Apr 1878 William Clements 3rd Earl Leitrim (age 71) was assassinated along with his clerk and driver, near Cratlagh Wood while on his way to Milford (a village he owned in its entirety) from his home, Manor Vaughan (usually known as Mulroy House), on Mulroy Bay. Michael Heraghty and brothers Thomas and Bernard McGranahan were arrested. The gun butt had been traced to Heraghty, and paper for the wadding used to load the rifle was traced to a school copybook owned by the McGranahans. The McGranahans were released from Lifford Jail due to a lack of evidence. Heraghty died in Lifford Jail of typhus... The assassins, Nial Shiels of Doughmore, an itinerant tailor, Michael Hergarty of Tullyconnell, and Michael McElwee of Ballyworiskey, were from the remote Fanad Peninsula.

On 02 Apr 1882 Cornelius Jeremiah Vanderbilt (age 51) committed suicide. He fired his Smith & Wesson revolver into his left temple whilst in Room 80 of the Glenham Hotel, Fifth Avenue.

On 02 Apr 1888 Charles Edwin Lowther (age 28) died.

On 02 Apr 1895 Clarissa Hall (age 70) died. Her funeral was held at the Grosvenor Chapel on 05 Apr 1895 attended by her daughters Clarita "Clara" Jerome (age 44), Jenny Jerome (age 41) and Leonie Blanche Jerome (age 36), her grandsons Winston Churchill (age 20) and John Strange "Jack" Spencer-Churchill (age 15) and the Dowager Frances Anne Emily Vane Duchess of Marlborough (age 72).

On 02 Apr 1897 Emma Olliffe (age 52) died.

On 02 Apr 1900 Mary Ann Frater (age 77) died at "St. Clare", Sandfield Rd., West Derby, Liverpool, Lancashire.

On 02 Apr 1907 Ernest Charles Hogg (age 43) died.

On 02 Apr 1909 Elizabeth Wright (age 73) died.

On 02 Apr 1909 Emily Georgiana Langham died.

On 02 Apr 1922 Maude Baring nee Lorillard (age 45) died.

On 02 Apr 1927 George Pargiter Fuller (age 94) died.

On 02 Apr 1932 Edward Marjoribanks (age 32) committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest while in the billiard room of his stepfather's (age 60) house in Sussex.

On 02 Apr 1933 Ranjitsinhji Jadeja (age 60) died.

On 02 Apr 1937 Edith Eleanor Percy (age 67) died.

On 02 Apr 1941 Francis Somerville Head (age 94) died.

On 02 Apr 1948 Maud Eleanor Joliffe (age 75) died.

On 02 Apr 1955 John Page Wood 6th Baronet (age 57) died. His son John Page Wood 7th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 7th Baronet Wood of Hatherley House in Gloucestershire.

On 02 Apr 2006 John Brigg Charles Fountaine (age 83) died. He was buried in the Churchyard of the Church of St Mary, Narford [Map].

John Brigg Charles Fountaine: On 15 Nov 1922 he was born to Vice Admiral Charles Andrew Fountaine and Louisa Constance Catherine Maclean at Narford Hall. On 14 Sep 1997 Andrew Douglas Algernon Fountaine died of cancer possibly at Swaffham Hospital otherwise at Narford Hall without issue. His brother John Brigg Charles Fountaine inherited Narford Hall.

On 02 Apr 2012 Grania Mary Villiers-Stuart Lady Duff-Gordon (age 71) died.