On this Day in History ... 5th August

05 Aug is in August.

641 Battle of Maserfield

1100 Coronation of Henry I

1305 Capture of William Wallace

1388 Battle of Otterburn

1415 Southampton Plot

1554 Creation of Garter Knights

1600 Gowrie Conspiracy

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 5th August

On 05 Aug 641 (or 642 or 644 depending on the source) King Penda of Mercia Mercian and Welsh army defeated the Northumbrian army at the Battle of Maserfield. The battle is believed to have taken place at Oswestry, Shropshire. Northumbria was once again separated into two kingdoms.

King Oswald of Northumberland (age 37) was killed. His body was subsequently dismembered with his head and arms mounted on poles. His brother King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 29) succeeded King Bernicia. Rhiainfellt Rheged Queen Consort Bernicia by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia.

Osric King Deira was killed. His son King Oswine of Deira succeeded King Deira.

Eowa King Mercia was killed (probably).

On 05 Aug 882 Louis III King West Francia (age 19) died.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1063. This year went Earl Harold (age 41), after mid-winter, from Gloucester to Rhyddlan [Map]; which belonged to Griffin: and that habitation he burned, with his ships and all the rigging belonging thereto; and put him to flight. Then in the gang-days went Harold with his ships from Bristol about Wales; where he made a truce with the people, and they gave him hostages. Tosty (age 37) meanwhile advanced with a land-force against them, and plundered the land. But in the harvest of the same year was King Griffin slain, on the nones of August, by his own men, through the war that he waged with Earl Harold (age 41). He was king over all the Welsh nation. And his head was brought to Earl Harold (age 41); who sent it to the king (age 60), with his ship's head, and the rigging therewith. King Edward (age 60) committed the land to his two brothers, Blethgent (age 50) and Rigwatle; who swore oaths, and gave hostages to the king and to the earl, that they would be faithful to him in all things, ready to aid him everywhere by water and land, and would pay him such tribute from the land as was paid long before to other kings.

John of Worcester. 05 Aug 1064. Griffyth, king of Wales, was slain by his own people, on the nones [the 5th] of August, and his head and the beak of his ship, with its ornaments, were sent to earl Harold (age 42), who, shortly afterwards, presented them to king Edward (age 61). The king then gave the territories of the Welsh king to his brothers Blethgent (age 51) and Rithwalon77, and they swore to be faithful to him and Harold (age 42), and promised to be ready to obey their orders by sea and land, and that they would faithfully pay whatever was paid before from that country to former kings.

Note 77. Blethyn and Rhywallon, princes of North Wales and Powis, 1060—1066.

On 05 Aug 1064 Gruffydd ap Llywelyn King Wales was killed. The Ulster Chronicle states that he was killed by Cynan ab Iago King Gwynedd in 1064, whose father Iago had been put to death by Gruffydd in 1039.

On 05 Aug 1100 King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 32) was crowned I King England by Bishop Maurice at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 05 Aug 1305 William Wallace was handed over to the English forces by John Menteith (age 30) at Robroyston, Glasgow.

Froissart. 05 Aug 1388 or 19 Aug 1388. There began a cruel battle and at the first encounter many were overthrown of both parties; and because the Englishmen were a great number and greatly desired to vanguish their enemies, and rested 1 and greatly did put aback the Scots, so that the Scots were near discomfited. Then the earl James Douglas, who was young and strong and of great desire to get praise and grace, and was willing to deserve to have it, and cared for no pain nor travail, came forth with his banner and cried, 'Douglas, Douglas!' and sir Henry Percy and sir Ralph his brother, who had great indignation against the earl Douglas because he had won the pennon of their arms at the barriers before Newcastle, came to that part and cried, 'Percy!' Their two banners met and their men: there was a sore fight: the Englishmen were so strong and fought so valiantly that they reculed the Scots back. There were two valiant knights of Scots under the banner of the earl Douglas, called sir Patrick of Hepbourn and sir Patrick his son. They acquitted themselves that day valiantly: the earl's banner had been won, an they had not been: they defended it so valiantly and in the rescuing thereof did such feats of arms, that it was greatly to their recommendation and to their heirs' for ever after.

Note 1. In French, 'ilz se arresterent,' without 'and.'

On either 05 Aug 1388 or 19 Aug 1388 a Scottish army commanded by John Swinton defeated an English army commanded by Henry "Hotspur" Percy (age 24) during the Battle of Otterburn at Otterburn [Map]. Henry "Hotspur" Percy (age 24) and his brother Ralph Percy (age 29) were captured as was Matthew Redman (age 60). The English suffered 1000 killed, 2000 captured. The Scottish 100 killed, 200 captured.

On the Scottish side James Douglas 2nd Earl Douglas (age 30) was killed. His sister Isabel Douglas Countess Mar (age 28) succeeded Countess Mar.

John Dunbar 1st Earl of Moray (age 46) fought.

On 05 Aug 1415 two executions of those involved in the Southampton Plot took place at the North Gate aka Bargate [Map]:

Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge (age 30) was beheaded. His son Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Cambridge.

Henry Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope Masham (age 42) was beheaded. His brother John Scrope 4th Baron Scrope Masham (age 27) succeeded 4th Baron Scrope Masham.

Around 05 Aug 1469 King Edward IV of England (age 27) was imprisoned at Warwick Castle [Map].

Calendars. 05 Aug 1531. We next went to another palace, called Richmond, where the Princess (age 15), her daughter, resides; and having asked the maggiordomo for permission to see her, he spoke to the chamberlain, and then to the governess [Margaret York Countess of Salisbury (age 57)], and they made us wait. Then after seeing the palace we returned into a hall, and having entered a spacious chamber where there were some venerable old men with whom we discoursed, the Princess came forth accompanied by a noble lady advanced in years, who is her governess, and by six maids of honour (donzelle). We kissed her hand, and she asked us how long we had been in England, and if we had seen their Majesties, her father and mother, and what we thought of the country; she then turned to her attendants, desiring them to treat us well, and withdrew into her chamber. This Princess is not very tall, has a pretty face, and is well proportioned (disposta) with a very beautiful complexion, and is 15 years old. She speaks Spanish, French, and Latin, besides her own mother-English tongue, is well grounded in Greek, and understands Italian, but does not venture to speak it. She sings excellently, and plays on several instruments, so that she combines every accomplishment. We were then taken to a sumptuous repast, after which we returned to our lodging, whither, according to the fashion of the country, the Princess sent us a present of wine and ale (which last is another beverage of theirs), and white bread. On the next day, which was the 6th, we returned to London to the house of our ambassador, where we remained two days, and then by boat went down the Thames, which is very broad, and covered with swans, and thus we got to Dover the passage port.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Aug 1553. And the Qwene (age 37) grace mad ser Edward Hastyngs (age 32) master of the horse, and ser Thomas Jernyngham [Note. Mistake for Henry made before.] vysse-chamburlayne and captayn of the gard, and master Rochastur (age 59) master controller; my lord marqwes of Wynchaster (age 70) lord tresorer of England, and dyvers odur offeserse, and dyvers odur.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Aug 1553. [The Queen (age 37) released from prison the lord Courtenay (age 26), soon after created earl] of Denshyre, and odur moo.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 05 Aug 1554. 05 Aug 1554. Sundaye 5 August the King (age 27) was stalled in Windsore of the noble order of the Garter, and there kept St. George's feast in his royall estate himselfe; where was kept a great feast. And the Earle of Sussex (age 47) was made knight of the Garter at that tyme allso.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 05 Aug 1559. The v day of August the Quen('s) (age 25) grace removyd from Eltham [Map] unto Non-shyche [Map], my lord of Arundell('s) (age 47), and ther her grace had as gret cher evere nyght, and bankettes [banquets]; but the sonday at nyght my lord of Arundell('s) howse mad her a grett bankett [banquet] at ys cost, the wyche kyng Henry the viij byldyd, as ever was sene, for soper, bankett, and maske, with drumes and flutes, and all the mysyke that cold be, tyll mydnyght; and as for chere has nott bene sene nor hard. [On monday] the Quen('s) grace stod at her standyng [in the further park,] and ther was corse [coursing] after; and at nyght the Quen .... and a play of the chylderyn of Powlles and ther master Se[bastian], master Phelypes, and master Haywod, and after a grett bankett as [ever was s[ene, with drumes and flutes, and the goodly banketts [of dishes] costely as ever was sene and gyldyd, tyll iij in mornyng; and ther was skallyng of yonge lordes and knyghtes of the ....

Note. P. 206. Master Sebastian, Phdips, and Haywood. "Sebastian scolemaister of Powles" gave queen Mary on new-year's day 1557 "a book of ditties, written." (Nichols's Progresses, &c. of Q. Elizabeth, 1823, vol. i. p. xxxv.) Mr. Collier supposes his surname to have been Westcott (Annals of the Stage, i. 155).—Robert Phelipps was one of the thirtytwo gentlemen of the chapel to king Edward VI. (Hawkins's History of Music, vol. iii. p. 481.—Of John Heywood as an author of interludes and master of a company of "children" players various notices will be found in Mr. Collier's wor

Note. P. 206. The Queen's grace stood at her standing in the further park. "Shooting at deer with a cross-bow (remarks Mr. Hunter in his New Illustrations of Shakespeare) was a favourite amusement of ladies of rank; and buildings with flat roofs, called stands or standings, were erected in many parks, as in that of Sheffield, and in that of Pilkington near Manchester, expressly for the purpose of this diversion." They seem to have been usually concealed by bushes or trees, so that the deer would not perceive their enemy. In Shakspere's Love-Labours Lost, at the commencement of the fourth Act, the Princess repairs to a Stand—

Then, Forester my friend, where is the bush

That we must stand and play the murtherer in?

Forester. Here-by, upon the edge of yonder coppice,

A Stand where you may make the fairest shoot.

Mr. Hunter further remarks that they were often made ornamental, as may be concluded from the following passage in Goldingham's poem called "The Garden Plot," where, speaking of a bower, he compares it with one of these stands—

To term it Heaven I think were little sin,

Or Paradise, for so it did appear;

So far it passed the bowers that men do banquet in,

Or standing made to shoot at stately deer.

On 05 Aug 1599 Alexander Radclyffe of Ordsall Hall (age 26) died of wounds and fever in Ulster while campaigning with the Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex (age 33) during the unsuccessful attempt to bring Ireland under English control. The Queen (age 65) herself informed his twin sister of her brother's death.

On 05 Aug 1600. The Gowrie Conspiracy was an attempt by John Ruthven 3rd Earl Gowrie (age 23) and his brother Alexander Ruthven (age 20) to kill King James I (age 34). He, King James, had had their father William Ruthven 1st Earl Gowrie executed for his part in the Raid of Ruthven eighteen years earlier.

The attempt was botched. John Ruthven 3rd Earl Gowrie (age 23) and Alexander Ruthven (age 20) were killed, the former by John Ramsay 1st Earl Holderness (age 20).

William Ruthven fled to France.

Patrick Ruthven was imprisoned for nineteen years at the Tower of London [Map].

Pepy's Diary. 05 Aug 1663. All the morning at the office, whither Deane (age 29) of Woolwich came to me and discoursed of the body of ships, which I am now going about to understand, and then I took him to the coffee-house, where he was very earnest against Mr. Grant's (age 43) report in favour of Sir W. Petty's (age 40) vessel, even to some passion on both sides almost.

John Reresby's Diary 05 Aug 1665. 05 Aug 1665. His royal highness (age 31) and his duchess (age 28) came down to York, where they stayed till September the 23rd, when the Duke (age 31) went for Oxford, where the King (age 35) was to meet the Parliament. The Duchess (age 28) went not till some time after. Most of the gentry attended at York whilst their liighnesses were there. The Duke passed his time in shooting and other exercises, the Duchess (age 28) in receiving the ladies, which she did very obligingly. One evening having a little snake (which I kept in bran in a box) in my hand as I was in the presence, one of the maids of honour seeing of it was frightened. The Duchess (age 28), hearing the noise, and what was the occasion, desired to see the snake, and took it into her hand without any fear. This Duchess (age 28) was Chancellor Hyde's (age 56) daughter, and she was a very handsome woman, and had a great deal of wit; therefore it was not without reason that Mr. Sydney (age 24), the handsomest youth of his time, of the Duke's bedchamber, was so much in love with her, as appeared to us all, and the Duchess (age 28) not unkind to him, but very innocently. He was afterwards banished the Court for another reason, as was reported.

John Reresby's Diary 05 Aug 1665. 05 Aug 1665. The Duchess (age 28) in her return lay at Welbeck [Map], the old Duke of Newcastle (age 72) being alive, where she was splendidly entertained, the Duke of York (age 31) having directed that the same respect should be paid her wherever she passed as if he were present. The Duke of Buckingham (age 37) and my Lord Ogle (age 35) had a quarrel there.

On 05 Aug 1736 James Lowther 1st Earl Lonsdale was born to Robert Lowther (age 54) and Katherine Pennington.

Letters of Horace Walpole. 05 Aug 1752. From Sevenoaks [Map] we went to Knowle. The park is sweet, with much old beech, and an immense sycamore before the great gate, that makes me more in love than ever with sycamores. The house is not near so extensive as I expected:330 the outward court has a beautiful decent simplicity that charms one. The apartments are many, but not large. The furniture throughout, ancient magnificence; loads of portraits, not good nor curious; ebony cabinets, embossed silver in vases, dishes, etc. embroidered beds, stiff chairs, and sweet bags lying on velvet tables, richly worked in silk and gold. There are two galleries, one very small; an old hall, and a spacious great drawing-room. There is never a good staircase. The first little room you enter has sundry portraits of the times; but they seem to have been bespoke by the yard, and drawn all by the same painter; One should be happy if they were authentic; for among them there is Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, Gardiner of Winchester, the Earl of Surry, the poet, when a boy, and a Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, but I don't know which. The only fine picture is of Lord Goring and Endymion Porter by Vandyke. There is a good head of the Queen of Bohemia, a whole-length of Duc d'Espernon, and another good head of the Clifford, Countess of Dorset, who wrote that admirable haughty letter to Secretary Williamson, when he recommended a person to her for member for Appleby: "I have been bullied by an usurper, I have been neglected by a court, but I won't be dictated to by a subject: your man shan't stand. Ann Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery." In the chapel is a piece of ancient tapestry: Saint Luke in his first profession is holding an urinal. Below stairs is a chamber of poets and players, which is proper enough in that house; for the first Earl wrote a play331, and the last Earl was a poet332, and I think married a player333 Major Mohun and Betterton are curious among the latter, Cartwright and Flatman among the former. The arcade is newly enclosed, painted in fresco, and with modern glass of all the family matches. In the gallery is a whole-length of the unfortunate Earl of Surry, with his device, a broken column, and the motto Sat superest. My father had one of them, but larger, and with more emblems, which the Duke of Norfolk bought at my brother's sale. There is one good head of henry VIII, and divers of Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, the citizen who came to be lord treasurer, and was very near coming to be hanged.334 His Countess, a bouncing kind of lady-mayoress, looks pure awkward amongst so much good company. A visto cut through the wood has a delightful effect from the front: but there are some trumpery fragments of gardens that spoil the view from the state apartments.

Note 329. Only son of Dr. Richard Bentley, the celebrated Divine and classical scholar. He was educated at Trinity College, under his father. Cumberland, who was his nephew, describes him as a man of various and considerable accomplishments; possessing a fine genius, great wit, and a brilliant imagination; "but there was," he adds, "a certain eccentricity and want of prudence in his character, that involved him in distresses, and reduced him to situations uncongenial with his feelings, and unpropitious to the cultivation and encouragement of his talents."-E.

Note 330. Evelyn in his Diary for July 25, 1673, says, "In my way I visited my Lord of Dorset's house at Knowle, near Sevenoaks, a greate old-fashion'd house."-E.

Note 331. Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, while a student in the Temple, wrote his tragedy of Gordobuc, which was played before Queen Elizabeth, at Whitehall, in 1561. He was created Earl of Dorset by James the First, in 1604.-E.

Note 332. Charles Sackville, sixth Earl of Dorset. On the day previous to the naval engagement with the Dutch, in 1665, he is said to have composed his celebrated song, "to all you Ladies now on Land."-E.

Note 333. On the contrary, he married the Lady Frances, daughter of the Earl of Middlesex, who survived him.-E. [Note. This appears to be a mistake insofar as Richard Sackville 5th Earl Dorset married Frances Cranfield Countess Dorset who was the daughter of Lionel Cranfield 1st Earl Middlesex. Charles Sackville 6th Earl Dorset 1st Earl Middlesex married firstly Mary Bagot Countess Falmouth and Dorset and secondly Mary Compton Countess Dorset and Middlesex. There, however, references to his marrying an actress Alice Lee with whom he appear to have had a daughter Mary Sackville Countess Orrery.]

Note 334. Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, married two wives: the first was the daughter of a London citizen; the second, the daughter of James Brett, Esq. and half-sister of Mary Beaumont, created Countess of Buckingham. To this last alliance, Lord Middlesex owed his extraordinary advancement.-E.

Letters of Horace Walpole. 05 Aug 1752. Here our woes increase. The roads row bad beyond all badness, the night dark beyond all darkness, our guide frightened beyond all frightfulness. However, without being at all killed, we got UP, or down,-I forget which, it was so dark,-a famous precipice called Silver Hill, and about ten at night arrived at a wretched village called Rotherbridge. We had still six miles hither, but determined to stop, as it would be a pity to break our necks before we had seen all we intended. But alas! there was only one bed to be had: all the rest were inhabited by smugglers, whom the people of the house called mountebanks; and with one of whom the lady of the den told Mr. Chute he might lie. We did not at all take to this society, but, armed with links and lanthems, set out again upon this impracticable journey. At two o'clock in the morning we got hither to a still worse inn, and that crammed with excise officers, one of whom had just shot a smuggler. However, as we were neutral powers, we have passed safely through both armies hitherto, and can give you a little farther history of our wandering through these mountains, where the young gentlemen are forced to drive their curricles with a pair of oxen. the only morsel of good road we have found, was what even the natives had assured us was totally impracticable: these were eight miles to Hurst Monceaux.338 It is seated at the end of a large vale, five miles in a direct line to the sea, with wings of blue hills covered with wood, one of which falls down to the in a sweep of a hundred acres. The building, for the convenience of water to the moat, sees nothing at all; indeed it is entirely imagined on a plan of defence, with drawbridges actually in being, round towers, watch-towers mounted on them, and battlements pierced for the passage of arrows from long bows. It was built in the time of Henry VI, and is as perfect as the first day. It does not seem to have been ever quite finished, or at least that age was not arrived at the luxury of white-wash; for almost all the walls, except in the principal chambers, are in their native brickhood. It is a square building, each side about two hundred feet in length; a porch and cloister, very like Eton College; and the whole is much in the same taste, the kitchen extremely so, with three vast funnels to the chimneys going up on the inside. There are two or three little courts for offices, but no magnificence of apartments. It is scarcely furnished with a few necessary beds and chairs: one side has been sashed, and a drawing-room and dining-room and two or three rooms wainscoted by the Earl of Sussex, who married a natural daughter of Charles II. Their arms with delightful carvings by Gibbons-, particularly two pheasants, hang over the chimneys. Over the great drawing-room chimney is the first coat armour of the first Leonard, Lord Dacre, with all his alliances. Mr. Chute was transported, and called cousin with ten thousand quarterings.339 The chapel is small, and mean: the Virgin and seven long lean saints, ill done, remain in the windows. There have been four more, but seem to have been removed for light; and we actually found St. Catherine, and another gentlewoman with a church in her hand, exiled into the buttery. There remain two odd cavities, with very small wooden screens on each side the altar, which seem to have been confessionals. The outside is a mixture of gray brick and stone, that has a very venerable appearance. The drawbridges are romantic to a degree; and there is a dungeon, that gives one a delightful idea of living in the days of soccage and under such goodly tenures. They showed us a dismal chamber which they called Drummer's-hall, and suppose that Mr. Addison's comedy is descended from it. In the windows of the gallery over the cloisters, which leads all round to the apartments, is the device of the Fienneses, a wolf holding a baton with a scroll, Le roy le veut - an unlucky motto, as I shall tell you presently, to the last peer of that line. The estate is two thousand a year, and so compact as to have but seventeen houses upon it. We walked up a brave old avenue to the church, with ships sailing on our left hand the whole way. Before the altar lies a lank brass knight, knight William Fienis, chevalier, who obiit c.c.c.c.v. that is in 1405. By the altar is a beautiful tomb, all in our trefoil taste, varied into a thousand little canopies and patterns, and two knights reposing on their backs. These were Thomas, Lord Dacre, and his only son Gregory, who died sans issue. An old grayheaded beadsman of the family talked to us of a blot in the scutcheon; and we had observed that the field of the arms was green instead of blue, and the lions ramping to the right, contrary to order. This and the man's imperfect narrative let us into the circumstances of the personage before us; for there is no inscription. He went in a Chevy-chase style to hunt in a Mr. Pelham's (age 57)340 park at Lawton: the keepers opposed, a fray ensued, a man was killed. The haughty baron took the death upon himself, as most secure of pardon; but however, though there was no chancellor of the exchequer in the question, he was condemned to be hanged: Le roy le Vouloist.

Note 338. the ancient inheritance of Lord Dacre of the South.-E.

Note 339. Chaloner Chute, Esq, of the Vine, married Catherine, daughter of Richard, Lord Dacre.-E.

Note 340. At the date of this letter Mr. Pelham (age 57) was prime minister.

On 05 Aug 1793 John Lee (age 61) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map] where he has a monument sculpted by Joseph Nollekens (age 55).

On 05 Aug 1835 Gilbert Stuart Newton (age 39) died.

On 05 Aug 1901 Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 60) died.

Births on the 5th August

Before 05 Aug 642 Æthelwald King Deira was born to King Oswald of Northumberland.

On 05 Aug 1103 William Adelin Normandy Duke Normandy was born to King Henry I "Beauclerc" England (age 35) and Edith aka Matilda Dunkeld Queen Consort England (age 23). The name Adelin an Anglo-Saxon term meaning Noble, or Prince, reflecting his mother's descent from the House of Wessex (her mother was Margaret Wessex Queen Consort Scotland ).

On 05 Aug 1223 Hugh Despencer was born to Hugh Despencer (age 26) at Loughborough.

Around 1467 William Stanley was born to William Stanley (age 32) and Elizabeth Hopton Countess of Worcester (age 40). The date based on the marriage of his father William Stanley (age 32) and mother Elizabeth Hopton Countess of Worcester which must have taken place after 05 Aug 1666 when his first wife Joan Beaumont Baroness Lovel died?

In or after 1467 Jane Marie Stanley was born to William Stanley (age 32) and Elizabeth Hopton Countess of Worcester (age 40). The date based on the marriage of her father William Stanley (age 32) and mother Elizabeth Hopton Countess of Worcester which must have taken place after 05 Aug 1666 when his first wife Joan Beaumont Baroness Lovel died?

On 05 Aug 1540 Joseph Justus Scaliger was born.

On 05 Aug 1575 Frances Cromwell was born to Henry Cromwell aka Williams (age 40) and Joan Warren (age 30) at Hinchinbrooke.

On 05 Aug 1593 Edward Knightley was born to Thomas Knightley (age 52) and Elizabeth Schuckburgh (age 39).

On or before 05 Aug 1623 Mary Temple was born to John Temple (age 24) and Dorothy Lee (age 33). She was baptised on 05 Aug 1623.

On 05 Aug 1645 Charles Schomberg 2nd Duke Schomberg was born to Frederick Schomberg 1st Duke Schomberg (age 29).

On 05 Aug 1663 Charles-Armand de Gontaut Duc de Biron was born.

On 05 Aug 1668 Philippe Charles Bourbon was born to Louis "Sun King" XIV King France (age 29) and Maria Theresa of Spain Queen Consort France (age 29). Coefficient of inbreeding 17.28%.

On 05 Aug 1680 Richard Roundell was born to William Roundell of Marston and Hutton-Wansley and Anna Elwyck.

On 05 Aug 1710 Anne Shippen was born to Joseph Shippen (age 31).

On 05 Aug 1711 Elizabeth Marsham Viscountess Fokestone was born to Robert Marsham 1st Baron Romney (age 25) and Elizabeth Shovell Baroness Romney.

On 05 Aug 1726 Louise Marie Bourbon was born to Louis Bourbon Duke Orléans (age 23) and Margravine Johanna Baden Baden Duchess Orléans.

On 05 Aug 1732 Robert Fox Lane was born to George Fox Lane 1st Baron Bingley (age 35) and Harriet Benson Baroness Bingley (age 27).

On 05 Aug 1736 James Lowther 1st Earl Lonsdale was born to Robert Lowther (age 54) and Katherine Pennington.

On 05 Aug 1737 Beaumont Hotham 2nd Baron Hotham was born to Beaumont Hotham 7th Baronet (age 31).

On 05 Aug 1738 John Peyto Verney 22nd Baron Latimer 14th Baron Willoughby was born to John Verney (age 38) and Abigail Harley (age 39).

On 05 Aug 1802 Montague Cholmeley 2nd Baronet was born to Montague Cholmeley 1st Baronet (age 30) and Elizabeth Harrison Lady Cholmeley.

On 05 Aug 1819 Charles Rowland Palmer Morewood was born.

On 05 Aug 1820 Mayer Carl Freiherr von Rothschild was born to Carl Mayer von Rothschild (age 32).

Around 05 Aug 1833 George Arthur Hastings Forbes 7th Earl Granard was born to George John Forbes (age 48).

On 05 Aug 1841 Frederick Johnstone 8th Baronet was born to Frederick Johnstone 7th Baronet and Louisa Elizabeth Craven.

On 05 Aug 1845 Charles Horatio Algernon Capell was born to Algernon Henry Capell (age 39) and Caroline Paget (age 34) Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 05 Aug 1849 Florence Mary Cole Countess Erne was born to William Willoughby Cole 3rd Earl Enniskillen (age 42) and Jane Casamaijor Countess Enniskillen.

On 05 Aug 1853 Margaret Francis Graham Countess Verulam was born to Frederick Ulric Graham 3rd Baronet (age 33) and Jane Hermione Seymour Lady Graham (age 21). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.57%.

On 05 Aug 1864 Edward William John Manners was born to John James Robert Manners 7th Duke Rutland (age 45) and Janetta Hughan Duchess Rutland (age 27).

On 05 Aug 1872 Edith Violet Gorst was born to John Eldon Gorst (age 37).

On 05 Aug 1899 John Bridger Shiffner 6th Baronet was born to John Shiffner 5th Baronet (age 41).

On 05 Aug 1903 Nicholas Hohenzollern Sigmaringen was born to Ferdinand "The Unfier" Hohenzollern Sigmaringen (age 37) and Marie Windsor (age 27) at Peleș Castle. He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 05 Aug 1954 David Mark Wilson was born to Charles John Wilson 3rd Baron Nunburnholme (age 50) and Alex Hockley Baroness Nunburnholme.

Marriages on the 5th August

On 05 Aug 1498 George Meverell (age 16) and Jane Babington (age 17) were married.

Before 05 Aug 1628 Robert Meverell and Elizabeth Fleming were married.

On 05 Aug 1641 Benjamin Weston and Elizabeth Sheldon Countess Anglesey (age 33) were married.

On 05 Aug 1680 Charles Holte 3rd Baronet (age 31) and Anne Clobery Lady Holte (age 18) were married. She by marriage Lady Holte of Aston in Warwickshire.

Around 05 Aug 1706 James Drummond 2nd Duke Perth (age 32) and Jane Gordon Duchess Perth (age 15) were married. She the daughter of George Gordon 1st Duke Gordon (age 63) and Elizabeth Howard Duchess Gordon. He the son of James Drummond 1st Duke Perth (age 58) and Jean Douglas. They were second cousins.

After 05 Aug 1711 Richard Roundell (age 31) and Elizabeth Ramsden were married.

On 05 Aug 1728 Thomas Belasyse 1st Earl Fauconberg (age 29) and Catherine Betham Countess Fauconberg were married.

On 05 Aug 1749 James Bulkeley 6th Viscount Bulkeley and Emma Bridget Rowlands Viscountess Bulkeley were married. She by marriage Viscountess Bulkeley of Cashel in Tipperary.

On 05 Aug 1762 Philip Lybbe-Powys (age 27) and Caroline Girle (age 23) were married at the Church of St Mary the Virgin.

On 05 Aug 1765 Leopold II Holy Roman Emperor (age 18) and Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Charles III King Spain (age 49). He the son of Francis I Holy Roman Emperor (age 56) and Maria Theresa Habsburg Spain Holy Roman Empress (age 48).

On 05 Aug 1765 George John Cooke (age 29) and Penelope Bowyer of Harefield Park, London (age 19) were married at Harefield.

On 05 Aug 1819 Henry Paget 2nd Marquess Anglesey (age 22) and Eleanora Campbell were married. He the son of Henry William Paget 1st Marquess Anglesey (age 51) and Caroline Elizabeth Villiers Duchess Argyll (age 44).

On 05 Aug 1834 Charles Cockerell aka Rushout 2nd Baronet (age 25) and Cecilia Olivia Foley Lady Cockerell were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Before 05 Aug 1845 Algernon Henry Capell (age 39) and Caroline Paget (age 34) were married. They were first cousins.

On 05 Aug 1851 Edward Keppel Coke (age 26) and Diana Mary Blanche Georgiana Agar-Ellis were married. He the son of Thomas Coke 1st Earl of Leicester and Anne Amelia Keppel Countess Leicester. He a great x 4 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 05 Aug 1869 Henry Willoughby 8th Baron Middleton (age 51) and Eliza Maria Gordon Cumming Baroness Middleton were married. She by marriage Baroness Middleton.

On 05 Aug 1874 William Frederick Waldegrave 9th Earl Waldegrave (age 23) and Mary Dorothea Palmer Countess Waldegrave (age 24) were married. She by marriage Countess Waldegrave. She the daughter of Roundell Palmer 1st Earl Selborne (age 61) and Laura Waldegrave Countess Selborne (age 53). They were half first cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King James II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 05 Aug 1879 Edmund Bernard Fitzalan Howard 1st Viscount Fitzalan Derwent Derby (age 24) and Mary Caroline Bertie Viscountess Fitzalan Derwent Derby (age 19) were married. She the daughter of Montagu Arthur Bertie 7th Earl of Abingdon (age 43) and Caroline Theresa Towneley. He the son of Henry Granville Fitzalan 14th Duke of Norfolk and Augusta Mary Minna Catherine Lyons Duchess Norfolk (age 58). They were half second cousin once removed.

On 05 Aug 1896 George Kemp 1st Baron Rochdale (age 30) and Beatrice Mary Egerton Baroness Rochdale (age 24) were married. She the daughter of Francis Egerton 3rd Earl Ellesmere (age 49) and Katherine Louisa Phipps Countess Ellesmere (age 46).

On 05 Aug 1903 Colonel Frank Wigram Foley and Eva Mary FitzHardinge Milman 16th Baroness Berkeley (age 28) were married. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

Deaths on the 5th August

On 05 Aug 641 (or 642 or 644 depending on the source) King Penda of Mercia Mercian and Welsh army defeated the Northumbrian army at the Battle of Maserfield. The battle is believed to have taken place at Oswestry, Shropshire. Northumbria was once again separated into two kingdoms.

King Oswald of Northumberland (age 37) was killed. His body was subsequently dismembered with his head and arms mounted on poles. His brother King Oswiu of Northumbria (age 29) succeeded King Bernicia. Rhiainfellt Rheged Queen Consort Bernicia by marriage Queen Consort Bernicia.

Osric King Deira was killed. His son King Oswine of Deira succeeded King Deira.

Eowa King Mercia was killed (probably).

On 05 Aug 882 Louis III King West Francia (age 19) died.

On 05 Aug 890 Ranulf II Duke Aquitaine (age 40) died.

On 05 Aug 1064 Gruffydd ap Llywelyn King Wales was killed. The Ulster Chronicle states that he was killed by Cynan ab Iago King Gwynedd in 1064, whose father Iago had been put to death by Gruffydd in 1039.

On 21 Aug 1148 William II Count Nevers died. Possibly 05 Aug 1089.

On 05 Aug 1157 Dirk Gerulfing VI Count Holland (age 43) died. His son Floris Gerulfing III Count Holland (age 16) succeeded III Count Holland.

On 05 Aug 1346 John Haudlo aka Burnell (age 79) died at Acton Burnell Castle [Map].

On 05 Aug 1384 Philippa Ferrers (age 47) died.

On either 05 Aug 1388 or 19 Aug 1388 a Scottish army commanded by John Swinton defeated an English army commanded by Henry "Hotspur" Percy (age 24) during the Battle of Otterburn at Otterburn [Map]. Henry "Hotspur" Percy (age 24) and his brother Ralph Percy (age 29) were captured as was Matthew Redman (age 60). The English suffered 1000 killed, 2000 captured. The Scottish 100 killed, 200 captured.

On the Scottish side James Douglas 2nd Earl Douglas (age 30) was killed. His sister Isabel Douglas Countess Mar (age 28) succeeded Countess Mar.

John Dunbar 1st Earl of Moray (age 46) fought.

On 05 Aug 1404 Marmaduke Constable (age 39) died.

On 05 Aug 1415 two executions of those involved in the Southampton Plot took place at the North Gate aka Bargate [Map]:

Richard of Conisbrough 1st Earl Cambridge (age 30) was beheaded. His son Richard Plantagenet 3rd Duke of York (age 3) succeeded 2nd Earl Cambridge.

Henry Scrope 3rd Baron Scrope Masham (age 42) was beheaded. His brother John Scrope 4th Baron Scrope Masham (age 27) succeeded 4th Baron Scrope Masham.

On 05 Aug 1447 John Holland 2nd Duke Exeter (age 52) died at Stepney [Map]. He was buried at the Church of St Katharine's by the Tower [Map]. His son Henry Holland 3rd Duke Exeter (age 17) succeeded 3rd Duke Exeter, 3rd Earl Huntingdon. Anne York Duchess Exeter (age 7) by marriage Duchess Exeter.

On 05 Aug 1500 John Echingham (age 52) died.

On 05 Aug 1511 Thomas Leybourne (age 41) died.

On 05 Aug 1536 John Heveningham of Ketteringham (age 56) died.

On 05 Aug 1570 Thomas Grey of Horton (age 61) died.

On 05 Aug 1583 Maria Habsburg Spain (age 3) died.

On 05 Aug 1585 George Calverley (age 53) died.

On 05 Aug 1594 Eleanor of Austria Duchess Mantua (age 59) died.

On 05 Aug 1595 Edward Mansel of Margam (age 64) died.

On 05 Aug 1599 Alexander Radclyffe of Ordsall Hall (age 26) died of wounds and fever in Ulster while campaigning with the Robert Devereux 2nd Earl Essex (age 33) during the unsuccessful attempt to bring Ireland under English control. The Queen (age 65) herself informed his twin sister of her brother's death.

On 05 Aug 1600. The Gowrie Conspiracy was an attempt by John Ruthven 3rd Earl Gowrie (age 23) and his brother Alexander Ruthven (age 20) to kill King James I (age 34). He, King James, had had their father William Ruthven 1st Earl Gowrie executed for his part in the Raid of Ruthven eighteen years earlier.

The attempt was botched. John Ruthven 3rd Earl Gowrie (age 23) and Alexander Ruthven (age 20) were killed, the former by John Ramsay 1st Earl Holderness (age 20).

William Ruthven fled to France.

Patrick Ruthven was imprisoned for nineteen years at the Tower of London [Map].

On 05 Aug 1627 William Ayloffe 1st Baronet (age 64) died.

On 05 Aug 1628 Elizabeth Fleming died.

On 05 Aug 1660 George St George (age 77) died.

Before 05 Aug 1661 Cornelius Johnson (age 67) died.

On 05 Aug 1661 Mary Copley died.

On or before 05 Aug 1672 William Wight (age 70) died. On 05 Aug 1672 William Wight (age 70) was buried at St Andrew Undershaft, Aldgate Ward.

On 05 Aug 1676 Carew Mildmay (age 80) died.

On 05 Aug 1690 Maria Anna Savoy (age 2) died at Turin.

On 05 Aug 1707 William Bromley (age 51) died.

On or before 05 Aug 1711 Sarah Brearey died. She was buried on 05 Aug 1711 at Marston.

On 05 Aug 1720 Anne Kingsmill Countess Winchelsea (age 59) died.

On 05 Aug 1734 Francis Edwardes 4th Baronet (age 35) died. His son Henry Edwardes 5th Baronet (age 6) succeeded 5th Baronet Edwardes of Shrewsbury in Shropshire.

On 05 Aug 1736 Angelica Magdalena Pellissary Viscountess St John (age 70) died.

On 05 Aug 1741 John Verney (age 41) died.

On 05 Aug 1742 Francis Leicester 3rd Baronet (age 78) died. Baronet Leicester of Tabley in Cheshire extinct. His daughter Meriel Leicester (deceased) and her husband John Byrne aka Leicester 3rd Baronet inherited his estate worth £10,000 per annum at which time, in compliance with the will, changed their name from Byrne to Leicester,

On 05 Aug 1743 John Hervey 2nd Baron Hervey (age 46) died.

On 05 Aug 1752 Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon (age 32) died. His son Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 9) succeeded 4th Duke Gordon, 7th Marquess Huntly, 12th Earl Huntley.

On 05 Aug 1793 John Lee (age 61) died. He was buried at St Mary's Church, Staindrop [Map] where he has a monument sculpted by Joseph Nollekens (age 55).

On 05 Aug 1799 Richard Howe 1st Earl Howe (age 73) died. Earl Howe and Viscount Howe extinct. His daughter Sophia Howe 2nd Baroness Howe succeeded 2nd Baroness Howe. His brother William Howe 5th Viscount Howe (age 69) succeeded 5th Viscount Howe, 5th Baron Glenawley. Frances Conolly Viscountess Howe by marriage Viscountess Howe.

On 05 Aug 1809 George Colebrooke 2nd Baronet (age 80) died. His son James Edward Colebrooke 3rd Baronet (age 48) succeeded 3rd Baronet Colebrooke of Gatton in Surrey.

On 05 Aug 1814 Anne Moyle Baroness Manners (age 50) died.

On 05 Aug 1833 Percy Charles Wyndham (age 75) died.

On 05 Aug 1835 Gilbert Stuart Newton (age 39) died.

On 05 Aug 1838 Frances Duke Taylor (age 80) died.

On 05 Aug 1850 Frederick John Winston Spencer-Churchill (age 4) died.

On 05 Aug 1856 Isabella Horatia Seymour died.

On 05 Aug 1860 William Blunt (age 79) died.

On 05 Aug 1864 William Cragg (age 70) died.

On 05 Aug 1901 Victoria Empress Germany Queen Consort Prussia (age 60) died.

On 05 Aug 1904 Fanny Octavia Louise Spencer-Churchill (age 51) died.

On 05 Aug 1912 Alick William Cradock-Hartopp (age 51) died.

On 05 Aug 1919 Edward Gerald Fitzgerald (age 55) died.

On 05 Aug 1947 Herbert Dixon Asquith (age 66) died.

On 05 Aug 1953 Beatrix Petty-Fitzmaurice Duchess St Albans (age 76) died.

On 05 Aug 1956 Michael Palairet (age 73) died.