On this Day in History ... 9th April

09 Apr is in April.

1347 Tournament at Lichfield

1413 Coronation of Henry V

1483 Death of Edward IV

1484 Death of King Richard III's Heir

1689 Coronation William III and Mary II

1748 Battle of Santiago de Cuba

1868 Death of Lord Cardigan

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 9th April

On 09 Apr 715 Pope Constantine I (age 51) died.

On 09 Apr 1283 Margaret "Maid of Norway" I Queen Scotland was born to Eric II King Norway (age 15) and Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway (age 22) at Tønsberg. Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway (age 22) died in childbirth. She was buried at Tønsberg. She a great granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 09 Apr 1302 Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon (age 53) died.

On 09 Apr 1347 Edward "Black Prince" (age 16) attended a Tournament at Lichfield. John Lisle 2nd Baron Lisle (age 28), Hugh Courtenay 10th Earl Devon (age 43) (or possibly his son also Hugh Courtenay (age 20) ) and Robert Ferrers 3rd Baron Ferrers of Chartley (age 38) took part in the Tournament.

Mémoires de Philippe de Commynes Chapter 6 Section 8.

From the hour that King Edward IV (age 40) died, the King our master was informed, and took no joy in it. And few days after he received letters from the Duke of Gloucester (age 30), who had become the King of England, and signed Richard, who had caused the death of the two sons [Note. The Princes in the Tower King Edward V of England (age 12) and Richard of Shrewsbury 1st Duke of York (age 9)] of King Edward (age 40) his brother. King Richard (age 30) wanted the friendship of the King, and belived he would continue to receive the pension; but the King didn't want to respond to the letters, nor hear the messanger, and considered him very cruel and bad. The Duke of Gloucester had pledged allegiance to his nephew, considering him as his king and sovereign lord. However, shortly afterward, he committed this act. And, in the parliament of England, had degraded the two daughters of the said King of England (age 40) and declared them bastards, on the pretext of the evidence of a Bishop of Bath (age 63) in England (who formerley had great credit with the King Edward then disappointed him, and held him in prison, and then ransomed himself with a sum of money) which Bishop (age 63) said that King Edward (age 40) had promised [Note. foy? ] marriage to an English lady [who he named] who he was in love with, to have his pleasure; and had made this promise in the presence of the Bishop (age 63), and, on this promise, slept with her: and did this to deceive her.

Nevertheless such games are very dangerous, [Note. tesmoing?] these signs. I saw alot of courtiers who, having the opportunity of such an adventure, would not have lost it for the sake of a promise. And this bad Bishop (age 63) guarded revenge in his heart, for twenty years; but he is in [Note. meshut?]: because he had a son, who he loved very much, whom King Richard (age 30) wished to do great things and to marry one of the two daughters, beneath their dignity, one of whom is now the present Queen of England (age 17) and has two beautiful children.

See Edward IV marries Eleanor Talbot possibly.

See The Princes of the Tower described as Illegitimate.

Dès l'heure que le roy Edouard fut mort, le Roy nostre maistre en fut adverty, et n'en feit nulle joye quant il le sceut. Et peu de jours après receut lettres du duc de Clocestre, qui s'estoit faict roy d'Angleterre1, et se signoit Richard, lequel avoit faict mourir les deux filz du roy Edouard son frère. Lequel roy Richard requeroit l'amytié du Roy, et croy qu'il eust bien voulu ravoir reste pension; mais le Roy ne voulut respondre à ses lettres, ne ouyr le messagier, et l'estima très cruel et mauvais: car, après le trespas dudict roy Edouard, ledict duc de Clocestre avoit faict hommaige à son nepveu, comme à son roy et souverain seigneur, et incontinent après commit ce cas. Et, en plain parlement d'Angleterre, feit desgrader deux filles dudict roy Edouard et desclarer bastardes, soubz couleur3 qu'il prouva par ung evesque de Bas4 en Angleterre (qui aultresfois avoit eu grant credit avec ledict roy Edouard, et puis le desappoincta, et le tint en prison, et puis le ranconna d'une somme d'argent) lequel evesque disoit que ledict roy Edouard avoit promis foy de mariaige à une dame d'Angleterre (qu'il nommoit)5 pour ce qu'il en estoit amoureux, pour en avoir son plaisir; et en avoit faict la promesse en la main dudict evesque (age 63), et, sur ceste promesse, coucha avec elle: et ne le faisoit que pour la tromper. Toutesfois telz jeux sont bien dangereux, tesmoing ces enseignes. J'ay veu beaucoup de gens de court qui, une bonne adventure qui leur eust pleu en tel cas, ilz ne l'eussent point perdue par faulte de promettre. Et ce mauvais evesque garda ceste vengeance en son cueur, par adventure vingt ans; mais il luy en meschut: car il avoit ung filz, qu'il aymoit fort, à qui ledict roy Richard (age 30) vouloit faire de grans biens et luy faire espouser l'une de ces deux filles, desgradees de leur dignité, laquelle de présent est royne d'Angleterre et a deux beaux enfans.

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. As soon as the King (age 40) was departed, that noble Prince (age 12) his son drew toward London, who at the time of his father's death kept household at Ludlow, Shropshire [Map] in Wales. Such country, being far off from the law and recourse to justice, was begun to be far out of good will and had grown up wild with robbers and thieves walking at liberty uncorrected. And for this reason the Prince (age 12) was, in the life of his father, sent thither, to the end that the authority of his presence should restrain evilly disposed persons from the boldness of their former outrages. To the governance and ordering of this young Prince (age 12), at his sending thither, was there appointed Sir Anthony Woodville, Lord Rivers (age 43) and brother unto the Queen (age 46), a right honorable man, as valiant of hand as politic in counsel. Adjoined were there unto him others of the same party, and, in effect, every one as he was nearest of kin unto the Queen (age 46) was so planted next about the Prince (age 12).

Croyland Chronicle. 09 Apr 1483. For, shortly after the events already stated, and when the Parliament had been dissolved, the king, neither worn out with old age nor yet seized with any known kind of malady, the cure of which would not have appeared easy in the case of a person of more humble rank, took to his bed. This happened about the feast of Easter; and, on the ninth day of April, he rendered up his spirit to his Creator, at his palace at Westminster, it being the year of our Lord, 1483, and the twentythird of his reign.

On 09 Apr 1483 King Edward IV of England (age 40) died at Westminster [Map]. His son King Edward V of England (age 12) succeeded V King England. Those present included Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52) and Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 28).

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. King Edward of that name the Fourth (age 40), after he had lived fifty and three years, seven months, and six days, and thereof reigned two and twenty years, one month, and eight days, died at Westminster the ninth day of April, the year of our redemption, a thousand four hundred four score and three, leaving much fair issue, that is, Edward the Prince (age 12), thirteen years of age; Richard Duke of York (age 9), two years younger; Elizabeth (age 17), whose fortune and grace was after to be queen, wife unto King Henry the Seventh (age 26), and mother unto the Eighth; Cecily (age 14) not so fortunate as fair; Brigette (age 2), who, representing the virtue of her whose name she bore, professed and observed a religious life in Dertford [Map], a house of cloistered Nuns; Anne (age 7), who was after honorably married unto Thomas (age 10), then Lord Howard and after Earl of Surrey; and Katherine (age 3), who long time tossed in either fortune-sometime in wealth, often in adversity-at the last, if this be the last, for yet she lives, is by the goodness of her nephew, King Henry the Eighth, in very prosperous state, and worthy her birth and virtue.

The History of King Richard the Third by Thomas More. When these lords [Note. William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52), John Grey] with diverse others of both parties were come into his presence, the King (age 40), lifting up himself and propped up with pillows, as it is reported, after this fashion said unto them:

My lords, my dear kinsmen and allies, in what plight I lie, you see, and I feel. By which, the less while I expect to live with you, the more deeply am I moved to care in what case I leave you, for such as I leave you, such be my children like to find you. That if they should (God forbid) find you at variance, might by chance fall themselves at war before their discretion would serve to set you at peace. You see their youth, of which I reckon the only security to rest in your concord. For it suffices not that all you love them, if each of you hate the other. If they were men, your faithfulness by chance would suffice. But childhood must be maintained by men's authority, and slippery youth supported with elder counsel, which neither they can have unless you give it, nor can you give it if you do not agree. For where each labors to break what the other makes, and for hatred of each other's person impugns each other's counsel, it must needs be long before any good conclusion go forward. And also while either party labors to be chief, flattery shall have more place than plain and faithful advice, of which must needs ensue the evil bringing up of the Prince, whose mind in tender youth infected shall readily fall to mischief and riot, and draw down with this noble realm to ruin-unless grace turn him to wisdom, which if God send, then they who by evil means before pleased him best shall after fall furthest out of favor, so that ever at length evil plans drive to nothing and good plain ways prosper.

After 09 Apr 1483 King Edward IV of England (age 40) lay in state at St Stephen's Chapel, Westminster Palace [Map].

On 09 Apr 1484 Edward York Prince of Wales (age 10) died at Middleham Castle [Map] leaving his father King Richard III of England (age 31) without an heir. Duke Cornwall, Earl Salisbury, Earl Chester extinct.

On 09 Apr 1609 Bishop William Overton (age 84) died. Monument at Holy Trinity Church, Eccleshall [Map] with his two wives.

On 09 Apr 1648 Henri de Massue Earl of Galway was born to Henri de Massue 1st Marquis de Rouvigny (age 45).

Evelyn's Diary. 09 Apr 1655. I went to see the great ship newly built by the usurper, Oliver (age 55), carrying ninety-six brass guns, and 1,000 tons burden. In the prow was Oliver (age 55) on horseback, trampling six nations under foot, a Scot, Irishman, Dutchman, Frenchman, Spaniard, and English, as was easily made out by their several habits. A Fame held a laurel over his insulting head; the word, God with us.

On 09 Apr 1656 Francesco Trevisani was born.

Pepy's Diary. 09 Apr 1667. So home to dinner, and after dinner I took coach and to the King's house, and by and by comes after me my wife with W. Hewer (age 25) and his mother and Barker, and there we saw "The Tameing of a Shrew", which hath some very good pieces in it, but generally is but a mean play; and the best part, "Sawny"1, done by Lacy (age 52), hath not half its life, by reason of the words, I suppose, not being understood, at least by me.

Note 1. This play was entitled "Sawney the Scot, or the Taming of a Shrew", and consisted of an alteration of Shakespeare's play by John Lacy (age 52). Although it had long been popular it was not printed until 1698. In the old "Taming of a Shrew" (1594), reprinted by Thomas Amyot for the Shakespeare Society in 1844, the hero's servant is named Sander, and this seems to have given the hint to Lacy (age 52), when altering Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew", to foist a 'Scotsman into the action. Sawney was one of Lacy's (age 52) favourite characters, and occupies a prominent position in Michael Wright's (age 49) picture at Hampton Court [Map]. Evelyn, on October 3rd, 1662, "visited Mr. Wright, a Scotsman, who had liv'd long at Rome, and was esteem'd a good painter", and he singles out as his best picture, "Lacy (age 52), the famous Roscius, or comedian, whom he has painted in three dresses, as a gallant, a Presbyterian minister, and a Scotch Highlander in his plaid". Langbaine and Aubrey both make the mistake of ascribing the third figure to Teague in "The Committee"; and in spite of Evelyn's clear statement, his editor in a note follows them in their blunder. Planche has reproduced the picture in his "History of Costume" (Vol. ii., p. 243).

Pepy's Diary. 09 Apr 1669. Thence out, and slipped out by water to Westminster Hall [Map] and there thought to have spoke with Mrs. Martin, but she was not there, nor at home. So back again, and with W. Hewer (age 27) by coach home and to dinner, and then to the office, and out again with W. Hewer (age 27) to the Excise-Office, and to several places; among others, to Mr. Faythorne's (age 53), to have seen an instrument which he was said to have, for drawing perspectives, but he had it not: but here I did see his work-house, and the best things of his doing he had by him, and so to other places among others to Westminster Hall [Map], and I took occasion to make a step to Mrs. Martin's, the first time I have been with her since her husband went last to sea, which is I think a year since.... But, Lord! to hear how sillily she tells the story of her sister Doll's being a widow and lately brought to bed; and her husband, one Rowland Powell, drowned, sea with her husband, but by chance dead at sea, cast When God knows she hath played the whore, and forced at this time after she was brought to bed, this story.

On 31 Mar 1678 Richard Sanford was born to John Sanford of Nynehead Florey, Somerset (age 40) and Elizabeth Knightley (age 24). He was baptised the same day. On 07 Apr 1678 he died. On 09 Apr 1638 he was buried at St Mary's Church, Fawsley [Map].

John Sanford of Nynehead Florey, Somerset: In 1638 he was born. On 21 Jun 1670 he and Elizabeth Knightley were married at St Katharine Cree Church. In 1711 he died.

Elizabeth Knightley: On 08 Jul 1653 she was born to Lucius Knightley and Elizabeth Dent. On 26 Sep 1711 Elizabeth Knightley died.

On 09 Apr 1689 a number of new peers were created at the Coronation William III and Mary II ...

Charles Paulet 1st Duke Bolton (age 59) was created 1st Duke Bolton.

Charles Mordaunt 3rd Earl Peterborough 1st Earl Monmouth (age 31) was created 1st Earl Monmouth. Carey Fraser Countess Peterborough and Monmouth (age 29) by marriage Countess Monmouth.

Thomas Belasyse 1st Earl Fauconberg (age 62) was created 1st Earl Fauconberg. Mary Cromwell Countess Fauconberg (age 52) by marriage Countess Fauconberg.

William Bentinck 1st Earl of Portland (age 39) was created 1st Earl of Portland.

On 09 Apr 1748 the Battle of Santiago de Cuba was a failed attempt by the British to force the entrance of the port of Santiago de Cuba.

After 09 Apr 1789. St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map]. Monument to Phoebe Hollins Lady Boothby and Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet (deceased) sculpted by Josuah Evans.

Phoebe Hollins Lady Boothby: On 04 Oct 1716 she was born to William Hollins. In 1742 Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet and she were married. On 05 May 1788 she died.

On 09 Apr 1798 Mary Hase died. Memorial in Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map].

Mary Hase: Thomas Browne Evans and she were married. she was born to Edward Hase of Salle and Virtue Repps.

On 09 Apr 1817 John Opie (age 55) died.

After 09 Apr 1847. St Mary's Church, Buckden [Map]. Monument to Louisa Linton nee Wingfield wife of Colonel Linton who fought at Waterloo.

Adeline Horsey Recollections. One fine March morning he told me that he was going to ride and see a gamekeeper who had accidentally shot himself.

He asked me and Sir Henry Edwards (age 55) to accompany him, but when we reached the keeper's cottage he told us to return to Deene [Map], saying that as he intended to sit an hour with the man he would come on later. We declared our willingness to wait, but Cardigan would not hear of it, and so we somewhat reluctantly rode home without him.

The luncheon hour arrived, but Lord Cardigan did not come; the afternoon dragged on, and still there were no signs of him. I had a horrible presentment that something must have happened, and at once ordered some of the servants to go in search of his Lordship.

My fears were only too well grounded; my husband was found lying insensible on the roadside, nearly lifeless. A roadmender told us afterwards that Lord Cardigan had passed him and spoken a few words and seemed apparently quite well; the horse he was riding shied at a heap of stones and commenced to rear and plunge rather wildly, but my husband kept the animal well under control, for the roadmender saw him ride quietly away. The effort must, however, have afterwards brought on a seizure, for Cardigan fell from his horse, and lay helpless until he was found and brought back to Deene [Map].

For three dreadful days and nights he lay quite unconscious, gasping for breath, and the knowledge that he could not speak to me and did not recognise me intensified my grief a thousandfold. But mercifully his suffering was not prolonged, and on March 28, 1868, my beloved husband passed away.

There are some griefs that are too deep to speak of, even after Time's soothing touch has taken away the first deadly pain of a great sorrow. When I look back and remember the kindness and love which my husband lavished on me, I feel proud to think he often said that the happiest period of his life was after he married me, and that his great possessions and military fame were as nothing compared to the wife he adored.

Lord Cardigan's body lay in state in the ballroom at Deene [Map] for twelve days, during which time six thousand people came to look their last at the remains of the leader of the Charge of the Light Brigade. On April 9 he was buried in Deene Church [Map]; the whole regiment of the 11th Hussars attended the funeral, and he was carried to his last resting-place by eight of his old officers.

When the will was read, it was found that he had left everything to me.

On 28 Mar 1868 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 70) died from a fall from a horse. Earl Cardigan extinct.

On 25 May 1915 Adeline Horsey Countess Cardigan (age 90) died.

Both were buried in St Peter's Church, Deene [Map]; he on 09 Apr 1868. Monument to James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan 1797 1868 sculpted by Joseph Edgar Boehm (age 33). Recumbent effigies on Sarcophagus, bronze sea horses (Brudenell Crest) at the bottom corners.

On 09 Apr 1873 Charles Allston Collins (age 45) died of cancer.

On 09 Apr 1879 Gerald Kelly was born to Frederick Festus Kelly (age 41).

On 09 Apr 1882 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 53) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Birchington on Sea [Map]. There is a Celtic Cross marking his grave commissioned by his mother Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori (age 81), designed by Ford Madox Brown (age 60) and erected in the presence of his brother William Michael Rossetti (age 52) and sister Christina Georgina Rossetti (age 51) as written on the base of the cross.

On 09 Apr 1918 Lieutenant Horatio Spencer Walpole (age 36) was killed in action. Memorial in Church of St Andrew, Wickmere [Map].

Lieutenant Horatio Spencer Walpole: On 19 Jun 1881 he was born to Henry Spencer Vade-Walpole.

On 09 Apr 1925 Andrea Carlo Lucchesi (age 65) died.

On 09 Apr 2005 Prince Charles (age 56) and Queen Consort Camilla Shand (age 57) were married at Windsor Guildhall. He the son of Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh (age 83) and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 78).

On 09 Apr 2021 Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh (age 99) died at Windsor Castle [Map]. His son King Charles III (age 72) succeeded 2nd Duke Edinburgh.

Births on the 9th April

On 09 Apr 1283 Margaret "Maid of Norway" I Queen Scotland was born to Eric II King Norway (age 15) and Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway (age 22) at Tønsberg. Margaret Dunkeld Queen Consort Norway (age 22) died in childbirth. She was buried at Tønsberg. She a great granddaughter of King Henry III of England.

On 09 Apr 1554 Thomas Herbert of York was born to Christopher Herbert of York (age 22).

Before 09 Apr 1570 Thomas Monck was born to Anthony Monck of Potheridge (age 28). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward IV of England.

On 09 Apr 1634 Albertine Agnes Orange Nassau was born to Frederick Henry Orange Nassau II Prince Orange (age 50) and Amalia Solms Braunfels Princess Orange (age 31).

On 09 Apr 1648 Henri de Massue Earl of Galway was born to Henri de Massue 1st Marquis de Rouvigny (age 45).

On 09 Apr 1656 Francesco Trevisani was born.

On 09 Apr 1670 John Trevelyan 2nd Baronet was born to George Trevelyan 1st Baronet (age 35) and Mary Willoughby Lady Trevelyan. His father died a year later when he inherited the Baronetcy.

On 09 Apr 1672 John Clavering of Axwell 3rd Baronet was born to John Clavering (age 31) and Dorothy Savile (age 27).

On 09 Apr 1672 Thomas Willoughby 1st Baron Middleton was born to Francis Willoughby (age 36) and Emma Barnard (age 26).

On 31 Mar 1678 Richard Sanford was born to John Sanford of Nynehead Florey, Somerset (age 40) and Elizabeth Knightley (age 24). He was baptised the same day. On 07 Apr 1678 he died. On 09 Apr 1638 he was buried at St Mary's Church, Fawsley [Map].

John Sanford of Nynehead Florey, Somerset: In 1638 he was born. On 21 Jun 1670 he and Elizabeth Knightley were married at St Katharine Cree Church. In 1711 he died.

Elizabeth Knightley: On 08 Jul 1653 she was born to Lucius Knightley and Elizabeth Dent. On 26 Sep 1711 Elizabeth Knightley died.

On 09 Apr 1686 James Craggs was born to James Craggs (age 28).

Before 09 Apr 1703 Henry Herbert 1st Earl Powis was born to Francis Herbert of Oakley Park Montgomeryshire (age 37) and Dorothy Oldbury.

On 09 Apr 1756 Charlotte Fitzherbert was born to Thomas Fitzherbert and Mary Theresa Throckmorton (age 32).

On 09 Apr 1764 Thomas Martineau was born to David Martineau (age 38) and Sarah Meadows (age 39).

On 09 Apr 1769 Elizabeth Perrin Lady Molyneux was born.

On 09 Apr 1770 Henry Fitzroy was born to Augustus Henry Fitzroy 3rd Duke Grafton (age 34) and Elizabeth Wrottesley Duchess Grafton (age 24). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Apr 1771 George King 3rd Earl Kingston was born to Robert King 2nd Earl Kingston (age 17) and Caroline Fitzgerald.

On 09 Apr 1772 John Brabazon 10th Earl Meath was born to Anthony Brabazon 8th Earl Meath (age 51).

On 09 Apr 1783 Mary Paget Baroness Graves was born to Henry Bayly-Paget 1st Earl Uxbridge (age 38) and Jane Champagné Countess Uxbridge (age 41).

On 09 Apr 1794 East George Clayton-East 1st Baronet was born to William Clayton 4th Baronet (age 31) and Mary East Lady Clayton (age 28).

On 09 Apr 1794 Luise Karoline Marie Friederike Hesse-Kassel was born to Frederick Hesse-Kassel (age 46). She a great granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 09 Apr 1806 Isambard Kingdom Brunel was born to Marc Isambard Brunel (age 36).

On 09 Apr 1823 Captain William Kent Allix was born to Colonel Charles Allix (age 40) and Mary Elizabeth Hammond at Willoughby Hall. He was educated at Harrow School where there is a memorial plaque to him.

On 09 Apr 1825 William Cunard was born to Samuel Cunard 1st Baronet (age 37).

On 09 Apr 1830 Francis Foljambe was born to George Savile Foljambe (age 29) and Harriet Emily Mary Milner (age 19).

On 09 Apr 1835 Somerset Lowry-Corry 4th Earl Belmore was born to Armar Lowry-Corry 3rd Earl Belmore (age 33) and Emily Louise Shepherd Countess Belmore (age 20) at Bruton Street.

On 09 Apr 1835 King Leopold II of Belgium was born to King Leopold I of Belgium (age 44) and Louise Orléans Queen Consort Belgium (age 23).

On 09 Apr 1837 Sudeley Hanbury-Tracy 3rd Baron Sudeley was born to Thomas Charles Hanbury-Tracy 2nd Baron Sudeley (age 36) and Emma Elizabeth Alicia Dawkins-Pennant Baroness Sudeley.

On 09 Apr 1844 Henry Frederick Howard was born to Henry Edward John Howard (age 48).

On 09 Apr 1844 Sydney Bing was born to Robert Barlow Palmer Byng (age 27).

On 09 Apr 1845 Cadwaller Brooke Wolseley was born to Venerable Cadwallader Wolseley (age 39).

On 09 Apr 1867 Sybil Frances Grey Lady Eden was born to William Grey (age 49).

On 09 Apr 1868 Algernon Edwyn Burnaby was born to Edwyn Sherard Burnaby (age 37) and Louisa Julia Mary Dixie (age 25).

On 09 Apr 1873 Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor Duchess Teck was born to Hugh Lupus Grosvenor 1st Duke Westminster (age 47) and Constance Leveson-Gower Duchess Westminster (age 38). Coefficient of inbreeding 7.06%.

On 09 Apr 1879 Gerald Kelly was born to Frederick Festus Kelly (age 41).

Marriages on the 9th April

Before 09 Apr 1376 John Roches (age 43) and Willelma De La Mare (age 11) were married. The difference in their ages was 32 years.

On 09 Apr 1409 Philip Valois II Count Nevers (age 19) and Isabelle Coucy Countess Nevers (age 23) were married at Soissons. She by marriage Countess Nevers. She the daughter of Enguerrand de Coucy 1st Earl Bedford 1st Count Soissons and Isabelle of Lorraine. He the son of Philip "Bold" Valois II Duke Burgundy and Margaret Dampierre Duchess Burgundy. They were third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 09 Apr 1410 James Berkeley 11th and 1st Baron Berkeley (age 16) and Unamed St John were married. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 09 Apr 1494 Matthew Stewart 2nd Earl Lennox and Elizabeth Hamilton Countess Lennox (age 19) were married. She by marriage Countess Lennox. He the son of John Stewart 1st Earl Lennox (age 64) and Margaret Montgomerie Countess Lennox. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 09 Apr 1582 Thomas Townshend (age 48) and Anne D'Oyley (age 22) were married. The difference in their ages was 26 years.

On 09 Apr 1588 Edward Littleton (age 39) and Mary Walter (age 22) were married at Ludlow, Shropshire [Map].

On 09 Apr 1649 Philip Parker 1st Baronet (age 31) and Rebecca Long Lady Parker were married.

On 09 Apr 1668 Thomas Hickman Windsor 1st Earl Plymouth (age 41) and Ursula Widdrington Countess Plymouth (age 20) were married. They had six children. The difference in their ages was 20 years.

On 09 Apr 1691 Thomas Willoughby 1st Baron Middleton (age 19) and Elizabeth Rothwell Baroness Willoughby and Middleton were married. She by marriage Baroness Willoughby Broke.

On 09 Apr 1703 Edward Ward 8th Baron Dudley 3rd Baron Ward (age 19) and Diana Howard were married.

On 09 Apr 1744 Chichester Fortescue (age 25) and Elizabeth Wesley (age 24) were married.

On 09 Apr 1792 William Charles Keppel 4th Earl Albermarle (age 19) and Elizabeth Southwell Countess Albermarle (age 16) were married. She by marriage Countess Albermarle. He the son of George Keppel 3rd Earl Albermarle and Anne Miller Countess Albermarle (age 66). He a great x 2 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 09 Apr 1795 John Grey Egerton 8th Baronet (age 28) and Maria Jackson were married.

On 09 Apr 1812 Thomas Whichcote 6th Baronet (age 24) and Sophia Sherard Lady Whichcote (age 16) were married. She the daughter of Philip Sherard 5th Earl Harborough.

Before 09 Apr 1830 George Savile Foljambe (age 29) and Harriet Emily Mary Milner (age 19) were married.

Before 09 Apr 1835 Armar Lowry-Corry 3rd Earl Belmore (age 33) and Emily Louise Shepherd Countess Belmore (age 20) were married. He the son of Somerset Lowry-Corry 2nd Earl Belmore (age 60) and Juliana Butler Countess Belmore (age 51).

On 09 Apr 1841 Robert Jocelyn (age 25) and Frances Elizabeth Cowper (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Peter Nassau Clavering-Cowper 5th Earl Cowper and Emily Lamb Countess Cowper (age 53). He the son of Robert Jocelyn 3rd Earl Roden (age 52) and Maria Frances Catherine Stapleton Countess Roden.

On 09 Apr 1870 Arthur Charles Lewin Cadogan (age 28) and Alice Charlotte Arabin were married. He the son of Henry Cadogan 4th Earl Cadogan (age 58) and Mary Sarah Wellesley Countess Cadogan (age 61).

On 09 Apr 1923 Fitzroy Somerset 4th Baron Raglan (age 37) and Julia Somerset Baroness Raglan (age 22) were married. She by marriage Baroness Raglan.

On 09 Apr 2005 Prince Charles (age 56) and Queen Consort Camilla Shand (age 57) were married at Windsor Guildhall. He the son of Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh (age 83) and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 78).

Deaths on the 9th April

On 09 Apr 715 Pope Constantine I (age 51) died.

On 09 Apr 1102 Raoul Tosny died.

On 09 Apr 1166 Waleran Beaumont 1st Earl of Worcester Count Meulan (age 62) died. Earl Worcester extinct. His son Robert Beaumont Count Meulan (age 24) succeeded Count Meulan.

On 09 Apr 1302 Constance Hohenstaufen Queen Consort Aragon (age 53) died.

On 09 Apr 1327 Walter Stewart 6th High Steward (age 31) died.

On 09 Apr 1328 Thomas Fitzgerald 2nd Earl of Kildare died. His son Richard Fitzgerald 3rd Earl of Kildare (age 11) succeeded 3rd Earl Kildare.

On 09 Apr 1436 Richard Stanhope (age 76) died at Wakefield [Map].

On 09 Apr 1477 John Hastings 9th Baron Hastings (age 65) died at Elsing, Norfolk. His son Hugh Hastings 10th Baron Hastings (age 40) de jure 10th Baron Hastings. Anne Gascoigne Baroness Hastings (age 41) by marriage Baroness Hastings.

On 09 Apr 1478 Robert Clifton (age 74) died.

On 09 Apr 1479 Thomas Fitzwilliam (age 91) died.

On 09 Apr 1481 Nicholas Wotton (age 56) died.

On 09 Apr 1483 King Edward IV of England (age 40) died at Westminster [Map]. His son King Edward V of England (age 12) succeeded V King England. Those present included Elizabeth Woodville Queen Consort England (age 46), William Hastings 1st Baron Hastings (age 52) and Thomas Grey 1st Marquess Dorset (age 28).

On 09 Apr 1484 Edward York Prince of Wales (age 10) died at Middleham Castle [Map] leaving his father King Richard III of England (age 31) without an heir. Duke Cornwall, Earl Salisbury, Earl Chester extinct.

On 09 Apr 1574 Thomas Russell (age 55) died.

On 09 Apr 1582 Richard Bertie Baron Willoughby (age 65) died at Bourne. He was buried at St James' Church, Spilsby [Map].

On 09 Apr 1585 Richard Norton (age 83) died.

Before 09 Apr 1588 Anne Thynne (age 38) died. She was buried on 09 Apr 1588 at Pitminster, Somerset.

On 09 Apr 1588 John Pettie of Stoke Talmage in Oxfordshire (age 41) died.

On 09 Apr 1609 Bishop William Overton (age 84) died. Monument at Holy Trinity Church, Eccleshall [Map] with his two wives.

On 09 Apr 1619 Charles Brydges (age 93) died.

On 09 Apr 1634 Thomas Carey (age 36) died.

On 09 Apr 1634 Thomas Carey (age 18) died. He was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 09 Apr 1634 Peter Freschville (age 63) died.

On 09 Apr 1640 Mary Mildmay Countess of Westmoreland (age 58) died.

On 09 Apr 1660 Mary Howard (age 29) died.

On 09 Apr 1709 William Lumley died.

On 09 Apr 1709 John Burgoyne 3rd Baronet (age 58) died. His son Roger Burgoyne 4th Baronet (age 27) succeeded 4th Baronet Burgoyne of Sutton in Bedfordshire.

On 09 Apr 1711 Charles Duncombe (age 63) died. He was at the time the richest commoner in England. His great wealth was inherited, half each, by his sister Mary aka Ursula Duncombe (age 51) and his nephew Anthony Duncombe 1st Baron Feversham (age 16). She, Ursula, became the progenitor of Baron Feversham of Duncombe Park in Yorkshire.

On 09 Apr 1729 John Campbell (age 69) died.

On 09 Apr 1731 Robert Benson 1st Baron Bingley (age 55) died. Baron Bingley extinct.

On 09 Apr 1731 Catherine Seymour (age 38) died.

On 09 Apr 1734 Reverend Charles Graham (age 37) died.

On 09 Apr 1752 John Scrope (age 90) died.

On 09 Apr 1755 Catherine Winn (age 23) died from childbirth.

On 09 Apr 1765 Marie Louise Hesse-Kassel Princess Nassau Dietz (age 77) died.

On 09 Apr 1767 Catherine Crofton died.

On 09 Apr 1768 Rowland Belasyse (age 65) died.

On 09 Apr 1771 Rowland Stanley 4th Baronet (age 63) died. His son William Stanley 5th Baronet (age 18) succeeded 5th Baronet Stanley of Hooton in Cheshire.

On 09 Apr 1777 Mary Moore died.

On 09 Apr 1781 Willoughby Bertie died.

On 09 Apr 1783 John Frederick 4th Baronet (age 74) died. His son John Frederick 5th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 5th Baronet Frederick of Burwood House in Surrey.

On 09 Apr 1787 Anthony Joseph Browne 7th Viscount Montagu (age 57) died. His son George Samuel Browne 8th Viscount Montagu (age 17) succeeded 8th Viscount Montagu.

On 09 Apr 1789 Brooke Boothby 5th Baronet (age 78) died. His son Brooke Boothby 6th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 6th Baronet Boothby of Broadlow Ash in Derbyshire. Monument in St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne [Map] sculpted by Josuah Evans.

On 09 Apr 1790 Frances Skey (age 70) died.

On 09 Apr 1791 Sophia Thynne (age 27) died.

On 09 Apr 1792 Mary Capell died.

On 09 Apr 1798 Mary Hase died. Memorial in Church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle [Map].

Mary Hase: she was born to Edward Hase of Salle and Virtue Repps. Thomas Browne Evans and she were married.

On 09 or 11 Apr 1798 Arthur Pomeroy 1st Viscount Hamberton (age 75) died.

On 09 Apr 1799 Anastasia Daly Countess Kerry (age 79) died. She was buried at Westminster Abbey [Map].

On 09 Apr 1800 Charles Stuart FitzRoy Douglas-Hamilton James (age 61) died.

On 09 Apr 1803 Hester Granville Countess Chatham (age 82) died.

On 09 Apr 1806 William Orange Nassau V Prince Orange (age 58) died at Brunswick. His son William Orange Nassau I Prince Orange (age 33) succeeded I Prince Orange.

On 09 Apr 1810 Charlotte Barbara Villiers (age 49) died.

On 09 Apr 1815 Francis Henry Tyler (age 61) died.

On 09 Apr 1815 Mary Hervey (age 89) burned to death.

On 09 Apr 1817 John Opie (age 55) died.

On 09 Apr 1830 Edward Finch (age 38) died.

On 09 Apr 1840 Eliza Jane Deveruex Cockburn (age 16) died. She was buried at the Church of St Mary Magdalene, Eardisley [Map].

On 09 Apr 1840 Rear Admiral Henry Stuart (age 72) died.

On 09 Apr 1846 Mary Grimston died.

On 09 Apr 1847 John Rodney (age 81) died.

On 09 Apr 1863 Edward William Pemberton aka Smythe Owen (age 69) died. His cousin Reginald Cholmondeley (age 36) inherited Condover Hall, Shropshire.

On 09 Apr 1866 Francis L'Esrange Astley (age 56) died.

On 28 Mar 1868 James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan (age 70) died from a fall from a horse. Earl Cardigan extinct.

On 25 May 1915 Adeline Horsey Countess Cardigan (age 90) died.

Both were buried in St Peter's Church, Deene [Map]; he on 09 Apr 1868. Monument to James Brudenell 7th Earl Cardigan 1797 1868 sculpted by Joseph Edgar Boehm (age 33). Recumbent effigies on Sarcophagus, bronze sea horses (Brudenell Crest) at the bottom corners.

On 09 Apr 1869 Charles Hugh Hoare (age 49) died.

On 09 Apr 1873 Charles Allston Collins (age 45) died of cancer.

On 09 Apr 1876 Edith Marcia Caroline Sheridan (age 39) died.

On 09 Apr 1880 John Somerset Russell aka Pakington 1st Baron Hampton (age 81) died.

On 09 Apr 1882 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (age 53) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Birchington on Sea [Map]. There is a Celtic Cross marking his grave commissioned by his mother Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori (age 81), designed by Ford Madox Brown (age 60) and erected in the presence of his brother William Michael Rossetti (age 52) and sister Christina Georgina Rossetti (age 51) as written on the base of the cross.

On 09 Apr 1882 Margaret Harriet Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck (age 83) died.

On 09 Apr 1891 George Cavendish-Bentinck (age 69) died.

On 09 Apr 1906 Louisa Georgiana Letitia Ricketts died.

On 09 Apr 1913 Anna Caroline Stanhope (age 80) died.

On 09 Apr 1918 Lieutenant Horatio Spencer Walpole (age 36) was killed in action. Memorial in Church of St Andrew, Wickmere [Map].

Lieutenant Horatio Spencer Walpole: On 19 Jun 1881 he was born to Henry Spencer Vade-Walpole.

On 09 Apr 1925 Andrea Carlo Lucchesi (age 65) died.

On 09 Apr 1928 Marie Anne Louise Baring Duchess Grafton (age 95) died.

On 09 Apr 1944 Ada Charlotte Godolphin Osborne (age 73) died.

On 09 Apr 1945 Ankaret Howard (age 44) died.

On 09 Apr 2021 Philip Mountbatten Duke Edinburgh (age 99) died at Windsor Castle [Map]. His son King Charles III (age 72) succeeded 2nd Duke Edinburgh.